I will give an answer to a Friend about ritual on 16th.
In order for ritual to be successful completely the Sun should have been completely uninterrupted, but as You can see it was interrupted. So the ritual was "partially finished" in their understanding only. There were clouds in South of Sun as well, and under it was Galactic Center, both must be uninterrupted, as interruption is making a loss to focus during ritual. What You saw was 33rd ray of Sun, surrounded by 32 drawn rays on floor (as You can recall here, it's Freemasonry). And You can see how many People there were, Sun couldn't show at all, don't You agree? They wanted to see the Sun there, and their wishes were heard. But wishes of evil doers were not heard, thanks to the cooperation of Sun, Galactic Center and Planet Earth! They turned to All of Us and not to them, They love You and not those that wish to do harm to You:) Also I will again say about 16 december, there were so MANY "coincidences" on that date, I personally can't recall so much happening on just one Earth cycle, this was a truly - Shift of the Ages, we've called it "a Cosmic Intervention". You now can see that it was planned very long ago by One! And You can see how good planner One really is. And We (All of Us) were able to remember about it, and use it to improve this World! Unfortunately majority was thinking that it was 12.21.2012, deceived by illuminati, so we were along with Illuminati the only ones at it. Overall One was pleased that we "remembered" about this very planned date, Our United wish for Unity, World Peace, Stability, Abundance with new tech in coming moments and Liberation is granted! Congratulations again to Everybody!
12/18/2013 06:38:23 pm
Ok, this decides it: "They love You and not those that wish to do harm to You:)". The One loves ALL that is, because Love IS all there is. The "bad guys" are just more of "us", playing a role. We've all been "the bad guy" in other times and places. But whoever you are, you are not helping us raise our vibration when you write such separation and duality (us vs them) soaked lines. Sophia, do you really think this is positive? Given the energetic feel here, who could trust the rest of the intel? Please, shut this down.
Data gatherer
12/18/2013 10:40:33 pm
I, for one, am grateful for all pieces of data from all perspectives. After all, we are all one, so it is helpful to know what the rest of I is thinking, doing, feeling, and being.
This contact has never claimed to be anything but human. I have offered the conversation merely as another source of info in these volatile and challenging times.
12/19/2013 04:26:41 pm
Sophia you are right,i love this initiative. If someone disagrees with these mesages , he should read channeled mesages. Leave a Reply. |
![]() The blog format is being used here as a place for comments on this Off World Conversation. The posts are from GE, Guardian/Executive, The Guardian of The Universe, unless marked Sophia.
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December 2019