I am always glad to help and aid whichever I can, I am happy that You found this information helpful Good Friends!
It is also painful for me to see and feel all that suffering which so called "third world countries" are going through. Mainly People of Africa, South America and South East Asia are suffering from poverty, Middle East is suffering from constant wars and bombings.. All that poor countries need are new technologies and Middle East needs this and change in Islam or it's complete deletion, because mainly war in Syria and on whole Middle East is fueled by religious false beliefs, mainly between shia and sunni, and islam and chsristianity.. I will also mention that all 3 religions are based on one last believe, that "there will come messiah, judge and bring all to heaven". If this won't be done, or will be done, then all 3 will cease to exist. Keshe is one of those People that will aid in disclosure of energy technologies to aid poor People, we have our trust in him. We always are keeping privacy of People involved in this, so other names will be kept secret, until You find out about them. Right now we still have a tight control over what can go to market in U.S., Europe and China. And most of companies' representatives with whom designs were shared are afraid of possible lawsuits against them, so they will catch on after People like Keshe will start disclosure of this tech and if it will be successful as well. We also have problem with U.S. government. They tend to start their plan B at any moment, all they need is a big outbreak of disorder or false flag attack or currency crash, which will give them the ability to implement "martial law". They targeted all "conspiracy theorists", religious groups and truthseekers overall using their NSA spy program (where they found out everything about People of the Earth, from emails, chatting, activity), this is the last problem we have at hand. If they will do this, we will stop them, the most important right now is to not to give in into their manipulations and don't make riots, silent spreading of information and peaceful protests will do. People of U.S. need to get allies from All over the World, only United Humanity Stands and is Strong! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Good Friend Curious I'm always ready to help the best I can, whether it is personal or not:) From what You said I can recall an electro-magnetic smog, it is the same smog as from tobacco, but it is coming from electronic devices. People react on this smog differently, most "don't feel the difference", but some are experiencing this "self-induced" pain, which feels like electrical discharge. If it is so, then Ancient Machine won't protect You from it, as it is still Your personal Physical Body's characteristic. To protect Yourself from this the best I can recommend is to get quantum/scalar pendant or anti-EM stickers and stick them on surface of Your mobile phone or PC or microwave oven if You have one. Microwave oven to Everyone's knowledge is the most dangerous device You have in Your home, You can isolate it's damaging waves using negative ions and quantum pendants are having them. Here is also interesting information about poison called "sodium fluoride" and it's effect on pineal gland. Click here. Don't listen to "doctors" saying this chemical can benefit Your teeth, it will not, on the contrary it will make more damage to them, calcium can benefit Your teeth and bones greatly. To answer to Good Friend's questions: "1). We know time is a measurement that, in grander views is an illusion, so why is there a "time" given by One (2016) to have this current (falsified and manipulated) experience/experiment to end?" We know that time do not exist for Consciousness and for Soul, for One time is irrelevant, all exists in one moment of present or now. But for our physical body time do exist, and because our Consciousness resides in it, Soul also need to oblige itself to streaming of time. Past is what was, what took place in our physical reality, Present is what we are experiencing now and Future is not fixed, when "we can see future", we are seeing only one variant of future, where many more other variants are possible. But One set the date on which all must be oriented, as time (this present moment) will come to this moment and what will took place there is up to us and our choosing. It will not be "bad end" as Humanity chose to be free already and wished for Good Ending. "2). Is it true that there were waves of "indigo", "crystal" and other specialized souls who came to help humanity wake up?" Yes, there were and are still right now here at this moment, I may suggest that You are one of them:) You can look for 3 waves of volunteers by Dolores Cannon, she pretty much explains every thing on same level as we know. Click here. Also Dolores gave a very good explanation what this 2012 cycle was all about when she was speaking to Soul of Nostradamus, there You can also better understand the concept of time. Click here. "3). Is our planet Earth (Gaia) ok? And is Earthing a great way to ground and connect to her?" As we feel our Planet feels ok. It could have been better, but overall it is feeling itself Good. Yes, Earthing is a very good way to ground, connect and communicate with Earth. I personally descend my palm on Earth to feel It and talk to It. And it is also a great way to heal your body and prevent plants from dying. Here is a great movie if it will interest You, "Grounded" Click here. Earth knows us all, every being by it's energy signatures and Earth cares for every living creature with great Care and Love, like a truly Loving Mother! Much Peace and Love to You Good Friends!
1/19/2014 08:38:13 am
Thank you, and you have my greatest of appreciation!
1/19/2014 04:02:54 pm
Thankyou for your help and advice, dear GE !
1/20/2014 12:24:54 am
I think Islam is not the problem,altough i am not a muslim i know some very nice muslims.As long you respect them they treat you good.The problem is the interpretation people do of the coran,evil or bad people interpret it in a manner to have justification for their evil deeds or for powerlust
1/20/2014 12:57:13 am
I think when any group or people are lied to, regardless of religion, faith or belief, behavior and actions become prevalent as they want to defend/protect in what they believe. If that group or peoples believe in the lie, and then you have a group or society that tries to enforce another belief or way of life, you have cornered them. There are several variables and levels of this manipulation and control. I truly feel that regardless of Muslim, Islam or any other titled religion, faith or creed, all are peace, loving and caring at heart. They have been lied to, some individuals corrupted to do things against their own peoples and, I feel the media also has communicated many lies to us westerners! The truth needs to be spoken, the lies exposed, and time for much healing needs to occur now. If anything the Event (to me) is that feeling you get, just after you had a full melt down (a violent cry for example), and a stillness comes over you...you are not scared, or sad or angry anymore...your not feeling much, a freezing of time and a moment of nothing, then a calming sensation envelopes you entire being. Then a realization that all is well, everything up to that moment had been released and your ok and you can let go. That is what I feel will be the event, except at a global level. An instantaneous moment...but it can't happen until the lies and deception are released...much healing must take place after, and I feel many "awakened" people are going to be the pillars of strength, the calmers of fears and the mentors to those who have a hard time in the transition. This, I feel is where we are heading, and that is why, like a slow wave, constant but gentle, we send our lighted energies out, little by little, and it grows.
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December 2019