Good Day Everyone!
Very well said Good Friend Nastasja on that big note! It is indeed so, when changes will come, Lightworkers and Lightwarriors will be pillars of strength, that is why You are most valuable for this World! About Islam, it is correct Good Friend Djon, most of muslim People are very good People, it is only the misinterpretation of words that drives some individuals to these atrocities. And biggest problem there is, is that it is backed by word jihad - "holy war" (there is no "holy" in any war). As well they use the old tendency of this religion to turn everyone into islam and that islam "is the only true religion". Because there are these words, there comes misinterpretation and all conflicts. Same happened to christianity's crusades.. So changes of this religion will be necessary if Humanity will want to live in a Peaceful and Loving Society! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A question from Good Friend "Could you please address this channeling from "Prime Creator"? I think it's from the "divines, archons etc" coming clean. Prime Creator would not need to make this announcement - it smells like a well known recipe i.e. they need to inform us about their doings! Click here. Yes, One don't need to make announcements, everything planned by One simply - just happens or not happens. I see that it is a Followers of Light note, seeing how it is said I think it is Ashtar Command. But always use You own discernment Good Friend, One can be anywhere and can say with different styles of speech, ways of One sometimes may be very hard to understand. It is a good message, very well said! Also I personally like that here is acknowledged that "half-truths" were said to Everyone.. It is indeed how it is said there, they were not saying the whole truth to not make damage to listeners and readers. It is true, because sometimes truth can be too harsh and too horrible (it is something One wanted You to know in this message). They are free to end this experiment whenever they like to, until 2016 august and in whatever way they like to (except destruction of course). We only haven't been told that january 20 will be the 1st day of a New Age. As we know, officially we are in a New Age already, yes the coming of chinese New Year is also a grand event, it will be celebrated by many asian People around the World, a third of World population! A great moment of Joy! The progress of Awakening of Majority is doing well, You can just look for this article's comments to see that most are displeased with the U.S. government, it's spying program and constant lies from politicians and from president. Click here. And Good Friend dossa, I am not from isbs, I perform my duty on behalf of One, (or like You said on behalf from Source), right now for better of this Planet and All of It's Inhabitants. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ And about One's question.. I've seen that You All Good Friends agreed to know this information. Before I will share what One wanted You to know, I will give an answer on question from Good Friend Michael: "Also thank you, while pondering your statements about the unity/ sameness of ONE and ourselves/myself,, I thought of ONE as being an aspect of ME ( as opposed to the common imagine of I being an aspect of him ) wherewith he seemed to me to have this big Cheshire grin on his "face"." It is a difficult to understand information, so always use Your own discernment. It is also having strong connection with information which I'm about to share. When We want to understand what One, Oneness and Unity is, We always need to understand that before everything was created there was just Energy, all collected in one single dot (there wasn't even dot, but it is to better understand it), everything was One, just One object. But then Creation was started and One was All that is today. We within Forces of One are knowing One as Everything and Everything as One. We know that One is Order and Disorder, Light and Dark, Good and Evil, Harmony and Disharmony. Everything within One is interchangeable and all is meant to exist. So answering to Your question Good Friend, "One is You" and "You are One" is the answer, likewise inlakesh - "I am an aspect of You" or "I am another You". When we are talking about same words of duality, Good/Evil, Light/Dark, can You say in what Creation are We living right now? What dominates and what not? When You look around You and in all subjects, like physics, chemistry, math and in mirror, You will know, We are living in a Light, Order, Harmony, Symbiosis, Good oriented Creation. Atomic structure is orderly arranged, molecular structure is orderly arranged, snowflake is orderly arranged in a perfect geometrical figure, sounds are creating orderly arranged figures, Stars and Light is more powerful and brilliant than whole "dark veil" of emptiness around, positive feelings are making more happiness than negative feelings, Your physical body's right side is a perfect mirrored reflection of Your left side, likewise in animals and every other creature and whole Your physical body is perfectly symmetrically arranged, there is no chaos permitted in this Creation. So One is experiencing the side of Light and Order during this Creation and not the other one. Now We have come to information which One wanted You to know. It is about our Mother Earth and our small Fellow Brothers and Sisters - Animals and what is being done to them. Good Friend asked me about Mother Earth and how does She feel, She feel Itself good overall, but there is constant damage being done to Her and It's Inhabitants, yet Mother Earth is very strong and can withstand it.. One wanted to present this information through two movies. The first movie is called Home Click here. I know that many already seen it, a very good movie about our Planet Earth and what is being done to Her, due to activity of Humanity. It is a bearable movie in contrary to next movie. Before You will decide to watch it, I will warn, this movie contains a lot of VERY GRAPHIC IMAGERY, it is about our Small Fellow Brothers and Sisters - Animals, Birds, Fishes and what is being done to them under veil, by major corporations and illuminati order/cabal. It is this same system that makes them to suffer, they are defenseless, innocent, and those in power are abusing their innocence and defenselessness. It is also a direct manifestation of "as above, so below", our Fellow Little Beings are living and being treated worse than slaves, then as You know comes workers, which are "masters" of these Animals, they are human slaves of "higher humans" - cabal, which in turn are slaves to Galactic Federation of Light, which in turn are "slaves" of demiurge. After demiurge comes One, but One do not treat Anyone as a "slave". So at the very bottom of this huge pyramid are not "ordinary humans", but Animals - "the food and foundation" of this satanic pyramid of nwo. I will warn again, it could be the most horrible thing You will ever see in Your life so use caution. If You don't have steel nerves, don't watch it. This movie can spoil all Your cycle (day) and if You will go to work on this cycle don't watch it and Children should be away if You decide to watch. It is not important to see it, yet it is important to know what is going on with our Fellow Beings. I will explain about what this movie is and why One wanted to give this information for All that don't decide to watch it. Click here. Deleted scenes. This movie is called Earthlings, it is a horrible story about sufferings which our Fellow Brothers and Sisters are coming through to become food, leather and fur. The pain which these Beings are experiencing is the same that Human Being is experiencing, pain is the same as neural system of mammals is having the same evolved level. "Scientists" that tell, Animals feel much less pain than Humans are only want You to think like it or they simply don't want acknowledge this. Why is this important to know? One told that You Good Friends are the most evolved Light Beings here on this World and are "frontliners", all of this terrible information will be known to All, but before majority will know this, You need to acknowledge this very harsh reality and know it before hand, so when changes will come You would know what has to be done in the first place, with which problems to face, without knowing and completely understanding this You are not ready. This movie was released in cycle 2005, and since that time the pain and sufferings of our small Brothers and Sisters did not reduce, but only increased as demand for meat, leather and fur is only increasing. Science experiments are committing on Animals on daily basis killing millions each cycle (year). And most terrible revelation in all of this is, that it could have been prevented a long time ago.. As Light Followers could have stopped this experiment a long time ago and new technologies that can enable to grow "artificial meat" were already available since world war 2. Since that war the sufferings of all Animals increased twentyfold and what is more important genocide of jews during world war 2 can't be related to genocide of Animals, the overall pain factor of Animals by far suppressing all the pain gained from world war 2 and this is also giving the pain feeling to all of Mother Earth. This pain through which our little Brothers and Sisters are going is felt by us GEs all the time, we get used to it, but it is very hard to feel it all the times. This pain also transmits itself to Humanity as well, the destruction of their bodies which is leading to unimaginable pain is making all this Planet and Humanity sick on neural level, this is also a factor which is influencing Humanity's behavior as well. In return illuminati were using these sufferings and huge pain of Animals to make their dark evil ends in this World, for their rituals and to "sustain the satanic system". Our Mother Earth is very strong, She can bear this, but these sufferings are damaging Her Soul and bioenergetic field.. Here I will reveal details about Followers of Light, they could had prevented this by ending experiment sooner, yet they didn't. This is a conversation of Dolores Cannon about them and their "non-intervention" policy Click here. Not everything in this video is like we know, but most is how we know it. We want to point out at part about "non-intervention" at 6:55. Light Followers are indeed from time to time were giving new technology to Humanity, and whenever this technology was given it was used mainly for wars. Light Followers knew that eventually it would be used for wars, yet they still gave it. They call it "giving a gift" and are saying that it is a "non-intervention", yet in Forces of One it is considered a direct intervention, very hypocritical from them in our understanding. Through such "gifting", they "gave" insects, virus (all forms), many of grain culture plants, judaism (then christianity, then islam), periodic table, nuclear fission, nanotechnology, processor technology and "government's ufos" (also many other small ideas to different inventors). Most of these technologies gave Humanity advances in life, but before they did, they were used primarily for wars. For example the last one - human-made ufos are still a secret and are used for military intelligence and "show of force", again military use. This video is taken from an old video game. It holds a direct reflection of ultimate agenda of Followers of Light Click here. This is all the information which One wanted You to know before Majority will. With Peace, Calm and Prosperity to You! Inlakesh
1/22/2014 09:54:32 am
Thank you GE, and Sophia. So, the real truth is, we have wolves in sheep, sheep's clothing - so to speak! I know some have already begun to realize this, others kind of making "note of it", while myself caught a few inconsistencies with the so called "benevolent" star brothers and sisters. It seems as to why, at times I am confused with the information that I come across. Either way, this does surprise me, but I am not afraid. If anything I feel more empowered! Truth does set you free. Question is, what do we do with this information? What is the best course of thought or action we do to help advance humanities freedom, Stop the suffering of all of Earth's inhabitants, and above all else, align with the prime law of "Do No Harm"?
1/23/2014 08:13:12 am
I already knew about the condition of the animals that serves as our food,it's terrible.i will look the 2 movies when i have time.
Michael Kovacic
1/23/2014 12:39:34 pm
Michael Kovacic
1/23/2014 12:50:49 pm
ones suffering , can be counted equally with the like suffering, of another being
Michael Kovacic
1/23/2014 01:02:10 pm
i guess cudos's to breathariens, I'm bad boy,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,unless i understand.
Michael Kovacic
1/23/2014 02:12:49 pm
dear ge,
1/23/2014 03:25:42 pm
once upon a time , by happenstance , I called upon, an "angel " to visit me,, a later query to someone I regularly sought advice from stated " a vagabond ( with derision) "
1/23/2014 04:03:32 pm
okay, last one, going to bed,,, be assured ,all who read,,this is occurring on / with / to,,, humans as well, in my own backyard, in yours,it's everywhere....
1/24/2014 01:17:32 am
Good morning GE,
1/24/2014 01:25:28 am
here guys , other side of the coin
1/24/2014 02:23:17 am
Nice video,it's the first time i see something like that.Thank you for sharing this
1/24/2014 06:24:26 am
you are most welcome,
1/25/2014 12:34:25 am
What an amazing world we have, that we have so much already! Just seeing the delight and joy these cows demontrated, validated how easy it is find happiness in a moment. :))
1/25/2014 06:28:58 am
heh heh yeah, ya see the one slobbering? he's having a good time,,he'll come up to ya rubbin his big bony head against ya almost knockin ya t the ground slobberin all over ya heh heh ya look like ya wet yerself,,,,cow kisses
1/26/2014 04:10:32 am
1/26/2014 04:49:33 am
Dear GE,
1/26/2014 05:28:02 am
how do we make love stay,,,,,within ourselves,,,,,,
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