There are some questions, I will answer
This is Good knowledge for Everyone, ebola is being spread through injections and "vaccinations" "Whilst this site has been gracious enough to bring news of the ebola issue and comments from GEI send this from the same site for your interest and any comments from GE... I thank you in the name of reason and generosity for the communication of information that one will not find on the msm. Straight to the point: Liberian scientist nails Ebola cause The "Ebola" outbreak is a combination of two things - 1. live Ebola injections at the hands of the Red Cross and Ebola testing trials, and 2. poisoning of water sources and direct injections of formaldehyde. Dr. Cyril Broderick, A Liberian scientist and a former professor of Plant Pathology at the University of Liberia’s College of Agriculture and Forestry says the West, particularly the U.S. is responsible for the Ebola outbreak in West Africa. Dr. Broderick claims the following in an exclusive article published in the Daily Observer based in Monrovia, Liberia. He wrote the following: The US Department of Defense (DoD) is funding Ebola trials on humans, trials which started just weeks before the Ebola outbreak in Guinea and Sierra Leone. The reports continue and state that the DoD gave a contract worth $140 million dollars to Tekmira, a Canadian pharmaceutical company, to conduct Ebola research. This research work involved injecting and infusing healthy humans with the deadly Ebola virus. Hence, the DoD is listed as a collaborator in a “First in Human” Ebola clinical trial (NCT02041715, which started in January 2014 shortly before an Ebola epidemic was declared in West Africa in March. I believe the current outbreak is a combination of two things - water poisoning and phony "vaccine" injections which were really formaldehyde, and more dangerously - a live virus that was delivered via shots in the name of "ebola testing". The live virus is not the original Ebola and does not produce classic symptoms, and is almost certainly still only possible to get via injection. The U.S. has a long history of conducting these types of experiments, Read more here The "Ebola outbreak" is fake for two reasons: 1. It is not classic Ebola, showing any classic symptoms at all, as evidenced by the lack of photos, and 2. If it can only be contracted via a shot compliments of the Red Cross or other scammers, it is not an outbreak. It is an act of war." True Good Friend, all this is another big false flag. The virus though is real and is artificially made. It is not the only one they have in storage, which they were thinking on using to make fear and desperation. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "here guys read whats to happen to ebola and isis Did the dragon family take control of the Federal Reserve Board Thank You for share Good Friend. Just one thing, we know this is not a negotiating tactic, rather fear-inducing distraction. It is meant for Majority, as fear is illuminati's/cabal's main weapon against the "masses". ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "pretty good True that Russia chose to use christianity as a "unifying element" to Unify russian People. This was also an advice for Yeltsin by ETs (through church) back in cycles of Soviet Union's dissolution to use christianity as "unifying element". For russian People religions are playing not just the role of control, but more of a Unity. Western european People are finding hard time to understand the logic of russian People. By all definition Slavic People are very different than western european counterparts. Religion is playing big role in their Society, and here is a more talk about traditions and national Unity more than of beliefs. Also catholic and orthodox churches are made very differently. Russian orthodox church chose a way of traditions and Unity which suits Russian People, when most of western christian many denomination churches chose belief and "waiting to be saved as soon as possible" rather than traditions and Unity. Also double headed eagle is an ancient representation of "god", of "UFO" that was documented as "winged disc", which later evolved into faravahar (Shamash, Ahura Mazda) and into "all seeing eagle" which Russia and some other countries are using nowacycles. In time christianity, islam and judaism will be completely exposed and all Truth will be known about them, but until then, many People need some path to be on and They unfortunately do not wish (yet) or do not have time to learn information Lightworkers know. So Russia will do just fine with orthodox christianity for now. China on the other hand see christianity and islam as "radical religions" and won't allow them into China. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Thankyou GE, regarding the rogue AI question and answer, could I assume then a parallel from my other friends answer utilizing the Lucifer thing and Ben's report that the military ( earth defense force) sees the dimiurge as the rogue AI in question? probably conotated through the judao-christion filter of perception? Thank you again Michael" Yes Good Friend I answered on SWI, but I did not on demiurge. SWI on the contrary to demiurge was a planned Creation which was made by One, but demiurge was not. Demiurge was made on random set of Codes. So in correlation to bible demiurge is not falling into "lucifer" category if we look straightly on it. But still, here are also same parallels. There is a reflection of Everything in Universe. The so called "Elite" sees demiurge as a false god that took away Creation from original Creator, which is true if You look at it in a way "that it took control over Humanity from One". So yes, if it is a talk about rogue AI or false god, demiurge falls here right. And if it wasn't for their highly distorted view on all this subject, then these People could have be very wise and gifted leaders of Humanity, but their perception of "we must oppose adonay anywhere we can" had completely corrupted their Hearts and Souls and made them self destructive cancerous parasites of this World. All of this story comes from the beginning, from the very roots of christianity and judaism, it is connected with trinity Anu, Enki and Enlil. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Hi Good Firend and all.I was about to send the link to the media deception article but you were faster than me . :) Can you tell us more about Anu and "igigi".Thank you" The story of trinity of "gods". I will quote from wikipedia "In Sumerian mythology, Anu (also An; from Sumerian An, "sky, heaven") was a sky-god, the god of heaven, lord of constellations, king of gods, spirits and demons, and dwelt in the highest heavenly regions. It was believed that he had the power to judge those who had committed crimes, and that he had created the stars as soldiers to destroy the wicked. His attribute was the royal tiara. His attendant and minister of state was the god Ilabrat. He was one of the oldest gods in the Sumerian pantheon and part of a triad including Enlil (god of the air) and Enki (god of water). He was called Anu by the later Akkadians in Babylonian culture. By virtue of being the first figure in a triad consisting of Anu, Enlil, and Enki (also known as Ea), Anu came to be regarded as the father and at first, king of the gods. Anu is so prominently associated with the E-anna temple in the city of Uruk (biblical Erech) in southern Babylonia that there are good reasons for believing this place to be the original seat of the Anu cult. If this is correct, then the goddess Inanna (or Ishtar) of Uruk may at one time have been his consort." You can see the perfect analogy Zeus/Jupiter is Anu Poseidon/Neptune is Enki Hades/Pluto is Enlil And as You know, current christian "god" is known as "Deus/Dios", this is the same "supreme god" Anu from ancient Sumeria. This trinity were actually of 3 older Galactic Federation of Light and draco alliance Civilizations. We are not being told of which civilizations exactly (we are told that this we must know only after Everyone here will get this knowledge, as part of Experience of One). But we know for sure of 1 Civilization which was under command of Enlil, they were having lizard like appearance - the reptilians. The story of them goes into time of great flood that destroyed nephilims. Anu was supposed ruler of "Annunaki" - "higher gods". He is not demiurge, but later on, Anu was considered to be demiurge and "creator of all". Such distortion of facts and truths is the toll that time and generations takes. Annunaki were in need of a slave race, that is why they "created" igigi - the race of "lesser gods". Yet, these "lesser gods" Beings rebelled against annunaki (the story of rebellion of Lucifer in heaven) and it was decided to test Humans to be "slaves". Here is a quote from wikipedia "The Igigi then rebel against the dictatorship of Enlil, setting fire to their tools and surrounding Enlil's great house by night. On hearing that toil on the irrigation channel is the reason for the disquiet, the Anunnaki council decide to create man to carry out agricultural labour." This experiment was under control of demiurge and demiurge gave permission to test Humanity of being "slaves". By such action demiurge taught that it would eventually get what it was in need. Yet still, there was no success. Even after creation of christianity and islam there still was no success. And only once demiurge allowed Humanity to progress further in technological Evolution, there is a progress. I also need to point out that it was Enki that proposed to preserve most of Humanity, and it were these Beings that taught how to build ships to avoid the flood. That is why this "god" is being considered "god of water/of seas". Also illuminati and freemasons see this Being - Enki as "liberator" of Humanity, this is "Lucifer" and "Prometheus" for them, "statue of Liberty" is dedicated to Enki. That is why You can see Neptune/Poseidon depictions in many places. And Enlil is considered as "god of air", because this creature like reptilians now were ethereal, they were almost invisible to ancient Humanity. As well, they were back then the most cruel of all "gods" and Enlil was a straight dictator (like reptilians are now) and demiurge gave permission to Enlil to rule over this World and "test" Humans as much as his civilization could, but without making big destruction and without being seen. This is why Enlil was associated with "underworld" and "hell". And element of air by itself have an association with death and rebirth. As winds are changing everything. "Elite" are using ways of Enlil to rule over this Planet. Hope this will aid Everyone. Here I also wanted to share another great sign Sun gave on october 14, double ♥♥ heart shaped symbol (look from right side) Click here. And to add to Anu-Enki, sky becomes water Click here. Much Harmony, Love and Abundance to Everyone!
10/23/2014 01:33:32 am
yeah i saw that,
10/22/2014 01:14:20 pm
Thank you GE
10/23/2014 02:23:30 am
seems it doesn't matter where we start
10/25/2014 07:20:10 am
Hi Sophia.The link don't work,could it be this video here :
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