So, anybody notice any of these things?
Each of these symptoms appears also as a sign of what we’ve come to label the common cold or an ear infection or anxiety or stress or stomach flu. What happens when they show up now is that the usual meds and treatments aren’t working. They seem to appear and disappear at will. Here’s the good news: this won’t last. Here’s the not so good news: none of us can predict how long this part continues. Here’s the great news: once we acclimate, it’s all downhill and what’s waiting for us is beyond our wildest dreams. In a good way. This is more like free falling than a roller coaster, yet the imagery for that ride works. Those who enjoy coasters the most relax and settle in once they are seated. They appear as we see pictured here – letting go and grinning; trusting and embracing this ride of their lives. This is one brief moment only, and one we all came to share. Our planet is moving into another frequency. If I have this right, all of us on her (or in her) are making a choice right now. That choice determines which frequency we’ll end up at once the move is complete. I like the term “assumption” for what is frequently labelled “dimension”. We now rest in an assumption of what we’ve come to call third. Many of us reading this blog are intentionally moving towards a 4/5 assumption. Not all on the planet now will choose to assume a different frequency. It’s all right and perfect. We can make this choice up until the moment when our planet’s move is completed. There will be an actual moment when it’s done. We cannot choose for another, predict for another or bring another with us against their will. We all choose alone. When these symptoms are explained as by-products of this exceptional journey we are taking together, they become easier to bear. Smile, throw your hands in the air and enjoy the scenery. ou’ll never see it just this way again and you’ll want to remember every inch of this ride. It’s why you came! We are almost there! We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. With so much love, ~Sophia PS Sign up for my newsletter here.
One month after its release, on this past weekend, I attended “The Big Short” film. It was being aired at a single time slot at our local theater. You had to search if you wanted to view it. In other words, you had to know about it. In case you don’t, the trailer can be found here. Timely and powerful, the film offers an inside view of what happened when the housing market crashed 8 years ago.
It explains why it crashed, and ends with a single sentence. This line tells us that the same set up is happening again, in 2015. The bankers have renamed an instrument that will glean them huge amounts of money. To what end? I would rather not find out. In 2008 no one was held accountable and the banks were bailed out. Eight million of us lost our homes here in the USA. In April/May of this year “Money Monster” is being released. It too exposes the manipulation on Wall Street, this time of stocks. Watch that trailer here. Hollywood films elucidate the fact that humanity does not consent to the global criminal money/debt slavery run by the controllers who “speak for” the planet. Today, there are various alliances with these criminals which ONLY SERVE TO PERPETUATE THE CRIME. Period. For years I’ve repeated the Hopi phrase, “We are the ones we’ve been waiting for”. It’s true, it’s up to us. Yet the playing field must be even. Today, it is not. There are beings who can make it so. Why aren’t they? Here’s what “making it even” looks like:
Demand disclosure. Those holding onto their “necessary negotiations” are stalling for self, don’t be fooled. Humans can turn “on a dime”. We do not need more “time” to adjust. Adjust to what? Health? Prosperity? Freedom? Happiness? Most of us think we have it better than someone else, and are only too willing to share. My favorite lines from “Money Monster” are: “We’re human beings. We’re not computers. We have a conscience.” WE ARE HUMAN BEINGS. THE “CONTROLLERS” HERE, WHO ARE THE REPRESENTATIVES CALLING THE SHOTS WITH VARIOUS GROUPS, ARE NOT. Call bullshit on all reasons to delay disclosure. Demand disclosure now. Demand a “data dump” now. Do it with your intent. Do this in your meditations. Support whistle blowers with cash if you have it. You know those blogs and sites and films that share truth? Give to them what you can so that others will see them as well; so that they can keep doing what they do. Remember how creation works – it’s fueled with feeling, it expands with conversation, it grows with thought, it manifests with action. Use your words, your face book posts, your email and your power to spread the truth. Our collective voice is shouting and it does not consent. To those in negotiation with “the hidden hand” – Listen. Humanity will only get louder. You can no longer excuse your actions because we were not heard from. Hear us and know that we are not defined by our response to slavery and not represented by the controllers. WE WILL BE DEFINED BY OUR COLLECTIVE HEART. There is a reason we are the occupants of this beautiful planet. With a fair shot at negotiating for her, we will demonstrate that reason. These words are not written with idealism. Ours is not a simple task, yet it is one we willingly take on. It is no longer possible for any of us to evade responsibility. Let each of us take on a course of action that propels the whole of us. For those off and in planet – we need help. It is time for the criminals in power to be held accountable for their actions. If you continue to deal with them for trade and control, you aid in this crime against an entire race. It is time for their removal. Deal with us. We are the ones you’ve been waiting for. ~Sophia Sign up for my newsletter here! What is clear in this process of expansion is the effect of our contribution. There are no insignificant acts. Acts of love or loss, peace or anxiety, resignation or expectation, are productive. We are creative. This is not a reactionary term. Creation is action. If you “get” nothing else, get this; you are a consistently creative being. As the frequency increases, your ability to utilize the available range expands with it. Appreciate what you now have in your toolkit, and utilize it. This will bring about a more rapid pace for “mainstream disclosure” and yield a quicker transformation for us all. We are the ones engineering this shift. We’ve equipped ourselves with some mighty “horse power”, yet just because its there doesn’t mean things will change with increased speed. It has to be turned on and pointed in the right direction. So how do we turn it on? See what needs to transform. This is the stimulus. The uncomfortable moment. The criminal activity you now KNOW is criminal. The abusive event. The unfairness. The corruption. The illness. The untruth. Design the new version.All creative juices come into play here. Your imagination is the fuel. “Absent Limit” is the parameter. Gather the necessary elements. These are your cheering squads. Your comrades. Your family. Your healers. Your teachers. Your toolkit. Hold the vision.Your primary work is this step. Ignore the naysayers and alternate visions. “Refuse to observe any casualties, while at your heart, continue to sing, “Let there be light”.” Allow it to manifest.Let it go now. Do not dwell or worry or wonder. Any emotions other than expectation and joy slow the process. We’ve heard this before. What’s different now is the energy. It is ripe for creation. The key element is you. We are entering the moment we’ve all prepped for. John (here) describes beautifully what it is we do, as does Suzanne, (here). These are dense subjects; data heavy. Yet they confirm wisdom we’ve heard for years. Perhaps now, with expanded consciousness, we can fully grasp and utilize it: See the change you desire. Expect it. Put nothing else before it. Live it. This experiment is ending, of that there is no doubt. It can end slowly, which helps only the controllers (1%) as they amass as much wealth as possible before the end (while we continue to watch them). It can end quickly, giving us the benefit NOW in all arenas of abundance and life (while they quickly exit). Demand an end now. Stretching this out until a specified “date” only harvests our hope. IT DOES NOT BENEFIT MANKIND IN ANY WAY. In whatever method you have at your disposal, refuse to observe any casualty. Let your heart sing sovereignty, prosperity, abundance, vitality, freedom, peace. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. With so much love, ~Sophia PS Sign up for my newsletter! (click here) As we enter the second ½ of January, 2016, there is still Evidence of Ego in our Efforts. What shows up again and again – is us. We cannot escape ourselves or leave ourselves behind. We are the ones shifting, the ones asking, the ones wondering: if, when, why and how. We are wasting our most valuable asset. No, it’s not time, its emotion; the wind beneath our wings. As we plan, we waste it. As we remember, it drifts away. Emotion is now. It is here. It is not felt yesterday or tomorrow. It is useful only in this moment. This is a reference to power, and how to maintain it. It is held only as a genuine eruption of force and emerges with authenticity. Emotion is the fuel. Emotions are the logs in our creative fire. What distracts us from our power is arrogance. It is self-importance. It is pre-occupation. Yet we are light workers. We are here to bring the light. There lies the rub. It’s the label. Our trap sits in our self-definition. We are One. All of us equal. Each of us parts of the whole. A necessary part, you’ve come to shift us all. You can only do this if you leave your ego at the door. This massive shift requires all of you – focused. See only what it is you desire – then let it go. Time spent recalling who you were or what you did or will do is time wasted. See it, feel it, release it. We ask for apologies and promises, without understanding their power to distract us. They bind us to useless emotion. We want names and dates without realizing the names are ours and the dates self-chosen. We cannot ever know what another is capable of. So how about we let go of predictions for millions of unsuspecting, needy humans when disclosure happens? Humanity has re-made itself too many times to count. WE ARE STILL STANDING. I suspect each of us is in precisely the right place, right now. Disclosure is happening, the financial system is dismantling and the sun’s activity is off the charts. Everyone is poised for change. The shift is upon us. We can suppose and wonder and ask, but we are not here to do that. We are here to shift – individually and collectively. You’ll know just what to do, and you’ll need all of your emotional fuel handy to pull it off. Your job in this is not the same as mine. Trust yourself. As you step into your power there will be an expansion. It begins within and supplies you with confidence. Feel that and know it is meant for this moment. Regardless of name or date or plan or memory – your point of power is in the present, for this singular focus – to be utilized right now. You are the one you’ve been waiting for. With so much love, ~Sophia PS – Sign up here for my newsletter! Our path could be called circular. As we watch ourselves, again and again, repeat habits to satisfy addictions. These are not addictions of the substance, but of the personality. We are no longer fed by these addictions; this kind of attention isn’t working for us today.
Your ego is not running the show now. You’ve progressed such a long way and are right now transforming. You must feel this. It is your habit, your pattern of self-destruction that feels strange now. This is a result of your ongoing evolution. You recognize that life offers what it does and your entry into life is not so much a decision but a choice. You are always in life – what form that life takes is the choice. The form you are currently using is riding between old habits and new desires. Your struggle is now how to support the new, (which is your deepest wish), with different habits. These things are not what you’ve been taught by your predecessors or by society or family. You will have to seek out these things and pursue them and fight your inner resistance. It is not a resistance because these things are wrong or bad for you – but resistance because you are not fully formed as a new human. You have formed the idea of that new human in your mind, not so much in your everyday. There is a division within and you cannot remain divided in these new energies. Your pattern is to move ahead with strength and power and then find a reason to step into that or to fall back into habits of addiction. Realize that you get something from this addiction – it has served you in the past. It does not now serve you. You will have to change. Despite your wish to be magically transformed with a wiggle of your nose or your magic wand or the intense solar energies – it does not work that way. This is a physical life we embody. It requires a physical response. These responses might originate “outside” of us, as in physical symptoms, energy influxes, other people or new stages of growth – yet they are not an “outside of us” thing. There is no “out there”, “out there”. It’s all you, all the time. Whatever discrepancy is peeking out into your life right now – you are the only one who is able to decipher its meaning. What must follow for resolution to occur is a decision. What choice will you make now? To fall back on habits and patterns of response will no longer satisfy you. Instead, what will fill you is something else. Now here is the thing. None of these are new ideas. They are newly applied and as such will feel different to us. This is 2016 and the energy is ripe for transformation. You will not be told how to do this. As the blueprint for the mighty oak is found in its tiny seed – your plan resides within. You will not “take on” the attributes of an enlightened one; you will emerge fully formed. All that is necessary, you hold in your heart. So you will navigate these twists and turns with your inner GPS, not the one offered by society or any place familiar. This is a solo journey. What’s always true is your direction. You are heading towards the place you have longed for. You are heading home; not alone, and not broken, with every part intact. There are parts you’ll leave unused and others brand new you’ll need to explore. You see this is a physical journey and this part of you will not be denied. The physical you is along for this ride and must be as ready as the rest of you. It’s all you, all the time. You are the one you’ve been waiting for. ~Sophia PS Sign up here for my newsletter! Click here for a Jim Carrey interview… he is changing for sure. |
January 2025