This morning there was this request in my inbox, from our off world contact: “Sophia, can You share this video and website, we want lightworkers to take this seriously and not ignore it, it is important, the sooner people will know and acknowledge the ets presence, the sooner the complete change will follow We are sharing this as well, some lightworkers still unaware of this important event.” Here is a link to the live stream: And here is a link to a petition to have it carried LIVE by Main Stream Media!!! Please sign!!! What are you waiting for? You are the One. ~Sophia
Today marks the end of this Quest and as well, the end of all the “Join Me on My Love Quest” events. They began as a response to a question two years ago, and the question has been answered. The time for searching, waiting and questing is over. It is time now to DO. Oneness answers every inquiry we have posed. You and I and the trees and our “enemies” are One. What I do to you, I do to myself. We cannot escape the consequences of our thoughts, words and actions. We, in every sense, are One. We know this now. The core that unites us is our Eternal Heart. This is a place we’ve forgotten, where in unison, we love. You are there still and remember while you dream. Soon, these and other memories will ignite for you these truths – who you have ever been, all you are capable of doing, why you are here, where you are from and what was your plan. We have come to this time now equipped with the truth of our power, our beauty, our brilliance and our unity. I believe we have helped each other get here so that someday soon, we could help others when they ask. I believe they will ask. We are light workers. Our earth is in need of our light. Trust and know that all answers are within. I cannot predict our future, yet I can see what’s ahead. We’ve opened our minds and our hearts and there is no closing them now. Believe in the knowing you come to yourself – trust your truth. As we consciously live the fullness of our transformed DNA, we’ll be giddy with our own magnificence. Know this. The game of duality is ending now. We are embarking on a new journey. This one we will attend with full awareness and absolute knowledge. Secrets, lies and confusion are not welcome. Truth, transparency, agape and freedom are the hallmarks of this moment. I feel you, I feel us. We are beyond ready to move to the new. Here, all of us are leaders, answer givers and truth tellers. That is why the Quest has come to completion. It is time to lead ourselves. You know what to do. What are you waiting for? You are the One. I love you. It has been a privilege. ~Sophia When my sons were very small, they believed themselves rich. Regardless of where we went, this belief was validated. They were surrounded in value, everything was a treasure, and all of it was theirs. Their shelves and pockets overflowed with it all – reminders of adventures. Rocks, feathers, bottle tops, leaves, shells, bits of rope and wire were valuable because they said so. We are on a Quest. By definition, this means we are looking for something. It would follow then, that this is something we believe we don’t have. Our Quest is for Agape – love of self. And what is love? It is acknowledging worth, seeing value, and holding in a sacred place. It is completely self-defined. What if we all decided right now, to believe ourselves rich? What if we all decided right now, to believe ourselves worthy? We are both. We’ve all felt a sense of anticipation, a waiting. For a long time I’ve said “You are the One you’ve been waiting for.” Today I close with “What are you waiting for? You are the One.” This change was not done lightly. You see, what we are all feeling right now is our own sense of indecision. We are calling it “waiting”. We’ve been handed the keys to the kingdom, only we aren’t sure where to find the door to use them. Love and value are both self-defined. My oldest sons believed themselves rich and worthy until they felt the world tell them otherwise. My youngest refuses to accept the world’s definition and miracle gifts of abundance follow him everywhere. What if we all did the same? Oh I know we’ve been beaten down and it will take constant vigilance, yet what have we got to lose? We are building our reality right now. Let’s declare and decide what’s valuable. I AM Absolute Value. Green pieces of paper are not. I can tell you what are though – trees. What if we decided, as a collective, to trade leaves instead of worthless cash? They are everywhere. Suddenly, no one goes without. The land they grow on becomes a vital asset. We won’t be chopping them down for wider roads or cash producing crops – the trees are valuable. The Rainforest is saved. Worldwide wealth and Natural Resource Conservation becomes possible in the blink of an eye, with one decision; a decision about value. I tell you this, if you knew the power and magnificence that you were – there would be no Quest. The idea of looking for what was there all along would seem like a game of peek – a – boo. It’s only interesting to the baby. She is unaware you’ve never left, and is thrilled each time you show up. Just because you don’t have eyes yet to see, doesn’t mean you aren’t brilliant. Decide and declare right now where the Absolute Value rests. It is in your very Essence, your Eternal Essence. It is there that we connect, like the leaves on the tree. Individual and unique, they spring from One source. What we are waiting for is within our very heart. Freedom, Value, and Agape are but a decision away. Once we see the Value in each of the leaves, we understand the importance of the tree. Unity. What are you waiting for? You are the One. I love you. See you tomorrow, ~Sophia Welcome to our 5th day. You probably don’t want to hear methods or ideas or best routes to our destination. You probably just want to feel amazing. We are shooting for fantastic. Agape and Freedom promise spectacular. Contemplating both, here’s what your day looks like: You leap out of a warm comfortable bed. Remember how you did that as a kid? You can’t wait to see what comes next! You run into the kitchen and enjoy a meal of fresh food, which you have plenty of. You then spend the day engaged in DOing. Your “work” includes always your passion. You are unrestricted in where you can do this and how you can do this and who you can do this with. You are acknowledged for your unique brilliance and enjoy contributing. Life is your stimulant. What is absent are rules, requirements, debt. There is nothing you “should” BE or DO. You are Free to choose. Love is not something you longing for – it is everywhere. You may or may not live with a “significant other” but it won’t matter – all are significant for you. You don’t have to hold on to Love with an iron grip. You Trust. Love is. When you look into the eyes of humanity you see it there. This is what fills you. Excess amounts of anything are no longer necessary to complete and thrill you. Living full out is your drug. Loving absolutely is your high. This way of life is ours today, if chosen. No longer willing to commit to ownership and its resulting slavery systems, we must commit to ourselves. Freedom is full time. Love is constant focus. We have to yank ourselves out of anything other than fantastic. Tell ourselves the Truth until every corner of our BEing believes it, and shouts “Yes!” You are a BEing of Light – embodied. Source had a thought, an imagining, and you were shot forth. The thought went like this “What would it be like to experience the fullness of creation as ( …fill in the blank )?” You are not your body or your role or your relationship or your failure or your success. You are light, a bit of source, experiencing life. There are no parts of you unworthy. You are the stuff of Gods, Source in a human suit and beholden to none. Commit to this Truth. Look in the mirror and greet God. Look around and say hello to the sacred. Walk gently and with a deep knowing of respect, feel the Earth and all of us whom she supports. Honor the task set forth when Source imagined you. Create Amazing. You are all that has ever been required. You are enough. You are Eternal Essence Embodied. Nothing could be more fantastic. What are you waiting for? You are the One. I love you, thank you. See you tomorrow, ~Sophia Welcome to our 4th day. We are right between the beginning and the end of this Quest. Consider unconditional self love. Do you have it? What is stopping you? The words “but” and “if” and “when” and “almost” have no place in a sentence with Agape. You either do or you don’t. You can’t be a little bit pregnant. You can’t be a little bit Agape. It is the same with Freedom. You can’t be partially Free. Either someone else pulls your strings, or they don’t. You know now, the Truth. The “other” only shows up as a reflection of your state of BEing. So the questions come again – Are you Free? Do you Love yourself? Look around, you are surrounded with your answer. You are looking for an unrestricted life. Consider the birds. When the spirit moves them, they fly. Watch a toddler. She wears, plays, sings and does whatever makes her feel fabulous. She Loves her toes, her voice, her body, herself. The bird flies Free. There is Source. Between you and Source is merely a thought – know yourself. I AM. Everything beyond that is experience and the reason you are here. You are able to imagine yourself restricted or limited or unworthy. Yet these are not reflections of Truth. They are illusions. Those mirrors have been taken down. The Truth is Eternal Essence – the place where Gods hold hands. It exists in exuberance, excitement, laughter, joy, passion, brilliance, Love. It is Agape. For the One you are loving without restraint has 7 billion Eternal Hearts. They know who they BE. They are watching you remember. What are you waiting for? You are the One. See you tomorrow, ~Sophia And what does it mean to Love? For Love is not what we’ve been told. There are not amounts or kinds or degrees. Love is what we are and what we do. Love is the great equalizer, unifier and pacifier. We have been restricted in our expressions so much that we’ve fallen into judgment. A ridiculous thing. Today is Earth Day. On our minds are all things green. Do any of us stand in judgment of a flower as it grows? Do we say – this one should not grow so close to that one or those two should not cross pollinate. No, yet we do so of ourselves. A flower grows. A human loves. The fuel that enlivens us is the very thing that we are. It is Love. We Love. Equally and Absolutely. The judgments we’ve placed on our Loving are not because Love exists only in some places and in some relationships and in some amounts. If the word “some” were true, then the words “none” and “more” would also apply. They don’t. There is Love. There is never “none”. We don’t Love one “more” than the other. We Love. Let go of words of judgment. You are Love. A flower is a flower. Despite its size, color or piece of real estate, it stands – always a flower. Love has been confused with so many things – beauty, obedience, physical attraction, happiness, cooperation, ease, comfort. It is none of these. Love is core recognition of Truth. When we allow ourselves judgments, they turn inevitably within – to the place where we find our harshest critic. It is ourselves we are most afraid to Love. What would happen if we Loved ourselves without restraint? How would it look to be okay with every disobedient, irreverent, awkward, rude, unattractive, sad, out of shape, lazy, broke, weird or uncooperative part of ourselves? What kind of world would it be if there was unconditional, unrestricted loving? Watch the wildflowers. Stand in a room filled with little ones. Witness the beauty of unrestrained growth and feel the energy of uninhibited passion. This is your birthright. You spring from Source and from you Source is made manifest on Earth. All are watching. What are you waiting for? You are the One. See you tomorrow, ~Sophia We’ve embarked on yet another Quest. For two years we’ve travelled together and still there is further to go. For we have not seen what we are searching for, and we are associative learners. Repetition and familiarity jog our memories. There is nothing familiar about Absolute Freedom. Unconditional Love is sovereignty. “Thou shalt have no other Gods before me.” Realize what the words mean. Examine the Gods in your life. Who or what is preventing you from Love Absolute? To Love is a fearless act. Freedom is something we like to hear tales about and fight for. Yet fight and freedom are oxymorons. You must not fight for that which you are. You must accept that which you are and BE. For we are One. There is no other. Love is your very essence and to realize itself does not require a fight. Do your lips argue over which is right? How could you kiss without the upper? How could you kiss without the lower? The Gods before you have demanded subservience. You may say, “I have only one God.” Yet I tell you this, any person, idea, law, situation or belief that requires your compliance before you are accepted – is a “God before you.” You require nothing. Agape is the force that propels your BEing. You have come to this life fully prepared to embrace your truth within a sea of falsehoods. For Agape and Freedom are synonymous. You are not here to be inhibited or limited or diminished. You are here to realize and be the essence of Eternal Love. In our everyday, since we are on a Quest, this demands a noticing. Step back from your interactions and examine your role in them. Are you, at any moment, giving up a bit of yourself? For Love is Free. It makes no demands. It has no requirements. There is not another who can take it from you, all is given. If you feel you are controlled you have given your power away. To reclaim it, merely stand. You carry the truth, and regardless of the shouting and the doubting, the truth will not be stopped. You are Free. What would you do right now if you were unlimited? I tell you this – you are. So the question then becomes, what are you waiting for? You are the One. See you tomorrow, ~Sophia You have come now to a knowing. The things you are aware of today in this world would seem impossible or insane to some with eyes still shut. Seeing life as it is actually happening requires a willingness to change your perspective and in many things your entire belief system. It demands an examination of everything your eyes see and most of what this society has told you was real. Realize that all of life does not operate in this way. The earth has been part of what some would call an evil plot yet evil is not a concept I adhere to or consider. Life proceeds along its intended path and the results of choices are predictable if you step back far enough. There was a video showing pattern formation resulting from choices made in a program called the “Game of Life”. What it did not show was the effect of all the choices on the supporting structure it existed within. It has a definite effect and it is the disregard for all of life that has brought this game to an end. It is not because I AM displeased. I AM never displeased. I AM satisfied the game has run its course and before it destroys more than it is capable of replenishing – it must stop. Balance is necessary in all things to achieve optimal results. As in your life there is an understanding of appropriate amounts of different activities, so it is with all of creation. There is truth is the statement “too much of a good thing”. Your earth today does not enjoy a balanced state and if life is to continue on it – it must. You have woken up and discovered the necessity of extracting yourself from the slavery system. As you do this, keep your heart open. There has not been only dominance and control – there has always been those who have come to be a part of the control system who are there offering an alternative. They are your whistle-blowers and in many cases, your unsung heroes. They have spoken up for truth and have paid for it with their lives in many cases. Every action taken results in further action. Now you are called on to take action. With this knowing of energetic exchange and creative potential comes responsibility. Knowing your every thought builds life around you means that as you are watching each thought birth within – you can simultaneously notice its manifestation around you. As you notice others and situations that bring up anger or sadness, resolve to see the potential for change and instead use the force of your emotion to create that change. What you’ll find is a near instant effect. You see the world is ripe for revolutionary thought. There has been a dominance of very effective control of systems in the way of media, government, religion and education. The infiltration is so deeply rooted as to be invisible. A method that will counter and eventually change the nature of your reality is new thought. This thought must become so much a part of you as to go unnoticed. Today, for most of society, their root thought is fear. This is what propels most action and although the action may look to change things, if it springs from fear it will not, not permanently. Cosmetic changes will not satisfy. What needs to be done is an altering at the core. The reason for action must always be love. A way to get there is to begin and end each day in a state of gratitude. State what you are grateful for, specifically and completely until you are immersed in a state of appreciation for your life. As the day proceeds and things come up that evoke fear or any negative response – STOP. Internally look at the reaction and understand that this moment can only affect your energy if you allow it to. Decide whether or not it is worth it. Invoke gratitude that you have the wisdom available to look objectively at this and in that state of appreciation – decide your next move. Whether it is action or inaction you’ve already altered the fabric of your life. An active and aware stance is going to be necessary for quite awhile. We’ve been trained as slaves and impulsively react to most situations. We are armed now with truth. Our energetic compliance is no longer freely given. Without a fight, these controllers will dissolve. This is change at the core of creation. It happens at the level of our heart and is thus permanent. The world is ripe for revolutionary thought. Appreciate every moment and watch the exponential effect it has. There are no enemies held within a blanket of gratitude. There is just One. What are you waiting for? You are the One. ~Sophia This is about all that you have ever believed was real and true and how all of that is about to change. You are not only what you see in the mirror. Your worth comes from a place unseen by human eyes. It is not so much what work you do in this physical world that you are here doing. It is that, yes, for things that you came to experience and to learn about. Yet while you sleep on this earthly plane, you are still working and doing. Not so much learning; yet it is true that learning is something you cannot escape – but DOING. It is in your ‘dream work” that you are fully engaged. The multi-dimensional aspects of you are something you “get” intellectually but not in a way that you can “hang your hat on”. They are not just reserved for sages or seers or those you would term powerful. Understand this – all are equal. There are no degrees of power. There are states of awareness. Yet even that is a misnomer because each of you is a fully realized God; a God who has chosen, because of a deep desire to understand life, to forget its Godhood and take on a physical life. Access to memories of your magnificence is not reserved for especially “holy ones” or “enlightened ones” or “good ones”. The access is either acknowledged and used or ignored, depending on each life’s choice and purpose. It is there for all of you – every part of God knows itself as God. It is only in the flesh that the forgetting is possible. By choice you are here. All of you. You came at this time to experience the remembering and transformation of Humanity. Your part has been chosen by you from a place of complete knowing. Degrees are a Human invention. Words like levels and potential and impossible and slow and wrong do not have meaning beyond this incarnation. They were created out of a top-down slave state with the intent to solder it in. This was and is an experiment, a game. Because you are here now you’ve become a player. The game was one of creation. “What could be done with it?” This is not a game in which you are a victim. The beings who are “pulling the strings” and “Lording” over the ones who would be called “Owners” are no lesser or greater Gods than you. They’ve chosen this as their focus and they are a necessary part of creation in every way equal to you. Now the game has become more of a challenge because all participants are remembering the rules. As the game of creation, slavery, ownership, awareness and life continues, it only gets more interesting, not less. The “owners” will merely alter their methods, they will not stop playing. You cannot know their purpose for incarnation and as such cannot assume to understand anything about the choices they are making. There is no right or wrong choice – this is a game. All are players. With life and “death” and “re-incarnation” you merely pick up a different piece and play again. Sometimes you choose a king, sometimes a rook – yet regardless, each is a plastic piece and part of the game – they are not you. Repetition of anything yields success. It is with practice that we hone our technique and discover nuances to the game we never imagined at rudimentary levels. The depth and breadth of creation encompasses infinite scenarios, possibilities and results. You are not just playing a creation game. You are fearless explorers – discovering aspects and outcomes not seen until you arrived. Fearless is an attribute reserved for high stakes adventure. My fellow Gods, the stakes have never been higher. The game you currently play is a Universal Game. As Humans, you represent all of creation, with an aspect that brings power to your every thought. This power is the fuel that you’ve unknowingly fed to the “Controllers” for the duration of the game. This fuel is not a foreign concept or complex thought. It is your emotions. The one thing that levels and unites you is your gut level response. An illiterate being will respond with the same horror to cruelty as will a scholar. This is the secret kept from you. The offering of your emotional energy, specifically your pain and sadness, has been unconditionally given by you, while you unconsciously played the game. They “owned” the board because they controlled and manipulated the energy of all the players. You have been giving up the board to them, while unknowingly giving all of your energy up to them, as you watch the news, violence, war, abuse, corruption, poverty, need and domination they create. You have accepted the conditions they offer you, as if they are the only ones who can manipulate energy, and there is no ulterior motive behind the horrific scenarios played out on the nightly news. This is not true. All are equal. Your eyes are opening wide. As they open further, the awareness of your power increases. We are now like children learning to walk. It does not take long for you to let go of whatever structure you have assumed supported you (i.e. mom or dad) – and run. Newborns do not at first know they are separate from mom. They gradually become aware of an internal drive to move to specific and self chosen places. This becomes a “problem” for mom perhaps, as there are new challenges with controlling the wanderings of the child, but it is a thrill for the young one. We have just found out we have our own ability to move. It is time to figure out how to run. Unlike a benevolent parent, these controllers have not had our best interests at heart. They are right now conspiring new ways to continue their manipulation of our energy. We are seeing clearly now all the illusions of control they have created. They will not give up, they are fierce game players. Remember it’s a game. Strategize the outcome you desire and create it. That’s the fun of a game; the play. What are you waiting for? You are the One. ~Sophia |
April 2024