This is your dream, and although there may be contracts and plans before you get here, they can be carried out in a myriad of ways. The process of creation is very personal and internal. It happens with every thought, each belief and intent. The shift is upon us. There is perhaps, one outcome for the planet and all of the beings on her. We will each choose, however, many different things throughout the course of this year. This is what will determine just how it will go for us. Do not concern and/or worry about the ultimate outcome. Energy spent there is fruitless. Know that as you believe, you receive. We are ONE. Together, we will structure this shift. The power (to create) can be shared without being lost. Not one of us is more powerful than another. As we consciously come together as one mind, seeing and believing a single outcome, it has no choice but to come to pass. See earth encased in palpable unity. Visualize love. Picture a vital planet filled with co-operative, healthy life forms. Feel the abundance in such a world. Experience the happiness and peace and sustainable progress that we create. Fill your mind with visualizations such as these. This will be time well spent. This is the year you will know your power. You will see whatever you believe you will see, and you will understand that you put it there. Just be love.
Love is truth. It is your most powerful force. It is the purity of love that creates this force. So much of our world is dense and stimulating and absorbing, yet none of it can compare to truth. Truth is what you are. It is the part of you that remains constant, regardless of what goes on around you. This is what you hang on to in these coming days and weeks and months. Hang on to truth. You are eternity. You are not an age or a gender or a job or a name. You have always been. The changes in this life you are living now will continue to happen. How they feel will be determined by your deepest held beliefs about what they all mean. A belief in truth will sustain you through what is happening now and what is about to manifest next. Understand that you hold the “keys to the kingdom”, and you always have. Perhaps now, more than ever before, your use of those keys is evident for you. Your belief about what everything means creates the meaning of everything. It is not the other way around. Clearly declare your deepest held belief. It does not have to be the same as mine. It won’t be. It is yours. You are intending your life. We, as a collective, are intending our collective experience. What this means is that what we all expect to happen, will. If we expect catastrophe and chaos, we will experience that. If we expect expansion and evolution and love beyond description, we will have that. It sounds sort of ridiculous to say, but the language does not offer enough words to depict the power you hold. You are the most powerful force in creation. You are driving. You can imagine yourself being taken for a ride, but you are holding the wheel and your foot is on the gas pedal. It is all you. Take the power that you have and determine your life with awareness. You are here to do just that. This shift is upon us and the time is now. You are the one you are waiting for. I love you. Thank you for being here! In Lak’ech. How about loving yourself up instead of beating yourself up? To love yourself without condition. It means you are good enough. You make the grade. You have succeeded. There is nothing else you have to do to be loved. You are worthy right now. Just the fact that you have shown up is enough. What is holding you back from flat out adoration? Is it something you’ve done? Something you haven’t done? Something you thought about doing? Something you’ve said? Ok. So, you did. Shame is not a useful emotion. It is keeping you right there; wherever you were when you did this thing you are beating yourself up about. It is time to move on. Let it go. You used whatever information you had at the time to do this thing that you did. You have different information now. It is time to do something new - from a new place, a pro-active place, rather than a re-active place. Your point of power is in this moment; it is not in yesterday. All that you actually have is right now. Use it to love yourself. Lavishly and ridiculously love yourself. Smile when you see you in the mirror. Wave with joy - as if you are meeting someone you can’t wait to be with! It is YOU! You are here! You look great! We are so happy you came to join us! You know, we’ve been waiting for you to notice your magnificence. WE have always seen it; you have been wearing those dark shades and didn’t notice. You are brilliantly, wonderfully and perfectly imperfect, just like us! We are all here to celebrate our collective selves. Beauty is an assemblage of imperfections, and damn, we are beautiful. We are one, and as you step into your power, forgive and love yourself, I do as well. Hurry up. Allowing someone to “be”, without having to fix anything or make them feel better, this is love. Love does not mean forcing the other to stop feeling whatever it is they are feeling. This, in fact, makes YOU feel better, not them. Love allows the other their pain, anguish, joy; any possible emotion is ok, there is no good or bad. What makes YOU feel uncomfortable, you immediately work to stop. It is ok to be uncomfortable; it is part of our life here in this third dimension. We are all here to experience all of it – each emotion and event brings certain feelings to the surface and we tend to label them as good, bad, uncomfortable, and comfortable. In truth they are merely alternative vibrations – they differ from the status quo and so we notice them. It is our subsequent association, those events we attach TO them that create our opinions. It we attach something we do not feel went well, we will attempt to stop it in its tracks for our loved ones. This is not done to control them really; it springs from our love for them. It is our misinterpretation of the feeling that causes us to step in and attempt to make everyone feel better. The feeling springs from within. You will never know precisely what the other is feeling. You can only be sure what you, yourself are feeling. The ultimate loving action therefore is allowing, witnessing, and accepting. It matters not what your loved one is feeling or expressing, you will stand there and love them anyway. Their truth is theirs. You don’t have to like it or agree yet it is not about you. It is about them. Love them enough to allow them their anger and pain; they do not need correcting. They are in the place they are at this moment because of their current focus. It is not your job to re-adjust their lenses. You are here to love them. You do. Listening without comment can be the supreme act of love. Love them as they stand, right now, no exceptions, no corrections. It is time, perhaps, to consider in a real way, the idea that “disclosure” has occurred. We’ve seen ships in the sky that are not conventional aircraft and more than a handful clearly do not come from here. There are stories of government and/or military engagement with off world beings. There are other accounts from some of us who claim to have spoken to them for many years. What does it all mean? It sounds like disclosure has occurred. We do not need any more you tube videos or history channel specials. The evidence is everywhere. If we accept what is immediately in front of us, we will realize that it is not time to wait for disclosure to be announced, it is time to decide what we are going to do next. These beings from other places are not gods. They are other versions of us. Meeting them will be sort of like meeting new neighbors, only from much further away. They have advanced technology. They mostly look like us. Their perspective will be different. Imagine a conversation with someone from another planet, because you very well may be doing just that. It is time to lose our fear and suspicion and dependence on some outside “authority” to tell us what is going on. It is already going on. Now we need to consider in a real way what it will mean to share the planet with beings from someplace else. The whole notion of borders and nationalities sort of vanishes. We need not wait to hear the “spin” the media/government will put on this event. We are ready now to live it and understand the truth. We can only consider it because we really have no idea, yet. The Occupy movement has moved beyond Wall Street; let’s take it off of this world. Everyone’s included. We are all going. This shift is a move for the planet and everyone who chooses to remain on her at that moment. There are no requirements in order to make the cut. You have made it. You are here now and that is the only thing that is necessary. It makes sense to “get your house in order” as we move through this time. Things are different. The overwhelming energy on the planet is one of collaboration and unity, not one of polarity and “us against them”. The ideas we have held about right and wrong, good and bad, better and worse will not work as well anymore. The shift will be easier if we begin to move towards love. The only work necessary to prepare is internal. You alone know where you stand on every issue. We are moving out of a time where we expect to be told by some outside authority what to believe in, and what to do in order to be acceptable and to get ahead. The time now is one of empowerment. How you proceed from here on out is up to you. There is no “judge” deciding your fate here. Only you will determine your destination. The move from third to a higher dimension will be your choice and you will make it from your deepest core. You will decide by yourself. All by yourself. Choose love and know that you have chosen perfectly for this life you are living. Just be love. You are on a journey to miraculous. This is not happening TO you, but is created BY you. Your tree will produce fruit when it is watered generously with love. “For storms shall rage and oceans roar When Gabriel stands on sea and shore, And he blows his wondrous horn.” Ursula Southeil (c. 1488–1561) aka Mother Shipton Here is just one of the supposed prophecies of the signal for the “end of times”. There are others, many misquoted and none conclusive. A little research into the manuscripts and you will find that several angels were supposed to blow their horns, not just Gabriel. There are more inconsistencies. None of that will halt our collective belief however, in some sort of ruckus this year. It comes as no surprise then that “strange sounds” seem to be emanating from the planet itself. They are. You Tube videos are showing up consistently from these first weeks of 2012 from all over the earth. Costa Rica, Canada, Texas, NYC… every continent has reported them. When you hear them, they sound sort of hollow, metallic and huge. It is difficult to locate the source of these sounds; above or below the surface. The planet is shifting. As we have never done this before, the sounds that are produced while it is happening are unfamiliar to us. A change in frequency will emit some sort of sound; this makes sense to me. The shift is happening now and just maybe, those writers of the ancient texts and prophecies went through something like this before. They knew what would happen. They used the words and images available to them at the time of their writings. Just maybe. I would like to consider an idea. It is that we are all shifting right now; this planet and everyone on her. This has been prophesied; as planets do this. Beliefs that spring up around events are our interpretations; the events themselves occur independently of any belief system. The focus on who is saying what thing that may or may not have happened needs to stop. Something is happening, and it’s happening now. This is not a reason to fear. It is reason to celebrate. This is why you came. This is the greatest show on earth, and you have a front row seat! Get excited about the change, because whether you are or not, you are witnessing it. The earth and her people are moving out of a very dense and fear filled existence into something better. I don’t know what it looks like because we will all be deciding that together. WE ARE DECIDING THAT RIGHT NOW. If you took part in the visualization this past weekend for a beautiful new earth, you experienced some of what it will be like when we realize our love and the power in our unity. The love was just blasting forth during that meditation/visualization!!! We did that; hundreds of us. I can’t wait until there are billions of us doing that. What a beautiful earth it will be. Let’s lose the fear and anguish about the future and embrace this change. It can only get better, because that is our deepest wish. In Lak’ech. ~Sophia Each moment exists as a unique fragment of time in a world that is changing so completely as to one day be unrecognizable. There are some traditions you may hold, but you may find that holding on to things just because they've been done before won't happen as often. The security and sense of permanence will come, not from a repeated act every year, but from the heart. Love is not in the gift or the tradition, it is in the heart and is felt there always, regardless of who shows up on which day. Love is not WHAT you think, it is EVERYTHING you think and more - this change you are going through feels overwhelming because it is affecting every piece of this dream. Before it is over, you will have examined, uprooted and altered in some way every part of the life you are living inside of. I will not presume to tell you who to love or how to love, but to love, well, that is what you have come to do – it’s why you were made – it must be the central point of every interaction. |
January 2025