It’s cold and sunny on this final day of THE YEAR. A most extraordinary year it has been. A bit of reflection shows the things I am aware of today, that I wasn’t aware of, just a year ago. Here’s a list...
There are more, yet it’s time to move on. We’ll hold each of these things in our pockets as we stroll into this New Year, and use them to inform our new world with a bit of wisdom, experience and humility. We are resilient and tenacious in ways we have not yet grasped. This next part promises to be spectacular, and we are just the humans to pull it off. I’ve seen our light. It illuminates our destination. It is like nothing we’ve known and all of our most cherished dreams. Godspeed everyone! Let’s fly into 2021 together! We are One. This is our planet. We are freeing her now. With appreciation for all that you are, and so much love, Sophia Words of One Volumes I, II and III are getting all 5-star reviews! Read them all, for insight into 2020. Both Kindle & paperback editions of all 3 are available now. (click here) Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free email publications: (click here)! For blog posts announcements, you can select the “RSS Feed” link (above). Then, with a Feed-reader app. you’ll be up to date. Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged.
We are heading into moments that none of us will soon forget. We are living history. You may not have been able to pick out your outfit for the beginning of this 2020 ride, but you know the end of it is coming. Therefore, choose deliberately. This will be a look you’ll re-visit for a long time. This is a call to walk with dignity. We are One. Recognize our similarities. From a distance, they are all that is witnessed. So, abandon a desire to be right. Embrace what resonates and hear the calling of your own soul. What matters now is love. With so much love and appreciation for all that you are, Sophia PS Song below chosen because it is over 40 years since it was recorded and rings true today. Have a beautiful Solstice. There are so many mass meditations. So many. (click here for one of them) Once upon a time, there was a race of extraordinary beings. Their fortitude was legendary in the Galaxy. They walked among Angels, Masters, Degenerates, Demons and would-be Gods, without knowing who was who or even, why they did so. They were mesmerized by the beauty surrounding them, the work required to keep it there, and by each other. It was all that they could see. Until they saw something new. And here, is where our story begins…
There are things that need to be put together, as it were, in a sort of pile of characters, the building blocks for this story:
What we know is that in the past month there have been monoliths appearing all over the world. Their source or purpose is unknown. A global memory for the monolith comes from the Stanley Kubrick film in 1968: 2001 – A Space Odyssey. This iconic image for the dawn of man, from the beginning of the film, is familiar to the entire world. Remember how the film opens. It begins in utter blackness. There are, eventually, flashes of landscapes that appear in between the lengthy black void. What we know about Quantum Physics is that although they cannot quantify it, physicists can see from experiments that reality doesn’t exist as form until it is observed. “The Observer” is recognized as that part of self that witnesses this current life, without participating directly in its activities. There are reports of a machine on the moon that is pointed at earth and used to harvest souls for some sort of cruel recycling program. It is said that it has been put there, purposely, in order to get the most repeated use of our energy as we reincarnate again and again within its grip, without memory or any ability to escape. We are in the midst of an Ascension event, and an awakening of consciousness. There are stories, from historical religious texts, that describe such an event and how it includes “3 days of darkness”. One has described (recorded here) what we are proceeding through right now as being equivalent to the Dawn of Mankind. What if… The machine on the moon is real. It has been used by the race of beings controlling this planet for their own purposes, to control us. These have nothing to do with our own desires or plans. This machine is some sort of projector, a reality projector. As of now, they’ve lost control here and because of that, they have lost control of the machine. The machine that locks us in to some sort of reincarnation nightmare that voids any possibility of free will. We are the center of the universe. All worlds, dimensions and the beings on them are focused on earth. This is because of her coming Ascension; her dawning consciousness. All eyes are on earth and are ready to assist us human beings. There are some of us, who have reincarnated as human, just for this moment; for 2020. These are the star seeds, the light workers, the wanderers, the way showers. With the machine now out of the hands of those controllers, that Draco-reptilian race who has “owned” the earth, it can be switched off. We have heard, through quantum physicists and other, more woo-woo voices, that reality is an illusion; That it is not actual or formed until we look at it; until it is observed. Reality, in fact, is a projection of whatever it is we expect to see and believe is real. Here’s a story, a true story (not fiction), that validates this theory. I once saw reality peeled back and there was utter blackness. It was, now that I’ve seen the movie 2001 – A Space Odyssey, very similar to the first five minutes of darkness in the film. I was experiencing a quiet moment, gazing out a large window at a winter day. There were bare branches and a deep blue sky, interspersed with white clouds. Then it was as if someone pulled the sky and clouds and trees back, and there was nothing. It was utter blackness. A void. It was a depth I did not comprehend. There was no end to it. This nothing was all-encompassing. It was non-stop emptiness. Until I filled it in. I stared for a moment, and then thought “where are the clouds and the sky and the trees?” At that instant, it all re-formed itself before my eyes. It was wild. Another time, on a walk during a particularly peaceful and powerful few days, I physically “heard” reality pop into place as I walked through a park and observed it. It popped into existence, sounding like static electricity, and I saw small flashes of light as it did, as I walked along. It too, was wild. I was with someone at the time and he did not experience the same vision or sounds. To him, it was a park as usual on a brisk spring afternoon. These monoliths, all over the planet, are transmitters; they are projectors. They will be used in a sort of “final reveal” moment. They are being placed on Earth by multiple races that are not living here on Earth at this time, but can see what is happening here. They want to help. They will be used to show us the truth. The absolute truth. They will be broadcasting globally and completely, the true story of creation, of life on earth. How this is an illusion, and is not actually here until we believe and see it into existence. How it has been manipulated by a race of beings, the Draco-reptilian beings, with a machine that controls our experience. How these controllers, these Draco reptilian beings, feed on our misery and our hopelessness and our anger at the futility of a life that, despite our best intentions, seems to continue relentlessly skewed against us. These broadcasts will be heard and seen by the entire world. They will not be avoided; not by anyone. All hidden truths revealed, all false narratives exposed, all motives explained. It’s 2020. All of us have, in one way or the other, come to face ourselves this year. Either through our relationships, our grief, our isolation, our financial struggle or illness. Pain has been a universal ingredient for the year as we have faced ourselves. It is being dealt with in varying ways yet ultimately, we are each facing our deepest truth. What is most important? Really? Who are we? What imprint do we want to leave behind? As the year ends, and we contemplate how our lives have changed in just 12 months, we come to our own deepest truth; the truth of who we are. There will be a moment when the broadcasts stop. Once we have the story, it no longer needs to be told. The projection then turns off; and, so does everything else. Utter blackness. Reality as we knew it, ends. It is shut off; literally. The old world, as we believed it to be, is over. There is nothing. Three days of darkness. The dawn of man. There have been reports of a universal announcement and global lockdowns. There are expectations for a period of darkness. The scenario fits. Only what happens next? This is the good part. We are the creators here. We are the observers of this. This is our creation. With the projection turned off, there is nothing. The manipulated reality is over. It is on us to create anew. We have each, and recently, come to a moment of internal singularity. Without excuse we have seen our truth. Our core truth is love. Our painful and heart wrenching 2020 journey shows us this. At the end of the day, it’s all that matters. Love. In complete darkness there will be nothing. It is then upon us to create anew. We are ushering in our new world, not figuratively, but actually. Our thoughts will create it. In the nothing, we become the Observer. We witness pure potential. This is a physical Ascension. In utter blackness, our first thought will manifest. This may be a loved one, a bit of beauty, a representation of light. With a return to our core, we will realize our truth. Our truth, our beginning, our origin, is love. It is from love that we began and from there we will discover our first thought. This will be clear and absolute. It will come as an original day, fresh and new and clear. It will scream love; brilliant, blinding, dazzling love. Your first thought as pure love, is your truth. It is all that you are. You will not seek it; you will envision it, embody it, and it will be made manifest. You will see love. Right here. Right now. As the human you are in December 2020. This will be your most potent thought. Love will Source your creation. From nothing to something. From empty to full. From darkness to light. Your creation will hold all that you are. Your creation is all that you are. You will first see your loved ones. You will envision happiness, feel together, imagine beauty and experience peace. You will create your world there, from the beginning, from this love, the love that is all that is left once the screen turns off. This is what creators do. They do this from their Source. This is what oozes out of their core. They do this as One. The imaginary divides of doubt, wealth, power, race, religion, party, and nation dissolve. They are seen as a part of the illusion. As this is all that they ever were. There is no need to fear what is happening or what may happen. You know your core. Regardless of what is going on around you here today, the projector will be turned off. That’s when the fun starts. Three days of darkness are literal. They are necessary. They are the platform for your next act. The one you’ve got the controls for. You are about to use them with the touch of a Master. So, hold hope and smile. Our new earth exists already. It actually is within. It’s all true. It comes wrapped in our wildest dreams and our best and most joyous imaginings. It is about to be opened. Merry Christmas. * * * * * * * * * * With appreciation for all that you are, Sophia Words of One Volumes I, II and now III are getting all 5-star reviews! Read them all, for insight into this 2020 year. Both Kindle & paperback editions of all 3 are available now. (click here) Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free email publications: (click here)! For blog posts announcements, you can select the “RSS Feed” link (above). Then, with a Feed-reader app. you’ll be up to date. Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. We are needed now. Some information received as recently as yesterday includes the following: We can speed things up in order to guarantee a rapid resolution, all with our intent. It is intent that creates here. It is our intent. We must intend the removal of the controllers. All of them. Believe. Intend. Expect. We have united, our voice has been heard, we have anchored the light. It builds now and as it increases, those not on the same “wavelength” are pushed away. The dark exits. This can be accelerated with our belief and continuous effort. The conclusion is inevitable, the timing is not. There is a cloud of our light and as it builds, it pushes the dark away, taking its place. The dark does not resonate with our light, and this, this cloud of light, is what heralds our new earth. Think of it this way. Every pebble creates a ripple in the pond. Those ripples all reach the edge of the pond, regardless of the size of the pebble tossed in. Change the size of the pebble into something larger, something like a boulder, and the reach is the same. The ripples will still reach the edge of the pond. Yet, the force and speed with which this occurs increases dramatically. Each evening, before sleeping, just think: “It’s time for you to go.” Intend their exit in whatever way works for you and direct that intent towards whatever dark controlling element, institution, activity, organization or being that feels right. You’ll know. If you wake up feeling a bit achy, it’s because you’ve engaged in some determined effort. It was not physical effort, another part of you was engaged in the dreamscape. Yet you awaken as a physical being, and the effort extended is felt here. We begin our multi-dimensional awareness now. Cool, isn’t it? Perhaps this song shared below will help. Maybe they just need to know how to go? That’s why we’re here. Let’s do this. I love you with all of my heart. It is an honor to stand beside you as we assist in the liberation of this beautiful planet. With appreciation for all that you are, Sophia Words of One Volumes I, II and now III are getting all 5-star reviews! Read them all, for insight into this 2020 year. Both Kindle & paperback editions of all 3 are available now. (click here) Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free email publications: (click here)! For blog posts announcements, you can select the “RSS Feed” link (above). Then, with a Feed-reader app. you’ll be up to date. Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. There are so many things to say…As the subject of this article was tossed and turned around all week, I stumbled onto a real gem. You’ll get to see it too, once you watch this video. It is a gorgeous description of Oneness, as actually felt viscerally, by Bobbie Richardson. It is just a few moments, a quick journey that will leave you with a knowing of Oneness, a feeling of Source, an idea of where we are headed, a return to our beginning. I urge you to take the trip, you won’t be sorry. We are not alone; despite the masks and the lockdowns and the fear of infection from each other. Having just completed an intense month of focus on Covid-19, within my own family, I’d like to share some perspective. When I spoke to Bobbie Richardson today about sharing her video, she used the word “humbled”. It is a perfect word to begin the conversation. I am not sure how this will conclude, meaning the article and not this universal moment, yet humbled is where it starts. For I have seen love in human form and it has been an honor to witness. It is a gift to be here at all. I am humbled by love, for it is an awesome power. It is beyond what can be described, so here’s a bit of a picture from some very human eyes. This moment, right now, is one of introspection. We can blame someone or something else for our pain right now, yet honestly? That’s misdirection and avoidance at its finest. We’ve all done it and, perhaps, are still embroiled in it. Blame. Fault. Judgment. We’ve held onto these for so long now they seem knee-jerk and automatic. “I hurt!” “It’s your fault!” “Stop being mean!” “Quit doing that!” “You are ___!” None of that matters right now. The blame game concludes without a winner. When it is all said, and it is all done, there is only you. That’s what Oneness is. It is you. It’s only and ever been you. People showing up on your radar this year are mirrors. They are here to get your attention. Why do we use mirrors? So that we can see what we look like. So that we know if our hair looks okay and our outfit matches. So that we can satisfactorily present ourselves to the world. It is a self-check device; a mirror. We’ll want to look our very best for this next part. When the word humbled is used here, it is not used as in hierarchy, but rather this definition: “reflecting, expressing, or offered in a spirit of deference”. We’ve been told that there was a line to get to earth for this moment, and now I know why. We get to feel, see and experience it all. Everyone here right now is a Master. We are walking among Angels and Warriors. That’s it. No exceptions. When you realize the pure love of another being, especially perhaps, one you don’t completely comprehend, or agree with, it can be shocking. It has the effect of opening your eyes. You see, Oneness is not sameness. It doesn’t mean we agree or look the same. Words like conformity or obedience are not even in the ballpark of Oneness. Those words? They are about control disguised as comfort. And Oneness is not comfortable. Oneness is truth. It is found in an acceptance of every other. It begins with acceptance of self. The privilege held in this year, and this moment for the race, is found in each other. There is no other who chose your spot here, your place in line, for earth 2020. It’s yours. You chose it. You’ve made it. You’re here. Your purpose? To illustrate love in human form. Watch this clip to learn more. It’s one of our family’s favorite movies. What I’ve learned, and recently, is that it is not my place or purpose to figure out other people or decide if I approve of what they do or don’t do, say or don’t say, feel or don’t feel. That’s on them. It is my place to love. In whatever way I recognize. In whatever form I decide it should look. In whatever manner that works. For me. Because it won’t be the same as your way. It can’t be. We are unique and individual. We are also One and united. Not united in energy or method, no. United in purpose. We are here to love. Your love may be sharing quilts or jokes or exercise or books or food or songs or stories or dance or healing or building houses or fixing sinks. Whatever lights you up is your love. It doesn’t have to come from a single person or in a specific way. There are no rules to love. It merely is. What is humbling this year is that I get to participate at all. I get to watch us love each other, and discover ourselves, and reach into the deep pockets of our greatest fears, (that we are unlovable, and will end up alone) – and risk sharing that in order to heal. What is witnessed here and now is the awesome drive of our human spirit, the determination to complete this life with purpose, and with love. The power of love. Despite all odds, it grows every single day. It is mind-blowing. It looks different than expected. It does not disappoint however. It sustains and holds and allows. It grabs each of us and asks us to notice how we are looking in that mirror. It averts our eyes from judgment and directs them towards gentility. It holds us together, even when masks and social distancing conspire to keep us apart. We cannot be held apart. The single most perfect element of a human being is his or her heart. From there, love finds a way and carries the rest through. The rest of the humans. Your family. Us. It is humbling to be here with you at all. It is an honor to witness this transformation; to share the journey with so many gorgeous beings of brilliant light. Thank you. We are One. With appreciation for all that you are, Sophia Words of One Volumes I, II and now III are getting all 5-star reviews! Read them all, for insight into this 2020 year. Both Kindle & paperback editions of all 3 are available now. (click here) Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free email publications: (click here)! For blog posts announcements, you can select the “RSS Feed” link (above). Then, with a Feed-reader app. you’ll be up to date. Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. |
January 2025