For a week now I’ve been writing this post in my mind; there is so much to say! In all likelihood, this will take more than one pass, so let’s get started. The solstice coincides with entirely new energies. This has been said at other points, yet today the evidence of the influx seems to have pushed through the veil. It is showing up in my every day. I don’t have to watch world events or read someone else’s report to validate this. There is a 3D sense of this change. It is felt right here, right now. As witness…
With these things in mind, let’s go places we like. Ah hell, let’s go places we love. There’s a reason this shift is skewed towards the feminine/receptive part of our brains. It’s because with feeling we inspire our creations. Until now, the controllers had the edge on manipulating our life. They did this with fear. That fear was necessary in order for the slavery mindset to be sustained. Fear needs to be the first thing to go. Let it go. I have this idea. What if we released a picture of the current bank names, changing them to the names of the family that ran them? Instead of paying interest to JP Morgan Chase, a corporation, see yourself paying it to Mr. Rockefeller, another human. It would not be inaccurate, and it could alter a fundamental construct that allows this debt system to continue with our compliance. Debt is fraudulent at its core. We are equal. At the heart of these ramblings is this. We are in new territory. This incoming vibe favors constructive, positive action and expansion. Let’s utilize it to speed things along. Without limits imagine joy. See peace. Feel beauty. Breathe passion. Hear “yes”! We are in a place now that absolutely supports our emergence. Notice. Believe. Expect. Intend. We will then see it everywhere. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for ~ let’s do this. With so much love, ~Sophia PS I’ll be starting another series of Love Quests next month! These new energies herald depths of love not experienced before on earth. It is time for another Quest! Look to my blog and face book page for announcements! You can support this work with a newsletter subscription and book purchase! Details can be found at my store, click here! Much gratitude for your wonderful book reviews! Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged.
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Here’s what I know, which springs from what is felt, what is heard, and what is seen. We’ve entered a cloud, if not THE CLOUD of what is, for us, a brand-new frequency. It is not just earth, but all of the solar system here with us. These energies we are feeling will not dissipate. In fact, they may intensify. Welcome to the new norm. How this has played out for me has been a sort of roller coaster; there are extremes on both ends. There are days when I’ve woken up feeling completely dark. The “reason” for the blackness was not obvious, yet it permeated everything. This could be followed by a day of amazing, all-encompassing love. Where I experienced a deep peace. Only to wake up the very next day with a myriad of physical symptoms and an experience of “hollow”. It was as if I’d been sobbing all night; my eyes were puffy and my head foggy. To say I’ve been confused by these back to back symptoms is an understatement. Subsequent conversation and contemplation leads to this. We are in it to win it; the only way out is through. What this feels like is a sort of “dark night of the soul”. Our deepest emotional and physical addictions are showing up now to greet us with full force. In order to move past them, we have to confront them. They will not be ignored, and they are not coming with us. This plays out differently for each of us, yet at the core of every addiction is fear. We have the opportunity now to change everything by letting that go. It is the only way to move successfully in concert with our new frequency. So, actually, if you’ve been struggling lately for reasons that are unclear, it’s a good thing. It means that you are on board for this shift. You need to lighten your load and let go of some baggage. I know, I know, it feels like “Again? More? Will this ever end?” Yes, yes, and yes. The first step is to recognize the unnecessary and unhelpful thought. It will sound something like: “Here it comes again, I’m sick.” “How will I ever find the money I need?” “The world is a mess! It will never improve.” “I am not safe.” “I am surrounded by evil.” And so on… These inner thoughts can be turned around in whatever way that works for you; with immediate and constructive images and thoughts. These thoughts and visions don’t have to deny the current situation, but instead work around it. What I do when they show up, is to imagine myself refusing a drink at a bar (which is my visual for any addiction that is showing up). I then visualize myself feeling and looking great, relaxed, laughing and sharing with lots of people who are also feeling and looking great! I get real specific, with outfits and locations, so that I can feel it. If I am having physical symptoms accompanying the addictive thought, I will take natural or homeopathic remedies to soothe them; really doing this, not visually. I’ve been getting outside more, moving around more in nature. I consistently intend; meditation provides the backdrop for my days. These are infused with visuals of places I choose to be and an all-encompassing peace. I use any and all methods to retain this state, day and night, upon waking and before going to sleep at night. Make no mistake, the real work we came for is upon us now. We are creating the world we shift into. The controllers are panicked and throwing every fear based dialogue they can at the collective. They will not create or build with these ideas, but destroy. These new frequencies are ripe with creative potential. It is upon us to seize them and expand them. We are equipped right now to do so; our heart supplies the necessary fuel. Adjust your expectations and embrace the possibilities that are before you. It’s okay to notice the fear. Then use it to create what it is you desire. Your power to do so extends as far as you believe it does. Believe, intend, and then witness your expectations. This is what you came for. You are the ones we’ve been waiting for ~ let’s do this. With so much love, ~Sophia PS I’m so excited to announce the beginning of another series of Love Quests next month! They ended several years ago with a group of about 5,000 + of us! At that time, it felt as if we had explored about as far as we could. These new energies herald depths of love not experienced before on earth. It is time for another Quest! Look to my blog and face book page for announcements! Please support my work with a newsletter subscription and book purchase! Details can be found at my store, click here! Much gratitude for your support and book reviews! (I love the turtle, his expression is perplexed, maybe crabby, but determined and he's still going!!!) Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. !Home. The word is a conjurer, wielding pain, pleasure and profound exposure simultaneously. We all have one, some would argue more than one. Right now, this is being scribed from my physical birthplace. Yet, as familiar as this all is, there is another home out there of mine, also familiar, and in surprising ways, more-so. I know these roads. On them, I began my journey – first on foot, then bicycle and eventually with automobile. The back streets come to me without Google or Yelp. I find the fastest route and the yummiest ice cream. The birds are familiar. I notice the absence of a distinctive song bird; we called it a “bob white”. I am told they seem to have gone from here. The woods are overgrown. I can't find that tree under which I had my first kiss. What is not gone is the feeling. It springs from those of us who grew up on this island. We are familiar. It is a similar feeling that tells me of another home. This one has no visuals – yet. I am fortunate. I've “spoken” to my other family, getting a sense of them and of home. Profound love rests there. It feels bigger in a different way than this love from my birthplace. Both are real. For me, this other home is the Pleiades. I know not which celestial body. For you, it will be that place (or people) that conjures up this emotion of “home”. I've been told that most of us doing this work are a sort of hybrid. That DNA from others was added to that of our earth/birth parents. That our essence chose the configuration specifically for this moment on earth. We are human. We were born with a sense, sixth sense perhaps, of not “fitting in”. With a knowing deep within that there were others, that they were family also. Yet they were not from earth, and not here with us. I am told that there are also 100% humans. No additional DNA has been included in their physical costume. All of their memories take place here, on this slave planet. It is all they have ever known. This results in a sort of split. Those of us with memories of “free” and those of us without. You can perhaps see, in this scenario, how everyone is “right”. We know what we know and believe what we have seen demonstrated. Genetics play into our physical expressions. We are all human, of that there is no doubt. The split shows up in belief patterns, in reasons for being alive at all. We (the light workers) have shown up to demonstrate that another way is indeed possible. This shift in consciousness only happens when enough of humanity wants it to. It is not enough that we are waking up, but it is a necessary start. The more of us that awaken, the greater effect our numbers can have on humanity. And once enough of humanity wants to shift – we shift as One. This script is being written each day. You'll hear scientific explanations for the changes, as well as “woo-woo” explanations. It's all true. What none of them have is an exact “time”. That will be determined by the whole of us. We come from many places, and have converged on a planet for a purpose. It's not enough that we talk only to each other. We must reach everyone we have access to. The Wonder Woman film is astounding in so many ways. The most powerful, however, is in its expression of love. This is not a hearts and flowers, teary, sappy, kissy-face love. No, this love has the force of creation behind it. It is kick ass. It's appearance on a big screen production heralds a generation of little girls with new heros, as well as ways and reasons to enter the fray and make a difference. Without giving anything away; it's worth seeing and sends a potent 5D message to humanity. Now, we all don't have access to Hollywood, but actual change happens within relationships and we all have those. The more we get out there and share, the faster things change. We are the ones we've been waiting for – let's do this. With love and gratitude, ~Sophia PS – Please support this work! Purchase my books, The Guardian and Inclusion, here, or a newsletter subscription, here! Thank you! Usage Policy: Please post this article everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. “Once upon a time” is such a perfect way to put it. The action now happens somewhere “upon a time”. This works out to mean “not now”. It also means “not real” (because “time” is not real), and nothing real happens “upon a time” – it merely is, NOW. Like our eternal essence. It is for this reason the following story is told. What is real is not a player in this story. Therefore, what is real has not been harmed. This is not to negate the horror and harm of the story, but to put it in perspective. Fairy tales are true. They crawl out of the heads of their authors and onto our bookshelves. They eventually creep into our nightmares and imaginations. From our imaginations, we create worlds. These worlds are as real as we believe them to be. We believe what we can accept. There are two dialogues on the planet now, actually more. But for this discussion we’ll talk about two of them. One is based on fear and the other on love. You may call them 3rd and 5th dimensional conversations. I’d rather use the word “assumption”. Your world assumes a basic tenet of either fear (3rd) or love (5th). You are in the same place I am. Your assumption may create vastly different scenery, yet that doesn’t mean either view is false. It is possible for you to assume a reality of love (5th) and still notice what an assumption of fear (3rd) is up to. In fact, this is what is happening now. Those of us, who came to assist in this consciousness shift, are faced with this daily. You cannot deny this fear (3rd) assumption being played out, by saying “none of it is real” or “we are really beings of light”; because, to a vast number of humans, that would sound insane or delusional. This is their truth. What they see and feel is fear. Perhaps if they knew that what they see has been orchestrated so that they would feel fear, they’d get on top of and then past it. Here is where the fairy tale begins. It is true, but it is not real. It is being told here to offer yet another option. This option is to look straight at this fearful, not real thing and not be afraid of it, or relegate it to fantasy. Then, use it to enlighten others, so that it can end. Once we stop the fear, the game is over. It is the only way. There was once a soul that wanted an adventure. She had learned a great deal about power and was looking now to completely “get” forgiveness. An earth family was chosen. Within months of her arrival, she met those family members she’d have to forgive, and quickly learned why. They provided her with years of opportunities, thirteen actually. These opportunities included many of the things that are written about in today’s headline news’ stories. Here are a few of them:
She never did however. Her prior birth agreement had been fulfilled by then, and she “got” the necessity for forgiveness. She was offered money to stay. She did not. Instead she did many things, and one of them is to write this blog post. It is being offered here to you now, so that you too may share in these abundant opportunities for forgiveness. These horrific news stories of ritualistic abuse are true. They continue today, partly because they are too awful to contemplate for most people. Believe them. Then, do something about them. Meditate, pray, talk, write, make videos – do what you can to expose them. “Once upon a time” this fairy tale did happen. It happened in a tiny, rural US town, with men and women looking to gain access to position and wealth. These men and women were church goers, parents, teachers, principals, town officials, firemen, merchants, bankers. This cult had access to a non-human entity in a faraway place. It’s happening right now and right next door to wherever you are. It’s so much bigger than you think. This fairy tale has to be told so that it can finally end. We cannot change what we will not see. It is time now to alter our tag line. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for – let’s do this. With gratitude and so much love, ~Sophia PS – Please support this work with the purchase of one of my books, here, or a newsletter subscription, here! Thank you! Usage Policy: Please post this article everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. |
January 2025