![]() This is not a battle for conquest and defeat. The mindset for supremacy is what has led us into this time of revolution. The force propelling this movement now springs from our very essence. It is oneness. It is unity. It is love. Once balance is achieved, the ferocity of each engagement will change. Not today. Today our fiercest and most unwavering warriors are engaged around the clock. We are multi-dimensional and as such cannot be separated from every aspect of ourselves. You may have whispers of memory in your daily life – of negotiations, meetings, battles, conversations. These are not separate from you. They are alternate moments of the life you are experiencing now. Freedom is the goal and balance is key. The struggle is occurring everywhere we are. If you are a part of it here, you are doing it everywhere. We are penetrating the highest levels of control, of government, of ownership. We are changing everything and ushering in a new era. This is not without cost or constant effort. As we exit the sharp contrast of duality, those that would control it all are becoming blatant and vicious. They perceive themselves as having a lot to lose. There are many who are here for just this moment. They are fully “in it” now. These are the angels called in for the final play. They are here to guarantee the safety of the rest of us. We can think of ourselves as a team. As One, we’ve come to bring light to a very dark place; to balance what has, for a very long time, been seriously askew. Amongst us are teachers, healers, warriors, leaders, peacemakers and nurturers, to name just a few. As the finale draws ever closer, we are all called to act. Those that are healers need to focus energy on our warriors at the front now. The struggle is escalating right before the finish and these angels are in it night and day. Their 3D bodies are feeling tired and broken from this intense night work. They could use an extra jolt of light and dose of love. Focus on those who embody the energy of the lion; unyielding and ferocious when necessary. Once it has achieved its goal and is no longer threatened or hungry, the lion stands down. Balance is restored. The difference between this energy and that of the controllers is that in the latter case, they want everything, are looking for domination, and for them winning means complete obliteration of everyone other themselves. The force of the lion works for equilibrium. There are times when the ferocity of the lion is called upon to protect the pride. We are in those times right now. You know what your purpose is. As healers, if we come together and focus on those at the front, we are all strengthened. We are integrating and our nights and days are becoming blurred. It is love that has gotten us this far and will enable us to go further. Let’s join together, see each of us whole, healed and brilliantly going forward to do what we are called to. Send love, light and gratitude for the work being done on every level right now. We are doing this! It is an honor stand beside you. You are the One. ~Sophia PS As I was posting, there was a message from our off world contact. The page with those messages will be updated later today. Included here is one of the pieces of music from this message. The songs shared by this contact are meant to inspire and excite us into action, to remind us of why we are here. I urge you to listen to them all! Much love to you.
![]() This weekend brings with it great expectations. It is the last weekend in May and lots of folks we are listening to have mentioned this as a pivotal time. This is a story we’ve all heard before. It’s one we might be better off to ignore. The idea of something to wait for is very much the thought of a slave. Slaves wait to be told what to do and when and what they’ll receive for their actions. Masters DO, confident in the outcome. You are surrounded by Masters; many of them convinced of their slavery. Since you are reading this, you remain skeptical. Good. Right now, many Masters are engaged in freedom work. It is happening on the ground, in real time. It is happening in what we’ve come to call our dream time. You may be feeling tired, anxious, angry or agitated - without visible cause. This is most likely a remnant of your/our off planet engagement. Trust that all is well. You are right where you are supposed to be. As a Master, you have stopped waiting. If this decision hasn’t yet caught up to your daily life, it is time that it does. You are here to DO. Right now, there are legions of fierce ones assuring you succeed. You can proceed, knowing that your plans will be made manifest. With each effort, the idea of freedom expands. Those that stand at the ready to ensure your safety are the “Philosopher~Warrior~Angels” that were mentioned the other day. They are here to guarantee your success. Trust and DO. Now is the time. What are you contemplating? Do it. Fear is a fruitless enterprise. Love is powerful. It is fierce. It is synonymous with freedom. The statement “freedom isn’t free” applies here. There is work to be done. By us. You could write a letter, march, join, start, talk. Whatever you choose, do so with confidence. Your freedom has been guaranteed by forces you can barely imagine. The battle rages on, yet we’ve won. What is going on now is a relentless push by those who have yet to “get the memo”. Those who will assure that freedom prevails are fiercely, constantly engaged. They will not stand down, give up or change focus. It is time to honor them with equal efforts. You know your work. It is the thing running deeply through you always. It keeps you up at night and restless in your days, jobs and relationships. Unsure of when the time would arise to do it, you’ve held back, as if on “pause”. The time has arrived. The stage is set for a spectacular new vision. It’s based on agape as fuel for creation, new life and what comes next. As a Master, you’re not content with answers from elsewhere. All answers come from within and are given as a result of your DOing. It may not look exactly as you envisioned. That is because there are 7 billion of us, building it together. It’ll be better than we’ve imagined or seen before. It’ll open the door for yet more. It won’t get rid of everything; some people, programs and structures will remain. Yet they will now serve the whole and benefit the many. In our yard we’ve had two nests on different downspouts of our gutters. Four families have used these two homes – the second two building on what was built by the first, all this season; different species of birds. The first two built on what had been left from last year. Nothing was wasted. New life emerges with each generation – all from the same place. You have come to build on what is here, toss or alter what doesn’t work and keep at it until it fits. Trust that you know. Your success is guaranteed. Yesterday something shifted in the direction you’ve been headed. On some level, you felt it change, and your heart lifted. Allow your heart to guide you now; this is what you came for. The rest of us are watching. Show us who you are. You are the One. ~Sophia ![]() We are here on purpose. The focus of our journey thus far has been to wake ourselves and each other up. We’ve served as reminders and mirrors and helpers for each other. Sometimes with a hug, sometimes with a bit more force, we’ve been saying “Hey, I know you! Remember me? It’s almost time. Let’s do this.” Today, there are two points to share. I suggest listening to the music here while you read. The first is that not all of us angels are the cherub types. I’ve run into many, DreamHopper included, who fit into another style, completely self defined. Allow me to introduce some common characteristics of the Philosopher~Warrior~Angel. These are Light Warriors. They do not travel in packs. They are more typically loners. They are not so moved by holding hands, singing “Kumbaya”. This music stirs them, moves them and excites them more. They may, in fact, by quite disagreeable and not easy to convince. They are probably rather blunt. They are fierce, loyal to their family and love deeply. They distrust until convinced otherwise and act as sole judge and jury in every case. They work for Balance, for One and their work takes on actions that many would rather avoid. They are fearless and determined and formidable foes. They work alone and hence, in this life, may very well be “loners”. For them, justice is paramount and all are given equal quarter. They never act rashly, are deep thinkers and every effort is extended to benefit the Whole. They are not team players, but work for One. They recognize and respect each others work. They are strong willed, powerful and of pure heart. They have gathered here now for this very moment. It is time to free the planet. Recently, their dreams involve battles. They wake up feeling as if they were “pulled through a knot-hole” or that they’ve “acted in a Star Wars Saga.” They did. In their dream time, their greatest work is accomplished. The second point is – It’s all happening in this moment NOW. Last night, DreamHopper had a dream that speaks to what is happening in Morocco. In it, the I/UV Exchange was live and it was his job, along with many others, to be sure people could get to it and access their value. This involved physical protection as well as the introduction of ideas so that people would not either spend it all instantly or use it to continue to feed the slavery system by paying the banksters. The I/UV cannot be stopped. Yet there are many still around that would see it fail, or endeavor to steal whatever they can from whoever they have access to. His efforts included a sort of mind battle as well, as those still invested in slavery thinking work on many levels and “dimensions”. It included some magic. Some things and some people disappeared. He saw food replicators being worked on. He saw many others doing similar work. His part in it involved re-educating those that he had stopped. He referred to it as “extracting”. We have a current system based on slavery and separation. His work was to extract from it what was working and could continue to, even in this new system; while leaving corruption and duality behind. There is more, yet the point has been made. We are not done, far from it. My “off world contact” says we have three years to do this on our own. If you are close to someone who sort of fits the description here, he or she may be fully engaged in ways you can’t see. Thank them and understand that they’ll be really, really tired right now, and for some time to come. We are all in this together. Thank you for whatever part you play. It’s far from over. You are the One. ~Sophia ![]() Two words. They are crawling, jumping, whispering and shouting into my consciousness. “Do something.” Urgently and absolutely, this is a call to act. Last year, the Light Worker Series ended with December 22nd, First Day on the Job. Since then, there’s been a recovery and perhaps a bit of mourning going on from 12/21/12. Enough already, it’s been 5 months and there is much to do. The One People’s Trust broke the bonds of slavery for us. Now, with the I/UV in our pocket, it is up to us to shake them off completely and get to work. For the “owners” are still around, readying some shiny new shackles. This is not time to stop and rest. We exist beyond this dimension and many of us can relate to feeling wiped out each morning, exhausted from our night time “jobs”. While you were sleeping, the struggle for freedom was in full swing. Some of you are fully engaged in a very real “war”. This may sound abhorrent to your light worker ears, yet if it resonates at all, consider the idea that you just may be a light warrior. There will always be dark, pushing for domination. The experiment that is ending right now on earth is ending on all of its levels. Some of us have to go. Understand that as this gets played out, each being is contributing to the eventual balance and evolution that is in process. There is no death that has not been agreed to by all parties. There in truth are no enemies, we are One. Each of us is here with a part to play. Contrast, opposition, control and domination are as valid and necessary as cooperation, union, collaboration and peace. It takes extreme heat to forge metal and we are fortifying steel to make up for eons of manipulation. This takes an enormous amount of energy – our energy. So sleep when you are called to, it may be more necessary than you understand. Some of us remember our “night work”, others not so much. In either case, trust that the odd ache or fatigue is occurring with good reason. You are fulfilling a contract agreed to long ago. This does not mean we need do nothing while we walk around. It is necessary to push back just as hard as ever now; this 3D game will end just as soon as we refuse to play. What happened on the 19th is for the history books. It will be gradually revealed after a bit. The Light Warriors amongst us will remember and publicly share their tales. It’s not yet over; there are multiple endings. This is a multi-verse and the experiment is reaching its conclusion on every level. You know if you are a worker or a warrior. Keep “DOing” whatever it is you feel called to. Start what you’ve been thinking about. Say yes. Trust the rush you feel coursing through you – it is your eternal essence saying hello. As we evolve individually and collectively there is no denying the brilliance and power that we are. There is no greater force than that which comes from one who knows who they are. You cannot be manipulated, coerced or controlled. You are fully cognizant of your Godhood. This is ascension. Do not deny the process. Your destiny rests in your evolution and participation. What are you waiting for? You are the One. ~Sophia ![]() While we are waiting, let’s forgive. Let’s forgive everyone. Beginning with ourselves, we can change everything. You have most likely heard of Ho’oponopono. Here is a link to a description: http://www.laughteryogaamerica.com/4fun/grow/practice-hooponopono-simple-steps-1183.php . Essentially, there are four things to do/say/think. These are simple statements, and it matters not in which order they are done. They can be spoken aloud, written down, or whispered within. I am so sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you. Their power rests in their simplicity. These are ideas we are familiar with. There is nothing to learn, no special posture or place is necessary. They will have their effect regardless of form or volume. Only sincerity is necessary. You have to mean it. A bloodless revolution is possible and each one of us is called to participate. We are becoming inundated with “truths” and “revelations” and “lies”. None of these are easy to digest. It is interesting to me how we are often so quick to judge our own kind. Hatred is a virus and easily transferred with our emotion. You know better now. It is these very emotions (fear, hatred, anger) that are harvested, and the very reason the horrors continue to be staged and seem to be escalating. Those that would feed off of our fear are worried; they are seeing their own end. It is coming. We need do nothing but forgive. Love is who we are. We are called now to “stand up” and be only that which we are. (I know this is a commercial for a soft drink, but the message is clear and relevant to the simplicity of revolution.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PMLjHwwpAdg (video shown below) We are One. Let’s act like it. In the days, weeks and months directly ahead we will be further challenged to hold our ground. There is no one else who can do this. I am seeing legions of us, “standing up” for forgiveness, no matter what the landscape. This will change the world. What are you waiting for? You are the One. ~Sophia ![]() For more than a year now I’ve shared information from my offworld contact. I’ve transcribed it verbatim and it has consistently referred to this coming weekend as a pivotal time. You have been reading exactly what was told to me. Having lived through the harvesting and hoopla of December 21, 2012, I am not real fond of dates. I do feel however, that since this one (5/19/13) came from this blog and my web site, it should be addressed. Linear time is relative and with just a little bit of global awareness it’s obvious that May 19th, 2013 will begin at different moments for all of us. It is not a day to fear or be anxious about. I look at this day as a marker – nothing will be the same after it is over. Within three years time we will be rid of the cabal one way or the other (according to this off world contact). We’ve made the choice, as a people, to take things into our own hands. In every institution and government there are ripples of change erupting. Political parties are up to their usual tricks and we are no longer trusting or buying them; their plans are not working. Our sun has recently become very active. The I/UV exchange and Project XIII is scheduled to be launched by the end of May. We are undergoing physical changes to our DNA on a daily basis and are feeling it – we are tired and excited all at once. The Dalai Lama and the Vatican are talking about embracing our cosmic cousins, and UFO sightings monopolize “you tube”. The financial sector has been promising a roll out of a new system, along with a collapse of the current one, for weeks and months. We are waiting for an “event” – how about many “events”? Any one of these things will have a massive effect on life as we know it and that is the point. Life is about to become something completely different. This is not a guarantee of destruction or catastrophe, but of definitive change – change that is necessary for growth. Something’s gotta give. We’ve spent months, some of us years talking, listening and reading about this shift. We’ve had visions of what it would look like and expectations along with disappointments. Know this; it’s all been part of the plan, your plan. You’ve been preparing for amazing. The sense of anxious anticipation you are feeling right now is like that moment before you jump from an airplane to skydive. You can’t wait and are sort of terrified all at once. Then, you are flying. All the fear, worry and wondering is forgotten as you view the world in a brand new way; engulfed in thrills, sights and delightful sensations you didn’t know were possible. That’s where we are going. I don’t know what, if anything, will happen on 5/19/13 but I do know this. You came for this. You have planned and prepared and right now are creating the future you’ve dreamed of. You’ve been on the dock with your feet in the dinghy for a long time, waiting. It is scary to let go and leave that dock, but it is the only way you’ll get to sail. Time and the tide will render both too far apart for you to maintain both points of view for much longer – you have to choose. Ground yourself in agape and intend only the life you desire; to hell with dates. You have all that is required. This is the part you’ve come to assist with. We are altering everything and we are the only ones who can. Trust. All that you need is found within. Your heart knows. There is nothing you can’t do. What are you waiting for? You are the One. ~Sophia ![]() In these days of endless waiting, it occurs to me that even a bank account filled beyond comprehension will not alter the mindset of slavery. A lifetime of ownership has left deeply rooted beliefs and habits of speech. Some of these will be easy to let go of, while others are almost invisible. A slave is one who is owned. Their rights and permissible actions are determined outside of themselves; in fact, they ignore inner knowing in favor of outside validation for truth. They do this out of fear. Regardless of their feelings in any moment, they are obedient to their owners. In order for this experiment of control and manipulation to end, we have to stop acting, thinking and speaking as slaves. There are words we use every day that give evidence to our state of mind: Worship, subservient, allow, bow down, authority, top-down, class (ruling, upper, middle, lower), caste system, owner, ruler, king, hierarchy, monarchy, belong, rule, dictator, deserve, grant, pray, wealth, permission, job, owe, debt, disobey, illegal, order, must appear, jail, obey, freedom, ticket, enforce, allow, forbid, deny, educate, permit, paycheck, borrow, tax, punish, need, afraid, lose, weekend, work week, income, employment, unemployment, bum, homeless, blue collar, white collar, wage, salary, earn, own. There are others, this is not an exhaustive list. We are in a gradual process of emancipation and they will occur to us as we proceed. We’ll discover them as we feel our way to sovereignty. These are words that imply someone or something enjoys a level of control over another, over us. Freedom cannot be granted; free is what you are. For these changes are unprecedented and cannot be taught. It is with full consciousness that we’ll notice the twangs of ownership rear up in conversation. It could be with a friend, a bank, a boss, a spouse, a lover or a child. The habits of servitude and guilt around breaking the “rules” will not disappear on their own. We will forcibly end both, with persistence and compassion. Love is not acting in a way that makes someone happy – love is. How we act has no bearing on its existence. When love is recognized, clarity of purpose emerges. It is time to evict the words that hold our thoughts bondage to slave systems and ways of being. Pay attention to habits of ownership. Refuse debt of any kind. There is physical as well as mental and emotional debt. You stand free and unencumbered. Act as if you are. There is no one to wait for, obey, pay, owe or depend on. It’s all you. Level the playing field, everyone is equal. We have been envisioning freedom and cheering each other on as bonds are broken and success in “bucking the corruption” is realized. We are anxious for some cold, hard, spendable cash. After decades of slavery, this makes sense. But then what? Say you wake up Monday with access to billions and everyone knows it. What happens Tuesday? This is our next effort. We’ll get there together. What are you waiting for? You are the One. ~Sophia ![]() You are at the point on this journey where you cannot see around the bend. For most of the trip you’ve had those who went before you, telling you what to expect. No one has travelled this road yet – you are the first. Your elders, teachers and parents are right here with you. They cannot tell you what is coming, but they can tell you this: You are fully equipped for this and no one is more so. There is nothing wrong with you – everything is right with you. You have come for just this moment. Until now, it may have seemed you were wrong – you did not fit in one of society’s approved boxes. Awake now, you can see the reasons for this. Those boxes were meant to contain you, to shape you and to get you to conform. You were meant to fly. Do not let a credit rating, income level, authority or __________________ (fill in the blank) tell you otherwise. YOU ARE GODS – HERE TO USHER IN A NEW WORLD. You were never supposed to fit in. You are not a slave, and unlike many other humans, you’ve always known it. Something is wrong with this system and you’ve sensed it all along. There were not words to define it, you felt it within. Now, you know. What was wrong could not be blamed on you. What was wrong was the system itself. Today you will be the ones to show the way – first in line, with your hands thrown into the sky and grinning from ear to ear. The downhill ride is about to begin. Show us how it is done. Bill Hicks used to say “It’s just a ride”. We’ve reached the top of the roller coaster. You know that place. It is approached gradually. First there is a lot of planning and scheduling. Then there is that incredibly long, slow moving line. Then it is finally your turn and you enter a car. You strap yourself in and ascend, bit by bit. Regardless of how long you’ve waited or how prepared you are – that initial drop is a shock. There are two ways to ride this coaster – hanging on with an iron grip or letting go, arms up. You are here now to show us how to let go. You’ve always known the rules were stupid, that’s why you broke them. You’ve always felt out of place, that’s why nothing ever seemed to fit. Well, now, right now, it is you that will lead us. You fit perfectly. Conformity is not necessary, courage is. Blame is not called for, bravery is. Rules? There are none. This ride and the methods to enjoy it are without limits or restrictions. Everything about you that has been labeled wrong is needed right now. It is time. It is your time. It is an honor to witness your BEcoming. What are you waiting for? You are the One. ~Sophia ![]() This is a place of knowing. You have come from a place of wishing it was true, to a place of hoping it could be true, to knowing it is true. You are the value. The value is not held in the 5, 6 or 10 billion. The value is you. The whole notion of cash was a set-up. A brilliant device used to enslave and de-value you. It is no wonder the beings who devised this plan were referred to as “gods”. With the creation of ownership, the game was on. It is an old game, as evidenced by discoveries of hoards of ancient priceless artifacts along with stories of servants and royalty. These stories are your history. Deeply embedded in your collective subconscious is the notion of top-down, master-servant, and owner-slave. This is intentional. This gradual awareness of your enslavement has been your awakening. As you step back far enough, you see that pockets of revolution have always occurred. You write books and films about these revolts and their hero’s, always identifying with them at some level. You praise their courage and are fully in their camp throughout. This is because You are One. Slaves, servants, the lower rung, the working class are different brandings of just one thing – a being who believes himself owned. It may be a king or a mortgage, it matters not. If you believe your very life is dependent on you ability to work for something or someone (which is debt of any kind), you have a master. We have come now to understanding the corrupt banking practices that run the world. This is gradually morphing into a realization of our worth. We are the only value that has ever been. Nothing happens without our signature. It is our identity that begins the process and it is initiated at birth. We are catalogued, counted and our value is used as commodity. It is our absolute value that those who understand the game are after. We are stepping into a place of knowing. The fact that the game is rigged does not alter the players. We agreed to the game, used it to catapult our awareness and we’ve arrived at the moment of our realization. We are the value. If my signature is necessary for a lousy $300,000.00 mortgage or $5,000.00 credit card – then the worth of my Being is beyond comprehension. Numbers have been tossed out – 5 Billion, 10 Billion. Yet truly I say to you – Can you put a numerical value on life? Yes, right now money is deemed necessary and yes, until we end the game it will be (necessary) and yes, there is a system being launched, that will assure you get yours – but I ask you again, what number would you use to categorize the value of you? You are unlimited – an eternal BEing of light with Angelic DNA. You’ve volunteered to participate in a great forgetting so that you would one day come to an incredible process of remembering. You have been of service to the whole of creation. It is time now to accept your worth. This is not the same as pretending, dreaming or wishing, for in each rests a state of disbelief. This is a knowing. One of our sons wanted a two wheeler. So we got him one. It sat for days, maybe weeks, in the garage, un-ridden. There was some discussion, not much, about the idea that he’d figure it out just as soon as he got on that bike. Time passed. One day, without discussion, he marched down the stairs, out the door, to his bike and rode down the street. That was the day he stopped wishing he could ride a two wheeler. That day he knew he was a bike rider. Money has nothing to do with value. You are the value – money is a game piece. What Heather, Caleb and Randall did last year was figure out the game, call their bluff and lay the cards on the table for all of us to see. It was a brilliant move. With honor and gratitude I acknowledge their magnificence and accept responsibility for my own. Slaves wait to be told what to do. Masters decide what is necessary and take care of it. You are a Master. Take your life, your Absolute Value, into consideration in every moment. It is worth no less or more than the life of any other. We are One. I have said you are Gods. There is nothing beyond your reach. Within you is the stuff of miracles. Your imagination is your greatest tool, followed by belief, knowing and DOing. This is your game – what piece have you chosen and what will you do with it? Your value is beyond comprehension. It is time to spend it. A brave, bold, beautiful and powerful angel has said “It’s time to spend like a boss”. Yes Seraph, it is. Let no one who engages you misunderstand your value. BE the value every moment. Say “I AM” “I AM the Lord thy god. Thou shalt have no other Gods before me.” The words are true. They have been misrepresented, that’s all. Our God does not demand subservience. Our God is the One. It is the collective that has played the game; now its time to collect and “spend like a boss”. The Absolute Value does not rest in a number, it is found in each Embodiment of Eternal Essence. It is found in you. You know who you are. What are you waiting for? You are the One. ~Sophia ![]() Another message today, with some more information about disclosure and this weeks hearing: “Sophia, here is a deeper understanding of this event. What is always interesting is how "the most sacred wish when fulfilled is unnoticed". But this is the way the Universe was created;) Much Peace and Love to You!” http://www.tnetimes.com/article/585-ufo-and-extra-terresterial-disclosure-debbie-west-warner-von-braun-citizen-hearing-stanton-friedman-outer-space-treaty-brazil-edgar-cayce-haarp-archaeology-osmanagich-tellinger-daniken-vatican-sumerian-essenes-law-one-Bible/ Here is the article from the link which was included above: UFO and Extra-Terresterial Disclosure -- Part I by Debbie West Citizen Hearing on Disclosure Pressures U.S. to Join other Super Powers in Disclosure—Space Treaty to Ban Space-Based Weapons Next Step HOUSTON, TX — April 29, 2013 — The Citizen Hearing on Disclosure scheduled April 29 through May 3, 2013 at the National Press Club in Washington DC reveals with certainty that the truth about extra-terrestrials and UFO’s has been hidden from the public. The real question is how? And why has this has been going on for so long? It is no accident that the US is fixated on ridiculous media reports while this event is happening. The media distraction has been effective for too long. Tired of the lies and deception, and awakening by the millions, nations and people across the globe are demanding the truth. The key message from all extra-terrestrial civilizations making contact with us is clear. We are on a path of destruction of the earth and are being warned to stop before we destroy our home. This is a warning we must heed as we open our minds to the reality of disclosure and a universe full of life. Stopping space based weapons is the next step so earth can emerge peacefully into the galactic community. In an effort to push disclosure on the US Government, the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure will present conclusive evidence that there is an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race. The speakers including astronaut Edgar Mitchell, Dr. Steven Greer and Stanton Friedman are attempting to accomplish what the Congress has failed to do for forty-five years—seek out the facts surrounding the most important issue of this or any other time. “The truth is that aliens are indeed visiting us and that they recognize us as a primitive, tribal, and war like species bent on endless warfare and our own destruction,” stated Stanton Friedman, one of 40 speakers at the upcoming Citizen Hearing on Disclosure. “We here on earth have developed technologies in nuclear physics, rocketry and radar that allow us boundless opportunities. But we have yet to evolve into an understanding that we are all earthlings and need to use this technology for the greater good and our own survival.” He further adds,” Candidly, other races observing earthlings would undoubtedly see us as a threat to their neighborhood.” Space-based weapons have been a concern for decades as it prevents earth from participating in the galactic community in a peaceful way. Carol Rosin Executive Director of the Peace and Emergency Action Coalition for Earth who worked for many years with Warner Von Braun is pursuing signatures from all nations for the Outer Space Security and Development Treaty to ban space based weapons. The Honorable Paul Hellyer, former Minister of Defense, Canada, and another speaker at the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure says, "This Treaty is the most important document of our time." This treaty changes the outdated and dangerous warfare paradigm mindset of the military industrial complex as it now exists and paves the way for earth to peacefully enter the Space Age. Rosin is also founder of the Institute for Security and Cooperation in Outer Space, and World Peace Ambassador for the International Association of Educators for World. Peace. She has testified before the U.S. Senate Arms Services Committee, the Congressional House Ways and Means Committee, and the U.S. President’s Commission on Space. While other countries like China have opened some of their UFO files, so far the US has resisted. Since the crash at Roswell, many government files in the US have been classified and kept secret. Trillions of dollars are spent yet the public is not informed. In Brazil, the disclosure of extra-terrestrial contact was officially started as a result of a similar citizen event which made a formal request to the Brazilian Ministry of Defense that all UFO secret archives be disclosed. On April 25, 2013, the release of documents was announced by the Brazilian Ministry of Defense. Concurrently, our most courageous scientists and archaeologists are delving into the reality of extra-terrestrials not only in the present era, but dating back perhaps thousands—if not millions of years. Discoveries about our ancient past uncover a story of such magnitude that is at first hard to digest, but just like any dark secret, when the story unfolds, the truth sets us free. Acknowledging and understanding contact with other civilizations involves totally changing our concept of history and our religious and scientific understanding of the universe. Many ask, where is the evidence that civilizations were here before us? Evidence now shows us that ancient civilizations like Atlantis existed 30,000 years ago as described by Edgar Cayce’s readings. These civilizations nearly destroyed the earth with weapons designed to change the climate and the cosmic structure around the earth. Currently NASA is experimenting with their HAARP climate controlling technology. Recent reports show that NASA is also trying to bring planets and/or meteorites into earth’s atmosphere which can destroy not only our planet but much of our solar system. According to historians who understand ancient history, this must be stopped because it will destroy the earth. Notably, the most recent and significant evidence is presented by the following researchers and historians:
January 2025