Hi everyone. There have been some insights gained and it is deeply hoped that they come through this post. These are personal conclusions, interwoven with questions. They are my own and come from conversations that took place with various people and beings, all this week.
An attempt will be made to be brief. We are all inundated, let’s hope this is worth the moment it takes to digest. We approach unity. It will not arrive until there is a common enemy, one obvious to the whole. Sort of like COVID-19, but this time actual beings, rather than a virus. This is a polarized world, so it has to play out that way. There will be a reason to unite. We do not see each other the same way today. We’ve managed to create the perfect atmosphere for a storm, the ideal set up for the final conflict. It is coming. We are the writers, remember? We love a good show. We all feel this. We’ve all been set up for this; “played” as it were. And now, in the not too distant future, we’ll see it erupt, crumble and then rebuild. It will feel like forever as this occurs, yet when we look back, we’ll realize it was but a brief blink in “time”. We experience now the grieving of our way of life, our world. This is actual grief. It will help to remember that. The ending has to come and if you are a reader of this work, you knew this before today. We all did, on some level. What we didn’t know, was how it would play out. What we didn’t know, was when it would happen. What we didn’t think about, was the extreme sense of loss we’d feel. What we didn’t expect, was this deep indwelling pain. What we never envisioned, was that we’d miss some of what we called “our life”. We imagined a kinder, gentler end to our current controlled society. We only imagined the good parts; the rainbows and butterflies’ version. Think about what it would be like if you’d never imagined even those? You’d, right now, be seeing and feeling the immense loss, identifying with the separation, without knowing of the oneness and peace at the other side, waiting. You’d feel grief, despair, loss and little hope. Words said past week, by folks both old and young, included “We’ve been robbed” “It has to be someone’s fault” “I’m more stressed now than when I lost my child, and that was loss of life” “I can’t sleep” “It doesn’t really matter what I do” “I will never own a home” “I will never have kids, I wouldn’t wish this on anybody” “People my age (this was someone aged 20-something) feel like they have to do something, so they march, because at this point if they lose their life because of it, at least then it (their life) will have meant something” “I have no future. I have no plans” “Should I leave the country?” “Should I stay and fight?” “I wear a mask because I care about society. Even if it doesn’t work, at least I tried.” “I don’t think these masks do anything, yet I have to wear one so I can work” “When I see someone without a mask, that tells me all I need to know” That’s just some of it. These are real people. These were accompanied with real tears. So here is the point of this post. It is to say - let’s just stop pointing fingers. Let’s instead join hands and intertwine them. We can do this digitally. We have got to stop the separation. The names and the sides and the MAGA and the Leftist and the Liberal and the funny memes about all of us - have to just stop. This is not the sort of ending where somebody with all the right answers wins. The winners are all of us hue-mans. Not some of us. All of us. You’ll know what it was we won, and who it was that we were actually fighting, soon enough. The sooner we unite in this fight, the less collateral damage we’ll have to clean up when it’s over. It is up to us. Whatever idea you hold that separates you from anyone else, it is time to let it go. With everything you can muster, love. Love it all. Our children are in so much pain. Gaia will not allow this to go on much longer. We’ve begun our last lap. It is happening. We are One. Abandon the labels and the blame. Resist the urge to shout out how ridiculous this or that is, all for the sake of a “like”. Do nothing but love. This is not to say stop sharing information. Reports and facts, by all means, yes. Yet, when they come wrapped in sarcasm, just don’t. None of us are stupid. We are all doing what we must to feel better. My choice may not float your boat, and that is okay. Just let it ride. It’ll all come out in the end. What worked, what didn’t, what was true, what was false, who the enemy really is. There is only one ending and it is evolution, expansion, enlightenment, upliftment, Ascension. It all ends in joy, I promise. This is a stage of grief, remember? We are only about 6 months in. All estimates from the experts say it takes a full five years to process. So first be gentle with yourself and tender with this precious life hold. Then, be gentle and tender with everyone else. There is only one way we reach the finish line. It is together. I love you all so very much. We are the Ones. We have anchored the light. It is done. With appreciation for everything you are, Sophia New book release (click here) for "Words of One" volume I. This is both the Kindle release, and the paperback version, which was just released as well! Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free email publications: (click here)! Blog posts are weekly. Select the “RSS Feed” link (above). Then with a Feed-reader app. you’ll be up to date. Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you.
Having spent the greater part of the last week doing research on masks, no-masks and infection rates for the coronavirus, it’s discouraging that there is not much definitive to report. Yet, here we go. This is an opinion; it considers facts that are included for you to research on your own.
To begin, and to be perfectly clear, it is with complete faith that I trust we will sort this out. We are brilliantly orchestrating this 2020 year with precision and skill. Who else but humanity could create such a perfect visual representation of polarity – separation vs unity – masked vs unmasked? We are in the midst of self-discovery while swimming through currents of social intervention. These waves shout at us and threaten to pull us down into the undertow. Resist. At all points retain your momentum. Maintain your focus on truth. Look past the debris and aim for the substance. Beauty and freedom wait for you there. Trust your gut. Heed your heart. Masked or unmasked? We’ll begin with some available data… Just today, the city of Chicago announced that they are increasing restrictions on taverns and bars without food licenses, because of a “spike” in positive case numbers in people aged 18 – 29. They can now only serve outdoors. Maximum table size is 6 people, where it had been 10. Restaurants, however, have no such restrictions. As the school year approaches, the Governor of Illinois, USA, has taken the preemptive measure to file a lawsuit ensuring that all children, teachers and staff returning to the classroom in a few weeks wear masks. All to prevent the spread of COVID19. There are other states taking other measures. Yet various organizations tell a different and maddeningly confusing story… The WHO says this (<- for full article: as quoted below) on April 6, 2020: “Studies of influenza, influenza-like illness, and human coronaviruses provide evidence that the use of a medical mask can prevent the spread of infectious droplets from an infected person to someone else and potential contamination of the environment by these droplets.” (Conclusion #1: For those who are infected, medical masks can prevent the spread of the virus to people or the environment.) “There is limited evidence that wearing a medical mask by healthy individuals in the households or among contacts of a sick patient, or among attendees of mass gatherings may be beneficial as a preventive measure.” (Conclusion #2: It has not been proven that medical masks worn by healthy people will prevent them from getting the virus, even if people with the virus are in your house.) “However, there is currently no evidence that wearing a mask (whether medical or other types) by healthy persons in the wider community setting, including universal community masking, can prevent them from infection with respiratory viruses, including COVID-19.” (Conclusion #3: No evidence currently suggests that healthy people wearing any kind of masks in public will protect them from getting the virus.) And for a little change of pace… This is the CDC’s advice: (<- Full article: as quoted below) from July 14, 2020 “Americans are increasingly adopting the use of cloth face masks to slow the spread of COVID-19, and the latest science may convince even more to do so. In an editorial published today in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), CDC reviewed the latest science and affirms that cloth face coverings are a critical tool in the fight against COVID-19 that could reduce the spread of the disease, particularly when used universally within communities. There is increasing evidence that cloth face coverings help prevent people who have COVID-19 from spreading the virus to others.” If you read the article, you discover that what sounds more anecdotal than statistical information is what actually informs this conclusion. Two hair stylists from Missouri and a hospital system in Boston, MA are referenced. This sounds more like a campaign ad than any conclusive scientific data: “CDC analyzed data from an internet survey of a national sample of 503 adults during April 7–9 and found that about 62% said they would follow the newly announced recommendations to wear a face mask when outside the home. A repeat survey during May 11-13 showed that the percentage of adults endorsing face mask wearing increased to more than 76%. The increase was driven largely by a significant jump in approval by white, non-Hispanic adults, from 54% to 75%. Approval among Black, non-Hispanic adults went up from 74% to 82%, and remained stable among Hispanic/Latino adults at 76% and 77%. There was also a large increase in face-mask approval among respondents in the Midwest, from 44% to 74%. Approval was greatest in the Northeast, going from 77% to 87%.” The CDC and the WHO were brought up first because we’ve all heard of them. They are quoted often in news reports. They seem marginally to agree that if you have the virus, a mask will prevent you from spreading it to me if I am nearby. There is so much politicizing of the mask. Russell Brand chimes in here, this was on July 17th, and it captures how many of us are feeling: (click here) Note the moment when he looks at the camera and just pauses… it is powerful. Here’s another video, from last week, by a doctor from the UK, who states that there is “overwhelming evidence” on the usefulness of mask wearing as a tool to stop the spread of the virus. His name is Dr. John Campbell (click here) I’ve listened to him before. Yet, note that the “evidence” is not given, so there is no available source for it – making this sound more like propaganda than science. Here’s a podcast with Tony Robbins, from May 7, 2020, introduced this way: “Tony uncovers the truth about coronavirus with a 7-person panel of highly qualified researchers, an experienced epidemiologist, a Nobel Laureate, and M.D.s testing and treating patients on the frontlines. Together, they reveal the evidence-based research that has come to light in the last two months.” (click here) They don’t go into a good deal of discussion on masks, yet the virus is examined throughout. Highly recommended, yet long. Here are some conclusions. There is a virus. It appears to have been intentionally made; by that is meant it did not occur naturally and jump to the human population. Rather, it was unleashed. It doesn’t act like anything we’ve ever seen. (click here) It was first released in China, where masks were already routinely worn due to high pollution rates, as well as for protection from contagion. Visuals are important here on earth, and immediately we connect COVID-19 with masks. China withheld the truth of the virus until well after it was beyond the point of containment. It quickly spread planet-wide as leadership scrambled to contain it within their own countries. Some have done better than others, if the numbers we’re told are in fact true. In the United States it quickly became politicized, and a sensational media madhouse; hence our mask confusion. This Pandemic is an opportunistic one. Fear is now motivating the social reaction as well as efforts of social control since its arrival. Remember that fear is the weaker stance, in any confrontation or action. What has not changed, since April, are the recommendations by the WHO. Remember? “However, there is currently no evidence that wearing a mask (whether medical or other types) by healthy persons in the wider community setting, including universal community masking, can prevent them from infection with respiratory viruses, including COVID-19.” We have the media telling us that to wear masks is a statement of “concern for your fellow humans”, yet, and at the same time, the World Health Organization telling us it will not protect us to do so. This is about control, and not health. I am sorry for this, yet it is the only conclusion to be drawn, based on the information we have. We saw it rage through Wuhan, China, where they all wear masks anyway, and then watched horror-stricken as the CCP boarded-up citizens in apartment buildings, and shut off all contact with the outside world. We do not have an accurate picture of how many were killed there, but the numbers were staggering. This virus will not be stopped with a mask. It can be prevented from causing you harm however, with a healthy immune system. If the media or government was truly interested in the current health of the people they communicate with, they would disseminate actual, consistent, transparent and helpful facts for those people to then consider. It is clear that most of the recommendations now made publicly are more about an unseen agenda than they are about truth or health. This is unfortunate. Having said that, and in light of the current atmosphere, wearing a mask in public creates a sort of sigh of relief from those workers behind the cash registers. They feel as if they are risking their lives for minimal wages, and see the population of shoppers as threats. This is not a small thing, these are our friends, family and fellow citizens. It’s an unfortunate consequence of state-run media manipulation with half-truths and outright lies. It’s going to take an act of God to convince them otherwise, in many cases. At the end of the day, we’ll have to decide for ourselves. We infuse meaning into our lives and right now those lives include a decision about masks. I’m writing now to ask us to consider what just may be true. That we’ve been attacked as a race and it is time to stop pointing fingers at each other and instead consider what is really going on here. We are being played, again, and this mask discussion is mere diversion. It is meant to separate us, so let’s just stop letting it do that. “Masked lives Matter” “un-Masked lives Matter” “All lives Matter” The real question is how long will we hang on to outside sources of control and protection and truth, rather than dig deep and discover our own well of wisdom? We are still playing games here, what with the blaming and accusing of caring or nor caring, wearing or not wearing… we are not the enemy. Yet there is one. We are about to discover the source of this evil and it won’t matter what you’ve got on your face when you hear it. It will matter what you’ve got between your ears. We are here for this moment and it is about to be unmasked. Once the absolute truth is revealed, you’ll remember what is true. It will resonate as nothing about this Pandemic has. Trust. You know what to do. You’ll feel it in your heart. We are the ones. We have anchored the light. It is done. With love and appreciation for all that you are, Sophia New book release (click here) for "Words of One" volume I. This is both the Kindle release, and the paperback version, which was just released as well. Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free email publications: (click here)! Blog posts are weekly. Select the “RSS Feed” link (above). Then with a Feed-reader app. you’ll be up to date. Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you. You may have forgotten what you came for, or how it works. The landscape has mesmerized you. Perhaps you’ve taken a short cut or traveled the scenic route. Some of you have abandoned the road altogether and taken flight or else run for cover. None of your choices alter what is happening. Nothing stops what is coming. The dismantling proceeds, regardless of opinion. It is not you that’s being undone, although it may feel that way. It is the structure surrounding you that is dissolving. It will help to remember that always. It is not you. You will not come apart. You came to participate. It will help to be conscious of that fact always. You are here to participate. We all are. Each of us enters and exits at certain levels and moments, carrying pockets full of tools and alarm clocks. The clocks tell us “Now!” and “Now!” and “Now!” it’s time to take this next step or end this current project. The tools are your chosen methods of expression. What they don’t do is tell you when it’s time to point at or demand behavior from any other. When a “Now!” alarm is ringing for you, it doesn’t matter if anyone else likes the meal you are taking out of the oven. It’s done. It must be removed. This was a meal you started, not anyone else. Implying that anyone else must also remove their meal, so that you feel okay about removing yours, is a pointless exercise. You don’t know what went into their meal, why they prepared it or who they prepared it for. Chances are it won’t be ready when you are, but will be ready when they are. The point is this. No-one is doing it wrong. We just all have different tools and alarms, set to go off at different times. Remember that we set these clocks ourselves. What is happening on a grander scale than any of us can see, is in the midst of miraculous and beyond our immediate comprehension. That alarm will be a surprise for us all. There is our 3D realm/home. There is our multi-D realm/home. You, right now, occupy both simultaneously and actively and this is confusing. It is rapidly shifting and can appear frightening or at times, rather humorous. Your own perception isn’t the correct perception necessarily, it is merely and beautifully the perception you hold. That makes it perfect for you, yet it does not make it perfect for everyone else. We’ve spent our lives, up until this year perhaps, noticing, talking about and ranking our differences. All that becomes a frivolous indulgence now and here’s why. What we came together to participate in is physical Oneness – Unity. All activity taking focus off of Oneness instead maintains polarization. Physical Oneness means not that we are identical. Physical Oneness means that we spring from One Source. This One Source holds all possibilities and every potential. It appears short, tall, fat, thin, weak, strong, black, white, yellow, red, Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Atheist, carrying a gun, not carrying a gun, wearing a mask, not wearing a mask, generous, stingy, rich, poor, sick, healthy, old, young, blue-eyed, brown-eyed, green-eyed, violet eyed, conservative, liberal, extremist, brown-haired, red-haired, blonde-haired, gray-haired, sans-haired, running, limping, skipping, crawling, singing or stuttering… And that is a mere fraction of the possibilities. Every option equal in worth. Every difference holding the same level of value. Every single part necessary for the whole. There are two reasons for this post. One is to say “Stop needing an activity of some “other” to change so that you can feel whatever it is you want to feel – safe, happy, secure, sure of yourself, free, superior or right.” The other is to say “Stop labeling the activities you don’t do as somehow “wrong” so that you can feel whatever it is you want to feel – safe, happy, secure, sure of yourself, free, superior or right.” This, in both cases, excludes activity that is criminal, cruel, manipulative, inhuman, destructive or in some way harmful to another. These things demand a sense of sovereignty. They ask you to make your own decisions based on self-authority, to stand tall in the storm, regardless of approval ratings. You see, the dismantling is happening regardless of our opinion. Yet what is left afterwards is colored and formed from what it is we are doing right now. Time spent pointing and criticizing and watching will build a weaker foundation with polarizing elements. Time spend nourishing and building and growing builds instead, a strong foundation based on support. The world we are welcoming will be decorated by our heart’s desire. Let’s focus on love and allow the performance around us its final scene. When the lights come on, and the curtain is up, we’ll all laugh and exit the theater. As One. We are the Ones. We have anchored the light. It is done. With appreciation for all that you are, Sophia PS – the video shared below has a cool back story that holds magic. Read the story here (click here). New book release (click here) for "Words of One" volume I. This is both the Kindle release, and the paperback version, which was just released and is beautifully edited. Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free email publications: (click here)! Blog posts are weekly. Select the “RSS Feed” link (above). Then with a Feed-reader app. you’ll be up to date. Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you. Sharing a recording below of a conversation with One from July 6, 2020. With love and appreciation, Sophia New book release (click here) for "Words of One" volume I. It's getting all 5 star reviews and is now available in both Kindle and paperback versions. There is much disclosure within its pages... Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free email publications: (click here)! Blog posts are weekly. Select the “RSS Feed” link (above). Then with a Feed-reader app. you’ll be up to date. Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you. |
April 2024