A barometer is “an instrument for determining the pressure of the atmosphere and hence for assisting in forecasting weather and for determining altitude” (Merriam-Webster). You may consider this article a barometer for our Ascension, not our weather. There are things for which we have no words to describe. Metaphors are “figures of speech in which a word or phrase literally denoting one kind of object or idea is used in place of another to suggest a likeness” (Merriam-Webster) Sky-diving is used here as a metaphor for the process of Ascension we are going through. In order to sky-dive there must first be desire. In my case, this came about because I was shown a video by a friend of mine who had done so. Once I saw it, desire was there. A few months later, after talking about it to other friends, and generating some excitement, there were four of us who had the desire; a “collective desire” you might say, to sky-dive. So, we made the appointment. We had families with young children of various ages, and they, along with our partners, wanted to watch us skydive. They decided to attend as spectators. Some of them wanted to celebrate our success afterwards, so a party was planned. It was decided that we’d drive there separately. The skydivers in one vehicle, the spectators in several other vehicles. The day arrived and it was both agonizingly slow and brilliantly fast. The drive (for the sky-divers) was punched full of exuberance and laughter. We could not wait! We arrived and a bubble began to form around us…it was composed of tension, coupled with expectation and inner resolve. There were planes and skydivers everywhere. A single small office building, a hangar, and a tarmac were surrounded with fields. These lie in wait for descending humans strapped to parachutes and, in some cases, other humans. The four of us would be jumping “tandem”. I was, initially, aware of my family. Specifically, my eldest, who wanted so much to be in on every part of this experience. He was always a step or two away, taking it all in. There was a class we had to attend in that small office building. Technical details were given to us there. From this point on, my awareness of my family faded; my focus deepened. This was a personal event, regardless of how many loved ones were nearby. It was both thrilling and completely foreign. We moved on to the hangar and suited up. I met my tandem instructor there. Surrounding sounds became white noise at some point…It was almost time. As we walked out to our waiting planes, there were four different responses from the four women. One of us began fervently praying. One of us became chatty and giggled a lot, the other two of us became quieter; each focused in her own way. It was a hazy day, bright yet not quite clear. It was windy. I walked up to the plane and put my foot on the step to climb in. The first thing I noticed was that there seemed to be no door, it was as if the plane was wide open on one side. We were not going to land in this plane. There was only one way we were getting back to earth, and that was to jump. A sobering thought. As our altitude rose, there was a new taste in my mouth. It was metal. I recognized the taste of fear. There was no turning back. We adjusted ourselves in line and when it was my turn, I jumped. The first thing that happened was that we fell through a cloud. The free-fall is what you do first. The free-fall lasts only about a minute and a half. There are not adequate words to describe how this felt. It was not long enough, that much is clear. There was a goggle malfunction as my goggles kept sliding off of my eyes, which was a little complicating but nothing, and I mean nothing, could take away the wonder of what that felt like. There is a resounding jolt when the parachute is released and everything slows down. There was a landing issue as I sort of dropped to my knees, rather than gracefully returned, to solid ground. I heard my family and friends singing “Happy Birthday” as we walked back to the runway; we, the instructor and I, were laughing about my goggles and the cloud and the amazing “tandem jump” we’d just accomplished. Seemingly against all odds. As we drove home, my three friends and I, we promised each other we’d do it again. We had a party that afternoon. The jumpers got steaks. The non-jumpers got “wieners”. I’ve not jumped again. Two of my children have, when they reached the age of 18. I was able to be there with one of them. It is a vastly different experience when you are watching vs when you are jumping. Both are thrilling for entirely different reasons. One is more visceral than the other. Both though, are exciting and a blast and worth doing. The point in this sharing is to tell you that I asked the question a few days ago, “where are we in all of this?” I was told that there are no precise time frames for this, and that it was difficult to describe it to someone who has never done it before. Meaning, never freed a planet from its owners and ascended, while being human. I said, we can feel this acceleration, yet, being human and entrenched in linear time, we’d like some signposts. It feels to be taking so very long… As we talked, it was suggested that I think of something few people have done. I remembered my tandem jump. It is illustrative for two reasons. It was a collective and personal experience. I didn’t lose either friends or family at any point. Some of us also jumped, others watched. There was a moment when the collective experience became my individual experience alone. There was no way to plan when that moment would happen. I had to completely trust my tandem instructor, let go and enjoy the ride. There was a necessary process and a guaranteed conclusion, even though some things went wrong at different points along the way (i.e., my goggles and crash landing). It required desire initially. Once the metaphor was firmly established, I asked: “So where are we in this process of Ascension/freeing the planet?” “You haven’t made the appointment.” “What?” “You have desire. Yet you have billions of humans who have to agree that it is time to schedule it, before that next step can be taken. So the appointment hasn’t been scheduled yet.” (At this writing there are 7, 777, 406,007 humans globally.) There was a bit more discussion, yet at the end it was clear that the process could actually be scheduled and then occur within a very short time frame, as in “same day appointments available”. I did not sense, frankly, that it was believed, from their current point of view, that this would be the case here. I did sense that there would be a precipitating event that would determine the timing and get folks ready to make the appointment. I have no idea what that event is, nor was I told. This conversation took place with my partner, who is a deep trance channel, and both of our higher selves. It was not recorded, but we talked for several hours. This is a summarized version. The conclusion will be discussed more in future posts. It seems that the best way to assist in this process is with enthusiasm and excitement, belief and expectation. Once enough of us remember why we are here, we’ll set the date. Then, let’s plan one heck of a party! We are One. This is our planet. We are freeing her now. With love and appreciation, Sophia Words of One Volumes I through 5 are getting all 5-star reviews! Read them all, for insight into what happened in 2020 and continues now into 2021. Both Kindle & paperback editions of all 5 volumes are available now! (click here) Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free email publications: (click here)! For blog posts announcements, you can select the “RSS Feed” link (above). Then, with a Feed-reader app. you’ll be up to date. Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you.
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Playing around with some words, words that have helped so many face chemical addictions. I submit that these are not perfect, or complete, yet they begin what I believe is a necessary process. We will have to stop focusing on fear and judgment if indeed we hope to rid it from our lives, once and for all, and walk without shackles. The most abundant sources of fear and judgment exist on social media. Here are 12 steps to rid ourselves of our Social Media Addiction:
The 12 Steps of S.M.A This 12-Step approach follows a set of guidelines designed as “steps” toward recovery, and you can revisit these steps at any time. The 12 Steps are:
We are One. This is our planet. We are freeing her now. With so much love, Sophia Let’s not fail to see the power of this moment. It’s an emotional landslide, a cosmic hurricane, a gorgeous and hideous display of humanity. Don’t miss this. It is time.
You may have seen this video (click here). It is worth every moment and should be shared and seen worldwide. He is mesmerizing and I am so, so proud to be a part of the race that he is. Our race. The Human One. He is speaking to the world. He is speaking for us. Do you know William Wallace (1270 – 1305)? He was one of Scotland’s greatest national heroes and the chief inspiration for Scottish resistance to the English king Edward I. He served as guardian of the kingdom of Scotland during the first years of the long and ultimately successful struggle to free his country from English rule. This man (in the video) is being referred to as today’s William Wallace. I come to today with a single message, and it is one he mentions often in that 17-minute video shared above. There is but one requirement for your participation and it is unity. Enough of the separation. Forget the fear. We have to come together. I’ve not written much about the toll these last several years have taken, because it is not my purpose to. Each of us have suffered and still do today. I will tell you though, what will not help: Blame. Intolerance. Name calling. Division. Separation. We have to come together. We have been abused for centuries and are about to be told just how that happened. It is horrific and organized. The exhaustion and futility we are feeling? Multiply that 1000X and you will only begin to feel what our trafficked family members have. Yet, that is only the start. You will never have to experience it physically. This collective extreme depression and fatigue we feel is our way of inner-standing what so many of us have suffered through on a daily basis – generations of us have. This is why we must band together. To stop this abuse. To stop this abuse now. It must stop. The slavery will not end until we refuse to cooperate. It is a simple thing really. Sovereignty. Freedom. Independence. It can only be found in one place. Within. I want you to know that I’ve written 5 books on this journey, in just a year’s time, and that I speak to One more often than is recorded. I am assured, as the books say, that we are overturning these dark ones and that there is a signal that initiates the ending. Not the ending of us, the ending of this rule by corruption, deception, control and enslavement. I believe that the signal is our unified voice. Together we must stand up and say No. Perhaps this year’s version of William Wallace is the spark for that signal. Certainly, we will not unify while pointing and blaming and hating and making fun of each other. We are each doing the very best that we can. We are each here, right now, for the very same reason. To embody the great awakening, while human, while watching each other do the very same thing. You’ll know what to do when your cue shows up. Trust. It will not be the exact same thing that I came to do, or your child came to do, or your brother or sister. It is self-defined and self-driven. There is one more thing that may be worth considering. It is that we are each wearing human suits and playing roles that were chosen long before we were born. I am not this body. I am not this mind. I am an infinite being of love and light expressing as and through Sophia. It is the same for you. For all of us. There have been so many players in this Earth drama. There is one that left us in 2015, whom I named the Poser. This was an extremely powerful being. Here’s part of an exchange with him, from six years ago, that has relevance for what happens on earth today: “When you understand how life works, and the mechanics of creation – you’ll see that you always get precisely what you intend. When man discovered the potential for riches and for power, he orchestrated the takeover of the human. This was not ever destined to succeed. Man was too powerful, and the end, which will provide a balanced and nourishing state, was always seen. This experiment will end when man decides his reality is not a part of it. The power has always been in the collective. …Free will decides for all of us. How awake the populace is will accelerate a huge change in life here, or not. Yet a huge change is going to happen.” 5.2014 (The Imposter) Let’s accelerate this huge change, shall we? I appreciate you for all that you are. We are One. This is our planet. We are freeing her now. With love, Sophia Words of One Volumes I through 5 are getting all 5-star reviews! Read them all, for insight into what happened in 2020 and continues now into 2021. Both Kindle & paperback editions of all 5 volumes are available now! (click here) Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free email publications: (click here)! For blog posts announcements, you can select the “RSS Feed” link (above). Then, with a Feed-reader app. you’ll be up to date. Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. There are so many topics yet primarily there is this. We have arrived at a point, which I believe is THE POINT. The moment of surrender.
It is the signal for absolute and undeniable forward movement; divine intervention. We have yet to send it. We are doing so now and here’s what it looks like. It looks like – tired. We are exhausted. It looks like – we all have loved ones we disagree with, either politically or otherwise, and it just doesn’t matter that much anymore, not really. It looks like – all that we really crave is: A hug To go home; to feel family To love and feel loved To laugh together Another hug To live a little, then to remember what joy feels like Freedom to be ___ (fill in your own blank) By surrender I do not imply giving up. I imply letting go. We are at that spot right now. It is upon us to let go of every opinion and judgment and blaming voice we’ve believed mattered. There is no one to convince but ourselves. It’s not our job to convert anyone else to what is “right” or what is “wrong”. It is our job to discover what is right and what is wrong for ourselves. It is our job to discover our truth, and then to embody it. We will not hear an answer until we ask the right question. The question, and the only one, is the one that can be answered by whatever/whomever you deem to be the creator of all things. This is not the part of creation that agrees with you. This is the part that knows you. It doesn’t matter who you voted for in any election or any country. It doesn’t matter what gender/sex you identify as. It doesn’t matter which god you worship or if you worship a god at all. It doesn’t matter the color of your skin or the form of your clothing. It doesn’t matter if you enforce laws, educate children, repair machines or flip burgers. There is only one thing that matters and it is your heart. My dear, dear brothers and sisters. You have been lied to so massively, and it has been hidden so expertly and slickly, that to speak it seems nonsensical and unbelievable. The time for such hypocrisy is over and there is nothing more to be done to convince the world of the truth. The energies and synchronicities work simultaneously (and right now) with humanity to turn the tide. We are right here, as One. It is time to go within and prepare. Know that there is nothing more to shout about. The truth will out itself. We are here to help each other adjust to the shock and aftermath once it does. You are the bravest of the brave, the brightest of the bright and there is nothing that will prevent you from completing what it is you have come to do. Nothing. You are the ones you’ve been waiting for. You are loved and appreciated for everything. Sophia Words of One Volumes I through 5 are getting all 5-star reviews! Read them all, for insight into what happened in 2020 and continues now into 2021. Both Kindle & paperback editions of all 5 volumes are available now! (click here) Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free email publications: (click here)! For blog posts announcements, you can select the “RSS Feed” link (above). Then, with a Feed-reader app. you’ll be up to date. Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. |
January 2025