Outside, nothing is moving. The trees aren’t blowing in the breeze. I hear no sounds. Inside not much is happening either – not fear or excitement or determination or worry, but pause. This is new for me. As a writer, there are always scenario’s played out in my head. Today, the stage is empty. Perhaps this is waiting. Maybe this scene hasn’t been written yet. If that’s the case, let’s be sure it springs from a solid base, loaded with good material. Let’s fill this space with love. On Saturday, about 500 of us completed another Quest for Love. Here are a few of the things we explored… “So today let’s go someplace else. This is a place of your deepest longing. It is where our hearts reside, beating as one, drawing us ever closer. Agape. What does it mean to love yourself? Does it happen once you win the game, lose the weight, fill your bank accounts and save the world? There is no time or condition in which agape occurs – it is now. Loving yourself does not require perfection, traditional beauty, wealth or status. Loving yourself requires trust. That’s it. There is a you beneath your outfit and your anger, your errors and your trophies, your humor and your tears. Trust your truth. You will find it in this place of love. Beneath the demands and requirements of ego, your love waits. It has been waiting a long time. This place is cushioned with gentility. There is room here for everyone. This is what heaven looks like. Here there is no judgment. You are welcome as you are, perfect where you stand. Your truth is all we see here, your light that shows the way. What’s surprising is how familiar this feels. These walls look just like the ones in my home, on a street that bears the same name as the one I now live on. What’s up with that? There is no place to go. There is nothing to do. There is only acceptance. Imagine today you are in this place of love. Within these walls all is good. You are okay. You are spoken to gently, loved absolutely, cherished. In this place all is known. There are no secrets here. Every facet of your life is on the table and still the flow does not diminish. It is palpable, this love. You are engulfed in adoration, awash in tenderness. Joy is evident when you enter here. This is home. Here is where we are headed. It doesn’t matter where else you’ve been or what we did when we got there. This is home. Without condition love who you are. No more waiting. There is only one destination – agape. It is love that will take us there and acceptance that will direct our path. You have to walk there yourself – this is a place you cannot be taken – you have to go. On your own. Love yourself without condition. This is the way to agape.” You are the one you’ve been waiting for.
How many humans does it take to change the world? Apparently 144,000. There is an event, (World Liberation Day), playing out on our stage May 5/6th. Global change will occur as a result. Here is more information: http://www.sophialove.org/be-the-change.html and a video as well: http://youtu.be/S1Thms2mXEY . This is a moment to see if it’s true, take a step towards self-determination and grab the wheel. It takes awareness of the time and about 5 minutes of your day, if that. No special location, chanting, outfits or incense is necessary. This is perfect. The reason this is ideal is because it allows for unique expressions of one truth – the truth of Unity. On a fundamental level we are One. We have never taken that idea out of our sacred texts and meditation circles. We’ve never declared our Oneness. At one moment, all over the planet, we will next weekend. We will speak as One. This is our chance to tangibly experience our truth. Some of us have known of our oneness for awhile, others of us just want to be free, yet all of understand a change is necessary. There are forces mobilized to carry out the initial event, the arrests and removal of those who understand only domination. They are waiting for a signal to do so; they are waiting for us to give it to them. It is time to push the red button. Once it is pressed, our responsibility for action does not end. The expression “freedom isn’t free” applies here. Our effort to press that button, although unprecedented, will pale in comparison to what comes next. It will be time to walk our talk. Unity is only possible without judgment. The members of what we have called the “elite” and the “criminal cabal” are no less divine than you are. They are no more divine either and that has been the issue; they have imagined themselves to be more worthy, they have played God. It is now upon us to refuse to do the very same thing in reverse. We are not “holier than thou”. We are One. We have not known we had a button to push. We couldn’t see it beyond our daily lives of jobs and laws and rules and fears. We see it now; we are ready to push it; then what? Then we maintain a visualization, and it springs from love. As One we see the treasure in all of life, and without seeking vengeance, we move to correct and educate for unity and expansion for all. We are moving from an age of Global Domination to the Age of Enlightenment. That implies decisions made that are the highest and best for all concerned; wisdom. We can do this. We have come this far against all odds and without really knowing how. We know now. We are One. What is done to any one of us affects the whole. See this transformation to conscious unity as a seamless effort. Guided by the voice of oneness we can’t help but create a beautiful new world. This is why we have come. This is our world. We are the ones we are waiting for. Let’s push the red button 5.5.2012. (Re-posted from October 2011) We are finding a voice. We are challenging institutions and on the brink of taking control of not only our money, but our lives. I don’t know that this has ever happened world-wide, and it feels like an important step towards unity consciousness, towards empowerment. My hope is for a continuation of this movement towards unity, while retaining and utilizing individual power. Personally, I realize that for unity to exist as a force, I must stop seeing separators. When I look at anything, I have noticed how my immediate reaction is to categorize it, label it even. Thoughts such as “there’s an overweight teenage boy, why is he wearing plaid?”, “here comes a crabby, skinny old lady”… do not serve my intent for oneness. In order for a shift in consciousness, I must stop separating out the wealthy 1% as evil, the old as helpless and the young as incapable. I must stop separating, period. Here’s the thing, there is a fine line between noticing the differences and holding an opinion about them and labeling them. Life simply exists here as a platform in which to experience ourselves. True non-judgment is a very rare thing to discover in another human. It signifies an evolved soul. Not judging does not mean living without preferences. I do not enjoy popcorn. I do not think there is something wrong with my children because they love popcorn. Perhaps, if I was unsure of my decision about popcorn, I would ridicule popcorn lovers and make them wrong for their choice. Perhaps I would attempt to get them to come over to my side, the side where all the intelligent, popcorn haters sit. This would bolster my self esteem, my belief in the “rightness” of my popcorn beliefs. There are no “right” popcorn decisions, just as there are no “right” ways to live your life. All is choice. When you understand, absolutely that each choice you make is only a choice for a singular moment and nothing more, you become much less attached to the choices of others. Each life is a singular moment, filled with decisions/choices. Freedom is non-attachment. Freedom is love. Each lifetime chosen provides a different approach, another way to experience creation. This is why there is no cause for fear. Fear only exists because you believe you can lose something – your life, your reputation, your money, your love – you cannot lose what isn’t real. What is real is you. It is love. Love truly felt is something never lost. It is something no one can take from you. It exists as truth. You are the one you’ve been waiting for all along. The beginning is where it all starts. On this much we can agree. There is a moment in linear time when we each arrived. This is our beginning as a person. The physical reasons for our birth are identical; the decisions to engage in the physical act that produced us are as varied as we are. Some of them were conscious; offspring was part of the intent. Some of them went no further than the act itself; our arrival was a surprise to our parents. There is now information “out there” that points to a specific and planned beginning for the human. It may be a challenge, an affront to what you have been told. It is another view that once adopted as a possibility – throws the door wide open for expansion of thought in many directions. The traditional stance on creation is polarized – we were either divinely created by a benevolent god or we naturally evolved from an ape. There is a missing link that causes a problem for both scenarios and faith is necessary. This third possibility says that “in the beginning” man was made, yet in a lab and using the ape in combination with genetics from an advanced race – the one called “god”, “elohim”, “he who from the sky came”. If true, then that would mean that both sides have been right all along. This is good news. Everyone can retain their dignity and belief system now. This was the piece to the puzzle we did not have. We have it now. We are in the age of enlightenment. There are truths uncovered daily and sometimes it feels, hourly. We are about to discover where the pieces are, what they look like and why they’ve been hidden. I love hearing stories of my childhood, even things that happened before I showed up. It puts my whole life and family in perspective. I get a better sense of who I am. Man has always been a puzzle and the missing piece has never been perfectly filled, there were gaps. This is the year we fill in the gaps. We may or may not like what it looks like once the pieces are put in place, yet they will fit. That will be obvious. One of my children needed eyeglasses at a very young age and we didn’t know it. One day we were driving by a huge car lot, sunlight reflecting off hundreds of automobiles, and he said “Hey, I didn’t know there was a lake here!” Then we knew. We will see clearly this year and it may be a bit of a jolt. My son much preferred his image of a sparkling lake to the rows of cars, but he could see clearly and he was grateful. It is really satisfying to complete a puzzle. Snapping that last piece in is the whole point. There is a drive within all of us to have things make sense and when they don’t – things don’t feel quite right. Answers and reasons are forthcoming; soon we’ll have that last piece. We may be surprised and uncomfortable with what it looks like, just sitting there by itself. That is the time to put it in its place, stand back and take in the view. You may have thought that you were building a kingdom, structurally sound, strong and walled off. From a distance now it is clear, this is not a kingdom; there is no king. This is life, expressed in every conceivable form and beautifully connected. We are one. The point is not how we started – we are here! Diverse, colorful, brilliantly assorted, our unity is clear. We are astounding and more than we have imagined ourselves to be. The puzzle completed, we see it before us. It is beautiful. We cannot just frame it and put it away. That does not satisfy, not this time. No, we have come to see it differently. We’ll be taking this puzzle to the next dimension. We are the ones we are waiting for. So what is it really? Oneness. What does unity look like “where the rubber meets the road”? You and I are one? Really? We don’t look alike, do the same things or even think alike. It must be something I can’t see. Our unity must be expressed on a different field. It’s like riding a bike. You learn once and never forget, regardless the years between trips. Remember your first time? It was my father’s hand who held the two-wheeler upright, running along beside me while I chattered and pedaled. He neglected to mention he’d be letting go. When I noticed, three things happened in rapid succession – my mouth dropped, a fly flew in and I crashed to the pavement. But I can ride a bike. The decision to ride happens in your head. Your hands rest on the handlebars, turning while squeezing and releasing the brake. Your feet push the pedals, your legs pump, and your eyes direct while the muscles in your torso maintain you vertically. Each body part contributes a unique and vital component that results in a bike ride. You’d never go anywhere if your head didn’t first decide to do so. If you ask your hands what they are doing, they’d respond “gripping and releasing” while your feet will tell you they are “pushing these pedals”; all true. Only your head knows the bigger answer – you are riding a bike. We are connected there – beneath every action and non-action the collective us is doing something, making a statement. We speak with one voice and if you step back far enough, our voice can be heard. There can be a subtle pressure to always do more, to join up, be pro-active, and make a difference. Not everyone can be the legs, the powerhouse of energy pushing those pedals. Behind those legs lie the buttocks. They appear to just sit there, resting. Yet without their participation and co-operation those legs wouldn’t move. Don’t be fooled by appearances. We are all riding this bike. What is unclear today may be the decision to ride. There is a sense of “waiting” – well, this is that anticipation. Do we feel like a bike ride or are we comfortable in the garage. What will it mean to make that choice? It means first being aware that there exists the potential. You may not have known you had a bike or that there was anyplace else to go. You do and there is. It is entirely your choice as to whether or not we’ll go. The control of every facet of our lives has been brilliant and insidious. Awake now, it is slowly becoming apparent. At your deepest level you cannot ignore the possibility for change. This bike is bright and shiny and sitting in your bedroom. Either get on or throw a sheet over it because it’s not going away. Some of us are legs, some of us butts – all of us are necessary. Before we can usher in a new world we have to collectively decide we want to go. Do we? Bike rides include mud puddles, sunshine, flies in the mouth and crashing to the pavement. They ultimately take us somewhere, even if it is back home. We are different for the trip – exhilarated, fresh and expanded. We’ll always get on again. This point of decision is where we connect. We are seeing government, bank and education protests worldwide. These are the legs. They won’t get anywhere without the rest of us. We are speaking as one. What are we saying? Will we go or will we stay? Right now, the bike sits, uncovered and waiting. We can cover it back up and remain unmoving or not. We cannot ignore it. No change is a choice. We are connected and are deciding right now. Every one of us. This is our oneness, our power and our brilliance. There is no small part, no insignificant act. From a distance our light is brilliant. We can go anywhere. It’s like riding a bike. Once you get on, the rest is natural. We are the ones we are waiting for. This day has dawned with hope and relative quiet. There are unseen actions certainly; dramas playing out on this 2012 stage. Yet here the sun shines and the birds repeat their spring song – “All is Well”, “All is Well”, “All is Well”. This is a moment to reflect. What am I doing and why am I doing it? December 21st, 2012 will arrive in less time than it takes to grow a baby. We are at the point now when the discovery is usually made – you’ve missed a cycle. After twenty dollars and a few anxious moments you are looking at the truth – you are pregnant. Once I called that 800 number on the skinny, pink Early Pregnancy Test box, not believing what was in front of my eyes. I sort of blurted out “How pink does it have to be?” I could hear the nurse smile as she responded “Congratulations!” So, Congratulations! In just 8 months our new world will be born. We’ve sort of settled on a name (“Next Dimension”) but beyond that is anyone’s guess. Specifics and personality are as yet undetermined. We can’t do much about that part anyway. The one thing we can do is take care of ourselves, the number one priority of every mother to be. You are a microcosmic version of what is happening to us all – oneness. This shift in consciousness is here and you are it. Perhaps, as in a human pregnancy, you’ve been a little bit ill and have had to change your eating habits and rest a bit more. There’s a sense that these alterations have not quite “fixed” the problem. This would be true. This is not a problem to be fixed but a process to be lived. Unity demands that we all participate yet uniquely so. Some women are sick their entire pregnancy. Some gain 20 pounds and a cute little belly while others are blessed with 50 pounds that seem to be everywhere. Regardless, there is a 7 – 10 pound baby in there. This birth is as personal as can be. It has to be. Your thoughts and feelings and intentions determine how it goes. This is a conscious choice. Sometime in these next months every one of us will be aware we are making it. There is not a single correct method to a successful shift – there are 7 billion. There is not a pamphlet from your doctor telling you what to expect; there’s not even a doctor. Your grandmother, parents, siblings or friends can’t tell you how it’s going to go or even what to expect. We are doing this for the first time, at the same time, together. Is that unified enough? Just love yourself because you are the one being birthed. It won’t matter what diet you adopt, how much you meditate or who is with you – it will matter how you feel. This time now is for preparation – internal and deliberate peace. You are here by choice. You are perfectly suited. There is no longer a question about readiness. We are up to the doing. All that you’ve ever wanted, you are. Everything you feel, you will see. This is how it works. Do you want an easy time of it? Relax. Resistance creates tension – pain. You’ve been chosen for this. Your specific role may not be clear yet, but you have made the cut and are definitely a cast member. Forget what you’ve been told is true, what matters is what you know is real. Trust your truth. You are a being a light – pure love cast from the Creator to continue this cycle of life. Love with abandon. Begin with you. Every part of you breathes life into this moment of birth – each one of us vital. We are beautiful, chaotic, a mess and a miracle! We are one. We are the ones we are waiting for. A field of yellow catches my eye and I turn to enjoy the view. This little patch of dirt, squished between cement sidewalk and highway, is awash with color on this rainy spring morning. I am surprised. I drive by here every day and have never noticed. A closer look offers an answer, these are weeds. Relentless and persistent, dandelions thrive anywhere. Regardless of product used, money spent or effort given, the battle seems won by the weed. A dear friend of mine loves them and looks forward to their emergence. It does seem to be merely a preference instead of a fact that dandelions are an eyesore. You’d be hard pressed to tell the difference from a distance between a field of daffodils and a field of dandelions. One you plant, the other you pull. We have in our midst many “weeds” that are about to be pulled. They must be. Like the plant, once they gain strength in an area they choke out all other life. All resources support them. Nothing else can thrive. It is the way weeds work, in human and plant form. They know nothing else but to infiltrate and dominate. “Weeds” are not less than the rest of us. They are not supportive however and it is time to get rid of them. We can no longer thrive with them in our midst. The movie bearing that name illustrates what has been happening. This is what we are doing as a race. We are removing those that would take over and destroy the rest. It is necessary in order to continue. Hating the dandelion or getting angry at it is not productive. A clean removal of the entire plant must be accomplished. We have discovered the root and we are digging it out. We want a field of different flowers now. We want to plant them ourselves rather than being overrun. We are wildflowers, every one. We are looking now for fertile ground. Whether we find it or not depends on how we get rid of the weeds. The normal stuff isn’t working. It is time for a new plan. Twice I’ve removed persistent, giant, deeply rooted weeds. The first time I hated that weed. It had destroyed parts of my fence and numerous, expensive ornamentals that I had carefully planted. I dumped a quart of gasoline on it – in the process killing not just the weed, but everything else. It’s been years and still nothing grows there. The weed is gone, but at the expense of all life. The second weed was more of a small, ugly, relentless bush. We wrapped a chain around it and a truck pulled it out. It took effort, a group of us, planning and precision. It was taken out, roots and all, and has never returned. Flowers grow beautifully in its place. We are seeing the depths of the roots of our human “weeds”. They need to be removed, not destroyed. Respect for all of life demands that each action benefit the whole. Once these weeds are gone, we are going to need fertile ground. We are gardeners, not weed killers. Once a dandelion is removed at the root, you only need to drop it on the nearby soil, exposing the root. It can no longer grow and will naturally decompose, nourishing the ground beneath. We are being called now to proceed with wisdom to activate the love that we are. It is this love that supports all of life. We are seven billion and more powerful than the weeds. They have no choice but to yield to our decision. All of life flourishes when love dictates each movement. You have come to show the way. These “weeds” in our midst understand only dominance; divide and conquer. They require removal if really aggressive and re-education. Proceed with love. Hatred is a fruitless enterprise. Growth is paramount. Collaboration for mutual benefit is what we are here to do. You have come now to energize us all with your love and your light – to nourish this beautiful home called earth. Love in every moment. This is how we get to Paradise. We are the ones we are waiting for. Sometimes a boulder drops into the pond. Other times we toss in a pebble. Ripples Happen. What happens to them? We all know what they look like and have seen them move, whether quickly or gradually. They get bigger and bigger, yes. The ripples define the edge. Oneness has no edges. This is where we are headed. When on a journey, it is good to know where you are going. Today, we are swimming in this pond called humanity, safely within our ripples. We call them by many names; 99%, 1%, Muslim, Catholic, Spiritual, Atheist, Jewish, American, African, Indian, Black, Polish, German, Male, White, Female, Senior, Child, Beautiful, Successful, Homeless, Dirty, Clean, Gay, Straight, Honest, Criminal. In a polarized world, this is how we define ourselves, how we come to know who we are. We are and have been all of that, yet it does not define us. We are one. Until we see ourselves as one, “Unity” is just a nice idea. In this time of great change, we are declaring our definition. Our hearts are beating the declaration and they are doing so right now. Your heart is limitless. You hold the capacity for unbridled joy. It is found when you loosen the reigns. Let go of ideas of right/wrong, evil/holy, and good/bad. Just be. Allow me to be, as well. There is a beautiful phrase out there – “The Art of Allowing”. It implies skill is necessary for it to be pulled off. It takes practice. I can love my brothers and sisters in a general sense, yet hate the man who raped me. You would not fault me for this. If you were part of my life when this happened, and witnessed my pain, you may join me in wanting to see him hurt – revenge. This is the way we think and in our current world, expected and justified. This Shift asks us to change all that. The question we are being asked is indeed being answered. It is being answered within. Do you love without condition? Are you able to view an act of atrocity, even then work to see it corrected and the perpetrator rehabilitated, without hatred? Is your love big enough? It is. You are a limitless, powerful being of pure energy – a drop of love in this pond of life. As such you do not create ripples – rocks do that. Rocks are hard and their shape cannot be altered without a jackhammer or a chisel. Rocks cause ripples and currently we believe we have nothing but edges. We have begun to talk of oneness and to see ourselves as sacred parts of life – equality. In order to truly embody Unity we will have to love the one we have imagined has very definite edges. We have to love ourselves – without edges, conditions or exception. Our heart has no limit. We are unique expressions of the One. All components are necessary for the full import of what we are to be understood. How can I love me completely if I will not look at myself without fear? You are so much more than you know. While resting in this sea of ripples you’ve begun to see beyond where you imagine the edges to be – you’ve noticed that if you look far enough, they disappear. There are no edges. Love has no limits. You are a single, exquisite particle of life – vital to its expression, complexity and brilliance. There is nothing wrong. You are perfectly positioned and right on time. You haven’t been dropped in our tossed in, you exist as part of the whole, here with the rest of us, lighting our way. You are the one we are waiting for. On January 1st, 2012 I released a video entitled “Message to Off World Beings”. Yesterday, I got an answer. It came in the form of an interaction with someone speaking for the “Forces of One”. You can see what was said in the video bearing that name. Both can be found here and on the you-tube channel. And that’s the back story to what will most likely be my focus for the rest of this year – Making A Choice – everything else sort of pales in comparison. I’ve read and re-read the transcript and although I cannot point to my partner in the conversation, I can tell you how it felt. It felt epic. The power coming with the words sort of washed over me. I felt them before I read them. I’ve had to look up a few of the terms he used since then, but there is no mistaking how I felt. I was in the presence of a force unlike any other I have known here. The video, “Message to Off World Beings” was released to remind us of our own power, with the added intent of contact. It fact, I was contacted telepathically a few days after it was released. I was woken up and spoken to; that energy was exuberant and joyful yet the voice was in my head – I doubted its authenticity. This contact was not in my head, it was on a you-tube channel. Really. You can check it out for yourself by reading the comments below the video: “Message to Off World Beings”. This only amplifies what has always been primary – Love. We are without a doubt far more powerful than we imagine ourselves to be. We are deciding the fate of the planet. The choice we make this year determines the direction for all of life. How is that choice accomplished? With love. The magic is us. Unity means everyone is right. Forgiveness is key; start by forgiving yourself. This is not a game or just a nice thing to do. It is vital. The controllers have seen to it that we dismiss love as a frilly and fluffy emotion that weakens our resolve and our production. Nothing could be further from the truth. LOVE HAS ALL THE POWER. LOVE IS WHAT HAS CAST YOU FORTH AND THE VERY CORE OF WHO YOU ARE. Any lack of love will play out as low self-esteem or a desire for control – separation. WE ARE NOT SEPARATE. WE ARE ONE. The whole idea of receiving divine intervention via you-tube is absurd. I mean, are you kidding me? It does not matter whether you believe this as truth or not. It matters that you love. This is how the choice is made. What springs from your heart is understood, if unspoken. Harboring hatred, anger or revenge is an option that will yield more of only that. The law of attraction is indeed a law that governs this reality. You choose privately – no one but you knows the essence of your energy. Believe you make a difference and that the fate of humanity rests in your heart. Is this epic enough? I can neither substantiate nor disprove this source. I will only say that I trust what my heart says. I know who I am. I am love. I am not willing to risk the future of us because of fear or doubt. It is okay if you believe differently or think this has gone too far. Love anyway. It won’t hurt and it may just change everything. You are more than you’ve imagined yourself to be. You are here at this time to answer the call, to make a choice. No longer can we say we don’t matter. In fact, we matter very much. How we are feeling reverberates out and the universe responds. Our universe. It will respond to the answer we emit and there are only two choices – Unity/Love or Polarity/Fear. It is time to choose. We are the ones we are waiting for. What if this was it? I know we’ve been predicting and channeling and blogging and speaking of this year and yet, well, it still gives me pause. Are we living out religious prophecy? I mean, really? Because I see no one in robes or chariots with wings or thunderbolts – is this it? What did you expect? Did you expect it to be true? Did you believe, as many have, that it was nothing but myth? I submit that there is both truth and deliberate manipulation in our doctrine, and that is the problem. The reason we’ve been choking on the rules we’ve been preached is because they were put forth by one whose goal was control, rather than the creator. Our history is resplendent with tales of epic battles, good vs. evil, unimaginable power and complete annihilation; also miracles and wisdom. Today, if you want to see epic battles, look to some video game “final boss” scenarios or major motion pictures. If it is power you’d like to witness, pay attention to the economic and war games our rulers and bankers and 1% play. If you are searching for wisdom, there are truths online and in lecture halls over the world. Look to you- tube video’s for “chariots of fire”. We’ve been looking at pulpits and podiums, which are mostly all the wrong places. It’s all here, as predicted. We are living the “end times”. There are two distinct voices in our history – the creator and the manipulators, hence our confusion. This bewilderment was intended. We are “coming out of the dark” this year and discernment is possible. One whispers love while the other shouts fear. There is a difference between what you believe and what you know. You know love as it courses through your entire being. Trust your truth. This is what will set you free. We are living the enlightenment, we know the way. We are human truth detectors and are drawn to it. As we produce this reality we embody, our attraction to truth expands our view; now others can see it as well. Truths are being exposed everywhere; government, banking, religious institutions, education, even and especially personal relationships. We can’t help but notice/feel the truth. It is going to take “gorilla glue” to hold our blindfolds on this year. Yet, some of us, by choice, will keep them on, and that is okay. This year is about choosing. The polarity existed here as a game certain civilizations were playing out. The game of us vs. them, good against evil and right over wrong is all done. We are one. We’ve opened the instruction manual. We know how this works. Belief can be manipulated. If every year on December 24th you are told “hang a sock out and a magic man will fill it with goodies”, and every December 25th you find your sock filled – you believe in the magic man. You have seen pictures of him everywhere, there are songs about him, stories about him and you can even visit him in your local mall. He must be real. Truth is what this year is about. We’ve been told stories, seen movies and heard reports of evil alien invaders and yet we haven’t met one yet. We’ve been fed fear for so very long we accept it as reality. Sort of like Santa Claus. This year is our chance to write new instructions and weave a new fabric of reality. This tale is every bit as epic and captivating, glorious and edge of your seat amazing. It exposes the power of love. Fear has had its run. It’s kept us in our homes, worrying about the safety of our bodies, our bank accounts or our stuff, while obediently, quietly following the rules of the manipulators. The truth is about to be told and as we are associative learners, it’ll need to be heard again and again before it is understood. We are the way seers and it is our time to show what we’ve seen. Share your truth. Engage. Your neighbor is not out to get you, he is wondering what’s going on. Tell him. Unity begins with the understanding that we all want the same thing; we are all, in fact, the same thing. Regardless of race or religion – we are love. Our differences have been put before our eyes for long enough. It is time to change our view. Just be love. Look for love in the eyes of everyone. It is there. Start small, with your best friend or start bigger, with your mail carrier – but start. We are here to connect, not control. This is the truth. These words are found in all religious doctrine, sprinkled between pages of fear and domination. This is oneness and we all know it. Trust what feels like love. This you know. It may not look like a greeting card, but it feels familiar and resonates like nothing else. This is the year of revelation. The power in love is the truth that is freeing us. We are the way seers, the way showers. The force within your heart outweighs every other. We have everything we need. Now is the time to use it. We are the ones we are waiting for. |
April 2024