We are on Week #6, and it’s time to assess how it’s going. As you’ve been following along, attempting to explore your heart, you’ll no doubt have some observations. I know that I do. You can look back six weeks ago, where we first discovered what it is we had lost, and notice how differently you are feeling today. Hopefully there is improvement. Also hopefully, you know what it is that you have been missing and how to supply it. There’s this thing that happens when you feel unconditionally loved. It is like coming home. This is a place where it is all okay. This is that place that is safe and comfortable with a sense of permanence. You can relax here. What happens when you get to this place is that you feel a mixture of peace, joy and excitement all at once. You discover that you are free. There are no reasons to hide yourself, or conjure yourself, or pretend. The reasons to do so are imaginary. They don’t exist within unconditional love. The only thing that shows up there is truth. You will see yourself with true sight through wide open eyes. Once experienced, you’ll know complete acceptance. You feel empowered. It is like standing naked in front of a crowd without embarrassment or shame or hesitation, completely confident that you’ll be seen truly, known absolutely with all of your inconsistencies, and loved beyond measure. What follows for you is a sense of validation and awareness of self. This is you and you are worthy. This is where sovereignty begins. You feel unstoppable when you begin always from a place of self-love. You know yourself. There are no surprises or reasons to doubt. Therefore, you do not require anyone else’s approval, acceptance or permission. You are all that and completely sure of that truth. Complete self-acceptance is pure power. From here, you become emboldened to seek connection. And connection, fellow Questers, is where all the fun starts. Connection is found through eye contact. We access each other’s core with our gaze. Our eyes are like portals to our souls. This connection can happen anywhere. In the checkout line, while signing for a package, on a walk, or at the ATM. It turns out, there are pairs of eyes everywhere! Not all pairs will let you in, but you’d be surprised how many isolated souls are out there, willing to say hello. This is a Quest. A Quest for Love. Love is found in so many more places than you’ve imagined. Consider the people you walk around and with each day as potential connections instead of strangers. It’s pretty amazing. Doing so turns errands, jobs and walks into adventures! Seek now to find the eyes that are open to connection; open to accepting, sharing, oneness. Success happens in a nanosecond. No long-term commitment is required. This is an acknowledgement of each other, of the truth of each other. We are sacred and full of life. We are so much more than mom, dad, aunt, sister, brother, uncle, son, daughter, worker, student or citizen. We are brilliant bits of eternal essence. Fellow Questers, you are the brave ones, risking rejection by opening your heart. In that moment of true sight, you are both explorer and guide. For as you show yourself fearlessly, others will see you and, just maybe, be emboldened to do the same. Why? Because they will have seen self-love embodied in you, and that is an uncommon and glorious sight! You are able to risk failure and non-acceptance because you don’t need it in order to feel love! You love yourself enough for everyone! If another pair of eyes meets yours with their shields up and firmly secured, it’s okay. They just aren’t ready yet. They haven’t completed their own Quest. They just need more time. You have given them something to think about and a bit of encouragement. The earth didn’t open up and swallow you both. What happened was much better. In that brief moment of connection, your worth and their worth were both acknowledged. Everything is still in place. If that other pair of eyes is ready? Watch out! It’s going to feel remarkable. You will feel noticed. Once you do, it isn’t so lonely out there. The thing about self-love is that it makes you stronger. It supplies you with courage to take risks; emotional risks. It inspires you to speak up; to speak truth. Self-love inspires you, period. Contrary to mainstream nonsense, love does not weaken you. It makes you irresistible and unstoppable. Self-love is a knowing. It cannot be denied or discredited by any action or any other. It is raw and quiet power. Once you know self-love, you’ll realize that it is all that you need. You become one with your life and you tend you move through your days with self-confidence. Self-love is your super-power. See you next week! With so much love, Sophia Words of One, (and all of my books) are available on Amazon. "A Re-Imagination", which lays down ideas for structuring our new earth, is also available now. The Words of One series offers insight into what happened, and why it did, throughout 2020 – 2021. (click here) Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free email publications: (click here)! For blog posts announcements, you can select the “RSS Feed” link (above). Then, with a Feed-reader app. you’ll be up to date! Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you!
Welcome back! We’ve made it to our 5th week! Congratulations! We’ve visited what you lost (self-love), how you misplaced it (fear), where it is most likely found (beneath posturing), and what to do once you discover its hiding place (stand your ground & look around). Today we’ll explore what happens when you stop playing hide and seek. The reason for posturing is control. The loss of control increases the level of tension you feel physically and tightens your grip. Now that grip is needed if you’re hanging on to a ladder or a cliff, but not so much every day. You can let go a bit. This self you’ve hidden exists, as does your love for him or her; your love for you. It is real. It is more real than the posturing, the thoughts and the costume you’ve hidden it behind. Those things are based on fear. As we’ve said before, fear is the reason you lost access to these things in the first place. Today I’d like to keep it short. Because letting go is more easily done than discussed. What you will be letting go of is different for you than it is for me. However, the reason to hold on is universal. It is protection of some sort; protection of self. We all protect ourselves when we’re afraid. If you persist in protecting/hiding yourself, there is no chance you’ll be seen and subsequently loved for who you are. It’s terrifyingly simple. Remember, the “terrifying” part here was intentionally installed into your psyche (see earlier weeks of this Quest). It is not truth. The truth is that to allow and then to love yourself is a pure and radical act. It yields only joy. We are on a Quest for Love. Let me share how mine is going. In the interest of authenticity, each week I dive into these words & methods. Whether or not I succeed, I continue on the next week and the next step. I do so in order to fully immerse myself in the Quest. This week is letting go of pretense, so I’ve “come out” to two very important people in my life. Not in an “out of the closet” way, but in a “here I am with all of these faults” way. This occurred during ordinary conversations. I made a decision to stop hiding and deliberately let myself be seen. I felt exposed, yet I persisted. There was no retreating into familiar hiding places. What happened was astounding and validating and lovely. I can tell you that not only was there complete acceptance, but there was closeness in a way that never before existed. That soul-to-soul sort of connection occurred, and it left only bliss in its wake. This is the prize and the result of letting go – connection. It is extraordinary. If it were “ordinary”, there would be no reason for a Love Quest at all! It is worth repeating. Connection is why we came. There is a rush of joy when you reach and see and touch another soul! This is not sexual. Physical contact is not necessary. It is beyond description. It is bliss. Once you feel it, you’ll want it again and again. It is way cooler than that hiding place of pretense is. There is a feeling of contentment that arises when you know, without exception, that you are accepted. It is like being told you are allowed. Allowed to be, allowed to become, allowed to invent, allowed to dream, allowed to create, allowed to make mistakes, allowed to love. Self-love grants you permission. And the place that you’ll find that permission is in the eyes and the hearts of everyone you encounter. We are mirrors for you. When you look with open eyes of love and acceptance, you’ll see love and acceptance mirrored right back at you. It’s all a reflection. It’s all you. So, this week let go. Let go of whatever it is that you are holding onto; whatever is preventing self-love. Risk being exposed. Unless of course, it’s a literal cliff. Yet I suspect your cliff is as imaginary as mine, and that you’ll land softly and profoundly in a field of Oneness. Once you do, you’ll wonder what took you so long! See you next week, fellow Questers! It is an honor. With so much love, Sophia Words of One, (and all of my books) are available on Amazon. "A Re-Imagination", which lays down ideas for structuring our new earth, is also available now. The Words of One series offers insight into what happened, and why it did, throughout 2020 – 2021. (click here) Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free email publications: (click here)! For blog posts announcements, you can select the “RSS Feed” link (above). Then, with a Feed-reader app. you’ll be up to date! Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you! Hi everyone! Welcome to Week #4! So far, we've looked at what it is that we lost (self-love), how we lost it (fear), and where we can most likely find it (hidden beneath posturing). This week we'll examine how to go about uncovering what's hidden. After all, it was you who hid it there in the first place. You did so as a matter of survival in a constructed competitive society. You did so on the orders of a mandatory school system that ranked you according to some arbitrary scale of intelligence. You've grown up in a world that taught you that your worth was not intrinsic, but instead something to be measured and ultimately judged. You learned that value was not something you had, but instead something that was decided by a score; a score given by someone else. This score was kept in all the places where you showed up. Test scores keep you in designated spaces according to performance. Credit scores punish or reward you with more or less debt, also according to rank. You get the idea. Your worth, which was fully intact at birth, eroded and then morphed into pretend classifications that determined your place in society. Self-doubt emerged gradually to replace self-authority. As you think about this, remember that it was all done by design. It is not true. Not knowing any better, you too adapted these standards of value that are listed on reports or evidenced in other public and humiliating ways. Although these never felt accurate or natural, they were your only options. To salvage some self-esteem, you joined the system at some point and some level. You may have done so alone, with self-destructive judgments and actions. You may have done so outwardly with blame, ridicule, or judgment. Somehow you bought into the fallacy that value could be determined by someone else. This is a Quest for Love. It will be complete when we find it. This week let's look underneath the "rights" and the "wrongs" of people to discover their core. Love is found in the realization and acceptance of true value. It is a celebration of worth. The first place we'll look for that worth is inside. Agape is something you grant yourself and then offer to another. Realize that this was always about you. You've come here with many "others" to deal with and confront until self-recognition occurs. Once it does, your journey begins, and with clarity you see what there is to forgive. True forgiveness is not situational. It becomes a constant until finally acceptance shows up. You see, the Quest is for Love. Authentic Love has no exceptions or conditions. It merely is. Once you identify all the "right" and "wrong" barriers stopping you, you move closer to forgiveness. The most treacherous step of this part of your journey is here. Bravery is demanded as you face your deepest fear; the fear that you are not worthy. You've spent your life immersed in a system of ranking, skimming over that deep well of fear beneath you. Focused on either improving your score or pointing out someone else's, you've missed the treasure. The treasure is you. Prepare yourself for this raw self-discovery. Arm yourself with the truth. The truth is that you are love in its purest form. You are a brilliant beacon of light. These are unchanging facts. They are waiting in full authenticity to be recognized and utilized. They reside in your deepest self. For this next week, notice when the "rights" and "wrongs" show up in your head, for either yourself or another. Just notice. If you catch one quickly enough, remind yourself of the truth (You are love, you are light, you are worthy.). Be brave. Rather than insisting or persisting, try accepting. If you do, you'll have taken that treacherous step and find yourself one step closer to Love. Your truth is found in the acceptance of self as is. You are so much more than you realize. See you next week! With so much love, Sophia Words of One, (and all of my books) are available on Amazon. "A Re-Imagination", which lays down ideas for structuring our new earth, is also available now. The Words of One series offers insight into what happened, and why it did, throughout 2020 – 2021. (click here) Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free email publications: (click here)! For blog posts announcements, you can select the “RSS Feed” link (above). Then, with a Feed-reader app. you’ll be up to date! Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you! Welcome to Week #3! In our first two weeks, we talked about what we’ve lost (self-love), and why we lost it (fear). Today we’ll explore the places we can go to find it. As it turns out, there are a lot of them. These are some scary places. They are places that no one wants to admit owning real estate in. Yet we all do, and we’ve all visited, if not lived there for a bit. Here’s the thing. There are reasons for this. These have to do with the capture of earth’s society and the slavery system in which you live. Desperate times call for desperate measures, and you, my fellow Questers, have survived the most desperate of them all. The slave-owners made sure of that. You see, in order to maintain order in a hierarchal system (slavery), submission and compliance must be assumed. Without them there is chaos. (Which, by the way, is where we are now.) Yet, this is a Quest for Self-Love and you’ll have to go back in time a bit to figure out where it is. It’s not actually gone, it’s hiding. The brilliance of the slave-owner’s plan was in its construction. Ownership and the assumptions of submission and compliance were embedded into your day-to-day life. They are so thoroughly part of the cloth of society that they are indistinguishable from society itself. Think about these things: Birth certificate Mandatory vaccinations Social security number Mandatory schooling Standardized tests Working for a “living” Pay/owe/debt/borrow Income tax Property tax Interest You are numbered, registered and injected at birth. If it stopped there, perhaps you’d develop into strong self-empowered adults without a hitch. But schooling and testing and more labeling ensued by age 5, and the pressure to conform became ingrained. So you did, to whatever extent you could stand. Conformity may offer temporary comfort, yet is an ultimately joyless enterprise. In that joyless state, you sought truth. Do you remember what this is, and what you know absolutely in your soul? That you are a brilliant bit of love’s essence, with joy as your natural state. Unfortunately, there weren’t places offering guidance here. All of your fellow humans were similarly searching. You felt as if you were on your own. From there and eventually, you went to the scary places. They promised fulfillment and happiness, yet left you empty. Here’s a few you may have visited: Self-Importance Revenge Arrogance Entitlement Superiority Pride Contempt Hatred and Justification Embarrassment Disappointment, a mirror for Expectations Shame Judgment Blame Each of these, in some way, improved how you felt for a moment or two, and then you were hollow. Remember that this Quest is a Quest for self-love, which is reflected in our love for all others. The plan of the controllers is, at its core, a plan that denies your worth. Its genius is in the fact that in it, they never had to tell you that you were worthless. Society did. The society that was so carefully structured to hide its purpose; its purpose of control. What is the best way to keep someone controlled? Fear. In such a state, you sought acknowledgment. In your seeking, you may have felt you found it by ranking yourself against some “other” who was “lesser” or “wrong” or somehow not as cool as you in some way. You learned to do these comparisons by the society that set them up. Remember that. “Failure is not an option”. You learned well. The feeling of worthiness didn’t last. If you admitted to yourself honestly how you felt afterwards, it was “hollow”. The trophy or money or test score or status was great, but your heart still felt empty much of the time. This emptiness is not because there’s something wrong with you. It’s because there’s everything right with you, and society doesn’t reflect that. This is by design. You feel it (self-worth), you know its true, and you’ve been convinced that to claim your value is somehow “wrong” or “arrogant” or “conceited”. These words are used to stop you. It is not wrong to love yourself. It is not arrogant to value yourself. It is not conceited to know your worth. These things are truth. Holding them is self-authority. So, if you’ve visited any of these scary places and/or used comparison to assign self-value, realize that it was in desperation that you did so. You were attempting to validate your truth. Forgive yourself. Remember who you are and love that self that is you. See you next week. With so much love, Sophia Words of One, (and all of my books) are available on Amazon. "A Re-Imagination", which lays down ideas for structuring our new earth, is also available now. The Words of One series offers insight into what happened, and why it did, throughout 2020 – 2021. (click here) Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free email publications: (click here)! For blog posts announcements, you can select the “RSS Feed” link (above). Then, with a Feed-reader app. you’ll be up to date! Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you! |
January 2025