![]() These words may or may not speak to you. They concern things I’ve seen in me as well as others close to me these last few days. The intent is to shed some light on what feels unsettling and dark. I hope it is a help to you. Each summer since I was a little girl I’ve wondered “Where does the water come from? And what is holding it back?” This happens around hoses. In a matter of seconds, this lightweight, empty hose in my hand transforms into a heavy one, holding a flood of coursing, rushing water. This could only occur if the water was there all along, waiting to be released. With just the slightest adjustment of the handle, I find myself drenched. It is like that with love. It exists. It is your life force waiting to be released. It is there always. It exists as your natural state. Unimpeded, it will flow from you like a fire hose. Yet there is a spigot and we are accustomed to keeping it “off”. For most of us, “off” is our most familiar state. We are so used to this in fact, that a constant state of “on” feels unrealistic, a little crazy, and false; more like delusion or a fairy tale than a real possibility. This is not true, yet there is not a lot of evidence telling us what is. It has been fed to you as an intentional “fact” of “real life”, meant to keep you enslaved. If you think “off” is your natural state, you will not notice all the times the spigot turns in that direction. It will “feel” and “sound” and “look” familiar, perhaps even comfortable in some odd way. It’s summer time. Each day I feel the full force of “on” as I water our plants with the hose. Watching the online community, my friends and family I see a whole lot of “off”. Prominent light workers are either silent or sounding uncharacteristically fearful or negative. It brings up the question once again – “Where does the love come from? And what is holding it back?” The love just is. You don’t have to turn it on. The only action that can alter its flow is the switch to turn it “off”. What is your switch? It’s some kind of fear. Chances are, if any of these words resonate, you have been seeing it lately. It is the thing you are here to work on, your Achilles heel. This is the action being activated right now. You see, the work you’ve been doing is having an effect. We are in the final minutes of the game, and we are ahead. It is working. Those that would like to retain control of the game are now pulling out all the stops. They will not give up. We have to persist. This is no surprise and nothing new. We are not finished. Keep on loving. It is what we do best and the one thing they have no remedy for. It is really hard to turn off a fire hose. The outcome has always been in your hands. When you listen to warnings and predictions, do so with a focus on action to take, not re-action or anxiety. Today, those of you working to assist this shift may be having a tough time. Old habits, fears, problems and triggers are surfacing – baiting you to react; this is an intentional effort to turn the spigot “off”. An empowered populace cannot be controlled. In spite of all efforts to tell you otherwise – you know the truth of who you are. You are the One you’ve been waiting for. As I gaze at each of us, I see the beauty of the meek – the least likely perhaps to be a force for massive change and yet an unstoppable force is what we are. We are tired, broke, brokenhearted and discouraged and yet we persist. This is because we came here knowing the truth. It is your knowing that will once and for all pin the spigot to “on”. Recognize any and all familiar fears and self-talk. These are the tools of your enslavement; they keep the hose turned “off”. Yesterday, a conversation with our off world contact included some methods to keep the hose turned “on”. Look for it here. You know what to do. This is what you came for. We are not the majority, but our light and the ever present stream of our love is changing everything. Let’s keep them always “on”. It’s always been the plan, and it’s a heck of a lot more fun. There are no manuals. With our lights blazing, we will forge the path ourselves. We are the One. Please share this on face book, thank you. In lak'ech ala k'in,
![]() Now you get right down to it. You reach back and peel off the layers of habit and falsehood. Underneath you’ll expose the parts of you hidden. It is those most concealed and quiet aspects that are called for now. Until today you’ve believed they didn’t matter. I tell you this. These most powerful and effective traits are found in those places you’ve been convinced were bad. There is no such thing as a bad ability. There are only those abilities the “owners” could not contain, were labeled “wrong”, and thus punished. Let go of judgment and be. Who you are is so much more than you’ve realized or been able to express. We are unlimited beings constrained by a system of lies. These began from your earliest moments. The fullness of you has not seen the light of day. Be gentle as she emerges. He is unclear on how to express himself. From the start you had to be convinced you were less than complete. How else would you have been manipulated? You were told you needed correcting and to follow the rules. You felt always as if you were looking for something. You looked to your “authorities” to supply it. They convinced you that they held all the answers. They do not. Their answers serve only their agenda. Their success depends on your subservience. What you’ve been looking for is you. She’s right here, waiting and ready. He is tapping his foot now, getting a bit impatient. Why have you been in the closet? Lack of acceptance, forgiveness, freedom or unconditional love keeps you hidden. You are judging yourself. Complete enslavement requires no gatekeepers. We will control our own movements, thank you very much. Fear does the job quite nicely. Exuberance, passion, ecstatic expression and love with wild abandon all emit an unstoppable force. Excitement, joy and uncontrollable laughter alter consciousness. Orgasm takes us momentarily someplace else that cannot be controlled. Each of these has been labeled in an attempt to diminish their frequency and effect. It is time to set them free and allow them unrestricted access to our everyday. We have an inborn ability to know what serves us. Refuse to judge any part of you emerging. You are approaching integration. Understand that we are taking back control of the planet as well as ourselves – this is a very big deal. Every part of you is God. All experiences, memories and actions have conspired to bring you to this moment. Every part of you has accepted the task at hand. Call them forth in the days ahead and reclaim your magnificence. Everything is right with you. Accept and operate from truth. Be who you are. Decide what serves you and you will discover a love unleashed that will surprise and delight and enrich all of life. It’s all okay. In fact, it’s perfect. Nothing about you is a disappointment. You are the One you’ve been waiting for. ~Sophia ![]() Shared recently on Face Book, the following inspiring words are not my own. Thank you Tom, for voicing what so many of us are feeling. America once brought in a revolutionary spirit. It is time to bring it in, again. "Here’s the question everyone is asking: “Is Edward Snowden a hero or a criminal, a whistleblower or a traitor?” But here’s the question they really should be asking: “Does America still have its original revolutionary backbone, or are we a nation of sheep?” There is the possibility that Snowden’s courageous action has triggered, something much more momentous – a sudden unexpected shift in the American Psyche – a realization that since 9/11 something has gone terribly wrong in the land of the free and the home of the brave … that the NSA, CIA, FBI are starting to smell like the East German’s Stasi, The Russian KGB, The Fascist police states of the 1930’s and 1940’s – that Americans are spying on Americans … that we are being treated like a nation of petrified snitches cowering in the dark … and that the time has come to turn the light on in a darkened America. Maybe this weekend someone working at NSA headquarters will get fed up, once and for all, with spying on his fellow citizens and turn another light on in that big, black box … telling us in detail how things really work in there. And then, maybe the week after, a CIA operative at the Pentagon will suddenly decide to come clean and tell us how the Iraq war really started and provide us with one of those torture videos that were supposedly destroyed. And then, maybe an army intelligence officer will fill us in on what really happened in Afghanistan, in Pakistan, in Yemen – telling us who our allies really are and what regimes we really support in the deep global state behind the veneer of mainstream media. Then … Maybe on July 4th someone at The Whitehouse will remember that this nation was built upon revolution … and that the nation’s integrity, democracy – hell, the nation’s entire future depends upon the existence of people like Snowden who dare to tell us what really goes on behind closed doors, that these otherwise ordinary people continue to summon the courage and humanity to come out of the shadows and take a stand against institutionalized criminality. Maybe, like at the end of a movie, when the hero finally reveals his true identity and everyone rises to applause, an unstoppable wave of courageous souls will now stand up in solidarity and turn the lights on all over this darkened nation, kicking off a chain reaction of refusal against the military-surveillance complex that President Eisenhower tried to warn us against half a century ago." ~ Tom (An American Citizen) ~Sophia Click here for another voice. ![]() In the Midwest, USA summer is just days away; gardening season is upon us. The blossoming has begun and in a few weeks time the green grass will be merely a backdrop for a vibrant explosion of color. We’ll be surrounded with flowers. If you’ve done any yard work then you most likely know the most efficient way to keep weeds at bay. You’ve got to dig deep and pull them out into the sun, exposing the root. They’ll decompose and nourish the soil, in turn feeding the flowers and vegetables you’d like to keep. It takes a bit of effort, yet it’s a permanent fix – at least for that particular weed. It may look like Edward Snowden is one of the mightiest weed pullers. In fact he is. Yet if you listen to his words you’ll see he understands that the complete root has yet to be exposed; more work is required for that permanent fix. A complete statement is here. What shouted out from it all was this: “The great fear that I have regarding the outcome for America of these disclosures is that nothing will change. [People] won’t be willing to take the risks necessary to stand up and fight to change things…” Edward Snowden He is speaking about the deepest roots and they still grow quite comfortably inside each of us. It is not possible for a weed to grow without the proper environment. Slavery takes root because our very nature feeds it. We cannot reach back far enough in our history to find absolute freedom. Kingdoms, caste systems and royalty were a part of our earliest ancestry. Who then are we? Were we created for slavery? With all the current information available, that answer appears to be yes. Can we escape the slavery mindset? Again, the answer is yes. Yet, as Edward Snowden so wisely tells us, we have to get to the deepest part of this root and remove it. That will take some very real effort by each one of us. Data harvesting with our tools of communication and commerce would not be possible in an empowered society. The idea that some “authority”, “program”, “bank” or “institution” knows your password and you are comfortable with that is ludicrous. That password is the key to most of your public and private life. Who besides you do you want in there? The thinking that you must perform and obey is taught. If subservience and servitude and conformity can be taught – then it can be forgotten. You cannot forget to breathe. You cannot forget to love. Understand that you’ll have to dig deep and it’ll be hard. You’ll have to refuse the shiny, easy, “in your face” tools that are feeding the slavery system; Google, twitter, face book, Skype. The jolt you are feeling is not fatal; it is a trained reaction to resisting the norm. It’ll pass. There are alternatives. They may not be as pretty or convenient – yet. Consider the price you are in truth paying for cooperating inside the slavery system. Your freedom is at stake. In July 2013 Project XIII will be released. There are numerous others here. We cannot expect change if we are not willing to dig deep. The world will change without firing a shot once we refuse to cooperate with it as it stands. Sovereignty is equality – no one has any more rights or value than you do. No one. I’ve had 3 face book and 2 email accounts hacked and compromised. I am no longer on Facebook, so please post this there if you are. I’d like for my friends to see it and know where I’ve gone. I will post all updates on the blog as I’ll be changing many of my locations (email, you tube, twitter) after doing some further research. I’ll choose again. We are in a time of enormous possibility for growth and abundance. The weeds have to be permanently removed so our growth is not impeded, limited or restricted. Once removed, they will nourish our new growth. We are here now to do this very thing. It’s time to find and pull some weeds and their inevitable roots. As you catch yourself thinking like a slave – stop. Think again. Decide what price you are willing to pay and then proceed. Know that you embody eternal essence. There is no dollar amount that can contain your worth. You are limitless. You are priceless. Act like the God that you are. There is no more waiting. You are the One. ![]() Until recently, we didn’t know we were enslaved. How then, will we know when we are unchained? It will be felt, and the knowing will be undeniable. In truth, we are feeling it already, without recognizing it’s calling card. We are vibration; all of life has a frequency. The falsehoods of our history say to believe what is said, read and preached. Yet we know now that what is true just “feels right”. It resonates. Like good slaves, we are waiting. Waiting to witness a “finale”, an “event”, something to set things straight. Yet in the same breath we understand that we are creating it all. How can both be happening at the same moment? We all reside here on Gaia, one being with 7 billion+ forms of expression. We, as part of life, are vibrating. Our frequencies are ramping up. There is a vibration to “yes”. There is a vibration to “no”. As well, there are divisive and unifying, positive and negative, growth producing and destructive vibrations. If you’d like to help speed up the “event”, then choose the vibration of “yes” – unifying, forgiving, compassionate, growth producing and positive. Here’s why, and it’s demonstrated on the video below. As energetic components of One, we are all in the process of alignment. It is something that happens to metronomes when they are placed on a moving surface. They must work together as one. They will then accomplish synchronization without thought or plan, within minutes. Have you been noticing synchronicities? “Random” alignments in times, numbers and events? The increased “frequency” (number or amount) of these occurrences signify our progress. We are approaching a life that is aligned and the signs are everywhere.
We can see the alignment (such as 11:11, 2.22) and feel the resonance; physical evidence of our “syncing up”, signs of our matching frequencies. Pay attention. You are ascending, moving up, and increasing your frequency – together. 7 billion+ of us shifting frequencies with Gaia do not all have to agree, but we have to work together. Large numbers of us in tune with her higher frequency will help exponentially. We have to sync up. This is how we will help her shift harmoniously, seamlessly and beautifully. The vibration of “yes” will change everything. Go with it. This “event” is not even possible until enough of us are synced. (Think of the metronomes in the first few minutes. Does the board move in any ONE direction?) It will happen internally at the precise moment we move as One. Once critical mass is reached, it’s instantaneous. Watch the video. You’ll know. The world will know. Many of us are doing “energetic work” for the shift yet there is not one of us responsible; all of us are. Sadness and blame and fault finding are addictive. They have no place on a unified planet. Resist the urge. Refuse to hate them. Release and absorb them (as they are a part of you, not to be rejected). Understand that this moment now is about unity. We will move as One, and the timing of this “event” is up to our synchronicity. We are Masters, here to provide the guiding resonance for ascension. You know what that feels like, for it is our song. It is time now for us to sing in harmony. It is you that you’ve been waiting for. Let’s do this. ~Sophia ![]() This progression of awareness is catapulting you forward – as it must so that transformation and ascension can occur. You have to do this yourself. It cannot be handed to you or happen only while you are unaware. It is being played out in “real time” as you have desired it. You wanted the ultimate – you wanted to move from disconnected in every way to completely integrated. This was your choice. You are in it now; coming from a beginning of sharp contrast, programming and slavery. You would will yourself dead from boredom if not for the promise of change. These times you are now living through are marked with being the “worst” in your recollection. In fact “worst” is a relative construct and always depends on your state of mind at the time. This moment of no hope has only two directions – it can descend into complete apathy and death or its opposite – life and love. Either will be the result of an internal shift. Do not take the words responsible and creation and turn them into blame. Do not misuse the ability to foresee happiness and/or change to benefit all by turning it into impatience and fruitless agitation. A fully conscious being is there always. Have you experienced unconsciousness in this physical realm? In that state you are absolutely unaware. When you return to consciousness, everything has changed – your position on the earth, your perspective and your method of processing what is going on. There are no clues as to the “truth” of your situation. You have to pull from what you remember, surmise and decide. The first time unconsciousness took hold was in a church. (I know, interesting setting, right?) When I came to, my eyes fell on the feet of a white robed figure standing before me. I surmised I had died and was before the feet of God at the pearly gates. In fact, the priest had come down off the altar to see up close what all the ruckus was about. In subsequent “black outs” I knew better than to make snap judgments based on my surroundings. Thankfully, those blackouts have stopped yet unconsciousness hasn’t. I find myself looking for clues still, with nothing to go on but what I already “know” or have been told. None of that applies, and yet try explaining this to the ego. It has reigned supreme your entire life, dictating facts and making decisions. It is not sitting by quietly, waiting for the heart to render it powerless. No, the ego is pulling out all the stops. It is up to you to discern the truth. It rests squarely in the middle and that is a place that can only be found on your own. There are a few things that are in fact universally true. One is that all of your life is a reflection of what you believe and are focused on right now. What that looks like very much depends on the available choices within the construct of your current dream. Your waking dream is 3D earth, 2013, human body, male or female. What is happening is that the very fabric of existence for the body you inhabit is being altered while you are living in it. This naturally creates confusion, as we are associative beings. We’ve relied on some outside definition to tell us what is happening and why. Answers such as “bad luck”, “illness”, “lack of work”, “age”, “faith”, “disobedience”, “beauty”, “bank account”, “location”, “opportunity” and “money” all provided a seemingly complete answer before consciousness began to creep in. In the midst of awakening, your eyes see those answers are not the whole story, but rather the visible portion of an iceberg; there is much more going on beneath the surface. The circumstances right this minute are yours – chosen on some level by you. They appear to be the fault of a “corrupt system” or “poor choices” when in fact they are opportunities and the catalyst for full consciousness. Once that happens, everything will change. Don’t mislead yourself into “I’ve fully awakened and everything still sucks.” You haven’t and it doesn’t. “Sucks” is also a relative term. From a broader perspective, it’s perfect. You’ve chosen the most efficient way to reach full awareness. Trust that you knew what you were doing when you made this choice. You’ll know when you wake up. It’ll all look different and will all, very quickly, make sense. The entire iceberg will be visible. A Master would have it no other way. First you have to discover the iceberg and understand its depth. Then you are able to clearly and seamlessly move through, around and beyond it. That iceberg will forever be a part of who you are on the other side. You have every tool necessary for clear vision. Do not waver in your knowing of this truth or spend all of your energy focused on the tip of the iceberg. You are so much more than it seems right now; a being of unimaginable brilliance, you have chosen the depths of despair for contrast and understanding. Each mystery life holds will open to you in your living of it. You are here in these times to personify God. In each moment ask yourself “What do I see?”, “What do I know?” You are here to make manifest love. You will create and witness heaven on earth. For this you were chosen and you chose. It is time to be the God that you are. You are the One. ~Sophia ![]() Hindsight is always 20/20. One day we’ll look back and realize how each puzzle piece fit together. This is the tale of a planet and her challenge to evolve with all of the beings and life she supports. It cannot be known in its fullness except from a distance. It incorporates creation and truth, agape and unity. There is a message from Turkey from a few days ago where oneness is palpable. The latest Off world Message describes humanity working day and night to protect and create a new world. Some recent movie releases mirror what is going on with “Rise of The Guardians”, “Warm Bodies” and “Now You See Me”. We are producing, acting and watching – changing things on the fly as we move through each moment. The point here is that we have no instruction manual. This is Improv folks. No one here has done this yet. We have to trust, to rely on our selves, our senses, our intuition and our feelings. Today’s events force us to trust our heart. We are accustomed to relying on our mind. Please follow along and we’ll go on a virtual trip. You’ll have to trust. You’ll need headphones. Close your eyes. This takes less than 5 minutes. Ready? Click the video play button, relax and enjoy the trip. Wasn’t that fun?
Our minds can be fooled, in this case, with sound. Pictures and events are potent as well. You’ve lived a lifetime of manipulation, coercion and programming and you’ve believed it was real, true and just “the way things are”. Did you feel the clippers? Did you sort of jump at the very end? Was any of it “real”? Understand that your mind did that. Your mind can be very convincing. Your heart is the basis of truth. Use it as the point of discovery as well. This may take some practice. Good! This is how we will change everything. Your reward will be absolute knowing. Your heart is the place we unite. I will meet you there. It is happening in Turkey, unplanned and without warning. They are actualizing Oneness in real time, with every heart beat. Deep within we know what to do. Love. This is our shift. We hold the power to direct it. Let’s do so. Take 5 minutes more and imagine it happening precisely as you dream it to be. Feel it. Hear it. Believe it. There will be naysayers and those who refuse to believe it’s possible. There will be attempts to distract your focus. Keep at it. You are a master creator. Creation is what you DO. There is a quote attributed to Ghandi, which may in fact have first been said by labor leader Nicholas Klein in a 1914 address to a labor union congress (Biennial Convention, Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America, 1914.): “First they ignore you. Then they ridicule you. And then they attack you and want to burn you. And then they build monuments to you. And that is what is going to happen…” You know the truth. The power is yours. A very slick trick is still being played and you can choose what to believe. We are participating in virtual reality, without headphones, with our eyes wide open. (Remember the barber shop?) It is easy to forget who is in control, it all seems so real. It is us. Choose love, peace, prosperity, unity, joy. Choose with your heart and believe. See the change you want to be in the world. You are the One and the time is now. ~Sophia ![]() There’s only one way to create. “Let there be light”, and light IS. The story is simple, straightforward and clear. It did not go – “Let there be light, and let it show up on Saturday, at 2:00 PM GMT, until precisely Midnight GMT, at only these places, while these 11 people are doing these 7 things, NOT these other things, or with these other people, or on this other day or in this other way.” We are Masters, becoming conscious of that fact. We’ve recently been made aware of our value, our ability, our power and the truth of our multi-dimensional existence. It is not that we are sometimes here and sometimes elsewhere, we are always all places. It is not that we are creators some days and not others, we are and have always been Master creators. The difference now is that we are doing so on purpose. Like any new skill, it is gradually assimilated. Through trial and error, we hone the craft. It is brilliant in its simplicity and surprising in its reach. Each moment, every thought, all words are creative. Our wishes, frustrations, joys and disappointments send out a vibe. From there, our life is made manifest. Rather than worry over the multitude of thoughts we hold, we can remember just one; focus trumps all. It is not a person, date, group or method that will grant your wish. It is your intent, belief and focus. If I decide to lose ten pounds and spend my days angry at the numbers on the scale or the image in the mirror, I will end up no closer to my goal at the end of them. My weight will be unchanged most likely, only I’ll be a bit more angry, discouraged and frustrated. If instead I spend time doing things I enjoy and I am active; while dressing to feel good about myself, then I will (feel good). A by product of the increased activity and positive emotion could very well be a loss of weight. In any case, I will be happier, which will attract more of what I enjoy. We’ve been trained as slaves. Slaves expect all things to come from their masters. As we remove the shackles from our own limbs, it’s time to also cut them from those we’ve decided hold the key. The I/UV or any other prosperity/freedom package out there is not the controller of your destiny. You are. Remove your focus on who, how and when and place it solely on what. FREEDOM. ABUNDANCE. UNITY. TRUTH. LOVE. VALUE. ABSOLUTE AWARENESS. These are the attributes of a Master. This is what your life is. Not because Caleb released a piece of software, St. Germaine released the gold or of any other specific event. Because this is what you are. You are not becoming anything new. You are realizing your very own truth. A caterpillar has always held the makings of a butterfly, albeit unaware. You have within the attributes of Mastery. The controllers have effectively convinced you of your need for something outside yourself. You have no need, you are Gods. Aim your focus squarely on freedom; watch heaven manifest before your eyes. This is more about belief than faith. Faith can distract you with details and descriptions of what is not happening. Know the truth of creation; “what you see is what you get.” Declare it every day and let it go. Live your life knowing who you are. Nothing is more important than agape. As our self-love encompasses Oneness, our focus incorporates joy for all of us. There can be no disappointment in a life fully and intentionally lived. All moments are expected, experienced fully and appreciated. With gratitude for each component of us and for every part played, stay present in the Now. From there all of life begins. As we let go of our death grip of expectation on those most visible players of this end game, we’ll see an exponential increase in effect. Only we can do this. This is what Masters do, we support the whole. You empower each other and in turn, propel us all towards absolute knowing. You are the One. ~Sophia ![]() This post is not mine, but it sums today up perfectly… “Been tapped into the emotions of the eternal hearts holding the contrast... Feel their weariness and desire to surrender but their fear has prevented them from doing so until now. So grateful for the quantum leap I have taken in consciousness because of the roles they played. Want them to come back to the light and celebrate. The Super bowl of consciousness has been the greatest game ever played!” (Thank you KK!) It is a time of gratitude, healing, endings, resurrecting and new beginnings. On some level we are all feeling it, we are all a part of it and we are all creating it. I am so grateful to be a part of this, and, as I seem to be at a loss for words, so thankful someone else has picked up the slack! The pieces of the puzzle are coming together. Our final work is looking absolutely exquisite. This song just feels right. Everyone DOES care, and that is just too wonderful for words… The waiting is over, you are the One. ~Sophia |
January 2025