My kitten has stopped his crying, yet the infant across the way has not. On this gorgeous, windows open sort of morning, we hear each other – the birds, the kittens, the people. It is this difference, the one between human and other earth-life, that fascinates. The kitten wants to be outside. I don’t blame him, yet also, as his owner, won’t allow him to be. It’s in his best interests, and as a “rescue kitty”, an agreement we made. After a few cries, he accepts his indoor fate and now waits, regally and patiently at the screen door for my return. My neighbor, the screaming child, has not (accepted his fate). He’s been yelling now for about thirty minutes. I’m almost certain his family has awoken as well and is hoping he’ll stop, unaware that the entire block is hoping the same thing. It’s 5:30 AM and, as was mentioned earlier, a “windows open” sort of morning. As we silently wish he’d “get with the program” and return to sleep, her persists relentlessly. It’s clear he will not stop until satisfied or too exhausted to continue. Although we humans admire the quiet dignity of our pets, we present a picture much more like that of the infant this morning. This will help us right now. We can be relentless, persistent, determined and demanding when we know the thing we want is possible, and maybe, just on the other side of the wall. That baby won’t get anywhere if he stops shouting, so shouting is his only option. It feels like that now. Not the shouting so much, but the necessity of persistence. What’s been realized by those of us paying attention, (and reading these words), is that there are things, so many things, within the realm of possibility, but that we have been led to believe were impossible. Things like healing technologies, free energy, food replicators, space travel; which all lead us to peace and prosperity worldwide. We, like that noisy child, know that these things are just out of sight. We need to keep shouting, and increase our volume. As we wake each other up, awareness slowly dawns on those nearby. You can only reach as far as your voice carries. There are those of us on network programs whose voices carry far. Yet even there, in order to be heard, someone has to “tune into” the network. We are still a relatively small group. Our greatest effort must come then, from home. For from there, our reach does not depend on interest or awareness but proximity. We all live with, work with, shop with, play with, lots of people. We are all over the planet. We will have to walk our talk in our every day. These things, the ones to bring up to the people you live with, are not so strange as to make us appear “odd”. These are things we all desire; health, prosperity, love, sustenance, peace. There is a great deal of common ground. Don’t you think, that if your seemingly stressed out boss or disconnected neighbor knew these things were possible right now, that they would join in our shouting? You bet they would. We don’t have to do this by ourselves. That was never the point. We were meant to spark the desire for freedom and all that goes with it. The humans around us will take care of the rest. The way to trigger desire is to let everyone know what is possible. It is so much more than we’ve been told. Like that screaming baby, once humanity knows that peace, prosperity, health and freedom are all possible (not only possible, but right here, just beyond reach or sight), the relentless quest for it begins. This happens in small person-to-person ways. It comes out in conversations. It is the end result of common ground. Enjoy here Matthew Mournian’s description of this connection process: And one more, here’s another sharing of what this connection can feel like, by Julie M Daley, click here. Whether you consider yourself a star seed or hybrid, indigo, crystal, or a bit of a mix, you are on the planet right now for and with humanity. It doesn’t get much more unified than that. We are One, and we are One everywhere that we are. Let’s talk to each other, and get that baby to start shouting for us all. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. With gratitude and love, ~Sophia PS Check out my books and newsletter here! Thank you for writing a review on Amazon! This song below was chosen because it speaks to many of us, getting over 10 million views in less than a weeks’ time! Wow. All of us are looking to connect in a real way.
Sometimes it seems as if there is no love around you. Serious faces, worried looks and anxious glances fill the heads of the people who walk through your life. Mostly, eyes avoid contact. In uncertain times, we tend to fall back, at least internally, to a specific state of comfort. If concern and focus on the problem (whatever it is) is where you spend the most time, that's where your natural zone is and where you'll head when under stress. What happens on our journey through “time” is that we arrive knowing every aspect, dimension and version of ourselves. There is no “veil” and we spend time everywhere, as every possibility of us is “real”. We are awake and aware. As infants react to these “alternative realities”, we, the humans in this “reality”, do nothing to reinforce what they are seeing. Not until they react to something we can also perceive. Then we smile, clap, hug and encourage them. This is how the separation begins. Those places are deemed our “imagination”, and relegated to fantasy. Slowly, we train each other to focus where we are looking. “The forgetting” is the beginning of the process of going to sleep. Deep sleep happens at puberty – when we become cognizant of all that is “real” and put away our super hero's and fairy tales. We get serious. We grow up. This is neither good nor bad, yet it does explain how we, adults now, have only a small amount of fairy dust or super power to pull out and have fun with. We thought that in order to be a responsible powerful adult - we had to put those things away. I guess it depends on where you want your success and what success means for you. If you are reading this, you are awake and perhaps are re-defining success. It may be time to pull out the capes and wings and fly around a bit; just because. Loving yourself is something you came here doing. You focused on what made you happy. You looked around – a lot. You noticed, heard and smelled every new thing. You wondered about someone who talked in another language, looked different or had a funny way of getting around; and you, unafraid, asked “why”. You laughed often. You cried freely. You stopped both on a moments notice. You did not come here stuck on replay – doomed to react the same way over and over to similar events. Somewhere and somehow that behavior is learned by our ego self. We are easily addicted as humans and with each passing year our “need for a fix” just grows. We require more and more for the same hit, in order to feel some sense of equilibrium. Loving yourself means adjusting those addictions. Turn the dial back until they are closer to the addictions you had as a child. The only things on your mind then were happiness, curiosity, comfort, fun and exploration. You did everything you did to get one or all of the above. The purpose was love. The focus was you. As you love yourself, you'll notice a softness emerge. It is difficult to explain, yet easily felt. As a child your shields were down and you let everything in. If something hurt – you cried and were over it. You knew all things were temporary; every moment was NOW, and you didn't want to miss any of it. You were present. Finding a space in your heart for unconditional love means, just maybe, moving some other things out of the way. Suggestions for what to box up would include:
If all that freed up empty space makes you queasy, fill it up with fairy dust, angel wings, super powers, magic wands, light sabers and hero capes. Play. You are an exuberant, 1,000,000 watt light beam of energy. You are powered with love and move because the very force of creation deems it so. As you remember play, you'll remember me. I was right there with you when you arrived oh so many years ago. I've been hidden behind should, can't and have to. Once you see me you'll remember our secret. We are the same. Allowing love into your own heart opens up space for our connection to be visible. We are One. Unity happens without force or a movement or a pushing against. It occurs seamlessly with an opening up. Allow me to see your super powers. I'll show you my wings. Love yourself and I will feel your hug. That's when we'll remember. We are the One's we've been waiting for. With so much love, ~Sophia (re-posted from 10/2014) PS - Check out my store for my newsletter and books! Once you read them, and love them, write a review! Thanks! Here is one for Inclusion: "I couldn't put this down. Very good information and truth about the earth and humanity. Hold on to your hats! It will be good!" Usage Policy: Please post this article everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. Let’s talk about forgiveness. It has two parts. One side first has to do something that hurts, harms or disturbs another. The other side, now having been disturbed, hurt or harmed – has to allow it to be okay. Blame or retribution hold no quarter. There is no room for shame or need to admonish. It is love that handles the details. In a polarized world such as earth, there are churches, schools, banks and courts built to take care of what love hasn’t. They are places of judgment, debt, worship and measurement; fictitious paces we’ve created so that we have 3D replicas for our inner dilemmas. Ultimately, it begins and ends with us. There is nothing else, not really. But what does this mean? I believe it means that we are here now to forgive ourselves on the innermost level. That in these days where daily exposure of the most heinous crimes is becoming the norm; we are finally getting down to it. For in every case, I am you. There is no sin or sacrifice I haven’t committed, no repulsive or divine act undone. If oneness is fact, then I am you right now. The lifetimes and fractals are merely remnants of a mind’s shattered pictures – as it attempts to deal with infinity. I am every possibility, absent limit. Now, that sounds beautiful and awesome, yet realize the scope of limitless – it reaches out into every direction. It’s not just limitless in the coolest things. So, we are left with self. Another truth of oneness is that every act effects self. Judgment of any one of us is felt by all of us. Our deepest desire is to be seen and loved. These daily exposures of our darkest sides are allowing us to be seen. Thus far, they haven’t let in any love. The headlines shout at us to blame and punish. The call for polarization has never been louder or more insistent. What we can do is start within. I believe that if we start there, the answer will be obvious. If we embrace multi-dimensional as a personal attribute, we have to consider an idea that not all of those parts were our best self. We’ve done stuff, some of it really “bad”. Forgiveness is our only option. If we keep this self-directed, perhaps we’ll have a bit of success. After all, who loves you and knows you best? It is, or hopefully is, you. Forgive yourself for everything that you’ve ever done. Use this (I forgive myself), as a mantra. Repeat it often. Embellish it. Perhaps, once self-forgiveness takes hold as a viable action plan – others will emerge. We’ve shown up now to end an experiment and build something new. It is this new part I reference today. This will be exactly what we believe is possible. Forgiveness is an answer, a possibility and the only option that doesn’t cause more harm. Forgiveness does not, in any case, allow harm to continue unabated. A new idea is like this one red tulip. It stands alone and sticks out. Discussing forgiveness while watching a media storm of murder and dark magic and pedophilia, is like that. It seems out of place. Yet, eventually, the color of that tulip bleeds into the rest and if it is strong enough, changes everything. You are that strong. I don’t know specifically what the answer will be, but one thing is known. It will be the one that promotes growth, not self-destruction. This field of red tulips looks different, but equally as beautiful as the yellow… Be gentle with yourself. You are the one you’ve been waiting for. With love and gratitude, ~Sophia PS Check out my books and newsletters! Sign up here! Books found here! Usage Policy: Please post this article everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. Pay attention. These are the days you’ll look back on, the vivid memories you’ll recall, the tales you’ll relate to anyone who asks. You’ve ended an era, and begin a new age. When you raise children, you are so deeply embedded in each hectic day, that most of them pass without a sense of loss. Without a thought that you will someday longingly wish them back. It is like that now. Not that we’ll wish back the struggle, but that we may long for the adventure in our quest for freedom. We are close enough now to feel it. The visionaries amongst us see it. There is nothing to compare it to, and no way to prepare. We are creating a new world. We came for many reasons, not the least of which is excitement. It is the contrast, the goal, the “go where no one has gone before” part of life that spurs us on and fills out minds with purpose. This moment now, this storm before the quiet, is one in which we hone our skills. The quiet will come at our bidding, it’s true. Yet as humans, we’re addicted to the storm. We are creators without directors now. The controllers have left the building. The theme and action is ours to build. We tread on new ground. Remember that a show without direction can be chaotic, and seemingly purposeless. Keep always in your mind, “to what end?” This is what makes a good director. Let outcomes drive your thoughts and words, while compassion guides your movements. We did not come only to remove the shackles; we came to demonstrate sovereignty. What’s over is the ownership. What is being witnessed now is akin to fish as they flop around in the net that captured them. Their only option is one they won’t see. They will continue to flail. Watching doesn’t change their fate, but it may alter ours. A more productive act would be to prepare for what’s next. This is the “we are not done” part. Our role as conscious creators now takes center stage. Pay attention. Choose the direction of your thoughts. What emerges now are individual roles and tendencies. We co-create this part while directing it; all the time on stage performing. Belief and intent force the seed to split and begin to grow. Realize nothing happens now until we make it so. We are that powerful. The field is wide open. I’ve heard incredible dreams from some of my friends. I’ve read beautiful posts describing wonderful imaginings of where we are headed. SPOILER ALERT: The Trolls movie concludes with the message that happiness is something inside you, not something you have to get. All around us are visions, pick one to start with and create your own. It’s all possible now. None of us know exactly when on the calendar this change shows up before our eyes. Yet it is certain to manifest once the feeling is true. The trick is to abandon the notion that it has to make sense, or follow any particular order. These are the moments of reckless abandon. Allow into your heart your wildest dreams. This heart of yours is the engine, waiting for your spark of realization. It will take you anywhere you deem possible. So, do not wait until the fat lady sings. She may never. It’s over. Yet we are not done. Now comes the fun part; the part we create ourselves. We can do this. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. With so much love, ~Sophia PS Sign up for my newsletter here! Check out my books on Amazon! Thank you for writing an awesome review! Usage Policy: Please post this article everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. This post is a bit of a sharing in a way not previously done. It is the method used when trying to discern the root of emotional turmoil. This is my own turmoil. It has been quite the ride since the last week of March. Today I was expecting to write about other things, worldly things and outward changes. Instead, this came up. In this sharing it is hoped that some of you may be assisted as well. The first few sentences are me, (my “ego self”); the last part is a sort of melding. It is both me and that part of me who I’ve come to regard as my greater self. My struggle continues and well’s up from deep within. There is a void no one can fill. Yes. You are beginning to understand. It is the human dilemma, created as you brought forth this body. In form, there is not access to all that you are. Thus, you seek, relentlessly, that aspect. All judgment is self-abuse. All discomfort – self-directed. Those free of inhibitions become your greatest teachers then. Why do you frown in their direction? It is not that there is something wrong with them, but something they represent, is unsaid from you, even to yourself. You refuse to self-examine, for that brings up the greatest pain. To look beneath the mirror is not possible while human. You are left, then, with judgment, and follow up attempts at rectification – “I will change my shirt”, “I will put on make-up”, “I will smile”, “I will not watch this person, place or thing that seems to cause discomfort to erupt and shout out judgment” “I forbid ___”, “I will try harder”, “I will be good” and on and on and on and on… What is left, all that is left, is you. Standing there, seeing your reflection, considering which fix will finally fix it for good. There is no such adjustment. Change clothes, jobs, spouses, lovers, friends or homes and STILL THE MIRROR HOLDS THE SAME REFLECTION. What now? As the world disintegrates its slavery structures, we remain with mirrors in hand. This post reminds us what is true every time. It is the answer to the question and the reason that physical alteration does not forever satisfy. The truth is not found in “other”. It means that if you look beyond this picture… …and make one more leap, you see that we reside in a box that cannot contain the expanse of what we are. This box is not a coffin. This box is a body. This box is illusory. It is the BELIEF IN ITS VALUE THAT CREATES SO MUCH MISERY. You can change the box anytime, and have no effect on your worth. What it takes, we come to realize at this late stage of our ascension/awareness process, is letting go. You can move so much more easily when you aren’t hanging on to something. Until you are willing to appear weightless, you are burdened with judgment, and stuck to the box. Letting go does not mean dying (although that works). It means retaining awareness of value every time and in every instance. It looks like regarding yourself with kindness. It feels like self-care. It puts no hierarchy on people, while retaining always a single directive. This directive rests beneath all of your actions. This directive puts the heart always first and foremost. It does not advocate activity, talk or plans that chip away at sovereignty. It is humbling. The heart is the beginning of it all, the reason for it all, the source. Not any heart – your heart. The last 6 weeks of my life have turned it upside down. Four “jobs” were ended in shocking and unexpected ways, while conditions, physical and emotional, rise to the surface that have been brewing for decades. As I navigate these, I am left with one conclusion, and it is shattering. I can no longer pretend. Anywhere. There is no more “faking it until making it”. It is time to BE. In every moment, I am left with only truth. My heart will not be stifled or silenced or shut down. It is looking to birth brilliance and will not be hidden. I am ashamed, gladdened, humbled and frightened for this learning. The extreme nature of it foretells massive change. I cannot do this alone (or pretending to be). We are united at our core and it is time to trust both self and other. Separation is illusion. Above all else, we love. It is the source of that love that bursts forth now, demanding its place in our illusory life. Our wildest imaginings are about to be realized. Let go. We came to fly. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. Thank you for all that you are. With so much love, ~Sophia PS Check out my books on Amazon, here! The first few chapters can be read for no charge! Sign up for my newsletter here! Usage Policy: Please post this article everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. |
April 2024