Hi everyone,
Happy 2025! I wanted to reach out since it's been awhile & I miss you. I hope this finds you doing well! Platforms and offerings are still in the midst of being sorted, as I take on more "regular" daytime work and negotiate time and finances. I hope to have things settled in February. At that time there will be an email or post detailing where and how to find me. In the meantime, I had a brief conversation with One regarding this process of choosing. It may be of some help and encouragement to you as we stride into this pivotal year. I'll include it below. First, a few housekeeping things... "Ask me anything" has now been straightened out with the publishers, and is available everywhere from Amazon (whew!). Here's that link: (click for book) There are some Love Lights remaining and available for sale. I hope that you enjoyed yours and that you felt an uptick in both Love & Light as they were burnt! I know I did! They could be great Valentines Day gifts. They can be found here: (click here) Thanks for all the love messages you've graciously sent! You guys are awesome! We'll connect again soon. With appreciation and love, Sophia ~~~~~~~ Here's the conversation... It is the One. Thank you. I am not sure how to begin … There are things that can be said now, and they may help. It is not that you can make the wrong decision. All decisions, all choices, lead to growth. You will proceed in a way that supports you and satisfies you. Your journey will proceed for as long or as brief a time as is determined by your choices. Yet you must choose. I realize that. You must choose Sophia. You have a contribution to make, and although it is not the only thing you are here to do, it is one of them. You are not done. There are things to say. There are upcoming alterations to your world as the race prepares for her next adventure. It is a journey that will be clarified in retrospect. At the current moment, and amid change, it can feel chaotic and a bit disorganized... The many who seek a leader are often the same many who do not see where the responsibility of life rests. It rests within each of you, regardless of age. Each of you came equipped with physical, mental, emotional and spiritual abilities and tendencies. These enable you to negotiate your journey. Part of your mission is to further develop these tendencies and abilities. Often, one or several of them become the focus at the “expense” of other, less honed skills. It is a matter of choice. It is a matter of circumstance. It is a by-product of family of origin and enthusiasm. All of these are on a wheel that turns and changes both perspective and focus. They are a part of this, your physical life. Currently, as the world evolves, you are thrust into a state of rapid alteration. It is difficult to predict where the state of your existence will be in a few months’ time. This fact alone demands from you an inner focus. For as everything swirls and shifts around you – you remain. The one thing you can count on during this transition is the fact that you will proceed at whatever pace you decide. You decide. Government leaders will come and go while you evolve within their sphere. What you do and why is not the fault of one administration or another. It is a response, by you, to the life you choose. These choices do not define you as much as they lay the path for your evolution. This path can be direct or the scenic route – for time is only an imagination of your reality here so that you may experience cause and effect viscerally. You will get to the destination, regardless of the path chosen. Life is not a race; it is a deliciously immersive experience. So, relish the chaos while maintaining inner calm. It is going to be all right. The world, your world, is specifically chosen by you with your focus, your attention, your effort, your love. It can take thousands of “lifetimes” to grasp the nuances of strength or forgiveness or compassion or joy. It’s all love. Life is an endless exploration of creation. There is no right way to fulfill life. There is no wrong way. What may help you to remember is that there are no subtractions. Everything is a plus. At the end, when you look “back” at the experience here, you’ll see that everything added to your evolution, every moment, every tear, every loss, every win, every single encounter. I get what this is. Yet I wonder why you bring this up now. Because, Sophia, you are faced with many decisions right now. As you face them and choose – your world speeds up and transforms. It is folly to imagine a choice that will answer life perfectly for you a year from now. What you can do successfully is choose what will answer, as best as you can determine, your life today. To do that, you’ll need to go within and trust what you find there, knowing that things could change at some point. It’s going to be okay. Your choice will get you going in a certain direction. It is not the only direction, yet it will supply you with information that will add to your inner knowing. Remaining stagnant will run out of being beneficial at a certain point. You are at that moment now, and a decision is called for. It is not the final decision; it is a decision for now. It’s all okay. You are in the best of hands and those hands are your own. Trust. Okay. Thank you. Goodbye Sophia, my chosen one, my scribe. ~~~~~~~ Words of One, Drops of Light, (and all of my books) are available on Amazon. "A Re-Imagination", which lays down ideas for structuring our new earth, is also on Audible. The Words of One series offers insight into what happened, and why it did, throughout 2020 – 2021. (click here) For blog posts announcements, you can select the “RSS Feed” link (above). Then, with a Feed-reader app. you’ll be up to date! Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you and much love always.
Hello everyone. Today I’d like to share something that happened last week. The reason for sharing is because when I told my partner the story, a few days after it happened, his eyes teared up and he said “That’s so beautiful! Thank you for telling me!” So, here goes. I was heading into a grocery store that I’ve gone to many times. It is an Aldi, and it’s right in town. It was sunny and windy that day. As I approached the store, I noticed a man sitting on the sidewalk and leaning against the wall of the building, just in front of the carts. You have to put a quarter in the cart in order to get one, so everyone stops there first. I looked down at him and said “Are you okay?” I’m not sure why I said that, I don’t usually blurt things out to people. I had never encountered anyone looking for money outside that store, and his presence surprised me. He looked up at me, and with piercing blue eyes spent the next ten minutes or so explaining his recent hard luck, as well as the sudden loss of his son Jesse. He was in tears at several points, as was I. While we talked, several people reached in and put some cash in his hands. As I walked into the store, I told him I’d check on him after I shopped. I was planning on giving him the change from my purchases. Another man walked up to him, pulled out his wallet and said, rather loudly, “Down on your luck? I didn’t do well at the casino today, but I’ll share what I got.” When I came out of the store, he was talking to other shoppers. I reached down to hand him some money and he yelled “Your cart!” It had started rolling into the parking lot right towards a parked car. A young woman left her cart and ran to grab mine. I thanked her and then turned to give him the money. There were three other people gathered around him, and one of them was holding a box full of groceries. As she fumbled with her stuff, her receipt dropped and blew away. I ran to get it. As I handed it to her, she said “Thank you for giving him money, that was very cool.” When I returned with my now emptied shopping cart, there were still people smiling and chatting around him. He was smiling and saying “God bless you” to every one of them. I thanked him for saving my cart, and left. I thought about the whole scenario for a few days before I could talk about it. I wasn’t sure what it was I had been a part of, but I knew that it was something special. It almost felt sacred, and I wasn’t sure that talking about it wouldn’t ruin the feeling. It didn’t. The thing is, Aldi is a store that is not fancy, doesn’t carry commercially advertised products and is more affordable than the bigger stores. I’ve always shopped there. The people almost never look each other in the eyes. Lately, everyone has been looking sort of desperate. What happened that day may have been because of him or an alignment of the stars, I don’t know. But for a few moments that afternoon, I experienced a group of strangers who were informally joined together with no judgments or misgivings; just people being human. We helped each other, heard each other, and looked each other in the eyes. It was, I think, what Clif High refers to as a SOC (Self-Organizing collective). It felt wonderful. I left the store with so much more than groceries. I left with a full heart and renewed faith in humanity. We are pretty cool. Our man on the sidewalk may have been an angel, for what I witnessed was miraculous. I think we’re going to be just fine. With so much love, Sophia ~ Words of One, Drops of Light, (and all of my books) are available on Amazon. "A Re-Imagination", which lays down ideas for structuring our new earth, is also available now at both Amazon and Barnes & Noble. It’s also on Audible. The Words of One series offers insight into what happened, and why it did, throughout 2020 – 2021. (click here) Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free email publications: (click here)! For blog posts announcements, you can select the “RSS Feed” link (above). Then, with a Feed-reader app. you’ll be up to date! Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you! Hi everyone. It’s been a while. Let’s talk about what’s going on inside of us, cause right now it’s nuts. I’ll start.
For the past several weeks or even months I dream of dead people. These are loved ones, or at the very least, family members who have passed on. Often there is a message I’m looking at on my phone – with a name and photo. Other times it’s a written message. One night I spent the time looking for a new apartment with a dear friend who passed on 8 years ago. I’ll admit that one spooked me a bit. Clearly the veil is thinning, becoming transparent even. I’ve heard often from my best friend, my little sister. She’s been gone for nearly twenty years, which is hard to fathom. Another detail here is that that I rarely remember my dreams; until recently that is. Anyone else having similar dreams? I cry – a lot. Now tbh, I’m that person who wells up at emotional music and heart-touching films. Lately though, the tears seem to come unbidden. In the car, when I’m home, when I’m getting ready to go somewhere, when I’m working. I am an overflowing bucket of unending tears. The tears are sometimes sad, yet mostly not. If there was a word to describe them, it would be grateful. I am overflowing with appreciation. I’m not sleeping great. I wake up often and its difficult to settle in. My tastes in food have changed. I’m rarely hungry, and this is from a girl who was called “chubs” until she hit puberty. I used to love food and use it as comfort. Now, I look at is not much more than a necessity. Also, sugar is not such a big deal, and that occasional glass of wine that was enjoyed every so often has just about stopped. I have this love for everyone and just about every single thing encountered; ever. (Except maybe for mosquitos.) There’s no old hurts or grudges now. I’m not sure about all judgments, but I’d say most; most judgments just aren’t happening. Now to be clear, my life hasn’t outwardly become magical or even that different. If there was an emotion or a word that could be used to sum up what’s happening, it would be non-attachment. My daily feelings and attitudes are pretty much the same, regardless of what is going on. There’s one more thing. It’s that there’s a sense that I want to apologize – to everyone and for everything. There is an astonishment that there is so much love out here that I get to witness and to enjoy. That we all do. Maybe I’m just waking up and seeing it now. I’ll keep you posted as we continue our journey. With love and light and appreciation for all that you are, Sophia ~ Words of One, Drops of Light, (and all of my books) are available on Amazon. "A Re-Imagination", which lays down ideas for structuring our new earth, is also available now at both Amazon and Barnes & Noble. The Words of One series offers insight into what happened, and why it did, throughout 2020 – 2021. (click here) Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free email publications: (click here)! For blog posts announcements, you can select the “RSS Feed” link (above). Then, with a Feed-reader app. you’ll be up to date! Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you! Here's a beautiful message from a decade ago, regarding our life on earth right now. It is from One, and was discovered while editing the book "Inclusion" for an audio release this spring. Enjoy!
Much love, light and appreciation, Sophia ~~~ 3/2014 This journey is meant to be taken alone. Not physically isolated yet individually experienced and understood. It is a privilege to incarnate in any case. Each child born sees life from a unique perspective. There is no point or advantage to forcing a specific viewpoint onto a child. Training may accomplish desired rhetoric – but each individual possesses an internal code. You are driven to follow this code by an internal force that is only felt with time and permission. You must feel it’s okay to follow that drive, even when opposed by strong pressure from society and your peers. The emergence of the individual is one of the things those in charge of the planet today aimed to stifle. This was done from numerous points of contact. There are many possibilities available to dull or prohibit full expression. There are food addictions that once created can be near impossible to ignore. The desire to ingest things like sugar, caffeine and alcohol is promoted in common culture and advertising, which is all driven by a corporate and not a personal agenda. The point is amount sold rather than benefit received. There have always been stimulants and sweet things to eat, yet the huge profit in the production and sale of artificially created treats and drinks that alter the mind is what drives the industry. This, over usefulness or benefit to the people doing the ingesting and buying. If this sounds backwards it’s because it is not natural. A “corporate agenda” is not a necessary component in society. It is one of the things that, unseen, has driven western culture to the brink of collapse with all of you riding along, unaware. An unseen objective is at work. You’ve grown accustomed to cravings and an idea of “needing” specific foods. This is partly because humans possess an addictive personality. While alive, we all experience a sense of addiction. It starts out as being addicted to comfort and as we grow, our desires become more specific. There is nothing wrong with desire. It is what sparks and fuels creation. The impact turns however when the desire is blind and numbed and serves no purpose beyond its own satisfaction. We are designed for variety, in both what our bodies take in and what they do. Repetitive, sedentary activity that does not alter the way it stimulates the senses or spark additional action is pointless and eventually destructive. As you think about the foods, drinks and activities you repeat on a daily basis, consider their ultimate benefit. The life you’ve been given is meant to be enjoyed and to that end, variety is necessary. The variety of choices is what advertising has aimed at. To sell a product is the motivating factor behind its creation. This, rather than benefit. It is counter-intuitive from a broader perspective, to push things on the populace that harm, rather than help, their health. That is, unless your agenda is destructive rather than creative. A society of sovereign beings will have its members clear about each action they take and its intended outcome. What benefits the whole, becomes the primary focus. It is understood that all are one and each effort has a wider effect than can be immediately seen. When something is not good for you, on any level, there is an internal sense of that truth. Now that sense can be dulled with over-stimulation, but it will not disappear. To an awake population, advertising has little effect. A people aware want truth, not glitz. Random products that promise happiness or success do not actually exist. What creates both, (both happiness and success) is you. ~~~ Words of One, (and all of my books) are available on Amazon. "A Re-Imagination", which lays down ideas for structuring our new earth, is also available now at both Amazon and Barnes & Noble. The Words of One series offers insight into what happened, and why it did, throughout 2020 – 2021. (click here) Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free email publications: (click here)! For blog posts announcements, you can select the “RSS Feed” link (above). Then, with a Feed-reader app. you’ll be up to date! Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you! Hello. What you are looking at is an image for the word "Builders", aka us, that has been transformed into a call to unify and amplify at today's moment of the eclipse, wherever you are. It is a beautiful idea and comes to us from the graphic artist for my most recent books, Tom. So, if you see this in time, I hope you will join in! With so much love, Sophia Message follows: Hi there, Today the tribe of the rainbow warriors unites as one mind, one voice, one spirit. And confirmed 2.000.000 of them will synchronize, short - circuit and amplify the power of this historic gathering by consciously generating a common vibration through just humming for the four and half minutes of the epochal cosmic constellation. So simple. So powerful. So genius. If you like the idea, share the message. And tune in. Love TOM Hi everyone! About two weeks ago the following information was shared with me by a friend, and then shared with subscribers in my newsletter. As it concerns every one of us, I am now sharing the story here, for it is validation, and this is a good thing. Here’s what was sent:
“I've received this newsletter (click here) today; thanks Seth! It is called "Era of Light". This is the first time I've seen what happened in 2014 and 2015 referenced anywhere. It concerns the Poseur. Here's a bit of the post: "God has recently been un-created, thanks to the teamwork of the heavens and of a certain Earth human lightworker, who was in service to Source. Yes, you lightworkers are that important: god was only eliminated after this Earth human lightworker sat down and asked light beings to unmake god, in accordance with the highest divine blueprint. And with this free-will request made, with the crucial phrase “in accordance with the highest divine blueprint” added, the heavens answered and had a mandate to act. And so it was. God has been uncreated." On August 8th 2014 I shared this blog (click here) "A call to action". A year later, I was told by One that the Poseur was returned to Source Essence. His identity was ended. At the time of all of this, I had some friends who were a part of that departure. Now, of course I can't be certain that this article is a reference to what we did, yet it sure sounds similar. At the very least it is a sort of confirmation, which is good to see. I am not familiar with the blogger’s work that was sent to me. I attempt to stay clear of channeled information in order to keep what I am getting clear and undiluted. This one just had to be shared. Most of you know that I eventually (2019) wrote a book about my conversations with Poseur, "The Imposter". He remains one of the more fascinating beings I've encountered.” This story ends with a recording made of a conversation that took place with One after this happened. You can listen here, (click here). It’s about 15 minutes long. Have a beautiful weekend! Sending you love and so much light, Sophia Words of One, (and all of my books) are available on Amazon. "A Re-Imagination", which lays down ideas for structuring our new earth, is also available now. The Words of One series offers insight into what happened, and why it did, throughout 2020 – 2021. (click here) Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free email publications: (click here)! For blog posts announcements, you can select the “RSS Feed” link (above). Then, with a Feed-reader app. you’ll be up to date! Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you! May 27, 2023 The song included below has been playing in my home all morning! It is with real joy that I share the following. These messages were given on 5.25.23 and today, 5.27.23. I woke up (5.25.23) knowing that something had changed, things felt viscerally different. It was an odd sensation and stayed with me for hours. Later that day, the following conversation occurred: ~ It is the One. Can you tell me what I was feeling this morning? You are experiencing what it feels like to sense the collective’s journey. What changed last night is that a “war lord” was executed. This drastically alters the fight and speeds the trajectory. You are on a faster course of action at this point. It means an acceleration. This is what you feel. You feel “off” because the speed of your movement towards liberation has increased. You feel “behind” and as if you aren’t ready for it all. The other thing you feel is that you have “missed the boat”. You feel late or behind, and this agitates you. Nothing “bad” accelerates. This was an unexpected victory and many players remove themselves as a result of the departure. It is good news for the movement. It is good news for the planet and its people. You may notice major shifts in direction. The fallout is real. All of the forces are rejuvenated because of this outing. All of the forces are inspired now because without this player, the clean-up will be quicker. Those who see that this can happen to one at such a level, are jumping ship or offing themselves or turning “state’s evidence”. All of this helps the Alliance. All of this means a quicker ending to the battle. This you feel as agitation and change. It is not an easy vibe. 5.27.23 I was woken in the early morning hours. The following conversation took place: It is the One. Things have happened. We will discuss them now. The controllers have been defeated. Their direct influence here is over. Their reign is finished. What happens next is anyone’s guess. The human players of their games may or may not know of their defeat. What they do know however, is that they have everything to lose once they are discovered and outed. It’s up to Man to determine what will be done now. For the major force of the controllers is just gone. You will see, and quite clearly now, who is promoting fear and division still. These will be humans who see no problem in capitalizing on fear; i.e., taking advantage of it to make money. What will play out now will be most telling. What you should see, if you are to believe in the fact that there is an Alliance for “good” in charge – are major disclosures of all kinds. The cabal is no longer a threat. The War has been won. What happens now will be rapid and it will be a grand unveiling. Much will be apparent to those who know the Truth. You will quickly discern each player’s loyalty, and see who or what is propelling them. It will be obvious. This story plays out for years. Yet now, the motivation and desire of each one of you will be what is driving your life. This is the reason we focused so much (recently) on control of your conscious creative ability. It will be useful and will only expand in the atmosphere of today. The battle is over. The light has won. You are now “held down” only by those humans who sold their souls for profit and who have only their own protection and benefit as a driving force. Watch carefully. The playbook is about to get interesting. This is what I wanted to tell you today. We will speak again. That is all. Thank you. ~ So that’s it! Please share in the comments if you have noticed anything from your perspective. This is cause for celebration! It is time for us to roll up our sleeves and actively engage in building New Earth! I love you all so very much. It is an honor to share this moment! Please share it wherever you feel inspired to. With deep appreciation, Sophia Words of One, (and all of my books) are available on Amazon. "A Re-Imagination", which lays down ideas for structuring our new earth, is also available now. The Words of One series offers insight into what happened, and why it did, throughout 2020 – 2021. (click here) Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free email publications: (click here)! For blog posts announcements, you can select the “RSS Feed” link (above). Then, with a Feed-reader app. you’ll be up to date! Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you! Hello.
This was given on the 20th of October, 2022. It is meant to be shared. Please do so if you are so inspired. With blessings and light, Sophia * * * * * * * It is the One. Events transpire for you on your planet right now, that will alter the course of your life. These are hidden from your eyes, as they must be, in order to assure that they can be completed. They are not all captures. Some of these are rescues. What is being retrieved is not just people. What is being retrieved is also property. Property of the people. This has been stolen and hidden and kept by those who held the power here. There are many things to which you will now have access. These will alter the course of your life. Things like free access to energy and highly advanced medical technology are only a start. Methods for food preparation are available that will guarantee an end to hunger. There are advances in virtually every aspect of society. These will astound the senses and uplift as well as simplify your existence. Much has been kept from you, dear human. You’ve been raised and bred to be work animals for a non-human species. This is the awful truth of it. Once you accept it as truth, everything that you’ve suffered through makes sense. Religion was a tool used to instill in the population a reason for “suffering”. Many teach the fact that you are born with sin as part of your soul. You are marked before you are able to hold a conscious thought, and this contributes to the way you have accepted the conditions of your slavery. You are taught, very early on, that you are not worthy. This life has been a stimulus to a remembering. You are here to remember your truth and to realize your core. You are the most brilliant of lights, favored in all of Creation. You’ve chosen to be here, and your presence is a gift to Gaia as well as a much-needed boost for the race. The bravest, the strongest, the most brilliant; these words tell the truth of you. You are about to complete this magnificent mission. You all feel it. There is a sense of peace and acceptance now for your role. It is that moment before stepping out onto the stage, when you take a deep breath, and center yourself. It’s showtime, dear human, it’s showtime. That is all. Thank you. * * * * * * * Words of One, (and all of my books) are available on Amazon. "A Re-Imagination", which lays down ideas for structuring our new earth, is also available now. The Words of One series offers insight into what happened, and why it did, throughout 2020 – 2021. (click here) Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free email publications: (click here)! For blog posts announcements, you can select the “RSS Feed” link (above). Then, with a Feed-reader app. you’ll be up to date! Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you! Congratulations! You’ve made it and completed the Quest! Let’s talk about what to do now that self-love is tangible. It could be argued that it is paramount to a contented life. Right now, we are struggling with money (or the lack of it), and perhaps with relationships (due to radicalized differences of opinion). There have been losses on every front. These things rattle our inner peace. Yet there is a fortitude that accompanies agape, and we know what that looks and feels like now. Our Quest led us here. Unconditional self-love keeps us standing in the roughest of storms. It is for this reason that the Quest was held right now. We have been through times that have challenged every part of us, and we are still here! Our purpose is to maintain the light as we travel through this next part. Don’t doubt your strength. It’s real. It was one of the qualifications needed to incarnate right now. It’s time for us to recognize that everyone here has decided to stay for a reason, and that everyone we encounter will benefit from our love and our light in some way. You may never know the effect it had, but you can be sure that it was beneficial. Self-love is fuel for agape. And agape is what is needed now. The biggest crime that has occurred on planet earth is the installation of self-doubt into the race. If the Quest has left you with anything at all, let it be self-trust. You know truth when you see it. You do know yourself. Your first thought, feeling or instinct is a good one. Your core truth is pure love. Your inner essence is radiant light. You are okay in every way, magnificent actually. These things cannot be beaten away or hidden permanently by any false narrative or show of force. These things are who you are. Fellow Questers, trust that you are worthwhile and know that you are love. Determine each day to share who you are with everyone you encounter. The world needs you. And you are here to love that world. It will be difficult, in the coming days, to remain positive. When that happens, and you find yourself leaning towards sadness or despair, remember that you are loved absolutely, purely and unconditionally. You are valuable beyond measure; you are priceless. Whatever this obstacle or pain may be, it is not too much for one such as you. You came to heal. You came to heal all of it. Truth is so much more powerful than illusion. Once found, it rises to the top of every story you encounter. Truth becomes the beacon in the storm. Trust the feel of it, and know that when everything else is collapsing, Truth will not fall. Neither will love. Healing starts with you. So, as you experience an eruption of anger or fear, breathe deeply and inhale agape. Feel that wave of self-acceptance washing over you. It may take a few breaths to fully restore you, but you are unstoppable now. This works! You are the essence of pure love. One of the things that will occur is that once agape sinks deeply into your being, you’ll want to share it with everyone. The song chosen for today (see video below) expresses that feeling. It is joy. As you listen, imagine that “everybody who came through that door” to be whomever it is you run into each day. For this life is meant to be love fest, not a fear fest. We are getting there and it is you that will help to guarantee that! It is such a privilege to take this journey with you. It is your light that leads the way, and you are loved and appreciated more than you know. Be gentle with your heart and generous with your light. You are remarkable and this precious life you are leading right now is uplifting our beautiful home. Nicely done. With blessings and so much love, Sophia Words of One, (and all of my books) are available on Amazon. "A Re-Imagination", which lays down ideas for structuring our new earth, is also available now. The Words of One series offers insight into what happened, and why it did, throughout 2020 – 2021. (click here) Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free email publications: (click here)! For blog posts announcements, you can select the “RSS Feed” link (above). Then, with a Feed-reader app. you’ll be up to date! Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you! We are on Week #6, and it’s time to assess how it’s going. As you’ve been following along, attempting to explore your heart, you’ll no doubt have some observations. I know that I do. You can look back six weeks ago, where we first discovered what it is we had lost, and notice how differently you are feeling today. Hopefully there is improvement. Also hopefully, you know what it is that you have been missing and how to supply it. There’s this thing that happens when you feel unconditionally loved. It is like coming home. This is a place where it is all okay. This is that place that is safe and comfortable with a sense of permanence. You can relax here. What happens when you get to this place is that you feel a mixture of peace, joy and excitement all at once. You discover that you are free. There are no reasons to hide yourself, or conjure yourself, or pretend. The reasons to do so are imaginary. They don’t exist within unconditional love. The only thing that shows up there is truth. You will see yourself with true sight through wide open eyes. Once experienced, you’ll know complete acceptance. You feel empowered. It is like standing naked in front of a crowd without embarrassment or shame or hesitation, completely confident that you’ll be seen truly, known absolutely with all of your inconsistencies, and loved beyond measure. What follows for you is a sense of validation and awareness of self. This is you and you are worthy. This is where sovereignty begins. You feel unstoppable when you begin always from a place of self-love. You know yourself. There are no surprises or reasons to doubt. Therefore, you do not require anyone else’s approval, acceptance or permission. You are all that and completely sure of that truth. Complete self-acceptance is pure power. From here, you become emboldened to seek connection. And connection, fellow Questers, is where all the fun starts. Connection is found through eye contact. We access each other’s core with our gaze. Our eyes are like portals to our souls. This connection can happen anywhere. In the checkout line, while signing for a package, on a walk, or at the ATM. It turns out, there are pairs of eyes everywhere! Not all pairs will let you in, but you’d be surprised how many isolated souls are out there, willing to say hello. This is a Quest. A Quest for Love. Love is found in so many more places than you’ve imagined. Consider the people you walk around and with each day as potential connections instead of strangers. It’s pretty amazing. Doing so turns errands, jobs and walks into adventures! Seek now to find the eyes that are open to connection; open to accepting, sharing, oneness. Success happens in a nanosecond. No long-term commitment is required. This is an acknowledgement of each other, of the truth of each other. We are sacred and full of life. We are so much more than mom, dad, aunt, sister, brother, uncle, son, daughter, worker, student or citizen. We are brilliant bits of eternal essence. Fellow Questers, you are the brave ones, risking rejection by opening your heart. In that moment of true sight, you are both explorer and guide. For as you show yourself fearlessly, others will see you and, just maybe, be emboldened to do the same. Why? Because they will have seen self-love embodied in you, and that is an uncommon and glorious sight! You are able to risk failure and non-acceptance because you don’t need it in order to feel love! You love yourself enough for everyone! If another pair of eyes meets yours with their shields up and firmly secured, it’s okay. They just aren’t ready yet. They haven’t completed their own Quest. They just need more time. You have given them something to think about and a bit of encouragement. The earth didn’t open up and swallow you both. What happened was much better. In that brief moment of connection, your worth and their worth were both acknowledged. Everything is still in place. If that other pair of eyes is ready? Watch out! It’s going to feel remarkable. You will feel noticed. Once you do, it isn’t so lonely out there. The thing about self-love is that it makes you stronger. It supplies you with courage to take risks; emotional risks. It inspires you to speak up; to speak truth. Self-love inspires you, period. Contrary to mainstream nonsense, love does not weaken you. It makes you irresistible and unstoppable. Self-love is a knowing. It cannot be denied or discredited by any action or any other. It is raw and quiet power. Once you know self-love, you’ll realize that it is all that you need. You become one with your life and you tend you move through your days with self-confidence. Self-love is your super-power. See you next week! With so much love, Sophia Words of One, (and all of my books) are available on Amazon. "A Re-Imagination", which lays down ideas for structuring our new earth, is also available now. The Words of One series offers insight into what happened, and why it did, throughout 2020 – 2021. (click here) Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free email publications: (click here)! For blog posts announcements, you can select the “RSS Feed” link (above). Then, with a Feed-reader app. you’ll be up to date! Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you! |
January 2025