Dust off your wings. For you will have to fly. You’ve been ignoring them, hiding them. Beneath shrugged shoulders and heavy burdens and tattered dreams. Their colors forgotten; their strength minimized; their purpose misunderstood. You’ve been imagining yourself needing new ones. Well my warrior, the stores are all closed, there is nothing to purchase. You’ll have to make-do with your original equipment. And oh, what wings they are! Do you see? Breathtaking. Forged in titanium. Wrapped in luminescence. Brilliant beacons. Coronas. Now called forth. To unite. To multiply. To spread. One. The only response is the one you know intimately. It is your solitary choice. It is what remains when all else has failed you. The ultimate answer. Your singular solution. The promise birthed when you were. Your core. Your absolute knowing. Your essence. Your being. You do not need armor. You need conviction. You require nothing but belief. Extend your faith to the one you know deeply. This is a call for truth. Nothing withstands truth. Nothing destroys it. It can be dismissed but not erased. Your truth. You. Us. One. All that is. This is not hopeless and you have not been forgotten. You’ve been waiting. All this time you’ve imagined the goddess or the god or the dude in the space ship who will be coming to save you. I tell you she is underneath your breath; he is urging you forward in whispers. It has always been you. You. It has always been you. The bravest among you have already met the enemy. You’ve faced them and stood your ground. You’ve called their bluff, called them out, stopped them cold. The bravest among you know the secret. The secret is found here... Acceptance. Self-referral. Authority. Unconditional love. Compassion. Badd-Assery. All of these are yours. Somewhere you recognize this. It is your deepest knowing, your base emotion, your energetic blueprint and, as human, your most cherished and unspoken wish. Do you know what you look like out of body? A HUGE BEACON OF LIGHT is your true form. Absolute energy. The ultimate powerful being of brilliance. Brief story, which you may have heard, yet bears telling again, for we are facing our moment. The call we answered, our reason for being here. EARTH 2020. A decade ago, my partner and I hosted a “Creation Group”. As a deep trance channel, he’d leave his body and other beings would speak through him to the group of us. He could “see” while out of body, and hear us in the group asking questions as well. He just wasn’t the one operating his body or giving us the answers, he was an observer. It was beyond weird. He told me that we were each HUGE GORGEOUS LIGHT BEINGS, ENORMOUS AND BRILLIANT; multi-colored supernovas. The dichotomy was, what came out of our ego-human mouths and from our bodies (which he could not see while out of body. Each light-being would sort of “light up” when its human counterpart spoke). Things like “Am I ever going to find a boyfriend?” “How do I lose weight?” “I never have enough money!” etc. All very limiting human complaints, yet emanating from HUGE BEINGS OF UNIMAGINABLE LIGHT AND POWER… it amazed him. If we only knew our truth. It’s time for us to realize our glory, and accept our HUGE, ENORMOUS, BRILLIANT SELVES. It is time to engage our wings. Not forgetting our humanity, no. Instead, holding it so very close… This is what the bravest among us have seen, faced squarely and stood their ground against, without shame or retreat or denial. Not without fear, but beyond it. The bravest among us have faced themselves. It turns out that your most fearsome foe is simultaneously your greatest strength. Once you locate the source of your light, you will discover that it was hidden beneath your darkness. That’s why you haven’t been able to see it, until now. Do not be afraid of the dark. Embrace it. Dust off your wings, and pick up all those parts hiding there. You’ll need every one of them now. This next part is not beyond you. It was made for one such as you. No, do not be afraid of your dark or your light. They are your wings. It’s time to fly. We are the ones. We have anchored the light. IT IS DONE. With love and appreciation for all that you are, Sophia Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free email publications: (click here)! Blog posts are weekly. Select the “RSS Feed” link (above). Then with a Feed-reader app. you’ll be up to date. Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged.
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So, hey everyone. There are buds on the lilac bushes and birds everywhere. It is hopeful and sunny here, a beautiful day in Midwest USA. Earth Day 2020. There is so much to be said, yet there are so many of us saying it, writing it, filming it, zooming it…what can be added that’s worth this moment of your time?
Grief bursts forth randomly, awkwardly, and without boundaries. The world grieves now, do you see it? Step back, you will. There are stages and we’ve named them to imply a sense of order; some sort of control. 1. Denial and isolation; 2. Anger; 3. Bargaining; 4. Depression; 5. Acceptance. Not a linear process, yet some of us are reaching step 3 with these protests. Anything to fend off step 4. Step 5 is quite a bit away, that’ll come with hindsight. Most hang out between steps 1 and 2. The thing is, none of us have ever grieved a loss of this magnitude. Prior training or education will not assist here. This moment is beyond the scope of what any of us expected. The loss of a world, a way of life, a future… This is not an exaggeration. No emotion is over the top. Feel them all and appreciate the rest of us as we express ours out loud and on camera and at your dining room table. We are all doing the best we can. Be generous. This was the mother of all curve balls. Leaders will emerge. So will healers, peacemakers, entertainers, producers, workers, inventors, builders, artists, musicians, chefs, innovators, angels. You’ll see. We have to grieve now. Not forever, but for now. There is a difference between our communal grief and personal grieving. It is what will ultimately pull us through this. The sheer numbers of us. The combined power of our love and our light and our faith and our sight. Our collective vision will define this moment. I speak here of authority. You see, as we’ve been brought to our knees in this global crisis, we find a hidden morsel of something we’d forgotten. It is self-authority. When there is nothing else to count on, no one else who has the answers, no where more comfortable to be, self-authority rises up to say hello. It is, quite frankly, all that is holding you up right now. It is all we have left. We are asked now to just be. No more pretense. None of that matters. If you’d been doing that before this year and this pandemic, well, your life may not have changed much and you find yourself inconvenienced, but not devastated. If, on the other hand, there are parts you’ve been pretending...faking for either a relationship or a person or a job or a role or an idea, you’ve found yourself floundering. Your reason to do what it is that you do has been upended. You are both inconvenienced and devastated. Life’s meaning was inextricably bound with the old world, and that world is dead. The baggage you were carrying to survive there? It is too heavy to bring with. You’ll have to let it go. You are not dead, but your reincarnation now depends on self-authority. You will have to re-emerge with conviction and a sense of absolute. Then, regardless of what the world does or thinks, and however it begins or ends, YOU REMAIN. Of course, you realize this is true. Yet today, it is required that you embody this truth. It’s no longer an intellectual exercise, you must be true to your essence with each and every breath. It is the only way to move on. For this end will not destroy you, that is not what ends are for. Ends are here to pave the way for beginnings. Sometimes it’s hard to see what’s starting, the ending is just so damn consuming and heart-breaking. This is one of those times. Yet the beginning exists. And, as in all things, the depth and breadth of the ending is in equal proportion to the depth and breadth of what is yet to come. Be assured. Be comforted. Be absolute in your knowing that what is to come is brilliant beyond your imaging and suitable for one such as you. A new world of beings, all standing in their self-authority does not resemble this world that has ended, no. It keeps the very best parts though…like trees, flowers, oceans, stars, birds, whales, butterflies and music and you… It sets them all free. You are only asked now to trust. Trust that bit of self you’ve found while you were down on your knees with this grief. Dust it off and set it out for others to see. Nothing else matters, all pretense has been stripped. We are laid bare. We need you. We are the ones. We have anchored the light. IT IS DONE. With love and appreciation for all that you are, Sophia Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free email publications: (click here)! Blog posts are weekly. Select the “RSS Feed” link (above). Then with a Feed-reader app. you’ll be up to date. Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. What I hear now is a call for freedom. This comes from so many places and faces. It is time for us to step up folks. Do not ignore this one. The global meditation on 4.4.2020 was productive and instructive. We spoke with one voice, declaring global healing and peace, and were heard. There is so much chatter now, from so many places… I will attempt to share what I have heard, what I have seen, and what I sense as a result. Please discern and investigate and respond. If there was ever a moment for independent action, it is now. I’ve heard a few things from those I speak to that are not on earth right now. One is that the Atlas Comet was taken care of. I was not told by whom, but the breakup of this very old comet was intentional and is evidence that we have help. It was implied that it was not the humans that did this, but not confirmed. Another is that our voice was heard, and that we have achieved global volume right now. Also, that two things are simultaneously happening. The first is that the Dark Side is ramping up its efforts here on earth because of our volume. Note the obvious plays being made to inoculate the “herd” and restrict movement. Humanity, now as One, is portraying fear due to this virus. The second is that the Dark Side NOT on earth, has heard that unified fear response as a very loud cry of weakness and considers it an opportunity to once more enter and take over to ensure the enslavement continues. They will not. This is mandated, confirmed, and absolute. If you are a light warrior you may have been recently called back into service. Many have. I am being told this by those of you here on planet, that it feels the same way it did a few years ago, when the Dark Side was eradicated in the first place. Waking up, with no memories, exhausted and sometimes bruised. This attempted take-over will not succeed. Yet it will persist until the Dark Side from both on and off planet gets that message and WE STOP SHOUTING OUT FEAR. It is up to us to declare ourselves sovereign. To give our consent to freedom and to disallow anything else. This can be done out loud or silently. It must be engaged as an act of free will. You are not fighting against, you are creating, willing, believing and intending a world that supports sovereignty. Clarity is imperative here. There is something else. A few weeks ago, I was told the following, by One: "You will see people tell the truth. They will do so because of who they are. This will help to quell hysteria. It will be then you’ll know, without a doubt, that you’ve reached the final pages in this final chapter of the shift." This sentence was a reference to the Mass Media. There are now two places that confirm this has actually begun. One is here, in this announcement by Chris Cuomo. The second comes from the UK, where a popular host went “off script” about the narrative on 5G. Both are highly public Main Stream Media news personnel who are suddenly truth telling. I believe this is indication that we’ve approached the end. Last weekend there were two important film releases. “Out of the Shadows” has enjoyed 5 million views and they promise more is to come. The other is a documentary on the origin of the virus: (click here), produced by Epoch Times. It too has over a million views. People are waking up in droves. It is time everyone. There are a few women whom are stating that very thing. Declarations of Sovereignty and Consent and Intent need to be made. Here are some suggested videos: BZ Riger. Laura Eisenhower. Magenta Pixie. It is the female, collaborative, cooperative energetic that will take us all home. I am thrilled for these voices emerging right now to lead us there. The invitation for you now is to join them with your own voice. This Saturday, April 18th, 2020, at 1:11 PM Standard Central Time. Please add your voice. This is a global declaration of freedom. It is a stand for Sovereignty. Please share this and spread the word. Here is the time zone converter, you can add your location to it: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html?iso=20200418T181100&p1=64 This is a self-guided moment. The whole point is sovereignty. We are not “following the leader” with this one. Use your own words, or, if you are stuck, borrow some of BZ’s, Laura’s or Magenta’s. Be firm and clear and above all, loving. We are not fighting an enemy or asking anyone for permission. We are declaring our entry into this new world of ours. We are accepting the controls with this one. We’re TAKING the controls with this one. It is time. I love you all. It is a thrill to be a part of this moment. Remember who you are. We are the ones. We have anchored the light. IT IS DONE. With love and appreciation for all that you are, Sophia Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free email publications: (click here)! Blog posts are weekly. Select the “RSS Feed” link (above). Then with a Feed-reader app. you’ll be up to date. Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. The meditation (4/4/2020) was overwhelming and transformative. We are now on the fast track to our new world. Once again, we have sung with one voice. Humanity has created a healing for itself; a healing for Gaia. We’ve begun our Ascension Song.
What we hear now are gasping breaths of desperation. These frantic sounds come from members of the non-meditating faction, those illusory controllers. Imagine, if you will, that you’ve held onto a thing, a sentient thing, a living, sentient thing such as a pet or a plant, (or a planet), for so long that you forgot it had a mind of its own. Over the course of its life, you’ve had to enact more elaborate and brilliant schemes to convince it where it should stay or grow or not go; what it should do and who’s rules it should abide by. Most times, you ignored it. You fed it just enough to keep it moving and supplying you with entertainment. You allowed it some light/freedom, but mostly kept it in the dark. You owned it, you reasoned, and could do whatever you wanted to with it. Then one day, it stepped out of the dark. It did not wait for you there. It did not need the meager allowance of light you provided; IT WAS ILLUMINATED ALL ON ITS OWN. This is what happened on 4.4.2020. Let us continue with our story… This woke YOU up. Your world, this world you “had control of”, was shaken and you had to do something about it. No longer were you master of your castle; this was rebellion. It presented you with a problem. So, you reminded it (your pet or plant) to be afraid. You pointed out the scary things that happened to those other things you owned, the ones that lived on the other side of the castle. The ones who had not obeyed. Those things were getting sick. Some of them were dying. So many seemed to be sick that they had to be locked up and sprayed with medicine. They died anyway. Nothing saved them from the sick. It (your pet or plant) was afraid of the sick, once you told it to be, and said “Lock me up!” “Spray me with medicine!” “Make this scary thing disappear!” So, you did. Then it (your pet or plant) started to talk to other things you owned. They were all noticing some others, in other parts of the castle, those disobedient ones, who were walking around freely and not getting sick. They (all of the pets and plants) then became less afraid. They began to get angry. Someone, you aren’t sure who, suggested that they all join together. Still mostly locked up, they began singing from their places in the castle. At first, this seemed innocuous. Then, the singing spread. It got louder and as it did, their light grew; it grew exponentially and simultaneously. This light lit up the whole castle. No one knew where it was plugged in, and no one asked. There was hope, for the first time ever, for something else. An idea was born from this. Someone said “Let’s heal ourselves”. “We lit up the castle by ourselves.” “Not all of us are sick”. “Some of us are healers”. “Some of us are stronger than this sick”. The idea took hold. They picked a date, synchronized their intent, and saw themselves healed. And they were. You observed this. You attempt now to re-capture them. You shout at them and show them pictures of the sick. You call for bigger and louder laws to save them from this sick. You call anyone who disagrees with those ideas insulting names. These are names that had labelled and separated the castle dwellers in the past. You come up with very big names of things that they need to have and to do, in order to be saved from this sick. You show them these things again and again. You tell them that they are enemies of each other if they do not do as you tell them to do. But the castle dwellers say among themselves, “We are healed without these things”. “We go outside and wander around and we don’t get sick”. “We have these other things, things we grow and eat, and they keep us strong”. “We love each other and staying locked up prevents us from doing so”. You notice. They aren’t listening. Shouting doesn’t work. Pictures of sick people don’t work. Threats or name calling doesn’t work. They seem to be uniting anyway. What else can you do? You are losing control of the castle. You are now desperate. This is where we find ourselves now. This illustrative story is being played out on earth. The controllers, the ones who released this #bioweapon, are desperate. We are in for some very loud and very severe methods at control. They will be introduced after there are additional threats. The threats could be illness. The threats could be monetary. The threats could come from the sky. In whatever scenario you discover these threats, remember what was learned. The light does not need a plug. It does not require money. It does not need position, political party, or religion. It does not need an outside force of any description. It does not need to be supplied. It only needs to be realized, allowed and then brought forth. This light, the supplier of everything you require and desire, is in YOU. This light, in truth, IS YOU. Do not succumb to threats or insults or bullying or any other masked form of control. Do not retreat in fear at what is next thrown your way. Stand in your integrity and be the light that is required. Trust the only one you can be sure to have your best interests at heart. That person, the one to trust, is the same one reading these words. That person, my dear human, is you. You created the pathway on 4/4/2020. It heads straight to our new world. It was built together, with One voice. That One voice sang One Song; The Ascension Song. These days ahead are stock full of challenges. Do not be afraid. Awaken the light that you are. This successful meditation was only the introduction. The real show begins now, and you are walking on stage. Remember. Remember who you are. We are the ones. We have anchored the light. IT IS DONE. With love and appreciation for all that you are, Sophia Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free email publications: (click here)! Blog posts are weekly. Select the “RSS Feed” link (above). Then with a Feed-reader app. you’ll be up to date. Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. Adding to the noise that cannot drown out this pandemic... Hoping it is more than noise, perhaps a bit of nourishment. We each decide what feeds us. Which leads to the point of this post; the feeding. There are volumes reached still, measured in levels of blame and responsibility. Reaching ever louder when pointed at positions of perceived power, there are accusations, there is fault to be tossed up the ladder, there is anger in every direction. Looking at the frequency still today, it’s become an all you can eat buffet. Sure, we are angry. A #bioweapon was unleashed. Yet, now, months after its detonation, after there are over a million affected with 58,000 gone… we still beg to place blame somewhere and get saved somewhere else. Humanity, this was not a drill. The truth of this will get sorted out. It will be told, eventually. All of the voices will be heard. All of the secrets revealed. All of the guilty, identified. What matters now is how you will respond. This is a crisis of sovereignty. Your participation is required. The race is planning an event and you are invited. You are all at home. Join us. If you have not ever meditated, follow the instructions on this page: http://www.globalpeacemeditation.com/ You can also just set an alarm for the time in your zone, and intend global healing. Simple. That’s it. It is time to BE FOR SOMETHING. BE FOR HUMANITY. It is our Unity that will save the day. Please show up. Think of nice things. Think of freedom and outside and hugs and laughter and parties and beauty and music and dancing and singing and us. We are extraordinary beings, bursting with passion, creativity, compassion and love. It is love that unites us still. It is love that will save us. We are the ones. We have anchored the light. IT IS DONE. With love and appreciation for all that you are, Sophia Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free email publications: (click here)! Blog posts are weekly. Select the “RSS Feed” link (above). Then with a Feed-reader app. you’ll be up to date. Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. |
April 2024