Here in the United States, the transfer of perceived power is in our rear-view mirror. It has been accomplished. Deals were made in the final moments so that all able bodied past presidents were in attendance. The U.S. retains its image of political solidarity and strength. For those unaware, nothing seems to be amiss. For those aware, there are questions. The surface image does not portray a crumbling regime. So, what gives? The regime is in disarray. Those who walk amongst the rubble are either fools who believe they can still win or left-overs – too public to disappear (just yet) and quite far down on the totem pole of cabal control. What you are seeing is a power mirage. The actual trials and removals may never be front page headlines, regardless of who owns the main stream media. Yet the end has happened, make no mistake. This will transpire relatively quickly now. We will be swamped with changes. These may impact your bank account and your home on both ends of the spectrum – from badly to amazing. Already it is easy to get side tracked with protesting and sharing unpopular (but important) news. Those of us still asleep may think that shouting out bad things will help to get rid of them. The world doesn’t work like that. What you repeat, returns tenfold. Pay attention now for the field is ripe for new controllers. Amidst the exposure and disclosure of this now-dead regime, a new benefactor will emerge above the ruins. Benefits, aid and money will be dispensed. We’ll be fat, happy and believing we deserve to stay that way. We may become sedated in such a state, and negligent. We are tired and rightfully so. We came to free a planet and it’s taken oh so much longer than we imagined it would. We want the hard part to be over. It is not, not yet. It will be over when the control rests consciously in humanity’s hands – when we hold the reins and are using our own map to get where it is we’ve planned to go. What’s next is bound to be a much-needed boost of funds and technology. But it is not freedom, not yet. Those dispensing these things are in control and would like to keep it that way. Remember our plan was for us to be holding the reins of control. We’ve already done a really cool thing here, years ago, we decided on our own. We said “Thanks, but we’ve got this”, to other groups who were ready to free us. We’ve kept our word and done so magnificently. We’ve sent the cabal packing; their time is most definitely up. We are in a vague and unformed state now. What we say and do matters. It matters in a concrete, immediately felt way. It was easy to see your master when you were broke and miserable and sick. From there, it is clear who is in control. With money and health though, things can get fuzzy. You may not worry about who is handing out the good stuff, just so long as it keeps coming. Yet any system still based on money is a system of slavery. As such, we must remain constantly vigilant. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. It’ll just be a matter of time before we find ourselves obviously powerless and barely scraping by… We will no doubt become a moneyless society one day. We will not start there however. We must get ourselves there. In this next now moment, we must remember who we are. We are the brilliant lights of infinite awareness, here to focus our gaze on these beautiful human occupants of Gaia, long enough to remind them of who they are. They are the ones they’ve been waiting for, as are we. With so much love, ~Sophia PS Please join us! Sign up here for my newsletter, there are paid and free editions. Also, look here for my first book, “The Guardian”, available from Amazon. My second book is scheduled for release in the first quarter of this year, watch soon for “Inclusion”. Usage Policy: Please post this article everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged.
This time, which is of our own making, is asking us to make a choice. For some time now we’ve been told that this world was going to split; that there would be a 3D and divisive world that would remain, and a 4/5d unified world that would move on, “ascend”. This time is upon us now. The time for this is event driven and with the recently elected President Trump, we begin. It is time to breathe unity, regardless. You see, we are brilliant and this moment now is our unique method of surprising ourselves. Not with a blast from space (yet) or beings not human (yet), but with mundane and very human activities right now; political ones, social ones, governmental and systemic ones. We together are mutually horrified for any number of reasons now – folks are exiting in rapid succession, abuse and terror and corruption are uncovered each day; fear porn is everywhere you look. We’ve given ourselves the perfect storm. For regardless of religion or country or party or color; or of belief system or social status or job or age – we are each feeling the unraveling. It is at once frightening and stimulating. We are at times ill and sleepless and angry and exhilarated and regretful and exposed; every single one of us. There is, it seems, nothing to hang on to as this storm rages. We did this to ourselves. Remember. It is now upon us to love without hesitation or condition – everyone. There is no reason not to love. These are roles, not indications of value. We are equal. What suit being worn, or words being said, or position being held is illusion, not reason. We are One. In our magnificent style, we have played the perfect hand; the trump card (*definition: a valuable resource that may be used, especially as a surprise, in order to gain an advantage). We must now remind ourselves to believe the truth. For the truth is what will ground us as the storm broils and blows. The truth of our power. This power does not reside in bank accounts or perception or election result. It is held within. Love anyway. You see now, on social, mainstream and alternative media, the reports of those who have forgotten. They are the chicken littles of this time. The sky is not falling, we are rising up to meet it. We are entering the time of our ascension. Do not fall into fear or send messages announcing how bad something or someone is. Release polarity altogether. It is the only way. Remember the butterfly. We have to let go of all that binds us. For as surely as the cocoon ensnares the wings of the butterfly, words that separate and destroy prevent our own flight. It is upon us to love. If you cannot encourage or support, remain silent. It is your focus and words and thoughts and actions that propel you now. Choose carefully. We wanted to participate fully in our own ascension. Can you imagine any way other than the climate in which we are now that we’d be able to do so? Each of us is fully engaged, paying attention, listening, reading, watching and waiting. This series on vaccines is free for another few nights: . What I am struck by as I listen is the beautiful people and their responses to questions asked of them. It is not with hate or divisive emotion. It is with transparency, with honesty, with love and with action. Some of them have endured so much, yet they only now want to assist in the correction of a system grossly out of tune with what makes sense, with what puts human beings first. They do not want to harm anyone. They want to fix what does. This is love without condition. Love Trump and Hilary and Putin and every world leader. Love each of the reporters and writers and anchors and officials. Love them all; they are yours, they are mine, they our ours. What better way to see if we could answer the question: “Do you love me?” than have it asked by the parade of characters on stage right now. None of them are lovable for any obvious reason. This question is ultimately the one we must ask the mirror. This mirror has expanded beyond our bedroom as all of what we’ve been told plays out. We knew it wasn’t going to be easy. We wanted it to be a surprise. Ascension is not for sissies. Remember who you are as you read, hear or see every version you’ve adopted for this next part. You are a being of unimaginable power and extraordinary light, here to illuminate the world. You are the ones we’ve been waiting for. With so much love, ~Sophia PS Please sign up for my newsletter here! Check out “The Guardian” here! Lyrics For the music video, “The Light” by Disturbed, follow: Like an unsung melody The truth is waiting there for you to find it It's not a blight, but a remedy A clear reminder of how it began Deep inside your memory Turned away as you struggled to find it You heard the call as you walked away A voice of calm from within the silence And for what seemed an eternity You're waiting, hoping it would call out again You heard the shadow reckoning Then your fears seemed to keep you blinded You held your guard as you walked away When you think all is forsaken Listen to me now (all is not forsaken) You need never feel broken again Sometimes darkness can show you the light An unforgivable tragedy The answer isn't' where you think you'd find it Prepare yourself for the reckoning For when your world seems to crumble again Don't be afraid, don't turn away You’re the one who can redefine it Don't let hope become a memory Let the shadow permeate your mind and Reveal the thoughts that were tucked away So that the door can be opened again Within your darkest memories Lies the answer if you dare to find it Don't let hope become a memory When you think all is forsaken Listen to me now (all is not forsaken) You need never feel broken again Sometimes darkness can show you the light Sickening, weakening Don't let another somber pariah consume your soul You need strengthening, toughening It takes an inner dark to rekindle the fire burning in you Ignite the fire within you When you think all is forsaken Listen to me now (all is not forsaken) You need never feel broken again Sometimes darkness can show you the light Don't ignore, listen to me now (all is not forsaken) You need never feel broken again Sometimes darkness Can show you the light It was Christmas Eve, we were Catholic and on our way to Midnight Mass, my favorite service (I sang in the choir). That year, we had stopped first at my Uncle’s house for some celebrating together before going to church. The party was in their basement. I got bored, too excited to remain in a room surrounded by mostly grownups I guess. I wandered upstairs, alone. Their Christmas tree was lit up in the corner of the living room. I can still visualize the hoard of gifts piled beneath it. I ran to it, hoping to see my name. To my amazement, I instead read “from Santa Claus”. I was about 7 years old. At first there was a moment of confusion, followed soon after by increasing awareness; there really was no Santa Claus. This was my Aunt’s hand writing. Things changed after that. It’s like that for us now, with conflicting “real” and “fake” news reports creating confusion at every turn. It is interesting to see the huge force of the cabal-backed Hollywood/media industry advocate division, separation and anger. It is a challenge to find a loud voice for unity anywhere. Personal lives are in turmoil as well. My friends and family all seem to be dealing with changes in health, home, relationships and/or finances. There are some unexpected leavings. I remember that Christmas Eve, when I was seven. Even though there was singing and eating and gifting and family, just like every other Christmas I remembered, it was surreal. It felt fake, I could see the charade. I couldn’t voice it then. My younger sister and cousins still believed and I wasn’t supposed to know yet. Walking around today is reminiscent of my walk back downstairs to the basement those many years ago; instead of just people and happenings around me I see asleep people (like my younger cousins) making lots of noise, being fueled by fewer people (like my parents, aunts and uncles) who are awake but invested in keeping the noisy ones asleep. I watch arguments and read posts and if it wasn’t our life it could easily be some tragic attempt at a sit com. At age 7 there was melancholy; I’d wished I’d never looked under that tree. Today, as I drive around my usual haunts, there is melancholy also. It is as if I am sad for saying goodbye to this life as I have known it up until now. Yet all around me it still appears to be business as usual. So why the sadness? I eventually loved Christmas again, this time maybe for better and more sustainable reasons. Things like generosity, compassion, beauty and selfless love propel the season for me now. I don’t frequent church, yet the peace evident in the celebrations I attend is not attached to a building or institution or god – it’s inside the people there with me. I think the sadness is because there is a sense of loss. We are leaving behind an innocent age that cannot be returned to. You cannot “unsee” anything. It’s a habitual emotion, bringing up needless anxiety and perpetuating attachments. Nothing is as it seems, it’s not just Santa Claus that isn’t real. The way to powerfully proceed is to spend more effort strengthening your resolve than you do playing “push me pull you” with media reports. In the final analysis, which one you believe doesn’t matter nearly as much as who you are. So, the good news is, we are creating a lasting reality; one built not on stories we’ve been told but on our internal truth. This will stand strong regardless of headline. It is birthed from your core. We do not need the media to prove to us the truth of ourselves, we need to believe. For no one can rob you of who you are. So, whatever you hear or read or see, take it as bits of information; things that are necessary for grownups. They do not signify the end, but the start. This beginning, happening right now, is the one you’ve been anticipating all along. It may not look as you’ve imagined or been told. That’s okay though, because you are all grown up now – you know who really supplies the best presents. They come from love, which starts always in your own heart. As chaotic, overwhelming and potentially frightening this moment appears to be, remember it’s all part of the illusion. None of it is “real”. But you are. (And) you are the one we’ve been waiting for. With so much love, ~Sophia PS Check out my store! Today's blog is an audio blog, and found here. This was the quickest way it was able to be published.
Thanks and namaste', ~Sophia Check out my store! Usage Policy: Please post this article everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. It’s 2017. It is just the 3rd day of the year as this is being written and wow. Already so much is altered. I’ve heard from more than one powerful light warrior/worker and some of what they sense and see is best summed up by this quote from one of them. “All I saw was a great wave. Tsunami. A huge unstoppable thing has begun. God is the collective consciousness of everything and there is not good or bad. Everything is a construct of that combined consciousness. And right now the control of it all, the parts directing our shared experience of existence are about to start a war.” This annual forecast by Clif High is great news; evidence that our collective energy is gearing for disclosure and massive shift. We are changing things. Each day the onslaught of news takes my breath away. I couldn’t sleep yesterday (1.2.2017) and remained busy until 5:30 AM. There is something new and it has arrived. I was not the only one awake all night. There are remnants of name calling and “my truth is more accurate than your truth” still. These masks we wear are falling away. There will come a day when who said it first doesn’t matter; when unity is beneath every headline and comment somewhere. This is where I believe we are headed. The reason I’m ecstatic about Clif High’s report is because he aggregates hard data. This is not words we’ve heard from someplace and someone beyond earth, but a collection of what all of us are saying everywhere. His predictions, based on this method of collecting data, turn into truth just about every time. This is validation and evidence for what we’ve been saying these many years. We are living in an age of no such thing as conspiracy theory – it all turns out to be factual. Now truth is relative and depends on your perception. The blind men were all discussing the same elephant with widely different opinions about what they were encountering. This is what is going on for us now. Yet, in the final analysis – there are just a few ultimate truths, regardless of words used to tell them. It was an elephant. You are love. You are light. You are sovereign. This moment now you’re being asked to show that light wherever you go. It is the one thing that will propel and accelerate this current wave of disclosure and awareness and agape. Let your love shine. Whatever you can do to rev up your joy component – do it. There is a war, it is being waged within. You win every time. There is one outcome. There is one participant. That result has you with your love light shining brilliantly. That’s how you planned this. It’s why you agreed to participate. We are One. You see, those who are reflecting the dark need more dark so that they can continue. We supply it for them with our fear, our blame, our defeatism, our sadness. Refuse to feed them and this game is over. Feed yourself instead. Despite all evidence to the contrary, express joy. This is the nectar of the gods that we are. We are living in unprecedented times. These moments now hold promise for breathtaking radiance, for peace, for allowing without exception all that we are. We are creating it all. It’s what we do. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. With so much love and gratitude, ~Sophia PS Sign up for my newsletter! (click here) Check out “The Guardian” here! My second book will be released in the first quarter of 2017 so watch for it! Usage Policy: Please post this article everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. |
January 2025