This misunderstanding about love is perhaps THE MISUNDERSTANDING. Agape is unconditional SELF-love. To love without condition means to accept all facets of existence. Every dark thought, angry outburst and violent emotion must be absorbed into the fabric of you and loved. You can no longer afford to love half way or part way – the energetic push of creation in this moment now is asking of you – everything. This shift you are participating in is not just something you are watching, it is what you are doing. All of the wondrous changes you hear about in the next dimensions are possible when you leave the density of fear. They cannot be instilled onto a fearful population to eliminate the fear – they are the by-products of a fearless and loving heart. This is how it works. There are many visions of earth in the next dimension, and they include prosperity, health, happiness and love on a continual basis. These are visions of who you actually are – they are not new versions of you, but core expressions of your true nature. Fear is gone from these versions of you. The fear that pre-dominates your life is a lie. It is not true. Truth is love and that is what you are. You exist as a physical form expressing all possibility – a “thought form” as another teacher, (Eckhart Tolle), calls you. What is there to fear in a thought form? All thoughts can be changed. Most of you currently hold thoughts about your life which include concepts of blame. In order for those thoughts to hold any merit, (and so you do not consider yourself nuts), you must also think of someone, another person, to be at fault so that you can blame them. It could be a lover, a parent or a wealthy banker. You also hold thoughts of frustration and again, in order for you to NOT think of yourself as crazy, you must create someone or something to be frustrated about – a lover, another driver or a boss. You may hold thoughts of imperfection and so you create illness, handicaps, and bodies that fall short somehow of your ideal image. We are powerful creators. We are divine pieces of the ONE, experiencing ourselves as young, old, rich, poor, happy, angry, violent, peaceful, etc... We have created it all, as ONE, and right now we have chosen to change it up a bit. WE have done it ourselves. The changes we are seeing now have always been possible, only now more of us are seeing them. They will become your life when you believe them to be reality, not fantasy. The precise future can not be predicted because there is no future – linear time is a construct so that each idea can be fully experienced – aging, learning, growing, etc… Life is occurring now as you are creating it now. It evolves as your thoughts do. Each moment, each thought, is creative. So, what this means is that the shift in consciousness is happening and will happen as we all, as a collective, create it. Your experience of it will be unlike any other you’ve had because you believe that to be true. In order for this transformation to occur, we must do some internal transforming. The thoughts we hold around love are filled with fear. We have been taught these things and it is time now to trust what you know rather than what you think. Love is something you know. It is who you are and it resonates deeply. It feels good. It comforts. It is familiar. It knows you. It sometimes evokes excitement. It feels powerful. These are words attempting to describe the indefinable and the sacred. Love is the source. Words such as right or wrong or good or bad do not belong here. Love is. It will not be denied. We have been taught to fear it because it is the most powerful idea in creation and once realized and utilized we can not longer be controlled. Fear is a tool that has been used to manipulate and it no longer serves your purpose to be manipulated. We will have to accept all others as ok, and most importantly, love ourselves, for this transition to proceed seamlessly. Realize who you are and then understand that how you see everyone in your life is a reflection of how you feel about you. The world looks as it does because so many are fearful. The more we love without condition, the more the world will change. There is nothing else to do. It starts with you. It ends with you. It is only you. You are the divine spark of creation and the source of this shift. In Lak’ech. ~Sophia
We are shifting the foundation of our existence. We are moving from the idea of “Me first” to “Us”. This has not happened on our planet before now. We came to do this. It is happening for all of us, for all of life.
There has been such stark contrast all around. On the road; yesterday, 11.9.11, I saw 8 ambulances responding to car crashes and 2 or 3 of them were head on collisions! We are smashing into each other as physical expressions of this shift. Today; the weather here in the Midwest of the U.S. was bizarre; it went from blizzard like white out snow and wind to calm and sunny with blue skies, within minutes, on and off all day! It was as if two weather patterns were battling it out! In my most intimate relationships there was shouting for no reason I can identify…it is as if everything is in transition, choosing a form of expression, a way to be. I had two interactions with salespeople who either hung up the phone or just walked away without explanation or reason. I keep witnessing things I have never before seen, blatant and obvious and unprecedented. Our true selves, our core beliefs are just sticking out and bumping into everything! We are creating and participating in this shift at the very same time. Our consciousness is so very important just now… we must be clear on what we are doing and why. We are in this together. I am struck by that fact. There are many of us, those who are reading this included, who are ready and waiting for a shift to unity. We think collaboratively and want fairness. In a general sense we agree. There are also many of us who think another way. They are still part of the 99%, yet they do not see things the same. They operate from a position of “Me first”, and do not understand yet that there is a real shift and the thought system they work from is no longer running things. They will be with us throughout this shift and are part of the ONE that we are. I made the video “It’s our birthday 11.11.11” because I wanted to express what the shift actually is, a birthing of a new race. We are the same people, yet we are coming out of the darkness into the light and, as in any birthing process, it is messy and painful and loud and miraculous, all at once. It is a true birth; what is beginning now has never been on this earth. We are about to live in peace, as one. It is important that we remember that ALL OF US are one. As this shift occurs, love everyone. We don’t have to agree, it doesn’t have to go one way, it can go many ways and all directions and still be ok. We will figure this out. The name “starseed” is appropriate because we have come to yield a new race – one that is seeded purely, without the shadow of fear. Fear is not true. It is an illusory idea created and perpetrated by another race. They are in their last ditch efforts now to keep us afraid. Do not be fooled. Understand that what is true is that we are love. You are divine, and when you proceed from love your actions, words, thoughts and direction will be pro-active rather than re-active, assertive not defensive, and life giving rather than life draining. We have not seen this. We will create this anew. This birth is happening now and the “labor pains” are evident in our individual and collective lives. Remember the truth. The truth is that you are love; as the beginning and the end it will be the only thing. In order to be love, fear must no longer exist. Just be love. In Lak’ech. I love you. This shift is happening right now and it is like I can feel every one of us - the contrast is showing up so powerfully, Polarity vs Unity, and I just want to look everyone in the eyes and whisper -
"Remember who you are! You are love. WE are ONE. It is ok and you will soon see. This is why you came!" I can't see your eyes, but if you close them right now, you will feel us all and know that this is truth. In Lak'ech. We have been taught to be afraid. Our parents were afraid. Their parents were afraid and on it goes to the very first human. We come from fearful beginnings. Now, in this birth of a new age, we are starting again. This time, we emerge fearless.
This is not a small thing. The ramifications for fearless living do not just mean engaging in risk taking behavior, they mean disbelieving that ANY BEHAVIOR IS RISKY. Do you understand the difference? I am beginning to and with understanding there is an awareness that I do not leap out of bed each morning because I am eager to begin another day of love – I crawl out of bed each morning. We have nothing to fear. That is truth. This life is chosen. We are eternal beings of light here to manifest a physical reality that demonstrates love in the third dimension. In order to do that we need to absorb any thought that does not begin with love. Every thought springs from you and YOU ARE LOVE. We are one force and we have been ignoring the power in that. We are love actualized. The truth in the love that you are has been hidden beneath generations of fearful living. Our minds are open now, we can hear the truth and it is not unimportant. It is vital. Love yourself and in that one action you will transform life on earth. Opposition can only exist if we are separate. WE ARE ONE. There is nothing to fear, nothing to fight, nothing to fix. When those thoughts emerge, love them and tell them that is not what you are doing any longer. It is ok, they are ok, and this is the truth now. Your life begins and ends with love. The answer to any question must come from love. In these days ahead, with 11.11.11 upon us, remember that fear is an illusion; the power is in your hands. Love yourself and visualize the life and the world you want. Visualize love. Unity. Peace. Do not accept any other picture of this world. The world is what we are creating, right now, with every thought. Choose your thoughts; do not think them as a reaction to what you see, but as a statement of what you KNOW. It does not matter what the dream is telling you, the power to change it is within and it comes from you. There is no one else who controls your life. You do. You are so very beautiful and beneficial and key to this shift. Your love is paramount. Your gifts are vital and we are all depending on you to show us the way. Fear is not real, but YOU are. |
April 2024