A visual for the 8.29.2017 global freedom meditation, care of Jack Sturgeon & myself: We are accessing the Quantum Field; adding to it our vision and knowing of what takes place. We all FEEL into this love, freedom, abundance and sovereignty as if it is happening NOW. THE QUANTUM FIELD IS ALL AROUND US. IT TOTALLY ENVELOPS US. EVERY PART OF YOUR BODY IS TOUCHING THE QUANTUM FIELD. Add to it Heather and Randall's freedom, their cases thrown out and we the people basking in abundance. Just before 10:30 AM EST on Tuesday, August 29th, 2017, see this as already having been manifested. See Heather and Randall coming out of the court room (Randall has a hearing on the same day, in the afternoon), they are both thrilled, jumping up and down, people surrounding them. The people are all over them, they are both crying, can't catch their breath, smiling from ear to ear, hugging everybody, going down the line hugging everyone.... You get the Picture!!! Then enter the meditation with the above images and at that moment, "FEEL" from the images in the scene, that wonderful joy as it rises up and gets intense. Flash more images of the above, the FEELINGS continue, you repeat this process, holding the FEELINGS as long as you can, ........then comes a time when you can't hold the FEELINGS any longer.... now offer THANKFULNESS AND GRATITUDE FOR THE CREATION THAT YOU’VE PARTICIPATED IN. THE "FEELINGS" YOU MANIFEST WITHIN YOURSELF ~ THAT IS THE DRIVING FORCE OF THE QUANTUM FIELD......THAT IS YOUR PRAYER! See you at 10:30 AM EST on next Tuesday! We stand as anchors for the light. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for ~ let’s do this. With so much love, ~Sophia PS - For some more info on how quickly the Quantum Field is altered by action, check out our video below! Namaste' Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. This is a re-post. It was originally shared in March of 2013. Sara reminded me of it today and it feels perfect for where we are, right now. Please enjoy and share! We've come so far! ~~~ We are faced with freedom, looking at our liberation and walking though the door to Oneness. As with any new endeavor, this one will have to be practiced in order to be perfected. What is it like to live without debt? There has been financial debt. There has been emotional debt. Freedom means we are unencumbered; no debt of any kind. You do not owe anyone. No one owes you. We are all in a Monopoly game, drawing nothing but “Get out of Jail Free” cards. Wrap your head around that before deciding if it’s real or not. Our world exists only within the possibilities we imagine for it. Can you imagine a world with no one to blame? In this new world your value just is. A number has been tossed around; five billion dollars. You do not have to work for it. You do not have to earn it. You do not have to wait until you deserve it. You do not have to pay it back. You do not have to inherit it. It is a monetary representation of your worth. A number far beyond what we have ever seen or realized in our lives thus far. “You are now free to move about the planet.” So is everyone else. Freedom releases you from the bonds of debt. Allow yourself to feel unchained. You will immediately realize that forgiveness is critical to the process. We are releasing ourselves from the prison of blame and judgment, guilt and fault, right and wrong. Truth is non-negotiable. All actions are reconciled at the soul level. We are operating from our eternal hearts. There is no better or worse, deserving or undeserving. This is new thought. “What now?” You can do whatever you want without debt. Justice is built into this system. It’s all taken care of. There is no need to hate. It’s a new world. It only takes one fearless declaration: “Yes. I am.” “I am” is a powerful statement. “I am free.” “I am One.” “There are none greater or lesser than me.” What will you do with five billion dollars and no one to hate? You are here to decide that very thing. This is like the Antiques Road Show. An item from the attic is discovered and its value is beyond your wildest imaginings. Will you say “Thanks”, go home and carefully place it back in the attic, or will you say “Great!” and throw a party to let everyone know? You are that priceless piece. You are the undiscovered treasure. You’ve just been brought out, into the light of day. You are worthy, a bit of Source in a human suit. Now is not the time to figure out why or how or who kept you hidden in the attic. You’ve been found. You know the truth. It’s time to BE. BE Free. BE love. BE the light that you are. There is nothing stopping you. You are the One you’ve been waiting for - let's do this. ~Sophia PS Thank you for your wonderful reviews of my books. Check them and the newsletter out, right here! Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. This video, which was shared 4 years ago, is even more appropriate for right now... As it was cloudy here, I wasn’t a visual witness to the eclipse. Friends and relations shared their own perceptions after it was over; “eerie” and “beautiful”. It wasn’t like that here. Here, the eclipse was felt, not seen. This was a journey from light, through the dark, and back to the light. Barefoot and on the earth, I sat with my back to the sun. I was excited and ready. The plan was to meditate through it. I began about 40 minutes prior to the global synchronized time of 1:11 PM Central US Time. Immediately I encountered and was engulfed within darkness. Visions of dark deeds and terrified children were overwhelming. It was black. I realized I’d entered a pitched battle, and fortification was needed. I saw myself as an anchor for the light; it ran through me and into the earth, beyond me above and out from me in all directions. I silently repeated “I am an anchor for the light”. It felt like a Gandalf moment: “You shall not pass”. The fear and expanse of this darkness was palpable. I remained there for what felt like a very long time. Then it changed. Several things happened. For a moment, there was no sound; no trees rustling, summer bugs or birdsongs. I heard a siren wail – “help is on the way”. The darkness did not fade so much as disappear. In a heartbeat, it was gone. I now saw children in the light. They were playing, gathering, smiling. There was no fear. I noticed a little girl. She was huddled in the corner. She wore a white dress and was barefoot, her arms gripped tight around her bended knees. She was suffering. There had been damage. She would need to heal. She was the holder of all that had happened. She would need help to realize a full and complete recovery. She would need our help. I am not sure when this phrase showed up “It worked”. It may have been at the moment the darkness departed. It was somewhere in the gathering of peaceful children. I came out of the meditation. It seemed to be over. My eyes fell on a ½ burnt cigar. I smiled and reached now to pick it up, knowing that the shift was complete. We’d come full circle. You see on Friday, 8/18/17 I had received a phone call. It was the kind of call a parent never wants; my son had been in a car accident. I took that call outside on the deck for better reception. My partner had been in the middle of that cigar when I stepped outside. Hearing me take down the name of the hospital, he threw the cigar out onto the grass and ran to get the car. It’s been an unreal 4 days and felt “out of time”. We’ve spent this period healing our family with nourishing food, love, laughter and communion. It’s been rather surreal. My son is okay. We are all changed and beyond grateful for that. The sight of that ½ burnt cigar told me it was over; we were in an original place now. That other timeline is over. The scary one in which you don’t know if and when it’s going to be okay? It no longer applies. It’s going to be okay. I went back inside then. I noticed the time. It was 1:11 PM Central US time. It was then that I realized the full import of what had happened. The darkness I’d just witnessed had stopped just as the synchronized global meditation began. YOU STOPPED IT. We’ve entered pure creation. We’ve done it. Welcome to our new earth. Whatever happens now is residual. Things will play out in their own way in linear time. Yet the fix is in. A close friend and light warrior has shared a similar meditation journey with me. His words were “It was complete blackness from every circumstance. I felt the darkness leave. There is a sense a closure. We’ve come full circle. I feel like celebrating!” There is no doubt. We’ve got this. My partner finished the rest of that cigar yesterday afternoon. While he was enjoying it, a man showed up who wanted to sell him a new cable service. Within a few moments, this guy ended up sitting down on our front step and holding a deep conversation with my partner; saying things like “Oh, I’m awake. We are all one. It’s about humanity.” He sat there for some time. I’m not sure he ever made that sale, but he sure made an impression. Part of my afternoon was spent dealing with insurance companies and junkyards. I witnessed a transformation in the owner of the junkyard where our car had been towed last week. You see, the accident happened several hours from here, and the car is a total loss. We removed personal things Friday night, but forgot to get the plates. When I called to ask about removing them, she flat out said “That’s your problem. We don’t remove plates.” Then she hung up. Later in the day she called back. It was like talking to a different person. She said things like “The important thing to remember is that your son is okay. That’s what you focus on. You have a good day.” These people and conversations stand now as validation. There is no doubt. Stay the course. We’ve done it. We’ve begun an original earth. It is an honor to share this journey with you. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for – let’s do this. With gratitude and so much love, ~Sophia Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. Hey everyone. It’s like we are living an end times science fiction thriller, right now. Regardless of where you are on the “scale of skepticism”, some pretty extreme stuff is happening. It’s happening right now, to people you know (or know of). You cannot make this stuff up. In July, two people, Randall Keith Beane and Heather Ann Tucci Jarraf, were detained by agents under very sketchy circumstances. Their story can be read here. They are still in custody. Last night, the radio program “Fade to Black” with Jimmy Church, reported several blatant aggressive actions by a group which is participating in this deception of control. Corey Goode’s family has been threatened, Pete Peterson’s entire home has been emptied and buried, and it looks like David Wilcock’s brakes were sabotaged. Listen to that show here. These are American citizens who have done nothing other than speak or act on the truth. The Eclipse is coming up in just a few more days. In South Carolina, here is what they are saying about it (click here); it is really quite bizarre. Lizard’s seem to be on everyone’s brain. I’ve seen several references to them in the last few days; my own (here), Wisdom Teachings (from August 14th) on Gaia, and this radio show with James Gilliland. There are others. The purpose of mentioning them here is to show that our consciousness is raising on an epic scale. The population is feeling it, all of us. I want to help. I write, pray, meditate, send cards and love where they are needed, but truthfully, what is the most effective thing that I or any of you can do right now? Some of us, light warriors and light workers, are working “the night shift”. Others of us are heading to Knoxville, TN to be present for that effort. Many, many of us are making videos and pushing on the system with withdrawals from our Treasury Direct Deposit Accounts, or whatever they are called in your country of origin. This is incredible and felt exponentially by every one of us. I felt that there could be more, so this morning I reached out and asked “What more can I do? What more can we do?” Honestly, I’ve been gradually more and more horrified at the scope of this destructive effort by those who would keep us enslaved. This is real and has become quite personal. It took a bit to even center enough to ask the question. Once I did, the words that follow came flying in. I hope they will help you as much as they did me. They are from One. ~ These forces right now on your planet are beings who’ve turned 100% service to what they perceive as self. This “self” is a distorted image and in fact it is not self, but rather an imaginary view of a controlling force now embodied on earth as the cabal or deep state or the dark alliance or all of the above. This force now present on your planet means to push their agenda forward to what they deem as an inevitable conclusion – domination of the planet. It is important now for you to know that they are wrong about the inevitable conclusion – they will not dominate the planet. Their agenda is one of total destruction and will not be carried to completion. How this ends however, is up to the beings involved – not just human, but all. There are many races now stepping in and up to the plate. They are here for the final moments and these moments are here. Do not lose faith. This agenda, the one put forth by the dark ones, is not the final story. Your story has yet to be told. You are writing it now. Hold fast to every knowing you have of what is true, important and life sustaining. Now, perhaps to the greatest extent ever in your history, you need to remain clear and true to your purpose. You’ve come to enrich a planet with love and unity. It (the planet) has felt you, and your intentions are seeped into all beings on her, on Gaia. It is for this reason the push back is so blatant and aggressive. Fear predominates the agenda of the controllers. Love must predominate the force of those here for other reasons. This would be all beings focused now on the light, on unity and on evolution. Continued focus and determination are paramount. It is this moment now that all of your formidable power comes into play. Use these most recent, blatant, aggressive and destructive actions as a catalyst for your own force. It is a force of love and it is this force that controls and sustains all of creation. You come now to the table fully armed and prepared. Stay. Not to fight, but to propel the light that you are. ~ You are the ones you’ve been waiting for – let’s do this. With gratitude and so much love, ~Sophia PS – I will be traveling for the Eclipse and unavailable for a few days. Please join the global meditation at the moment of the full solar eclipse on Monday 8.21.17. Focus on Unity. Corey Goode and Cobra have shared details in multiple languages, here. It is time. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. Choose Love. Humans are not the only sentient beings walking on this beautiful planet. Today’s post is directed to all of the others. You may want some background, so here’s a bit of earth’s history. This is what I’ve learned and been told throughout the course of my own awakening. It’s the part that relates to this moment now. When the Reptilian race of beings arrived on planet earth, the Human race was already here. We were not in the evolved form we are today, but as walking upright ape-like beings. We were perceived at that point as little more than monkeys swinging from trees. This belief is still held by the ones who control the slavery system running planet earth right now. They have been melding with the Human race for quite some time now, in preparation for the changes we are now in the midst of. (Consider this as a sort of hybrid program.) Their relationship with the Human race however, has always been one of domination and ownership, pure and simple. They see the Human population, as well as the planet Earth, as their property. To these elders of the Reptilian race, the Human race exists for them to use, the same way free-range beef cattle are to us; sort of like a free-range resource. I realize this sounds abhorrent and insulting. We all have to get past the point of feeling offended if we are actually going to successfully engage in a solution to the current stalemate. We all crave safety and freedom of movement, prosperity and health, as well as the ability to create and experience passion without restriction. The emotion of “offended” exists on both ends of the spectrum. The Reptilian race is appalled that their “free range cattle” are demanding an equal say and abundance in their life. The evolved Human race is horrified to discover that they are enslaved by a species that evolved from Iguanas. Yet both appear to be true. We all desire an equitable answer. Humans and Reptilians and Inner Earth Beings will have to first accept the fact that we are equally sentient beings who reside on the same planet. Ownership of another species or of a planet is no longer acceptable. That story is over forever. The Reptilian race has been trying to wipe out the Human population for many thousands of years, via constant warfare. Yet today we are 8 billion in number and increasing. It’s clear that plan didn’t work. Why don’t you just stop? The day has come for Humanity to demand its place as an equal partner on the Earth. Until that happens, it will not be good for any race. This amounts to little more than a decision or intention. There needs to be a coming to the middle for peace, by all of us. There are no equitable rules that apply to humanity that have ever been followed. This “non-interference” law (the one so often cited in these conversations) is ignored whenever an extra-terrestrial race decides to shut off or turn on and off a nuclear weapon as a show of power. We’ve clearly stated our desire for freedom from enslavement years ago. You seem to interfere only when it suits your unknown agenda to do so. This sends an unclear message. Our ability to cope with change and adapt to the new is vastly ignored here. We can handle it. These continued discussions and promises for disclosure and all that that includes, amount to little more than a carrot on a stick. If this current enslavement, of which we are aware, goes on for much longer, there will be un-needed bloodshed before it’s concluded. It does not have to be this way. This can end now. How about this. How about you TURN OFF EVERYONE’S WEAPONS until this is settled to everyone’s satisfaction. How about the Reptilians release their control of the financial system currently shackling the planet, in full transparency? How about the Reptilians stop preventing Humanity’s access to the accounts held in their name since birth? Without the strangle hold of control, an age of prosperity and healing could begin right here and now, for all of us; Human race, Reptilian race and any others here with us. We are headed there anyway – all races are aware of this inevitable ending. With a little bit of help, our journey could be seamlessly, peacefully accomplished. We are each equally valuable and sentient. We’ve all made mistakes. I’m disappointed in those non-human races who are observing; still not helping us while watching us tortured, imprisoned and even ingested. Where in your reasoning does this fit? This is not the highest and best for all concerned. For surely, you’ve felt our sentience, our pain, our beauty, our tenacity and our compassion. We are lesser than none. This is a request for help. With weapons disabled, we all come equally to the table. Multiple inhabitants of the planet all want a peaceful and successful future. This bureaucracy that you are using for guidance is making you ineffective. It is time to accept Humanity as equal. We realize our value. We expect to see our worth visibly depicted in our life; financially, personally and physically. This looks like unfettered access to the accounts that exist in our names, as well as a place at the negotiating table for governance, for healing technology, for free energy and an end to human trafficking on this and all planets. These would be good starting points. It is time for complete transparency. I long to embrace my fellow earthlings in love. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for ~ let’s do this. ~Sophia Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. I am struck by the fact that “Pink” released the song “What about us?” yesterday. This could serve as humanity’s theme song right now. It is a message to the families and all who are embroiled at the upper levels of this unraveling slavery set-up here on earth. It stands as evidence for our awakening and for how to proceed. Here are the lyrics: We are searchlights, we can see in the dark We are rockets, pointed up at the stars We are billions of beautiful hearts And you sold us down the river too far What about us? What about all the times you said you had the answers? What about us? What about all the broken happy ever afters? What about us? What about all the plans that ended in disaster? What about love? What about trust? What about us? We are problems that want to be solved We are children that need to be loved We were willin', we came when you called But man, you fooled us, enough is enough, oh What about us? What about all the times you said you had the answers? What about us? What about all the broken happy ever afters? Oh, what about us? What about all the plans that ended in disaster? Oh, what about love? What about trust? What about us? Oh, what about us? What about all the plans that ended in disaster? What about love? What about trust? What about us? Sticks and stones, they may break these bones But then I'll be ready, are you ready? It's the start of us, waking up come on Are you ready? I'll be ready I don't want control, I want to let go Are you ready? I'll be ready 'Cause now it's time to let them know We are ready, what about us? What about us? What about all the times you said you had the answers? So what about us? What about all the broken happy ever afters? Oh, what about us? What about all the plans that ended in disaster? Oh, what about love? What about trust? What about us? What about us? What about us? What about us? What about us? What about us? What about us? Right now, there is confusion and fear in place at every turn. Those of us previously enslaved are afraid to step beyond the illusory shackles for fear of getting “caught” and re-shackled. Those of us responsible for those chains are afraid of just what ramifications there will be when the rest of us realize what’s been done, and activate our freedom. The depth and scope of this enslavement reaches into every village and system on this beautiful planet. It will take your breath away. We stand at this birthing of our new earth. What is done now sets a threshold of forgiveness that has not been seen ever. We have the chance to put our money where our mouth is and become here and now what we’ve envisioned only existed in dimensions and within beings at other frequencies, faster vibrations and more “enlightened” climates. All of us do. Not just humanity. Not just the families. Not just the off worlders or inside the earth beings. Every single one of us. All you need do is reveal and remain a source of constant compassion. Regardless of origin or past actions or hybrid combination or bank balance – we are One. Where you have walked, so have I. Period. There is no hierarchy of human, or of any sentient being. What can be done right here and right now is STOP THE KARMA. We don’t have to come back and enslave, torture or abuse anyone. Let’s call it over. Done. No More. Let’s move on. We have the power to end this here and right now. This is as much a call to those doing the enslaving as it is a call to those enslaved. We could use your formidable power to heal these people and this earth, the one we all stand on now and love. None of this happens without our collaborative agreement & mutual effort. We have arrived at the moment where we move on. It is time. We have so much to do. Let’s envision Randy, Heather and then every one of us free, with unfettered access to the accounts holding the monetary representation of our unlimited value. I conducted a personal experiment with my account a few days ago. I used it to pay a bill online. Today, I was contacted by the company, and here is what took place: The payment was returned. I spoke to an agent and she said: "Do you want to know the reason they gave?" I said, "Sure". She said "Insufficient funds". I laughed and said "Well, that's not true but I will send another payment later today. She said "Thanks for being so cooperative." I said, "You are welcome". It was like we were both saying two things at once... very strange. This is GREAT NEWS... this is the next best thing to having access. The account IS THERE. They just switched it off. This is temporary until they figure out how to handle the millions of us wanting to use the accounts! The accounts are real. The amount of money they hold doesn’t touch your actual value, but it’s a nice start. Let’s hold off on attempting access until the systems have a chance to set it up. Trust. It’s happening. I’d like to share a message from a friend that came a few days ago. It describes what is happening/could be happening for all of us right now: “sometimes I feel like I am already in the 'new earth'. Maybe I have a good life but sometimes I look around and think everything is just fine.” Trust, believe and feel it. In the meantime, let’s visualize and sense “free”. Start with Heather and Randall and then keep going, move on to all of the rest of us. This changes everything and it happens with love. This is what you are. Use the power you hold to create now the world you want. This is why you came. You are a catalyst, a spark, a holder of the flame, an inspiration, a light worker, a light warrior & a brilliant beacon. You are gods in human suits. You are doing an incredible job! Thank you for assisting in ushering in this moment for the rest of us. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for ~ let’s do this. With so much love, ~Sophia PS Support this work with a newsletter and/or book purchase, here! Much gratitude for your reviews on Amazon. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. Enjoy this video from our Sovereignty Series: Hey everyone. There is so much to say! It's been a week and the landscape has changed a great deal. First, let me share the meditation experience last Friday, during the hearing in Washington, DC. About 15 minutes into it I received a clear message, "It is Done." I was floored, as this has never happened. I actually "HEARD" it, that is how it felt. Later in the day, I mentioned my experience to a light warrior and he said "The same thing happened to me! I couldn't meditate after that, it was clear nothing else was necessary!" I took that to be validation. The results of the court proceedings seemed a bit vague and undecided. Heather however, was not. She was powerfully confidant and joyous and certain. The energy of unity was absolute and growing. On Tuesday, it was 8-8, the Lion's Gate Portal. It was an energetically intense time and since then I've received two messages regarding what is going on for us. This first is a short one, given as an answer to my question on Tuesday. The second is much longer, and took place this morning. ~~ August 8, 2017 A message from One. There have been numerous attempts to remove the iron fisted control of the earth's wealth - not true wealth, but attributed wealth, which is allocated to each being for their lifetime. Until now these attempts have been isolated and individual. This time, things are seen as a unified voice that for the most part lacks harm - it leans towards liberty only - for Heather, her friend (I took this to mean Randall) and in turn every human. This becomes the single voice emanating from mankind and at its core then is unity. Everyone's included. Because this voice is not forced, but rather emerges, the volume accelerates, amplifies and spreads beyond the earth. It reaches into and alters creation on a fundamental score. You will see quickly evidence of this single unified voice in every place you are. For unity does not leave any part out or happen in secret or in isolation. The happiness of mankind becomes not only the surface song, but every component. What has always been true is that this freedom is a collective effort. That effort has begun and there is only one way it ends. Freedom and prosperity go hand in hand. This is the end result - seen now to be imminent. That is all. And this conversation, just completed now, August 9, 2017. "Is there someone who wants to connect?" There are things to say. Much is occurring. The process will be immediate for some - not so for others. What occurs now is a real splitting. Those of you in specific timelines, chosen already and proceeding, will stick out as anomalies to those of you who haven't made those choices clearly. Remember, all is choice. You move forward now on an accelerated rate towards your chosen destination. "Hold on please, who is speaking?" I am sorry for neglecting an introduction. The information is so deeply desired, it is being allowed in on a faster than typically received rate. (This was a reference to my own allowing, I could barely keep up the moment I put pen to paper - Sophia) It is I. It is One. "Okay. Hello and thank you. Please continue." Each of you has decided already how this proceeds for you - the intuitive hits you get while engaging in any part of your day now, tell you what feels "correct". There is no right or wrong, this is truth. Yet appropriate action for each individual soul differs according to that individual's personal plan. Realize (that) there are short cuts and scenic routes that get you to the same place. What this looks like for the human right now is that there are some of you holding back and watching, while others of you run fast to get there first, while still others perceive their role clearly and declare with their actions what the finish line is. All are necessary and correct. "In real life language, please." What this looks like is not an instant receipt of a "get out of jail free" card, and access to all the cash in the middle of the board. This is a game, not unlike Monopoly. It is no accident that so many of you hate the game because of how long it takes. This cash in the middle is there. The real winner is the moment of realization, for all the players, that the value is not in that cash. Nor in the holder of that cash. The value is in every player. So, this game is still being played. As some of you concern yourselves with debt freedom, others of you focus on other aspects of this slavery. These manifest in the judicial system, education and healthcare systems, to illustrate a point. The question on your reader's minds is will they have access to unlimited value in this moment now? There is more than one way to respond. In truth, each being has always held that access within. In third density however, that value has a representation point in cold, hard cash. This is the access desired now. The answer is yes. Realize that each step toward gaining freedom carries with it YOUR OWN AUTHORITY. The more authenticity is present in your actions, the more actual effect they will have. What this means is - you are not able to play at this now and hope it will work. You'll have to realize your value, and infuse clarity into each effort. Know that today these efforts are pointed at a system unprepared, and glitches will occur. Glitches do not indicate no value or access, but a bump in the road. Eventually, those of you reading this and aware will have smoothed the road, perfected the process and announced your success to everyone else. It is at that point, (and it is not far off that "unfettered access" becomes real), that you move your eyes to actual value and real freedom. These realizations are the hallmarks of a fully conscious, sovereign being. It is hoped these words clarify the scope of what is occurring for humanity today. "Thank you. I expect them to help." You are welcome Sophia. Goodbye. ~~ Great work everyone! "You are a perfect you. There is no other. None have come before you and none will follow. The way you look at and contribute to every moment is necessary and unique. We would not, could not, be “us” if not for you. Trust. Pat yourself on the back. Give yourself a hug. " (from 2/2014) We are the ones we've been waiting for ~ let's do this. With so much love, ~Sophia PS Support this work with a newsletter and/or book purchase, here! Much gratitude for your reviews on Amazon. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. Please enjoy one of the videos of our Sovereignty Series: |
April 2024