It’s the time of year for prophecy and promise. What’s to follow is another version of both. This year brought a new appreciation for the perspective found here. It erupts from intuition, internet searches and a year’s worth of conversations with off world beings. You may call it an assumption.
We are poised for alteration – of everything. In our unique fashion we’ve gradually set the stage for personal, national, global and cosmic emergence. We are ready right now. It can happen before this year ends and we will not be surprised. If you’ve been waiting for your moment – that instant when there is an internal “aha! THIS is why I came!” – Your wait is almost over. Numerous and varying sources point to 2016, and even specifically to the first quarter, as the time for global economic collapse, seismic and volcanic catastrophe in North America at least, governmental collapse and financial reset – to be immediately followed by a massive disclosure of truth regarding the Ponzi Scheme we’ve been party to, the off world presence and many available healing and supportive technologies. Some or all of these things have been labelled the event or the party or the shift. This governance of corruption that we’ve built must have a visible, actual and absolute end. The necessity for this is built right into the system. As more of the corruption is seen as obvious to the masses – the masses will deem and end to such corruption. Financial and governmental systems run by criminals will cease to exist. Remember that this is a place of contrast and it will always be present. The timing for every one of these happenings is individually and collectively determined. Your experience inside each of them is personally decided. Here’s my take of how this works. This explains, in my opinion, why all of these predictions could change tonight, if we all decide something else. For these reasons, regard each announcement or warning with skepticism. The proof is in the moment itself. Until that occurs, no one knows for sure. This is a doing of mass consciousness. With every request/question there are billions upon billions of contributions to the answer. And which of these would you deem the “correct” one? This would be the answer that gave you what it is you most desire. Who is it that most desires a specific response? It is your ego self. That part of you focused on what you have decided is your current life. And when will this occur? This will occur when there is no longer any doubt as to “if”. It is not a question of “if”. It is not a question of “when”. It is not a question at all. As the flower blossoms and the child grows; as the tree simultaneously sets roots deeper and branches taller – this moment of love will transcend everything you see now with two eyes and expand every cell’s consciousness. It will happen when you know. For this happening, regardless of form taken, is an expansion of that which is life. It is love. More love. All of life in the cosmos, transformed at once, will create an effect of relative awareness. Your own level of sensitivity and readiness will work for you – as every other bit of life is altered in a way that works for them. How this feels will be determined by life path and expectations and choice. This you know. You are One. Infinite, intelligent, aggressive, peaceful, calm, excited, empty, full, vibrant and asleep – you are every imagining, date and event. The depth and breadth of who you are has been displaced and placed onto a being of unimaginable power. You do not accept that you are that being. What you see with your eyes is man and woman with feet of clay. What you don’t see are your wings and powers. This is the beauty and the wonder of humanity. Willingly you took this role and cheerfully you play your part, all the while wondering – When will I be saved? How will I be rescued? Who will come to heal me? I tell you this. There is no other but you to do the saving, the rescuing and the healing. As you have played all parts – villain, victim, evil, criminal, liar and thief – you have prepared yourself to play this role. You are the one who knows, the one who heals, the one who comprehends, the one who gives. You – who have asked, now answer’s. All of this is within. It is not reserved for a “god” or a “deity”. It is not held separate. As life is given so is every capability; you only need remember. Know that there is no other; without separation all is One. You are that One. You are the One you’ve been waiting for. Blessings and love as the next year begins, ~Sophia PS – My monthly newsletter is free and shares off world conversations. Sign up here.
With the completion of Hanukkah, the onset of Christmas and the upcoming New Year, the idea of holiday is all around. This is that time of year, for many of us, when thoughts turn homeward. Yet, we are shifting. What does a “5D” season include? Accept – Regardless of where you stand on the scale of belief – this is not your grandfather’s holiday. We are not the same, no matter what those Christmas songs keep reminding us to dredge up. This year… Embrace – our new way to festival. This may include more physical celebration, lots of community involvement and less money. This year… Appreciate – the things that actually last well beyond the ribbons and wrappings. These are the people, the ones sharing this holiday with you, making the moment memorable. This year… Love – the ones you are with, the ones you aren’t with and the ones you have yet to meet. Not only in this now, but every now coming. 2015 was preparatory and perhaps most of all it brought us to our knees for love. Not to an altar or a specific god, not to the words of a specific doctrine, but to truth – all separation is fictional. We are One. This year… Anticipate – what is next. It promises to break all the rules, wipe out all the existing structures and set the stage for our emergence. We are on the threshold of new traditions – created by an awakened race. The Hue-Man Race. In recent years, this time was one I had little use for. With religious beliefs shattered, it all seemed farcical and a complete waste of energy. Not so now, as in fondness I appreciate traditions celebrated with love, joy and family. Gathering for community’s sake is a hallmark of humanity. Gifting to create joy is an expression of abundance. Hugs happen a lot this time of year. For all of this I am grateful beyond words. For our humanity is our brilliance and love is our birthright. This is who we are. We’ve come through a horrific history only to emerge as a complete expression of creation. We’ve held every particle of light and that combination has enthusiasm and heroism running through it. Our signature is unique in its emotional exuberance and creative potential. We’ve been held back, yet that has not stopped us. It is an honor to share the last days of this year in celebration with you. On every front you enliven and excite the days. Eleven days ago my tea was paid for by the woman in front of me at Starbucks. In cities all over the world, people are leaving coats for the homeless on lampposts. There’s a tree with scarves on it for students in need at the school where I work. We are a generous, joyful, hugging hoard of humans in December. I predict in our shifting “5D World” that all of this and more will be our everyday – making every day a holiday. For this is who we actually are. We are the ones we are waiting for. With warmest and loving wishes, ~Sophia Sign up for my newsletter here! Do you give help? Do you “do” share? Do you say yes? Do you have hope? Do you see love? Do you “think” peace? Do you feel joy? Do you know truth? Do you hold light? Can you let go? After several hours and pieces of crumpled up paper, what’s left is only the last question: “Can you let go?” So let’s start there. There is ever only one reason to hang on, and that is fear. We are a fearful bunch. It manifests differently for each of us, like wearing an assortment of costumes. I know you don’t want to hear this, yet these are outfits we still wear – loneliness, poverty, illness and anger are just a few. If you are hanging on to some FALSE EVIDENCE APPEARING REAL (FEAR), you’ll stop yourself from truly being seen by another, which is intimacy; the solution for loneliness. If you are hanging on to a belief in “not enough”, you will know poverty. If you hang onto anxiety on any level – illness has fertile ground in which to take root. If you fight what shows up, in your day or your heart or your spirit or your life – you’ll know anger. We’ve all felt these things. Yet they do not define us. We are defined only now. We can choose again with wide open eyes. This has not been easy or straightforward. There were never any promises that it would be. There were guarantees however. Not the “Money Back” kind or the “100% Satisfied” kind. No. This was a guarantee of outcome. What we are shifting to is known. It is the other 9 things we started asking about – Help Sharing Yes Hope Love Peace Joy Truth Light For light is what we are. And when all is said and done, and you are asked how you did it? How you pulled off the most incredible transformation in creation? You’ll repeat # 10. You’ll say: “I let go.” For nothing is worth hanging on to, not pride or agenda or grudge or a belief or a point or a name or love or twenty bucks. There is someone always who needs what you are hanging on to – more than you do. The wonderful thing about our illusion is that giving it away creates more. We set it up that way. So when this moment came, and it seemed as if all was lost or forgotten or never going to change; we’d remember to let go. Let go. It is the only thing left to do. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. With so much love, ~Sophia Sign up for my newsletter here. These are heady times. We are coming into our own. Actualizing the fullness of our potential. At least in our minds. Yet, what about the rest of it? How do we pull what we know is true, into our every day? We did not learn this from our parents. We were not taught this in our schools. We have seen no demonstrations of it on television, tablet or you tube. The possibility of magic exists only in fairy tales and children’s shows. Arenas of the child, not places for grownups. Yet, if you consider some definitions and synonyms – springing straight from some very adult sources – you may change your mind. Remember that every facet of our lives has been manipulated, for generations before this one. Part of that “handling” includes the language we’ve heard and been subsequently using ourselves. Words are powerful creators. Period. Do not keep your most cherished dreams unspoken. For if you do, they will remain there, struggling to see the light of day. You’ll have to open the door and your mouth and let them free. Then, step aside. Allow the Universe to do its work. Let’s start with a dream, any desire at all. It could be – Vitality Strength Abundance Love Health Intimacy A new coat Happiness Friends A home New shoes A parking spot Anything at all… Regardless, you want it NOW. You want instant creation. According to, what you are looking for is also known as: Direct Appearance Prompt Production On the Spot Expression Fast Formation Swift Demonstration Or… Quick Creation Precise Imagination Wide Awake Formation Alert Engendering Apt Arousal Rapid Genesis Immediate Source There are many more, yet the point is made. These are words our associative brains relegate to fantasy, childhood, magic, sex, or religion. Once placed in these specific categories, they are forgotten. Yet these are powerful, and so far, vastly unused words. It is time to unleash them. We are entering unlimited. The possibilities you’ve been dreaming of need fertile soil as well as encouragement in order to blossom. We’ve never done this before. We’ll need all available ingredients for our recipe in order to create. This one is from scratch, there is nothing pre-made we can throw together. Not if we want a masterpiece. If “genesis” holds too much baggage, try “imagination”. If “immediate” seems too lofty, try “quick”. Pick something. You’ll know it when you say it. You’ll feel it. Everything necessary to create this dream is found in you. Its been hidden beneath rules and shoulds, control and manipulation. No longer. Once we let go the stranglehold on ideas and words and dreams and possibilities – we enter unlimited. It is from there we began and from here we begin anew. You are a brilliant light. You are here to illuminate this golden age, which has already begun. It’s right here, in your heart. You’ve been told that it’s all illusion, which is true. Illusion is another term for imagination, which is another way of saying creation. This is what we do with every breath. Think of each one you take as SPONTANEOUS ILLUSION, and let nothing hold you back. We are all waiting to see what you exhale next. Show us. We are the ones we are waiting for. With so much love, ~Sophia PS The power of words. Just see what a single word creates; (click here) Roads? Where we’re going, we don’t need roads… (Click here) See whose been talking to me (Celestial IM) so far this year; click here. You can sign up for the mailing list here! Steve Z., who is a friend of mine, mentioned a few days ago that he expects us to look back on now, this most recent 2015 moment, and realize it was the beginning of active disclosure. Here’s what he said… “I think we're in the middle of disclosure and don't even realize it. It's dribbling out all over the place. It's kind of like not recognizing the hallmarks of a decade until you're in the next decade. As time passes, acceptance gradually increases and attitudes change. I think it would be much easier on the planet in dribs and drabs than some in your face landing on the White House lawn. Besides. What's the big hurry? We have eternity…” It’s easier for us to adapt this way, we are associative learners. Awakening is not finding out about a single alien life form and/or corrupt group of officials. It is a gradual acceptance that we are part of a varied and immense group of planets and intelligent beings – with capabilities far beyond our current knowing or expression. In order for us to embody god-hood, we must first accept the idea of its possibility. Sovereignty erupts from self-realized beings. This happens faster with cooperation. Everywhere is “evidence” of what we are not – illness and violence and loss attempt to convince us to be afraid. Be very afraid. It is only mid-week and there has been a bomb threat and lock down in 2 schools within 15 miles of my home, a shooting in San Bernardino, CA and a new “security system” installed at my workplace, a grade school. ALL OF THIS IN 3 DAYS. We are now under constant surveillance and locked into our classrooms at all times. I heard a report this morning stating that each day in 2015, so far, has included on average at least one mass shooting or act of mass violence in the United States. I have several friends who are quite ill and/or depressed as well. Most of my friends are broke and working constantly. We are all so very done with this. Someone said to me today, “Can you believe we live like this? It is like some sort of really scary place you read about in a book, only it is our life now. It’s like a bad dream.” The point in mentioning any of this is to say that if I were writing this story – AND WE ARE – I would gradually worsen things so that hope is almost gone – just before the big (and happy) final scene. This is what makes a great story, and what you remember as you get up to leave the theater – the ending. It’s important to mention the other story – lines happening now. Evidence of change can be seen in these places, for starters: This Steven Greer talk These Corey Goode & David Wilcock interviews This movie “The Martian” This new series: “The Expanse” All of this coming out openly in the past 6 months points to a new dialogue, (and there is an even longer list of other releases as well). It is one that includes the possibility, for starters, of:
Last week my partner had to call a cab. About the time I expected to see him, I sent a text to see what was up. He was still waiting for his ride. I was with some people and noticed, about an hour later still, that he had not arrived. I sent another text. There was no sign of the cabbie, he had gotten lost. I had a single thought upon hearing this: “Someone NEEDS to pick him up, NOW.” I returned to our guests. About 20 minutes later he walked in the front door, saying “Thank god you called someone. My guy never showed. He called me when we were just about here.” I replied, “But I didn’t call anyone.” He said, dumbfounded, “But he pulled up less than 5 minutes after we texted, and asked for you, not me. I could see your name on his computer screen in the cab.” We just looked at each other. We’ve no real explanations as to how, but we do have evidence that the universe has conspired to give us exactly what we intended/wished/created. It took our combined intent to make this happen. This is 3D life magic. Be sure to notice when it happens to you. It is not just one of us that will speed up this change; it is all of us together. Let’s do this. We are the ones we are waiting for. With so much love, ~Sophia Sign up for my newsletter here! |
April 2024