We’re in a moment of magic and miracles. In the wake of the sentencing of Heather Anne Tucci- Jarraf last week, that statement might seem perplexing, even unbelievable. It isn’t when you see how magic and miracles are performed.
Each “trick” is first set up. The magician/miracle maker will do two things in order to accomplish the set up and then the miracle. First. He or she will persuade you, in no uncertain terms, about the impossibility of what it is you are about to witness. Next. He or she will do the impossible right in front of your eyes. Now, you may be in an audience when this happens or you may, for this current trick, be in a courtroom. In every case, the magician uses slight of hand, illusion, props, expectation, belief and conviction. Do you know that the magician is you? We live in a world where the first step is being taken by those “upholding” “law”. And the second step is yours. It’s a new sort of show, and it’s opening night. It’s “time” for you to take out every hidden ability, dust them off and turn them on. You can do this. You’ve always been able to do this. You just didn’t know that you could. Perhaps you didn’t have the proper setting. The stage has been set and its ready. All that you need to do is remember your lines. The nice thing about this part is that if you have stage fright there are no worries. These lines you can say to yourself. The magic is the feeling beneath them. You have to believe. You have to know that what you are saying, thinking, visualizing is possible. You have to intend nothing else. This is creation. This is the work you came for. It’s also the work you do each day. Only you haven’t been calling it magic. You’ve been calling it your life, or luck or fate or someone else’s fault. The magician knows who’s in charge of the magic trick. Nothing is actually left to chance. He or she see’s the ending, plans for the ending and the ending happens. These sorts of “tricks” play out in your life all the time. Realize your power. With consciousness there is a responsibility. It is accepted and expected. Take the magician’s wand. See the ending. It’s possible. Yet it must be created. In truth, it is being created. Right now. And right now. And right now. It is not that you are waiting for the course of events before you to change. You are creating each of the events you are looking at. The power of your focus and response and resulting transmission is beyond what you have envisioned. Big or small, near or far, your energetic/creative contribution effects the outcome. Be conscious of the emotional streams you are sending forth. They are each creative. The events playing out in 3D before you are the shadows of what was thought yesterday. Think something new today and the next events you see will be evidence of your new thought. Leave nothing to chance. You know how to weave your light into your life. Conditions are perfect for doing so right now. The sentencing of Heather may have been a wake-up call, yet it is not the end of this trick. There are many master magicians in on this one. This was only part of the set up. Now for this upcoming next part, your wand is required. See the ending. Leave nothing to chance. You are the one you’ve been waiting for. With appreciation for all that you are, Sophia Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free separate publications: (click here)! Support this work here. Thank you. Check out my newest book “Join me on a Love Quest” by clicking here! This book takes you on a journey to self-love; the foundation for the trip we take as One, the realization of sovereignty. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged.
Let’s start with a telepathic conversation that took place a few days ago with a light warrior.
“Sophia, you will find me willing to communicate frankly and honestly while also feeling it is abrupt. This is because I am a warrior myself. I am not someone who has spoken to you before this now or spoken ever in this way. I reach out now solely to assist fellow warriors as I honor their journey. It is not one I would have taken and not for the faint of heart. (Those who do) are indeed strong willed. What has occurred is interference into the timeline, into the energy available to the warrior, into their very will. This is edging deeper into personality. All interactions are seen as a call to action. This is indeed a call to bisect (intimate, personal) relationships – to divide everything. Any contact without clear instruction is seen as a call to conquer. Their very nature is being infiltrated – there can be no softness, no letting down. No weakness. Yes, this was intentional. Its purpose is to break (those of you who are not warriors), to split relationships up. It will not break the warrior for the warrior is unbreakable. If the warrior gives in to the (perceived) weakness of allowing feeling, then the warrior could falter. This programming does not suit the warrior in this now moment. The warrior is being primed for the divide, not the union. The warrior will let everything go, inflict deep pain, to win now. First on the list of the warrior is him/herself. Second is winning. Who wants this? The general goal of the Archons is trauma, so that they can feed. Without loving energy, many will feel a void. This current struggle becomes your global journey. This is a delaying tactic. There is no one (of the Archons) who care that this end with union, not anyone who is emitting these energies and waves at you. The thing is, once this tactic/technique is seen and stopped – you become invincible. How does it get stopped? You must appeal to the higher self (of the light warrior) directly, now that this has been seen. Thank you. Anything else? Only this. Realize that this is a war & the most powerful techniques are being employed in these final stages. That is, your most deep and personal components. This war is for all of you and these component parts – your heart, your loves, your sympathies – are all a part of you. Everything must be considered as a possible target. Do you see? I think so. This is (seen as) a war Sophia, these beings are about to lose everything and they will hang on just as long as they can. Everything is in season and a possible target if it serves their agenda. Their agenda is to feed.” The conversation ended. Now… on to today’s post… Raised in a world where winning is praised and losing is despised, we are ill-equipped to navigate the dialogue of a unified planet. Our responses instinctually follow the socially accepted narrative, fully promoting the warrior spirit. These conversations are chock-full of heroes and villains, good and bad, right and wrong, someone to idolize vs someone to reject. We can’t help but think winner or loser into every conversation. Our heads are full of comparisons, criticisms and judgments; enlightened or mis-informed, left or right, liberal or conservative. Each carries its own arrogance. If you read this article (click here), you’ll see that these dysfunctional, unharmonious energies are and have been purposely directed at us. This may be true. Yet using the Archons or anyone else as an excuse for continuing maladaptive behavior is, at the very least, not self-aware. The conversation you just read happened as I considered the article linked above. This is not a post about what is happening exactly, it’s a reminder that whatever it is – we’ve chosen this journey and are creating it with each thought. The massive shift in consciousness from polarity to unity will only play out on a world stage when it happens first in our kitchens and our bedrooms. Acceptance and agape do not magically show up as we are showered with light in some future Event. These spring from within. This conversion is more than an upgrade; it is a replacement of an operating system. We are switching from ME to WE in every case, each conversation and all situations. The conversation I had with the light warrior the other day, brought to mind this song from an old Christmas movie (click here) It would seem that many of us came for the initial “clean-up” and remain here still. The strength and power necessary then is still needed now, yet methods differ. The change we’ve chosen to undertake is nothing short of magnificent. We will not only stop fighting on the battlefield, but in our hearts and minds. We are choosing the embodiment of unity. This looks like acceptance, without exception or condition, of every other point of view as valid. This looks like joining as one, not winning over anyone. Some of us chose the dark t-shirts for this moment and refuse to take them off. They (those dark shirts) will not be sustained in one unified field. There is no need to hate them into leaving. What is needed is consistent promotion of love, unity, compassion and consciousness. It is time now to love. Those of us who know only to fight need new strategies, new words and other alternatives. If we remove the idea of opposition and replace it with clarity, those who are ready only to fight will have no enemy with which to do so. This new earth we are building needs solid ground. It requires a field of consciousness. It will expand in love. It will brilliantly and quickly engulf every one willing to open to it with immeasurable power. The new warrior is one now willing to take up these unused weapons and expertly wield them for the benefit of all of us. For the work to remove and conquer changes now, into the practice of accepting and surrounding. It’ll look like the same place, only instead of lines and walls to divide, there are intertwining circles with no end or beginning. This new warrior looks always to assist with compassion and clear sight. These new warriors are us. We are the ones. We have anchored the light. It is done. With appreciation and love, Sophia Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free separate publications: (click here)! Support this work here. Thank you. Check out my newest book “Join me on a Love Quest” by clicking here! This book takes you on a journey to self-love; the foundation for the trip we take as One, the realization of sovereignty. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. Today something happened. This something is worth sharing.
Out on a walk again, this time with phone in hand as the walk began mid-phone call. We hung up after a bit. I had my ear buds around my shoulders, and at that point I thought I’d begin to listen to a walking meditation for the rest of the journey. I placed one earbud in my left ear. I immediately heard a surprised male voice say “Hello?” in that ear. I didn’t recognize the voice and figured that when I hung up with the previous call, I’d mistakenly dialed someone else. I had the phone itself in my left hand at that point and brought it up closer to hang-up whatever call that was. There was no call. I checked every possible avenue for one. I thought “That was weird” and put the other earbud in my right ear. Then I turned on a meditation and continued to walk. I right away heard the voice and music of the meditation, but from the speaker on my phone in my left hand, not from the earbuds which were now in both of my ears. It was then that I realized the truth – that the wire for the earbuds was still draped around the back of my neck and it had never been plugged in to anything. So… Who said “Hello?” so perfectly into my left ear just a few moments earlier? He was as surprised as I was at the connection. It was the only thing he said. I immediately began fumbling with the phone after he did so. This was one of the more physical contacts to date. It was clear as a bell and felt as if it had been spoken right into my left ear from an extremely close range. If the earbud hadn’t been there, I would have turned my head to look for the person who said it. Perhaps I should have! This feels like more evidence for an increasingly thinning veil, and a rapidly changing frequency. These moments are happening more and more often now. Let’s tell each other about them as they do, watch for them, expect them and record them. Once we accept magic as possible – the amazing and mystical and incredible will wait for us around every corner. Let’s be engulfed within the magical and the plentiful rather than the frightening and the scarce. This is how to call forth our new earth. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We have anchored the light. It is done. With so much appreciation for all that you are, Sophia Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free separate publications: (click here)! Support this work here. Thank you. Check out my newest book “Join me on a Love Quest” by clicking here! This book takes you on a journey to self-love; the foundation for the trip we take as One, the realization of sovereignty. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. Just a quick update and a few thoughts. First, the signs are not subsiding. A few days ago, I had a full out vision of a future (unborn) member of my family… It was so powerful and complete and amazing really. I saw, felt and engaged with this being. As I allowed it, and rested into it, it just kept coming. I believe it was in my not questioning of it (doubting its reality) that it expanded. This is so much fun! Now this next story, well, I believe has a more 3D explanation. Today is Tuesday and, in this town, they test the tornado/emergency sirens on the first Tuesday of each month. I was outside, writing, and I did hear the sirens as usual. What followed was not usual though. Instead it was something straight out of an old movie “Close Encounters of the Third Kind”. It was a tone, the exact tone, actually, that you’ll hear in this clip at about the 1:47 mark. It was so cool. It repeated at least 4 times, maybe more. I sat there until it stopped, not wanting to miss a thing. Now, I suspect the folks at the station were having a little fun, but really? Today? This week of this month of this year? It was really wild. I am glad I was outside to hear it! Here’s the clip again:
What I want to say is that at this specific moment there are so many conflicting emotions and possible directions showing up. Hang in there. For the deepest, most solid one – you’ve got nailed down. It is to love. This is your currency. For hue-manity initiates this Ascension with its capacity and willingness to love. We’ve been broken and beaten and yet, we willingly share of ourselves. This is because we know who we are. We are love. This Ascension happens gradually and then all at once. Your task as a physical hue-man is to realize love beyond need and supply it. Be willing to deplete yourself of love, without knowing any depletion at all – without feeling depleted. There is no depletion in loving. Love is not a pie with pieces that are removed. Love is a garden of wildflowers, propagating and multiplying with each breath and movement; dwelling in a constant state of expansion, regardless of opinion. Know that you are love. For until you know the fullness of the love that you are, you will not know love. Not fully. Not completely. Not unconditionally. Do you see? It starts with us and depends on us and actualizes in us. We are seeking ourselves. Love, love, love yourself. In this overflowing of emotion your love will spill out and a world is transformed simultaneously. There is no separation. This is the Ascension. We are the Ones. We have anchored the light. It is done. With appreciation for all that you are, Sophia Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free separate publications: (click here)! Support this work here. Thank you. Check out my newest book “Join me on a Love Quest” by clicking here! This book takes you on a journey to self-love; the foundation for the trip we take as One, the realization of sovereignty. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. |
January 2025