Hey everyone. Today let me tell you a story. There was a creator, ours, as a matter of fact, and it was exploring. Just as it eternally did. It reached out into the everything it had imagined and didn’t see anything new. Nothing novel to excite or interest it. Just everything it already and eternally knew. Now everything it knew was beyond amazing. But it wanted more than amazing. It wanted to be surprised. So, this creator, let’s call it I, (for “Insert” your own choice/creator here), decided to breathe a bit of itself into sentience and see what would happen. The prime ingredient of I itself, was free will. This prime ingredient immediately decided things that I had never thought of. I was having the time of its life now; things were getting interesting. I knew, because it had never relinquished itself from these bits of sentience, that it consistently would make all decisions in concert with the balance of creation itself. There was only one way to do that, and it was to allow. It was a brilliant plan, if I said so itself. I was thrilled. Allow became the operative word in every component of life. It was immediately followed by the necessary component to this process of “allow”, which was trust. I noticed that this word, trust, did something surprising yet again and pretty quickly. Trust inspired something beyond I itself, a word not necessary to support the balance of life. So, trust became the lynch pin word, the word, in this trinity of words, that, like the proverbial straw, seemed to break the camel’s back. Maintaining trust was hard. In fact, this new and unnecessary word was inspired by something else that rose up within sentient versions of I. And that something was Fear. And Fear, as the story goes, led to a word clearly separate from I itself; Control. So, there were three forces behind all of creation, and they were: Free Will Allow Trust And there were two forces, NOT, and they were: FEAR CONTROL Things were getting pretty wild now. Sentience was all over the place, and it was growing. As allowing and trusting grew, so did fear and control. Sentience imagined itself to be all of these things. From almost every angle, it looked way out of control. Every “other” and every “time” and each “place” was contributing. Fear and control went viral. Free will, as the operating principle, seemed to be at cause. Everything was glorified and magnified and most of sentience was terrified as a result. There was one angle where things were not chaotic. It was from the seventy quadrillion trillion-foot view. From there, there was balance. This was where I stood. And I knew there was a plan. Some of sentience remembered this plan, and they were here and waiting for the moment. These bits of sentience took shape in the wildest of ways, angels dressed as soldiers or children or politicians or elders or plumbers or moms or sons or dentists or musicians or talk show hosts or waiters or cashiers. When their time came to participate in the plan, they did. They did so in their own way. They knew, somewhere, that there was a plan, and they had trust. Those that had forgotten the plan seemed to outnumber those that remembered it. Yet even that did not change its effectiveness. Awareness and intention clarified and magnified the force of those angels who remembered. Those that remembered the plan, knew this. And so, they continued with their part in this plan, in spite of the viral going’s on of fear and control. They seemed to be motivated by something else. Something that you couldn’t read in the headlines, but something that you could feel. It was this other thing that was growing, and propelling the plan perfectly. It was this other thing that I could see from its the seventy quadrillion trillion-foot view. This other thing was held in all of sentience, for, as the story goes, all of sentience is ONE. That may be another story for another day. This other thing is the thing really evident from where I stood. It was popping up everywhere. And it was expanding exponentially. It was quietly and invisibly going viral. It was the core ingredient, the source, of creation itself. It was a restorative force, the necessary component for balance to be maintained eternally. As such, it was a part of every bit of sentience. Every single “other” held this ingredient, whether knowingly or not. This other thing, the thing that I could see was going invisibly viral, was love. I noticed that the time was approaching for the big reveal. This was part of the plan always. It was scheduled to occur when the love within had spread enough to meet I itself. It was then that there would be a sort of contact point. It would no longer be an invisible force, but tangible and real to all of sentience. An event of such magnitude and beauty that there are no words to contain it successfully. The one thing I was waiting for was the volume. The volume of the angels was set on about a “3”. It needed to be higher, some of sentience was particularly hard of hearing. They needed to be louder. It needed to be an “11”. And so, I sent out a message to the angels to ramp it up a bit. I told them that it was time. That the moment had arrived. They had to trust and allow and love unencumbered. That they knew what to do. It was show time. The curtains were wide open. The angels responded. They say, the light that entered all of creation was so brilliant that for one eternal moment, Oneness was experienced viscerally. It was magnificent. It forever imprinted its brilliance on creation itself. This is why this story can be told without “time”. It is an eternal moment. It happens always. It occurs when I see that sentience has recognized the ONE truth. That truth that you are One. You have anchored the light. It is done. Thank you, angels. With appreciation for all that you are, I AM Sophia This song… (click or see below) Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free publications: (click here)! Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged.
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I am breathless with the force of this year… As we personalize humanity’s disturbing extremes, a picture emerges. It is one where each potential human tendency is on display, blown up and lit with neon lights and enormous emotion; it appears to be out of control. There is a temptation to feel that way as well – out of control. Searching now for words to describe this because here is a method of processing it. Writing puts things in order, which feels like it is then under control, at least for a small bit of time. It is in these small bits that lives and futures are decided. They are not so restful as they once were. Eyes opened cannot un-see. What are these visions? They are populated with personalities… Epstein, Weinstein, Trump, Bernie, Schiff, Thunberg, Biden, Hillary, Andrew, Putin, and places… Richmond, Iran, France, Puerto Rico, and things…yellow vests, Space Force Uniforms, tic tac UFOs, and conditions… coronavirus, autism spectrum disorder. Wearing or holding each of these is a human. A human. Like you and I. Each of us going through this mass awakening. Together. The thing about waking up is that you have to make a decision; to agree to do so. Then, once you do, you have options. Some of us wake up, don a pair of running shoes and head out into the dark of the early morning hours, embracing the day. Others of us meditate, pray, or immediately begin caring for our families. We may instead stumble into the kitchen, not moving much at all until a full cup of coffee has been ingested. Some of us greet the day with a smile, others with a yawn. It’s a personal process. We choose the method that works for us. For this global awakening, it is the same. What may have opened your eyes, might not have been noticed by someone who was busy changing diapers or pushing the snooze button. Whether aware of not, though, it is happening all around us. It is done this way, I imagine, so that sooner or later more and then more of us will notice. Impatience isn’t necessary or helpful even; persistence is. “When you see something, say something” What I imagine will eventually unite the whole of us is the crimes against the children. Until that happens, we will point and personalize and blame each other. It’s a human thing, an ego reaction, and we are well-practiced at it. As we do this, we must eventually tire, run out of fingers, and accept that none of us are perfect, and no one has the full story. Yet we do have our own stories. And somehow, we must tell them. It will not be easy. We fear reprisal from friends and family. We fear for our jobs perhaps. We are afraid to look nuts. Yet here I’ll share what my journey has shown me. I’ve learned that fear cannot compete with love, nor reside in the same heart. It is time to let love win. Regardless of who or what you may lose once you do. For personal and altruistic reasons, we must do this. It will be what is in our hearts true that determines our evolution. Do not fear the path ahead. Do you not want the best “ascension” available? Isn’t this why you came? You paid for the best seats with all the bonus options. And for the “others”, these people you know and love, if you believe you hold a bit of information that is truth, which could add weight to their awakening, possibly pushing them over the line, it is your responsibility, as an awake and loving being, for you to do so. Share what you can when you feel the moment asks you to. Then allow them to decide what to do with it. Don’t pretend you didn’t see what you saw. Don’t “unsee” for the sake of fear. Many of us have been burned. Years ago, we took on this responsibility with a vengeance, pushing away people as we “schooled” them on what was going on. We demanded that they see the truth that we “knew”. We were newbies, anxious to fix the world. That was a long time ago. A few times, recently, I’ve spoken my truth. I was not expecting it to go well. I have not lost friends. In fact, I find the friendships deepening and there are openings occurring. It’s all okay. We don’t have to agree in order to love. In the last post I spoke of a “moral conscience” and how it needs to be adopted by those pulling the strings/the elite/the controllers/those at the upper end of the hierarchy. Now, a week later, I contemplate further and ask, is it not us who needs to demonstrate what such a thing as moral conscience looks like? “If you see something, say something”. “Walk your talk”. These thoughts are not reserved for those with greater responsibility or power than we ourselves hold. These thoughts are for us, the gods who hold all of the power. As above, so below. There are so many things that disturb me. They are ideas held on social media that it is only the elite who participate and hide human trafficking, satanic abuse, slavery. That is false. It becomes an easy thing to blame that which you do not identify with. Perhaps it is not such a sexy or glamorous thing to imagine your neighbors participating but some of them do. It is about power and a network of rules deciding how it is obtained. Old rules that were put in place by old rulers. Right now, these things are happening. And right now. There is a child being abused, tortured or worse. There are books telling tales of these things. You can find them on Amazon and other booksellers. Look for words like “pedophilia, satanic cult, sex trafficking, ritual abuse” and the like. Stories, told by men and women who do not know Jeffrey Epstein or Prince Andrew but suffered through years of horror. We have to open up the wound on humanity and give it air. It is the only way we will heal. There are other things, disturbing coincidences. This coronavirus seems to have a patent? It also has companies with vaccines at the ready. Now someone explain to me how that works? The names of contributors to these drug companies include the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Please look these things up for yourself. We cannot afford to be careless in our words or bits of information. The stock in certain vaccine companies went way up with the news of the approaching Pandemic. Inovio is a biotech company working on a vaccine, which is funded by the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations, which is partnered with the Gates Foundation as well as DARPA. It all sounds too cozy, sort of like a hamster wheel. Money drives everything. You can’t unsee. Questioning is not a sign of weakness, but of consciousness. Stay awake everyone. Love yourself first, then love the rest of us. It’s only January. I love you all. You are the Ones. You have anchored the light. It is done. With appreciation for all that you are, Sophia Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free publications: (click here)! Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. 2020 has not disappointed. I’d like to share what I am finding out. We are knee deep in all of it now. If you had any questions about whether or not you were born in the right “time” or life, doubt no more. You’ve come for this and it happens now; we need everyone’s voice. Can you feel the acceleration?
Hierarchy. Forgiveness. Justice. Morality. Socialism. Royalty. Love. God. Magic. Truth. Free energy. Money. Corruption. Non-terrestrial civilizations. Cannibalism. There are so many. I’m not sure where to begin. I’ve got a feeling there will be lot’s more posts this year, so bear with me as I start with this one. Commence with self-love. This is the locator beacon we will be using this year, and the key to our ascension/evolution/growth/awaking. Self-love is the foundation of sovereignty. It is what will resonate as purity. It will restore you, and answer your questions. Like strength training to increase muscle mass, we’ll practice it repetitively in order to maintain what we gain. Love yourself without exception. Now from there look around. You’ll notice the others. There are so many of us here now. We all wear different costumes for this pivotal year. I was introduced to one such costume, just a few days ago, in the form of this video (click here). It was sent to me over the weekend. It has led me down many rabbit holes and into a few fascinating conversations. At the end of all of them, a picture emerges. It is of us. Please remember that we are the driving force for all of what is happening now, the base/core for the current model of earth’s control... lesser than none. These are roles we play, nothing more. The hierarchy (as I see it now) here is pretty much laid out in this quote from Wikipedia: “All forms of life were believed to have been created by Ra. In some accounts, humans were created from Ra's tears and sweat, hence the Egyptians call themselves the "Cattle of Ra".” This is how the hierarchy appears to be organized, bottom up. Humanity (the cattle) --> Illuminati --> Priest Class (Upper Chambers) --> Queen of Illuminati (may be on same level as Upper Chambers, just different role) --> Queen of England --> (THIS NEXT POSITION IS NOW VACANT, BUT WAS FILLED UNTIL 2016) --> RA These are personal conclusions, drawn from personal conversations and my own research. I have no proof that the website is a legitimate one. When I came across the “Glamis Calling” video the other day (mentioned above), there were not even 20 followers on their Twitter account. Right now, that account has 222. It appears to be a planned unveiling, that may be shuttered at any moment. Here is another video of a translated book (translated in full, to English) from the 1960’s and 1980’s, which again reveals supposed “plans” for humanity, and, shows, from the perspective of 2020, how they have come true. This reminds me of the “Hidden Hand”. Use your own discretion. After all, and remember, some of my conversations are telepathic. I’ve been fooled before. I mean it. We are in a time in our evolution that requires we come to our own conclusions every single time. I am never offended by disbelief or disagreement. This is how we learn and grow. I’ve known of the experiment going on here for such a long time. Yet even knowing, with all of this laid out online and without apology, well, I’ve been angry. Then I’ve been contemplative. I still don’t have any answers, but I wanted to share some thoughts. These will take more than today or this post to explain, but we’ll start with both and now. It is time for truth at all costs. That will underscore all of what happens from now until we’ve completed what we came to complete. This truth is a hard and large pill. In order to be successfully ingested, you’ll have to prepare yourself and have lots of help within easy reach, before swallowing. We are not here to do this alone. It is our collective voice that moves us forward. ALL OF US EQUALLY SING THIS SONG. What song are you singing and to whom? Anger is only useful as a spark for change. It is not ultimately beneficial to spend a lot of time there. Control is a tool often used to maintain the status quo, or to take what does not rightfully belong to you. It is an outdated method, inspiring violence and fear. These are divisive and abrasive times. The worst of us are here. The best of us are here. We are neither wrong nor right, but instead part of what makes this such a compelling time. I include here every tier in that hierarchy laid out above. WE EACH HAVE OUR ROLE TO PLAY. I am troubled with the following idea. It is the message being told, as some sort of explanation, that we are still under the control of a hierarchy in order to allow for a gentle and gradual letting go of the controls; to avoid violence and destruction as we figure out how to lead ourselves. It is too late for that. Violence and destruction shout from every continent. Instead, it appears that the real reason for this delay, is to allow those who sit at the wealthy and powerful end of the hierarchy to get whatever they want, and just as much as they can before it’s over. Because they know it is over. But we do too. What troubles me is the moral conscience of the folks sitting up there at the top of the hierarchy. I see no evidence of one. What I also don’t see is anyone taking responsibility to hold one. It would seem that the morally correct thing to do and asap, is to stop the abuse and torture and robbery of humanity at the hands of this “hidden hand”. To see that it stops now, not at some future moment decided by someone not feeling either the abuse or torture or the robbery. There are so many more of us at the bottom, than there are of those at the top. So, so many more. Those of us who sit at this tier have questions. Some are answered in obscure websites and old books, but not the primary one. And it is in this question that our humanity is most revealed. It is the question of morality. It is the hallmark of our species that we desire freedom and vitality and prosperity and love for all of us. Not just a few of us. We do have a moral conscience. I sure would like an answer to this question. I wonder if the beings who created this experiment have considered the length of time it has taken to finally conclude a result. It is excessive and if this were a “timed” test, well then, time’s up. What is your answer? You have all the data necessary to turn it in. I love you all. We are the Ones. We have anchored the light. It is done. Sophia Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free publications: (click here)! Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. |
January 2025