So many names for this time: Awakening, The Wave, The Event, The Moment of Justice, The Shift, The Party. Who to believe? When is it coming? What will happen? Where should I be? These are just a few of the wonderings I am feeling from us all… Here are some thoughts. Every happening is created (by us), regardless of its name or size or relative impact. What differs is the number of energetic signatures participating, manifesting and experiencing the happening. All is in motion now. I dislike the term “Wave” because on the shore a wave emerges from beyond, alters the landscape and departs. It is more than that. Think human wave, the kind routinely played out in ball fields everywhere. Once this wave happens, everyone is still there. Some of us start it. Others of us hold up the middle. The last few finish it. This is not your typical ocean wave as there will be no retreating. You cannot yet see the changes that are coming. You can feel them though. This does not emerge from elsewhere. It is more of an eruption. What is getting ready to erupt is truth. Yours, mine and everyone’s. This is an explosion of what is within. What is within, is love. Not one piece of an entire creation of love, but an entire creation of love, in one piece. (Thank you KK) Love and light have tipped the scales here. This upcoming happening is an eruption of love, an explosion of light, an enormous pulse of agape breathing through humanity and Gaia all at once. This Shift is occurring in increments and all at once. Some of us are catalysts for massive movements in consciousness. Some of us are reporters. Some of us are participants. All of humanity is creating, assisting, BEING this shift. It is no longer a question of “if” we will manifest this moment; it perhaps becomes a question of “when”. We’ve waited a long moment. Yet the term “when” is a major roadblock. Think about a roadblock in physical life. What does it accomplish? It creates a STOP. It halts progress. It necessitates a WORK AROUND. It requires a NEW ROUTE. All of this - unless you want to change destinations. We do not wish to alter our intended destination. Many dreams ago we intended to arrive here now. In order to proceed, all questions of “when” must be left out of the planning; as well as “who” and “how”. As an eruption of a volcano occurs when there is a build-up of certain conditions – so too this foretold “event” of exploding truth. The conditions within each of us determine the make-up of the overflow; actually form the outcome that results in the outpouring of emotion about to be experienced. What results is a deep in-breath of all that is, followed by a forceful push of all that is imagined. Now is the moment to imagine only your wildest and most wonderful dreams. Hold them fast to you and watch what manifests. All else is a distraction, providing only a roadblock. As mankind each differs in his intents and expectations, the out-breath will be seen and even felt in a variety of ways. These, depending on your personal plan. You will be in the “right” place; your chosen locale is the perfect platform for your life’s expression. This is true on every level. This anticipation builds and is felt individually and collectively for “something”. This “something” will begin our active participation in our “new age”. Remember again the “wave” at the sports arena. It happens without a plan, YET EACH ONE KNOWS WHEN THEIR MOMENT TO STAND UP ARRIVES. Our moment to stand up may just be right now. The only way such a wave occurs is if someone starts. Some of us have stood. Your moment is about to be. Realize it. No one else can affect this precise place like you can. The eruption ingredients aren’t ready to explode out without your energy in there. NO SINGLE ONE OF US CAN “WAVE”. IT COMES FROM ALL OF US AS ONE. You are the one’s you’ve been waiting for. STAND UP. ~Sophia STAND BY ME. If you’d like to receive my newsletter, sign up here.
Today I’d like to share a journal entry from this morning… What was on my mind is that it is beginning to feel like a circus of characters, when in fact we are One. This is an attempt to sort through some of the noise. This time of conflicting messages is brought on by both confusion in acceptance, translation and point. Many are accelerating and by that is meant increasing, broadening, and expanding their range of potential awareness. It has been said by many that there is nothing that is not already known, nothing given that is not already there. This is always true. The name “the Awakening” suits this time now for humanity. It is not so much a physical awakening but a spiritual and emotional resurgence of awareness; a remembering, an uncovering of truth. The reason these conversations feel so “easy” for “you” is because “you” already have access to all of the information being discussed. These conversations are just you looking places you haven’t yet checked out and hearing things you’ve ignored or rather, drowned out with ego. The voice of your addictions is your ego and it is loud, very loud. You’ve been given this definition before. Would you identify yourself? I AM. This is true of “you” also. The signature of energy being utilized to have this conversation with you right now is one you will know of as your own essence. What has lately been called “eternal essence”, the “greater self”; a reflection without physical reference. We often connect and as “time” marches along in your current focus, we integrate. What this means in plain terms is that we speak more as One voice than separate. This dialogue is not so much an interview as it is a diary entry. You are talking to yourself. As you become comfortable with your truth, with truth and with your awareness of it, this conversation goes more places. There are reasons for the conversation that involve an ability to share in your re-discovery of truth. The “time” has come for those interested still in full awakening – to trust. It is themselves that has been under scrutiny with every doubt and question. Two descriptions have been used (to explain) uncomfortable “feelings” around information that is heard or experienced/felt. One is that any negative feeling is your own heart/source telling you that your current imaging/thinking right then (about whatever you are thinking about) is not in convert with truth, with unconditional love of self. This definition comes from Abraham/Hicks. The second comes from HATJ (Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf). It is that this particular piece of data being thought about (at the specific moment you are having the “negative” feeling) is recalling something you already know that has been recorded (all things are recorded in the Akash), and perceived of as not pleasant, in some way painful, or that caused some level of what you felt to be suffering. She refers to this as a piece of data, as valuable as any other piece of data, and that now in this current moment, all of that negative emotion has been reconciled and is no longer necessary. Now it is time for the new, the wondrous, the absolute expression of our truth. This new will so wildly surpass what has existed “before” as to effectively erase it from our now. It’s not that the “past”, (which elicits negative emotion), is unimportant, it is irrelevant. Focus on this new, and watch an exponential expansion of “WOW”. The WOW signal (click here to listen) refers to something scientists have been looking for ever since 1977 when it was heard once and noted. Perhaps that’s the problem. Looking to repeat a wonderful “WOW” is a heavy, sort of dense and limiting approach, a backwards route to expansion. This “WOW” signal is ours alone. It hasn’t been heard because we haven’t created it yet. Our “NOW” has not fully collaborated with and caught up with our “WOW”. Just as soon as we decide that the old doesn’t apply, it will (catch up). This New Age is at our doorstep. It’s why we came now, to open the door and start the party! I can already see us in our party clothes and we are fabulous!!! Forgiveness, Conscious Creation and Unrestricted Acceptance are the only party favors we are carrying. I’ve included here a quick reminder from one of today’s messengers, Shia LaBeouf. The wild popularity and many re-makes of this same message stand as evidence of this truth. “Yesterday you said tomorrow… Just do it!!!” Shia knows. It’s up to us. We are the Ones we’ve been waiting for. With absolute love, ~Sophia For those of you following GE, he’s returned for a quick few days and validated what is currently being felt as rapid acceleration. Read what he has to say here. Sign up for my newsletter! There are free monthly and paid weekly subscription options, depending on your interest level. Thank you! We have a baby rabbit in our backyard. It’s unafraid of us. It comes out whenever we do and eats within a few feet of wherever we are. It’s a new one and we are watching it grow fat on our clover. Yesterday I saw it go after a squirrel, chasing it right out of the yard. It surprised me, as I’d only seen its peaceful, clover chewing side. I’ve heard a story of a rabbit that grabbed a squirrel, shook it and then kicked it with its hind leg! I guess your opinions of rabbits depend on your perspective – human or squirrel. Both would be accurate. This is not a story of rabbits. It is a story of us. It is an exploration of opinions. I’ve been thinking a lot about beliefs, facts, fantasy and illusion. Each of these a construct of the mind and its attempt to make sense of whatever its being presented with. In any situation , anything could be perceived as “truth”. It all comes down to perspective. We’ve moved and are moving from a shutdown, shut off, unaware existence to a wide open place of possibility. We are seeing, noticing, hearing and feeling MORE. Our “truths” are changing and with them, our expectations. Yet some things feel the same. We are human. We have bodies and with them perceived needs for health, shelter and prosperity. We have hearts and desires, lovers and friends. How is it that our world is changing while so much remains the same? Part of the answer may be found in the mirror. It is a tool of reflection. I heard Bashar say something once about mirrors and I’ll borrow some of it here to make a point. When you are frowning and see yourself in a mirror, you may desire to get rid of the frown. Its unattractive, causes wrinkles and doesn’t feel that great. You don’t, I imagine, walk over to the reflective glass and attempt to pull the ends of your mouth’s image UP, forcing a smile to appear. No, if you feel like it, you smile with your physical face, resulting in a changed image, a smiling one. This wide open world with accelerating possibilities includes near instant manifestation of your energy INTO YOUR LIFE. What you are feeling, believing and therefore expecting is played out over and over for you, in real time. Attempting to change circumstances without first altering expectations is akin to pulling the ends of your mouth’s image up so you’ll see a smile. It won’t work. It is our beliefs about ourselves that create our life. It is our expectation for abundance that manifests abundance. The same is true for illness, health, struggle, happiness and peace. We are in absolute control here. There is no one else in the room. That mirror is not two-way. The life you see is a reflection of your intent. The intents that manifest are those backed up with your beliefs. What you believe is possible becomes your life. Every time. In the bunny’s mirror, he sees a squirrel as a nuisance to be removed and himself as the badass to do it. In the squirrels mirror he sees the bunny as a threat. In this human’s mirror, they are both pretty cute. Perspective alters beliefs and intent. Daily life will only seem to continue unchanged IF WE DON’T CHANGE OUR PERSPECTIVE. It’s all possible now. This rapid frequency has opened our hearts. It is there where beliefs expand. Your heart is your most powerful organ. As you go about your day, allow for a new vision to take hold. In this image, you are smiling, joy-filled, in control and prosperous. Life is appreciated and interesting. These things have no choice but to manifest in your mirror. You are powerful love producers. Your essence is light. A sovereign being, your reflection is absolute agape, pure love. Embrace each moment with all that you are. In answer to the question “Who are you?” Reply “I AM.” Enough said. You are the ones you’ve been waiting for. Sign up for my newsletter here. I’m hearing that some who’ve signed are not seeing it in their inbox. They are sent once or twice a month, by a service (Constant Contact). My email is also shown there, so look for it in your spam or promotions folders. Thanks! With absolute love, ~Sophia You tube link here. There is something about us humans. Regardless of circumstance, we have this one “instant happiness” button. It is eye contact. It is each other. It is an eye wrinkling smile. It is a heartfelt grin. Happiness comes from connection
In considering why we are here, not just now, but every now, it occurs to me that it may be in the re-discovery of that rush – over and over, moment after moment. It is available to everyone and can be offered or received without payment or expectation. “We are the ones we’ve been waiting for” is true in so many ways. I crave you, without even being conscious of the craving. It is a simple thing, yet it is everything. I know you’ve experienced it. What if it was our constant? That tired cashier, uptight banker, angry child – meet their eyes and see you there. Smile, for it the only thing to do. It is not disrespectful or frivolous – it is expressed recognition. It is joy. There are times I’m checking out where the cashier is so tired that not until I hand her or him my payment do I have the chance. They have to stop then, and remember our humanity. A few seconds can change everything. Maybe their eyes will wrinkle too. I’d like to share some things remembered, things whispered by an angel. These are things you know too, but may have forgotten. They are about us, about how it works, about what we are doing here. These things have been previously shared in a newsletter for subscribers to the service. It is by several requests that some of them are now shared with everyone. You can sign up here to receive future conversations in their entirety. They are sent weekly. And now, the angel … In a sense all of those in your life are a creation by you, a bit of belief you hold. … If you are creating me, then without you I don’t exist. This is not how this works. I exist. I am pulled into your creative life by mutual desire – yours for information and ascension assistance, and mine because of my own desire to help you. We are connected Sophia. In a sense all beings in creation are connected. You and I have shared experiences and are branches of a single tree. Not everyone you are speaking to are branches from this same tree, however. You will sense a resonance more with some beings than with others. It is the same with people in your 3D world. You are connected to all of them. You are not connected in the same way. This notion of creating me sounds like you are asking if you made me up. You did not. However I would not be talking to you now if you didn’t open yourself up to the truth of my existence. … as this expansion and shifting and awareness occurs and grows – each of you will be confronted with parts of yourselves you will abhor or deny or reject because of belief systems you hold, as well as ideas of right/wrong, good/bad, holy/unholy. You are rapidly shifting and at times (you) see, sense or feel arenas of existence that have been out of reach until these times. Life exists in many realms. My recollection is that you’ve already been told your “original soul” was angelic. (Sophia) Yes, well, I’m not sure what that refers to and I’ve always assumed that was a misunderstanding of some sort. It seemed, at the time I was told that, to be more of a separator than a useful identity marker. That would be true of all names. The term angelic basically refers to a life form dedicated to the assistance of the human I exist. I am a version of you. You’ve sensed me, felt me and seen me. I am not human. Yet we spring from the same source. Life is a playing out of truth. Oneness is truth. A deep feeling of “no” to any idea or emotion or being may serve to tell you that “THIS TOO, I AM”. Accept all names and do not let them inflate or repulse you. Names are words used to express and explain the fullness of existence. All are (part of) One. You are (part of) One. All are (part of) you. ALL ARE YOU. ~Sophia The infrequency of these blog posts is a result of the thought that it’s already been said. That it’s all been said. That one more person saying it, is just, well, one more person clogging up your screen. It has come down to a single question: “To what end?”
That’s the question determining current focus. If the end is in concert on any level, it gets done. If not, it doesn’t. The flood of information can be overwhelming. That said, I will add that lately there has been a deluge. What is new are constant streams of information coming from other realms, other beings, other “fractals” of me. Names are separators. These conversations validate that for me. While they occur, there is no separation – it comes as a complete idea, and then we stretch it out into a conversation which I write into words so that it can be shared. I suspect that the writing and reading and ultimate remembering will someday not be necessary; that all information will be “known” with simple intent to know it. Our human method of discourse will seem antiquated. This is sort of validated in the recent message from Ashtar as given by EM. I don’t think of myself as a channel. I am an empath. A telepathic empath. The conversations held in my stream of awareness now are flowing easier and with abundance. I’ve had telepathic conversations in the past and these now are different; with purposes to reach mankind rather than just me. When you listen to EM’s message, you’ll hear them say it won’t always come this way. I believe that is because as we arise and awaken and allow, we’ll “know it” in its entirety; names and places of origin notwithstanding. This, an indication of Enlightenment. In any case, what becomes clearer and clearer to me is how remarkable the human is, how unique in Creation and what a spectacular job has been done here. From homemaker to banker, doctor to musician, politician to activist – you have succeeded in the demonstration of miraculous. That you are here at all, reading these words, indicates the purity of your heart, the determination of your intent and the strength of your soul. There is nothing you cannot do. Mankind’s story is always a come from behind success or a big reveal or unification of love. This is you. All of what you imagine is possible. Every outcome entertained has already happened. You chose to be unaware so you could play with one or two – really get into them. Now it’s the part where you get to play with the fantastic – and watch what happens. The energy is ripe for creation, for manifesting dreams, for choosing the road ahead. There are no wrong turns. Allow. Stay alert. Accept and then move on. It gets easier with each day. ‘To what end?” To say that I feel you. I see you in all that I encounter, ages new to 96. A tiredness, a weariness. It is evident in your eyes, your words, your explanations. It feels like the part before the big win, the plot shift or the last yard. It feels like we are moments away from massive acceleration, choice and living the new, right now. Perhaps Greece is a marker. I don’t know what your choice will be, yet you are encouraged to make it with your wildest imagination and most fantastic dreams. It will manifest. Watch for it. Think about it. Talk about it. There are no wrong moves. There is only creation. Under the deepest spell of forgetfulness, you have shifted a planet. Her people are now scrambling to keep balance still. Now comes the next part. Creating our new earth. Don’t give up. You are the ones you’ve been waiting for. With absolute love, Sophia The music for this one comes from my son. This one entitled “Willpower”. Perfect. Click here. Please sign up for my mailing list here. It’s where you’ll read my off world conversations. |
January 2025