Sandy was an unusual storm. That much we can agree on. Beyond that there is no consensus. Sources we’ve come to trust and rely on aren’t saying the same thing. Why and what caused this storm is a subject of contention and we are becoming polarized. Perhaps there is something we don’t know, even another player. Until now there has been either Nature or HAARP/Illuminati. This storm blew over surprising amounts of land and it took a strange turn. It reached Washington DC; it reached Wall Street – two Illuminati breeding grounds. What if both positions were sort of true? What if Sandy was not quite natural and not quite HAARP? What if there is another force – one working for neither side? This unknown force would be looking to achieve balance. We’ve heard the Illuminati plans for complete enslavement via martial law. We’ve heard the stories of weapons malfunctioning and not working. This storm did not “work” either. The “powers that be” were set back as well. In this third scenario, this was an intentional outcome. The storm was directed in such a way that havoc for the Illuminati was the result. The Cabal will have to recover; their plans have been disrupted. They’ve had free reign here for a long time. I understand this was an experiment and we are now at choice. I’ve wondered why it has gotten so severely skewed. There is not one part of life now that they don’t have some sort of grip on – food, housing, money, health, religion, education. There’s been no balance. If this third unnamed force did direct the storm without choosing sides, that could explain the damage to key Illuminati areas as well as the minimal loss of life. Balance is necessary in all things. Right now, humanity needs a hand. The Illuminati have a plan for every possible outcome. We are late to the game, yes, but just maybe someone is giving our side a fighting chance. They’ve been slowed down a bit, thanks to Sandy. This third unnamed force would only want to even the playing cards. We’ve asked for help and begun to offer resistance ourselves. We’ve spoken up. Perhaps we’ve been heard. Not long ago we celebrated the “Day of Decision”. None of us knows how this is going to play out. It depends on how we create it, what we intend and what we believe. There is so much we don’t know. We are at about seven weeks now until December 21, 2012. Rather than worry over who did what and “who’s on first”, let’s focus on what we do know and use our incredible power to create the life we are dreaming of. We know that we are love. We know we’ve come now to help restore this planet to her pristine state. This will take intent, belief and unity. Balance is necessary for us to continue – in order to witness our incredible light; it must be seen on a backdrop of dark. We know what that dark looks like now, and by identifying it we can reduce it. Balance demands destruction as well as creation. This has always been true. Our eyes are open now to this Cabal; let’s not close them to other possibilities. None of us have done this before; we can’t therefore claim to know just how things are going to play out. We’ll have to create them as One. This is a call for open minds. It is blinders that helped to steer us to the place we find ourselves today. Let’s take them off and engage the awesome opportunity before us – something absolutely new. We are here now with front row seats to a most incredible time! It’s okay if we aren’t sure what’s going to happen – embrace your wildest dreams and hang on. Steer clear of limiting beliefs and polarization. We are creating our life right now. This influx of light and love empowers our every thought – look how far we have come! We are amazing. Hold on to your truth and empower these coming days with your brilliance. We need every bit of our combined light right now! We are the One we’ve been waiting for.
In January of this year I produced a video, “Message to Off World Beings”. In April of 2012, I began a dialogue with one who is calling himself a “Guardian”. The conversation can be accessed in the comments section below the video, as it is ongoing even until today. It exists in an easier to follow format on this page from my website ("Conversation With Off World Source"): Here is the latest comment, from last night, 10.11.12: “Now the disclosure is peaking, humanity's temporal Consensus has been created. These are last ten home cycles; get ready to make Your final decision. We all are watching and listening for it, Energy vibration are high, Your consciousness is active at Unity level. You are ready to make Your final decision. Make this choice as right as possible based on all that predated You and all that will be predated by You! Peace from the Forces of One to Sophia and all who follows our answer, an answer which is not known to many, but only few, the chosen." Cobra has also released information about this date, 10.21.12, and is calling for a global meditation for the “Day of Decision”. If this resonates with you on any level, please participate. Share, copy, make a video yourself. We are the One We’ve been Waiting For!!!!!!!!!!!! The time is right now. Cobra’s video: If there was ever a time for you to join this conversation, it would be this week.
Much love, Sophia Fully engaged in breakfast, the gaggle barely moves with my arrival. The lake is quiet, all are intent on eating. One lone long neck stands above the rest, ever vigilant; when this head bends down for some food, another pops up to take its place. Order and cooperation rule on the lake shore this morning. A loaf of French bread, tossed in their midst, changes everything. No longer content to search on their own for what they need; the geese now race to this gift from their human benefactor, honking and pecking to grab what they can. The air is filled with their fighting; all memories of this peaceful morning are gone. One after the other, they grab the loaf, which is many times larger than their beaks can hold, and run away. It is no longer about getting enough to eat; it is about ownership and having the most. Peace does not ensue again until the entire loaf is gone and there is nothing to do but search quietly in the grass for sustenance. The lame goose is the largest. I suspect because he spends a great deal of energy hobbling to catch up, and is always building muscle. He doesn’t stop to eat until he’s surrounded by the others. His limp did not allow him to enter the battle for the bread. He stood within the storm, quietly eating while the noise and anxiety swelled around him. His focus never changed. This story is ours. The bread thrower is the cabal; the geese, humanity. Ownership, scarcity and the compulsion to win are not natural. They are manufactured reactions to intentional outside manipulation. When I arrived this morning, these birds needed nothing. Their perceived dependence on the bread and the bread thrower was created. It ended as soon as the bread was gone. Our bread is just about gone. We’ve forgotten how to keep ourselves going, but this doesn’t mean we won’t survive. We need to remember how to cooperate and keep our focus. There is plenty for everyone. Panic and anxiety don’t serve our intent; they are time wasters and serve only to weaken us. It’s quiet here now. The sun is a bit higher in the sky. The lame one has been surrounded with the other geese for quite some time. Their focus has returned. Once we remember that all we need is here, we’ll let go of our own fear of loss and dependence on the “bread throwers”. We are here to create. All that we need is focus, intent and determination. At first glance, the lame goose was disadvantaged yet he is the biggest and strongest and seems to lead with his quiet resolve. This is who we are. We are brilliant, strong and determined; here to create abundance and amazing – not for a few of us, but for all of us. We are the One we’ve been waiting for. I am filled with hope, love and excitement for what is to come. Something has changed recently and although I cannot show you a picture of what it was, I can tell you what I see. I see all of us right. There are so many versions of truth. What if they were all correct? We stand today a divided planet. There are nations and within them states and within them counties and towns. Within the towns there are men, women and children; from every nation, following every religion, team, political party, interest and sexual preference. Within each of these you will find a belief so strong that it seems unchangeable. Here is a version of life I am coming to resonate with, for it allows for every difference. We are all right. The Cabal has infiltrated the speaking of the “Channels”, while there are some authentic “Channels” as well. There are man made ships as well as off world ships. There is both divine and human intervention. There is a dark force looking for domination and destruction while there are very human men and women who have followed the “service to self” route all on their own. There are “Archons” wreaking havoc and there are Alphabet agencies of human beings carrying out criminal agenda’s. All stories contain truth. Everyone is right. Everyone is love. You chose to be part of a grand plan – to lift the Earth out of the darkness she has been in; to ascend. The stories are all true. You are here to participate, not because you are better than anyone else, but because it is time now to restore balance to the Earth. The depths of the darkness demanded a great deal of light. You are that light. There are forces for balance and forces for destruction and forces for peace. The sacred texts speak truth, although the literal interpretations have led to division and speculation and misunderstanding. Many of them were taken out of context, which does not negate their value, or make them irrelevant. The force that yields the greatest power is the force for One. You are that force. The One has asked for a great influx of light to the earth right now because there is an imbalance; the dark/destruction has seized and held this planet for long enough. Our work is not complete. The balance must be maintained once it is achieved. We have free will. Man chose this path. We have been (unknown to our conscious selves) collectively in service to a destructive force. This force has one goal and it is absolute – it creates and then destroys as a show of power – absolute power. That is its only purpose. War, ownership and corruption are its methods. When it realizes there are no longer possibilities for domination it moves on – it has. Its minions, the Archons/Illuminati, do not realize yet that the game is over. They will continue. Like chickens without heads, they are unaware and still running around, doing whatever chickens do. This is where the free will of man comes into play. Man must now continue to make a stand against destruction by resisting those efforts. He will be helped by off world sources if he chooses to be helped. We have to ask for help, not ask to be “saved”. We do not need a savior; we are here to save ourselves. We are the One. We have come here ourselves, to save ourselves, in service to humanity; the One. It would appear that we have asked. Although our history is filled with darkness, the overall picture of things is not. We must get past the horror and disbelief of our past and move on to action in our present. It is time to do what we feel called to do. There are many possibilities. We’ve learned that there is corruption in our banks, corporations, religions and governments – we can start just about anywhere. Think of things to do that will no longer support a self-destructive system. Self reliance and collaboration is key. It’s not necessary that we all get on the same train, yet it is time to start moving. We are here with purpose. We are here to love absolutely. This may not always be easy, but it is necessary and will alter our world. Balance means that both sides always exist. This is the lesson of every spiritual teacher we’ve encountered. The earth is a template for growth and evolution. The challenges propel us; we are here for the stimulus they offer. We have come to learn. We are Master creators. We know what to do. We all planned this party, ages ago. We are the One we’ve been waiting for. We wake up each day, holding within us the keys to the kingdom. A force, if unleashed, which could alter our world. We’ve been unaware. No longer. Those that have held us in their grasp have minimized, sentimentalized, diminished and sexualized love. In an intentional effort to hide from us our most powerful asset, they’ve crafted a heart shaped emotion used only on special days or with certain people. They would have us believe the love of power surpasses the power of love. In our very dense, 3D existence, they’ve created an illusion that in all appearances looks true. The kings, presidents, banksters and power elite have all the money and wield all the control. We’ve allowed that to happen because we’ve been asleep. The few of us that woke up and tried to warn us were gone before we knew it. Not today. Many of us are rousing from our slumber. We are paying attention now. What we are here to do is love fiercely and completely and absolutely. Love is not a greeting card. Love is a force. The cabal understands power by force and control; on that playing field, they hold all the cards. They do not know what love can do, although they suspect. That’s why it has been reduced to a sexual game. It is the only thing they understand; competition and conquest, fight and win, then own. Love is none of that. Love is a raw, deep and powerful emotion. It is unmistakable. Love is never felt inappropriately or misdirected. Love is truth. The chill that runs through your body when you feel someone’s touch or hear or read certain words is love. Love expresses itself to you in the grocery store, in the bedroom, in the board room and on the street. It is life and it is just oozing out of everything! These “holders” of our civilization are not going to give up. They know only the love of power and will stop at nothing to win it all. It is up to us to show them the power of love. With every ounce of generosity you have, love them. Visualize them encased in love. They too are human and on their own evolutionary path. They have corrupted this world and are comfortable in its’ atmosphere of fear and control. A climate of unconditional love will no longer feed them. They’ll have no choice but to move on. Sometimes it becomes necessary to remove a few rotten apples from the basket to save the bushel. This is where we are today. It will take strength, determination and absolute unconditional love to do so. Hate is no longer an option. We’ve been there and know where that’s gotten us; division, segregation, poverty, war and pollution. Our playing field is one of love. It looks like removal without destruction, education not punishment, collaboration not control. We are here to unite, not separate. We have come to show the way. September 16, 2012 – October 16, 2012 has been called the time of choosing. What world will you choose? It is changing and today we are at choice for which way it goes for us. Your heart is big enough to love our oppressors. It is, I am sure of this. Loving them does not mean you want them over for dinner. It means you understand they are you. As fellow pieces of the whole, bits of divinity, they are sacred; as are you. Show us what your love can do. Your feelings are not about them anyway, not really. Your feelings are about you. You are worthy and wonderful, powerful and perfect and so ready for this. Just love, it is what you came to do. It is time. We are the One we’ve been waiting for. ~ Re-post from 4.20.2012 when it was called "Paradise" ~ Someone reminded me of this one, catching and sort of re-working one of the lines. I like it ~ "Thrive anywhere. Regardless of product used, money spent or effort given, the battle seems won by the weed." So, thank you for the reminder! This is what we are meant to do. We are meant to "Thrive Anywhere". ~~~~~ A field of yellow catches my eye and I turn to enjoy the view. This little patch of dirt, squished between cement sidewalk and highway, is awash with color on this rainy spring morning. I am surprised. I drive by here every day and have never noticed. A closer look offers an answer, these are weeds. Relentless and persistent, dandelions thrive anywhere. Regardless of product used, money spent or effort given, the battle seems won by the weed. A dear friend of mine loves them and looks forward to their emergence. It does seem to be merely a preference instead of a fact that dandelions are an eyesore. You’d be hard pressed to tell the difference from a distance between a field of daffodils and a field of dandelions. One you plant, the other you pull. We have in our midst many “weeds” that are about to be pulled. They must be. Like the plant, once they gain strength in an area they choke out all other life. All resources support them. Nothing else can thrive. It is the way weeds work, in human and plant form. They know nothing else but to infiltrate and dominate. “Weeds” are not less than the rest of us. They are not supportive however and it is time to get rid of them. We can no longer thrive with them in our midst. The movie bearing that name illustrates what has been happening. This is what we are doing as a race. We are removing those that would take over and destroy the rest. It is necessary in order to continue. Hating the dandelion or getting angry at it is not productive. A clean removal of the entire plant must be accomplished. We have discovered the root and we are digging it out. We want a field of different flowers now. We want to plant them ourselves rather than being overrun. We are wildflowers, every one. We are looking now for fertile ground. Whether we find it or not depends on how we get rid of the weeds. The normal stuff isn’t working. It is time for a new plan. Twice I’ve removed persistent, giant, deeply rooted weeds. The first time I hated that weed. It had destroyed parts of my fence and numerous, expensive ornamentals that I had carefully planted. I dumped a quart of gasoline on it – in the process killing not just the weed, but everything else. It’s been years and still nothing grows there. The weed is gone, but at the expense of all life. The second weed was more of a small, ugly, relentless bush. We wrapped a chain around it and a truck pulled it out. It took effort, a group of us, planning and precision. It was taken out, roots and all, and has never returned. Flowers grow beautifully in its place. We are seeing the depths of the roots of our human “weeds”. They need to be removed, not destroyed. Respect for all of life demands that each action benefit the whole. Once these weeds are gone, we are going to need fertile ground. We are gardeners, not weed killers. Once a dandelion is removed at the root, you only need to drop it on the nearby soil, exposing the root. It can no longer grow and will naturally decompose, nourishing the ground beneath. We are being called now to proceed with wisdom to activate the love that we are. It is this love that supports all of life. We are seven billion and more powerful than the weeds. They have no choice but to yield to our decision. All of life flourishes when love dictates each movement. You have come to show the way. These “weeds” in our midst understand only dominance; divide and conquer. They require removal if really aggressive and re-education. Proceed with love. Hatred is a fruitless enterprise. Growth is paramount. Collaboration for mutual benefit is what we are here to do. You have come now to energize us all with your love and your light – to nourish this beautiful home called earth. Love in every moment. This is how we get to Paradise. We are the ones we are waiting for. This process of ascending has been gradual. With each day there is a combination of clarity, anticipation and questions. For quite some time I subscribed to what I’d call “magical thinking” around Ascension. This comes close to the fairy Godmother in Cinderella. The trouble with that is everyone knows it’s not real and at midnight its nothing but a pumpkin and some mice. You never expect it to last. This is not a Disney fairy tale. As humans, we expect to have some sort of obvious, natural progression from one moment to the next. Our memory, and thus our learning style, is associative. We need something to hang each new fact onto. What is true about learning is that it only happens when the thing learned connects to and thus applies to something already known. This is why artists struggle with facts and figures and scientists with art. Much of what is taught to our children today is not used anywhere else in their life, and thus quickly forgotten. We’ve been fortunate. For some time now we’ve been hearing messages from a host of channels, visionaries, and reporters about these “end times”. We are prepared and can see the “writing on the wall”. We’ve heard many stories. Once they may have seemed a bit “out there”; no longer. Today words like Reptilian, Galactic Federation, Illuminati and Cabal are everywhere. There are few of us who have not heard about or seen a UFO. State agencies are telling citizens to stock extra food and essentials. Every one of the players in this End Time Scenario is performing perfectly. What wasn’t obvious 9 months ago is that these changes are not isolated. As One, we and the earth are ramping up the vibe. This frequency change results in the crumbling of very dense structures, institutions and beliefs. As light workers, we’ve worried that we may have to tell people all these shocking revelations. We don’t. We are shifting as One. These higher frequencies can’t hold rigid and divisive belief systems. This is an organic process. It is natural, progressive and rapid. Minds and belief systems simultaneously expand. Every system is gradually altered as this occurs. It is seamless. As humans, we’d have it no other way. Our deepest intent is not to shock and frighten. That would be counter productive. It is rather to love and gently nudge each other. We are here as a collective. With One Voice, we are shifting to a new range. Beneath every message, whistle-blower, protester and reporter is a being of light, here to facilitate this New Age. It serves us to remember that we are One, and every bit of us is right on time. Expect each other to show up and do what we came to do with brilliance. We are not here waiting for someone else to fix things for us. We are the change we seek. Our relationships and interactions are creating this dream. Expect the changes. Look for the love. Stand for the light. You are one who came now to demonstrate truth. You are love and so is everyone else. It is a diversion to spend energy criticizing and questioning yourself or anyone else. It is time now to trust. You have the answers and are here to provide them at the moment they are needed. We all are. This is a perfectly choreographed moment. It will proceed naturally as we move through our days, expecting only love. We know what the next dimension looks like. It looks like us – brave and beautiful, strong and determined, patient and gentle – quietly perfect. We are the One we’ve been waiting for. * Let's love the Illuminati Due to technical difficulties, the blog for today will be posted on American Kabuki's site, which is here: - this can also be accessed by clicking on this picture <<<<<< I apologize. Hopefully this will be rectified soon. Thanks. There is no Miracle Max. I wish there was. He gave hope and belief to a small, desperate group of people. Their faith in the power of Max carried them through and they accomplished the impossible. There is nothing more potent than belief. The difference between success and failure is in the first case you know you’ll succeed and in the second you only hope. For the next two weeks we’ll see this played out again and again. There is only one Gold Medal. We have entered the Miracle Business. It is time. We are One Force and our intent is everything. We cannot pretend any longer to not be afraid, we must be truly fearless. We’ve been duped into believing we have no power. Yet you are the most powerful force in the Universe. You. There have been false flags and terrorist attacks and catastrophes in our history, carried out by those who understand the power of intent; successful because we didn’t. We do now. A quick search on the internet will demonstrate how past acts of war and atrocity were planned and announced years before they happened. The same is true right now. These horrific plans continue. We can stop them. We are seven billion strong, and we now know the secret. See the Olympics proceed without incident, and relentlessly persist in this vision. They began with a potent meditation and reports from England are that there continues to be a general feeling of good will and happiness there. They are feeling our love. You did that. A single focus of love when the games began has risen up a nation. We need to keep it up. We are here to rise up a planet. We are One. Our collective energy is changing our world and altering the plans of the few who would see it otherwise. Hate is counterproductive. Love is the force that will change history. In whatever way that works for you, see their destructive plans fail. Malfunction, mistake, change of heart; whatever it takes. Now is the time to create a last minute miracle. See love take over and heal the corruption that has taken hold. It is possible. Yet make no mistake, as Miracle Max says, “It’ll take a miracle.” This is what you have come to do - to realize your divinity, utilize your newfound power and love the planet back to health. Love is what you are. Any feeling that is not love will hinder your efforts. Do not hate them, stop them. There is a difference. Last week I mentioned my cat. I can now report that we are all living comfortably together, me, my flowers and my cat. Nothing has been killed. It turns out coffee grounds work beautifully as a cat deterrent. It took awhile and some adjustments but we are all thriving. We can do the same with the cabal. Our intent is to succeed, to thrive, to live free and prosper; not just some of us – all of us. See only that outcome; the one that promotes life. We are evolving and while doing so, creating each step we take. The Illuminati has shown us their plan, now let’s show them ours. Believe in the world you want to see; it is that belief that makes you the winner. You are the one you’ve been waiting for. When you live in the ‘burbs, you don’t have much of a yard. Every inch of land is precious. Between wildflowers and those purchased, this year the yard is just a splash of color – purple, orange, yellow, pink, fuchsia, red, violet and white. In late June, the brownings began. Seemingly isolated plants began looking burnt. We thought it odd and attributed it to a host of culprits; the sun, too much water, Japanese beetles, slugs, disease. Our solutions were all ineffective, as more and more spots showed up brown. The more I relied on Google and common knowledge and the more money I spent, the worse it became. Until last Thursday. I watched my cat select a spot, dead center of the orange and now brown lilies, and relieve himself. The culprit was much closer than we had imagined. You see, my cat has no feeling for me or my wishes or plans. He’s a cat. He likes the backyard. With an unusually warm winter and spring, he’s been out almost daily, randomly killing my flowers. He doesn’t care. His only motivation is completely self-serving. As we dilute and bring back the plants, we are also now concocting a non-invasive method to prevent further killings. We don’t want to hurt him, we want to stop him. Perhaps I should have titled this “The cat and the cabal – an allegory”. As you read and learn more about the random killings of this group (cabal), you may at first want them dead. I understand that, yet there will always be more cats and cabals. Once the smell of urine is in a bed of plants, other cats are drawn in, curious about the possibility for killing (urinating). They will not, out of a sense of ownership, mark the same exact place, but they’ll understand that in this area, there are bathrooms everywhere. They can kill anywhere they like. So, as we save what we can in our yard, we know that we cannot make our cat understand. He’s a cat. He’s single minded and determined. What we have to also do, is be ever watchful and prevent him from his senseless killing of our stuff. Our methods must do no harm and be implemented with love. Our cat has been a member of my family for over a decade. He’s quirky, beautiful and talkative. He’s also lethal. Awareness is everything. Now we know. Our eyes are forever opened. As I stop my cat’s ability to harm, we are faced with stopping the Illuminati. They are closer than we thought. In this time of waking up, don’t discount the distasteful because it is unpleasant. Accept it as helpful; use it to guide your decisions. My cat will never stop wanting to be outside and “go” wherever he pleases. Yet he never counted on me. I can’t make him care about my lilies, but I can stop offering them to him as potential victims. Knowledge, protection and prevention assure my flowers will grow while my cat runs free. We can do the same. We are a brilliant light force, here to illuminate a world. As the dark is exposed, we must stand there; eyes wide open and keep it from spreading further. Knowledge, protection and prevention are mandatory; they must be stopped. It dawns on me that regardless of where I purchase a product, I am supporting a tiny group of families/corporations. ( No matter which credit card I use all of the banks benefit. I am stopping my credit card usage and buying local while increasingly producing my own product. It is not easy, but I have to do something. My eyes are opened now. Not everyone came here to do this. As you are reading these words, I suspect you did. We must stop feeding them from our coffers and providing places where they are able to flourish. Vigilance. I will have the flower filled yard I once did and we will all enjoy freedom and prosperity. We are here to join as One. Persistence, love and trust amplify our light. The world needs the light that we are. As revelations shout out from our screens and broadcasts, just remain in your power and respond with the single thought – “What would love do?” We are the ones we are waiting for. |
April 2024