![]() You are ready for this. We are partners in this next dance, with all sorts of accompanying music! Let’s listen to some of it… A conversation with “Cosmic Awareness” as interpreted by Will Berlinghof, from Rainbow-Phoenix. Click here. A conversation between Inelia Benz, Lucia Rene and Victoria More, co-founders of A.W.A.K.E.N. Academy. Click here. And finally, a song: “Happy” is oozing through the air today. This is new, and not because of any external event in this 3D life being lived, quite the contrary. There are people whom I love desperately, who are choosing to leave/exit/pass over now. This body is still the same as it was 9 months ago, no magic age-eraser or healing has occurred. Our bank account is pretty much as it has been for quite some time, living paycheck to paycheck. Everything looks pretty much the same as it has all year. What is it then? It is oneness. It has been reflected and this time, the image was captured. I had help, most certainly, yet there it is. Nothing and everything about it is simple, all at once. Any one of the links here refers to the universal. What we are doing is shifting. Which point of view you adopt determines your perception. It is okay to disagree, with everyone; your life is yours, as ONE. It doesn’t make sense, yet it is absolute truth. Light and Dark are the same. The struggle to overtake one for the other has been just part of the game. We are all here for the experience, for the living, for the life. No right, no wrong, no judgment, just love. It is all okay. It’s good. It’s all good. You’re good. In fact, you are perfection. All choices are perfect choices. All lives are well lived. All intentions are unknown except by the intender and therefore opinions don’t matter. It has always been up to you. Would you like Door #1, 2 or 3? Choose now. You’ve made the perfect choice. It’s all happening at once. Happy is a by-product of freedom; freedom to choose, to be, to do. Go for whatever lights you up, it will work out just precisely as you believe it will. Trust. You are the one you’ve been waiting for. I love you madly. ~Sophia
![]() Here is a story of facing your fear and letting go. The ending isn’t completely written yet, maybe you can help. This is written by my son, and, although he’s at the other end of the planet right now, it sounds like he’s working on the same things mentioned the other day (Note to Self). Enjoy. (Link to original article: The curious catalyst.) Thursday, September 12, 2013 i done fucked up this post may sound a bit rough - that's how i feel at the moment. i'm sitting with the resonances of a pretty massive learning, and it's still digesting. i want to put my ignorance on full display, because it's a lesson that's worth sharing. for anyone out there who's read my past writings, i should have said these things before: 1. thank you 2. know that my tendency is to think that i've got it figured out, and then cling to that idea, right up until life smacks me across the face with my own misunderstanding. so bear that in mind whenever you read anything of mine here's the latest 'smacked-across-the-face' story. This story continues here. Much love, ~Sophia ![]() I know a teenage girl whose boyfriend broke up with her. Three days later, while in the midst of a tearful confrontation with him, she fell, hit her head and was unconscious for a few moments. When she woke up, she was fine, except she had amnesia. She remembered everything until the night he ended their relationship. True story. It’s like that. We’ve remembered everything right up until now. This is the moment none of us recall. Not the “dark ones”, not the bankers, not the “light workers”, not the “ascended” ones, not the boots on the ground warriors. We like it this way. That’s why we keep doing it. True story. We are waiting, asking, longing, yearning and seeking when the answer is right here. We wrote this f***ing part, right after all the other parts. We did this. We are the only ones who could have. It is not up to anyone else, it is up to us. There is no one with a better answer. It is you that you’ve been waiting for. There is no bad guy. There can only be a victory if there is a war. Stop fighting. The game only ends when we stop playing. Wake up. We are at the ending part. The climax. The big finish. Soon to be followed by the sequel. There is never an ending, not really. We know this. We like big endings though. They are part of every blockbuster and all of our favorite stories. The sweat and the glory have to be breathed. Heroes and villains are made then. We never forget them. They offer every kind of entertainment and emotion. We eat this sh** up. What will it take for us to remember? It will take the unthinkable. It will take a release. We have to lift the curtain. It is time to face our biggest fear. What you’ll let go of or need to see I do not know. For me, it will be the control. It will be the absolute conviction that I am right. It will be an exposure. Every flaw, each unflattering angle, all the ugly parts will no longer be hidden. None of that matters now. We are one. Unity is the only answer. It is fear that keeps the amnesia in place. It is fear that doesn’t let us see the truth. The girl in our opening story was afraid, and so are you. To admit that you are one with every villain, each enemy, and all of the ugliness you have avoided is terrifying. Yet you are, and you are here right now to face it. Then will come the acceptance, and with that, freedom. You are actually exquisite. You are every other. You criticize in others what you fear the most in yourself. You are the villain and the hero. You are the cheater and the cheated. You are the murderer and the slain. You are the beautiful and the hideous. The way to freedom is to see yourself everywhere. Once you realize there is no separation, no division, no better, no worse – you are free. Free to be – no limits – just exactly who you are. No judgment. No withholding. All you, all the time. Not hiding any part. Not afraid of any trait. Exposed. Just out there. What is your biggest fear and your most secret thrill? To be seen. To be known. Do it. It is the only thing left. It’s not the money that will grant your wishes. It’s you. Love yourself without condition and go for it. Don’t close your eyes. This is not the scary part. This is the best part. You are so much more than you know. It does not matter what you’ve done or who you think you’ve disappointed. It has always been just you. There is no one else. Everything that incites you and thrills you is directed at the one person who feels it the most. That person is you. That’s because you are all that is. Love yourself without restriction and watch what happens. You’ve come to wake up from your amnesia. Remember. There is nothing to fear. There is only you. And you are the one you’ve been waiting for. ~Sophia ![]() We’ve woken up. We can clearly see our slavery. We bought the story – hook, line and sinker. Did we put up a fight before we were snatched from our sovereignty? I believe so. Elements of the fight are everywhere. There have always been revolutionaries, whistle blowers, and conspiracy theorists. Their language is becoming mainstream. You hear words like “private agenda” and “line their own pockets” on Capitol Hill and on Main Street. Movements to “access our value” are a growing part of the conversation. It’s true, we’ve been robbed, if willingly. Yet there is something alarming (IMO) about a monetary value being given to our eternal essence. We became convinced of the necessity to “earn a living”. Think about those three words. Do they naturally fit? What is “a living”? I submit that each of us reading these words and breathing this air have “a living” going on. End of story. No earning necessary. Lie #1. We were told that: Some of us and some of Mother Nature’s stuff have more value than others of us. Lie #2. There are things we “need” in order to “get” some of that more valuable stuff. Lie #3. The only decent, honest way to get these things we “need” and this more valuable “stuff” is to “earn a living”. Lie #1. Systems are in place to regenerate this circle of lies that surround our slavery. Those systems exist to keep less than 1% of us very fat, very happy, and stocked with an eternal supply of bait. Bait to fish. The “more” does not cease, there is never enough. They are fishing for slaves. Any bait will do. The truth we’ve woken up to informs us of our worth. It shouts at us. We are made of the stuff of Gods. We are priceless. Does God have a price tag? How much Source can you cash in for $7 million? $7 billion? $7 trillion? Are you, as a God, willing to contract with the system set up to enslave your body for ANY AMOUNT? What will the terms of a “Contract of Being” look like? This plan for the enslaved human race is brilliant and has taken many lifetimes to unravel. Any documents introduced to the same players will merely prolong the play and necessitate new strategies. The game will only end when we stop playing. I have an older brother and sister. I looked up to and wanted to please them. I once gave my brother my allowance in exchange for an IOU he convinced me was just as valuable. I once gave my sister a brand new top in exchange for a worn out t shirt she convinced me was just as valuable. I was the lesser aware partner in these trades. I am suggesting we consider here, are we? This is not about a few dollars or a piece of clothing – we are talking about our soul. Documents are being prepared that give away representations of portions of our eternal essence. For cash. For the system that was set up to enslave us in the first place. The system must be changed, yes. We do not need to “earn” anything. We Are. We Are Gods. The stage we are at now, the one where we are creating documents of value carried by groups of eternal essence embodied, is pivotal. It clarifies our sight. We need nothing to be the Gods that we are. You certainly don’t need to accommodate a system that keeps you beholden to it. That keeps you coming back for more and more and more. That keeps those fishermen well fed; with plenty of time to come up with new bait. Bait for us. God’s don’t ask permission. God’s DO what serves them and the whole of creation. This moment is about releasing the stranglehold this 3D program has on our heart and soul. As we separate and contemplate, what are we really saying? Remember who you are. Let every action serve your absolute value. This is not held in any contract. This is held only in your heart. You are living light, walking love and God in human form. You are a brilliant force. You are here to create a new way, a new home, one fit for 7 Billion Gods. You are the One we are waiting for. ~Sophia ![]() These videos will be doing the speaking today. I love you.
I have seen you. You are extraordinary. You are heartbreaking, breathtaking, tender, compassionate and whole. You are every wonderful thing that Source could imagine. You are lesser than none. You are not lazy or criminal or in need of any correction. You know truth. You hold every card. You know your power and have waited all this time to use it. It is an honor to share this moment with you. I tremble with anticipation at what you will do next. The truth, the love, the answer, is you. It is you that you are waiting for. ~Sophia The last song was shared with us from our off world contact. There are some others, as well as an update, found here: ![]() This is a dream, your dream, being dreamt inside of an illusion. “It's just a ride. And we can change it any time we want. It's only a choice. No effort, no work, no job, no savings of money; just a simple choice, right now, between fear and love. The eyes of fear want you to put bigger locks on your doors, buy guns, close yourself off. The eyes of love instead see all of us as one.” (Bill Hicks 1961 – 1994) We are right now choosing our way, our timeline, our ride; we are walking our talk. Look at the deepest hidden parts. The parts you created in this incarnation to get you through it, to carry you right up until this moment now. This side of the fence has bliss in it, and we are almost there. These parts, the hidden ones, are parts you don’t quite “get”. They have been buried. Six feet under is a good analogy. It is like they have risen from the dead now, to haunt you. In every haunting there is a back story of unfinished business, an incomplete life, something left undone. This is the same scenario. Today you deal with what has been swept under the rug, buried, hidden; walked over and invisible as you carried out your life; the life you are living right now. Can you look at what holds you back? What is it that keeps you stuck? What tender spot are you protecting? Who are you keeping safe? What are you not seeing? What is this terrifying, ugly truth that you will keep hidden at all costs? What will you not accept? Here, in a puppet show, is a hideous truth. It is not for the feint of heart. It is one of the secrets being kept at all costs. This is not something to be afraid of. It is something to deal with. There is a choice to be made now, and it is as simple as Bill put it. It is the choice to love or to live in fear.
In the US, the Senate committee on foreign relations just approved what they are calling a “limited strike” on Syria. If you remember, how it works, the Senate now has to vote, as well as a House committee and the House (if it gets that far). It doesn’t have to get that far. We can speak. We can speak of love. We can do more than sign a petition or click “like”. We can tell the truth. We can tell the “puppets” we elected what it is we expect of them. We can share what we know. Without being led or following anyone else, we can do this. A sovereign people speak for themselves. There is no such thing as a strike that is “limited”. This is bullying, this is a set up and we know how this works. It is about a pipeline, it is about money, it is about control. Write your congressman. Write your senator. What is happening worldwide is a mirror for our internal showdown. You are being asked to choose. What will it be? What are you holding onto that keeps you stuck? Keeps you here? Keeps you filled with density, angry, hurt, pre-occupied, _____________ (fill in the blank)? What do you need to release? What do you need to see? What is this really important thing you have a death grip on? What is it? Do you see it now? See yourself holding onto it while the rest are swirling around you – free. Is it worth that much to you? This thing, this holding onto thing, is your anchor. It is your chain. It is your shackle – it is stopping you from flight. It is not another person. It is not a situation. It is something inside; you’ve considered it part of who you are. This is that one part of you that you do not see. It is what you’d call your identity. You feel it cannot be released because without it “you” would die. Yet, it is what’s stopping you from living. It is not the most important thing. The most important thing is love. You know this. Life has taught you otherwise, and at some point you decided you’d die holding onto this. Is it pride? What will be lost if you let go? I tell you this. What is at stake is everything. You feel now the truth. There is something you have to do. Something to face. Something you fear. Something that no longer serves you. Something that no longer serves anyone. Love it and let it go. This new world, the one pulling you in, is not waiting. Its right here and you can only enter unencumbered. No guilt, no pride, no loss, no judgment. Only love lives here. Children know. Listen. "Everyone loves them self. Even if you don't want to love yourself you still do in your angel body" (an angel, age 6, a few days ago). Your angel body is already in the new world. He is pulling you. Her arms are outstretched. This is a dream. Wake up. Do it. You are the One you’ve been waiting for. ~Sophia Your soul is oftentimes a battlefield, upon which your reason and your judgment wage war against your passion and your appetite. Would that I could be the peacemaker in your soul, that I might turn the discord and the rivalry of your elements into oneness and melody. But how shall I, unless you yourselves be also the peacemakers, nay, the lovers of all your elements? Your reason and your passion are the rudder and the sails of your seafaring soul. If either your sails or your rudder be broken, you can but toss and drift, or else be held at a standstill in mid-seas. For reason, ruling alone, is a force confining; and passion, unattended, is a flame that burns to its own destruction. Therefore let your soul exalt your reason to the height of passion, that it may sing; And let it direct your passion with reason, that your passion may live through its own daily resurrection, and like the phoenix rise above its own ashes. I would have you consider your judgment and your appetite even as you would two loved guests in your house. Surely you would not honour one guest above the other; for he who is more mindful of one loses the love and the faith of both. Among the hills, when you sit in the cool shade of the white poplars, sharing the peace and serenity of distant fields and meadows -- then let your heart say in silence, "God rests in reason." And when the storm comes, and the mighty wind shakes the forest, and thunder and lightning proclaim the majesty of the sky -- then let your heart say in awe, "God moves in passion." And since you are a breath in God's sphere, and a leaf in God's forest, you too should rest in reason and move in passion. On Reason and Passion Kahlil Gibran |
January 2025