Yesterday felt different. It felt remarkable. There was no specific reason for it to feel changed. None that I could see. Yet I felt it. What was said to more than one of us yesterday was “There’s been a shift.” I moved from longing to hope, from desire for change to belief that change had occurred. To be clear, there has always been belief, but until yesterday, it was not palpable. It has moved now. It has solidified. It is in my body and my feet are firmly planted on this earth. Our earth. The one we are all standing on together. We are new. There is validation of this from our favorite citizen journalists and bloggers. Here’s one example (click here). The sentiment “Let’s all just get along” has been heard from several others. The division is gone from the dialogue, the finger pointing reduced or absent. This is a shift to unity. What is most wonderful about this is that we did it ourselves. Certainly, there are astrological and cosmic signs and waves and changes that introduce new possibilities, yet it has always been up to us to grab hold and use them to create something different. We have done so. It is tangible. As I began writing today, I found a conversation I’d forgotten about. It too happened yesterday and it is validation for what is energetically sensed. It feels like a new earth. I believe we’ll now be rapidly witnessing a deeper shift on a global scale. The following conversation happened just after 4 AM yesterday, April 26th 2018. I was woken up for it. Is there someone who wants to connect? Yes Sophia. It is I. It is One. Hello. Thank you. What is it you’ve come to say? You are entering a new phase. This moves away from de-construction and into construction. What you create now gives form to your new life – choose carefully. Give actions thought. Pay attention. All of this will become foundation for your new earth, for your new world. You are building something and these are the beginning necessary materials. You feel different now because there’s been a shift. It is not the completion of the shift, yet the focus and direction has changed. Today you move from breaking what doesn’t work to building what will. The materials necessary have been carefully placed by you. They are within your grasp. Now you must pick them up and begin. New beginning is a nice way to describe what is happening for you now. There are things to pay attention to. They are like a compass, pointing the way. Follow where they lead. It is not wrong – it is not right – you are making new rules. Listen to the voice of your inner truth, of your highest self. Thank you. Is that it? It is for now. Be forgiving and gentle with yourself. Yes, okay. We are the ones. We have anchored the light. It is done. With appreciation for all that you are, Sophia Support this work here. Thank you. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. PS The song below reminds me of us. Listen towards the end and he mentions the USA, which I never noticed before... PSS The interview following the song below took place on Tuesday of this week.
I’ve been thinking about what its going to take to move us to the next dimension. Not what it is that we must have, but instead, what it is that we must do.
There are images in movies that depict ascension events. Always they involve massive doses of light. Always there are empty places left behind but for ashes or clothing in a small pile on the earth, right where the people used to be. Does this mean that we arrive in our birthday suit? We’ve been told that we are doing this with Gaia. There are no cinematic portrayals of such an event, so I imagine we’ll all be choosing the proper attire. Whew! No worries then. We’ll each be fabulous. Yet with clothing (quite literally) put aside, there are still some things we won’t take with us. They’ve been showing up all over the place lately. What we do, how we respond and who we create ourselves to be when they do show up, has everything to with what we are willing to leave behind. It turns out, that in a similar way that clothing tells others something about us, these things also send messages. Sort of like hand-me-downs, they are universal emotions that have been used and re-used by many millions of us. We’ve all been given a trunk full of old feelings and told that they were all that’s available to us while human. Here are some of the most well-worn ones. Self-pity Self-loathing Guilt Low self-esteem Judgment Futility Blame They have been widely available to use and consequently, worn often. What is happening now is that we must discard them. We must not wait until the moment when a burst of brilliant light shows up to burn them off our bodies and our psyches. This is something we do ourselves, as preparation. You don’t pack for this shift. You UN-pack. We are shifting while human. All that we have ever known has been portrayed to us in this third dimension. Our bodies are quite literally being altered to get us ready for a different one, (dimension). Our hearts have to be altered as well. Not so much physically as emotionally. They have to open up. This is so that the light can come out. Each of those 7 used emotions barricade you, keep you contained and somewhat hidden. This shift only happens in your birthday suit. It’s time to let it all go. Think about a newborn. She gives only love. She responds immediately to discomfort. She is either sleeping or radiating pure agape. This is the true birthday suit and it’s the way we’ll shift. We don’t get to a place of agape after we go – we become agape and then hold out our hand so every one of us shifts together. The reason there’s not a movie about this is because we haven’t done it yet. What I visualize is a long line of us, in pure, unconditional love. We are reaching for and holding each other – bridging the expanse between those 7+ worn out, self-defeating emotions to many, many new ones we’ve created. These new ones are already here. Acceptance Allowing Yes Compassion Intimacy Love Joy We’ll have to unpack the hand-me-downs in order to wear them. This is where we find ourselves. It’s very personal. It’s also global. Yet the actual shift is instigated internally. It’s vital that we treat each moment and every relationship with the utmost care. Nothing is inconsequential. Just like our birthday suits – we are showing our true selves and there is nothing to hide behind. No worries though, there’s plenty of shiny new emotions to put on as we shift. We’ll be in great company. We are the ones. We have anchored the light. It is done. With appreciation for all that you are, Sophia Support this work here. Thank you. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. And now this, from a decade ago... (Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash) “You have seen many links come from fear and judgment – it pervades your group consciousness at a very deep level. This thinking of separate will not help you to reach the awareness and consciousness levels you are striving for. The idea of “us” and “them” is a falsehood. You are one. You as a singular being have created all of it as an organic whole. It is created from the ‘thoughtseeds’ placed out there by seven billion of you. There is a % which is the tipping point – in you as a part of this whole, and in the whole. Once that % of your thoughts comes from unity rather than polarity – the rest will follow. Once that % of the seven billion think unity rather than polarity, the tipping point will be reached and the love consciousness is what will overtake existing systems and start new ones – based on love. Find that % within you – it is all you can do really – it is the way to change the world – change yourself. When an idea enters that introduces judgment, separation, better than, etc… replace it with one of love. Do this each and every time and you will feel lighter and lighter – these judgments and rights and wrongs are a burden. They are weighing you down. Let them go and the lightness of your being will effect all with whom you come in contact. That is how you change the world.” With appreciation for all that you are, Sophia PS Support this work here. Thank you. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. Four mornings ago, a red-tailed hawk flew directly in front of my windshield. It was carrying a dead squirrel. Immediately I considered the import of this and pulled over. It had perched itself low, on a tree right beside my car. For five minutes we had a sort of stare-off. It kept looking down at me. I kept looking up, through the window, at it. I didn’t have my phone so there are no pictures.
This was odd for a few reasons. I’ve never seen a hawk in this neighborhood. I’ve never seen one flying or landing so low, and I’ve never seen one with fresh kill in its talons or this close. I’ve been told this bird is my totem. The feeling that immediately came through was “It’s over. You’re going to be okay. You’ve got this.” It was mixed with a bit of death (the squirrel) so that was confusing, yet maybe not. Things have to end so new things can begin. This is the natural way. In this last week there’s been several more examples of unusual animal behavior. Many different animals seem unafraid of humans, coming in close proximity in ways never before witnessed. This hawk was no exception. A close friend has suggested that this means fear has left the planet. The animals are the first to sense the change. Others are reporting an uptick of supernatural events. From miracle cures, to emerging portals, to telekinesis in plain sight. I’ve had several items disappear before my eyes, sometimes re-appearing moments later. I hear each of us reporting the same symptoms and even cataclysmic happenings, all at different times and impacting different relationships, items, body parts and belief systems. We are all doing the same thing in a slightly different sequence. As we do, some of us look far ahead at things in our future. They then look back and urge us forward with either warnings about what to watch out for, or stories of magnificence we won’t want to miss. We will all experience some version of this shift. Your version will speak directly to you. It will include every element you need to examine and lay it out for you in the clear light of day so you don’t miss it. My version will be slightly different, but equally, potentially heartbreaking and fabulous. We may not get to the fabulous until we get past the heart break. This is new for us, so the order isn’t defined. Yet it feels that way. Hearts only break over unmet expectations. This is so important that it’ll be said again. Hearts only break over unmet expectations. We are reflections of each other. There is no one here but you. If there is something about me that seems to initiate joy or frustration or fear or power or hatred or love or heartbreak, it is reflecting back what it is you have going on. These things did not come from me. These things come from you. You are the match. When you come into contact with the right striking surface, the fire burns. Without that contact, there is no fire. It is why we become human at all. For the contact. What happens with oneness and what is happening right now is that all of life is becoming a striking surface as we fully realize the match that we are. We are individual matches, as well as striking surfaces – a two-sided thing really. We cannot light ourselves. Yet, right now, we are surrounded by striking surfaces, and we see them. As a result, we are seeing ourselves at every turn, starting fires all over the place. It is ticking us off, making us sick and we are becoming humble. It’s beginning to resemble a bonfire. Now, back to the beginning. If this is truth, and we are all matches, what is it about a striking surface that could break our heart? What expectation could you place on a striking surface, other than to be available to initiate a fire if you want one? Would you ask that striking surface to hide its truth so the fire wouldn’t happen? Well, you could, and a few years back that may have even worked. Not now. Today, and looking ahead, its each striking surface knowing exactly what it is, and surrounding you with plenty of chances to start fires all over the place if you need to. You see, the light is only really necessary in the dark. Don’t be afraid of the dark. You are a match, surrounded with opportunities to light it up. No expectations. No disappointments. No heartbreak. Just you being you and the rest of us being the rest of us and all of us lighting the way for each other. You are the ones You have anchored the light It is done With so much appreciation for your light, Sophia PS Support this work here. Thank you. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. |
April 2024