This global moment asks you to harness your energy and make a stand. You have what you need to do this.
It isn’t necessary to stand on a pedestal, in front of a podium, online or in the street. Make this stand from wherever you are. It could be in your bathroom, in front of your mirror. There are things that you are sure of. These things are yours. In your deepest self rests the determination that brought you to this life at this time. This you know without words or awards or applause or even acknowledgement. This you feel. Trust this truth. What is before you today is not the end of this challenge or even the worst that you will face. It is not to promote fear that this is said, it is to remind you. Your power is as yet untapped. This power you hold has not diminished. Your power hides beneath years of control, programming, illness, confusion, debt of every kind, discouragement and fear. All of this can end now. It can end because you deem it so. Imagine. Believe. Intend. You have been told that you cannot command such power; the power of creation. You have been ridiculed, ignored as trivial even. It is time to throw away your tin foil hat and stand tall. Show your brilliance, for every time you light the way, the darkness is eradicated. The aliens are not coming to save us. We are here to save ourselves. They are planning to show up to help, but this first step? It is not theirs to take. It is ours. This is no longer a puppet show. The puppet masters are gone. Those left behind? Those attempting now to pull our strings? They are not equipped or organized enough to create collective movement and effect. They stumble and they fall. Leave them lie. Focus instead on what it is you want to see. See it. Imagine it. Feel it. Live it. Then, and this is where faith enters the picture, work to make it so. There are rights you hold just because you are human that need protection today. They need protection as governments move towards more extreme levels of control due to this pandemic. Pay attention to what is happening there. Rights to your freedom, your speech, a home, your body’s care, your ability to barter/purchase/invest/earn/hold any sort of value, your choice in love and all things personal. These are part of the human condition, and are potentially threatened now. The right to dictate these things is yours. Pay attention to new laws/bills and to last-minute negotiations as these laws are passed. Demand transparency. Sovereignty is not a luxury. It is a fact. Those who down-play this fact, citing safety as explanation, need to be pressed. We cannot rest on our quarantined behinds and hope that these suggestions for military intervention are done with the purest of intentions. This is what got us to this place initially. Slaves act like this. You are not slaves any longer. Primarily, and the reason for this posting, is a reminder to beware of wolves in sheep’s clothing. Our society has been programmed to trust those with money, power and beautiful faces. The pretty ones. The coordinated ones. The dynamic speakers. The wealthy ones. The loudest ones. The ones with the coolest technology. This effort at dominance has had a long time to cook here on earth. You’ve grown up distrusting your gut feeling. Instead, you followed the sparkly ones who told you the best way to dress or to impress or to be or to love or to pray. You were told that the answers were found outside of yourselves; in whatever they were peddling. You believed the beautiful and obeyed the rich and powerful because of intentional programming. The belief in your heart and gut was systematically dismantled by a sophisticated design of control. It is a plan. The Georgia Guidestones are only one place where it is written. These things are true. This is your actual history. Do not discount your gut reaction now, to anyone you see or hear or read, this post included. It is your gut and heart’s response to this situation that will save the day. You do not need more than you have already. Every thought and prayer and song and email and smile and post you offer becomes exponential now in effect. Current energies are in your favor. Use them. Do NOT immediately trust anyone who brings up any amount of doubt inside your heart. Research and learn what you are not sure of. Your suspicion could rise due to either prior programming or deceit. You’ll discover which it is, with practice. Then follow your heart. Speak up. Be. Shine your light and yes, there are shadows around a few corners on our future path, but they are no match for your brilliance. Do not stoop to the methods that are routinely used here on planet earth. Those of ridicule and insult and disregard and cruelty. It is your light that is needed to see this through. You are well equipped for this. In these coming days we will show what we are made of, and why, as brilliant as it may have been when it was conjured, this plan that took millennia for them to complete, will fail. This outcome is assured. We are the ones. We have anchored the light. IT IS DONE. With love and appreciation for all that you are, Sophia Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free email publications: (click here)! Blog posts are weekly. Select the “RSS Feed” link (above). Then with a Feed-reader app. you’ll be up to date. Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged.
You have been preparing for this moment in our collective evolution for your entire existence. You are ready.
You may not feel ready. You may not know what it is you are supposed to do, where you are supposed to do it, or what you are supposed to do it with.
This time is unprecedented. Age and experience do not matter. Position or standing in family or society does not change your responsibility or ability to participate. Each of you has something to contribute. Know that. It may not be money or global authority. It may be simple; cooperation, support, a joke or a roll of toilet paper. It is your intent now that matters. The responsibility for this global shift in consciousness from “ME” to “WE” is upon us all. Political leanings, perceived mistakes or past grievances no longer hold merit. Spending energy there is fruitless. Life, and the time in which we live it has risen to exponential speeds. You are called to respond with conscious action, and quickly, to this collective crisis we face. If, when we climb out of this, you still want to hold onto that judgment and vocalize it on social media, you will have plenty of space in which to do so. It is doubtful that you will though. You will be busy building things, smiling and holding your head high. The space in your heart and the potential of your mind, once utilized, will astound and surprise you. You will be accessing all of this now. Trust. Maintain an open and steady heart. Know that all of this will pass. Realize that it is only on fertile soil that beautiful and nourishing things grow. What is it you want to grow? Today, you are mixing that soil. Enrich it with your best stuff. Throw prior plans out the window. You are citizens in a new world. At the end of this, and there will come an end, it will be our collective energy and focus and intent that has painted our new home. Use your energy carefully at this crucial stage. We believe now that our desires are different. Yet, for those of us left standing and responding to this hidden enemy, they are not. We desire freedom, prosperity, joy, love, passion and fulfillment. All of these make for a life well lived. It is the theft of these things that this hidden enemy is responsible for. It is the eradication of this enemy that will restore hope. Have faith. Hold it close. Spread it in whatever method suits you. Strength of spirit will win the day. Unity of purpose will create our new world. This is only the beginning everyone. It will not be easy, yet you are armed with the only thing necessary. It is the stuff of giants, warriors, poets, healers and angels. It is a desire to serve. Humanity needs you now. We are the ones. We have anchored the light. IT IS DONE. With love and appreciation for all that you are, Sophia Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free email publications: (click here)! Blog posts are weekly. Select the “RSS Feed” link (above). Then with a Feed-reader app. you’ll be up to date. Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. Today, we wake to a new world. I was physically and actually woken before sunrise to a remarkable conversation, (click here),
which was also shared in a newsletter to be sent this afternoon. What follows, is a response I received, to last Friday's blog post. It is an answer to a request in that post, which can be read here (click here). It is eloquent and beautiful and wise. Heed these words of your fellow man. I extend warmth and love and appreciation to this Warrior, for sharing his journey with us. It helps so much. One of my favorite parts is this: "fear only came before or after such events, not during them". This is wisdom and good to know. We can do this! Thank you and bless you. Please absorb these words from someone who has looked in the face of death in a way few of us have, and arose better for the journey... ************** Dear Sophia, You say.. " I speak here to all of us at every age and stage of life. There are some of us who belong to that generation before the boomers, and possess these skills, yet I’m not sure how many of them will read this blog post. If you are here, we need to hear from you." ................................................................................................................................... Thank you Sophia, I accept your invitation. I know little, but of that which I know, I will share. Perhaps some of my clumsy words may inspire your finer words to touch others hearts. ....................................................................... ....................................................................... Death did I one day face, long ago in my youth in 65, In a rice paddy, pinned down by a machine gun. What had to be done had to be done. We could stay there no longer, Sparky and me, we had to move. We stood and ran into it. "Kill Me" ! One would think that this would be a serious moment, but "serious" got left behind. I no longer cared. Sometimes there is nothing left to do but "Let Go". What happened ? Nothing happened ! Somehow the gunner disappeared and we survived ! But the "me" had changed. Fear only came before and after such events, not during them. I can remember sometimes shaking so badly afterwards that I could not light a cigarette for a long time. Lessons and feelings we carry over to the other side I feel. To know the primordial angst of the creators heart is a painful honor. Took me a long time to get over the anger of the superficiality of my fellow Americans. And it bubbles up in me sometimes still - just to show me my imperfections it seems. But the reckoning now comes. We honorably witness it - for all the many souls that have knowingly and unknowingly labored for love throughout this eternity of darkness. Now I live in the beautiful mountains of Wyoming with a beautiful woman and a couple of beautiful dog friends and I know that there is no deserving of such blessings and it is by the grace of Love that I do live. So Thank You Sophia, for your good deeds. I became a fan of yours when I read your pugnacious exchange with RA - thanks for that..... you were speaking for me too ! A favorite "unknown" quote that I like. " I AM, the most Mighty and absolute. I know what thou wouldst have, and I am always present with thee." And as your Guardian Executioner friend so eloquently says, ......."The SUN Knows It's Own." This I know as true. Kind Regards. *********** That's all for now! I love you all! With appreciation for all that you are, Sophia Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free email publications: (click here)! Blog posts are weekly. Select the “RSS Feed” link (above). Then with a Feed-reader app. you’ll be up to date. Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. Hi everyone. How are you doing today?
Yesterday, I contacted my adult children regarding the #COVID19 pandemic, outlining what we, as their parents, are doing as a response to it. They are worried. Our world has changed yet again since this morning. As I write this, it is Friday March 13th, 2020. A few hours ago, the US President declared a national emergency. We will see the rules evolve and change regularly now. Here are some things to consider. Our world is afire and we are in the beginning of the public version of this generation’s global war. This virus is the obvious threat that we can see and that we will mobilize against, yet it masks another enemy, one not so obvious. If you would like a discriminating and on target discussion of the many layers and multi-dimensional meanings held in the Presidential address that took place on 3.11.2020, click here. There are five parts. I have been told by some “friends” that I trust, (and that are not on planet right now), that they are right on target here. Each word vocalized in that address carried specificity and magic; as such, each word was deliberately chosen and spoken. Words have power here. This was an extremely important address. I’ve also been told that this is where the Event begins. It is not the only thing that will have global consequences, but it is the start of things that will change everything we know today. We can use this opportunity to unite, or, we can use this moment to blame and thus divide. We make our choice with each thought, utterance, tweet, post and activity. I have laughed out loud at so many “quarantine” jokes today. It felt great. Laughter unites us, and I’m so grateful for the many comedians who bring their gift to us now. What brings me to this page though, is a blindness I also notice. Our group of boomer/millennial/genX,Y,Z humans have not ever held a collective purpose. Those before us, our parents and grandparents, went through global wars. As such, they were forced to come together in order to survive the shortages of both men and goods. We have not, not as a population. This #COVID19 changes everything. It also showcases who we are, highlighting the skills we lack. We are acting as if it still matters who said what to whom about this or that. We need to wake up. That frivolous part of life as we know it has just ended. None of us have ever been asked to deal with a global crisis. We have not seen our leaders deal with one either, so we don’t know what anything “should” look like. We have not been asked to care for our elders in any real long-term way, or hold genuine, active compassion for foreigners or even fellow citizens. We have never had to give up anything we were addicted to – all for the greater good. We don’t know how to agree on a “greater good”. We have no idea what that feels like. We’ve maybe heard about it or read about it. Today, we are living it. We’ve taken on a responsibility that is a bit above our pay grade. We’ll have to take a break from these things we’ve used to fill in the gaps in our upbringing – things like non-stop opinions and “weighing in” on social media and on our devices. It was fun, but we need to be done. Does that sound too harsh? When I run into posts that smear ANYONE ACTUALLY TRYING TO IMPROVE LIFE FOR SOMEONE BEYOND THEMSELVES, I tend to think it’s not harsh enough. We have no time for drama. NONE OF US HAVE EVER DONE THIS BEFORE. Either rise to this occasion, or get out of the way. There is work to do. This new coat of arms we are donning is an uncomfortable fit and will need adjusting in order to fit. There are no seamstresses with knowledge or patterns to follow with this one, we’ll have to grow into these outfits, and this takes time. Our familiar attire of “what makes me look better than everyone” and “who can I blame for my discomfort” and “my truth matters more than everyone else’s” isn’t looking so good on us anymore. These new outfits of “how can I be the most helpful to everyone around me” and “how can I remain healthy and strong and useful” and “what kind of citizen/neighbor/human am I” will soon be all the rage. I speak here to all of us at every age and stage of life. There are some of us who belong to that generation before the boomers, and possess these skills, yet I’m not sure how many of them will read this blog post. If you are here, we need to hear from you. We are in new territory and you know the ropes. The rest of us have no skill at this yet. But we are quick learners. We move now beyond the me generations to the WE GENERATION. This common enemy we share is so much more than the virus. As this becomes obvious, and it will, we will realize that what is at stake here, and what is right now being eradicated, is a way of life that has caged and suffocated this race for longer than any of us have been alive on the planet. The 1%, debt slavery, poison food, human trafficking – it’s all coming to an end. It’s going to get ugly and then, eventually, it will be over. Nothing will ever be the same, and that is a good thing. You will realize that it was worth every thing you suffered through. You and your children and their children will live free. It will look different than anything we’ve ever seen, in an excellent way. Accepting all of these changes is a gradual process; we are in the midst of grief. Current wisdom says it takes 5 years to successfully wade through and deal with each stage of that emotion. Five Years. We’ve been at this for a couple of weeks, maybe months. It is suggested that in order to effectively process grief, you make no additional major changes to your life because your life has already been altered. Be patient with each other. What we are losing may not be perfectly clear yet, but the feeling of loss is tangible and inevitable. Stages of grief include denial/isolation, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance, which can look like shock, sadness, disbelief, confusion and eventually a sort of understanding. This then evolves into an appreciation for life in a new way, one you’d never considered. You will get through this. You will grow and you will realize true fulfillment as a sovereign being. I promise. It is our turn now to unite and acquire these necessary skills, all the while grieving the losses we collectively face. Be generous. Love. Laugh. Humans are highly regarded throughout all of creation for their ingenuity, innovation and dedication to each other. We’ve got this. Let’s help each other. We are the Ones. We have anchored the light. It is done. With appreciation for all that you are, Sophia Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free email publications: (click here)! Blog posts are weekly. Select the “RSS Feed” link (above). Then with a Feed-reader app. you’ll be up to date. Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. So, let’s talk about humanity. As you are reading this blog, there is a good chance you are here to assist this wonderful race. If you’ve been wondering when your moment to do so would arrive, or haven’t figured out HOW you are supposed to do so, well, this discussion may help. Here’s a hint: (your moment is right now; better figure it out).
I will admit to being obsessed with absorbing facts about this #bioweapon. I was up ‘til almost 3 AM last night doing so! The WHO finally defined it as a pandemic around noon my time (Central Standard) today. This should get people’s attention. Yesterday I spoke to a woman who had just returned from an International trip, flying through Glasgow (Scotland) and Heathrow (England) Airports. She was not alarmed and felt it was mostly hype. At customs, she was asked if she had visited China, Italy, Iran, South Korea, or Spain. She hadn’t. That’s all. No protective gear on anyone she saw. No one looking at her passport. It’s no wonder she was not alarmed. This post is not to add to your alarm. It is to point out the beautiful nature of this race; perhaps to encourage you to dive right in and help. As a child, China was always at the opposite end of the world. You could “dig down to China” and reportedly come out the other side of the planet. It seemed many millions of miles away and unreachable. Not true today. Today the Chinese people are right here, in my heart. They’ve been here since January. Please check out this song that came out of Hong Kong last month: (click here). Her name is Natalie Imbruglia and she speaks for all of us. There are other songs, some dances and a whole lot of beautiful posts from our world-wide brethren; all of them quickly understood, regardless of custom or language. WE HAVE UNITED. There are some who still, perhaps unknowingly, point fingers and lay blame. It is such a natural instinct to point. It may be the last one we release. This #bioweapon has laid to waste the Tower of Babel. There are no barriers now. We understand each other. This is, as spoken of last week, an unintended outcome of the release of #COVID19. This will be its undoing. They will try to separate us first. They ARE doing so now in some places. It seems to be working, if you look at the stats. Yet, humanity will not survive for very long as a separated race. We require contact, plain and simple. That fact alone will negate the effects of long-term quarantine. Some of us will be hell-bent on escaping and reaching each other. What can we do in the face of something that unites and infects and potentially kills us? We can shore ourselves up with whatever supplements and activities that make us stronger and more immune to viral infections. We can decide that nothing is more imperative than a positive mental outlook, as mental/emotional/physical are connected. We can move our bodies and our minds and then, we can laugh. We can laugh often and hard. We must accept responsibility for our health and vitality. This one is clearly on us. There will be no denying the facts of this thing. We don’t need to agree on who invented it or why. We don’t need to all use the same methods to strengthen our immune system. It is not “gloom and doom” to bring up the virus, it is a fact of our new world. This is real and we are all living here right now. Let’s not hide behind it or “not mention it” for fear of upsetting each other. Let’s not be afraid – period. Fear will accelerate every negative effect. It is useless, unless you are being chased by a large predatory animal and need the adrenaline to run. This #COVID19 is not chasing you, yet it will stroll by and knock on your door at some point, if it hasn’t already. This truth is being repeated over and over by medical professionals who understand virus’s, and those who are studied in the art of biological warfare. There is nothing we can do to escape this. So how do we deal with it? Once we’ve set a plan of action for strengthening our bodies, BEFORE being infected, we focus on our emotional response, knowing we will be seeing and dealing with each other eventually. We then decide what our personal recipe is, for something that will help this race, and we start giving out samples. We give them to everyone who is open to trying one. You may have to raise your voice a bit so that you are noticed, but don’t give up. I refer here to your energy, your heart, your love, your compassion, your reasoned response. This does not require money or even much time. This requires belief and intent. The unifying fact of us is that we want to be of help to someone, perhaps to many someone’s. Your energetic signature is astronomically more potent than your money. Use it with purpose. We care about each other and about our planet. We need to allow each other the room and space to promote unique methods of caring and concern that don’t look like ours. We need to be radically generous now, generous of spirit. We need to open the faucet and allow our truth and love to pour out. We need to forgive. Start with yourself. We are the ones. We have anchored the light. It is done. In appreciation for all that you are, Sophia Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free email publications: (click here)! Blog posts are weekly. Select the “RSS Feed” link (above). Then with a Feed-reader app. you’ll be up to date. Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. I want to open your eyes to the incredible possibility we are looking at now. Right this very moment.
WE HOLD A SINGULAR FOCUS THE LIKES OF WHICH HAS NEVER BEEN HELD OR WITNESSED HERE ON GAIA. Go anywhere on earth today and utter the word coronavirus and you will be immediately understood. Every single continent, nation-state, and citizen. This is unprecedented. This has never been possible. Until now. A single word/subject that is globally held in our minds at the same time. The unification of our species is held in this pandemic. We must now consciously wield that power, and create the world we intend. I will say that again. It is our responsibility to consciously wield the power of this moment and create the world we intend. We are in the midst of an opportunity. Here’s the thing. This coronavirus was intended a long time ago. The species who thought it up is not affected by it. That would be the reptilian species. This species has, once more, underestimated us. A fascinating bit of information was revealed in a recent interview regarding the coronavirus. That interview is found here. It is an important interview to be aware of, and is highly recommended. Yet the part I refer to now, that is most interesting and relevant to this posting, is at about 7:00 minutes in. “Here’s some interesting things about this virus. It has four signatures in its envelope. It has the coronavirus, which is the virus that effects … any mammal with an advancing vagus nervous system, okay. It effects pigs, humans…It doesn’t effect lizards.” Clif High. At that moment, as we listened to the interview, both my partner and I looked at each other. There was the smoking gun, the nail in the coffin. If we had any doubts about this coronavirus as a #bioweapon, or about its origin, they were erased with those words. It was a sobering moment to be sure, followed by a string of wake-up calls strewn throughout the remainder of the interview. This is not a post to point fingers of blame or to explain the race of lizards. The situation we today find ourselves in, is not beyond us, far from it. It is the very nature of our humanity that will mobilize us and take us to victory. You see, these lizards underestimated the effect of their #bioweapon; it will not destroy us. It is unifying us. Whether you believe in the fact that it was lizards or not doesn’t change what is happening right now. You believe in the fact of the coronavirus. That is sufficient. This is the awful truth that unifies our efforts and guides a single purpose. We will survive this as One. We are united with intent. Those of you who sit on the severe woo-woo side of things, are used to having to explain the things you believe or say or do or research or promote. Not today. One word: coronavirus is all it will take to be understood by anyone on the planet now. Acceptance will follow as we all now get, and right to our core, any effort to combat and help with this pandemic. There are no differences in purpose now. Collaboration and cooperation will become the order of the day. Methods may differ, but intent is pure. We have to stay strong and healthy and safe. We cannot allow ourselves to contribute to the spread of this with either carelessness or ignorance or fear. We must protect ourselves and each other. There are no excuses and we all know about it. Differing levels of alarm are raised, and alternative methods of combat utilized, but all for the same reason: coronavirus. Forget differences in politics or religion or lifestyle or opinion. None of that matters now. Not that it ever did, yet this critical moment in our evolution will be survived by us joining and extending hands and hearts, regardless. And we do survive this! We do. This is the thing that this race of beings who’ve been hell-bent on destroying us just never gets. The reason they don’t get it is because it is our human nature that takes over. Not a virus or any other calamity. We may be easily divided in opinion, but not in purpose. We hold life and humanity as sacred and will do whatever it takes to sustain both. Our human nature brings to the surface things like heroism and compassion and bravery and reckless offerings of help when the going gets rough. These attributes are not present in the reptilian race, and so are never factored in to their efforts. They simply don’t have them. You’ve heard talk of “us vs them” as opposed to “unity consciousness”. Motivation is exposed right now. We are a practical and loving and joyful people. Each of us human; all of us One. We are now exposing the truth of our human nature. The most effective use of this moment is to love constantly. Share your light. Stay positive in the face of whatever you are looking at. Know that this too shall pass. Together we succeed. I wish I could say that this is the final hurdle, yet I cannot. I am told there are further conditions/situations to face that will challenge us. I am also told that there is a remedy for this #bioweapon and that we are going to come through this renewed and new. We are here to build a new world. The old one must be cleaned up before the new one can be set in place. It is not by accident that the one thing we all KNOW that we can do to help eradicate the coronavirus is to constantly and consistently clean up, wash up, disinfect and clean ourselves and all of the places we visit. It is the same with the earth. Gaia is in need of a deep cleansing. We are doing that right now. So, remain strong and positive and secure in the knowing of who you are. You are not alone. You are one of many. We are the Ones. We have anchored the light. It is done. With deep appreciation for all that you are, Sophia Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free email publications: (click here)! Blog posts are weekly. Select the “RSS Feed” link (above). Then with a Feed-reader app. you’ll be up to date. Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. |
April 2024