We have arrived, or better said, noticed now, a spot that is constantly adjusting – seemingly to our every thought. This is the beginning stage of consciousness; awareness. Until now, terms such as “the law of attraction” seemed like magic – only distant, occasional possibilities. This perspective has changed as we today see evidence of our thoughts and words appear before our eyes as a matter of course. This, as a function and effect of the vibratory changes on the planet and within. There is everyday evidence of creation and no doubt as to who is doing the creating. It is us. As you swim in a sea of reports and predictions about violence, catastrophe and collapse, it will benefit you astronomically to remember who is at the wheel. The controls have never been turned over, regardless of how it looks. Thoughts, words and actions create. It is the same for every one of us. There are no greater powers than those you hold. Pay attention to the synchronicities of your day to day – they exist as “evidence” for your creative power and are ever so much more immediate and life changing than the goings on of world banks and governments. For sure remain aware of global events as they unfold, yet focus on your own life. You are creating the future with every thought and word. As “time” seems to accelerate, “now” is constantly re-defined. It is never the same “now”; only by your own repetitive re-definition does it feel the same. It can change in an instant and at your command – with each re-focus of intention and attention. This you know. “Now” feels as oppressive and negative as your conversations around it. It is through voice and emotions that life is constructed; your life. The slavery mindset with its continual complaint about its hopelessness only perpetuates the hopelessness felt and experienced. It is consensus that moves things forward and along. The wishes of the many take precedence and determine the timing and structure of events. All events co-created are unable to be precisely predicted. This means worldwide actions are never an absolute certainty or calendar date. Life is a work in progress. Decisions about where it is going are collectively made. The loudest among us have an effect only to the extent that their choice is heeded by the rest of us. Choose, intend and focus on the scenario that serves you. You are not here by accident, but by choice. Your obstacles are intended to produce in you the most rapid growth. See them as tools rather than stop signs. We are called upon now to utilize the creative power we’ve only recently become aware of; to accelerate this shift to unity and collaboration – to love. A violent instigation is not necessary, regardless of prophecy. The shift is upon us, yet the journey stands ahead, waiting for our instruction. Intend highest and best for all concerned, abundance in all arenas and a seamless transformation. Expect love and your story will demonstrate your expectation. It is your strength and determination that has gotten you this far. Your light provides a beacon for the rest of us to follow. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. ~Sophia
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We sense now a freedom because there is this energy of release that is blowing, a pre-cursor to this letting go of the iron grip held by the “controllers”. Freedom is not a state we fully comprehend. It is an absence of debt in any sense – emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual. The process of liberation is gradual and will be accomplished with persistence as well as tenacious, relentless focus. You cannot be partially free. To act from a self determined point of view means that each moment is approached and conducted by choice. We have been asleep for a lifetime. Things like paying taxes and fraudulent debt to corrupt systems are symptoms of slavery, not definitions of it. Slavery is actually experienced internally and can be defined as a state of mind that imagines you are held back, limited or controlled by another being. This is present in society today as a matter of course. Once the chains are lifted and those controlling you have been removed, what then? It will be upon us to determine what to do. An absence of debt is something experienced primarily by the very young. It allows for movement in any direction. It does not guarantee prosperity or love or “justice”. What it does is unleash your individual capacity to decide for yourself – everything. To act in full consciousness exudes power. To experience the day to day from a perspective of choice rather than fear is not something we are used to. Many of our actions are taken to avoid pain – we obey rules and follow societal guidelines so we’ll fit in and be “allowed” to live comfortably. The hierarchy of economics alone has you in a pre-determined spot you are mostly helpless to get out of. A world without any monetary system of exchange is most likely not in our immediate future. That may be where we are headed, but today it is light years beyond the general agreement of man. Humanity chose to do this itself – accomplish liberation and then, define and structure its own society. What this means is that as a group we are ripe for control all over again, simply because we don’t know any other way. Ideas of acceptance, allowance and freedom will have to come from the heart of each of us. This means adopting a sense of duty when that feels appropriate. No actions or attitudes will be undergone from a place of fear when we are actually free. Take each thought and action and reconsider its origin. We are masters at controlling each other. Emotional debt is something that can never be completely paid unless released by both parties. What will it mean to live free? Certainly there will be no financial manipulation, but perhaps not as certainly there will be things like freedom to decide necessary elements for happiness – to include education, housing, government, money, work, recreation, love and artistic expression. These are not all the facets of life but they are the ones now manipulated by those with an agenda. Once man takes control of this world into his heart, it will operate as if each of us has equal relevance, importance and value. This is truth. The knowing and experiencing of this will demand an unobstructed view of all possibilities. Seen clearly, decisions can be made that incorporate human rights. Much of our language today was constructed as a result of the inequality that exists; a by-product of the program of control. “Human Rights” are only an issue if there has been systemic abuse. Man’s desire for control is part of his brilliance, yet it is also what is responsible for the domination effort that has taken over here. There is a deep knowing of Unity that must emerge along with the physical liberation we are undergoing. Only that truth, held and cherished within, will guard against further corruption. This “truth” is what has been kept out of our media and government systems to the extent that we have forgotten. We believe we are separate and there we justify the horrors of the modern world. Ownership, worship, wealth and domination can exist only in a place that believes they are possible. Sovereign and equal beings live in concert with every life form. The nuances of control are easy to spot with eyes wide open. They do not exist outside of us. Love and freedom are really the same thing. Both are by products of trust. This shift will not be easy, yet it will be simply defined. With an open heart and a willingness to collaborate we can together become what alone was not possible. Change is the reason we are here. To experience this while physical is an extra-ordinary gift. Generations of programming have not altered our course. We are waking up, as One, now catching glimpses of our multi-dimensional glory. We are magnificent. We are the Ones we’ve been waiting for. ~Sophia If you focus only on life as you see depicted in your daily activities, it is only that world that you will conjure. Your eyesight must withdraw from form as you know it, and tap deeply into other arenas. These are places you have denied as real, perhaps disregarded them as dreams, yet all that you are capable of perceiving – is life. You are life, drawn from the blueprint of Source itself. How then could it be that anything you imagine is not life as well? The fabric of existence is woven from luminescent fibers of what can loosely be labeled “thoughts”. These ideas, or thoughts, spring from Source and are thus imbued with the very essence of creation, aka eternal essence. All of life is an extension of life – how far backward or foreword it reaches is irrelevant. The notion of before/after or first/last or older/newer is a nonsensical one. It is akin to questioning the numeric value of love; an impossible quest. Life is. You are. Expansion becomes the not completely satisfying way to express why we are here and how it all works. If there is a reason for “the experiment” as it’s been called, and this ongoing emergence and awareness – it may be found perhaps in the word “stimulation”. Contrast provides unending opportunities to inspire creation. We are in many ways overwhelmed with stimulation here. When beings come in, via channeling, they at first remark on how “wet” the body is, how distracting and crowded we are and how LOUD everything is. These attributes exist regardless of sex, location or heritage – which provide a host of additional layers to these human suits. Life is glorious, exciting, hideous and solitary. It is accomplished in unison, as ONE; while every breath is taken alone. As we develop the capacity to embody truth, we express eternity with every decision. Choose who you are and the expression of your intent will be the only person looking back at you from the mirror. Make the choice regardless of health or wealth or imagined happiness. That choice is truly all that you have. With every breath it is the choosing that emanates. We see not your illness or your struggle but you in each interaction. It is our deepest wish that you too recognize the magnificence of your truth. For all of our differences, we become ONE in purpose. We are here to express and expand the condition known as life. All of our challenges yield growth; further our knowledge and lay groundwork for creation. All of this, fueled by Source, the spark of love that makes it all possible. Why have this conversation? To introduce an idea that all of our moments hold equal importance and relevance. There is no such thing as before or after. You are already enlightened, healed, expanded, ascended and multi-dimensional. This ride was so good that you are right now focused on it again; like re-living a spectacular afternoon. There is no other more powerful or perfect for this moment than you. You are the one you’ve been waiting for. ~Sophia |
April 2024