![]() This is a different sort of Quest. You are not heading out into unknown territory. You know exactly where this love is located. It was there when you started and it’s still there right now. You are searching for that which you are. You are love. How can it be that you’ve forgotten? How is it that we’ve lost the map? What has happened to our GPS (Global Positioning System)? It’s been tampered with, we’ve been distracted, and as a result most of us today distrust the internal sense we arrived with. I drive a 6 year old car, equipped with a Navigational System. At first, I didn’t use it much. The “Make a U turn, if possible” bossy voice sort of annoyed me. I used it only for long trips. Slowly but surely I got used to “Annie” (for “any-where”) and began to rely on her more and more. As I did, I stopped using my own memory of towns and roads so much – I just let her show me the way with this sort of blind faith. We were born fully cognizant of our wisdom. We understood the light that we were and knew where the switch was located. Our hearts held the key. No one had to tell us we were wonderful and yet they did, often. The life of an infant in cradled in love. That infant makes no effort to find or get that love and yet, there it is. An infant, most recently from Source, knows absolutely nothing of society. It is cared for and loved without condition every day. It is held, fed and showered with all good things – giving nothing in return. “Ahhhh”, you say, “but babies are irresistible, they are beautiful, precious miracles – What’s not to love?” “Indeed”, would be my reply, “as are you.” A baby is an agape machine. It sleeps when it is tired, eats when it is fed and loves without holding back. It is born brilliant. Have you ever been present at the birth of a child? There is a light, a force that is emitted from both child and mother. It is magic. Babies emanate love until we adults teach them not to, and they stop using their own memory. They are born loving their fingers and their toes and their torso and their voice and their thoughts and their sexual organs. There is nothing they dislike about themselves. Their self love sort of leaks out of them and we see it, falling in love with them again and again every day. We call them angels and precious and miracles and beautiful. They do not protest; they are in full agreement! This is my deepest wish for all of us. That we find ourselves, all grown up now, in full agreement with these words: You are a miracle. Source had a unique and brilliant idea and here you are. You began with one precious thought – absolute unconditional love. You beamed gloriously forth to join us here; to illuminate us with the love of our creator. You volunteered to lose your way; only as a method of education and advancement. The brilliance that you are can best be seen in contrast, and so there has been darkness. It is time to turn on your vibrant light, to remember where the switch is located. I don’t have it. It is not in your wallet. It is not in your closet. It is not in the words or actions of anyone else. It is in your very soul. You need nothing to complete this journey. Who you are – is right here, whispering, waiting and oh so ready to be found. Remember. A baby just lies there, loving itself and the whole world follows suit. It is time for you to do the same. You are a piece of perfection; there is nothing else you need. You are a brilliant being, a vibrant light. There is no way for you to be lost any longer. We’ve found you. We are coming to the end of this journey and we can see your light, guiding each of us home. We are the One we’ve been waiting for. Thank you! I love you. Until tomorrow, Sophia
![]() There is no Miracle Max. I wish there was. He gave hope and belief to a small, desperate group of people. Their faith in the power of Max carried them through and they accomplished the impossible. There is nothing more potent than belief. The difference between success and failure is in the first case you know you’ll succeed and in the second you only hope. For the next two weeks we’ll see this played out again and again. There is only one Gold Medal. We have entered the Miracle Business. It is time. We are One Force and our intent is everything. We cannot pretend any longer to not be afraid, we must be truly fearless. We’ve been duped into believing we have no power. Yet you are the most powerful force in the Universe. You. There have been false flags and terrorist attacks and catastrophes in our history, carried out by those who understand the power of intent; successful because we didn’t. We do now. A quick search on the internet will demonstrate how past acts of war and atrocity were planned and announced years before they happened. The same is true right now. These horrific plans continue. We can stop them. We are seven billion strong, and we now know the secret. See the Olympics proceed without incident, and relentlessly persist in this vision. They began with a potent meditation and reports from England are that there continues to be a general feeling of good will and happiness there. They are feeling our love. You did that. A single focus of love when the games began has risen up a nation. We need to keep it up. We are here to rise up a planet. We are One. Our collective energy is changing our world and altering the plans of the few who would see it otherwise. Hate is counterproductive. Love is the force that will change history. In whatever way that works for you, see their destructive plans fail. Malfunction, mistake, change of heart; whatever it takes. Now is the time to create a last minute miracle. See love take over and heal the corruption that has taken hold. It is possible. Yet make no mistake, as Miracle Max says, “It’ll take a miracle.” This is what you have come to do - to realize your divinity, utilize your newfound power and love the planet back to health. Love is what you are. Any feeling that is not love will hinder your efforts. Do not hate them, stop them. There is a difference. Last week I mentioned my cat. I can now report that we are all living comfortably together, me, my flowers and my cat. Nothing has been killed. It turns out coffee grounds work beautifully as a cat deterrent. It took awhile and some adjustments but we are all thriving. We can do the same with the cabal. Our intent is to succeed, to thrive, to live free and prosper; not just some of us – all of us. See only that outcome; the one that promotes life. We are evolving and while doing so, creating each step we take. The Illuminati has shown us their plan, now let’s show them ours. Believe in the world you want to see; it is that belief that makes you the winner. You are the one you’ve been waiting for. ![]() Listen for the answer. Look for the idea. Pay attention. All around you, your answers lie. There is no mystery without its solution, no problem unsolvable. You are here to experience life and that is just what you are doing. Every moment you are faced with this question of emergence. The answer is given in your response – will you react and retreat in fear? – will you respond and act with love? Always the choice is yours to make. Most of us have retreated internally, hidden in worry and preoccupation while life swirls around us with exit doors wide open. Today I hear the gulls cry, calling me to places far from this suburban deck. I see the boats and buoys; hear the waves slap against the hull. I grew up on the water. Our memories are associative and although today’s gulls cry above a little nearby lake, for me they call from the ocean. We learn gradually, repetition eventually becomes truth. Awake now, we can consciously choose what it is we wish to repeat. New information is streaming forth in a flood, along with a new vocabulary (LIBOR). We are light workers. It is up to us to bring light to the new without judgment. Refrain from dismissing what is initially uncomfortable. Look at everything. This change will bring the unexpected. There is a joke that goes something like this. A man near death prayed for a miracle. His faith kicked in and he expected to be saved. While he was waiting, he turned away procedures, medicine and doctors, claiming they weren’t necessary because God was going to heal him. He died. When he got up to Heaven and finally spoke to God, he asked what happened. God said “I sent you the finest medical procedures, medicines and doctors and you refused every one of them! What were you thinking?” Our answers don’t always come in the neat little packages we’ve imagined. This shift will be understood and experienced seamlessly, gradually and perfectly. Each of the current players and dramas are getting us used to a new way of thinking. They are steps on the path to awakening. You may not like the route they offer. That’s okay, some will. As you notice each stepping stone you are building memories with which to associate. You are learning. You will need them in order to process this shift successfully. It’s our polarized way of looking at things that creates judgment. You are a light worker, here to shine your light on it all. Listen, consider, observe and continue to shine. You work for the light. You recognize the spark within each facet of life. Your heart beats with constant love. Listen. The answer for you is right here. It may sound strange and feel a bit unsettling, but trust what calls you. We have come as One to complete these “end times”. When we act with love, rather than react with fear, we do so beautifully and powerfully. There are none who will do this for us. It is up to us. Pay attention. Use your wisdom and brilliance to illuminate the path. As it shines for all to see, we will emerge as One Force; Divine Love. This is what you’ve come to do. We are the ones we are waiting for. ![]() This time is one of tumult (uproar, confusion, noisy commotion). In order to perform a change of such magnitude, things have to break off. This will feel like a jolt in many instances. This will be necessary because so many here now have to be shown in no uncertain terms that they have a choice. They cannot ignore it any longer. You are deep within this time of the Shift. It is happening whether you see it or not. Choices made now direct your days towards whatever future you are choosing. What is it that you are hoping to achieve? Are you looking for miraculous? Miracles are possible now and they will take place not within ancient texts but before your eyes. You came to participate. Know that what you are doing is just precisely what you’ve planned all along. Trust. Our families, our bodies, our jobs, our locations, our friends and our lovers – were all chosen for this moment now. In order to get the most from each challenge and situation, all players are in place with their parts memorized. You’ve come from a long and glorious life to participate. You’ve brought with you the tools you need to succeed. What is happening now is that you are remembering what was planned so long ago. What’s happening now is that your deepest truth is being recognized. This change we are in is not something taken care of by gods or galactics – it is happening now because we are making it happen. In a very real sense we are the gods and the galactics. From the occupy movement to the whistleblowers to those deep within the corruption, we are finding our voice and speaking out. We are making the change. We are shifting. It is us. As you look around you will find your place, you part will seamlessly fit into your life. You will notice it feels as if you were born to do it. You were. Listen to the quiet part of you that feels true. He is familiar. She is loving. It is you. The greater part of you has been here always. Today we have more direct access to this wisdom. All we need do is take the time to listen. Whether it is via a walk or a deep meditation – go within. It is vital now that you walk through these times with your head held up and your feelings sure. It is you that you must get to know. This time is ripe for self-awareness. The universe has granted us a brief moment to discover our truth – One Moment in Time. Use it. This is a necessary activity. This will give you confidence and comfort in the days ahead. It is not time to depend on another. It is time to depend on you. Find your truth. We are absolute and flawless pieces of divinity. Hold that thought always in your heart and your way will be clear. The only answer is love. We are the ones we are waiting for. ![]() If there is one thing I will remember about this time we are in, it is the wind. From the bare branches of winter to the full bloom of almost summer, the trees are in constant motion. This time is ushered in on a steady breeze; the winds of change. There are no such things any longer as seasonal temperatures. In the Midwest U.S. we’ve had 100 degrees in February and 35 degrees in June. Our vegetation is gloriously abundant, as if it were mid to late summer. People smile everywhere, regardless of the situation. Those that aren’t smiling sort of stick out “like sore thumbs”. I’ve been traveling, and an hour long delay was easily done as folks chatted, children played and people helped each other. I’ve been there before, this was not usual behavior. My family hosted a huge celebration at our home. During the party a miracle took place as several members who had been separated for 18 years were reunited. It was seamless, beautiful and a complete surprise. These constant winds are gradually, continuously raising our vibration. In this very dense third dimensional world, we have created this natural physical expression of the shift. The descriptions we’ve heard about life after the change are happening all around – just pay attention. The Shift is here. Love, beauty, joy and peace; I’ve gone nowhere but my backyard, front yard and the airport and I see them demonstrated. The winds are blowing them in. As we witness this change we will see many players and hear or read a variety of facts, predictions and “truths”. Pay attention to what rings true for you. Pay close attention to what doesn’t. We each define the reality and Shift we experience. What you focus on, think about, worry about and talk about becomes your life. Which life will you choose? Countless possibilities are here for you. There is a vast difference between denying something because you don’t like it and ignoring something because it’s just not where you are. In the first case focus is necessary and with focus comes creation. In the second case, although you’ve seen it, you have merely shifted your attention to what rings true for you and again, more of whatever that is gets created in your life. On my recent travels, my bags were delayed. I had more than one connecting flight and I had not only considered this possibility, but researched, talked and worried about it. I was not surprised. As this shift takes place and we morph from polarity to unity – we will be asked again and again to choose. There are no wrong choices. You are a being of light, here to help the transformation. You may see things not to your liking, you may read things that sound fearful to this 3D body you occupy and that’s okay. This is the time to decide if they ring true for you. Choose intentionally where your energy is directed. You are the only one who can. We are divine beings having a human experience. As we remember our divinity we will be faced countless times with who we are not, in order to define clearly who we are. We are love. The force of our essence is collectively creating every moment of existence. Each thought, word and action add to our singular voice, our choice. As the winds push us through these interesting times, there is one place you can always go to discover your truth. No questions are necessary; your heart holds your answer. Go there for solace and you will navigate these coming days with confidence. Your power rests within. You are the one you’ve been waiting for. This is the final hurdle. As if on an obstacle course, having met every wall and challenge; exhausted and spent – you have this one more thing to overcome. It is right before you now. Whatever has been hidden has come out of its hiding place to stand in the full light of day and you are dealing with it. The obstacle before you now must be seen for what it is and understood. Today it will not be hidden, covered up or ignored. You cannot sweep this one under the rug. There is no movement forward with this baggage. It surpasses the weight limit. The higher realms demand an unencumbered you – this fear is too heavy. It must be left behind. All of what we have known is true is what it will take now. These are very dense times. There are concerns about money, food, shelter, health. How does a being of light and extraordinary power handle these “end times”? With ridiculous hope, unwavering belief and steadfast love. You know you have come for this. When a new obstacle shouts at you, see it for what it is – a very solid illusion, another hurdle. Then strategize which method you’ll use to get past it. Will you climb it, jump over it, find your way around it or crawl through it? The one thing you can’t do is ignore it. Its part of this life you are here to experience, another memory you’ll one day look back on and marvel at. This is the life you’ve chosen. It did not just show up, it was bidden. You wanted this. You may be questioning your sanity, yet what is never in doubt is your ability to succeed. You will do this. It is the belief in your ability that will sustain you. See how far you’ve come. Remember what is real. It is your true power. Lives are made with beliefs. Miracles happen. What makes a seeming miracle is an unwavering belief in a desired outcome. They seem to come out of nowhere yet this is not true. They spring from expectations, as does all of life. They are created by you. Expect miracles and see only love. This is the vision that provides a view of beautiful and a world of abundance. There is no one, not a person or an institution that is more powerful than you are. You have come now to move a planet and her people beyond this obstacle course called the “third dimension”. This will take love. You know what that feels like; it is what you are at your very core. You are the one you’ve been waiting for. It is May. In the Midwest U.S., a time for flowers and graduation ceremonies; transitions. The arrival of the new, even if we’ve seen it every year, is celebrated. It brings us to the past – perhaps our own graduation or last years tulips. We are systemically changing this month, without anything to relate to; a bit disconcerting. Our brains are associative. We won’t even see a thing unless we have something else similar to relate it to. Moving forward without a map is part and parcel to the way seer manifesto. This is untraveled ground. Brand new thought sticks out there like an optical illusion. Sometimes even after being told its there, we can’t make it out. It takes concentrated effort and intention. We will need both as we proceed, we are entering uncharted territory. This is the fun part. My entire body sort of hums now. Several weeks ago the internal motor started and today the subtle vibration and sparkling is constant – I barely acknowledge it. This week there are waves of energy, resulting in a sensation of spinning. My diet and sleep patterns are all over the map, which is true for my entire family. Something new shows up almost every day and we adjust to the level so that the next stage can occur. Ascension or the move to the “next dimension” has to happen gradually so that we can assimilate it comfortably. The plan here is for amazing yet not shocking. We want to enjoy this. So let’s relax a bit. As our eyes and bodies adjust, let’s see and feel the change without worry or confusion. We are brilliant beings of light who have been tasked with moving a planet and her people out of density in “real time”. We will live through whatever scenario we collectively create. “Are we there yet?” need no longer be asked, the answer is yes. This is our ascension. There is not a day or specific moment in which it occurs; there is instead this consistent gradual process of awareness. Expect change and don’t hang on to any “truth” because this is a time of revelation and discovery. We are participants and players; creating this new world we are witnessing. From personal to global, the shift is us. As our eyes adjust we see this picture shimmers and morphs, settles in for a moment then changes again. Through it all, hold a vision of beauty, joy, oneness, expansion, and abundance – love. You are in the time of what seem to be miracles, yet they are possible only through you. Accept responsibility for it all – your life, your world, your ascension. With pen in hand, what picture will you draw for us all to see? Next May we will be here again. We’ll recall today so that we can better understand where we are. Imagine amazing – that is where we are headed. We may not have lived this way ever, but if we see it and expect it, it is ours. World Liberation Day (http://www.sophialove.org/be-the-change.html) is a point we will look back on, when we grasped the pen firmly and put it to paper. We will together define our new world. We are the ones we are waiting for. You are on a journey to miraculous. This is not happening TO you, but is created BY you. Your tree will produce fruit when it is watered generously with love. |
January 2025