There are so many prophecies and predictions today, mine included. They are each either believed or denied. It matters not what you read is true. It matters what you feel about what you read is true. You hold the resonance for your life, and no one else. “Everybody’s Right”. This is not a place where an ultimate authority decides your life. This is a place where you chose to be so that you would realize the physical result of your intent. In real time, we are actualizing our beliefs. What you see as your life is, in a very real sense, who you are. Manifestation results from your deepest held truths. There is no blame or praise to be given. Not one of us will be looking for validation throughout this process. No, we will be too busy looking for ourselves. This shift is all about sovereignty. It is about love. It is about trust. It is all about forgiveness. Forget about the names or past incarnations. “Now” is all that is happening. What is written here is a conclusion and nothing more. I appreciate the questions and conclusions so many of you have shared at this time; we are here together for a reason. You are gods, here to shift a planet. It feels as if we need a Hogwarts “Sorting Hat”, none the less. What is on your mind is financial and physical safety, as well as details. “What to believe?” and “What should I do?” are both questions to ask within. The answers for you are those that resonate the strongest. Trust. This article (here) offers ideas about what possibly is coming up. A few additional questions are answered below, yet it appears we are getting close to transition, and any of the following are possible for us (not in order of preference):
Somewhere inside you are aware of your choice. It is guiding what you are motivated to do right now. Listen Trust. you are the one you've been waiting for. Several additional questions were asked of One. The answers follow. What can I tell my readers about where they can go for safety? There are safe zones in almost every part of Earth. These will be in some cases centralized and in others elevated and in others just not on any fault lines. There are plans and safe havens. There are some who won’t need to move yet that number is a small one. There has been a plan for removals and relocations. There are ships. They wait now the words of some and the signs. The physical signs will be in-accessible to human ears but to those watching the planet and listening they will not be. These will serve as warning bells and the ships and beings will move then. There is a plan. Many will be taken. These will happen while asleep so that they can happen easily and smoothly. Some of the ships are planet sized. Know that going or not going on a ship is a choice made in many cases to continue or not, to live or to die. These are personal choices and no one is “taken” against their will. It is personal decision every time. What precisely is Ascension? Ascension is a raising. The confusion around the term is because of the very polar atmosphere on Earth. It is indeed a raising up yet not a physical up, as in the opposite of down, but an increase (raising) of speed/vibration. Who, how and when? Ascension has been and is now happening. It happens for all alive now and part of the Earth. People, animals, every sentient force is increasing in vibration. It is the cause of some upsets in chemistry in the body – things aren’t moving in the same way they used to. The “when” is answered in the “now moment”. It is completed with the coordination of your vibe with earth vibe to a resonance that is singular. This is not clock/calendar timed but event timed. The final push and cleanse is the icing on the cake and completes the process for everyone. This is true regardless of where you find yourself – alive or not, on planet or not, in a ship or not. Rest assured all are ascending. Ascension is not death. It is acceleration and a step along the evolutionary path of life itself. It is truth and where humanity has progressed to. The fact that you and the planet are doing it en masse is the unique expression of this ascension. The Earth and her people are ascending at once. The term “two Earths” is a misnomer. In fact there are simultaneously Earth’s at every “level” or “assumption”. It’s just that you are currently focused on the shift now from one to the next. Once you leave your “3D” focus – a “4D” earth will be your earth. If there are some who choose to remain steadfast to “3D” focus, they will stay there. They will not remain behind and this is not a race or a contest. It is a switch of focus. The vibratory uptick will provide a different view. That is all. You may exist simultaneously on the same block. You will see. EVERYONE IS ASCENDING AND DOING SO RIGHT NOW. What happens with the financial collapse? For sure the financial collapse of the dollar will affect everyone – most devastated by the loss will be those who are invested in trade, interest and gain from it – from the masses of you paying that interest. For most of your readers, this collapsing economy will impact an ability to get food and other items. A stock of surplus and spare cash will insure that you make it through, as within a short time there will be aid and exchange and supplies. A working together is foreseen – a very human approach to each other – now seen as fellow man and not an enemy; the beginning of everyday oneness. How much time in between the financial collapse and earth cataclysm? Time is a difficult measurement, but what is seen is weeks, maybe days – not months and not hours. Take stock of the markets and the news as the collapse is imminent. It is not the entire collapse referred to here but the collapse of the American dollar and once that becomes public – MAINSTREAM – the earth shakes soon after. Not hours, but days – at most two weeks. Is the E. Cayce map correct? Which Cayce map? (There are several of them) It is recorded as a best guess. And that is it. I hope this offers a bit more detail for those of you interested. Namaste’ With so much love, Sophia Please sign up for my newsletter, here!
What follows is the third and last part of the prophecy. Part I can be read here. Part II can be read here. Offered first are a few descriptions of how these come to be published now, this last part of May 2016.
They were initially received ten months ago. Due to the content, they were not shared. Five months later, another was received. Again, it was not published. Then, a week ago, on May 18th, 2016, I felt as if they suddenly had to be published, (with no plan for doing so beforehand). That same day I woke up with physical evidence that indicated I’d been visited. When I asked about it, the message I received was this: “You had to publish these prophecies and needed a push to do so. That push came from us.” This conversation took place at 3:00 AM on December 23rd, 2015. It is verbatim. Did someone wake me up? Yes. It is I. It is One. Are you here with something to say or to answer my questions? I am here for both circumstances. Go ahead then. There is a message for you to dispense. It is not a small, unimportant or easy one. Yet it is one of the reasons for your involvement at all. You’ve been chosen to do some very specific work. It is your job to remind the people of what is to come so that they become prepared and can and are able to move when it’s time to move. It is your purpose to encourage, to dispense truth, and also to warn. Many of your readers are from places to be affected. A warning will aid them which will in turn aid the local population. Your readers follow you for a reason. They are aware of your knowing. It is all part of a greater plan. What is that plan? The plan includes a prophecy that comes true – your words are then trusted. You are sought for help. You know what is to happen and are chosen. This cannot be avoided Sophia. It is seen that you are hesitant. How will it feel to have known and done nothing? It will feel wasteful, useless even. I do not see how scaring people with tales of impending chaos and destruction is helpful. It is not the tales of destruction that are helpful but your words around them. This is foretold. There is no other way. The New Age can begin and has begun. The dark ones had to be destroyed so that their plan would end. They will not succeed. There is soon to be destruction which throws your government into chaos and maroons many people. Warn them. What can people do to prepare? They can have a plan for preparation and be open to relocation. There will be some lift offs. What does a plan for preparation look like? Food, water, cash, the ability to go on a moment’s notice. How much food? For how long? Weeks. Not months. There are many in the know and prepared now to carry out emergency measures. Is there a date for this? There is a time frame. It is sooner – by summer’s end it will have transpired. The sun’s activity is a catalyst. It could be over by Spring – beginning, not end. These are time frames in your world and not everywhere. There is not a calendar date but events drive events. You are waiting for a sign, a clear signal that things predicted will transpire. The sign, the departure of “G/E” and the warnings all summer have happened for you. It is global prophecy of which you speak. Check it out and you will see most events have happened. I see a reference to both prophecies and it’s been almost two years since Sharon passed. Yes, it has. There is a reason that prophecies are given and produced. It is so that people see that continuity of truth is possible and that there is a greater hand overseeing all life. What is your purpose in waking me today? It is to tell you to share the prophecy in whatever method you find comfortable, yet share it none the less. It is time. Your warning from 6 months ago? Yes. There has been little to dissuade this ending in this fashion – only to speed it up. Okay, I will have to think on this. I will ask again once I do. Yes. You will. This conversation ended. The following conversation took place last week. I was woken at 4:00 AM on the morning of May 20th, 2016. It is verbatim. Is there someone who wants to connect? There is, yes. Go ahead then. Please introduce yourself. It is I. It is One. Hello. Hello Sophia. Your wish is for more information around the stated earlier events of catastrophe, cataclysm and collapse. That information may now be shared as indeed the time for this moment is upon you. The earth, Gaia, is preparing herself now to release and alter her surface as well as make her home a palatable one for all of you choosing to change with her. You will see earthquakes occurring and there is a system of volcanoes as well preparing. These things are due to increase in intensity and this does occur on your North American continent. It is there where the running of one corrupt government occurs and although Gaia has softened her more dramatic eruptions of force, they’ve not stopped; they cannot, not completely. In this way a platform for the New emerges and allows the change to be a sweeping one – impactful for all concerned. Are you saying the plan has been changed? Gaia is feeling her children and right now exerts extreme force to carry them through this as gently as she is able. Yet force is necessary to impact a message and it will occur. There will be casualties and destruction. As you have seen on your continent with massive fires – there is destruction already. Yes, this will continue. Know that intentions and beliefs create in a tangible way and a goodly number of humans believe fervently in catastrophic, even apocalyptic ending events. That being the case, there are no ways to proceed that do not mark this time in a physical and final manner. There are people who see no reason or worth in speaking of this now or beforehand. It evokes fear and anger. This has been the case in all circumstances of foretelling. It is not a favored thing and often ignored as valid. There can be usefulness in warnings if seen that way – an awareness creates a clear image of what is not desired. Certainly until these moments occur and the earth and her children move, there exists a co-creative effort. Nothing moves without your participation. All efforts and intents, thoughts and beliefs, are creative. You are having an effect not just on your personal life but on the ground you walk. This effect will have a greater and clearer impact with self-awareness and acceptance. The light warriors, light workers, those reading these words, are humanities best hope for a smooth transition as the effect of a clear heart is many times greater than one caught up in and embroiled in ego, anger, fear and self-worth. I’m sorry, but I must go. (I had to prepare to leave for work.) Yes. Please continue in a greater amount of time when this is possible. I sense many questions. The conversation continued later that same day. Is there someone who wishes to speak? Yes there is Sophia. You will have to write now as if taking dictation. We desire clarity and a precise message. Know that there are no mistakes and all proceeds as planned. You have a message to share and you did so. The fact that you waited so long to make it a public one may muddy the waters, yet it does not dilute the message. It was meant to be given exactly as it was heard. This is not a game of “telephone”. By writing it in long hand and then copying it online as it was written, there are no mistakes. An original exists. It is not a pleasing message and one that angers a people who’ve long lived under tyranny, corruption and criminal brutal rule. Time will show this message comes from a source interested only in truth, sovereignty and agape. The events portrayed do not have to happen in the most severe and destructive (way) but recall the message – as was told to you many times as you questioned it. Severe criminality requires a severe end. They are not going easily, although they know the prophecy. There are consistent attempts to side step it and outsmart the process they agreed to. Ego is a huge construct for these beings and has created for them, an “all or nothing” scenario. Realize they have nothing to lose, their efforts will only accelerate as these nearby “now’s” approach. Having nothing to lose creates a viciousness to the fight – either way they must leave. Many would rather take as much out for themselves before hand as they can. This is a message from One. You are merely a messenger. Share all parts and decisions can then be made individually. Even the Demi-urge parts? (A reference to Prophecy II of III) This being also contributed before it left. That is up to you. It does complete the story. Although the Demi-Urge is no longer – its words are valid. It was aware of the plan. Do you have any other questions now? I cannot think of any no. I will get all of this out. This is now complete and has been recorded & published. Namaste’ Sophia For more information and the newsletter, click here. Here is the second post in the Prophecy series, (part I here). These are offered this way, separated as such, because of their length. They are very long, too long for a single post. Know that these predictions came in last year, 2015. They have not been repeated in 2016, at least as of today.
This is data, regardless of how alarming it may be. It was meant to be shared and the timing for its sharing was left to my own discretion. We must each decide what resonates. We have seen and heard a great deal about this shift. Please take into account the entirety of the message in my blogs, videos, audio blogs and newsletters. It is a message of love, sovereignty, unity and personal power – Agape. This being is also the source of “The Master Stroke”, which can be heard here, and was received on April 15th, 2016. Perhaps the purpose of this message is to act as a catalyst for those who read it, and/or to be read by a specific few. It has garnered a great deal of energy and it is contrast that most often fuels creation here. You are master creators, here to produce the transformation and acceleration of a planet and her people. You do this in concert with life itself. Before reacting in fear realize who is in control of your creation. It is you. Here is the rest of what was heard on July 21st, 2015 at approx. 3 AM. (With some personal information redacted). Who are you? I am the voice of One. What does this look like in my life? It looks like destruction of your system of order. This impacts everything you do on a daily basis. You will wake up in a single day to chaos. Nothing will continue as is. Money will be useless, the banks will crumble. Yet what that does to your life is a removal of debt as well as exchange. There will be a stopping of goods transference. There will be parts of the world gone. Most of these parts are specific and have those controlling the criminal manipulation in them. No place will be untouched or unaffected, but the worst effects happen here – in your land. These things are necessary so that a new beginning is possible. Is it true that this is revenge for the Native Americans and the genocide of them? Revenge is not a word I would use, justice is however. This is a balancing. What must be understood is that THE ONLY WAY LIFE CAN CONTINUE ON EARTH IS IF THIS CATACLYSMIC EVENT PUTS AN END TO THE CORRUPTION. IT CANNOT CONTINUE IF LIFE IS TO THRIVE. IT MUST BE STOPPED AND THE ONLY WAY FOR IT TO STOP IS FOR THOSE PROMOTING IT WITH WORSHIP AND CONTINUED DESTRUCTION ARE REMOVED. THEY WILL NOT STOP WITHOUT DRASTIC MEASURES. Tell me who dies, how many, where, and if this is choice. All of creation has participated in this choice. It is consensus that forces an end to this now. Define now. The immediate future; this means that another cycle of the sun (one year) will include the end of this experiment. Religious fervor and prediction for the end is not that far off from truth. Only their definition of who is righteous and who will be saved is off. It is not their god who decides and not religious at all. It is truth. It is the perpetuation of life that has forced the end in this way. Please be specific. This end will come in stages. It will be near total collapse of the monetary system and then destruction will happen by way of what are natural phenomena. The followers of light are not wrong in their predictions or plans for how to continue on with an honest government intact and functioning. You would do well to check out what it is they say. Perhaps share it with your readers. It has not been my job or purpose to predict before now. It has been my job to encourage, enlighten, teach. I am not sure what to do with this information. Study what is out there. COBRA certainly has information about the forces of light. There are many factions. The words shared long ago need to be released on film. G/E’s words as well. Trust your instincts on how and when to share it. You will disseminate truth as a piece of the knowledge left in a place that is forever altered. Okay, what can you tell me about timing? About how? Only that all things are possible in creation. Know that this cannot be avoided. The consensus is that it be stopped sooner rather than later or never. Not stopping it is not a viable option. Stopping it with destruction is the only way for it all to stop and the new to begin. Take into your heart and mind what you’ve been told. It is truth. Not to frighten you, to prepare you for the next segment or part of your role in this process. It will move rapidly for you now. Follow your instincts and highest and best and you will choose appropriately. I can’t hear anything. You are fatigued. It is time to stop. Digest this. You will see. Okay. I just don’t hear any hope in this. This is the greatest hope of all! The conflict of goals, of interest, is/will be ended!! With disaster comes a unification of purpose – life. The reason for an end in such a way is to set the stage for a beginning – for THE beginning. The start of a new Age on Earth is a portentous moment and one prophesied and now here. All of the good you’ve believed and spoken of is possible and here. It only needs a free place in which to begin. That place is here. That time is now. Tell your people. You will do it in a way that is most helpful and productive. Trust yourself Sophia. This is truth? This is prophecy. Okay. I must go now. This conversation ended. At this point, I asked about this message. I will share a few of the answers here. The last blog post will include the second prediction that came the following December. Later that same day, I reached out to my greater self, & heard this… You will proceed always from your heart. It is from there where the highest and best decisions are made and the place where Source finds a resting place in the human. Listen. These times will challenge every belief you have and your very life will be altered once the events are completed. This world will not be the same. In some fundamental ways this is true. It is now run by criminals and their reign is about to abruptly end. They feel it as do you. You cannot stop this end. Step up now. Do your thing. Get ready for “shock and awe” and not in a negative way but your system will require adjustment. And the next day, July 22nd, 2015, I asked more questions. (Declarations for complete absolute truth, pure love, highest & best for all concerned were made) “I’d like to talk about the “moment of justice”. Is there someone to do so?” What aspect of it? Has it been experienced by any being in communication with me now? In this precise way? No, it has not. Humanities “experiment” and thus its end – is in all ways unique. Is the Demi-urge available for contact? I am witnessing. I feel a very different energy. This is one I have not experienced. It vibrates rapidly at the edges of my being. It is anticipatory, not really pleasant or what I experience as a “good way”, more of a dread. Even the creatures around me react. The sounds are unpleasant from them. There is no longer a peaceful fluttering of birds. I am feeling a process of draining. What is it precisely you desire? Your description of the foretold “moment of justice”. What is foretold is a reckoning. All tabs are about to be called in. What has been done and accounted for is now to be reconciled. There are entities in creation who understand only greed at any expense. They, at this “moment of justice” referred to, must now pay for all that has been taken. The prophecy was not wrong. Its interpretation is incorrect. It is not any form of worship that prevents or forestalls this moment of justice. It is not any specific action or observance or homage. It is the heart of man that will or that could possibly prevent a reckoning. “Karma is a bitch” This is a known sentiment in this current age and in fact an accurate one. It cannot be avoided. What does it look like on earth? To humans? To those of us living a life in may cases unaware? It looks like the level at which you intentionally respond to your fellow man is to be returned to you. Some of what’s to take place is a force of nature and will play out physically in your surroundings. This cannot be avoided as the earth itself will be returning or balancing in this case the energy put upon her. She is to be healed, as is the darkness. My “reign” will end and the energy source of humanity I will leave. This is neither good nor bad – it was always known. Life is a process. My part in this was allowed as part of creation – it will stop. I cannot see this current world without “religion”. And you will not, not right away. This event will solidify the prophecies and existence of a higher power. Yet what it will also do is add to the confusion as all peoples, races, religions are either “spared” or “sacrificed”. Eventually it will become clear – truth. The truth is that universal love cannot be deified or worshiped. It is a part of your origin, the source of your creator and your source. I’ve been told your “seed” is in humanity. Yes. Explain please. I was present and aware of the genetic manipulation of the human. He holds my “marker” so that I could create the “father”; thus worship. This becomes a tricky, sticky moniker as there is as well a source of evil/destruction that must be fed. This force is not precisely my opposite but another form emerges and is paid homage to by man – a destructive force, an evil force. There is no marker as in genetic, in man for evil. Evil and therefore destruction emerged from his own tendencies. The worship emotion feeds all aspects of me. The destructive force is not what I Am. I cannot clearly hear or comprehend. Therefore I will end this now. The conversation ended. Note – The last paragraph was confusing at the time. I now take it to be a reference to the evil created by the cabal and what resulted (an actual force/being focused on evil). This goes back to the reference in the first post to a being with an agenda that even the cabal was unaware of; destruction of everything, including them. It was on 8/2/15 that this demi-urge was returned to source, at the same time the Poser was. I will work to get Part III out asap. I am immersed in family celebrations (one of my children is graduating) which is one of the best parts of being here at all! Namaste’ Much love, ~Sophia PS For additional conversations, become a subscriber to the newsletter. What’s going on right now is you. Put down your phone or tablet (after reading this ;-), and think for a minute about who it is this story is about. Whose DNA is changing. Whose financial system is collapsing. Whose entire life is about to shift. Yours.
You’d best be getting prepared. Supply yourself with food and goods. Not because they will be unavailable, but because you may not have the right kind of currency to purchase them. It promises to be sketchy for a while. If you are reading this blog, most likely you’re here to help explain to and assist those still in the dark. This is really happening folks. Get yourself as centered as possible because it’s going to be “a bit dicey”. Deal with your physical and personal issues as best you can – now. This does not mean that there will be no other opportunities, there are. Always life presents us with chances to change. It’s just that right now things are deceivingly, relatively stable. It’s easier to make changes when most everything else remains the same. We are in such a place today. It’s unclear just how long we’ll remain here. It will feel a bit like free-falling. Those of you who’ve gone skydiving will best relate to this. But thanks to Tom Petty we are all familiar with the concept. Free-falling is surreal. Once its over, you have changed. Nothing looks the same. It’s thrilling in a mind blowing orgasmic sort of way. Lots of things can go wrong on the way down. Yet one way or another – YOU WILL GET BACK TO EARTH. Once back, you have this internal grin that gets carried around wherever you go. You’ve seen the earth without a window. This is how a Creator sees. While going through daily activities – keep this shift close to you. This next part is the magic we came to perform – transformation while washing the dishes. Think about the condition you’d most like to be in and go there often. For me it means adopting some new habits and leaving a few behind. This wasn’t supposed to be easy. It was supposed to be mind blowing. Sky-diving is a great metaphor. It’s life changing and addictive and scary as hell. Regardless though, you always want to do it again. This “light-worker” gig is not your first rodeo. You are a risk-taker and a lover of life. What we are about to do will satisfy both of those addictions. We are headed for amazing, and we are the first to jump. Make sure you have your gear in order. Although it’s tempting to continue to rely on social media for signs of the shift – it’s now more valuable to check within and around yourself. It happens in you. Cataclysmic shifts in finance and Gaia are symptoms of what is going on internally. It is not clear in exactly which order or on what days these manifest. It is clear that the old must be altered for the new to settle in. The new is coming. Most of you know I connect with many “non-human” beings and have been doing so for several years. Requests for contact have increased after March 2015 and now occur almost daily. Interspersed within them has been a conversation about this time we walk into now. Always I’ve been hesitant to publish these, yet now it feels necessary and timely. I will share this prophecy in 3 parts/blog posts, the first one beginning below. The first part was given on July 21st, 2015. Remember that nothing is absolute, but instead ongoing, and also that we are co-creators with Gaia. I will share here exactly as it was given to me, leaving out only personal comments and information. I was woken up for these conversations around 3:00 AM, and prior to engaging the usual intentions for absolute truth and highest and best for all concerned were declared. “Did someone wake me?” Yes. It is I. It is you. It is One. What is the reason? It is because there are some things to offer by way of explanation. Things to add to what you’ve been given. Okay. These are considerations taken, reasons for outcomes, details. The precise details for the end of this experiment on your race are what I want to portray for you. You are not meant to know so that you will be afraid. You have been chosen as a source of comfort as well as enlightenment for your race, for your fellow light-workers. You have been trusted with truth and the time has come for you to dispense it in bulk. It is an entire story and it holds much of the history – the reason it is ending in this way is that mankind has suffered for a long enough time at the hands and manipulations and brutality of this Cabal. It is now clear that they will not stop – that destruction of everything will be the outcome if they are left until the end, the predicted end that had been originally set for August of 2016, in your calendar. It cannot go on. You would do well to prepare for an early exit – not from this world completely but temporarily. There are methods of rescue of ensuring those necessary for the New Age are around to assist in the ushering in of it. I am not following. You do not sound like the One I’ve spoken to in the past. Explain please. These times are those of uncertainty, of fear and of terror and of increasing destruction. Your voice, the voice of reason, of truth, of love beyond condition is a necessary anchor in such a time. It will be needed for mankind, for the beings left here after the moment of justice. This has been described to you. (Note – this is a reference to my conversation with G/E, found here.) Would you like more detail? Yes, I would. This land mass known as North America will be altered. Earthquakes are the reason for the alteration. The formation is not the one predicted by E. Cayce but similar. The total destruction of the US Government is the reason. There is no scenario going forward where this country survives intact. Your country is in fact run by an evil and destructive force who do not understand the goal of this force they worship. Is this a being? It is a being as I AM. I don’t understand. As I AM everything creative, it is everything destructive. It has taken hold here and been created, a result of the imaginings of man and now has form and intent to complete a single agenda – all must die. To be continued… (Note – see Veterans Today and its most recent article by Preston James PHD, describing his research and findings, which pretty much lay out this part.) (2nd Note – It was August 2015, after this conversation, when the “Poser” left. I do not know if this “Poser” was the same being referred to here, as he said he came from someplace else.) I will continue this with Part II and Part III both released in blog posts before the end of May. Please sign up for my newsletter, where all sorts of conversations are shared on a weekly basis. I count on that financial support for this work. These words at first startled and alarmed me. This was nearly a year ago. With the daily disclosures and obvious corruption just about everywhere, not much can alarm or startle me today. Regardless of how this plays out, if we are prepared for a certain amount of upset and confusion, we will be more effective in our towns and neighborhoods and families when we are needed. It is for these reasons I am releasing these prophecies now. We came for this. This is what we do. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. With so much love, ~Sophia Some moments are like long, stretched out rubber bands. You know the ones? They are poised at their limit, pulled within a hair’s breadth of their breaking point; the slightest movement and they’ll “SNAP”!!!
One of my sons was terrified of the book you see pictured here (“How far will a rubber band stretch”); he couldn’t stand the tension ‘til the BOING!!! The funny thing was, he’d ask for it every night. (Spoiler alert!!) In the story, the last place the little boy reaches is the moon. As he steps off the rocket, the BOING snaps him and the rubber band right back to his room. This is such a rubber band moment and it’s stretched much further than any of us imagined we were capable of. We are on the moon and about to step on lunar ground, our rubber band held firmly in our hands. We can feel the tension in not just our hands, but our entire bodies. We KNOW IT’S GOING TO BREAK. We could mimic my son, and wrap ourselves in covers, hiding our eyes until it’s over. Or, we could remember that (also like my son), we asked for this story because we love the thrill, the tension and the BOING!!! It’s sort of an addiction. Although thrills are great, let’s let this rubber band snap and see where else we can create them (the thrills). The suggestion here is, like my son, this tension filled game is so fun for us, (especially now at the “almost ready to snap” part), that we are unwittingly keeping it going. How? With our focus. As we focus, watch, listen to and talk about the tension, it perpetuates. As we focus on, dream, write about, discuss and expect this shift, it accelerates. It’s a challenge to take our eyes off of the corruption, revelations and drama and instead see the world that is possible without them. Yet THIS IS PRECISELY WHY WE ARE HERE. We have to remind ourselves just how creation works. For, WE ARE CREATING THIS AND OUR COMBINED ENERGY IS UNSTOPPABLE. What we intend, believe and focus on is what we create. It’s tempting now, with news streaming in every day that validates what we’ve always known, to rest on our laurels and nod knowingly, while saying “See? I wasn’t crazy/mistaken/imagining this. I told you about this years ago.” Tempting maybe, yet not productive. Just as you knew long ago about the slavery, corruption and secrets – you know what’s next. Keep looking ahead. These news reports and revelations are to wake up the masses. You are awake already. It’s time to move on to the next part. There are no “revelations” about this next part because we are writing that story right now. It’s in our dreams and visions of an un-shackled populace and a multi-dimensional existence. This is not a call to place your head in the sand. It’s a call to remain aware of where you are directing your light. Keep looking ahead and telling the story of what you see. The power of your energy is exponential. Use it. This is why you came here now. When this rubber band snaps, and we are all thrown someplace else? It’ll be to the place we are building now. A foundation of love with bricks of dreams held together with your brilliant light – this is Home Sweet Home. We are Master Builders. Let’s create. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. With so much love, ~Sophia Sign up for my newsletter here! This slave to sovereign transformation is not happening in isolation or behind veils or doors. We are, in full view, realizing our authenticity. In chat rooms and board rooms, on social media and on playgrounds; we are deciding Oneness. This is not a fairy tale, it’s our life. Spend 20 minutes with us and watch the video shared below, you’ll see. Complete strangers will remind you what you came to do. You came to help us all. There are no easy answers and things haven’t been figured out yet. It is us providing those answers and unravelling the rhetoric. Never before have these words been as visibly played out – we are the ones we’ve been waiting for. Yet differences are part of the game and we do not all agree on how this should best be done. How do you free a populace? It takes all of us. Everyone counts in this scenario and unity doesn’t imply identical ideas. It signifies instead – oneness. Consciousness flows through all of us. Consciousness is a singularity. Oneness is truth. That being said, it is not a truth we frequently witness or often feel. Arguing is part of our makeup and social media provides us today with a constant platform. It’s a challenge to discern unity from opposing sides. Regardless of your level of “awakeness”, there is someone out there who disagrees with you. So, how do we, as one, move from slavery to sovereignty if we can’t agree on who is right? In our wonderful human fashion, we will wait until the last few minutes on the clock to show what we’ve got and how we are going to use it. The clock is ticking right now. It’s time to show your stuff. The answer may be to release the need to decide absolute “rightness”; if just for the sake of sovereignty. Once sovereignty is established – make your stand, and do it magnificently. Rightness and wrongness are faces of ego. They are opinions and they are not useful in today’s discussion. This discussion concerns the 3% of humans who are fully awake. This number has been suggested (by Kryon I believe) and will be used to offer a scenario. 3% of humans work out to be about 250,000 of us. This number is 3 times the number of humans (the 1%) who’ve run this planet to the ground. From a pure numbers perspective, this should be a piece of cake. That is, if we can come together. We’ll have to agree on something and disregard our egos for this to work. For sovereignty to be realized, it will help us to have access to technologies that free us from servitude and debt. Free energy, healing tech and food replicators exist right now. There are people/whistleblowers speaking about them all over the internet. These things would provide us with the necessary support to realize our sovereignty, remove corrupt systems/officials, and go on to live prosperous, vibrant lives. The desire for prosperity and vitality is one we can all get behind. At issue now is our numbers. We are small, growing yes, but not even close to a majority. We’ll need to speak as one voice in order to get ourselves heard. This requires a vision of oneness. Despite differences in focus; Corey Goode is calling for his followers to support Steven Greer. Corey has over 25,000 followers on Facebook. If each of them donated $2.00 to Steven, he’d have another $50,000.00, which would be a great start. If that 3% estimate is correct, there should be 10 times that many “awake” individuals out there. If they each gave $2.00 – it’s done. I support this movie because Steven has a large media presence, a lot of support and an infrastructure in place to get this produced. Above all, once it is out there, more of us wake up and we only get louder. We may not all agree on who has the “truth” in every case or how this is going to go down. Yet we can agree on the fact that it’s happening in real life; in our lives. We’d like it to end sooner rather than later. If Corey’s information is accurate; unless we do something in a big way to force the issue – we won’t have the full story for almost 100 years. I’ll be gone by then and so probably will my children. It’s criminal that we are broke, sick and afraid. We needn’t be. We can do something about it. It will take a few dollars and a few words. Tell someone a truth that is not told by corporate media. Give up a cup of coffee and share $2.00 with Steven. We came to do this. We are just about there. It’s the final few seconds. We know who we are. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. With so much love, ~Sophia PS – Click here to listen to the 10th (The Truth of Magic) and 11th (Civilized?) installment in my Sovereignty Series! Scroll to the bottom of the page, or watch and listen to them all while you do! PSS - My newsletter shares my conversation with many who “are not from here”. Join us! Sign up here. Each day I find myself deep inside the journey of our awakening, and it brings up just how much we’ve been through. Today’s post is a warm, celebratory hug. We did it. As some of you know, I’m releasing a book soon that spans the 3+ year long relationship/conversation that took place over you tube and email with a Guardian/Executioner turned Executive (G/E). The time span it covers is Spring 2012 through Summer 2015. The book should be released by early summer 2016! Are we free yet? Well, how do you feel? Freedom begins in an unfettered heart. The energy emitted from the 2012 posts is vastly more encumbered and confused than from the 2015 posts. Together we pulled each other along, shared our “aha” moments and told our stories. We woke up. We may not be utilizing free energy or food replicators today – but we know they exist and are expecting them. In 2012 we barely believed any of this was real. Humanity’s brilliance is oozing out all over this shift. It is not being done according to anyone’s rules but our own. And why? Because we get it. Even if our knowledge is unspoken, we can’t help but “walk our talk”. The thing the Creator of all things counted on is our Unity. It’s like we’ve been working in a dark room for eons – not getting very far, never giving up, listening only to those loudest voices and brightest flashing pictures coming from “Corporate Control”. The lights are on now and we see each other; we are coordinating our movements and making actual progress, while barely acknowledging those lights and loudspeakers. Oneness was never a question; awareness was. We are aware. With awareness comes responsibility to take part in how things happen. You know just what things you are to collaborate on and will soon figure out with whom. With the lights on now, it’s easier to see each other. It is you who turned those lights on; every one of you had to be there. You may have provided a hand up to the guy who finally reached the switch, or just told enough people that the switch existed – but you were necessary either way. You cannot stop a human. You can try and in your delusion you may even believe you’ve succeeded – but that success is short lived. We feel our oneness and it drives everything that matters. We are inevitably willing to go the extra mile, risk our lives and fortunes for the greater good. This is why we are at this now moment. With mini disclosure events happening within every system, our visible enlightenment is so close you can feel it. You did this. Your faith and determined resolution has guaranteed the best scenario. It’s an honor to witness. Many of us, who’ve felt we “weren’t from here”, are now certain they came to offer and maintain an alternative vision for humanity. Only a few years ago we may have felt ready to go back (to wherever it is we felt we belonged). Yet today, with time and a deepening respect and affection – we are grateful. Humanity Rocks. A gradual emerging equality has squeezed out Agape. The more our true selves are showing, the deeper in love I fall – with everyone. In some magical, mystical way the energies are bringing forth unity expressed. This is not a “cloned” similarity but a human one; which means that we will stand side by side with nothing in common and unite in our desire for love and life – in our hearts. We are one, expressed as many. This multiplies, not divides, our power. This is the reason you stand there today. To join hands with those you already share a heart with – and answer. The answer is yes – you are free. It’s time to out-shout corporate media. Join Corey Goode at 11:11 each day and focus on Full Disclosure. Join Steven Greer and throw a few dollars to his upcoming film “Unacknowledged” – which will end ufo and free energy secrecy. In our unity we demonstrate our greatest power. This is why we are here now. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. With so much love, ~Sophia Sign up for my newsletter here. There are 2 versions. There is a monthly or a weekly subscription. In them are shared conversations will all sorts of off world beings, in what I am calling a “soft disclosure”. Our neighbors are out there and they are anxious to converse. It’s “Star Wars Day”. I’ve heard or seen a dozen times “May the Fourth be with you!” and a whole lotta people have decided to be a force for change. This coincides perfectly with the energy – since Saturday things have felt “weird”; perhaps the force IS with us! Something has changed and it’s a challenge to find words to define it. What will have to serve as a replacement is what it looks like and feels like.
If forced to say “what” was different about it – here’s what that would look like. We’ve been given a gentle blast of positive energy/love/eternal essence. What this does for us is cushions what “reality” may be shouting at us 24/7 – Election ridiculousness Unemployment/financial challenges Illness or health challenges Global conflict or government corruption Pressure to perform your 3D role This was not a “blow your sox off” sort of ecstatic blast – no. That kind cannot be sustained. This was more like a really good hug – the kind of hug that reminds you of your humanity; reinforcing who you are and somehow making everything okay again. That kind of hug is one you remember long after it occurs and it feels good then too. You can re-live the love in it. Some years ago I lost someone. It was that kind of loss that brings you to your knees. During the memorial, I received hundreds of hugs, none of which I could tell you about. Except for one. A cousin who I hadn’t seen in decades embraced me and replenished me all at once. Afterwards, my partner mentioned feeling the same and this from someone he’d never met. After her hug, the rest of that day, that week even, felt “do-able”. We’d get through it. This “weirdness” going on is not a bad kind of weirdness, the kind you’d rather avoid. It’s only “weird” because it’s not familiar. It’s a quiet sort of power boost. I AM powerment. It’s subtle. It feels nice. It allows for more laughter. It is where we are heading and our restlessness is showing because we don’t have a map. We don’t need one. This journey is one we are inventing and its destination will be defined along the way. This trip requires only you and the Force that is with you now; your eternal essence. Can you feel it? You are the one you’ve been waiting for. With so much love, ~Sophia May the Force be with you. PS. Check out my newsletter here! |
April 2024