You reside in a field of love. Your very base programming begins there. It is the spark of each other that joins you. Isolated, you may appreciate nature and love life, yet it is in human contact that you embody the fierce power of agape. For when you love another, it is not their attributes that are calling to your soul, but a reminder of your own. When you look at each other and are deeply moved, it is because at a fundamental level you understand that there you behold the sacred. It is you that has stirred your own soul. What this moment is about is a shedding of our skin of self-loathing. What is not perfection is not true. The veil that we speak of is not draped between ourselves and others - but hanging, invisibly, as a barrier to the truth. It is you on the other side of that veil - gloriously abundant and here now on purpose. Your vessel will push waves of light cascading over all of creation, creating tsunamis of love. For love is a force. Love is here because you are here. It arrives unbidden whenever you do. It takes a being of unimaginable power to embody divinity. It takes you. We are the one you've been waiting for. ( Repost from August 2012) ~Sophia
April 22, 2014 Please post and circulate widely $100,000 STAR Challenge and Award Dear Friends and Supporters of Sirius, On the one year anniversary of the launch of "Sirius", I would like to thank all of you for your continued support, which has made "Sirius" the most successful crowd funded documentary film in history! On this one year anniversary, Earth Day 2014, we are announcing the STAR Challenge and Award. While we have not raised enough funds to open a professional research and development lab, thanks to your generosity we have enough funds to announce this new Award of $100,000. Many have sent us reports of open-source "free energy" devices seen on the Internet. We do not have a lab or personnel to experiment with such possibilities. Therefore, we are announcing this Award to incentivize the interested new energy public to come forward with such a technology. As many of you know, we have spent many years and over $900,000 traveling the world testing, providing grants to individuals and attempting to find such a device. Many were frauds, others were legitimate- but the inventors wanted to keep the technology secret. In a 2010 case, we provided a grant to a scientist who works for the intelligence community and government (I had seen his lab and what he could do- it was impressive!) and whose supervisors had cleared him to make a Tesla-like device for us- only to later have him threatened by others outside his command. Dozens of times we have gotten close to finding such a system- only to have it vanish. The Stan Meyer Collection was bought by a corporation which we have just learned is being threatened. Why? They are doing their work secretively and without the support and knowledge of you, the public. We have concluded that in order for this technology to succeed, it must be open-source, independently verified and completely reproducible- and this must be done fully in the open, with the whole world watching. Secrecy is our enemy, and has doomed countless inventors to failure. We must learn from history and not repeat it. Of course, if we had adequate funding our Lab would operate in this fashion- literally being streamed on the Internet. But since we do not have enough funding to staff and outfit a high energy lab, we are making this Award available to anyone who meets the criteria of the Award. Each point in the criteria is the result of 24 years of research and investigation into how new energy is suppressed, how some unscrupulous people have tricked the public in the past, and what is needed strategically to launch a new technology so that it makes a real, practical difference for the Earth and her people. We have an amazing network of people all over the world who can help get such a device secured, funded and launched to the public- IF the technology is legitimate and can be properly vetted. Many powerful people, while justifiably skeptical, will come forward to support us if we can put in front of them something that is real. This is necessary. A set of plans on the Internet will not, by itself, solve the problem.The average person (me included) could not make a toaster from a set of schematics ! Ultimately, this technology will need to have enough support that it will be able to be developed and manufactured- and made available to 7 billion people on Earth. I believe we can do this - IF we are provided a technology that meets this criteria. For the sake of all of us, and for the beautiful Earth who suffers under the weight of the burden of humanity, I hope that we will soon be able to provide this Award to someone. Spread the word- and let the STAR Challenge and Award begin! In Universal Peace, Steven M. Greer MD Albemarle County, VA Earth Day 22 April 2014 Click here for the technology criteria and evaluation form. Please read them very carefully. If you have a working device and wish to apply for the award, you must print out, fill out and then sign the device criteria and technology evaluation form and submit them. The speed with which decisions are made by you is an indication of which part of yourself you are listening to. So many times the thoughts used to direct your life and monitor your activities are thoughtless regurgitations of things you were taught by your elders in a very different time. Habit is the reason so many of us end up unhappy. It sort of takes over and replaces conscious choice with behavior that does not serve you or help to attain any of your goals. Habits are a form of addiction and we continue them not because they bring us any pleasure but because we cannot seem to stop. What does it take to end a behavior that, if you were thinking clearly, you would not engage in? Habits are broken only when something better shows up – when you have replaced them with something you’d rather do. This seems so straightforward yet it is not. The key is to find something that yields a more desirable result, or gets you something you deeply long for. Reminders are necessary, as well as support. It helps to talk about the habit you are attempting to change. Words are creative. So many of us miss that aspect of the creative process and keep our most cherished dreams a secret. We harbor them as if speaking them aloud would take away their specialness. Nothing could be further from the truth. Speak about the things you wish for – to anyone who will listen. As scripture says, “In the beginning was the Word”. Words are a powerful creative force. You have not been told enough about them. Saying things again and again, habitually, only reinforces some part of your life you are most likely not enjoying. Phrases like “I can’t ________”, “This never works”, “I’m too _____” “It’s my bum leg or my bad ear or my weak eye” only reinforces a physical condition that may not be serving your life’s goals. We’ve grown up thinking that complaints like this are just the facts, and are harmless. It is time to understand how effective words are. Advertising is a trillion dollar industry and it is blasted into your ears at every turn. It seems passive and harmless yet annoying, when in fact it is a creative bit of control and is affecting your life in a very real way. What you hear registers on some level and you make no choice about it; you are accepting it as truth. Advertising reinforces ideas around illness, weakness, disease, beauty, success, fear and strength that are sitting in your psyche for the most part unchallenged. If you don’t give thought to what you hear on a continual basis, you are more likely than not going to repeat whatever it is telling you in your own life. Choose carefully which words you surround yourself with and those that come out of your own mouth. Words are real, and effective manifestors. Even without intent they create your life – merely by repetition. All of life is a creative act. It is your masterpiece. The colors in your pallet are many. Thoughts, words and actions that are spoken, heard, felt and witnessed all work together to create your everyday. Once you are alert and aware of the way they mix together you can alter the hue. This takes consciousness and everyday awareness. It is not necessary to stop, but to start. The focus on stopping only brings that thing, (the thing you are attempting to stop), forefront in your mind, creating more of it. Start to speak always with purpose and you’ll watch your life play out exactly as you’ve planned. Listen. Appreciate the power in the word. This is a power you hold right now. You are the One you’ve been waiting for. ~Sophia There is a tendency as human to reach first and ask later. By reach, what is referred to here is any and all action that pushes the known standards. We like to go further than man has gone before and so we do – in every possible way. This habit of pushing the edge of the envelope is one of the characteristics that was not bred into man by anyone else; it is who man is. Yet it has become his most dominant and desirable trait. Without much assistance man has accomplished a great deal. This is because of your tenacity and refusal to succumb to limits. All of this is in direct opposition to the slavery genetic; therefore creating a personality of polarity. There is a part of you that was made to conform and obey and a part of you driven to break all the rules and reach for the stars. In fact, it may be said that the genetic manipulation failed and instead of creating a perfect slave made a being who will push every boundary placed before it in order to discover if it can. All of this is to say that the evidence of power, determination and brilliance within you is everywhere. Your light cannot be doused. The story of “the experiment” with man is true, and it is good to now possess that knowledge. Yet what is better is to see the bigger picture. The desired outcome was doomed from the start. This is because of the unique spark of brilliance and belief that you hold. In other words, we are able to act the part of slave if that is what is necessary for survival. But we will never be slaves in our hearts. The drive for freedom is seen and told over and over again in our stories. It is one of our favorites. When the group or individual succeeds “against all odds”, we feel a sense of deep satisfaction. One of us made it out. All of this is the atmosphere in which you thrive. Stagnation does not appeal and you won’t stay there. Not for long. Restriction of any kind seems only to stimulate a more inventive method of escape. You have shown, beyond doubting, that you are not able to be programmed completely. What is interesting in these current times of great change and expansion, is that so many of you have come to rely on the channeling of another being to show you the way. These other beings may have a different vantage point from which to see things – but they are not human. It is in your humanity that the strength and individual capacity for creation resides. The point here is to say, yes, there was a plan; an experiment in control. Yes, we are right now ending it and not because a “greater” group of beings from someplace else came in, swooped down and got rid of the controllers. It is ending because we ended it. Our collective will and inner drive have set out to create freedom for all. This habitual expectation to look outside of ourselves for help and answers is not because there is really someone coming. It is because the genetic alteration separated us from our truth. It disconnected us from knowing all that we are. Every since then, we’ve been looking for answers outside of us, when in fact we had to look no further than within. As we reconnect our DNA to its original blueprint, we discover the truth. The ones we’ve been searching for have been here all along. They are us. We are the Ones we’ve been waiting for. ~ Sophia PS: I think this is one of my most favorite blog posts. ;) I Love you absolutely. There is not much sense in living out the days ahead as if all that matters is the physical existence you know now. All of this can and will change as the evolution of the species takes place. These changes to the physical you are a process that takes place gradually and all at once. You are not the same human of a year ago and won’t be in a year’s time. What changes have occurred, have allowed a greater un-folding of the multi-faceted you that is truth. This version, the true version of the human, has within a vast collection of memories and abilities. As these begin to surface, life as you know it will dramatically change. Today there are things you consider miracles and people you regard as saints, prophets and mystics. They stand out as anomalies because they have access to the latent abilities we all possess. They are “turned on”. This activation is what is happening now, very soon in a dramatic moment that has been foretold, an “event”. All of the 2012 lore was intentionally planted in the global consciousness as an energy harvester. It worked and many now have either forgotten completely or given up or see things moderately different but not radically switched. Most carry on with their lives as a form of forced participation without understanding or true fulfillment. Once an “event” happens, it will be as if all of this was a bad dream. The youngest among you will not remember this time or energy, the energy of control, limitation and inhibition. They were born activated. So what does this mean? It means they are aware of all of their lives, this one included. They look at this life as an adventure and see it brimming with possibility and promise. As they watch the defeated faces of their elders they do not understand. They are not seeing “beaten down” as one of the choices for life’s expression. They are psychically connected to you, whether or not you connect that way intentionally. It may be that they ignore it because everyone else seems to and they are in the process of learning to adapt and live here. The promise for a new world can be seen in their eyes. Soon, it will be evident in the eyes of each other. This, after global activation occurs. The timing of this very much depends on the collective. Are you inviting it now with anticipation and expectation? This too is part of creation – yours. Although the fact of your evolution is inevitable, the speed is self-determined. This was a choice made by all of humanity. The thing about the human is that you can and do demonstrate your own way of doing just about everything. Part of the desire to control and own earth is found there. You are brilliantly diverse and unique. It took a master plan and genetic alteration to change that. Even then, the anomalies were always present and the stories in your history tell of great beings and miracles among you. All of this can be considered evidence for the possibility of you. Inside, you hold all that you’ve been told of and more. In order for an “event” to occur, there has to be a willingness, openness and expectation from part of the population. You will be the wayshowers, explaining to the rest of the populace what has taken place. They will feel it and understand on a very deep level that all has been altered, yet without background or history the potential of what is now their lives may be a gradual realization. Understand that because you are aware of what is happening does not mean you are more gifted or advanced. It simply means that this was the role you chose for the shift. Some of us had to be wayshowers. Some of us have to demonstrate the truth of the human. If you are reading this now, this may be you. It is okay that you don’t yet see with wide open eyes or demonstrate magic. You will do all of these things, knowing that by demonstrating who we actually are, you are accelerating the shift for all of mankind. You are in exactly the right place now and will be when the activation “event” takes place. There is nothing to prepare or to know, this is a memory re-surfacing that is familiar and natural for you. It will be like stepping into an old pair of favorite shoes. You’ll walk quicker and in greater comfort and will feel like you are home. You are. You are the Ones you’ve been waiting for. ~Sophia This time now brings with it direction. Like a weather vane, you’ve been turning with each shift of energy. These winds are slowing down now, and you find yourself focused or at the very least starting to focus on one place. All of the preparations and “upgrades” if you will, have changed both you and your life. You are not the same you that you were prior to 12-21-12 and probably not thinking about the same things. This evolution taking place for so many has and is altering the course of the planet. You are One. So where are you headed? As you participate in each day you will be shown your answer. Whatever it is you seek more of – focus there. You pretty much command the weather vane and always have. With consciousness now, your direction and arrival is not a surprise. Creation is not magic, it is how life works. The timing and appearance of things depends on the clarity of your intent and that of the universe. It works every time. Consistency and perseverance speed up the process. Keeping your weather vane steady guarantees you’ll arrive precisely where you intend. The thing that slows down the process is doubt. Disbelief is something we are all familiar with. My son wrote a comic when he was 12 years old. It had 3 panels. In the first was a man jumping off a roof. In the second was the same man flying through the air with these words in a speech bubble “I’m flying! I can’t believe it!” In the third panel, he falls to the ground. Faith may have gotten a bad rap. It’s been used to manipulate us and asked us to assign it to things we can’t see but were told were true. Having faith in a book or an invisible God is not the same. What is necessary now is faith in you, in the act of creation and the law of attraction. These ideas may have felt counter to “reality” when you believed all that you were told by your institutions and their mouthpiece – the media. You have other information now and can decide for yourself what is real. Believe in your dreams and watch them play out. This is as much doing as it is self talk. This physical plane requires action as well as faith. There’s a difference between doing something you’ve been told to do and doing something as a means to an end you’ve picked out yourself. Thoughts and to a greater extent, feelings determine the effect our actions have. It has to feel good in order for it to have the desired effect. This means you have to feel good. Happiness is not frivolous, it is imperative. Ideas of a “work ethic” and “dedication” and “productivity” have been force fed to you for generations. These fictitious attitudes are seen as necessary ingredients to “earn a living”. Each is presented as a “good” quality to have, inspiring trust and dependence. These are not “bad” qualities to possess, yet they are not able to be accurately determined by anyone else. That is, without using their own agenda as a marker. When judged from the outside, they are indications of reaching someone else’s goals, not your own. Thus they stand as opinions, not truths. It is not possible to earn what you have. This is difficult to wrap your head around; this lack of necessity to “earn”. Yet “earn a living” is an intentional idea placed in the populace to pave the way for servitude. If you “earn” something like a living, it means you are dependent on someone else to give it to you. It also means it can be taken away. You are living. No earning necessary. Words have been played with and placed in our dialogue. This, so that we’d proceed, without hesitation, and follow the plan. You can’t help but be dedicated or productive; everything you do is a means to an end. Be clear on where your weather vane is pointed so that you get to the place you’ve consciously chosen. This is not to say that you are somehow failing if you keep your job. It is asking you to re-think any judgments you hold about alternative options. All judgments are separators and this particular judgment only keeps the current system of slavery in place. Ultimately, we all thrive without any ideas of “earning a living”. If you harbor beliefs around laziness, or a welfare state, understand that you’ve been fed them. Each of us is equally worthy of food, clothing and shelter regardless of circumstance. A lust for “more” is prevalent in man today. It is seen not because of any inborn trait, but because he was created to serve and then surrounded in opulence he could never have. He was then told he could work for it - if he made himself favorable to the one in power. Having “more” became the carrot on the stick. A 14 carat carrot. Man’s true nature is found internally. Reaching deep within you’ll find that freedom, comfort and health is in truth what you seek, as opposed to “more”. Today on earth these things come with wealth. They don’t have to. So choose, focus, and intend. Have faith in you. Trust the process. By these means you’ll arrive wherever you have pointed that weather vane. Do so without opinion as to the directions of others, and the freedom to direct our own lives, unimpeded, will lead all of us to sovereignty. We are the Ones we’ve been waiting for. ~Sophia April 11th on Double Dutch Radio there is an interview with Lucas and I! Listen here. You can see what it is you are creating when you look beyond what shows up in your day to day, to who does. You are each other’s angels in a very literal sense. You show up at critical moments in each others lives to move things forward, fulfill prior arrangements and assist in the manifestation of dreams. None of these things could happen without the “other”. These “others” show up for you in many ways. Today, with the internet as well as hundreds of cable channels, it is possible for your angels to be located anywhere on the planet. Every word you hear, or scene you watch, has an effect. No moments are wasted moments. Life was not meant to be a solitary journey. Even the quietest and most isolated have in their day some human contact. We are a social species for a reason. That reason is love. Love in physical form can be demonstrated by “strangers” as well as those you have come to know intimately. It is a word or action that on some level alters your day. Sometimes you find your whole mood shifts after catching a clip of a comedian on you tube. This is not a small thing, it is everything. Those artists devoting their life to lifting the spirits of others do so for love. Laughter is an equalizer, a field changer, a stabilizer. Once the air is cleared with laughter, even for a tiny moment, the possibility for new manifestation occurs. Creation starts with emotion. Depression, sadness and being “stuck” sort of stops up the works and brings forth only more of that energy. This is not expansive or growth producing, but more of a platform from which the good stuff can take off. Now, we need beginnings and contrast to get us going – but we don’t need to hang out there for very long. Appreciate each moment of frustration and difficulty for what it is – a point from which you can fly. How many things, in hindsight only, seem to be the best things and most life changing? How much easier would life be if we appreciated each moment as it was happening? Moments have players in them for you alone. Your life and each act it includes is being performed for only one person in the audience – you. Each joke has a private meaning, each painful incident specifically placed for you alone. Life is a subjective occurrence. Only you understand what the people in yours mean. That is not to say that some people are not more important to our everyday than others, they are. Not because of what they do specifically, but how often interaction occurs. Those we live with have chosen to share more of this lifetime with us than those we get our mail from. Yet amount of contact does not diminish the potential to effect change. When you look at everyone you see today as angels, life changing beings who crossed your path just when you needed them to, the world looks different. You are not surrounded by strangers, but by unknown assistants. There is no such thing as a solitary life. We are here for each other; that is why we incarnate. Connections to people on the street or online occur at your command. A feeling of knowing someone, however brief, is real. Each contact has value and purpose. In our busy lives, it becomes perhaps easy to dismiss or ignore each other. We are surrounded by angels. They ring up our groceries, walk into buildings with us, deliver our mail and wait behind us in line. Why not look them in the eyes? We stare at screens for a good portion of our days and yet while doing so miss another facet of equally vital contact – real people. That person sitting next to you on the train may have written the really powerful blog you just read or produced that funny you tube clip. He also may have something to say that you could use right now. It has become habit to avoid each others eyes as we move through our daily activities. This is a loss for all parties. The most mundane tasks take on life and meaning when a connection is made. Try it. Create moments wherever you are. Meet each other in the place where everyone is home – in the eyes. You may find 9 out of 10 uncomfortable and avoid your gaze but you’ll change everything for that tenth one. This is why you both showed up just now – to connect. Love cannot be dismissed as unimportant however brief. Accept it from wherever it shows up and seek it in every interaction. It is there. You may just be the angel who uncovers it for someone else today. As you allow each moment to present to you its miracle, welcome the angel who participated. An open heart changes everything. Everything ends. This means that each moment and contact is a new beginning. Embrace them all. They showed up for you alone. We are the Ones we’ve been waiting for. ~Sophia |
April 2024