As March approaches, let’s set some things down. There are swirling facts being bandied about with a fair dose of nonsense. It would be inaccurate to say that I do not feel concern. Discernment and right action become all important. Mistakes happen and can be corrected.
Here’s what I’ve been told, followed with how I interpret that and what I will do because of it. Let me say that none of this is set in stone; we (humanity) will do that once we decide how this plays out. Decide for yourselves how to interpret all of this, please. You know best. More than once I’ve been assured that “a cure exists” (for COVID-19). Actually, from three different sources, none of them human. I have not been told precisely what that cure is. So, is it a vaccine? I doubt it, as there are many of us who wouldn’t want one/trust one. Is it something else, non-medicinal? I do not have that information. I’ve come to understand that this story is more complex than we know. It must play out in a scenario that allows “highest and best for all concerned” to evolve as we collectively intend it. That means there are reasons, not obvious, for the outbreak at all. As well as reasons, not obvious, for the things we are being told by government and health officials. This is not the fulfillment of the Georgia Guidestones to: “Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.” This virus will die off and there will be plenty of us still here when it does. Yet this is biblical. There are now rivers running red and locust swarms, as well as a global pandemic. Yes, there are reasons in nature that exist to explain it all, yet realize what this means. We’ve been told this would happen. Someone had to be here to tell us, and they actually wrote it down. We survive this, as have those who came before us. The virus was intended/created by those who would not become sick from it. It is a bio-weapon. This means, that either: 1. It is specific to a genetic marker they don’t have, or 2. They are not human at all, or 3. There IS A CURE that they hold, or know of, now. In any case, worry and/or panic will not help us. But attention and caution will. This is not a drill; it is very much happening. Here are a few words from One, regarding this virus, to help put things in perspective… “This will go as humanity wills it to go, with emotional energy directing it towards whatever outcome is most expressed and felt. There are many factors contributing, and each of them holds weight. You cannot dismiss your response as ineffective, it is everything but.” “It makes sense to feel something with the news, and then, it makes for a powerful response to take intentional action.” “Take intentional action” means to get a handle on every emotional response, realizing the effect it has.” “These are times of high frequency and rapid and powerfully forced energies. As such, your actions become a bit of armor and a tool for creative control. It is time now to manage your emotions. They are useful and powerful suppliers of strength. It is no accident that you are here for this. It is no accident you reside where you do. It is no surprise you’ve found your way to these words.” If there is anything good to come of this, it may be that it could inspire massive exploration and acceptance of alternative/natural medicines; those NOT produced by big pharmaceutical for-profit companies. This is an evolving situation for all of us. We are the ones who are now called on to help. Every single one of us. By offering energetic assistance, via reasoned action and generous responses, we are able to offer a powerful healing for our race. I’ve seen folks tweeting and posting alternatives and methods to shore up our immune system. A dear friend just sent this information on what to do if you end up with a virus: “Buy pure ascorbic acid powder (Vitamin C). It is a critical immune system nutrient.” He takes (a grown man) 6 grams/4X a day at the first sign of a sore throat. My family has stocked up with extra food and non-perishables, anticipating possible needs for more family and/or self-quarantine. Not for years, mind you, but for a few weeks. We have plenty of hand sanitizer and disinfectant. Interesting thing was that 2 days ago, the store I went to (a local Walmart) was just about out of bleach. I purchased the second-to-last bottle. I’d never seen an empty shelf before, so this tells me that supply chains are already feeling this, and that folks are preparing. I’ve not known “bleach” to be a “hot item” before! We also have seeds ready to plant for our summer, and we belong to a farm co-op. None of these things have set us back financially or are that extreme. They are actions we already take; we’ve just set them in place early. It felt like a reasoned approach, given the facts as we know them to be now. It brought us a sense of relief once completed. I am going to contact the mayor in this town, to see what plans are in place for a response. Hearing the announcements from the CDC regarding limited supplies, I wonder about people making masks for their communities. These are the sorts of “intentional actions” referred to by One. There is so much we can do right where we find ourselves. Know that there is so much love here for you, both on and off planet. Take care of each other and hold love close. This enormous crime that has been committed on humanity will not end with a whimper, but with a blast. It WILL end and NOW. Trust. Watch love win. We are the ones. We have anchored the light. It is done. With appreciation for all that you are, Sophia Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free email publications: (click here)! Blog posts are weekly. Select the “RSS Feed” link (above). Then with a Feed-reader app. you’ll be up to date. Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged.
What is important varies. It widens and narrows as rivers do. It rambles and sometimes freezes up in one spot; immobile. With near and far sight, we view these alterations with our own corrections for truth; individual prescriptions for clarity. It’s an individual, yet universal occurrence; definitions of truth.
We were taught there is a right and wrong. Growing up, we noticed a blurriness to the teaching. Some things, perhaps most of them, are altered according to the seat you occupy while deciding. Some things are unalterable. Yet… We have spoken of forgiveness before. This platform, the one holding these words, was begun on discussions of self-love. Self-love demands forgiveness. It cannot breathe without it. We sit today, alone and together, seeing each other. Judging, loving, hating, fearing, desperate and joyful, we choose. We choose it all. It will be in the realization of our own power to choose that oneness is realized. Oneness is not a platitude. Oneness is fact. Yet, as have many other facts, it’s been used and abused ad-nauseum. It’s disregarded, labeled “irrelevant”. There will be a telling that will bring importance and truth and oneness full circle, enclosed within a deep resonance. This, as you feel into it, is your heart. Notice then. We cannot move forward without oneness. We are where the river is frozen right now, so the timing of February is perfect. We must disregard the groundhog in his announcements for long winter. We must break through the frozen tundra of doubt and cast our net for truth. Truth is where the light waits. Like an early spring, it peeks out, bursting and beautiful in unexpected places. It sits there, dripping its shiny drops of brilliant, melting falsehoods, laid naked by absolution. We come back then, barefoot and without protection, to forgiveness. In deep set eyes of 2020 vision, we finally understand. For all their fury and volume, blame is infertile; judgement is childless. Birth is possible only with commingling. Forgiveness/oneness share the bed of unity. Here, we see our new world born. Here, we accept the necessity of each response and every role. It all makes sense. Unencumbered, we love without restraint. In a climax of agape, our new world is born. Do not stick your head in the sand, no. Raise it up and see us all for what we are. Gorgeous bits of god-essence, separated only by our definitions. Within, we resonate love. “There are no small parts, only small actors.” Play your part with finesse. This is your opus. We are the ones. We have anchored the light. It is done. With appreciation for all that you are, Sophia Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free email publications: (click here)! Blog posts are weekly. Select the “RSS Feed” link (above). Then with a Feed-reader app. you’ll be up to date. Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. Let’s talk about ideas of association and of personality and of form. These things are characteristics of our human condition. We learn by association. We have personalities and we exist in form. These attributes are components of us, both separate and united within one being; the human being.
They mean that each of us actually looks and acts a specific and unique way, while being viewed through lenses that associate characteristics in order to learn. We build our knowledge base that way. It is how we understand novel ideas and make sense of our surroundings. Association is helpful, it gathers what appears to be similar information and holds it in one place for easy retrieval…until it becomes a weapon. Polarity is ripe ground for growing associative weapons. We are living in a polarized world. It is a lazy convenience to associate form and personality with other “facts”. (All ____ are lazy. All ___ are selfish. All ___ are evil. All ___ are smart. All ___ are contagious. Etc.) These associations are the basis of bigotry. None of them are based on truth. They are opinions that have been weaponized. It does make sense to associate programs and forms of government with historically recorded results. It also is a good idea to associate a specific action from a specific person as likely to recur if similar conditions arise. It makes no sense to generalize and fall back to those generalizations as reasons for your responses and actions to anything relatively similar. All this is to say that right now we are facing existential questions about ourselves. We are being asked to formulate the world we see as true, and the world we want to be living in, as well as the world we believe in. This may not be the world we have been told is true, or even accepted as probably true. Yet this will be the world we will soon find ourselves inhabiting. We are in the midst of creating that world right now. We are being asked to become investigators into our core beliefs. It is these beliefs that will hold steady as this current reality devolves into a chaotic blend of media parrots and real heroes and true catastrophe. This is how a civilization becomes new. It must first be undone. Then it is re-imagined. What do you hold sacred? This moment we sink into now will demand self-authority and personal responsibility. You do not live alone; you are responsible for the impact your presence has on those you come into contact with. You must see that your own house is in order before you toss any stones. All of our houses are glass. We must build up more than our immune systems. We must strengthen our resolve with authenticity, and pad all of our interactions with compassion. Covid19 does not care what religion you believe in, who you love, how much land you own, what your title is, or what your education is. Covid19 is an equal opportunistic character that will happily visit each one of us before it departs. WE ARE THE SAME. WE FACE THE SAME RISK. WE SHARE THE SAME CHANCES FOR SURVIVAL. HOWS THAT FOR AN EQUALIZER? What I wanted to say, most of all, is that if you haven’t yet noticed an early warning system, consider this it. It is time to let go. Let go of opinion and judgment and ideas that hold you in their grip. None those things matter. Release fear as it will color things for you, making them darker and more difficult to navigate. Nothing matters but your internal resolve. What kind of human are you? Covid19 will show you. What hat you have on or god you worship or designer name you wear has no effect on your answer. Remember? Glass houses. We all put our pants on one leg at a time. At the end of the day, we will all see each other. We’ve been hiding behind righteousness and anger and fear and despair and pretense, trying not to face each other. Come out, come out wherever you are! The world needs you now. It does not need your opinions or your shame or your reasons for either. It needs your strength. It needs your light. It needs your help. What you did before is not relevant. What you do NOW changes everything. We are the Ones. We have anchored the light. It is done. With appreciation for all that you are, Sophia Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free publications: (click here)! Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. What we can do now is reach for that often quiet and sometimes silent voice within. The whisper of our authentic truth. She’s been waiting for this moment. He’s been patient.
We head into month # 2 of this tumultuous year with heads spinning. It is a world gone crazy. Remember that this is the unraveling, and like tearing the ribbon off of a gift, it can look a bit frayed and quite the mess before the treasure is revealed. What is not a mess is your heart. It will guide you each and every time. Allow it. I wish that I could tell you the worst is over. I wish that I could take away this pain and uncertainty. It is not and I cannot. I am told that the time ahead of us, starting next month, will be even more intense. I do not have specifics. I find it a struggle to say much of anything. A week ago, my family lost someone much too soon. It was not expected, and there is still shock. This is hard. For all that I know about life and what lies beyond it, there is an awful large hole left here when someone decides to leave before we are ready for them to. Knowing the truth doesn’t take away the pain of their loss. What has carried me through is determination and love and each other. We are each here with a purpose. Just put one foot in front of the other and follow your heart’s calling. If you listen, it will be really loud now. Listen. Now is not the time to be silent or to hesitate. If you are contemplating anything, well, just do it. Start it. Research it. Make the call. Write the letter. Fill out the application. Paint the picture. Write the song. Start the novel. Say something. Take a step. Doing so will help to remind you that what feels like the end of days, is also the beginning of them. We are opening the package of our new earth. There is a lot of packaging that must be removed and it looks sort of a mess right now. Keep your focus on what it is you wish to see when it gets revealed. And love. At every moment and each instance. Just love. We are the Ones. We have anchored the light. It is done. With appreciation for all that you are, Sophia Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free publications: (click here)! Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. |
April 2024