It’s like climbing a ladder using every other rung. Oh, all of the rungs are there, perfectly willing to support you. Only you don’t see all of them. Every other rung is cleverly hidden beneath familiar things.
These things are not really physical. These things are emotional. These things are intellectual. They seem so real however, that when you reach for that next rung, it is out of sight & beneath one of these familiar things. They are now serving as very clever camouflage. Here are their names:
What we must do now is uncover them so that we continue to ascend. There will be no falling. We are awake now and we know about the high-tech camouflage that can make things look as if they don’t exist. This part can get a bit tricky because the high-level technology that covers every other rung on our ladder was created by us. It’s our own stuff. That means it’s brilliant. This climb demands sheer determination and tenacity. You must be willing to first notice and then take a step back before responding to what you notice. Examine each piece. It will be uncomfortable. It may be sad, shocking or scary. You are going to feel vulnerable. You may want to call me a liar and say (in a sort of angry voice) “There is no rung there! I’ve been alive 25, 35, 45, 55, 65, 75, 85 or 95 years and if it was there I’d have seen it!” It’s there. This climb to enlightenment is not even a climb really. There’s no place to ascend to. Not really. That’s why you can’t fall. All the rungs? They are actually deeper levels of awareness. What you’ll see as you “ascend” is the beauty of your own truth. You’ll witness your divine self. You’ll embrace your eternal essence in absolute perfection. You’ll experience bliss. These sheets of camouflage are illusory and they are all that’s stopping you from loving yourself. Really loving yourself. No conditions. No exceptions. All out, pedal to the metal, no brakes agape. Self-love IS the shift. Let nothing stop you, regardless of how brilliant or clever or familiar it seems. You know better. Remember. You are the one you’ve been waiting for. With appreciation for all that you are, Sophia Check out my newest book “Join me on a Love Quest” by clicking here! This book takes you on a journey to self-love; the foundation for the trip we take as One, the realization of sovereignty. Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free separate publications: (click here)! Support this work here. Thank you. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged.
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Hey everyone! There’s so much going on. I will try to keep this streamlined, yet there are no guarantees… I’ve steered clear of posting due to the vast amount of personal upheaval that I’m currently navigating. Figuring that none of us needs more challenging, sad or gut-wrenching stories to read, I’ve been waiting until I could offer a bit of inspiration.
What occurs today though is that perhaps what we need are words from others of us who are going through the same thing. I’ve come across a few things that have helped to encourage this particular posting. This video from Alison Coe, this one from the Unity Concert group, this one from Zingdad/Adamu are but a small sample of the energy of the moment. It is nuts, it is encouraging, it is validating, it is everything at once. What I’ve just sort of “figured out” is that this is it. The Ascension? It’s here. It’s not coming. We are doing it. We are doing it right now. And a few moments ago. And later on, tonight. I’ve said this before and yet, today it is being felt viscerally. We are, right now, seeing every bit of what is UN ascended, so that we can polish it up and take it with. This is not just a walk in the park. This is a trudge, uphill, through every muddy sinkhole you’ve skipped over in the past. There is only one way up, and it is through, not around, every single bit of you. This is remarkable and perfect. Why? Because my loves, once you go through this yourself, no -one can take it from you, tell you it is something different, or steer you in another direction. These steps you are taking bring you to clarity. They focus your vision. They completely and irreversibly take away every bit of blurriness you’ve hung onto and expose your light. It is so, so scary for those of us who like to hide. Yet today, there is no place to take cover. Your stuff is out there in the full light of day for everyone who loves you to see. For everyone who doesn’t love you to see. It’s just you, naked before the crowd, no excuses, no pretense, no costuming or false pride or shame or blame. I have always wondered what is meant when I read things like “nothing comes with you that is not natural” and “when you move to the next dimension, you leave everything behind but you”. Years ago, I would have said that literally meant there would be a bunch of naked humans lying someplace new, having arrived at roughly the same time. I don’t think that’s what is going to happen now. I think we are letting go of our ego, and holding onto only what is true. What is true is you. The more time you spend in contemplation and meditation and gratitude, the more you will show up. We are not going anywhere to ascend. We are emerging from within. Here’s a story that took place a week ago. I hope you can feel the import of what I felt when it happened because truly, in one moment I believe I experienced what we will all be feeling once we accept our truth. It will feel right. There will be no more questions. I’ve lived in the same house for 20 years. We have 4 children and a very long dining room table. It’s a small ranch home, and all of the rooms run into each other, the kitchen, the front room, the dining room, the living room. When the kids were younger, they’d run circles around and through each of the rooms chasing each other and/or the cat. That dining room table always faced in one direction, pointing from the kitchen to the front room. I never gave it another thought actually. It was kind of big for the space, but a necessary size for our large family. Two weeks ago, I was standing there getting ready to set out some food and a game (Dread Pirate) to enjoy with some family members. As I stood there, I saw it differently, without any forethought or planning to do so. I “saw” for the very first time, how the table, if turned at a 90-degree angle, would fit ever so much more perfectly. This would allow for another piece of furniture, a homemade baker’s bench, to be moved as well, to a new and ultimately more suitable location. I said this to my family as I stood there, Dread Pirate in hand. My son said “Let’s do it, Mom”. So, we did. If there was a sound that went with that move, it would have been that audible “click” when the final puzzle piece is set in place. It fit perfectly. From every angle it looked as if it was meant to be right there. Only, and here is where I want you to pay attention I had never seen it before, never even thought about it as a possibility, or saw it as a problem that needed fixing. It was, and is, the fullest use of the table and the room, which both now provide maximum satisfaction and beauty. And none of us knew of this potential. So, without moving or changing form, I see things differently today. It feels better here, it seems as if I am in a different place and time. There have been other things that have happened since the beginning of 2018 that reinforce this feeling, this feeling of switching timelines. These are tangible and unusual and there are, at this point, far too many to count. Ascension will be like that. We are going to, in a single moment, see what it is we’ve been missing. I believe the concept of dimensions being called “assumptions” is closest to what is happening for us. We can wrap our heads around “moving to a different assumption” far easier than we can “moving to a different dimension”. What I wanted to say here now is that the feeling of rightness and “ahhhh…” that came with the move of that dining room table was unlike any I’ve had prior to that moment. It was filled with wonder. “Why had I not seen it before?” “How could I have sat there, for twenty years, and not felt that something was “off”?” Then, the realization that I DID FEEL SOMETHING WAS “OFF”, only I never realized that I could do anything about it. I accepted it as a consequence of the shape of the house, the size of the table, the number of us who needed a place to sit. I accepted it as the only way to be. It wasn’t. It isn’t. There is another way. Not just for furniture placement, but for showing up. It will arrive as seamlessly as an unexpected idea, a different exit, a new friend, a humble moment. We can be, as the women in this video sang, armed with love and acceptance and prayer and gratitude and forgiveness instead of hate and division and anger and blame. I believe that what comes next for us on this path is vulnerability. We can hide from ourselves no longer. We are here to see each other, with all of our uncomfortable issues and wonder and brilliance. For it is not enough to know internally of those things you find distasteful about yourself. It is necessary that we let them be seen. As above, so below. The world is exposing its dark underbelly. We are next. It is the only way to love without exception. And this is the love we are heading for. Expect to hear more from me on this, for I am in it now, and this part we can’t do alone. I believe the Love Quest book has been perfectly timed, even though when it was released, we had no idea how very critical self-love was to this process of shifting. Self-love IS the shift. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. Thank you for taking this moment with me. Please share below, we need our collective stories. With so much love, Sophia Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free separate publications: (click here)! Support this work here. Thank you. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. Love is visible now. It is palpable. It is focused. It pours forth from eyes and floods out as a force unseen, perhaps, yet unmistakable. It is the bonding element; the superglue of Creation. It is what holds us all together. It propels deep Unity.
For there has always been love, yet in this moment it’s as if it has grown wings. Like the caterpillar, its been forming itself into something else, something new, something more expansive, something that moves faster and further than its previous version had ever gone. It’s visible in previously estranged relationships. It shoots out of smiling eyes. It crops up in conversations about “difficult” situations and “challenging” folks. It can be witnessed in automobile repair shops, hospitals, kitchens, airports and dentist offices. It appears to be going exponential. Something new is manifesting in perfect order. Each component must be added with precise timing. We are doing this ourselves. We are following the recipe for success with maximum participation. This requires global awareness and billions of willing hearts. We are individually and collectively shifting. All of us together are doing this alone. As our hearts remain open, there is more room for love. We will not force this Event and subsequent Ascension with a closed heart. No. Profound change cannot be forced upon us, it has to be allowed in. This superglue love will hold it all together for us. We’ll be able to confidently throw our arms open wide with hands outstretched. We’ll stand unencumbered by guilt, judgment, debt or blame and allow our arms to sprout wings. Beautiful wings for wrapping around ourselves and each other; safe and fearless. Powerful wings to take us places we’ve only imagined. It’s already begun. Just today there are 3+ messages in my inbox saying virtually this same thing. We are noticing. Once we notice, we believe. Once we believe, we expect. Once we expect, we create. We are the ones. We have anchored the light. It is done. With appreciation and love for all that you are, Sophia Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free separate publications: (click here)! Support this work here. Thank you. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. |
January 2025