![]() There is no Miracle Max. I wish there was. He gave hope and belief to a small, desperate group of people. Their faith in the power of Max carried them through and they accomplished the impossible. There is nothing more potent than belief. The difference between success and failure is in the first case you know you’ll succeed and in the second you only hope. For the next two weeks we’ll see this played out again and again. There is only one Gold Medal. We have entered the Miracle Business. It is time. We are One Force and our intent is everything. We cannot pretend any longer to not be afraid, we must be truly fearless. We’ve been duped into believing we have no power. Yet you are the most powerful force in the Universe. You. There have been false flags and terrorist attacks and catastrophes in our history, carried out by those who understand the power of intent; successful because we didn’t. We do now. A quick search on the internet will demonstrate how past acts of war and atrocity were planned and announced years before they happened. The same is true right now. These horrific plans continue. We can stop them. We are seven billion strong, and we now know the secret. See the Olympics proceed without incident, and relentlessly persist in this vision. They began with a potent meditation and reports from England are that there continues to be a general feeling of good will and happiness there. They are feeling our love. You did that. A single focus of love when the games began has risen up a nation. We need to keep it up. We are here to rise up a planet. We are One. Our collective energy is changing our world and altering the plans of the few who would see it otherwise. Hate is counterproductive. Love is the force that will change history. In whatever way that works for you, see their destructive plans fail. Malfunction, mistake, change of heart; whatever it takes. Now is the time to create a last minute miracle. See love take over and heal the corruption that has taken hold. It is possible. Yet make no mistake, as Miracle Max says, “It’ll take a miracle.” This is what you have come to do - to realize your divinity, utilize your newfound power and love the planet back to health. Love is what you are. Any feeling that is not love will hinder your efforts. Do not hate them, stop them. There is a difference. Last week I mentioned my cat. I can now report that we are all living comfortably together, me, my flowers and my cat. Nothing has been killed. It turns out coffee grounds work beautifully as a cat deterrent. It took awhile and some adjustments but we are all thriving. We can do the same with the cabal. Our intent is to succeed, to thrive, to live free and prosper; not just some of us – all of us. See only that outcome; the one that promotes life. We are evolving and while doing so, creating each step we take. The Illuminati has shown us their plan, now let’s show them ours. Believe in the world you want to see; it is that belief that makes you the winner. You are the one you’ve been waiting for.
![]() These 2012 Olympic Games are ripe with speculation and prediction, headlines and focus. As a single statement, the voice of humanity, what is it that we are saying? Our expectation, belief and intent are creative. For the next 2 weeks, most decidedly during the opening and closing ceremonies, our collective power is amplified. Many of us, significantly more than usual, will be focused on London. If you’ve seen “What the Bleep” or done any reading on random generators, you know that they are altered (become not so random) when our focus is unified. They were altered during other world changing events and they’ll be altered on Friday. The power of our intent will be magnified. It will be as if we have a microphone. Our collective voice has a bigger effect at these times. The research on group meditation tells us that intent matters. In study after study, violent crime was significantly decreased via the concentrated efforts of people in focused meditation to do exactly that. What we have on the 27th and again during the closing ceremonies is the perfect opportunity to lift our collective voice in a powerful love song. This doesn’t happen every day. If you were waiting for your chance to sing, this is it. It’s like making that perfect play in the final seconds of the game. Sometimes, a relatively unknown player comes out of no where and scores that winning point. Sometimes it takes one finger in the dyke to stop a flood. That play, finger or voice could be yours. Blossom Goodchild is calling for a mass meditation on July 27th, 2012. Information is here: http://americankabuki.blogspot.com/2012/07/a-mass-meditation-creative.html#more With a focus on love we can shift into unity – one thought at one moment becomes oneness. This is the truth of who we are. Love is the most powerful force in the universe. This is what you’ve come to do. Let’s sing, altogether now… We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. ![]() Please share. This comes courtesy of American Kabuki, who has a brother there. We can so do this. We are the ones we are waiting for. God bless Blossom for this effort! I've got a brother over there! -AK From BLOSSOM GOODCHILD A Mass Meditation / Creative Visualisation For The Opening Ceremony of the Olympic Games 2012 - Friday July 27th. Hi EVERYONE . I have an IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT to make. A beautiful friend of mine wrote with a suggestion that … if we all ‘play our part’ could TRULY get this show on the road! He felt … KNOWING THE POWER OF ONE … that we could unite together and really make THE OPENING CEREMONY OF THE OLYMPIC GAMES 2012 FRIDAY JULY 27th … A DAY TO REMEMBER. PLEASE TAKE THE TIME TO READ THIS AND I AM SURE YOU WILL THEN MAKE THE CHOICE TO SPREAD IT FAR & WIDE. WE HAVE ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO LOSE. THINK OF THE GOOD IT WILL DO … LEAVING THE OUTCOME IN THE HANDS OF THE DIVINE. A note from my friend: Notwithstanding all the corporatocracy that seems to have insinuated itself in ever-increasing amounts into THE OLYMPICS nevertheless this grand showcase of humble Beings excelling to the peak of their physical abilities is a HUGELY POSITIVE event that raises spirits and unites common peoples from around the Earth. Therefore this is a wonderful opportunity for nd the world to UNITE and TUNE-IN and amplify this beautiful SPIRIT OF UNITY. What’s more it is an event that is going to be watched amazing as it may seem by an estimated 4 billion people worldwide. (Many thanks to him for his Divinely inspired idea.) So please find below : A MASS MEDITATION & CREATIVE VISUALISATION FOR THE OPENING CEREMONY OF THE OLYMPIC GAMES 2012. IMAGINE THIS: The whole world (well almost) ready and waiting to watch THE OPENING CEREMONY OF THE OLYMPIC GAMES 2012 . Much excitement in the air. People of all Nations are gathered together. In preparation beforehand … WE AS ONE have been VISUALISING and FEELING THE LOVE that WE ARE and are now ready to CREATE a MASSIVE CHANGE. THE FEDERATION OF LIGHT have talked about ACCUMULATING BOTTLES OF LOVE and storing them. This would be as good a time as any to POP THOSE CORKS and get that LOVE AND LIGHT entering OUT INTO OUR SKIES in a way that we have never unleashed OUR LOVE before. We have COME SO FAR … We have GROWN … We have CHANGED … We have LEARNED … We have BECOME! LET US VISUALISE AND FEEL as we watch the OPENING CEREMONY … OUR LOVE resonating out as a GOLDEN LIGHT to all people present. LET US VISUALISE AND FEEL all the people present resonating out THEIR LOVE as a GOLDEN LIGHT up into the skies. LET US VISUALISE AND FEEL ALL the participants participating in THIS VISUALISATION also. LET US VISUALISE AND FEEL OUR HEARTS ready to SHARE THIS LOVE with our STAR FAMILIES. LET US VISUALISE AND FEEL THE REALITY of that which WE CAN CREATE. LET US VISUALISE AND FEEL our ENERGY OF LOVE AND LIGHT building AS ONE. LET US VISUALISE AND FEEL THE GRACE OF THE DIVINE. LET US VISUALISE AND FEEL THE ENERGY of OUR STAR FAMILY hovering above us. LET US VISUALISE AND FEEL our AWARENESS of millions on the planet WILLING THIS INTO CREATION. LET US VISUALISE AND FEEL the gentle arrival of the most DIVINE LIGHT SHOW that leaves us in TOTAL AWE due to its presence. LET US VISUALISE AND FEEL THE FULLNESS OF THE HIGHEST PUREST LOVE that is being sent to US. LET US VISUALISE AND FEEL THE LOVE that WE send TO THEM . LET US VISUALISE AND FEEL the absolute ENERGY OF UNITY between not only EARTHLY NATIONS but STAR NATIONS in the full recognition of THE ONE . LET US VISUALISE AND FEEL our breath and our heart beat falling into rhythm with this LIGHT SHOW . .. ALL OF OUR HEARTS beating together as we breathe in A NEW HIGHER ENERGY THAT WE CREATED TOGETHER. LET US VISUALISE AND FEEL OUR ENERGY … OUR GOLDEN LIGHT … OUR BOTTLES OF LOVE … CREATING THE MOST WONDEROUS FEELING that anyone has ever felt … AS ONE … AS LOVE. LET US VISUALISE AND FEEL all those who have fallen by the wayside and lost their way … FEELING the presence of LOVE taking place within them and allow their hearts to AWAKEN and be FORGIVEN. LET US VISUALISE AND FEEL that WE FORGIVE THEM. LET US VISUALISE AND FEEL THE PEACE AROUND US AND WITHIN US that chooses to REMAIN UPON OUR PLANET and WITHIN OUR BEING always. LET US VISUALISE AND FEEL the most DIVINE LIGHT SHOW rising up into the skies and taking leave … (for now.) LET US VISUALISE AND FEEL THE KNOWINGNESS OF THE DIVINE IN THESE MOMENTS. LET US VISUALISE AND FEEL and UNDERSTAND WHY THIS MIRACLE TOOK PLACE. LET US VISUALISE AND FEEL THIS AS A TRUTH. THE POWER OF ONE CANNOT BE UNDERESTIMATED. MAYBE … THIS IS WHAT WE CAME HERE TO DO … TO ACCOMPLISH TOGETHER. IT IS TIME FOR US TO CO - CREATE. IT IS TIME FOR CHANGE. WE … THE PEOPLE OF THIS EARTH CAN MAKE THIS CHANGE HAPPEN. ARE YOU WITH ME BROTHERS AND SISTERS? LET THE GAMES BEGIN! IF YOU WANT TO SEE CHANGE IN OUR WORLD … YOU HAVE TO CHANGE THE WAY OUR WORLD IS. MAY THIS DECREE FROM ALL OF OUR HEARTS BE HEARD BY ALL THOSE THAT COME TO ASSIST US IN THIS CHANGE IN LOVE … IN LIGHT … IN THANKS … IN KNOWING. www.blossomgoodchild.com . PLEASE POST THIS ANYWHERE AND EVERYWHERE . ( please do not change wording in any way) TIMES FOR OPENING CEREMONY IN YOUR PART OF THIS PLAN ARE AS FOLLOWS: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/custom.html?sort=1 Honolulu Fri 10:00 Anchorage * Fri 12:00 Vancouver * Fri 13:00 San Francisco * Fri 13:00 Seattle * Fri 13:00 Los Angeles * Fri 13:00 Las Vegas * Fri 13:00 Phoenix Fri 13:00 Calgary * Fri 14:00 Edmonton * Fri 14:00 Salt Lake City * Fri 14:00 Denver * Fri 14:00 Guatemala Fri 14:00 San Salvador Fri 14:00 Tegucigalpa Fri 14:00 Managua Fri 14:00 Mexico City * Fri 15:00 Winnipeg * Fri 15:00 Dallas * Fri 15:00 Houston * Fri 15:00 Minneapolis * Fri 15:00 New Orleans * Fri 15:00 Chicago * Fri 15:00 Lima Fri 15:00 Kingston Fri 15:00 Bogota Fri 15:00 Caracas Fri 15:40 Indianapolis * Fri 16:00 Atlanta * Fri 16:00 Detroit * Fri 16:00 Columbus * Fri 16:00 Havana * Fri 16:00 Miami Fri 16:00 Toronto * Fri 16:00 Nassau * Fri 16:00 Washington DC * Fri 16:00 Ottawa * Fri 16:00 Philadelphia * Fri 16:00 New York * Fri 16:00 Montreal * Fri 16:00 Boston * Fri 16:00 Santiago Fri 16:00 Santo Domingo Fri 16:00 La Paz Fri 16:00 San Juan Fri 16:00 Asuncion Fri 16:00 Halifax * Fri 17:00 Buenos Aires Fri 17:00 Montevideo Fri 17:00 Brasilia Fri 17:00 Sao Paulo Fri 17:00 Rio de Janeiro Fri 17:00 St. John's * Fri 17:30 Reykjavik Fri 20:00 Casablanca Fri 20:00 Accra Fri 20:00 Lisbon * Fri 21:00 Dublin * Fri 21:00 London * Fri 21:00 Algiers Fri 21:00 Lagos Fri 21:00 Kinshasa Fri 21:00 Madrid * Fri 22:00 Barcelona * Fri 22:00 Paris * Fri 22:00 Brussels * Fri 22:00 Amsterdam * Fri 22:00 Zürich * Fri 22:00 Frankfurt * Fri 22:00 Oslo * Fri 22:00 Rome * Fri 22:00 Copenhagen * Fri 22:00 Berlin Fri 22:00 Prague * Fri 22:00 Zagreb * Fri 22:00 Vienna * Fri 22:00 Stockholm * Fri 22:00 Cape Town Fri 22:00 Budapest * Fri 22:00 Belgrade * Fri 22:00 Warsaw * Fri 22:00 Johannesburg Fri 22:00 Harare Fri 22:00 Cairo Fri 22:00 Sofia * Fri 23:00 Athens * Fri 23:00 Tallinn * Fri 23:00 Helsinki * Fri 23:00 Bucharest * Fri 23:00 Minsk Fri 23:00 Istanbul * Fri 23:00 Kyiv * Fri 23:00 Khartoum Fri 23:00 Ankara * Fri 23:00 Jerusalem * Fri 23:00 Beirut * Fri 23:00 Amman * Fri 23:00 Nairobi Fri 23:00 Addis Ababa Fri 23:00 Dar es Salaam Fri 23:00 Baghdad Fri 23:00 Riyadh Fri 23:00 Antananarivo Fri 23:00 Kuwait City Fri 23:00 Doha Fri 23:00 Moscow Sat 00:00 Dubai Sat 00:00 Tehran * Sat 01:30 Kabul Sat 01:30 Karachi Sat 01:00 Tashkent Sat 01:00 Islamabad Sat 01:00 Lahore Sat 01:00 Mumbai Sat 02:30 New Delhi Sat 02:30 Bangalore Sat 02:30 Kolkata Sat 02:30 Kathmandu Sat 02:45 Almaty Sat 02:00 Dhaka Sat 02:00 Yangon Sat 03:30 Bangkok Sat 03:00 Hanoi Sat 03:00 Jakarta Sat 03:00 Kuala Lumpur Sat 04:00 Singapore Sat 04:00 Hong Kong Sat 04:00 Perth Sat 04:00 Beijing Sat 04:00 Manila Sat 04:00 Shanghai Sat 04:00 Taipei Sat 04:00 Seoul Sat 05:00 Tokyo Sat 05:00 Darwin Sat 06:30 Adelaide Sat 06:30 Melbourne Sat 06:00 Canberra Sat 06:00 Sydney Sat 06:00 Brisbane Sat 06:00 Auckland Sat 08:00 Anadyr Sat 08:00 Suva Sat 08:00 Kiritimati Mon 10:00 All times shown are local times * means time is already adjusted for summertime e.g. GMT = 8pm London summertime = GMT+1 = 9pm |
January 2025