It is fitting that included with the blog today are some words shared a few days ago in California. Click here and you’ll hear Bob Wright. He is speaking to all of us. Here are a few more words, speaking to some who may just have joined the program, and are beginning now to understand what it is we have to give. It is Agape. I see you now holding the paper proclaiming my debt to you which lives beyond this life of yours extending debt controlling falsehoods grasping for fairness imagining love can be shown with a price tag The fault is mine I asked you gave it’s become our habit me asking you giving I didn’t know it was love I was buying Now that I do I won’t ask again I’ll pay back what I owe perhaps then you’ll feel love perhaps not But know this my love was there before the loan and it remains there still I don’t think there’s enough cash to fill this void you feel but love? there is plenty. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. ~Sophia
This is how we look to god. Adorable, funny, dancing, curious, full of life, limitless, faultless, open Respond to and care for yourself as if you were your own child. How you are nurtured is the determining factor in your life. As you feel love and joy for yourself you will be that for others. What do you want? Who do you want to be when you get it? Love yourself as you would a child, without reservation. Blame and fault finding are heavy burdens. Let them go. Each moment is a step taken on the path to your future. It is the chosen color for this piece of art that is your life. It is the answer you’ve given to these questions: “What is your life?” “Who are you becoming?” “Who do you choose to be?” “What will you need to be her/him?” “What would she/he do now?” Time becomes irrelevant as you become your own answer. The one you are waiting for resides in you. ~Sophia This year, my son’s art teacher started every student out with an F. This grade remains unchanged until all their assignments are turned in. This is supposed to be motivating. Each student spends the majority of the school year with a failing grade, which sets off a string of emails and phone calls to anxious parents, reminding everyone involved, on an almost daily basis, of the child’s impending “failure”. Rather than working to create an inspired piece of art, the kids are instead merely working to avoid flunking. You were never shown how to do this simply. Like this teacher, you were taught to look for reward, satisfaction, answers and validation outside of yourself. You were told there is one right answer, and that there was someone else who held it. There is also one true love, one happily ever after, one right way, one correct color to wear at a specific ceremony. You were taught to obey. You expect to be loved in a specific way. You look for truth in every illusory part of your world. You didn’t have a chance. Like the students in this art class – you were marked from the get go with expectation of failure. Those who manage to escape the label and “succeed” are left sort of hollow afterwards; the success illusory. Against all odds, you must believe your heart. Your essence is the only thing you’ll take with you when you exit. Your life review? It has nothing to do with imagined ideas of success or its absence. It is told from the deepest part of your being. This is the part of you that looks past everything you see with your eyes. This is the part of you that feels without seeing. It is the part of you that knows. The yearning within for someone or something is not going to be satisfied in the places you’ve been told to look. It exists in the fabric of your being. The very youngest of us know where it is. It is fully intact in them. We are drawn to their energy because we recognize agape. The construct of this world is shifting. We read of space ships, collapsing economies and corrupt institutions. We are all searching, grasping for solid ground. We are learning that there is in fact no such thing as solid. This is good news. With us all on an even playing field they’ll be fewer injuries. Flexibility, trust and compassion are necessary, as well as a wide open heart. We’ll navigate more easily as our freedom is felt. Others will be drawn to us as our heart broadcasts this inner direction. The answers we seek and the satisfaction we yearn for will be joyfully, sometimes tearfully discovered. Just hang in there. Each connection will renew the truth of our unity. There is no you or me. There is only us. This song reminds me of our dance…. we live, we leave, we return, play our part, end up together one more time and ultimately challenge each other, asking the question: “Will you love me again?” We’ve come to end the judgment, labels and blame. We’ve come to experience agape.
We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. ~Sophia The plan was to immerse ourselves in the local, become agents for change in our own community, so we ordered the area newspaper. That was two months ago. It is supposed to be delivered 4 days a week. We were lucky if it showed up ½ that much. The engagement started out friendly, merely asking for a credit for the missed deliveries. As it developed into a regular occurrence, (we were surprised when it showed up); contact became a bit testier. It was the subject of our conversations each day. “Did we get the paper today?” We expected to be disappointed, and frustration emerged as our expectations were met. Until this week. We cancelled the deliveries and forgot all about it. There was no thinking about it, discussion or resulting emotion. We’ve gotten a paper every single day. Go figure. What can be said here that you haven’t heard? Consciousness asks us to stand always at attention. It is the opposite of sleep. Slavery cannot emerge from oneness. Unity is not possible if “us” and “them” are perceived. There is only One. The solution is not to fight. It is to become; to realize your sovereignty; to unconditionally cherish; to absolutely love. As soon as we stop looking outside of ourselves for fault or blame or truth or value – we will find agape. At the end of every moment let it be said that above all – you loved. Everywhere still there is separation and slavery. The difference is we can see it now. The gift of these times is that our eyes are open and they are seeing 20/20. No longer blinded by fear, we can visualize a world of sovereign beings. This is the world we’ll create as we shed the bonds of ownership and servitude. Be gentle with yourself and everyone else. The pull is strong to depend on and blame each other. Assertion rather than aggression will effect the longest lasting change. In anger rests an assumption of separation. Passion and enthusiasm are key components; name calling and finger pointing aren’t. This shift is happening to all of us. There is not your way or my way that is right; there is our way. We all have our part. Every emotion is perfect, and each thought creative. With every day dawns the possibility for the new. If there was one thing only to gain from these words it would be this – our compulsion to seek answers elsewhere does not serve our stated intent – freedom. One who is free asks and serves no one. Freedom is not granted so much as assumed. We will not take back something we’ve never lost. There is a subtle shift as we stop waiting and instead become. Don’t miss it or disregard its importance. There are no insignificant moments. Self love happens in small increments. Acceptance brings peace and what becomes room for the creation of a blissful life. Note the difference in how it feels to fix something that is wrong with you versus creating a new version. Many of us perceive physical and financial maladies. Belief is the most powerful creative force. Instead of changing what we believe is a real problem, create a version more appealing. Thus we are releasing that creative force which holds our beliefs firmly in place. Against all reasonable, logical and rational sense – see only what you want and hold that vision. Utilize all available contrasting options as a stark backdrop to the life you’ve been wanting. Stop reading someone else’s version. This is yours and you alone hold the determining blueprint for its manifestation. You are the One you’ve been waiting for. ~Sophia This is, now and always, precisely what you expect. You are a creator being; not sometimes, not after “ascension”, not with practice – right now. There is beauty, simplicity and honesty in immersion. You are surrounded with your own reflections. Your world can’t help but be a mirror. You are the one who made it. This point in the process, quantum physics points to what is happening. It tells us that intention and observation determine results. You see what it is you expect to see. Today we are dealing with our core. This lifetime may be about shifting the world yet the energy to do that is coming from your own internal evolution. It is your shift that moves these mountains of illusion out of the way. It is your heart that affords clarity of vision. If things are blurry, it may indicate denial. The truth is staring you right in the face. Your core beliefs have emerged now; we’ve gotten to the deepest layers of the onion. What you are defining in your surroundings as some sort of problem is in fact your own. Judgment is never true. You cannot know the reasons for the actions of another. You can only know how their actions feel for you. Belief trumps everything. It colors your scenery and never disappoints. Unity and oneness have become key words. It is, in the most painstaking analysis, what they mean for you that define them. No one is wrong and no one is right. We are One. The in-fighting, blame and separation that are erupting in what were the most unified camps are counted on. If you step back far enough you’ll view a planet divided. If you reach in deeply enough you’ll discover the culprit is found there. It is your own heart that you must completely embrace, your entire self that you must accept without reservation. Who you actually are is crawling out of your ego-self right now. He may be a bit obnoxious, she may be sort of awkward, yet they will not be denied. There is no cause to hide any part. This moment is about acceptance without reservation. You are perfect. Look around and notice the rest of us as we bring you into sharp focus. We are each other. Unity demands unconditional love. Global alteration requires us to be unified. Oneness asks of us Agape. Beautiful, simple and absolute. It will take all of us to shift. This is not about holding hands and tossing similar criticisms. This is about belief. There are no small moments or insignificant interactions. You know in your heart every aspect of you. Love them all. You came here alone, yet surrounded. We stand right beside you, equal in every way. One soul, seeing itself in a landscape of mirrors – I AM you. This is why I can speak to what you are. There is no part of you repulsive, no inch of you untouchable, no aspect not worthy. You place some on a pedestal and others beneath your feet; all the while demonstrating your confusion about yourself. You are every other; the height of perfection and the depths of despair. As you look around, say “There go I” and respond accordingly. When we allow ourselves each uncomfortable emotion without opinion or panic – we become One. Our power is realized in self discovery and Agape. Love yourself without limits – no exceptions. It is an easy thing to gauge; evident in your internal peace. When none of your mirrors give rise to judgment, you will know self love. Look around, see everywhere a chance to forgive; in everyone opportunity for joy. Oneness is Agape – absolute unconditional love. Oneness is the force for creation on every level. As we absorb every self-labeled “fault” we encounter the full force of our Being. We are One, capable of anything, fueled with the power of a unified heart. There is nothing beyond our reach. We are the One we’ve been waiting for. ~Sophia This mountain top is familiar, yet not as comfortable as remembered. It feels mostly, well, windy. Quiet. Stark. It is going to take some wings to move on. Specially made wings, fitted for just this body. It’s time to fly. It’s going to be interesting without the usual navigational equipment. You see, it’s all broken. Not for a lack of effort, mind you. All of the usual suspects were consulted to repair the damage: Anger Blame Hurt Judgment Protection Illusion Pity Self defeat None of them did the job. When the tool chest was emptied, all that was heard was the wind at the top of that mountain; all that was left was agape: It Is all Just a love contest And I never Lose. Now you have another good reason To spend more time With Me. “The Gift” by Haviz … crumpled and tossed in the corner, easy to disregard. Yet desperation demands that all options be considered. If I want to fly, I’ll need some wings. If I want some wings, I’ll need love to make them. I looked closer at the crumpled up paper of agape and found something written on the back – other tools: Acceptance Forgiveness Trust Joy That last one? Well, it must be some new fangled, 21st century, quantum meta physical gadget. Not sure how that would grow these wings, but, desperate now, I tried them all. It was scary. This mountain is high. These eyes are wide open. There is no map and it’s a long way down. But I’m not going down. These wings were built to fly. They may take me somewhere, someday, but it doesn’t really matter. No need to worry about the landing. Not today. Today I fly. There’s also no need to worry about: What the wings look like How much the wings cost Where there parts came from How many others see them/want them/touch them/use them Keeping the wings safe It is so much easier to fly with wings and without worries that I’ve decided to stay up here. While there are lots of potential problems with landing, that’s not the plan. Not today. There are lots of pairs of wings up here and it’s beautiful. And that last one? Joy? It seems to be the key component of the most powerful wings. We don’t have to wait anymore for the really happy part. We can just create it with our hearts. It is there from which every necessary tool is built. We are Master builders, creators and fliers; let’s fill the skies with our wings and the air with our song. With each meeting and greeting we’ll remember the truth and laugh. Mountain tops were never made for sitting on. They are just windy, cold, lonely places. They are, however, perfect launch pads. Let’s fly. We’ve been waiting a very long time, and we are the ones we’ve been waiting for. ~Sophia She: You told me once you would hurt me, but I don't think so. He: I know, do you understand why I won’t now? She: Because I am as important to you as you are to me. She: Because you feel what I do. She: Because you want joy – for you, and for me, and actually, for everyone. He: Yes! And I cannot provide that unless I make myself dwell there. She: I love you. I can feel you "dwelling" there. It feels nice. He: If I want to hurt things, I have to hurt myself as well to do it. He: And if I want to love I have to love myself to do it. It comes down to this; to the barest of interactions between two people. The way I treat you, I feel. The way you respond is evidence of how you feel in return. When I was little, I used to wonder why when I had “gotten back” with anger at someone, I still felt so bad. This was not what I expected. I eventually decided that it would have to take something really cruel for me to be cruel or even hurtful in return, because it just hurt too much to be worth it. I did not stop being hurtful, I just created elaborate justifications for it in my head. It was “deserved” and therefore, it occurred. The definitions for allowable meanness changed as I grew up, but they persisted. There was “you” and there was “me”. The conversation above is Oneness, laid bare. Oneness is selfishness to an extreme. Make no one happy but yourself, and you will reside in bliss. The rest doesn’t matter. Walk in each others shoes as a daily practice. Always see how well they fit. Take the blame. Walk away. Turn away. Agree. Stay silent. Release your iron grip on judgment. In this you will discover the inner workings of freedom. For no one can grant you your freedom, or make you abundant – but you. Freedom is the lack of a need to ask for forgiveness or justify yourself. All of your actions make sense, all of your reasons are clear. Abundance is an acceptance and emergence of your own value. Everyone benefits. You and I are one. The clearest evidence for that is in relationship. Look into the eyes of your friends, family, enemies, strangers and lovers and see yourself. Trust that this is why you are here; to experience life through each other. You did not come alone. You came here with us. We are family. You will have to love yourself, it is the only way. This is the first and the last hurdle. Once you do, there will be no way you can hurt me. Hurting me is akin to self hatred. You will understand me simply because I am as you are. We are One. Be tender with each other. Take care of those who cross your path. Live from your heart. It is where you began. It is there that we found each other at the start. It is only there that we will return to Oneness. I love you from a place I had forgotten, and it is from that place that the rest of this story will be told. You are the One you’ve been waiting for. ~Sophia “For me, it is as if my confidence is only as strong as my insecurities. My strength is only as powerful as my tenderness. My anger is only as powerful as my love.” These words are a perfect description of the human. Of us. They are a gift, shared here so that you too can see and feel and accept what is that we are, who it is that we are becoming. We are becoming the fullness of ourselves, right before our very eyes. There is nothing more powerful than you. No being with a greater capacity for love, for creation, for exquisite being – than the one who greeted you this morning in the mirror. Say hello to whom you have ever been, ever dreamed of being, and who you are right this very minute. You are magnificent. That tiniest inkling of greatness, the one you always knew was there, is ready to be unleashed. Celebrate. This is not a time to hide. It is a time to be grinning from ear to ear. Hold your head high. Look into the eyes of every other being you encounter and seek the validation of our unity. It is found there. Ask for help. Offer help. Smile. The old story, the worn out excuses, the tiresome sadness, complaining and blaming are not productive. Give them up. Start new. You are moving beyond where others have gone, just as you have always done. You may have forgotten, but it’s like riding a bike. Every bit of you is good. No, every bit of you is perfect. Every inch, each mistake and all of your steps have gotten you this far. It is your passion, your tenacity and your unwavering belief that did it. You stand in a place that few would dare to occupy. You are birthing a new world, complete with a new race. The human race. The one with all of you in it. Appreciate each emotion and watch yourself navigate every moment. This is what you do. It is who you are. The being with the most power, with ALL of the power on this planet is reading these words right now. There is nothing to change for perfection. You are, without exception, faultless. You are priceless, so stop any focus on an “amount”. Love is not quantifiable. Love is what you are, It is your value, the truth of your heart and the thing that unites us. It is the force of life, the spark of creation. It is you. No longer can you question your greatness; you’ve safely brought a planet through the darkness and found the fire necessary to light the way. It was you all along. You are the one you’ve been waiting for. Nicely done. ~Sophia |
April 2024