"Today we embody our power and speak as One. Embrace the globe with a single word – peace. Let peace birth your every thought and direct each movement. See our earth transformed. She is not a mess of countries and conflicts but One star, encircled by light. She is lit from within, gorgeous and luminous with our brilliance, the light of eternity, the radiance of One."
![]() Fully engaged in breakfast, the gaggle barely moves with my arrival. The lake is quiet, all are intent on eating. One lone long neck stands above the rest, ever vigilant; when this head bends down for some food, another pops up to take its place. Order and cooperation rule on the lake shore this morning. A loaf of French bread, tossed in their midst, changes everything. No longer content to search on their own for what they need; the geese now race to this gift from their human benefactor, honking and pecking to grab what they can. The air is filled with their fighting; all memories of this peaceful morning are gone. One after the other, they grab the loaf, which is many times larger than their beaks can hold, and run away. It is no longer about getting enough to eat; it is about ownership and having the most. Peace does not ensue again until the entire loaf is gone and there is nothing to do but search quietly in the grass for sustenance. The lame goose is the largest. I suspect because he spends a great deal of energy hobbling to catch up, and is always building muscle. He doesn’t stop to eat until he’s surrounded by the others. His limp did not allow him to enter the battle for the bread. He stood within the storm, quietly eating while the noise and anxiety swelled around him. His focus never changed. This story is ours. The bread thrower is the cabal; the geese, humanity. Ownership, scarcity and the compulsion to win are not natural. They are manufactured reactions to intentional outside manipulation. When I arrived this morning, these birds needed nothing. Their perceived dependence on the bread and the bread thrower was created. It ended as soon as the bread was gone. Our bread is just about gone. We’ve forgotten how to keep ourselves going, but this doesn’t mean we won’t survive. We need to remember how to cooperate and keep our focus. There is plenty for everyone. Panic and anxiety don’t serve our intent; they are time wasters and serve only to weaken us. It’s quiet here now. The sun is a bit higher in the sky. The lame one has been surrounded with the other geese for quite some time. Their focus has returned. Once we remember that all we need is here, we’ll let go of our own fear of loss and dependence on the “bread throwers”. We are here to create. All that we need is focus, intent and determination. At first glance, the lame goose was disadvantaged yet he is the biggest and strongest and seems to lead with his quiet resolve. This is who we are. We are brilliant, strong and determined; here to create abundance and amazing – not for a few of us, but for all of us. We are the One we’ve been waiting for. ![]() I am filled with hope, love and excitement for what is to come. Something has changed recently and although I cannot show you a picture of what it was, I can tell you what I see. I see all of us right. There are so many versions of truth. What if they were all correct? We stand today a divided planet. There are nations and within them states and within them counties and towns. Within the towns there are men, women and children; from every nation, following every religion, team, political party, interest and sexual preference. Within each of these you will find a belief so strong that it seems unchangeable. Here is a version of life I am coming to resonate with, for it allows for every difference. We are all right. The Cabal has infiltrated the speaking of the “Channels”, while there are some authentic “Channels” as well. There are man made ships as well as off world ships. There is both divine and human intervention. There is a dark force looking for domination and destruction while there are very human men and women who have followed the “service to self” route all on their own. There are “Archons” wreaking havoc and there are Alphabet agencies of human beings carrying out criminal agenda’s. All stories contain truth. Everyone is right. Everyone is love. You chose to be part of a grand plan – to lift the Earth out of the darkness she has been in; to ascend. The stories are all true. You are here to participate, not because you are better than anyone else, but because it is time now to restore balance to the Earth. The depths of the darkness demanded a great deal of light. You are that light. There are forces for balance and forces for destruction and forces for peace. The sacred texts speak truth, although the literal interpretations have led to division and speculation and misunderstanding. Many of them were taken out of context, which does not negate their value, or make them irrelevant. The force that yields the greatest power is the force for One. You are that force. The One has asked for a great influx of light to the earth right now because there is an imbalance; the dark/destruction has seized and held this planet for long enough. Our work is not complete. The balance must be maintained once it is achieved. We have free will. Man chose this path. We have been (unknown to our conscious selves) collectively in service to a destructive force. This force has one goal and it is absolute – it creates and then destroys as a show of power – absolute power. That is its only purpose. War, ownership and corruption are its methods. When it realizes there are no longer possibilities for domination it moves on – it has. Its minions, the Archons/Illuminati, do not realize yet that the game is over. They will continue. Like chickens without heads, they are unaware and still running around, doing whatever chickens do. This is where the free will of man comes into play. Man must now continue to make a stand against destruction by resisting those efforts. He will be helped by off world sources if he chooses to be helped. We have to ask for help, not ask to be “saved”. We do not need a savior; we are here to save ourselves. We are the One. We have come here ourselves, to save ourselves, in service to humanity; the One. It would appear that we have asked. Although our history is filled with darkness, the overall picture of things is not. We must get past the horror and disbelief of our past and move on to action in our present. It is time to do what we feel called to do. There are many possibilities. We’ve learned that there is corruption in our banks, corporations, religions and governments – we can start just about anywhere. Think of things to do that will no longer support a self-destructive system. Self reliance and collaboration is key. It’s not necessary that we all get on the same train, yet it is time to start moving. We are here with purpose. We are here to love absolutely. This may not always be easy, but it is necessary and will alter our world. Balance means that both sides always exist. This is the lesson of every spiritual teacher we’ve encountered. The earth is a template for growth and evolution. The challenges propel us; we are here for the stimulus they offer. We have come to learn. We are Master creators. We know what to do. We all planned this party, ages ago. We are the One we’ve been waiting for. ![]() Your body is hanging on. It desperately wants you here. You have to let go. Let go – everything you’re hanging on to because of fear, or are doing a certain way because of fear, or not doing at all because of fear – is time now to take care of. This is the end of duality. You have chosen this. You have confirmation many places – here, your body, an assortment of scribes and teachers. All of these sources are telling you: - You have chosen this - You are changing - No one else knows how it’s going to go because you are creating how it’s going right now You have to let go. You have to let go. YOU HAVE TO LET GO. It is time. No longer do these very dense beliefs hold any fascination. You understand now the fragile nature of this dream. It’s been constructed, intentionally, by those who understood how it worked. For hundreds of years the plan has been laid and carried out. They utilized the power of emotion and set about to create a world of beings willing to give everything up for a cause. It didn’t matter the foundation, so several were chosen: - Religion - Wealth - Patriotism - Power Our minds have been filled with words and images, all of them resulting in blind obedience, subservience, greed, violence and separation. We have been taught to ignore our inner calling. Today though, it is more like our inner voice has a microphone! Shouting above the mainstream din are words of love, power, peace and unity. We’ve not heard this volume before and our bodies and minds are wrenched back and forth with the noise. The competing vibrations threaten to pull us apart, or so it seems. Should we listen to the side that is familiar? “Obey” “Be afraid” “Send us your money” “Hate this human” “Fight” Should instead, we follow this other voice? “You and I are the same” “We are One” “Love is the answer” “Above all, love yourself” Which is right? Which is wrong? How do we discern? Help!!! No one has a twelve step program for this one. This dimension is an addiction that’s never been released, until today. We are writing the steps right now. We are not doing so without help. We have teachers with processes and meditations, groups and seminars, books and workshops, videos and diets. If there was ever a time to utilize them, it is now. There is wisdom all around. It comes from the core of us. We are each others teachers. We have come to show the way. If you feel drawn to a particular web site, channel or conference – go there. It does not mean the others are wrong; there is truth in every creation. Some days a certain passage may sound brilliant and be just what you needed. While other days it would hold no relevance. Such is the nature of the times we are in. Each day is a new adventure. I feel either ten, twenty, fifty or eighty years old in alternating moments. I cook when I feel loss or anxiety. Yesterday I got some unexpected news that set me back. It was a huge “IT IS TIME TO LET GO” message. This happened as I was beginning to do some preserving. Today we have a zillion jars of fruit preserves. Washing, coring, cutting, and cooking apples were yesterday’s therapeutic processes. Now I guess that’s not a bad choice, yet I wonder if I would have enjoyed the whole day a bit more if it included flexibility. I’m hanging on with an iron grip. It’s time for some specific guidelines. I suspect unexpected news will come fast and furious these next three months. Perhaps, because we are used to naming things and following rules, we need to invent the list for our “3D ANONYMOUS”. Here is the first rule: 1. Let go. When surprised, frightened or angry, let it go. Today it’s a rigid belief – tomorrow it’ll be an entire dimension. This is good practice. Inelia Benz (ascension101.com) has some wonderful exercises that work for me, (perhaps I should have remembered this yesterday… ;). Yet it doesn’t matter how you do it, it matters that you do it. Let go. I don’t know precisely what Ascension looks like, yet I do know that I’ll be moving from one frequency to the next. Like tuning in to an FM station on my radio, I have to let go of whatever happens to be playing on AM. Experience tells me that my FM station has fewer commercials and a richer sound; altogether a better experience. I am betting 5D will be much the same. In fact, I’m creating it to be. Step 1. Let go. We have come to embrace our dreams. We are here to create the manifestation of truth – love. This is who we are. We are the One we’ve been waiting for. ![]() I woke up today with several thoughts: “You know what to do.” “Your body knows what to do.” “You are already doing it.” We are feeling the shift not solely in anticipation, but also because of realization. It is happening now. There are so many unanswered questions and yet the one that tops the list is “What is going to happen to me?” This is followed quickly by, “Will I choose the best path?” “What are my choices?” “Does it depend on anyone else or is this choice mine to make?” Your life is defined by you alone. This is as true today as it was yesterday. We all sense things are changing, yes. This explains why you are reading this blog and I have written it. Yet there are universal truths, some of which we may have forgotten. The Law of Attraction is real. What you believe you create. You create. This will always remain truth. As we are a collective, we do sway each other, yes. This is part of the plan. Yet in the final analysis, your life choices are always yours to make. The result of this moment, this day, and this time is up to only you. You have been choosing right along. Trust. Remain calm. In every moment you are presented two options – love and fear. Choose love. It is what you are. I would bet a shiny new dime that love is already your primary choice, so no worries are necessary. When the “Event” happens, whatever it brings, you will be in the right place with every tool necessary. You will know what to do. You will choose perfectly. You are doing so right now. Our bodies are already changing in preparation, our hearts are expanding and our light is stronger. Animals react differently around me, they stay closer; even “wild” ones talk to me now. The light is different, and I can’t ever seem to get enough sleep. We are shifting every day. What is happening in these next few months is that you are seeing what has been going “behind closed doors.” Many are throwing those doors wide open for us. This is so that we are able to gain perspective. We are shifting from polarity to unity. As one, we have been controlled, manipulated and deceived. Corruption at levels we weren’t entirely aware of, has been going on for many years; seeing us as one unit of humanity on one parcel of land, earth. Our collective voice has been allowing this to go on. They have been orchestrating us to pay them and hand over our land and resources. Now that their game has been exposed, we can choose to keep playing, or not. It is time for a new game. We can make the rules this time. Our collective voice can say something else. This is our life, our world and we are shifting together as One. There is no reason to play a game we can’t win, and we aren’t having any fun anyway. We are done. We need a seamless stroll into our wide awake selves, into the expanded beings we are gradually becoming. As fully conscious beings of light - war, corruption and poverty will not enter into the equation. We are One. You are ready for the “Event”. Follow your heart. Act with love and every answer becomes crystal clear. What we need are fully conscious leaders and a new system that allows for their election by wide awake citizens. Act as if you are in this “next dimension” of Love, Unity and Light and we will be. We are the ones we are waiting for. ![]() It is a time to focus on green, the color of healing. Let’s hold a global meditation on July 4th, 2012 for healing our planet. Like open wounds we are now amidst a surface world torn wide open with misplaced power. It will not take much effort to find an announcement to either validate or expose or justify or deny these events. It will be like watching a series of train wrecks. We must remain ever in control. Our emotions are the key to how our life is created. In every way possible, give yourself the gift of quiet today and these next few days. It is vital to what we create from this point on. You are beings of love. Immeasurable sources of light. This is your moment. Surround yourself in affirmation, fill yourself with love. Nothing on the news is more important. It is happening. All that you can do now is bring a sense of love to these times. This is what you came for. Find the music, the place, the position, and the words that bring you to balance. Go there as often as possible. Today, Inelia Benz has called for a period of silent meditation. Take a moment, an hour or the rest of the day and participate. Here is the link: http://www.ascension101.com/en/ascension-information/63-june-2012/250-call-to-action-its-time.html On the fourth of July, participate in this healing meditation, which invokes the color green. Green invokes healing as well as “go!” It has been chosen to re-focus our energy, not on past action or green lights, but on growth, abundance, love and light. All are necessary now. Do this meditation upon waking this day, and as often as you are able. It is not long. Intend to embody green for our planet and all of her people. Focus on healing. It is time to recover from our wounds and continue. We are stronger now. Here is the meditation. Please share. We need each other more than we perhaps ever have. We are one. Together, we can heal our planet. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P74pNzpg_fA We are the ones we are waiting for. I love you absolutely. ![]() Again today here are some relevant posts. Have a great weekend everyone! From Cobra: http://2012portal.blogspot.ca/ Operation Stardust 2 You might want to listen to the excellent last Drake’s interview, especially from 18 to 86 minute mark: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/global-voice-2012-radio-network/2012/06/20/drakes-mid-week-update It is obvious at this point that the Cabal as a whole does not want to surrender. The plan of the mass arrests continues. This time of negotiations has not been spent in vain. The Cabal has been given its chance. The generous offer has been refused. This protocol has finally allowed the positive ET forces to start taking some action. According to the Galactic Codex, section IV/2, The Galactic Confederation has an unalienable and unconditional right to the implementation of the Galactic Codex and of conquering the areas of Galactic Codex violation with military force if necessary. This subsection gives a legal basis for the liberation of the occupied planets with military force. The military forces of the Confederation remove or give assistance to the local Positive Military in removal of the representatives of the Dark Forces and set the hostages free. Operation Stardust 2 was carried out by the Pleiadian Fleet from the orbit of planet Earth. Stardust is the codename of a special advanced nanotechnology. It is a dust made of small nanoparticles that were sprayed into the physical bodies of the members of the Cabal and their minions (think “cosmic chemtrails”). This nanodust can not be removed by any technology known on Earth. Its activation has two phases. The first phase blocks the central nervous system immediately and a person can not move. The second phase kills the person. It will be activated at the time of the Event to block members of the Cabal trying to do any harm. In vast majority of cases Phase 1 activation will be sufficient. The purpose of the Operation Stardust is to counteract any negative effects of Doom 33 that the Cabal might want to use at that point. In combination with the Positive Military action, this basically check-mates the power of the Cabal. This technology will NOT be activated before the Event. At the Event, the Positive Military and civilian authority will still need to do their part. The purpose of this operation is to make it easier for them. If high-ranking members of the Cabal need to have proof that Operation Stardust 2 is real, this proof can be arranged. I would still suggest them to surrender before the Event takes place or even during the Event itself. Those that surrender and cooperate with the Light forces will be treated with much more forgiveness. I would also like to stress that most of the members of the Cabal families are not guilty and need healing, not condemnation. As you can read in this brave report: http://iamstasha.blogspot.com/2012/06/my-dirty-little-secret-im-rockefeller.html I would encourage other beings in similar position to come forth with their confessions. I will give space in my blog for their expression. This will be healing for many. As I have said many times, I do not know when the Event will happen. No human being knows, only our Source does. Yes it can happen in a few days. But no guarantees. I have been given intel years ago that the deadline is April 2012. Now it is June. The only thing I know 100% is that it WILL happen. I will report the events as they unfold. And another channeled piece: http://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_Quinsey.htm SaLuSa 22-June-2012 Some people who do not understand our technology are feeling that the time for action is "now or never", believing that there will be insufficient time left to carry out all the changes necessary before Ascension. We must re-iterate that for us time is not such a crucial factor, and we are able to adjust to whatever time scale we are allowed. Our current plan is to start the action within a matter of days and not weeks, but nevertheless there is no question of it "never" going ahead. However, as you have learnt there is a line drawn from which we must get started even if it means becoming more directly involved. All along we have tried to encourage your participation in the preparations for Ascension and that has not changed, but we will move into action when given the authority. You will know when action is imminent as our allies intend to give a public announcement beforehand. Our tasks are looking a lot easier now that the dark Ones are no longer the power they were. The work of our allies has been extremely successful in breaking down their power structure, and they no longer command such large forces as previously. In fact their capitulation has taken place in all but name, and we await their final admission of defeat. So whatever news you hear do not fear the consequences as we are in control. and short of minor irritations we will not allow our efforts to be interfered with. There are still those who paint a picture of catastrophic happenings, but be assured that any physical changes will be more in the way of local changes and not world wide. Bear in mind that we can moderate the affects of earthquakes, and contain them to ensure that only the minimum of damage occurs. A long time ago your seers saw massive changes coming and prophesied them accordingly, but with time those possibilities became less catastrophic. So when people refer back to them remember that they are no longer in line with the current view on physical changes. Now you are so near to the final stages in your journey through duality, and many are already lifting up out of it. Set your goals high as everything is possible within the higher vibrations that you now exist in, as literally nothing is beyond your grasp. Even as this message is being relayed to you the energies have once again been increasing as a result of the Summer Solstice. There are more high points to come and for each soul many opportunities that will lift up their vibrations. These are intense times all with the intent of giving you every assistance to prepare for Ascension. After all whatever happens the only object of the changes is to get you safely into the New Age. That goal will be achieved regardless of any other events that take place. Whilst we encourage you to talk amongst yourselves about the present period, we would also ask that you make allowances for other peoples points of view. Remember that there are numerous time lines that are gradually coming together, and until a souls seeks help it should be allowed to progress through its own endeavors. The lessons learnt or knowledge acquired is best from personal experience. Naturally you are a mix of so many souls at different levels and there are those who love to share what they have discovered. That is fine providing you take only what resonates with you and is intuitively acceptable. There are many truths at this time but ultimately only the One Truth, which all shall understand as part of the One Supreme Being. Dear Ones you are adored by us as we see the real you, a magnificent Being of Light. You entered the lowest vibrations of your Universe as a challenge to your ability, to still rise up and bring back remembrance of who you really are. That many of you have now achieved and others are quickly awakening with the result that the Light upon Earth is at its highest level ever. It is instrumental in transmuting the lower energies and removing more power from the dark Ones, so that their attempts to carry on are doomed to failure. We would not in any event allow them to rise up again, and their days are finished. In one way or another they will be removed and placed where they cannot interfere with the Divine Plan. To some extent you can sit back and enjoy the coming period, but be aware that once the fun starts it will come thick and fast. The main point is that whatever takes place now is ultimately for your good, so do not see disharmony and danger where none exists. Have faith in your allies and our presence, as we have waited long for these moments and intent on keeping you well informed. Hitherto, we have had to exercise some constraint as it never pays to let your enemies know too much. However, when they are confined in places where they cannot affect our plan, we will be more than happy to give you as much detail as possible. There are still things happening on Earth that were instigated by the dark Ones, such as the problems in the Middle East. They will not last much longer and peace will be declared and enforced by us if necessary. There have been millions either killed or injured in mad wars that have benefitted few people except the Arms Dealers, although the seizure of countries and their wealth has also been one of the objectives. You have had your fill of such experiences and will never need to have them again, unless you choose to serve in the lower dimensions to prevent wars. Service to others is the highest form of love and once ascended it is a way of life that comes quite naturally to each soul. First however look forward to a break to pursue your own interests and enjoy being back in the higher realms. Sooner or later you will then find the call to service too powerful to resist, and you can decide in what way you want to do it. Undoubtedly you will find that you brought various talents and skills such as healing with you, and use them to further your experience. Naturally you will normally find yourself working in groups, and they could well be comprised of those whom you have already worked with on Earth. Friendships carry on through many lives, and account for that instant attraction between people when they first meet. I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and send best wishes from the Galactic Federation of Light, who are getting nearer to you with each day that passes. Thank you SaLuSa. Mike Quinsey. ![]() If there is one thing I will remember about this time we are in, it is the wind. From the bare branches of winter to the full bloom of almost summer, the trees are in constant motion. This time is ushered in on a steady breeze; the winds of change. There are no such things any longer as seasonal temperatures. In the Midwest U.S. we’ve had 100 degrees in February and 35 degrees in June. Our vegetation is gloriously abundant, as if it were mid to late summer. People smile everywhere, regardless of the situation. Those that aren’t smiling sort of stick out “like sore thumbs”. I’ve been traveling, and an hour long delay was easily done as folks chatted, children played and people helped each other. I’ve been there before, this was not usual behavior. My family hosted a huge celebration at our home. During the party a miracle took place as several members who had been separated for 18 years were reunited. It was seamless, beautiful and a complete surprise. These constant winds are gradually, continuously raising our vibration. In this very dense third dimensional world, we have created this natural physical expression of the shift. The descriptions we’ve heard about life after the change are happening all around – just pay attention. The Shift is here. Love, beauty, joy and peace; I’ve gone nowhere but my backyard, front yard and the airport and I see them demonstrated. The winds are blowing them in. As we witness this change we will see many players and hear or read a variety of facts, predictions and “truths”. Pay attention to what rings true for you. Pay close attention to what doesn’t. We each define the reality and Shift we experience. What you focus on, think about, worry about and talk about becomes your life. Which life will you choose? Countless possibilities are here for you. There is a vast difference between denying something because you don’t like it and ignoring something because it’s just not where you are. In the first case focus is necessary and with focus comes creation. In the second case, although you’ve seen it, you have merely shifted your attention to what rings true for you and again, more of whatever that is gets created in your life. On my recent travels, my bags were delayed. I had more than one connecting flight and I had not only considered this possibility, but researched, talked and worried about it. I was not surprised. As this shift takes place and we morph from polarity to unity – we will be asked again and again to choose. There are no wrong choices. You are a being of light, here to help the transformation. You may see things not to your liking, you may read things that sound fearful to this 3D body you occupy and that’s okay. This is the time to decide if they ring true for you. Choose intentionally where your energy is directed. You are the only one who can. We are divine beings having a human experience. As we remember our divinity we will be faced countless times with who we are not, in order to define clearly who we are. We are love. The force of our essence is collectively creating every moment of existence. Each thought, word and action add to our singular voice, our choice. As the winds push us through these interesting times, there is one place you can always go to discover your truth. No questions are necessary; your heart holds your answer. Go there for solace and you will navigate these coming days with confidence. Your power rests within. You are the one you’ve been waiting for. Unified meditation 05-27-2012 Following the great effects of precedent unified meditations in May, we will synchronize and join together in intention again on May 27th, as we wish to continue to send our support to the changes taking place for peace on earth and victory of the light. Times for the meditation are : 9:00 am HAST May 27th (Hawaii) 11:00 am AKDT May 27th (Alaska) 12:00 pm PDT May 27th (Los Angeles) 13:00 pm MDT May 27th (Denver) 14:00 pm CDT May 27th (Houston) 15:00 pm EDT May 27th (New York) 16:00 pm BRT May 27th (Rio de Janeiro) 8:00 pm BST May 27th (London) 9:00 pm CEST May 27th (Paris) 9:00 pm SAST May 27th (South Africa) 10:00 pm EEST May 27th (Bulgaria) 11:00 pm MSK May 27th (Moscow) 12:30 am IST May 28th (India) 3:00 am CST May 28th (Beijing) 4:00 am JST May 28th (Tokyo) 5:00 am AEST May 28th (Sydney) Guidelines : Gather in groups or individually and meditate, visualize, the planet being liberated and a golden age being realized, with fair financial system in place, truth revealed, disclosure allowed, previously suppressed clean technologies released, the planet cleaned, conscious media and education, etheric and astral planes bathed in light, etc. Send intentions the way you feel guided to. http://www.facebook.com/events/412702698762344/ Quietude is defined as “the state of being quiet; rest; calmness”. That feels about where I find myself. “Freedom isn’t free” is a misnomer, or else it depends on your definition. Freedom means “exemption or liberation from the control of some other person or some arbitrary power; liberty; independence”. In a military sense, the phrase has been used as justification for war. On a more personal level, freedom becomes synonymous with uninhibited love, expansion and peace. In a surprising and unexpected way, it is where I am today. This is a glimpse of our future, of what I imagine it feels like in the “next dimension”. Historically on earth empires rise and fall. The beings we label “dark” (1%) insatiable lust for wealth and power consumes their host (99%) and can no longer be sustained. This inevitable collapse is what we are witnessing right now. The populace has been spent, literally. Those that would own us must feed someplace else or alter their way of life. The situation that brings me this peace is that I no longer worry about money. There is none. I’ve reached the bottom. It is no longer a matter of juggling; it is a matter of keeping food in the house until things change. Things are really clear now. I work when there is work to be done and relax when there isn’t. Somehow, my internal fretting has stopped. Nothing is as important as I once imagined it to be, except life. Sustaining, enjoying and loving what I have are all that I am focused on. So, it is quiet in my head. I spent some time in nature yesterday and breathed a great deal of oxygen. It was glorious. I saw clearly just how nuts this life has become. How paying bills and having the “stuff” we “need” fills my head. What matters is life itself. That is here for the taking. It is free. This economic crisis has turned into a gift. Freedom. I imagine this is what it feels like in the “next dimension”. I am feeling creative and energetic. I am aware of the life that surrounds me. On the water, ducks look calm. Michael Caine, the British actor is quoted as saying “Be like a duck. Calm on the surface, but always paddling like the dickens underneath.” Good advice if you are navigating this third dimension. Yet today, I am not. I am just floating – there is not much paddling. Perhaps this is what ducks do in the fifth dimension. The other day four ducks flew into our yard. We are miles from any body of water so this was a surprise. There was a female and four males. She seemed desperate for a place to nest; we must have been a last resort. She waddled towards our back yard, attempting to push past the locked fence. She paced back and forth, driven. Nothing else mattered. Her goal was paramount. We’ll like it in the “next dimension”. There is time for contemplation, room for joy and moments of passionate inspiration. It is alive with possibility and promise. Not in scheduled, rare moments, but every moment. This is a goal worth striving for, and it is paramount. I know what it is now and believe me when I tell you that nothing else compares. It has not cost me a dime; in fact you could say I was driven here. I am learning what it is like to be free. It is very calm. In my case, it may be the “calm before the storm”, as in about a month either this economic turmoil will be global or all of the creditors I have not paid will be calling. Yet, well, it is worth it and there is nothing else for me to do but float. It will be great when we are all here permanently. Our imaginations will exponentially explode and we will create without bounds! So wherever you are right now, trust the amazing part. It does not disappoint. Trust the brilliant light that you are and see it shining through the control it’s been hidden beneath for so long. Unleashed, you will astound us all. This is where we are headed, a life whose only purpose is to celebrate itself. This is home. It is one we will make ourselves. We are the ones we are waiting for. |
April 2024