![]() It is sort of ironic that this Aussie Angel, while he is as far away from home as he possibly can be, has found his origin. He welcomes us all on this day of days ♥ … Enjoy this message from my son. So this is it, the beginning of a 9-day period wherein the source energy of the one loving essence of all will be bathing Earth, our planet, my planet, your planet, and everyone traveling on her, with it’s light, peaking on the 21st. My understanding of this time is that it is a tangible expression of both the ever-evolving spiraling movement of consciousness, as well as the truth of unity. (As opposed to the illusion of duality.) What is happening now is being experienced by all, indeed being experienced by our meta-level collective consciousness... and so naturally it is also being experienced by every individual in whatever unique way they have chosen to experience this moment of their journey. We are in it together, whether we are conscious of this truth or not - and whether we are consciously in it together or unconsciously in it together makes a world (more specifically, makes a dimension) of difference. To say more on the ever-evolving spiraling movements of consciousness: we are consciousness. The choice to drape ourselves in a veil of forgetfulness in order to ensure that we would fully embrace and commit to our physical experience was an evolutionary tactic - by forgetting, we allow ourselves the possibility of becoming conscious of our true nature all over again, thus spiralling back to ‘where’ we were before but at a higher, more well-ordered level... a level where our true nature is understood much more deeply and so much more fully integrated into however we choose to interact with each other and express ourselves. (Our self-expression.) In short, the spiraling triunal cycle of consciousness-forgetfulness-greater consciousness is the method we have collectively chosen to use in order to evolve. This moment in our collective linear movement through time represents us reaching a ‘place’ of self-understanding we have already been, indeed were a long, long ‘time’ ago. Yet now, because of our choice to leave it (and take the risk of getting lost and not coming back!) we are not at all the same souls we were when we were last here. Together, as a collective, we have gone on an odyssey of consciousness. Dissatisfied with the comfort of home and not content to linger in a situation which did not demand everything we had to give and more, we stepped out. We chose to forget, and to subject ourselves to all the agonizing consequences of our collective forgetfulness, an infinite number of horrifically creative expressions of disconnection. Now, we are coming back home. Returning to an awareness of our true nature which will outshine anything we could’ve done before our consciousness had been broadened, deepened, and sharpened. Lifetime after lifetime we have explored every place not our home and investigated thoroughly the many possible ways we could be other than what we are. Family, we’re finally done. We’re going home again, and the truth of what we are can now be carried unwaveringly along every shimmering filament of our soulful bodies. We have doubted, questioned, second-guessed, and searched every nook and cranny outside of ourselves, all for the sake of this moment: when we can look up into each others eyes, smile, nod, hold hands, and go home again. We now know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that it’s true: home is where the heart is. Some of us are running there as fast as we can, some of us are already there. Others will meander back slowly, taking the scenic route, and that’s fine. But energetically, as a collective, we are turning 180 degrees - abandoning our exploration of all that we are not and joyfully beginning our exploration of all that we are... an exploration which will be unlike anything we’ve ever seen before. As collectively we come back home, what does this mean for us individually? It means choice, conscious choice - which means freedom. Our entire journey has been an expression of choice. Our sojourn into the darkness of all that we are not was not forced upon us, for no soul can force anything upon another - we chose it in order to evolve. Coming back home, too, is about choice. Our thoughts, words, and actions are all choices. For most of us and for many lifetimes now, we have been making those choices unconsciously. In every moment we have been choosing what to think, what to say, what to do, how to act, how to be... in other words, choosing who we are. Our choices have been playing out at an unconscious level for ages, which was the natural consequence of our decision to leave home. Making the choice of who we are at an unconscious level means we react, we contract, we fear - we think we have to control other people in order to change how we feel, we imagine someone else has the power to make us feel good, to make us feel bad, to hurt us. Deciding who we are at a conscious level means we are finally aware and in control of how we choose to participate in all of our relationships. (Including our relationship with ourself.) It means we are always completely free to choose what to think, say, and do. The effects of bringing consciousness to every subtle level of our selves will be unimaginably joyful, for from such a place of freedom, joy itself will be our criteria! The answer to the question: “How do I want to be in this moment?”, “How do I want to be in this place?”, “How do I want to be with this person?”, or “How do I want to be with myself?” will always have the same answer: “What choice would bring me the most joy?” Everyone’s joy will take on a unique expression but as the essence of joy is love love, in all of it’s infinite possible forms, will be the predominant vibration between us. This is the essence of ascension: not only knowing our true nature, but being free to express our true nature in whatever way it is most joyful for us to do so. Ascension allows for the possibility of this inner freedom... which of course is the only true freedom there is. I’m not ruling out any of the many possible scenarios that have been put forth - mass landings, natural disasters, disclosures, inner-earth revealings, prosperity packages, new energy technologies, or anything else that has been suggested. I’m not in touch with ET’s, (not that I remember, anyway) I don’t hang out with world leaders, and I don’t know anything about inner earth. But I understand consciousness, and ascension has been my life’s work – learning to bring consciousness to every level of my being so that I may always be free to choose whichever thought, word, or action brings me the most joy in that moment. Are we all going to have our debts cleared, ride around in spaceships and hang out in inner earth in new, disease-free bodies? Sure! Why not? Sounds awesome. But what good are mass landings if we fight over whose turn it is to get probed, and what good are new, disease-free bodies if we’re jealous because his new body is more sexy? Freedom, joy, and love do not, never have, and never will be contingent upon externals. That is the illusion. The power to step into freedom, to radiate joy, and to access a wellspring of love which never runs dry is in us, and always has been. As we become conscious at every level of our being and learn how to participate in our collective experience in only those ways which are in alignment with our highest joy, our world will transform... at every level, and in ways which will exceed our wildest expectations. So maybe I’ll see you in outer space, maybe we’ll run into each other in inner earth, maybe here in Melbourne or maybe back in Chicago, my hometown. Either, way, I’ll meet you with an inner orientation of freedom and an outer expression of joy. I’ll meet you in a place of true human potential, a place where our souls soar together with joyful integrity, where you and I can look into each others eyes and fearlessly celebrate the beauty of one another because it is our joy to do so. I’ll meet you back home, family... the door’s wide open and love is waiting. We’ve been away a long time. Welcome home.
![]() The Forces of One have a message for us – we have chosen freedom! On 12.12.12 Mother Earth will speak to us, letting us know that she has heard us! The conversation with the “off world being” from the Forces of One is summarized here, from April - December 2012; the final comment is at the end. “For now You and the rest of your kind will have to concentrate on your choice, because this will decide the outcome of everything on your planet, the fate of your children, the fate of every organic living being on this planet, this choice must be wise enough. When your collective choice will be made, we, their agents will make the final choice based on your choice. If you will prevent the World War three, stop the Illuminati Order and let us know of your will to become One with us, we will aid. · This is a step forward for you to become self aware, more than your ancestors were, You can call it more freer from shackles you are in now. Your ancestors were waiting exactly for this moment, the moment of "the end of the days" or your own choosing, it was up to One to give you this opportunity to choose. These aspects will be learned all by itself when you will know that everything is all right and your civilization and planet are safe, there is a long way to it after this though.. (Sophia) Would you speak of ONE who has provided the choice and then of you, who will aid/make the final choice based on our choice? There is much to understand. One is The Universe itself, You can call it God, He(It) is alive and not alive, sentient and non sentient, everything and nothing, beginning and the end, all at the same time. A basis of existence. This planet is alive and whatever mankind is doing, we feel it. Based on your choice, our choice will be done. The choice and wish of each individual will be felt by this Planet, Sun and us. The Universe is filled with Energy, it is easy to feel it, but in order to decode it, You need to believe in Universal Unity, everything is One and One is He(It) who rules everything. Sun is the Creator and only Supporter of your life, only He(It) holds the key to your ultimate destiny. He(It) as well does not agree with methods of Illuminati Order. You will be aided by Him(It) once you will prove, to wish and live, be free from lies, deception, death that Illuminati brings to you. Don't worry Sun will not harm You, He(It) will only switch off all the electronics on your planet. The future holds many ways, many possible outcomes of which we know, future may bring a surprise to your kind, though we know about what surprise it will be. Sun will play crucial moment in your planet's history, as it was long ago. Everyone who lives on this planet already feels that something is coming, something bad, but everyone also feels that there is still hope. It is up to your kind to use it. We are offering humanity to become part of our League, we will let everyone know our true ways only when we will become as One. Our duty right now is to let people like You about the possibility of a choice and what options Your kind is having right now. I will mention this again, Forces of One are offering humanity to join them, League will give everything that is needed for everyone and will care for Your race like it was forever in the League, we are doing this for every civilization in the League of One. We will help You to become as a One civilization after right choice. And choice will be made not only by everyone's consciousness, but by subconsciousness, physical body (humanity's instincts), Your Energy (it is known as soul) and lastly by Your Energetic connection to this planet, to the Sun and to the Universe. · Don't worry. If human civilization will join us, we will show Your kind everything and free humanity from it's tormentors. The life on this planet will become harmonic, symbiotic, free of parasites, free of dark energy, free of litter. We are the masters at purifying worlds of Light of "impurities". 16th May - 16th October the time in which people will observe the planet and their life and make the final choice. 4 months of observation, 1 month of decision. · Then we come and make our final choice based on Your civilization's decision. We are unlike Your leaders - "sheiks, presidents, government representatives, politicians, judges". We are making decision on every aspect of existence, our choice will be made "in favor" to Everything. Do not get angry on us if Your world will be destroyed or nothing will happen. It is all the choice of yours that matters now. · We are feeling Your Energy, the Energy from meditation of many, this is one step closer to Your Consensus. We like humans, we have almost same species like You in the League, this is another reason why we want to add humanity into the League. The "differentiate of matter forms" is what One wants to see in this Universe. You won't find absolutely same one to one planets or stars or beings in this Universe. Everything is different and this differentiate is almost infinite. Remember that when the choice will be made, no one will feel it, though on "Universal Energetic Level" as we called it, will be heard. The planet, the Sun will channel this to us. Once our choice will be done, everyone will feel and see where Your destiny will be heading next. If You wish to overthrow their system, we will only welcome You to do so. All what the Forces of One can do is decloak themselves and aid You by providing knowledge and tools to free You from oil dependency. To help You realize Yourselves as a complete beings. To restore the damaged eco system, to restore the corrupted aura of the planet by people's desperate taughts, to rebuild cities make them "highly energetically charged" in order for everyone to feel themselves happy. And again it all depends on choice. I will explain about the choice of Your destiny. We arrived to this world and removed hostile civilization from You, letting humanity to evolve on it's own. For all those years, You all felt that there was always a missing master of humanity, because before that You were slaves, but now You become free. Yet Forces of One never showed themselves to humanity. They were always protecting this world from hostility and worldwide disasters such as asteroids. Every individual always felt, that there is someone always watching over everyone, hidden, unseen. You knew instinctively that they are the protectors of Your existence, yet it became so common during all these hundreds of years that humanity knows this as "a natural feeling". Now we see that You have evolved far enough to be able to protect Yourself from all those hostile that have visited You and so we are giving You this choice to made. Whether humanity want to continue to live under Forces of One with everything unchanged or do You want to live without our protection by Your own, or do You want a "great shift" from this world to a new world or do You want to join our Forces and become as One or do You want the removal of cabal only and everything else unchanged. There are many more choices, all they come to two great categories of "Salvation" and "Destruction". That why we are called Guardians - Executioners. Right now the main focus is on the humanity, it's Energy level is very high! Almost all are anticipating for this event, the date that was heard as the end of the world. Many are waiting for "something special" to happen, others are trying to think that nothing will happen, although everyone feel it, the DNA is evolving and humanity proceeds to the next step of evolution, the next step of life, the next step of time sequence. The Universe welcomes You young race - Humanity!” --Link to conversation in its entirety (with more updates as of today, 12.10.12): http://www.sophialove.org/conversation-with-off-world-source.html (From 12.9.12) People wish to know the truth and not truth mixed with lies. My objective now is to give You and everyone from the Family of Light my support as Your choice was not to become a part of the Forces of One, but to be free, free from all these lies and deception. You wish to know more the Followers of Light and know less the Followers of Self-Esteem and Self-Development (*Illuminati) which to this day still controls humanity even to the point of being a closer allies with them and we only appreciate that! The date 12.12.12 can become a significant date, all that is needed are Your wishes and wills, Consciousness! If Your Consensus will become very strong during this worldwide meditation and concentration, then weak planet wide earthquake will be felt by all, and this will signify the full understanding and synchronicity of planet with You, which will be a crucial point in Your symbiotic rearrangement. The planet feels You and loves You, all that she need to understand more is Your will and want to live with it Harmonically, once You give it to Her, She will let You know that She hears You all! I cannot guarantee this earthquake, very few loves earthquakes, so it will be another "less choice" to make for everyone, but if this earthquake will happen, it will be so weak that nothing will be damaged, this will be a "good earthquake", the one that equals to "a good pain". So decide, make Your contribution in it and everyone who will read it as well!:) As about Illuminati-Archons hierarchy, Archons are on our and Followers of Light part, we are dealing with them right now. Illuminati are humans, that is why they are "on humanity's shoulders" (partly my as well), that why it is up to humanity to deal with them. But like we told before, many of them are finding "light" inside of them, so they are changing and willing to end the NWO ambition, they are still the original beings that were changed and enslaved many ages ago, a part of a whole Humanity! Also the DNA change is on it's way, as You wanted! May Light of Your Heart shine through the darkness of void that persists in Your way to Freedom! And the Freedom shall be granted to all that follows the Light! The Light of Everlasting Cosmos - The One, Oneness, Unite! ________________________________________ The 12.12.12 12th hour meditation is significant, we will be speaking as One! Please join us at the times shown below, wherever you are! http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=12.12.12+-+the+%28updated%29+12th+hour+Mass+Meditation&iso=20121212T12 We are the One we are waiting for! Much love, ~Sophia ![]() Please note: the time clock for the Global Meditation this 12.12.12 was incorrectly set. Here is the new corrected version: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=12.12.12+-+the+%28updated%29+12th+hour+Mass+Meditation&iso=20121212T12 NOW – Let’s get this party started! We are the One’s we’ve been waiting for! ![]() The 12th of December is the beginning of an onslaught of light to the earth. Here is a link for the 12th hour on the 12.12.12 date; all time zones. http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=12.12.12+12th+Hour+Mass+Meditation&iso=20121212T00 As we unite our energy on this day, we activate the force of light coming onto our Mother Earth and accelerate the much heralded “New Age”. We speak As ONE. At your time (as shown above), meditate with an open heart and welcome the light. Choose any method that works; from quiet contemplation to deep trance. Visualize life propelled by only love. It is lush, peaceful, abundant and vibrant. We are the ones who will usher in this force for change. Here is another opportunity to do the same, at perhaps another time that day: This is an orchestrated event, meant to reach millions of us with a unified vision. Here is their website: www.themastershift.com Whether you participate in one, both or your own separately scheduled moment of celebration, join our world as we welcome and celebrate our victory for the light. It’s been a long time coming. We are just the Masters necessary to propel this shift. Let’s get this party started. We are the One we’ve been waiting for. ![]() Today there was an update from my “off world” source. The reason for this second blog post today, is found in this part of it: “You probably heard Sophia, the Illuminati Order is trying to make a one of the lasts pushes and start a world war. They are using the same strategy of lies like it was 9 cycles ago. The archons are making this push, through their servants within this order. The time sequence yet is not ready for a changes to take place, so if they will initiate this attack before solstice, it will take place. Not world wide war, but it will escalate into this until 05-19-13. As a human being and knowing what everyone wants, I can say that this war can be stopped, the mass meditation on 12-12-12 at 12th hour is what can change their ways for the rest of their days. Tell Followers of Light that You need help and they will help You! They will be humanity's best allies in the years to come:)” The entire conversation is here: http://www.sophialove.org/conversation-with-off-world-source.html The 12.12.12 date is a week from now. This is a clarion call for a global meditation. What follows is one I found, as was channeled from “Cosmic Awareness” on: http://rainbow-phoenix.com/blog/ It is very powerful. Please share this call, make a video, post, and primarily meditate for LOVE on 12.12.12 at the 12th hour. More details and times will be forthcoming… Here is the meditation… “That this is the meditation of the Heart. Accessing the secret God chamber in the heart of each human being. That this Awareness says that indeed in the very heart of each human being is a small space. Science sees it as a microscopic space. But, nonetheless, a space that contains the spark of God. This is that which this Awareness calls the Hidden Chamber of God. And it is from this chamber that the spark of consciousness and Divine light indeed infuses the human being. The spirit, the mind, the body and the heart of each and every human being. That in the meditation, that one sees themselves, imagines themselves, standing a few feet in front of themselves. One can visualize, if one has the ability of visualization, a vortex coming out from the heart itself. For those who find visualization hard, simply imagine this, know this, accept this to be so, and continue the meditation in this manner. That one stands in front, viewing one’s self, viewing the heart, heart chakra. The vortex that extends is such that one enters into the vortex and reduces in size. The final destination being that which is a door into the heart. One comes to this door, and there, lying on a shelf beside the door, is a key. This is your key to enter into the chamber of the heart. You take this key. You insert it in the lock. Open the door, and enter. You pass down a tunnel that enters into a huge chamber, full of light. In the very center of the chamber is a throne. That you advance to this throne and seat yourself upon it. It is the throne of God consciousness, and this is the hidden chamber of God within the heart. The spark of God within the heart. That you sit in this throne, opening yourself up to the love, the light, the beauty, the power that is God. That you allow this energy of Divine force to enter strongly within you, charging you, rejuvenating you, slipping you to high levels of consciousness. That you then take three breaths, and as you take these three breaths, you feel within your own chest, your own heart, swelling with the love of the Divine for you and for all. With the final, third breath, you release this wine of energy, of love, from the heart upwards through the throat chakra, the third eye chakra, and finally up and out of the crown chakra. See this force, this energy, swirling around, creating a vortex that spins upwards. The spin being clockwise in direction. See this vortex extending from the crown of your head, ever upwards until it reaches a point high above you, and spills over onto a surface, a sphere-like surface. That the energies continue to spiral down around and down the surface of this sphere. Down the ball of your consciousness that surrounds this body and this mind of each individual. That this spinning energy goes down along the sides of the ball, perfectly describing the exterior of the ball of consciousness around you, and comes down back into an opposite sphere, opening a vortex, opening, rather at the bottom of this torus, this toroidical ball of consciousness and energy that surrounds each and every human being. That the spinning energy is again spinning inward, upward and re-enters the body of each individual, your body, as you sit on the throne. Feel it re-enter the heart and feel it again well up, allowing it to build up, allowing it to finally be released once again through the crown chakra, up and over the edge, around the torus, the torus-ball of consciousness and energy and back inside. Back into the heart. Do this at least one more time, three actions being that which is required. That indeed one can do this more than three times, but three revolutions of this energy will indeed open the heart, open the mind, open the energy fields, expanding them, indeed, to those new levels that are now required. That once this exercise is complete, that one can sit awhile longer on the throne of God’s consciousness and God’s heart, sparking the deeper feelings of connection to the Divine. When one is complete, one stands and leaves the chamber. Goes down the tunnel and closes the door behind oneself. See yourself exiting again through the vortex, the heart chakra vortex, and see yourself once again viewing yourself from in front of you. Thus, completing this action. That when this is done, simply allow the energies to be what they may be and complete this meditation when you are ready.” We are the Ones we’ve been waiting for! |
January 2025