I’ve just finished speaking with my friends from the Pleiades. That conversation can be found here. I reached out today because of what I notice in my own life, hear from my friends and family, and observe in the world at large. We are more vocally divided today than ever before.
Rather than go into an explanation or opinion of why this is happening, I’ll offer here another way. According to what we are told, we are still able to change this. Ignore the news reports as best as you are able and let’s watch what happens when we get busy. Until recently, I was a big fan of NPR (National Public Radio). Their current slant is so obviously engineered that I’ve turned it off. Until recently, I enjoyed a daily dose of hugs from the children I work with. I’ve just been told that a mandate has come down from the Superintendent. It states that we are not allowed to touch the children under any circumstance. We cannot reciprocate when hugged. These two things appear unrelated. For me, they are different indications of a systemic issue. It is a world run amok, its direction orchestrated by deeply rooted fear. That fear was intentionally planted by the very group we are extricating ourselves from. This last ditch effort to separate us can be stopped peacefully if we each take action in our own lives. What is offered here is my response to both issues mentioned above. I will write. First, to NPR: To whom it may concern, I’ve been an avid listener of your station for many years. Until hard economic times altered the financial landscape, I’ve donated as well. I’ve appreciated the intelligent interviews over a broad range of subjects and countries and issues. I’ve felt “smart” when mentioning your interviews in subsequent conversations with friends. Today however, I turn the channel off regularly. I plan to remove it from auto-dial in my car. I find the rhetoric obviously slanted. This does not sound like news and I don’t turn on the radio to be manipulated. I am a woman with four children. I have a BA, and have been a public servant for all of my adult life. I’ve been a probation officer, an educator and a school administrator. I care for both ends of the family spectrum – my mom and my children, while working full time. I am a typical American female and your station no longer speaks to me. Ideally, news should offer and encompass all sides from all parties, allowing the listener to decide for themselves. Where is the report of the recent child pedophile and trafficking arrests? How about some actual financial data that illustrates the real state of our currency? How come it took the station so long to mention the DAPL, and when it did, it had this “they are all divided anyway” personality? What about a few intelligent inquiries into the necessity of land and water preservation and the obvious one - Who benefits from this pipeline? Where are these many jobs that were promised? Will the price of fuel be reduced in the country as a result? Or rather, will the bankers/corporations get the only benefit? Your listeners are far more savvy than you give them credit for. I am concerned that my mom and her friends fixed income is dependent on a corrupt banking system run by criminals who never seem to be held accountable, and that my college educated children can’t even get a $20.00 an hour job or afford to rent an apartment. Where are these stories? There is no accountability to the people here; in this or any other news source. NPR has lost its edge and relevance. A former listener And to the Superintendent: To whom it may concern, As an employee in the District, I was told today that I am not allowed to touch the children under any circumstance. I am writing because this feels like a rule for the sake of compliance rather than for the sake of the child. I’ve worked here for 3 years, and before that, in several other schools in a variety of capacities. What concerns me is the lack of personal accountability and trust that the rule implies. I’ve been through background checks and been vetted before being hired. I am never alone with a child. Most of the time, there are 3 or 4 other adults in the room. We are people first. An integral part of what we do happens inside the relationships we develop with these children. Trust happens there. They share with us their worries and problems and lost teeth. As a professional educator, I feel there has to be trust from the administration that hired me as well. Taking away my ability to decide what is appropriate or inappropriate touch, is not trust. Instead, that feels like a program run by automatons. We are people first. Each day these children are surrounded by rules and standards to which they must comply. The pressures they are under to perform are intense, and put on even the youngest of students at age 5. A school is not a factory. It is a place we send our children to assist in their development. That development begins within and is not expressed solely on the report card. It emerges from the care they feel and then extend to their classmates and peers. They learn this ability from the adults in their days. I am writing to ask that the humanness and trust be inserted into any rules before they are disseminated to the staff. Those of us who work with children don’t do it for the money. We do it because we believe we may be able to make a difference in a child’s life. This particular rule inhibits our ability to respond naturally to a hug, which, if we are doing our job well, we receive on a daily basis. I realize I am not in your shoes. I am in mine. I see kids every day and sometimes they just need that hug. Thank you for listening. What prompts these letters is a sense of looming separation. I see those efforts made in both “fake” and “real” news reports. I see corporate rules that may sound “proper” yet in fact reduce our ability to connect as humans. The end goal here seems to be divide and then conquer. Make no mistake, any effort to keep us separate, angry and abiding by seemingly random rules is an effort towards division. United we stand. Divided we fall. This has never been more true. We are people first. Peacefully put forward efforts to alter the current direction of things in whatever way you feel compelled. There is no issue too small or wasted effort. We are one. This is why we are here. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. In gratitude, ~Sophia PS You can support this work by doing all of your Amazon shopping from this link! Check out my books and newsletters in my store, here! Thanks in advance for your support and reviews! Usage Policy: Please post this article everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged.
February 24, 2017
Today, when I reached out to connect, I had a specific question. I’ve been feeling a sense of “goodbye” and of things altered in a way that they are forever changed. I am not alone in this feeling, having heard similar comments from friends, some awake and some not so awake. This tells me that there is something going on. I was contacted by my friends, and our conversation follows. Please see also the blog post written today which takes this into account. I have come into your realm to supply some information that may be helpful. I am a friend from the Pleiades, and it is our realm that keeps a close watch. Your intuitive senses are correct. There is no one that can predict or name an actual date for this coming event of change on your planet. The trigger pulling that event is guided by the hands of humanity. Estimates of time frames are just that – estimates. There can be no guarantees. What can you tell me then? I can tell you of the changes seen to approach. Approach may not be the correct term, for these are not seen fully formed and walking down the street. They are probabilities only. Probabilities for your planet. Okay, I am clear. What is seen is a crustal movement. This movement was foreseen by fortune tellers on the planet in other years. (Note – I don’t believe fortune tellers is the appropriate term, because the names in my head as it came were Nostradamus, and then Cayce. Sophia) At this now moment it is not seen that this is avoided or that it has changed. If anything, the volatile climate on your earth propels it forward. The world appears in a state of unrest. What you’ve heard, “As above, so below” applies to every part of existence. It has never been that one part exists in isolation. Isolation is a lie. Any violence, whether via gunshot or movie camera or pen, effects the whole. This is particularly true of THE WORD. Words uttered reverberate into the everything. This is a fact of your existence. What do you see happening? There appears to be a crustal shift of massive proportions. This is the crack that divides physically a planet already divided in every other aspect. What results do you see from this physical shift? I see, we see, a coming together – human to human. The division you feel now and see now in people is only as real as you allow it to be. This division of the earth, as in cracks on the earth and in the earth’s crust, is felt by everyone on every “side”. This fact changes everything. There is a shining moment, where humans do what they do best – allow for each other and love. It seems to us that Gaia has only one option left, a sort of last ditch effort to bring you together in time for the Event (of shift in consciousness). This physical calamity will not be the event. It may change every monetary system and government as efforts are extended towards rescue and safety. This is what we see. There is another scenario that precipitates a more peaceful change. In this scenario, the loud shouting of division is lessened in time for it to be unnecessary (for this “crustal shift” to be unnecessary is what was meant here – Sophia). All is at choice – humanity’s choice. Do you have anything else to add? Only this; every effort is productive. It is not clear what straw “breaks the camel’s back”. Remain hopeful and promote peace in all that you do. Thank you. This conversation ended. The feeling, upon its completion, was that they wanted to confirm my intuitive sense and at the same time re-affirm my conviction that at the heart of humanity is oneness. It is this oneness which will literally and figuratively pull us together. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. This subject matter is continued in today’s 2nd blog post, found here. With love and gratitude, ~Sophia PS Please check out my store for my books and newsletter! (Click here) You can support this work by doing all of your Amazon shopping from here! Thank you for your support and reviews! Usage Policy: Please post this article everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. We are tired. There is a sense of having finished what we came to do; perhaps a feeling of completion. Or rather, maybe, a thought that says “We did all that we came for. We found each other and gathered and wrote and spoke and produced content to share and spoke and became the light that we remembered we were. It is time to go now. It is no longer up to us.” When I see the light worker/warrior community now, a picture emerges. We are brushing our hands together, having just closed the door behind us. We are standing just beyond that door, and inside the kitchen now, where all that work occurred. The meal has been served after years of preparation. It is not a meal we came to eat; it is one we came to formulate. Yet as we look into the kitchen, we see pots, pans and numerous utensils with food still stuck to them. They need cleaning and re-purposing. There is yet work to be done. We met online about 5 years ago, maybe more. Most of us will never meet in person. Yet there is kinship, a sense of family. We “know” each other without knowing why that is true. We are profoundly familiar; there is a sense of having done this before and of each of us having a specific role in the doing. There is deep recognition. There is urgency felt while preparing a feast – timing is everything. Once that meal is placed on the table, we breathe a sigh of relief. It is done. There’s only the enjoyment left; what remains is the devouring. It’s party time, finally. Yet we are not seeing the feasting yet, and this confuses us. It is happening much more gradually than expected. We anticipated the celebration to be immediate. We imagined it would begin as we shut the door, and go on for a very long moment. In truth, it has begun, but the feasters are not sure of what they’ve been served. They are sort of picking at the menu; discovering things that they never knew were possible to be part of a feast. They are adapting to this new type of eating. They are curious, tired of the old menu and anxious, if unsure, for the new one. In the same breath, they are not sure how to be around all this newness. It is unsettling them. At times it is overwhelming, so they are cautious and waiting. It appears that we not only have to serve up this feast, but demonstrate the method for partaking it. Here is where we again are necessary. The lack of urgency we feel is due to the uncertainty of this new way of feasting/way of life. Without the immediacy we perceived at the beginning, those many years ago, it is unclear where to begin or even what to begin with. We’ve introduced possibilities and now we must demonstrate them. This new feast/world has yet to appear on our collective table because we’re still creating it. We are right there and can see it. That is the first step. Now believe it and BE it. Become love in every breath and you’ll open the door. The possibility is lying there on the table – a feast as yet un-celebrated. A good place to start is this week’s global meditation. (Click here) It is Sunday, 2.26.17 at 8:55 AM Central US time/3:55 pm Central European Time. Details can be found via the link above. It starts with you. It begins within. It then becomes your reality. There are no rules now. We are crafting them as we go. We’ve made this moment possible with relentless drive, constant compassion and non-stop vision. We are here to see it through, to witness the enjoyment of the feast/world we’ve prepared. We don’t feel the urgency to this because this is the fun part! Play with your power. Practice manifestation. Walk your talk. Broadcast your light so that the rest of us can see you. We are watching and know there is much still to do. We’ve got this. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. With so much love, ~Sophia PS Check out my newsletter here and my first book here! You can read the first 6 months of the conversation at no charge, via the Amazon link. Thank you for writing a review. Usage Policy: Please post this article everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. How can we escalate this shift? Or, at the very least, assist in its progression? What can one person do? That answer is found by examining the efforts to halt it. These are easily discovered. These have been shouted at us these many years. Mainstream media broadcasts them regularly. First, realize that everyone has an agenda. There is nothing offered without an end result embedded within its offering. The outrageous revelations plastered across the headlines and websites today, tell a story of desire, power, control, money, ownership, horror and fear; all of these occurring right beneath our noses, as we go about our lives. Blockbuster movies, hand held tech and money manipulation all contribute to this. They are our constant companions and always in our awareness, if not within our immediate reach. The goal has been to use and influence the passion that is our trademark. Do not underestimate the power you yield. What you can do now is refuse to be manipulated. This single effort denies sustenance to the controllers and their minions. Things that are not fed will not survive. The war is thus won without firing a single shot. Keep your emotions in check, unless they are productive and pointed towards a desired end. Our fear has provided a feast, and allowed the enslavement to continue unchecked. What is now being exposed on a grand scale, carries with it the potential for yet more violent emotion. For sure, these exposures of sexual predation and depravity are horrific. Equally certain is the fact that they happen. They keep a force in power here that has in mind the dual goal of complete domination and perpetual slavery. This will not occur. We are here to be sure it does not. The way to do that is with pre-emptive meditation, nutrition and holistic health. You are one. Become strong emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually. This kind of strength is discovered and emerges. It is not fought for or given. You will survive these atrocities as you learn of them, and not feed the perpetrators your energy, by remaining calm in the face of every storm. You are thus recognizing your sovereignty. Realize what is trying to distract you. Be aware of what is meant to terrify you. Notice what can help you, and utilize it. Use discernment in each moment and at every new bit of news. There is nothing more powerful than your energy. This is why it is sought after and has been harvested with such aggression. It creates worlds. You are no longer in the dark. You realize now the omnipotent nature of you. This is no small discovery. We are like the infant who finally forms her first word. There is such potency here! The world becomes a place to control rather than a place to be at the whim of. Do not hide from these truths as they are revealed. Instead use them. Shout “NO MORE”! Become the poster child for sovereignty. Stand in your own authority and decide. Choose strength. Embody compassion. Walk freedom. Consciously contribute. Refuse manipulation. Walk your talk and speak only love. This is neither weak nor subservient. It is the force beneath creation itself. Remember always where the value is. It is held within you, controlled by you and the secret elixir that builds reality. Passionately, vibrantly and absolutely show up. We need you now. You are the one we’ve been waiting for. Thank you. With so much love, ~Sophia PS Be sure to sign up for my newsletter here! You can support this work by doing your Amazon shopping from here, my Amazon “store”! Check out “The Guardian” here! Usage Policy: Please post this article everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. ~ Re - posted & edited from 2013 It’s Valentines Day. A day for love. How much do you have? How much will you share? For life is asking of you – everything. This is not a time for withholding. This is a time to offer up your best. Do you know why you are here? It is your light. Your capacity for love. You ability to forgive. That’s why. There needed to be reasons; there needed to be “others”. Corrupt, confused, violent, abusive and fraudulent institutions, along with the beings to run them, are seemingly everywhere. We don’t have to look far for someone or something to hate. Resist the urge. Love the one you blame. What you’ll discover, is that by freeing them of “fault”, you in fact free yourself. All chains of judgment are locked, firmly, around your own heart. Watch what happens when you unlock them. You see, freedom doesn’t really start when it is granted by another. Freedom begins when you set yourself free. You do that with unrestrained, unconditional love. It’s all okay. You can love him. You can love her. You can love them. You can love this. You can love that. You can love you. Honor the sacred. Refuse to divide. There are none more or less deserving. All are One. You. Me. The cabal. The judge. The politician. The minister. The banker. The rock star. The protester. The gunman. The policeman. The unfaithful partner. The gold. The silver. The money. The president. The pope. All of us equal. All of us One. What is sacred is everywhere. What is sacred is us. We are the One’s we’ve been waiting for. I love you. Have a great day. ~Sophia PS Please check my book the Guardian on Amazon, and sign up for my newsletter here! Usage Policy: Please post this article everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. This blog has become a sort of echo. This is probably true of most blogs. They become sign posts, reverberations, statements, depictions of the world as it appears in that particular moment to this specific writer. As we look at movies, books and all art forms, we will come one day to look back at blog posts. They are unedited scripts; society’s laymen's version of history. This version is not written by only the winners, but by all of us. These words today are three hours in the writing and counting. I avoid what I am feeling now. It’s not pretty. I know how this works. What is in my line of sight is a reflection of some inner orchestration. It is really not the other way around. So what am I hearing and seeing that I’d rather not? Polarity, dissention, anger, pain and even blood. These songs and words, stories and comments are uncomfortable. This is not a world I want to look at. Yet there it is; and there, and there and there. My world demands I notice these replicating bits of misery. It is time I pay attention. So I do. It is a challenge. I longingly glance back at my rose colored glasses. They seem to ask to be worn, but I am determined. They remain off. Let’s do this. What I must do now is look within. What do I harbor that makes me so anxious and doomed? What internal truth am I avoiding? I cannot blame another; my life is mine alone. I know this. The feelings are familiar. I’ve held them forever it seems; blamed family, lovers, bankers, illnesses and numerous others. Yet I see, (with so many of the old ones gone and replaced now with new ones), the familiar persists. I feel uncomfortable. Like an addict, I relive the cycle – happy, sad, angry, regret, repeat. This is our life’s cycle, awake or asleep it echoes. We cannot escape this echo. It may sound different over here (on the awake side); yet it feels familiar. That’s because we create it that way. It is the only way to get the fix. We need that fix, desire that hit, and set it up for maximum effect. As with any addiction, it takes just a little bit more each time for the same effect to be felt. What’s your emotional addiction? Is it anger? Self-pity? Sadness? Disappointment? What have you come to accept as a consequence of being you? What have you decided can’t be changed? Are these things you want to hold on to? We have to move out of range of the echo, it is the only way. We are getting to the core now. In order to proceed we’ll do it as One. This means all parts included have been consciously chosen. You see, as we unify a planet, we join together as a species and accept all components that make up the whole. In order for acceptance, there must be acknowledgement. These parts must be seen so that we can consciously choose. This is where we are; full exposure. Your finest and most self-destructive traits are shouting, “look at me!” It is why I’m noticing and not liking things today. They point out to me what I would rather avoid. It is my own addiction. After years and Quests and methods and meditation and loves and losses – still I avoid this. Still I hear myself blame. As with a heroin addiction, there is only one way to stop it completely. I must move out of range, beyond this echo. I must stop listening. I must give it up. The good news is that it’s only an echo now. We know these are not true voices, but echoes. Echoes are like shadows; fleeting images of something as it passes through. Without the source, they dissipate. Polarity’s echo will be felt until you move beyond the need to hear it and stop listening. It is a choice. Know that there is no source. There is no “other” to cause you to feel this pain, not really. Discomfort is not a bad thing. Use it as a stimulus for action. Decide then to be comfortable. Our addictions gave us the illusion of comfort. In truth, these compulsions are patterns of feeling and habits of emotion. They are not “right” or “wrong”, they are bits of you as you used to be. You are awake now. You can instead choose again. This time, choose empowerment. Empowerment looks right at that addictive emotion and says “no thanks”. Empowerment chooses instead to feel good. We will walk into our new world without shadows or echoes; but with clear voices and brilliant lights ablaze. This was not meant to be easy. It was meant to be accomplished by only the fiercest and most steadfast Masters. The seductive allure of your addictions do not serve one such as you. You have places to go and a world to take with you. Let’s get this party started. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. With so much love, ~Sophia PS Please check my book the Guardian on Amazon, and sign up for my newsletter here! Usage Policy: Please post this article everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. “The act of rising to an important position or a higher level; climb, rise, rising, soar.” The definition of ascension assumes we are, on some level, un-important or lower. A common use of the word is for it to signify the Christ’s ascension into heaven. Ascension is a clearly loaded word, bursting with tradition, assumption and doctrine. It is not spoken lightly. Until today. We can look just about anywhere in the new age, woo-woo and spiritual genre and find it. It carries with it speculation, promise and prediction – yet no real facts. It is not a provable thing, yet tradition and legend tell us it has occurred and will again. Expectations are for it to be showing up pretty soon now. What if it doesn’t? What if there is no “up” to go to, and the pinnacle of life turns out to be right here, right now and us? What if there is no “higher” level to rise up to and there is no one more important than you? The Hopi said “we are the ones we’ve been waiting for.” Sounds like that answers the question in the first four words; we are the ones. Let’s entertain for a minute (or seven) that this really is an illusion, (read hologram), and that we are the ones who created it. Us, an all-powerful, dynamic breed decided to play a game with ourselves. All games have rules, winners and losers. All games eventually end. In this game, the whole point was passion, emotion and intensity. How much could we elicit? How fast could we go? How painful, how joyful, how mind-altering, can we tolerate and imagine? What will the end look like? The recent reports of the spikes in the Schumann Resonance (Earth’s heartbeat) are giving some answers – we can get things going pretty fast. Here’s how this game just might be playing out. In order for the illusion of ascension to be the grand finale, we must clothe ourselves in ignorance and add to this costume the following – Poverty, greed, better, worse, criminal, saint, hero, victim, sick, weak, right, wrong, judgment and death. These become then our playing cards. They are not the hands we are dealt, as the game tells us, but the cards we choose. Sometimes we give them to each other, trading hands. Throughout this game, we are clothed in ignorance. It is the only way we can play. One day, one of the players forgets to put on her costume for the game. Without it, the game becomes sort of stupid, repetitious and pointless even. She begins to talk and finds a few others talking as well. None of them have their costumes on. When they talk to each other, they feel connected in a way they hadn’t before. There is a sense of oneness that is not romantic or familial but quite deep. They somehow recognize each other. They feel a sense of home. As their numbers increase, some of the players, still in costume, see these “costume-less” players. They peek through their ignorance and what they see shocks them. They either shield themselves from the sight/light or mistake it for an enemy; a new game piece they’ve been dealt, another challenge to overcome. Some of them throw off their costume, but not all of them and not all at once. Their game play is now a bit more intense; things are not as clear cut and require a strategy they may not know how to employ. It feels as if the game is escalating, while in fact it is ending. Those willing to don the costume of ignorance are diminishing in number. Remember what happens when no one shows up? The game ends. Yet a whole lot turns out to be going on beyond the game. The players, now without the costume of ignorance, have entered emergence. There are parts of themselves unrecognized and they are showing now, sort of sticking out and asking to be seen. These are – Respect, collaboration, sustenance, peace, forgiveness, freedom, sovereignty, unity and love. They are facets of light and at the very core of this breed. What becomes ever so clear is that ascension was a card shrouded in mystery and rarity only while playing the game. It was put there on purpose, so the players would continue to play, to reach for it, to imagine themselves as undeserving losers until obtaining it. We are out of the game now. There is no ascension card. It seemed that way because of the heaviness of our costume of ignorance. Once removed, it feels as if we are rising up to a better, more important and elevated place; to “heaven”. There is no place to rise up to or more important person to be. Without ignorance and now free of the game, there is only an allowing for emergence. It will feel wondrous; like all those descriptions we’ve heard, because of the contrast of the game. There is no one more enlightened or ascended than you. This game has reached its conclusion, just as planned. Well played. You’ve imagined it all fiercely and perfectly and clearly, just as a master creator would. Choose a moment and remember now, life before the game. Use every ounce of your creative will to see it, feel it, hear it, and know it. This place you see is the place you’ll be. Remember when we all got together, first created and then hid that ascension card. Remember who we are. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. With so much love, ~Sophia PS Check out my newsletter and first book, The Guardian, here! Usage Policy: Please post this article everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. |
January 2025