This Quest is about knowing (and loving) that which you are. Humans create huge characters and spectacular saves because of contrast and addiction. Internally, balance is required. There can be no void in creation. The vast chasm of utter heartbreak we’ve lived exists in balance with the amazing victory, miraculous come-back and incredible “luck” that also exists. What this means is that as things, and as we, even out – things may feel a bit boring. There is a “hit”, an adrenaline rush that comes with the extremes of contrasting emotions. It is addicting at both ends. We may not feel complete or satisfied until or unless we have something to cheer for, scream about or fear. Our bodies have been tuned to “high alert” status for a very long time. Understanding truth is knowing that it starts and ends with you – you are creating, believing and expecting every “hit” you get. It’s all done with purpose. Its purpose to feed our addictions. Loving every part and particle of yourself means seeing your addiction – choosing to either satisfy it or resist the urge, and not letting that choice change your self-love. We spoke last about the game of humanity. You are passionate to the extreme. The trick, now that you are self-aware, is to choose your extremes. I live in Chicago where the Blackhawks just created a Dynasty, winning the Stanley cup again, the third time in six seasons. The town is on fire. Chicagoan's are getting that emotional addictive “hit” vicariously – by watching hockey. It’s fast, exciting, satisfying and runs the gamut as far as extreme emotions are concerned. Once you choose some way to express the extreme emotional “hit” you crave, you can create the rest of your days in balance. With intent you can love yourself into situations of health, prosperity, vibrancy and challenge. Creation is not so much the result of positive affirmations as it is the product of a constant frequency you emit. The freedom attitude when applied to love means that every part of you is acceptable and love worthy. You are free to love without condition. Once we get that, really live like that, our neighbors and fellow humans appear the same to us – acceptable and love worthy. Every one of them. A world of acceptability and love worthiness may not have things like rage, crimes of passion or depression. That’s okay. Once our expectations have adjusted we’ll discover room for passionate creativity, unbridled expansion and wild self-expression – just for starters. Loving yourself absolutely doesn’t mean you look for the summation of your parts that “measure up” to some self-defined standard. No, it means you absolutely understand and accept that in all of creation there is only one expression of love that you are uniquely qualified to give. You are here now because you are necessary. Because you are you. Only you know what it is you came to give. Show us. You are the one we’ve been waiting for. ~Sophia Sign up for my mailing list here! Youtube link here.
For love of self is the apex of power. Without it, all pseudo-powers fall away.
There is a sense of self, which once attained, is absolute. Power that depends on title, position, money, strength, name, knowledge, looks or ability is not power at all, but part of the game. This game. The game of humanity. We understand power because at our core it is what we are. The initiating force from which you spring – is love. This love-force is beyond telling. It resides only in knowing. What knowing provides is a fearless response – to everything. Fearless is often depicted as having nothing to lose. Perhaps it is instead an understanding that you cannot lose. The absolute truth of you is eternal. It is everything. There can be no loss. You are everything. This blog post (Click here) describes an experience of that. It was shared first in a recent newsletter. (You can sign up here to receive my newsletters regularly.) This quest (it is our second day) is an exploration of freedom. What does it mean to be free? Freedom is defined by Merriam-Webster as “the absence of necessity, coercion or constraint in choice or action.” Have you ever felt free? Understanding yourself as equal and complete in every way trumps all doubt. This freedom as defined means you need nothing. You are not forced into or stopped from any choice at all. If we are understanding creation; this means that once we actually feel free, and embody freedom, we will then naturally manifest its physical expression. You stand free to love yourself exactly as you are, without interference by outside opinion. That’s the true ring of power, the real key to the kingdom. Unconditional self-love means that with imperfect bodies, bank accounts, relationships or even health, you “get” completely that you are god. You know how to change your world. You choose the life you desire and you create it. In 3D terms it means your power, resolve, tenacity, happiness or success is not interrupted by outside opinion, an unexpected detour, an unscheduled “request for payment”. Remain resolute. You are here to change your world. It all starts with love. You know who you are. Cherish her. Adore him. You are the one you’ve been waiting for. Until tomorrow, ~Sophia Sign up for my mailing list here! You tube link. So... what follows is a conversation that was shared initially in a newsletter. It has resonated deeply with so many, that it is also being shared here, for anyone who hasn't seen it. The experience of this you will read about here is sort of beyond description. I made an attempt to explain it t to my friend this way: "It was like, idk, like knowing what all of life is, without having a physical life, without years or opinions or pain or even the necessity of learning... It was just knowing, well, everything. There are not really words..."
If you are not on the newsletter list, you can sign up here. Enjoy... The conversation below took place on June 5th, 2015. I am here now. What do you wish to talk about? About this notion of Ascension. Who are you – how will you be identified? I will be identified by my mark of birth – yes, I’ve been human yet not only or often. What do you mean by “mark of birth”? By the fact of my personhood. I have existed in the “3rd” dimension as you call it, in the denser states. Well, I will need some other form, something unique to you. There is a name – yet you may not know of it – it is – I will say the letters in your tongue. S-L-O-V-E-N-T-A would be closest. Okay. If you are not often human, who/what are you most often? I am not in form most “often”, yet it would be more accurate to say “mostly” as I AM ONE – occurring in many places. Your quantum physicists are seeing the truth of this. I have been human. It is for this reason I want to speak of “ascension”. It was all the rage when I was human as well. Not for everyone, but reportedly for the sainted or holy ones. The idea that some beings had “ascended” into “heaven” once they passed was held sacred. It was a mark and if you were one of those accomplishing ascension, well, it was the ultimate in spirituality – the apex – the goal. We were so mistaken. Both in how we defined what we saw and what we yearned for ourselves. I see now how the yearning is all part of the journey. Yet I also see humans in your focal moment of now doing the same. Ascension, as defined today, is something to yearn for if you are looking to escape life as it exists around you now. There is no “up” or “heaven” or place to go to. You are here now. You can transform your current life to be heaven and utilize your powers of manifestation, imagination, to (there was a long pause) To what? To maximize your manipulative abilities and have whatever is necessary for bliss. None of this is beyond you – but perhaps beyond your current imagining. The reason I would like to speak to you of ascension is because the idea held by you (empirical you) about it contains polarization. It is still all “before (ascension)” and “after (ascension)” – darkness and light – then and now – less and more. The fullness of every facet of your life is not understood. From the place that I look – I see a mass of beings in stasis still waiting for an outside event, happening, spark or influence – to push them “forward.” This is only possible if “forward” were true. It is not. The fullness of life has to be realized from inside – like an exponentially felt ZEN MOMENT. I am getting a picture. Describe it. I am sending you one. It is light from the inside – gradual and bursting forth all at once – an internal explosion of brilliance without damage – an expansion of self that, I don’t know. What I physically see is the form of a human in shadow – black – and inside the form and then beyond and the form never moves – yet the power of the light is exceptional and reaches far past the form itself. Perhaps I’d call it a “Light-Gasm”. You have captured my message/image. Ascension is not so much a climax but a maturing and a new start. A version of creation theory that is like the “big bang” on human form. Once that level of life is realized and expressed, it most naturally evolves to more life – and the cycle continues. I see man hold a notion of climbing “up” towards ascension when there was never a “down” to move out of. Every moment of life is sacred. Held there, time is immaterial and there is no question of belief or doubt. Life answers itself. Everything is known. Humans play with not knowing, not liking, not remembering and not loving because it’s a way to RE-know, RE-member and RE-love. It’s pretend. If there was one thing I could get across as a bit of assistance on your current “now” it would be to stop, notice every now moment and it will share with you the secrets of life itself. Do not imagine yourself un-ascended or with something you “must” do. Just live each moment to its extreme depths. This will give you pause enough to let your light emerge. You’ll see more clearly and with greater understanding. I did none of these things while human. It was “long ago”. I too wanted a way out and tried all the “fads”. I hated still, mostly myself, for reasons I could rattle off like a list of grievances – but not discern. The self-hatred comes from a stuffing of truth. It seems that this game always sounds like fun before you actually play it. Then, it gets far too real and painful. By stifling of truth I mean that the fullness of humanity is hidden beneath the roles they wear and take. (Another long pause) Why have you stopped? As you become weary it’s like you turn the volume down. Well, yes, I am tired. Please explain a bit more and we’ll finish up now? I have no self-hatred when I am not human. I also have no feast of constant sensation and emotion and stimulus for creation. Here (In the non-physical) truth is known. As human, truth is what you are learning, feeling – BECOMING. This self-hatred is a mis-identification of your actions. Somehow, your ego has gotten the message that its done something wrong, very wrong. What is wrong is humanity’s acceptance of limitations in its self-definition, not anything it is doing. As man becomes the fullness of himself, he “ascends” – without going anywhere. I would like to speak of this again. But I must go. Yes. We will. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ We are the ones we've been waiting for. ~Sophia It has been hours, along with numerous tossed out pieces of beginnings this morning. Yet still I have no clue where to start.
I am hosting a love quest. That much is certain. There’s an unquenched thirst in me that gets satisfied here. A part of me that gets loved through this loving. A learning about love happens on these trips in the most unexpected places. I think that I am loving you, yet in truth it is me that gets the benefit. These words fill me up. I’ve learned that I can love without seeing you, feel without hearing you and know without meeting you. This, only possible if I AM you. We are ONE. We exist everywhere; in every body. The Netflix Series AK mentioned, Sense8, visually demonstrates an idea of multi-dimensionality. I’ve only seen the first one and am pretty much perplexed. Yet I get it. We are everywhere. It only takes a sitting down, a sharing, and intent, for you to realize that you know this. You know the other. You’ve been the other. In the case of Sense8 – you ARE the other. We are ONE beyond physical and beyond trite expressions. I cannot love you if I don’t love me. I didn’t know this before. I thought I loved you for reasons. There are no reasons for love. Love is a fact. You can’t see it, smell it, taste it or hear it. Love is as I AM. I want to tell you how extraordinary you are. How each note sent, every thought shared, all things given and whatever you show up as is the most wondrous thing. I feel you as you read these words and the gift of your reaction explodes in my heart. We give without restraint or even comprehension as we feel each other – this is love expressed. Love is perhaps the only place we completely agree. This, because the connection starts and ends there. You are remarkable. You’ve come to a place of contrast and conflict in order to embody its opposite – oneness and unification. All this in slow motion. Every feeling, deeply felt; each heartache, painfully lived through. You are not masochistic. You are determined. There are few others in all of creation admired such as you. You are brave, strong and attempting the miraculous while blindfolded. Your intent and determination got you here. Your love and power will see you succeed. And what is success? I was given a locket years ago which states: “A true Master is not the one with most students, but the one who creates the most Masters. This is your task now, (if you are looking for direction). You know your truth. You are love. Bits of love emerged when Source chose to experience every facet of itself. You, a bit of Source, a fragment of brilliant light, a piece of eternity. Love without end, looking back at you in your bathroom mirror. Reflect back to me, to us, your love. Every moment is rich with opportunity. Move deliberately so as not to miss your chance. Love yourself. Amidst the bills and the struggles, the longings and the pain – remember. You chose and were chosen for this very moment. This string of moments, your Now; the stage for only you. We are watching. We need you to remind us of our truth. The overwhelming need to feel wanted, safe, secure, accepted and respected is always there, beneath our bravado, hiding in our humor. Show us our love. Be who it is that you are. The express nature of you is but a tiny portion of eternity, holding all of creation in its grasp. And what is eternity? Ever reaching, always expressing, passionately embracing – it is freedom. It is life without bounds. It is love without restraint. It is what we will explore on this quest. Freedom is the embodiment of Oneness. To fight for freedom is a game played by some. To embody freedom is sovereignty; Unity has no enemy to fight. We are One. We are the ones we are waiting for. ~Sophia Sign up for my newsletter here! You tube link. Surrounded in the lush green of our little backyard, I inhale the blossoms. Life absorbs my senses and it’s a challenge to focus while breathing in butterflies amidst a cacophony of birds. There are little ones – a rabbit, a robin and a newborn neighbor each peeks out at their first summer. Days like this remind me why we came. Diverse and gorgeous, each day rises with its own ambitions. Life is full and complete. Just listen. This thing we are all doing and going through is remarkable yet so mundane. I’m beginning to understand life is just like that. All of it. Before the shift. After the shift. During the shift. We will all move along, find our way, change direction, step back and skip ahead. Sometimes we’ll move together and others we’ll feel alone. It matters not. What matters is the moment. The emergence of another season reminds us of others. We compare – this year colder /warmer than last, this tree came back while that plant didn’t make it. Weather, changes and predictions become our daily dialogue. It’s this contrast that fuels us, occupies us and sparks our creations. Contrast has been capitalized on and grown into polarization. It’s demanded our choosing – one country, one family, one lover, one god; and in that choosing declare allegiance while swearing obedience. These manufactured duties as part of the game, the game of humanity. The air I breathe today is intoxicating – overwhelmingly fragrant. No less so than societal immersion – we are overrun with requests. Whose side are you on? What team is the best? Who is worst? Who is right? Who is wrong? No one to tell us it’s all okay, or better yet, that it’s not the choice, but the choosing that’s the point. With emerging consciousness, we direct our life. New ideas, abilities, rememberings and desires spur creation. I find myself talking and listening to off world beings on most days. My dear friend K suggested and wondered if these were fractals; fractals of me. I think yes, and here’s why. If we could imagine Source as a vase; a huge exquisite, light filled, multi-colored vase. Next imagine a moment of creation, a sort of Big Bang moment. The vase explodes and infinite luminescent shards burst forth. Some are from the base of the vase, some from the rim. Some are blue, some pink, some green, some purple. There are shards within shards as a large blue one breaks again. These blue shards/fractals are closer together. They broke/were created at the same now moment. Consider these your “peeps”. You know the ones – you instantly gel with. There is some sense of familiarity that existed prior to that latest “hello”. You’ve done this before. Yet all of the shards/fractals are bits of Source. The further away on the vase they started, the less familiarity they feel with each other, the less likely they are to easily “fit” together. Some of these (off world) I speak to are my “peeps”. The Plieadians; and there are some others. Some feel foreign, yet there is a sense of knowing them all; a sort of “fractals r us”. K also suggested that what I am doing with these conversations and the sharing of them is sort of expanding consciousness in some weird and wonderful way that expands it for anyone reading… I will say here that there are more conversations than I can share in a blog or a newsletter, but that they are all saved (to be shared someday). These that are shared right now in both places, are what feel to me to be the most relevant or cool or both. ;-) Did I create these beings? Am I a fractal of these beings? Yes and yes, just as I created you and am a part of you, and in the reading of my words, you’ve created and are a part of me. WE create it all, that’s the whole point. We are ONE. It is a challenge to broaden our scope and incorporate oneness into all of creation, yet absolutely necessary. We swim in a sea of polarization… Our life, as perceived by us, is absolutely our invention. Every now exists because we believe it does and so we put it there. We are one Vase, gathering our pieces together in whatever fashion feels right. Just for the fun of it. Here’s an interesting conversation, though unfinished, from someone I spoke to yesterday. Enjoy. ___________________________________________________________ Is there someone specific who wants to engage? There is. You are keeping me awake. We feel a certain urgency to our information. There are many wanting an audience. It is our option to reach you now, when there is not so much static. (This was close to midnight and I wake each day at 5AM) I do not know what you mean. You are open – we are ready – it is the good moment for a connection. Okay. I would like an introduction. I would also like an immediate ‘getting to the point”. It is so very late for me now and I am not so sure how long this will last. Yes, we feel a draining. We are not here to cause you discomfort but to supply facts; certain ones that may enlighten you further. We are not a race that frequents earth by way of visitation or even lights in your skies. Our interest is in the stories of old that circulate and their (*they) seem to form the basis of your “history”. This, we find to be a fascination into the insight of your predecessors, creators and ancestors rather than the truth it has been labeled. How do you know our history if you’ve never been here? There is a galactic truth/story if you will that Earth is a part of. The misconceptions and falsehoods told and repeated over your concept of time was part of the veil of secrecy man agreed to step behind. Not being human, we have never agreed to step willingly into delusion. All truth is available in the Akash. This is accessible to anyone interested in discovery. What we’d like to say to you is that your origin somehow incorporates a bit of all the lies/folklore/stories you’ve been told. Yet there is (*are) huge gaps and holes in knowledge. Mankind takes the clues he finds left behind such as huge buildings and monoliths and imagines why – having no factual basis on which to stand his theories. There were giants on your Earth by your standards. There were times of great advancements in structural buildings. These were not made with any tool you have today. The years of the creation of these stone buildings go so far beyond what man has guessed as to make it unbelievable. As man uses time in forward motion only – the truth of time confuses the issue for any of his ability to “date” artifacts and buildings. It all has happened. Time revolves as a record and what some of the discoveries are is more man’s “future” than “past”. Mankind has already decided where he is going and what will be available to him when he gets there. Mankind has succeeded in securing a stronghold of power on Earth that will/does/is containing every dream and all imaginings for past-present-future lives. The remarkable thing is that by remaining behind the veil you’ve “puled the wool” over only your own eyes. Everyone else in the cosmos has access to your story and so the ending is no surprise to us. We are enjoying so much your pretense of not knowing that there are many who show up again and again to remind you. (Here I felt a reference to the many channelers.) Humans by design have limited attention spans. I think I have to stop now. Yes, I feel your fatigue. Just know that as your story plays out for the rest of us – it makes it possible for it to be told to you before you see it for yourselves. This does not make the tellers more powerful than you – only not restricted by the curtain. Yes. I must go. The conversation ended. These conversations continue regularly and are shared. If you join the newsletter, you will receive a once a month publication and the chance to subscribe to the service. Subscribers receive a newsletter every 5-7 days. Click here for more information. Talk to you soon, Much love, ~Sophia You tube link. An alarm bell sang out all morning in the neighborhood here: “pay attention”, “pay attention”, “PAY ATTENTION”, “PAY ATTENTION!!!” With each blast, a peacefully gorgeous day is interrupted. The contrast is startling. The sparrows too, tap and chirp incessantly from the wires and the gutters and the rooftops – sending Morse code sequences of warnings. What is the message? After a while, the screaming laughter of schoolchildren unravel part of the story. Not a real alarm, but a hand-held siren as part of an end of the school year field day. Yet the birds have not given up. What is it that beckons my awareness? I can speak to what is happening internally. Physically, there is a sense of exhaustion, as if I can go no further. Emotionally and spiritually solid, I wonder about the contrast. Is this a metaphor for what is happening on a global scale? Years ago we heard of a time to come when we’d choose; some stories describe multiple earths. Perhaps this was an attempt to describe what we are feeling and living right now. The densest parts of us are working like mad to catch up with the changes happening seamlessly to the parts of us not so 3D. We are One. What that feels like right now is akin to puberty. Do you remember? Parts of you would morph, seemingly overnight. And the other parts? Not so much. There were days my body felt like Frankenstein – tall, clumsy and pieced together awkwardly. The rapid acceleration in frequency leaves a wake of energy in its path – it is here, where the rest of us hangs on, desperate to catch up so some sort of stasis can be achieved. My body is working so very hard to speed up and blend in harmony with my spirit – its exhausted. My spirit is sort of taking off, unencumbered and excited for the next part. All of me is not in sync, as the element of 3D “time” is worked out. Some changes are instantaneous; its important to notice them. Habits of speech and patterns of repetition can set you back or hold you up or both. Constant vigilance is so very effective now. These changes are unprecedented. We won’t find them in the medical journals or history books. This is “cutting edge technology”. Actually, you are “cutting edge humans”. You heard of the potential for change and the possibility of liberation and eventual Unity realized, and you jumped right in. You did not hold yourself back or refuse to assist. On the contrary, you joined the team, stood in front and raised your hand. This is what we signed up for. First to sense and accommodate these new energies; we’ll stand as powerful examples of high vibratory humans. It doesn’t feel like that yet maybe. The alarms are ringing and nature itself seems to be announcing the shift. You can feel it right down to your toes. This week has gone by soooooooooooooo sllllooowwwwwwllllllyyyyyyyyyyy……………. It feels like a precursor to a sudden jolt. Up until this week I could barely keep up – so change is upon us once again. The last time I felt like this was March 15th, 2015. Things shifted suddenly on that day for sure. Perhaps this time we’ll create a gentler shift. This 3D suit could use a quick upgrade to keep up with the speed of these rapidly moving energies. Perhaps this gradual lead up will bring us closer to Unity in a clear and concrete way. We are most certainly changing, that much is clear. Every part of what’s in your world is blasting that message – today it is loud and insistent. “Pay Attention!” These discomforts, weirdnesses, aches and insights are not business as usual. There is no usual. There is only now. As we re-describe each now, new ideas get introduced. This, so that understanding comes and more is accepted. All healing and growth happens while we sleep. Don’t be afraid to take a nap. Maybe two naps. We’ll wake up stronger and unified and ready to rock. This is why you are here. So the rest of us can see how it’s done. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. Much love, ~Sophia Sign up for my newsletter here. Paid subscribers receive one every 5 – 7 days, general newsletters are sent once a month. This week we have some more answers from Poser and the Galactic Council! You tube link. |
April 2024