At first, I feel isolated; a lone stronghold of light buffeted around by pushy packets of dark energy. They appear dark, black and red. Violence, blood, horror and fear provide their emotional landscape. I see other packets of light; disconnected beacons, sometimes pools, circling the globe. Challenged to remain focused and steadfast, these small light beams hold on, eventually shooting out long arms of light; joining hands as it were. The light becomes one force now, surrounding these isolated black blobs of fear. Then a sort of web begins to form along the edges of every darkness. It grows, eventually meeting in the middle of each globule. A light-netting now rests over the dark; with the black still visible, but muted. The darkness sees our net. It is touched by it. It is not eradicated, but changed. The earth appears encased in light. The vision ends. Such was my visual from yesterday’s global meditation, which was organized by, click here. The force of so many of us was felt and had an effect. Yet our work is not done. An interesting comment was made yesterday that I’d like to share. The conversation concerned a specific person, and why he had been acting a specific way. “Well, he’s an earthling.” Wait, what? This floored me. It opens up something I’ve only just skirted around the edges of. We’re all human, right? Right. Yet some of us have only ever been human. They are the reason the lightworkers are here. Most of my work, (and likely most of yours as well), is regularly consumed by a specific audience. These are your “peeps”, “homies”, “followers”, or whichever term applies. This group gets it already. They know there can be another way, because they remember places where it was different. Those of us who have only ever been human don’t know this. Now, this conversation continued sort of like this: “Oh… Really? Wait. Who else in my family/of my friends fits this demographic? What about him? What about her?” This went on for a bit. It was enlightening to say the least. It explains a great deal. This list of “only ever been human” folks was much smaller than the “also a star seed” bunch, at least in my circle of people. For the most part, I picked them out easily. Some are quite highly evolved, (more than some star seeds), yet they still only know earth and their vision for possibilities is defined by what they know. The difference is that you expect, believe and work for what you know is possible. Those of us who fit the “not a star seed” group, may not be able to entertain any sort of sovereign or cosmic consciousness until they see it for themselves. The star seeds are here to show it to them. I was told also that there are “sleeper” star seeds who haven’t yet woken up. At first, they appear to be “not a star seed”. Yet with enough evidence put forth by the first wave, they will awaken quickly. None of this may be a revelation for you, yet it was for me. Our differences of belief systems are not because anyone is wrong. We believe what we know. The meditation visual experienced yesterday was saturated with emotion. There was so much terror emanating from the black and red blobs. I was taken aback at the sheer volume of what is still going on here on the planet. Once the light net encased the fear though, there was a palpable alteration. It was as if they noticed that we were here. There was a sense of relief accompanying their noticing. As a dear light warrior friend said “The good thing is, this way everyone’s included.” He experienced a similar vision, and described it with these words: “It was hard at first! I didn’t know if we’d pull it off! But we did. There is still more to do.” We’ve done so much to effect change. The light quotient on the planet has increased to where the dark can’t escape it. What happens next is, and always has been, in our collective hands. Meditation is a powerful tool. It need not be deep or lengthy. It needs to be often and pointed. Everyone is right. Those of you who are tired can feel the effects of this uphill battle. You are able to see what’s just over the crest. It is beautiful, peaceful, abundant, vibrant, satisfying, joyful and new. We are here to share that vision with others who don’t yet realize what is possible. What I wanted most to share today, was this comment – “he’s an earthling”. Unity erupted with those 3 words. This puts things into a different perspective. We are here for them. We are here for us. We are anchors for the light. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. Let’s do this. With so much love, Sophia PS To support this work - check out my books and sign up for my newsletter, here! Thanks for writing reviews, and for shopping from my Amazon "store", here! Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged.
On this day of the Equinox, and with all of the intensity seeming to build world-wide, (can you feel it?), this post includes links for 2 global meditations. One today, hosted by Prepare for Change at the moment of the Equinox. Details found here. The other takes place Sunday. Details here. Please join and share. It is our collective power that determines everything. What follows are parts of two different conversations held with One. The first on September 3rd, 2017 and the next happened yesterday. Both are relevant. 9.3.17 This was an ongoing conversation concerning certain groups who are actively attempting damage to the planet and the people. What follows is a quote. Part of the process, the evolutionary program, is a sort of learning that comes from fewer and fewer “food” sources for them. This occurs now. This game all but ends right now. The final blow must be a human one, in full form. What does that mean? It means as you wish for help, help is created. Yet not from outside your own family – the human will realize its own power in this scenario and in doing so will too proceed, and be catapulted towards full realization. This propels actualization which could be another word for ascension/enlightenment. These last moments now bring full force realization of both desires and abilities. This ending and final removal happens now with few tragedies. The decision for how to proceed is complete and events happen now to assure that they do. There are no mistakes in this process. All is perfectly done. Be assured of this ending. All that is desired is attained fully – wealth, freedom and an elimination of the dark. Balance is restored now. That is what I’ve come to say to you. Thank you. 9.21.17 Please continue about the date of 9/23 and the Equinox. I will say this. The equinox is an event that coincides with overwhelming odds for internal systemic shifts. These shifts would have taken place in an earlier time frame. Yet the opposing parties to them are holding fast their role. It is as if they believe this is all there is. You know, your readers know, and even those in the driver’s seat of this opposing force know that life goes on beyond the one attached to this specific timeline. Yet all actions are geared to hold fast to every physical aspect here and now. I will say this. The change of seasons as heralded by the equinox has been indicated an important date. This much is true. The interpretation of the reasons for this importance has been misread however. It is not a time for physical calamity. It is a moment seen by the ancients as one that would be necessarily significant as a last resort. If there had not been systemic shifts by this moment – they would begin now. It is vital when considering prophecy and messages that all of the import be considered. By this is meant all of humanity. Creation itself determines the course of events played out on any timeline and cannot be ignored. Mankind has significantly altered his own history and re-aligned the most probably visible timeline. He must now consider his own effective expectation and belief and see how much of that stimulates massive events. There is not a small, but a significant portion of the populace expecting something to happen on the aforementioned date. So, something will. Whether or not this day is the end of the known world depends on your definition of the “known world”. Your world remains physically as solid as it has ever been, after this date. If what you include in your worldly definition includes systems of control and rulership as they stand today – then your world begins its collapse now. You will always be the determiner of your life’s events – on this and any day. Come to a daily practice of meditation and intend for the world of your fondest dreams. Know that one has an end, before a new one can begin. That is all. Okay. Thank you. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for ~ We are anchors for the Light ~ Let’s do this. With so much love, ~Sophia PS Check out my books and sign up for my newsletter, here! Thanks for writing reviews on Amazon! The link below was shared by Julie, and it is perfect for right now! Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. I’ve wanted to post something before this week ends, and I’ve found the perfect mirror for what I am noticing, shared recently by my friend, Terran. Here are some favorite quotes, along with a link to the entire story. It’s worth the read. Those of you who follow the blog, know that I’ve been following #HATJ and #RKB. Things seem quiet now, yet they are not. Here is where the work gets done. It is time to use your powers of creation, it is time to see it done and done well. Meditate, intend, create. We’ve seen this work, we’ve felt this have an effect, we are not yet finished. “Everything that has happened is to make THE ALL known.... that much is clear. How that happens depends on how we see the ALL.” “Are we the ALL? Do we feel that and see the ALL within everyone?” “Even in those who appear on the surface to be enemies…?” “Everyone and everything mirrors us inside, nothing is separate from Source, all is Source.” “What do we create? What do you create? We are at that moment.” “What exactly happens next to just wrap things up … feels very, very imminent.” “It’s vital you listen to your heart NOW. To listen to the ALL. Feel it.” “Nobody has to suffer, nobody has to be judged. Just how does ONE judge what is ONE?” “All that is required the courage to step out in love and act from the Heart … It’s really that simple.” “You are all one. You are all Original. You are all Source. FEEL IT. BE IT.” Terran Cognito Here are some links to ongoing daily meditations. Please join in and add to them freely! Meditation schedule: - Long Island Violet Flame meditation at 10am EDT (2pm UTC/GMT) on Discord and COEO (Daily!): - Hurricane Meditation at 10:30am EDT (2:30pm UTC/GMT) on Discord only (Daily!): - Expanded Ascension Meditation at noon EDT (4pm UTC/GMT) on Discord (Daily!) and COEO (Sunday only): We are the ones we’ve been waiting for ~ let’s do this. It is an honor to share this moment with you all. With love and gratitude, ~Sophia PS Check out my books and sign up for my newsletter, here! Thanks for writing reviews on Amazon! Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. There can be no mistaking a great day, a beautiful afternoon or a perfect moment. These, although cosmetically different for each of us, contain some key attributes that are similar – perhaps identical. Things like peace, freedom, joy, comfort, stimulation, laughter, excitement, vitality, abundance, love, honor, pleasure, beauty, fun or challenges fill us up and satisfy us, bringing forth some sense of gratitude. Our dreams for a better world inevitably contain one or more of them. We know what these things feel like. We can conjure happy, fantasize freedom and imagine abundance. In order to effectively co-create our new world, these need to become the emotional background of our moment to moment thoughts. Sort of like a walking meditation; a constant living prayer. We’ve heard this before: “You can’t afford the luxury of a negative thought”. It’s true. Right now, as we step further into conscious creation, it’s like we’ve activated our super powers. The current frequency supports all of our intentions and magnifies whatever it is we believe to be true. We can contribute to catastrophe or amplify peace with equal effect. The choice is ours. There is so much happening. Remember, we are not bystanders to this news. We are co-creators of every moment. I’m heading away for a few days, and will be out of range and off line. This doesn’t mean I will be leaving my ability to contribute. I will be affecting the field with love, laughter, fun and a bit of solitude, as I spend time with family and in the mountains. The air is clear there; our vibes will expand without interruption. It’s been suggested that we each start a daily practice of meditation. It’s a great idea! Perhaps you have done this already. If you haven’t, here’s a good place to begin - here, and another one – here, thanks to Victoria and Cobra. This timing is maybe not as critical as the doing of it; if you miss a scheduled event, do it anyway and anytime you remember and are able to. We are so very powerful. There is a message from One included here below. I’ve also heard from the Pleiadians and have set a special blog page, “Pleiadian Pipeline”, on the website for them here. Sign up to get their messages as it sounds as if they will be having more to say now! Earlier this summer, K-town at Mysterious Radio Podcast interviewed me about my book, “Inclusion”. Check that out here! The choices of focus today make my head spin. They seem to shout “Look at me! Be afraid!” What we can do without fail is come back always to source. That source is you, is love and is evident in your light. Everything else, as scary or shocking or wonderful as it may seem, is merely costuming and special effects. The real magic comes from you. You are an anchor for the light. You are the ones we’ve been waiting for – let’s do this. ~~ A few words from One… September 5th, 2017 It is I. It is One. There are things to say now. Hello. Where you find yourself now is a tenuous spot. Much rests on these next few “moments” of linear time in the earth construct. This means not that the outcomes are ultimately altered, but that the process by which they are reached can be. What is of utmost importance now is focus and belief, belief and focus, intent and acceptance, focus and belief. For the human being has before him now, his opportunity to alter the collective history. In a very real sense this is always true. At this now moment it is a conscious opportunity. The energy present and available to the race not only speeds things up, which is felt by everyone. It also makes manifestation a more direct and instantaneous outcome of thought. Lines are blurred a bit. Crossovers are possible and happen. This is evidenced in the recent flooding in the USA. What the lightworkers are called upon to do now is to focus their combined force towards the outcome they desire and keep it there. You’ve said, Sophia, that you are anchors for the light on the planet. Yes. How this works is that the focus amplifies outcome – outcomes can be catastrophic or near misses or relatively peaceful – it depends on the intent and belief of the populace. No longer are you being shielded from your possibilities. You are not bystanders to these end times. They were written as they were and when they were because the far-seers of the time saw them that way. This does not guarantee truth. For sure, something is happening that follows closely the predictions of ancient, in some cases, and recent, in others, texts. Yet, and here is what I wanted to say to you today – the human is unexpected and at this now moment has surpassed prior expectations for compassion and for generosity of spirit – for love. This changes expectations and, as a result, outcomes. Realize now that you are not bystanders but co-creators. This includes the weather, your government and military forces and any current programs or systems. You have not only the power and opportunity for this, but the responsibility for this. Lightworkers – this is why you’ve come to this planet at this now moment. Never has a regular habit of meditation been more critical. This is how you determine the outcome. This is how you create the outcome you desire. Realize you’ve already altered the plans of those who still believe they run the show. Your power is held in your belief. This is so vital to this moment that it bears repetition. Your power is held in your belief. There is nothing you cannot create. Hold on to the truth that you are not, in truth, changing anything. For nothing happens until it is created. See what the world is presenting now as happening as little more than a pivot point – create the view you desire. This could be the view of your breakfast, the path of a storm, the actions of a police force or government body. Hold on to the desired end result and do not allow your focus to be altered by any presenting “facts” along the way. Your world now moves into new frequencies. Rest comfortably in them and hone your creative power. This is why you are here. That is all. Thank you. ~~~ That’s it for today. With so much love and gratitude, ~Sophia PS Check out my books and sign up for my newsletter, here! Thanks for writing reviews on Amazon! Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. |
April 2024