Things are getting weird. The veil is lifting, timelines are merging, and parallel realities are showing up in the news. Since the removal Saturday of the final bunch of controllers at the top 1%, there have been quite a few questions about what this means for us. Here are some thoughts on that. It means we’ll see more reports in the mainstream media like this one (NBC) and this one (David Icke in Australia). It means our history will change, as with these recollections of that day in Dallas, to where the story of who shot who is talked about openly. The media will be less and less suppressed; to the uninitiated, it will appear to have always been the case. The criminal actions of the controllers will become an open part of our collective history – open and (now) obvious. Without the veil we will see more clearly the host of others occupying this dream. Expect to see more out of the corner of your eyes and in our skies. There are several reports of planned fly-overs. Expect them. Words like unveiling, exposing and uncovering the obvious will be seen in media and history books. We are entering and building a new world. Our timelines are merging and morphing and becoming something else. Our children and our grandchildren will hear about our old world with surprise; in much the same way we look at the time before electricity. What’s important for us now is to capitalize on this opportunity. Expect the shift before us and release any prior inhibitions about pushing back. The structure is dismantling, with the topmost layer gone, what’s beneath it can’t help but crumble. #PUSHBACK. If there was ever a time to refuse to cooperate with corruption, it is right now. The more we participate in this collapse and shift, the faster it occurs. This is beyond an angry protest, which only happens when one is controlled, as in enslaved. No, this is a statement of sovereignty. We no longer accept cartoon character candidates, corrupt officials or restrictions to our lives. Refuse to participate in such things. Stand for sovereignty. Do so with love and from a point of clarity. Not willing to comply with anything that diminishes the spirit, we must #PUSHBACK. This happens without bloodshed; it happens with unity. An empowered people welcome this new world now. There is a shedding as things crumble and it is all around us. It can hurt. Feel that pain and let it go. There is work to be done. Notice – those small moments of concession and subservience and #PUSHBACK. These are not part of this new world. It is a place of possibility, inhabited by sovereign individuals freely living in peace. All of our dreams are now realized. This may not be easy or without disruption as things have to fall away to make room for the new. These challenges are necessary as the transition has to be clear. There will be a moment we’ll look back on, those of us remembering; when we’ll know it changed. We will mark that moment. That moment is now. Those changing it are us. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. Thank you for sharing the journey, With so much love, ~Sophia PS Below is validation of the art removal operation I spoke about here. It comes as a comment to the post: “I can verify this channel from a different angle. On 7/22 I cared for a man in the hospital who had a very unique vibrational signature and spoke of time, and the ability to be able to move through it. On 7/23 night when I arrived at work, he was very animated, and expressed the urgency to gather his group for a dissolution ceremony. He revealed that he was a founding member of the Church of Satan, and that during their time they had amassed an unimaginable fortune/treasure. He said he was not saddened to lose it or his sect because the convergence of time is now. That they must keep it "light", have a picnic or supper, enjoy each other''s company, then do a ritual of release. His worry is that the treasure would fall into the wrong hands, since some artifacts were powerful. But nonetheless...he is oNE of the 1%, letting go because "it is time...we have run our course" and that there is no longer the need of their control.” What is the best part is the jubilation expressed. WE ARE ALL GLAD ITS OVER. NOW ITS TIME TO CREATE SOMETHING NEW. The story of this experiment on humanity is told by the Guardian, in my first book, here. Sign up for my newsletter here; it includes conversations will many non-terrestrial beings! And one more.... this song, well, just feel it. Feel the light. This is what we are.
What follows is a verbatim account of what happened on July 23rd, 2016. I was told in advance of this happening. It is for this reason I then reached out for clarification. This conversation took place in two passes. The first began at 3:33 PM on the 23rd. The second I was woken up for, approximately 2:00 AM on July 24th.
“Is there someone who wants to connect who can enlighten me on what is going on right now? With One? With the Sun?” Yes Sophia. It is I. It is One. You have answered a call now because of the urgency of the moment. This moment, this one you are living right now, is the same moment in which the experiment is ending. Those in power who refuse to surrender or even to stop are being /are in the process of being physically taken out. This plan, the one that allowed a manipulation of a race, has come to its conclusion. Those beings who have learned the power and gain to be gotten at the behest of others, indeed at the disposal and abuse of others, have reached the end game – the end date of their game. It has been told that there would be an end and that was to occur at a final astrological moment ultimately. The sun had other plans as did Gaia and the plans of those running the planet have accelerated. They came to a moment where massive efforts would again be extended on their end to kill or capture a large number of humans in order to reduce the numbers of you and to incite fear so that you would be more easily manageable. That effort has not been allowed. The warnings did not stop this globalist agenda and they are right now being returned to Source. It is done. This, you will discover, is the Day of Judgment as has been foretold. No longer will those beings with an agenda of ownership and power be permitted to run amok without fear of reprisal or elimination. The experiment has run its course. Those of you doing the work of collection, battle and elimination are at it this very moment. Rest assured this day will not end until every last being participating in the ownership/enslavement game has been eliminated. They had many chances to surrender, even to assist in the restructuring. Some took that chance. Many did not and it is those beings who’ve been sought out in this right now moment for an end and a return. There is no need for regret or remorse at the end of such a being – or of any being actually. We are all at choice. The route chosen by them was done with eyes wide open and a willingness to push – all for personal amusement, aggrandizement and pleasure and most of all power. Ultimately it is the lust for power that brings on the destruction of a soul. Yet realize destruction is not possible in creation. All life, all form, merely transfers its spark to a new form when complete. These souls are corrupted and permanently so. There is no re-working of them – not in the form they currently occupy. The components of life, of One, all must collaborate to enhance and encourage life – all life. These corrupted ones have skewed the pot as it were – there has been an over-balance of greed and destruction in creation itself – on the earth in particular. This balance will now rectify itself and balance restored. Not every member of this group has been returned, only the ones that are not able to recover; those beyond rehabilitation. Ultimately life is balance and in order for growth and evolution, balance must be maintained. This is an unfortunate yet not unexpected turn of events today. You can rest easier now, knowing that your wishes for a chance at a new world have accelerated. This is due to the desires and the efforts of many of your race. The end was never clearly seen – it had to happen naturally. This ending of the beings in advance of the ultimate deadline can be seen as good news. Things can now, with the exit of these beings, be expedited into the hands of men. There is much work to be done. May I ask a question? You may Sophia. What of the predicted earth changes? They may still occur yet the severity of them is not clear or certain. Gaia has to speak definitively and she may do so soon. This is the end of a very long, arduous and painful time. It will need confirmation. Thank you. What follows took place that night/early morning after I was woken up around 2:00 AM. Is there someone who wishes to connect? There is Sophia, yes. It is I. It is One. Hello. Hello. It is time now for you to hear the explanation. This will enforce your words with meaning. These words are then to be shared. It is to be told what happened here. Your world is now free. This freedom comes at the command of One – at the end of this allowing for an experiment in creation to be perpetrated on the human being, on this jewel of a planet beloved by so many; Gaia. This ending was always foretold; the fact of it but not the timing. It comes now because the potential was reached for a tipping of the scales. The scales of life must remain always in perfect balance for sustenance; for constant perpetual possibility. This was an epic struggle not of right vs wrong or good vs evil but of creation vs destruction of life itself. Life cannot flourish if left to grow unabated. The cancer cell eventually, if left to run its course, overtakes its host. There must always be balance. It is this force that ultimately rules. This is not rule as a god with demands and requirements. It is rule as a force – the force of life itself without judgment or decision made. What happened here has happened other places. Yet it must be said that the cruelty of the humans carrying out this control over its own kind has been the heartbreak of Gaia and of the many watching in creation as it took place. What happened here will not be repeated. This experiment has shown the human to be a force itself; a being able to stand alone for a noble cause – for life, for each other. This is the beginning of unity, of oneness. The opportunity before the human now is for oneness without the enemy to inspire unity. To gather as one for love, not for strength to defend against , but for truth – the truth of unity. It has been said now, with the final act played, that above all else is One. No force exceeds One. One is power unexpected and unequaled. The battle that ensued in these final moments did so not to crush an enemy but to return a friend. This friend was lost and had agreed at the beginning of it all to do this only if love was the answer to be given. It knew of the potential for it to be lost. Now, those beings have been found and will return anew. This is the promise for all of life. It must not be mis-told. This was not a battle of good vs evil but of power and force. What happened here was not a win. It was a return to balance. All is as it should be for a new beginning. That is all. Thank you. You are welcome. Let this now be told. Note: This happened while away and there was no ability to share until now. Last night, there was yet another confirmation of this. These beings, some who did take the offer they were given (to leave the planet and re-locate elsewhere) and others who did not (and were forcibly removed), left a great deal of priceless artwork behind. These works were collected and are now returned to humanity, for that is where they originated. I suspect that we will see reports of “lost” works of art being “found” or something like that. If anyone does, please let me know. These beings were not named; yet it appears they are the invisible 1%. This is titled “Prophecy Fulfilled” because since 2012, throughout my conversation with The Guardian, he said that the ending of this experiment would for sure happen in mid-August of 2016, if not before. That story is told in my new book: The Guardian. It is an e-book right now; a print version will be released in about a week. Once you read it, (and like it) write a review! There is so much more to this story and we will write it ourselves. We are an unexpected force for love, re-defining what life can look like. It looks like us. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. Thank you for sharing this journey, With so much love, ~Sophia PS Sign up for my newsletter here! In it I share my conversations with all forms of sentient life. There’s a sweetness to the air this morning. The 90% humidity that was Thursday exploded last night into a remarkable light show. What was unbearably, heavy and life draining now drapes this yard in life giving nourishment. A cloak of water rests here.
The intensity of last night’s storm bears no resemblance to the cool quiet of today. It’s like looking at another world. We do this often. Humans are quite adaptable; we arrive, assess and adjust. There is a great deal of discussion about the changes, both external and internal, happening for us. It may be helpful to regard it all as a passing storm – transforming everything while its raging yet once it’s over, leaving everything its touched transformed. Like this morning. If we remember that we contribute to all of it, things begin to make sense. We are good at adjusting, yet we like to get used to things before we adopt them as permanent perspectives. It takes a while for us to accept the brand new as true. Now rain storms we’ve got down. We’ve seen them over and again. A complete shift of consciousness is another thing altogether. This may be why things seem to be taking so long. We have set this up perfectly so that we’d succeed. Of course it’s been a surprise how it’s happening – we like things as exciting as possible. None of us really know what this is going to look like or when. It’s like asking an artist for a preview before she’s done painting or a chef for a taste before he’s added the last ingredient. For sure, what you are seeing now is not the final result. That doesn’t mean it’s not happening. Many of us are having glimpses, hearing things that resonate and we are anxious to put a stamp on these as “THE TRUE STORY OF WHAT WILL HAPPEN AND HOW IT WILL LOOK”. That vision evolves and morphs constantly. What we can do is add our favorite colors and ingredients. And then, we can pay attention to the all around us. These additions will birth the startling in ways that far exceed our wildest expectations; the sweetest truth. Here’s a hint. These additions happen in all sorts of ways that are not located on this screen you are watching. They erupt in conversations, sing in the music you are playing, composing or listening to, and show up while visiting someone. They also emerge while out on a walk, pop out of the garden you are growing, surface while you are passionate about anything at all and speak up in the midst of talking rather than texting. They are made as we live, not watch, our life. I notice that none of my sleep dreams show me looking at a cell phone or tablet. My awake dream is another story. This post is a reminder. This shift will not speed up on this screen, that sort of acceleration is noticed in your every day. That’s where it is imagined. That’s where it’s believed to be real. That’s where it shows up. All of this because that’s where you are. You are the ones we’ve been waiting for. Thanks for being here for this part. With so much love, ~Sophia PS. My first book has been published as an e-book here. It will be released in print in a week or so. It tells the story of our awakening and gradual awareness about what is really going on, from the year 2012 until today. Here is a quote from The Guardian: For us, Moment of Justice is counted as an End of Humanity's Experiment, because this is where illuminati order will fall and all their huge machinations, manipulations, destruction and future plans will be revealed for Everyone to see, which equals to the last words of their evil "oath": "They must never, ever find out what we have done, for if they do, we shall have no place to run, for it will be easy to see who we are once the veil has fallen. Our actions will have revealed who we are and they will hunt us down and no person shall give us shelter. This is the secret covenant by which we shall live the rest of our present and future lives, for this reality will transcend many generations and life spans. This covenant is sealed by blood, our blood. We, the ones who from heaven to earth came. This covenant must NEVER, EVER be known to exist. It must NEVER, EVER be written or spoken of for if it is, the Consciousness it will spawn will release the fury of the PRIME CREATOR upon us and we shall be cast to the depths from whence we came and remain there until the end time of infinity itself." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are indeed called the Force of Balance. We hold Universe in One piece, so it would not collapse; this is our work and Duty. One more thing Sophia, I'm not really an "off-world contact", I'm one of Guardians of Balance and Stability of Universe. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can sign up for my newsletter here. Join us we explore conversations with many non-terrestrial and non-human beings! There are free and paid versions. A chipmunk chases this midsummer morning along the back fence. Back and forth she scampers, turning and repeating her route over and again, moved by some inner compulsion. Unaware of the breeze and ignoring the birdsong, she doggedly retraces her steps. What has she missed? What has she found?
Pokémon Go, a brilliant mobile app just released, has millions of players out of their homes, their cars and their usual routines, seeking and capturing virtual Pokémon in the real world. The streets and parks are filled with people day and night. It seems we are all looking for something. There was a wild “Pidgey” in my bathroom yesterday. Perhaps this experiment, the one we’ve unknowingly been a part of, has merely capitalized on an instinct we came here with. This idea of pursuit (in this case, pursuit of “the light”) is just too delicious. Once it grabs hold of either man or beast, it drives everything. It all seems propelled by an inner sense of longing. There are the everyday desires for food, shelter, vitality, fun, sex and sleep. There are though deeper, undefined longings. Some will name these cravings for god or forgiveness or home. Once found, we expect to realize a sense of finally belonging. A sigh of relief brings an in breath of peace. We are home. Hiraeth is a Welsh word with no English equivalent. It may come closer to defining what it is we are seeking; what unmet place we’ve yet to find. This inner drive for completeness feels always someplace else. Like the chipmunk retracing her steps and the Pokémon player on the hunt for the next one – it never ends. So what is it? This Hiraeth we all possess. Those who set this experiment up knew we had it. It could be argued that the Creator was sure we all exhibited it as well. It’s the force that drives us on. Under a certain light it may look like addiction; in another backdrop, determination or even insanity. It is the influence that propels us and it’s here just because. My neighbor has a pool for her baby. You know the kind – small, round, hard blue plastic (pool, not baby). For the last ten minutes this morning I hear the same splash, followed by the same baby giggle. If that baby could speak it would be saying “Again!” The word that explains it all. It’s the word that has no reason. Perhaps you could say it’s about what brings us pleasure. Yet there are some “agains” that do not, ultimately, do that. Self-destruction is rampant amongst humans, whether through food or habitual thought, belief or action. What these disconnected thoughts lead to this morning is an idea that brings together “again” and “longing” and “seeking” and the end of this experiment. We’ve been told that this is an experiment in consciousness; to see how far we’d go to reach for the light. Those wearing the dark t-shirts have not stopped playing and we’ve seen the lengths they’ll go to succeed. The white t shirts are ready to call it quits. If it’s not over by mid-August, it will ABSOLUTELY BE ENDED. This is a proposal to end it with a decision, a belief and intent. Become the light. Let go of searching, stop longing and give up needing something outside of yourself. YOU ARE THE LIGHT. Nothing else is needed. It sounds sort of simple and it may not change your everyday behavior much. Yet it will alter your belief and it is belief that creates our world. If we saw ourselves as a group of light beings, (rather than a group of beings waiting or searching for the light) – everything would change. I’ve seen and heard visions of beauty, peace and complete authenticity; our new earth. This place exists in our heart. We’ve all been there. You see, life doesn’t stop once we settle there. It expands beyond our current vision to more. Once the more becomes our everyday, we do not stop seeking. It is from there where we give. All of creation is transformed in our light, just as all of our light is transformed in creation. It starts and continues right here, with us. It does not end. Again! Let’s see what we can do next. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. Thank you for sharing the journey. With so much love, ~Sophia PS I am busy lately completing my book “The Guardian”. Look soon for more details. You can sign up for my newsletter here. In it, I relate the conversations held with many off world beings. There are free and paid subscriptions. Join us! Advocating neither an impenetrable wall nor complete submission brings up something new. This something is as yet undefined. We are awake, aware and talking about it. This makes us a target. Without creating paranoia or delusion, let’s address some things unseen. These are machines and the humans running them. The term machine is used a bit loosely, realize some of these “machines” are corporate systems; technology put in place to not only halt our consciousness but create instead fear, anger, combativeness, depression and confusion. They are meant to weaken us. “Why?” you may ask. Because in the old world there were enemies to conquer and in order to assure success, a force as powerful as humanity had to be weakened. I’ve spoken before about the *JKM’s, referring to off planet devices. Today the subject concerns devices, programs and people whose sole purpose is polarity; keep us separated so that our power is negated. Remember, we’ve called all of this forth. Consciousness without fear or walls means awareness, intent and vigilance. Knowing there are people with another agenda doesn’t necessarily have to lead to hatred. Instead, unity can be invoked. Recently targeted, it took me a bit to first realize this was happening and then incorporate a successful response. A response is necessary and not one of submission or anger but one of loving embrace. This disarms and confuses, resulting in unexpected transformation. This could take a while and imagination is key here – visualize, visualize, visualize. Part of the process is learned from Gregg Braden & is shared below. I’ve always loved Gregg’s approach to things – he is a spiritual scientist and his work feels grounded, practical and do-able. If you don’t have an hour, move to the last ten minutes of this film. The key words to use here are “bless you”. Easier perhaps to say than “love you” – as the process proceeds the difficulty to mean what it is you are saying increases. It is then that your true feelings emerge. The process for me began simply enough. It was a specific person visualized in this case; and there was a great deal of anger and perceived “hurt”. As the “bless you’s” were repeated there were included, initially, several “even though you ______”. Well, as you can imagine, this leads no-where and was eventually abandoned. Then a most incredible thing happened. The person I was blessing completely changed their expression (the one I saw in my mind’s eye); first to shock (open mouthed), then to a sort of shame (head drooping), then to a sort of child who was acting out. It was easy to then move to forgive and embrace this child, yet that did not feel right . This person was not looking for either. It took increased effort then to see this being again as an adult and fully accept and bless them AS THEY WERE RIGHT NOW. Now, notice that nothing was said about forgiving the person or liking what they did. Those are ideas of polarity. What happened was a sort of acceptance; an honoring even of the being in question, as another bit of light – oneness. Only then could I leave the encounter – empowered and whole without disempowering the other. It turns out love is not the best defense or the best offense; it is merely the only thing that actually transforms any situation. It requires nothing extra, yet changes everything. What’s happening now in these final stages of the shift is perhaps the most challenging. We are tired. It feels like it should be over already. We’ve been hurt and there is residual anger. Yet we came to demonstrate a new way to be. New ways are never successful if begun on the wreckage of old ways; solid ground is necessary. We are one and have been every player in this game. This human that has come to usher in a new age is capable of compassion and love without limit. We’ve come to demonstrate agape and when it asks you to do so from your deepest wounded self, it may feel insurmountable. It is not; for here is where the real Shift happens. There are no exceptions to this. We knew this when we showed up. That’s why we were invited. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. Thank you for sharing this journey. With so much love, ~Sophia PS My newsletter shares the conversations I’m having with many others off world. Sign up here. There are both paid and free subscriptions offered. Later this month I have a book being released! Look soon for “A Guardian Speaks”. |
January 2025