The whole idea that a person could have ownership over anything or anyone else was projected into your origin at a critical point. Precise characteristics were included; genetically reproduced in a specific fashion – for slavery to be possible. Since then, what has been reinforced into the psyche of man is that an exalted being made him – a capitol G-O-D. This G-O-D had knowledge, power and ability that man did not have access to. Space vehicles reinforced the charade – G-O-D descended from the heavens. With this dialogue running through the background of man’s every thought, a tendency to worship is reinforced. This is not the natural compulsion of a creator being, but it has become so in man. It was an intentional thought placed specifically into the mind of man so that he would be easy to control and to own. If you have something “valuable” that another person does not, you are no longer seen as equal, but somehow superior. This is a false superiority, depending on what it is you hold rather than who it is you are. In fact, superiority is a misunderstanding of value. The story of the “Emperors New Clothes” is a way, just one of the ways; we’ve chosen to tell ourselves the truth. The Emperor is in fact naked, and looks just like everyone else that way. It is his delusion and desire that has him elaborately robed. In fear, his “subjects” don’t point out the obvious. It takes a child to speak the truth. Think about your own inner dialogue, recalling thoughts you held before you were taught otherwise. Were they thoughts of worship? If you watch children, you’ll see no such segregation or subjugation played out – unless the necessary motivating emotion of fear is present. What infuses any notion of obedience as valid is a sense of foreboding. Without fear of loss, there is no reason to obey. All of these – ownership, worship, obedience and fear have been mystically bound together inside this thing labeled “religion”. The basis of any religion is idolatry of some sort; another idea that places exclusive value on a person or thing that by itself holds no such attribute. While it may be a valid observation that some physical objects and people conduct energy or evoke emotion better than others, there is no advantage or requirement to revere them – we are all creator gods. The manipulation of physical materials into art, architecture, machine or magic is accomplished the same way each time – by us. As there is no hierarchy in the man making, wearing or using the object, there is no hierarchy in the object. Now I ask you, where would our religions be today without their ornate churches and synagogues, fine robes and sacred articles? Each has been placed into the fabric of humanity to solidify this idea of ownership and to initiate worship. A sovereign being worships and waits for no one. You are the One you’ve been waiting for. ~Sophia
This is a process that in the end will yield a product. This product is you, but not a version of you holding any notion of worth as truth. The version we are looking to release understands that all are worthy equally. It does not matter on which part of the planet your physical body was born. Lines drawn on the ground are separators which serve only one thing – the false notion of accumulation and division. Any idea that categorizes or limits the value of a person – creating a barrier that must be crossed in order to access the heart, are pretend. There are no kings or homeless in heaven. The whole notion of equal, if it were to be truly experienced, would have you comfortable to the same extent at both a soup kitchen and a banquet; dining with those you’ve labeled royalty and those you’d call common. These names, the ones that make up social commentary and that you teach your children, are not, in truth, indicative of anything at all. Until you can look with equal eyes at both the beggar and the banker, you will not be seeing clearly. In order for twenty/twenty vision, it becomes necessary that you let go of notions of worth. Worth is an idea perpetrated by those who have something to “gain”. It is a false notion. The idea that one part of creation is worth more than another part, is absurd. Until the status of all of humanity is recognized equally, this society is being manipulated. If any aspect of your life is “run” by a group of people with a “name”, “category” or “title” that grants them special status, you are not free. Life is what you were each given when conceived and that fact alone tells you that access to any aspect available here is also meant to be equally attainable. “Earn” is another falsehood. Its purpose is to instill in the populace an idea of servitude. Both terms, “earn” and “worth” are locked together, creating an “opinion” that separates one piece of creation from another. Labels like “worthless”, “lazy bum”, “poor”, “beggar”, “jobless” and “homeless” not only categorize you but also reinforce the false idea that some actions or circumstances indicate superior intelligence and therefore greater value. These false names and labels have been fed to us for generations and it becomes necessary now to disregard them. As you walk upright into a unified world, all heads will be held equally high. Examine the inner dialogue you hold when you encounter each other – does it reinforce hierarchy or equality? Understand that language is largely habit – we will need new words consciously chosen in order to embrace sovereignty. This conscious dialogue will support an overriding arch that retracts the necessity to “earn”; replacing it with the idea that we each arrive equally worthy and remain so throughout all of our lives. We are the Ones we’ve been waiting for. ~Sophia What you see as your daily life becomes burdensome as its purpose moves further up the food chain than you. Fulfillment is part of your every day when you have chosen a work, occupation, pastime or activity that on some level satisfies a desire or allows an expression or expansion of who you are. Most of your time is currently spent consumed in activity that serves the purpose of maintaining your physical life. You have to eat and desire a place to sleep. Perhaps there are others you feel responsible for as well. These facts alone create in you a “need” to work at something that pays you money. This work you do, in fact and in more cases than not, serves only one goal. That would be to fatten the pockets of someone you have never met, as well as to keep them continually supplied with this thing called “value”. If there is one thing to do that would propel your sovereign state it would be to engage instead in work you deem purposeful and can clearly see the end result of. This work will benefit and nourish you rather than deplete you. As your world is structured today, you are rewarded highly for work that benefits the wealthiest among you and keeps them there. Entire careers and lifetimes are spent in finance – a make believe place where value is arbitrarily assigned, collected and distributed. The fact that many of you desire an accumulation of such value is what keeps this industry alive and running many others. It is a mixed up world where figures generated on dead wood signify the worth of a god. The blinders must be removed now. Value is not a number and unable to be arbitrarily assigned. Value is generated from the only place able to emit anything of worth. Value emerges from Source itself. When you re-construct your system of hierarchy to place you at the top – the individual you, the collective you – you will find nourishment in your work and joy in your days. This shift in your thinking will alter the fabric of your world from one of slaves serving masters to one of free individuals, alive. Yes, change to the entire structure of commerce needs to be accomplished from the outside. Yet until and unless you believe that you hold the only real value available – those external changes won’t be sustainable. Value cannot be accumulated, it exists because you do. The dollar amount stuck to anything is set by perception. In order for your life to change, you will need to perceive clearly your worth. That view point must be evident in your chosen thoughts, words and actions. You are gods. One god may appear to have more “stuff” than another – but that does not equate to more power or more value. The accumulation of “stuff”, be it gold or the land from which it is dug, is merely a game some of you like to play. It is one of the expressions of life that in your version of things has been called “greedy”. There is no right or wrong. All is choice. Each choice serves the purpose of creation – to express and experience life. You cannot be more or less a god; you can merely imagine yourself to be. Imagine yourself to be all that is possible – the fullest expression of you currently available. As you walk in his shoes and as you dance in her slippers, we’ll be watching. Powerful, individual gods will emerge from the shadows as we grasp and collectively embrace our every potential. We are the ones we are waiting for. ~Sophia What is happening now is exceptional. There are no moments before this one that you can call on as reference. None have gone through such a time as you now navigate. You have no historical figures, no guidelines, no memories to shape the world for you – to color your actions so you do this the “right way”. There is no “right way”, no “wrong way” – there is your way. Each thought, word and action is creative. Your co-creators, your “oppressors”, those found on and off planet are all participants in the formation of this new era. Do not assume that any greater power is held by the money lenders, political leaders or beings in ships in your skies. These illusions of power are what you are leaving behind. Embracing the power you hold is the foundation of this shift. It is being played out on a world stage yet it springs from an internal decision. Decide the world you’d like to be living in and see only that. Allow your vision to take form in your speech and to color your actions. Be the person today who lives and loves in the world you dream of. This is a person who chose life as it occurs right now and is aware of both the possibility and responsibility of that choice. This is a god. If there are words that cause you to recoil, see that they are words that dis-empower. Do not take an attitude of subservience, weakness or confusion. All answers are found when you listen to that whisper within. Action leads to further action. Pay attention to where your current path is taking you. Do not be afraid to look ahead. The world you are creating right now lives there. What will you do with all this power? No one has told you about this because of their own agenda. Your religions, governments, teachers and bankers are and have been manipulating the story for their own purpose. Seeing the results of that agenda provides a springboard from which to take off. I love this clip because his belief is solid. Every day it’s the same, regardless of outcome. He is relentless and driven; an active force creating his world. As we cultivate those attributes with our own visions a new world is grown. It is teeming with sovereign beings fully cognizant of who runs this show. We do. We are the ones we are waiting for. ~Sophia You are swimming in a sea of chains. There are so many and they are so thick, you cannot tell what yours are attached to – but yes, you are shackled. It is not as if your very life depends on what’s at the end of that shackle – it is that you believe that it does. It is that belief that keeps you bound. Keeps you moving to wherever it drags you. Keeps you asking to be released. It is your belief that holds you, your mind that binds you. The effort to control you focuses on a constant stream of programming as well as entertainment and food, to keep you fat and happy, mesmerized and asleep. You know this and yet you continue to search beyond yourself for the keys to your release. There is only one person who can release the hold slavery has on your life. There is only one way it can occur. The way is entirely self-motivated, self-sustained and springs from self awareness. There are no unknowns that depend on another to be known. Self-reliant, self-propelled and self-conscious – these are the attributes of a sovereign being. Your slavery has reached down to your core – it sits so deeply in your thinking that it is cloaked in familiarity. It will not be comfortable to dig it out and look at it. Your society puts on you pressure to conform. You are tired. You’d like to have someone take care of this for you – to fix it so that you can live without the chains, requirements, debt and dependence. Freedom is a full time job. You cannot be partially free. As the details of deception and corruption are unearthed, you become gradually horrified at its scope. Once your eyes are open, they will not easily be shut. Ask “Who is served by this?” before undertaking any thought, word or action. Let the answer direct your movements. The system of slavery is only upheld if we participate. Non-compliance means you answer to no one. The guns of our governments and spaceships of those off planet do not, in truth, signify control or ownership. We are, each of us, equal and sovereign beings. The only thing you can be sure about in any interaction is that your perception is informing your opinion. The desire for bliss or to be numbed to the harsh realities of the day to day keep us staring at our electronic devices and stagnant. This is not an accident. Nothing changes until and unless we change it. We signed up for this, confident we’d pull it off. A fully conscious, sovereign being experiences joy and fulfillment in deeply satisfying moments. We will get there. Perseverance, determination and tenacity are demanded of us. We knew this was a part of it and that the payoff, when it came, would be that much sweeter because we did it ourselves. We are the ones we are waiting for. ~Sophia Notice the programming here. Scrooge is as corrupt and vile as perhaps is possible in a business suit, yet the workers bow down to him, grateful for the chance to work, regardless of conditions. This is a beloved classic, told many times over and many different ways. My favorite stars Alistair Sim as Ebenezer Scrooge, produced in 1951.
The “happy ending” does not empower Bob Cratchet, but keeps him dependent and fed a bit better so he will work harder. It is subtle. Charles Dickens wrote the tale in 1843; our story goes back much further than that. The quote on the photo is from Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, (1881-1938), founder of the republic of Turkey. According to Wikipedia – Mustafa Kemal's basic tenet was the complete independence of the country.[56] He clarified his position: “ complete independence, we mean of course complete economic, financial, juridical, military, cultural independence and freedom in all matters. Being deprived of independence in any of these is equivalent to the nation and country being deprived of all its independence.[57] As the days carry on into weeks, months and years you become weary and increasingly so. You have remained ever hopeful for change, for love, for rejuvenation, for absolute peace and a place where all truth is recognized as such, lived and understood. That is not the place you have now. Now, what you have is contrast. Those you know and love are choosing, as are you. You are right now, today, on the threshold of new, of change, of another way. There has to be more than what you see everyday and even than what you feel. This is not a falsehood. Light is only visible in the dark. Absolute blackness shows only the light – frames it so it is clearly seen. Both are necessary for a complete picture. Everything has come to now – it has to – how else can you look at it, deal with it, unless you are able to see it? What has become clear is YOU. Not a shrinking violet; not delusional, mistaken or in need of repair – but you in fullness. What do you think it’ll take to move from this slave mentality to one of sovereignty? It will take a cutting off of dependence on separation, on division. What comes into your life now – today – in this moment – is set there with a single purpose: to aid in the fulfillment of this next phase of your journey. This may not be nice or comfortable, comforting or even healing – yet it will always be stimulating. Today – action is inspired. This action will lead to further forward movement. As you sense the direction it is upon you to choose again. Your purpose is life, plain and simple. You are here to experience life in whatever way it occurs for you. Until now, (and even still now), there have been limiting and confining systems at play. They have structured your response and defined all possible actions. This was by agreement and design. The exposure of these programs brings up conflict and dilemmas of judgment and unconditional acceptance for the beings running them. There is nothing you can do about another being’s choice. All that you have at your disposal is your own discernment and action. You do not know the truth of another’s motivation or goal, try as you might. What you do know is how their choice affects you. If you perceive it as intrusive or harmful even, then you may be called to act. Speak your truth without judgment. At this stage of your evolution, the question of love comes up. It has been “blissed out” in this culture and tied to an assortment of actions that have little connection to love. Love is the basis of life. It rests at your very core. You are love. Yet what does that mean? It means that the loneliest one, without home or family, knows love; as does the banker, the policeman, the president and the pope. It is the unifying thought – the One thought – and is universally understood. There is love – which is what you are. There is light – which is love’s eternal expression. There is your body – which is love’s current costume. There is this planet – which is love’s current stage. There is thought (what you think) – which is love’s current director. There is the word (what you say) – which is love’s current producer. There is action (what you do) – which is love’s current performer. There is emotion (what you feel) – which is love’s current audience. With each action and resulting emotion, thoughts are generated, which lead to words, more actions and new feelings. None of these are love. They do not mean love, signify love, or look like love. They are merely thoughts, words and deeds. They are all chosen by love – to experience itself in physical form. They cannot be right or wrong or hateful or hurtful until interpreted by the audience (emotion). Each interpretation leads to a modification, some new thoughts (directing), more words (producing) and further action (by the performer/entertainer) for the audience (emotion). The circle is complete – it was started and ended by love. When you watch a production, play a game or view a sporting event, are you sometimes ripped apart? Shouting, crying, laughing, angry, joyful and overwhelmed? When its over, do you then hate the players or actors and deem them evil in every part of their lives? Well, maybe for a moment, yet the next week or game or show will probably find you right back at it – rooting for them. Do that in your life. When it rips you apart and brings up all sorts of powerful emotion, realize you’ve just taken part in a captivating show. Choose now if you want to see it again, without giving it a name or judging those involved. Watch what happens. With the limits off of your definition of love, you are free to feel it everywhere. Freedom is the ability to do what you want without restriction. Engage, without judgment, to keep life interesting and exciting. Both fire and ice are beautiful and extreme; they stand as necessary expressions here to be fully experienced. Love is not what you do or say or think. Love is what you are. Love is not one person. Love is all of us. We are the Ones we’ve been waiting for. You hold the keys to the kingdom. They’ve been hidden beneath layers of subservience, until now. The reason for their hiding does not matter. You’ve found them. It is upon you to remember that you hold them in your hands. There are others showing up now, making demands, attempting to push you back down, to douse your light. They are saying “We hold the keys to your freedom. Do this as we command. We will grant your release if you comply.” As the key holder, you wonder… “Who are these others, making demands?” “Why do they not show themselves?” “How is it that they hold these keys in my hands?” “This does not ring true.” You feel uncertain, and that is the point. There are relationships, conversations and exchanges that empower, enrich and support you. Then there are the other kinds, the ones that feel familiar. The ones you’ve had consistently – before you found the keys. Slavery feels familiar because it’s gone on for so long. It is not, however, natural. Recognize your worth as an equal player, a co-creator and a unique and vital piece of thread in this exquisite tapestry of life. Freedom is not granted, it is taken. No requirements are made of a free being. A god does not ask permission, and a god is what you are. We are gods playing games. If you are done with this one, just stop playing. Polls are not necessary. They merely continue the charade. The “Followers of Light” have played their next move. Let’s play one of our own. Refuse the game. It may be true that we did not start this game, but we can put away our game pieces and costumes anytime. Enough already. It’s boring, painful even, and tedious. There are so many better games to play. Recognize the ones that serve a being such as you. There has been a shift within each of us. We’ve moved beyond making demands, and trading our value for cash. We’ve morphed into a realization – we are priceless. Unity of purpose guided by love and personal power moves us now. This is not a state of being that was granted by any other. This is a becoming. Stand strong and witness the force of your heart. Like a lie detector, you will find there the answers you seek. In these recent years, specifically the last twelve months, freedom and universal compassion have exponentially expanded. Trust. You did that, no one else. You did not ask permission. This is who you are. You know this. Call out the pretenders, the game players and promise makers. A god waits for no one, but moves forward confident and sure, fearless and absolute. You know who you are. Yet as of today, you don’t know who “they” are. Why is that? Enough already. We have no need of another poll with a future date. We have a planet to fix. Three times today, upon starting my car, these two songs played in sequence: “It’s going down” and “Welcome to the New Age”. Yes. There are no coincidences. If you look and listen you will find that the evidence surrounds you – we are doing this. The old order is coming down. We have entered a New Age. Games and surveys are not required. You can feel it, sense it, breathe it - now be it. There is no need to answer to anyone but you. You are the one you are waiting for. ~Sophia It took a few years. At first, the synopsis was too foreign and appalling to be interesting enough to read. Humans hunting each other to earn the right to eat; how could such a tale hold mass appeal? Donald Sutherland, President Snow in the films, explains why here. Having read all three books now, and seen both movies – I understand. As horrific as Panem’s government sounds, we are heading there now. I disagree with Donald Sutherland. I don’t hope the young will rise up and revolt. Revolt is what the government is ready for. They have better weapons, more of them, and years of planning in their favor. There is one thing we have that they don’t and it is people, 7 billion people. This brilliant campaign of ownership depends on our compliance to continue. We have to stop paying for our own enslavement. Without funding this program of control ends. In April 2012, this video was released, advocating non violent revolution. The frame I would remove today says “In May pay both bills”. What is being done in the name of commerce is fraudulent and criminal. Today’s update from an offworld contact offers insight into the Illuminati’s current plans. This is current; the tanks you see were deployed in 2013 in cities all over the United States of America. Last week, a dear friend of mine left us. As the family was arranging schedules and flights to say a final goodbye, his daughter was asked if flying in on Sunday (yesterday) would work. “No” she replied, “get here now. It’s happening.” He passed over last Friday. If there is one thing to take from this post it is this – “It’s happening.” The time to act is now. Who will be our Mockingjay? The Mockingjay equals hope. Hope is the only thing that will overcome fear. When all else fails, and there is nothing to lose, hope is what will push you forward every time. It is a challenge to go against everything you’ve ever been taught. You are tired. You struggle each day with little energy left for anything but your own survival. Non-compliance will only work if you believe. Believe you can change things, and you will. You are not alone. There are billions of us. Whatever you choose to do is also being done by someone else. Find each other. Stop paying your unsecured debt, start a local currency, run for office in your town, start a school, start a food co-op, work on energy alternatives, change something. Somehow, some way, quietly revolt. Katniss, the Mockingjay, became the national symbol for hope in the country of Panem. We need more than one of us to inspire hope now. We need all of us. We are the Ones we’ve been waiting for. ~Sophia This latest update from our off world contact urges us to quietly get creative. Check out the links included, grab some other like minded folks, and build some solutions! ~Sophia December 8, 2013 Sophia, as I shared with You magnetic rotation technology and encourage You to make them and use in Your cars and homes I was told to share with You also a much cheaper and easier way how to avoid using combustion fuels. You can easily use water as a fuel, all You need to do is retrofit Your old gasoline/diesel engine system to run on it, and tweaks necessary to make Your car running on water are very few, engine remains the same, in this case You are using hydrogen fuel (using process hydrolysis, where You separate hydrogen from oxygen), I know You already heard of these new types of fuel, here instead of buying a new car, which is costly, You can make Your old car working on water. It is environment friendly, non polluting, no CO2 emissions, although heat still present, but not as much as in combustions. So this process is much cheaper and easier, natural fuel of stars - hydrogen and natural "fuel" of animals - oxygen is being used. Click here: And here: And here: Here is an example of what can be done, if necessary resources (or funding) are put into it. Click here: There are more such videos just search for them, these are just the easiest to understand. Along with this technology there is a tech that transform heat of our body and surroundings into energy (it can be used on mobile devices) Click here: And here: A tech that transforms movement into energy (kinetic tech) Click here: And some more which transforms energy kept in matter to energy, these techs are expensive to make. What makes them common is that all of these technologies are suppressed by illuminati order and oil and batteries companies, because of their greed and I must remind You, be very careful and not try to earn money on these technologies, do not draw attention of main stream media to You, because I know almost all the inventors that tried, were suppressed, beaten or even killed when they refused to stop. Just spread this technology quietly along Friends and other interested People, once it will become abundant, there will be no way for them to stop You. Remember, the greatest weapons of satanic cults are money and lies, so when You use them, they will use You. Anyway, when these techs will become abundant Your reward will be overwhelming, wish You Great Luck and Great Success!:) What is becoming gradually obvious now is “slave-speak”. This particular dialect holds an emphasis on waiting, hoping, needing, depending, asking, obeying and fear. The sooner we drop this lingo, the faster we shed these shackles. If you are waiting to see your freedom announced in a newscast or blog, you’ve missed the point. Sovereignty does not come from outside of you. It is a deep understanding and agreement with each moment of your life. A sovereign being lives in concert with every action taken and each word spoken. A sovereign being is the absolute truth of you. All else is illusory; a deliberate and brilliant magic trick. As we morph and evolve, we intimately witness our personalities. We’ve become cooperative participants in a rigged program of servitude. You are not your Facebook status, latest tweet, salary, grade, number of “likes”, game or credit score, automobile, home or outfit. These are deliberate diversions. You are an aspect of divinity, a multi-dimensional piece of consciousness, that part of Source who chose to experience itself as you for this brief moment. You are powerful beyond measure and there are none greater. There is no one to obey and no one keeping score. Sovereignty is living from your internal sense of truth. Sovereignty is the end of hoping and the beginning of knowing. A full realization of your sovereignty recognizes that waiting, wanting and wishing are fruitless enterprises. Once you get it, you know, you do and you are. You do not ask, watch or wait. It is a subtle yet powerful distinction. This Fall, I became the primary driver in a one car family. Each day I drop off various family members at work or school – I joined the “rat race”. This has taken hold in my life as a good deal of it is now spent in traffic. Although we share more “time” together, our relationships have not been exactly enhanced. The “time” in the car is primarily spent steeling up for wherever we/they are headed. Creativity and inspiration are absent as duty, competition and compromise become the focus. “Time” spent out of the car and back home is first of all limited and secondly used for decompression rather than inspiration. An emotional exhaustion takes its toll on all of us. There is a desire to disconnect. Constant activity in direct contrast to my inherent nature wipes me out. There is no room for genius in a life spent recovering. There is a tendency to disengage; to witness life without active participation in it. Numbness results. These attributes aren’t natural, yet they are vital if manipulation is the point. We are here to connect, to engage and to enhance. We came to love. This program of ownership has run its course. Ideas of deserving, winning, worshipping, obeying and blaming do not support a free people. Notice where the “slave-speak” is still active in your attitude. This is habit; a learned and practiced pattern that is not natural. Empowered beings do not wait for Saturday, holidays or “sick” days to fully experience and participate in a self chosen life. In the U.S., many of us do not even feel able to relax on those days; corporations rule lives and retail stores stay open 24/7. If you look into the eyes of their employees and listen, you’ll feel the full impact of ownership. We’ll have to do something different, something new. Waiting and watching must end. It could be anything – anything not passive, subservient or mind numbing. We are not what we appear to have become. We are gods. You don’t need law or college degrees to run for office, start a movement, invent a better way to do something, teach or lead. You know who you are and what you are capable of. “Slave-speak” prevents you from testing your abilities and keeps you quiet. Fear assumes someone or something knows better than you. There is no one who fits that description. What you don’t have, you don’t need. We are waiting for an event and a finale; anxiously watching the skies and listening for disclosure. The only way across the finish line is with our own legs. The finale may be the most exciting part of the show, but it is put on by the same players who’ve been performing right along, the culmination of a great performance. There are no surprise actors waiting in the wings to cross that line or act out this part. It’s us. We are the Ones we’ve been waiting for. ~Sophia |
April 2024