This is not a political post. #WWG1WGA has been tagged as a Trump/Conservative/anti-Liberal/Drain the Swamp/Expose the Deep State/Q hashtag. It is all of those things. It is also something else, something much more. It is, imho, evidence of our own evolution. We are brilliant beings and, as both predicted and unexpected, we proceed in exquisite and definitive fashion like no other beings before us. As we inch forward, oneness gets clearer and unity comes closer. We do so with blinders, perhaps. Yet we do so nonetheless. We assume that our hashtag separates us from the “opposing side”. Instead and beneath the blue and red filters, it unites us. You cannot get much clearer than these words: “Where we go one, we go all”. Words are real. Words are power full. Right now, WWG1WGA is emblazoned on cell phones, tablets and laptops worldwide. This is huge. This is creation. “First there was the word.” Remember when you realized, if you have or teach or raise children, that you needed to stop putting the “don’t” in front of any instructions to them? Remember why? Because all of your words are equally heard, regardless your feeling about them, and children listen to each one. When you say “Don’t eat cookies before dinner”, they obey the majority of what you said à “eat cookies before dinner”. They’ll do this pretty much every time. For years I’ve been wondering just how such a seemingly divided populace would unite. I knew it would have to play out in real time and in full human fashion. WWG1WGA is a clear indication of the method. You see, even if you are not American or Conservative – you’ve heard or seen the meme. And, like the child and the cookies, you’ll do it. It’s now a constant background voice to any media and its invention was brilliant. Not brilliant because of my political leanings, which do not matter, but brilliant because it is a beautiful, typical, human action. It is filled with passion on either “side” and regardless of who reads it or says it. Passion is the fuel for manifestation. It is easy to remember and it is right now everywhere. Where We Go One, We Go All. We’ve learned well from these controllers. They’ve spent hundreds of years infiltrating our consciousness with irrefutable “truths” that have kept us willingly enslaved. Now, we are filling our heads with actual truths and calling them political labels. Whether you love it or hate it, WWG1WGA is in your consciousness. This is how creation works. It begins with the word. Feelings and actions breathe words/ideas into being. Then things happen. Nicely done, humanity. In this round-about and awkward fashion, you’ve passionately created the perfect building material for our next gig – UNITY. We are the Ones. We have anchored the light. It is done. With so much love, Sophia Support this work here. Thank you. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged.
What’s showing up now is a merging of lifetimes, a merging of me.
It is 2018. I am a Caucasian female living in the Midwest of the United States of America. I am/have been a mother, sister, daughter, writer, educator, Pleiadian Star seed, blogger, friend, neighbor, school administrator, probation officer, computer technician, teacher, skydiver, land owner, telepath, wife, ex-wife, aunt…; you get the picture. The reason for sharing this laundry list of identities is because recently there is a new one – other me’s I have seen, with other me’s that I am. Not from this life, the one as Sophia, but from another. It’s getting tricky to navigate. This other aspect of me knows the same people and is even related to the same people – only they are not exactly the same; they look different, with different names, genders and relationships to me. Without naming names let’s see if you can grasp the story. I am living out one relationship now with two different women. I’ve lived pretty much the same scenario with the same two beings in another “time”. I was male then, and a boy. I’ll label them “past” and “now”, although clearly it’s happening simultaneously. I wonder if, and this just occurred to me as I pen this post, we can alter what has happened in our “past” interaction by changing our actions in this current one? I suspect this may be true. I’ll share why later on. In the “past”, my interaction with these two women resulted in immediate and deliberate death for one of us, gradual death by starvation for another of us, and absolute dominance by the third of us. In the “now” scenario, the stakes are not as dramatic, yet there is a contest of wills going on. Two of the women are sort of battling it out for a sense of control and specialness, while the third, with the authority by position this time to assert complete control – is not doing so. She is allowing the same story to play out. It ended badly for her before, and she was unable to alter that ending then. She is displaying confusion and uncertainty. The reason for sharing is because I, as one of the beings in the drama, recognize both lifetimes and all three personalities. I know how this played out before. It is an absolute challenge NOT to allow my action “now” to be colored by knowing what I know from the “past”. I’m not sure just who I am dealing with, if that makes sense. I don’t have a clear answer here, yet I bring it up because perhaps I am not the only one seeing this sort of thing? It’s wild. Like watching and living history. Here’s another aspect to this that I promised I’d share. This has happened to me before. Then, both of us knew and remembered the “past” lifetime and how it ended. It was within the context of a romantic relationship both times. It ended extremely badly for both of us in the “past”. Yet with awareness, we were able to heal that relationship and this one with intent and simultaneous action. It was beautiful, powerful and we’ll remain forever changed because of it. In the first scenario described here, the other two women are unaware consciously of what we are repeating today. I wonder if it’s possible for me to alter our collaborative history by responding differently than I am right now. This deserves more thought. I’ll share any insights here as this plays out. I can’t guarantee I’ll have many, yet by writing about it we can all consider the consequences of our responses right now. It is a transformative time. Our multi-dimensional selves are merging with our 2018 ego! Pretty cool. This is a remarkable ride! So glad you’ve joined me here. We are the ones. We have anchored the light. It is done. With appreciation, Sophia Support this work here. Thank you. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. Hello everyone. Please join together today and utilize your incredible individual and collective power. This day has been isolated as one of importance, not by your actions or desire, but by the actions of others, for their own self interests. All days are days of importance and power, make no mistake and do not be fooled. Embrace each of them with consciousness and presence and intent, and watch what transpires. In this conversation that follows, we are reminded that regardless of what it looks like around us, we can create again. That is how it works.
September 7th, 2018 (early morning) Is it possible for me to connect now with One? It is I. It is One. Thank you for coming forward. I sense, as do many others, something imminent. Please tell me something about our current situation on the planet. You approach now, and immediately so, an ending. This is not an ending of life, but an ending of the kind of life as it has been practiced on the planet. Up until these moments, all major directions were ordered and then followed. First, ordered by those controlling things here, those who imagined themselves owning the planet. Second, followed by their minions and (then by) the rest of the population who generally obeyed. In this arrangement, although not in the best interests of the population or the earth – there was a sense of order. That order is no longer. The controllers have “left the building” and (those) who remain are those who may or may not be aware of this. What happens is now felt by all beings and the planet itself as a wrestle for order and for control. There will be and are, disruptions on all fronts; physical, meaning the earth itself, and also the beings on her. There is a “finish line” for the journey you are on, yet there is not a clear and singular track to reach it. What is felt as imminent are the frequency shifts of things – systems still in place that have run until now – adjust to the dismantling of any such business as usual. This can’t help but play out as destruction and death as surely this level of change demands it, requires it. The old way of order here ends now. What your friends feel and you sense is this ending as seen in real “time” and with your own eyes. The news is not that that it’s happening, for you’ve known and felt it doing so for years. The thing to discuss is HOW IT LOOKS TO YOU AS IT HAPPENS. These are not words to frighten or even alarm you. For surely all of you (who are) aware, conscious and paying attention can see that in order for the massive overhaul of physical control to be accomplished – there must be a massive visible physical overhaul. It is not that the earth and her people rebel and fight what occurs now with death and destruction as a result. No. The earth and her people adjust to a new frequency that supports only cooperative and collaborative management of itself. Things will be shaken off and discarded so that the new has room to enter. As specifics play out before your eyes, keep conscious always of your unity. You have all the power here and with intention this can be not only a re-do of a planet but a healing for all concerned. Healing does not discount or omit a need for an ending or departure. Healing can be incorporated into your intent for this ending. Become clear on what it is you expect and desire and intend, and only that. You are witnessing your own re-birth. There will be much shouting and gnashing of teeth. Yet once that stops – great joy will ensue. That is all for now. Thank you. -------------- With appreciation and love, Sophia Support this work here. Thank you. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. We are all feeling that something is about to “pop” or “happen”. Each hour or so I receive a note or a video that illustrates upcoming massive changes in some major life arenas; financial, physical, governmental, emotional, etc. I feel it. Yet this post (it follows below and was originally shared here), which was written more than 5 years ago, shows something else.
It shows us that this has been our tendency and it demonstrates that we can change it. We have learned about manifestation and we know how creation works. I will grant that there are some things that seem to be out of our hands, and that they appear world altering, yet do not ever underestimate or forget your power to adjust and display the world you believe and intend. Do not omit yourself from this equation. You ARE this world. It exists the way you see it. These are extraordinary times. We are up to the task to see them done in extraordinary ways. Here’s how I said it 5 years ago… As the days stretch into months, one can’t help but consider the notion of waiting. In order to wait, you have to embrace linear time, for without it, waiting is impossible. Everything is now. Let’s back up. About a year ago (this was 3/2013), many of our clocks broke. It was mentioned here and reported by dozens of readers. Time was just not operating “like clockwork” any longer. It seemed to be moving faster. We are still catching up. In my home, we now rely exclusively on our cell phones for the correct “time”. Even they sometimes are all over the map. Unless we have an appointment to make, time seems irrelevant. To “wait” implies that what you are waiting for is not here, you don’t have it, cannot see it and “time” must pass in order for you to get it. Yet in a very real sense we are moving out of time. So, how can both be true? Is it possible for us to “wait”, which implies the passage of “time”, for a life where there is no such thing? Consider the idea that everything is Now. Your focus changes from moment to moment, true. Yet within each moment rests every possibility. If you are “waiting” for something to happen you have pushed it out of reach, you are not focused on it and cannot see it or pull it to you. Oh, it is there, and just as soon as you decide to focus again on its possibility you’ll embrace it and have it. This is another way to Be. Linear “time” is a way of thinking, not a fact. Everything is Now. As far as I know, there is no magic “Next Dimensional Fairy” who will come, wave her magic wand and change the construct of our existence. It is us. We are gradually wrapping our heads around expanded ways of thinking, Being and Doing. Time is just one of them. Life is a hell of a lot more fun when you’re expecting to discover something in every moment. It feels more like an adventure. If we can take “waiting” out of our vocabulary, everything changes. It’s all possible. There is no longer a reason to put off any discovery or experience or happiness or prosperity or action. Just alter your focus and there it’ll be - where it has been all along. It is no longer “You are the One you’ve been waiting for”, but You are the One. With appreciation and love, Sophia Support this work here. Thank you. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. |
January 2025