The days are encased in déjà vu moments. These squeeze in between deep conversations, breathing deeply yet quietly. There was an urgency, followed with a sense of “any moment now” to this new sense of calm. It is happening all around us and within us and although calm may not be the word that you’d use to describe how you feel… here is what it actually means in the context of this article, and as an adjective: “free from agitation, excitement, or disturbance”
In other words, it is done. No amount of shouting will alter the outcome before us. Now shout if you want to, it may be more fun that way, yet volume will not change the numbers, and the overwhelming light quotient, which we have achieved, has determined the outcome. We are witnessing the beginning. There is no need to worry. It promises to be One beautiful mess for a bit and when it is all said and done, a Masterpiece. We are the artists, the creators, the saviors, the designers. Every single one of us; Masters. I know that it doesn’t look like much, yet I urge you to wait a bit; it will be magnificent. Pray. Rest. Watch. Believe. The New Earth is here. We just have to sweep away the old one and we’ve got a sizable place to clean up. Let faith guide all that you do now, and leave fear behind. Roll up your sleeves and get ready to create. You can start early; it’s actually recommended that you do so. Dream of all the best outcomes and hold them in your sights. They will manifest. That’s how it works, remember? ******* Here are words you may not hear today. Perhaps not ever. Yet they are yours. Unwrap the feeling that encases them and feel now the radiance of your soul. For you are exquisite and no one has told you this. Hear me now. For all those times of pretend smiles and fearful shattering’s… I’ve seen you. I’ve felt you. I’ve held you. My wings, unseen, encase your heart. Dear one, nothing can subtract from your worth. Bruised, beaten, disregarded and dismissed – you shine. There is nothing insignificant about you. Nothing compares to your light. You are loved without limit, adored beyond restraint; a cherished bit of radiance all squished into a human. You, yes you, are perfect. Take that in. Now breathe. It’s going to be all right. You’ve got this. We are the ones. We have anchored the light. It is done. With so much love, Sophia
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This will be quick. This weekend, I couldn’t figure out what was going on, until later Sunday night. What was realized is that I was nesting. This happened without plan or design. It was pushed out of me to do so, as a compulsion. It’s being shared here, wondering if anyone else has had the same sort of “vibe” going on?
What it looked like was 48 hours of baking and cooking. NOT cleaning actually. Just food prep. This is my go-to action before the birth of children. What I feel internally is an impulse to get things ready to hunker down. Not get my home ready for guests, but get things prepared for the family to settle in and be taken care of for a bit. Like before a new one is about to enter the family. Only there are no new ones on the way. Not from me. It is a “I’ve got to be ready to take care of loved ones” feeling, along with “I need to be prepared for something unexpected and close and inevitable that will change things for the family”. It is referred to as “nesting” and is akin to “feathering the nest”. It is a familiar feeling. So, there it is. Anyone else holding a similar vibe? There have not been any recent conversations that warn of anything about to happen. This was internal and strong. My partner noticed it before I realized it. Once we discussed it, I noticed as well that there have been recent purchases of multiples of things, like stocking up. Again, there is not a big plan here, these things are sort of showing up. So, that’s it for today. It felt worth sharing with you here. Let’s see what this next moment brings us. Take care of yourself and your loved ones! I love you all so very much. We are the Ones. We have anchored the light. It is done. With appreciation for all that you are, Sophia Words of One Volumes I and II have been released and getting all 5-star reviews! Read them both, for insight into this 2020 year. Volume III is coming soon! (click here) Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free email publications: (click here)! For blog posts announcements, you can select the “RSS Feed” link (above). Then, with a Feed-reader app. you’ll be up to date. Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. There is a sense of urgency that accompanies this post. Mere days stand between today and the US Presidential Election and it feels as if a tsunami is headed towards us to fill in that gap. There aren’t any more words to say that haven’t been said. Now those words that have been said are necessary to remember, and to inform our next moves. Action is called for.
In whatever way that you are able to, it is time to assist the global wake up. It is going to be shocking for all of us; not one of us left out. This is the energy that surrounds. Here are a few things that can be shared with folks who may need to be roused at this late date. A story was Tweeted by President Trump last night and buried in all but a few places. The Daily Beast printed it here (click here). The interview with a bit more detail is found here (click here). Today, Twitter blocked/locked the NY Post from posting, after they shared a story incriminating Joe Biden’s son, Hunter regarding the Ukraine. The NY Post is a very old mainstream news source and they are being censored by a social media tech firm? Here is that story (click here). Scientists are uniting and petitioning Governments to end the lockdowns as they are not seeing them as helping. That story here (click here). Even the prestigious Wall Street Journal has raised it’s hand and chimed in (click here); as well as the World Health Organization (click here). It doesn’t matter now where you are standing or who you are believing. It is clear that we are transforming/shifting/altering our very world and race. There are two additional links with helpful insight into this process. This first is a bit woo-woo, but if this style appeals to you, give it a listen (click here). Finally, a film combining the scientific and the spiritual, the head and the heart, featuring some of our most beloved scientific and spiritual teachers – Deconstructing Sentience – (click here). This film summarizes for us what is happening on Earth in 2020. It is a full-length film and will take an evening but you will not be sorry. To close, I’ll add that the “Words of One” Book series is also a place to go where you will learn what this year is all about. This is an insider view and not easy, at times, to swallow. It is necessary, however, to keep an open mind and heart and allow it to fortify you for the avalanche of disclosure heading our way. (click here) Buckle up everyone. Here we go. We are the ones. We have anchored the light. It is done. I love you all. With appreciation for all that you are, Sophia Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free email publications: (click here)! For blog posts announcements, you can select the “RSS Feed” link (above). Then, with a Feed-reader app. you’ll be up to date. Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. It’s a gorgeous day and as I look out from the office window, I wonder how it appears to follow the pattern of previous October days and yet doesn’t. Our neighbor’s brilliant orange tree has shed just half of its leaves, leaving behind a shock of color splayed against the limb-bordered intense blue of the sky. The garden mums are breathtaking, sitting comfortably alongside the marigolds, who remain steadfast and vibrant 5 months after their arrival. This morning, rather than enjoying all of this beauty on our deck, I found myself glued to a screen, waiting for the DOJ live press briefing having to do with National Security. I cannot remember doing that before today. Yet, well, 2020, right? Is anything as it ever was? I’ll be brief and to the point. It is hoped that you’ll follow along. What has captured our attention is media. It has drawn us away from our life and those parts of it that nourish and support us. Let me explain. We had 2 tomato plants this summer, grown in their own in pots on our deck. Grape and cherry tomatoes filled our summer salads for far longer than they should have. The stems holding them up, yellowed, withered and slowly died, all the while continuing to produce cheerful red fruit, much to our delight. Yet there was a bit of nostalgia for the plant itself, as it sacrificed its life for the very fruit it was grown to produce. As we sit, mesmerized and entranced by the media choking our airwaves, what life force do we sacrifice to do so? For media, without an audience, is DOA. We’ve become “content-producers” and “content absorbers” 24/7. If Media needs us for survival, what is it that we need? This is not a call to end Media in all of its forms, or tomatoes for that matter. It is merely observation. This is 2020 after all, a year seemingly hell-bent on transforming us. The question being asked here is, just what is it that we are transforming into? We are not tomato plants, destined to gasp our last breath for the success or spread of that most fascinating piece of journalism we “liked” or “shared”. We are human, seasonless, and require regular nourishment for vibrancy and growth. Let’s endeavor to sustain ourselves first. Here is what I’ll leave you with. It is a piece that was written 7 years back but bears repeating… I AM human. Gloriously, exuberantly, perfectly human. There is no better version of me. I let go of my “higher” self. I AM multi-faceted. I have lots of parts. There is one version of me, the one with an expanded view, who has decided to watch me now, joining this life I AM living. My life. The messy one. The one with me in it. What is going to emerge at the other end of all of this is another version of me. I can call it whatever I want, time is an illusion and Oneness is truth. This means that I didn’t “start” anywhere and there are no “higher” parts of me holding wisdom I don’t yet have. It’s all me, all the time. What I need are new words. Words to unleash my creativity in a world full of multi-billionaire light beings. What does a world with no restraints feel like? Can I imagine life without financial, spiritual, mental or physical limitation? Can I even visualize ten billion dollars? It is a one, followed by ten zeros. Those zeros, that seem to have all the power, are just a whole lotta nothing. It is the One in front of them that makes it all happen. That One would be me, the force of creation, here now to craft a world without limits. The whole point seems to have been to drive me to the edge of insanity, waiting, wondering and miserable; only to realize no one is coming. It is done. There are no ascended masters, galactic saviors or “higher” versions of me on the way to save me. This is my planet and I love her. I AM the Master, the One here to shift with her. This was the trip I came for. I have everything I need. No extra attachments are required to utilize the power here. The power source is me – I’ve just forgotten how to turn myself on. I’ve done this before. Today I AM here to do it as a human. I chose and was chosen to do this. I AM not alone. I knew before I came that I’d have to get to this breaking point before I realized the truth: The only answer is me. The only place to be is here. The only time is now. I am the only one to do it and I knew that I could; and that when the moment arrived, I would. It is upon me now to find the new. I need words and tools that never were. That 90% of unused stuff in my brain is getting itchy. My ability to create is legion. It’s why I was chosen. I will take the crayons out of the box. I will work some magic. Now I start happening. Now I imagine eternal vitality, relentless abundance, pervasive peace and wild joy, right alongside no traffic, great parking spots, good hair days and free concerts. Now I hold happy. Now I breathe music. Now I whisper trees. The vision I AM holding is the life I AM molding. I AM addicted to myself and there is not a 12-step program. I wouldn’t join one if there were. Humanity is the hottest game in town. Everyone is watching and wants to join in. I AM passionately unhappy, dramatically ecstatic and violently loving. I create things just to tear them down from boredom. I run too fast, hide in corners, sing off key and gossip. The human condition is me, and I love every inch and nuance. I excite myself. There is no better version to become. I AM here to harness my innate essence. While every single “channel” I listen to tells me how cool I AM, I continue to believe I AM supposed to be something else. These voices are reminders, nothing more or less, and I put them there. This entire life is my creation. I was never supposed to change. The answer is not outside of me. I planned to fall desperately in love – with me. I’ve hidden my magnificence in gold, in others and in promises of more. I’ve blamed my failure on lack, on others and on outside limitation. There’s no place else to go with this. I’ve reached part 2 – self-emergence. My emotions are the trigger and the best part of me; they fuel my human experience and create worlds. I enjoy them. I watch what happens. I love to emote, to feel and to push beyond. The angst of my heart is the subject of every song, each story and all of my favorite movies. To dream is my birthright. I’ve grown up inside institutions and ideas that said looking out the window was wrong, wasteful even. This attempt to systematically erase my core truth has failed. I AM bigger than any method of thought. I embrace my humanity. My emotions are the keys to my power. I only need desire and it is done. I love who I AM; I see what I want and I don’t stop until amazing happens. All contrast fuels creation. Humans do that for each other. We supply contrast. We give each other sparks. I AM the Master and the answer to every prayer. I know what to do. The reason I haven’t seen it yet or heard it yet is because I haven’t done it yet. I’ve been waiting. I AM the One I’ve been waiting for. ~Sophia I love you all so very much. *A revised version of “The Ultimate Addiction” pub. 8/2013; as suggested by reader Mary from Connecticut, USA (you might want to read this aloud, as she does ;-) ~Today’s post is dedicated to Pamie, a precious angel who began on this day a few years back, & left far too soon due to lack of nourishment. I miss you every day. Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free email publications: (click here)! For blog posts announcements, you can select the “RSS Feed” link (above). Then, with a Feed-reader app. you’ll be up to date. Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. There have been a few times when this blog was interrupted; the last 2 months being the most recent. At cause was the massive shift at the Lion’s Gate Portal in early August, followed quickly by a personal “dark night of the soul” sort of event. You maybe can relate to either one or both of these. It is a challenge to voice anything worthwhile during such events… It is good to be “back in the saddle” and it turns out there is a good deal to write about. I hope this finds you well. October is starting off with a bang, is it not? We are being called to action, and right now. There is a movie that I highly recommend; The Social Dilemma. It is a fascinating documentary, outlining the way technology mirrors truth. It concludes that we construct our own reality, and that reality is informed today by our news-feeds. Each of these news-feeds is tailor made for us individually, using a blueprint drawn by how many seconds we spend looking at this item or that video. It is designed to keep us engaged. Period. It has no conscience or purpose other than continuous engagement. It is not interested in whose side of the story we are viewing or any such notion of “balance”. It does not care about the truth. Its only purpose is engagement. This post is not here to argue the merits or downfalls of such technology, but to illustrate a point. It is that we are watching, feeling, living in and responding to a unique world; it is a world of our own making and unlike any other world – singularly comprehended by no one but ourselves. If you follow this blog and its inherent belief system, you will perhaps see that what we have created is a physical mirror for consciousness; a 3D display of creation at its core truth. What you believe, is what you expect, is what you see – all of which is informed by the frequency with which it is validated in your everyday. How often do you check your phone or laptop or tablet? That’s nonstop validation. Humans are brilliant. What comes next is indeed a dilemma – how do we retain our core need, that of emotional well-being, which requires social discourse, while we seem to have so little in common? Our literal reality is unlike any other. Indeed, we are finding that in this current era of high speed and constant contact we can be within inches of each other, hearing the same news event announced at virtually the same time, and come to vastly different conclusions about what it means. Here is the challenge we face. We are inching away from an intentionally built social construct, one made by the controllers, to an individually formed one. The individuals forming this novel construct have their feet in two different worlds. One world-view hangs on to a hierarchical dogmatic image, where things are either right or wrong, and there are official voices to tell you which you are dealing with, and therefore MUST believe. The other world-view is a newly arrived perspective. It says wait a minute, this feels wrong, this cannot be truth, this is potentially harmful or demonstrably damaging – and here is why… This second world-view is not dogmatic so much as it is questioning, it doubts the top-down narrative and seeks collaboration. It wants to feel better. It also has no experience at doing so. So, it mostly ponders and seems either unsure or violent or very, very loud. It needs conversation. Conversation with humans holding varying perspectives and different points of view. In real time. (Actually, both world-views desire to feel better, only they get there by vastly different methods.) The complicating factor to this challenge is not that we disagree, for humans have always done so. It is that those with most of their feet in the hierarchical dogmatic world view seem to be most comfortable when we are separated physically for our own “safety and well-being” (due to the virus). Conversation with other humans in real time is not easy to pull off. Therefore, most of our information is coming from a digital dialogue, not a real person. Once you watch the Social Dilemma, you’ll see the issues with that. What is happening is the dismantling of a control system that has ruled our earth for as long as history has been recorded. It’s a messy process. Our contributions to it will have to come from our deepest knowing; that light filled resonance that fuels our existence. Keep that knowing always in the forefront of your actions and responses. Consciousness is 24/7. Pure truth is discovered within. We’ll need to practice getting there as often as we can. Just love. We will build our new world together. It will not be a world holding a specific point of view, but one with room for them all. The controlling voices in our midst are set on hanging on to that control. This is, as I see it, the reason for the continued mandates and restrictions of social contact in a world where we have access to a cure. This doesn’t logically add up. Mandates about personal action within society stem from fear. Fear will not overtake love. It just doesn’t work that way. Although fear is louder, more violent and demanding, it is that way due to its inherent weakness. As this unfolds around us, and while we re-structure our world, retain always your own heart-based truth. Just love. It supplies you with ample power to withstand its opposite. Seek and find and engage with each other. We are not enemies. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We have anchored the light. It is done. With so much love for each of you, Sophia PS This blog is informed by a continuous conversation I’m having with One, taking place daily. You can read excerpts of the first two volumes here (click here). In it, the “back story” for what is going on right now on earth is outlined. It is hopeful and helpful and has been well received. Today’s complimentary newsletter will include a conversation I had this morning with One. It explains a great deal. If you are not on the “general newsletter” list, sign up here: (click here) Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free email publications: (click here)! For blog posts announcements, you can select the “RSS Feed” link (above). Then, with a Feed-reader app. you’ll be up to date. Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. |
January 2025