This week I was interviewed by Andrew Fisher, on his "Nature of Reality Radio" Show, which you can find right here! The video is found on his channel and below. Please enjoy, like and subscribe! In gratitude and with much love, ~Sophia Usage Policy: Please post this article everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged.
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Empowerment includes truth. Some, okay, maybe most, of what we’ve been told, is not. We, as a result, operate often from a place of powerless. There are things I’ve been told, some of them from a source I trust and others I’ve seen myself. These things may sound outlandish. We’ve been meticulously programmed to immediately dismiss them as possibilities. In denying their potential reality, we weaken ourselves. What follows is meant to inform and as well, fortify you with truth. A sovereign being considers all possibilities. We came as light workers and light warriors. We came to see to it that the earth and her people emerge free of ownership and at choice in their own evolution. As this story unfolds, we witness dramatic progress. We are experiencing setbacks as well, and it is here where this discussion takes us. What is going on? I can tell you some things that may help to shed light on what’s been happening. Cobra and the Alliance are working diligently to take care of these factions and machines still operating. They are having success. Yet it’s not over. There is a blind viciousness to these energetic attacks. There is advanced technology. There is no direction however, or organization, (the head of the snake has been removed), and they have nothing to lose. This only amplifies the violence. Individual light workers and warriors are being targeted and the effect manifests differently for each person. It may show up as illness or anxiety or accident. In all cases, it produces stress and the goal, in fact, is to disable/even eliminate the light worker/warrior; thus, reducing his or her effect. They (the Draco) are still out to win. They will not (win), yet that doesn’t matter and will not stop them from trying. In all cases these beings and factions and machines have to be forcibly removed. This is what they do. There is no negotiation. They are not human. It is in this light that I offer the following description/introduction of the Draco. Some of it you may have heard. Much of it was new for me. It is not an easy read, and I am sorry for that. With knowledge comes power. This is not a typical post for me, yet I felt that it could help someone. It is not meant to advocate war or battle or polarity. It is data. These are unusual times, and there are not any road maps. If only one of us is helped, this post will have served its purpose. Characteristics of the Draco – Exceptionally tall. The Royalty are the tallest, at 14 foot? Others are still taller than the average human, at 9 – 10 foot. Their vital organs are located in both armpits and the groin. The only way to eliminate them is to withdraw their attention overwhelmingly, and deliver a blow to either area. A high-powered rifle with a scope is the best choice. They have highly developed mental telepathy. They will always know you are coming. It is hard to surprise them. You can’t sneak up on them. They are always waiting. They are cowards and revengeful. They will remember you and retain a personal vendetta if you’ve met and hurt them somehow. Death is really the only choice to end this. They have a strong urine smell. This is because they excrete their waste through their skin – they sweat it out. Because of this, if you encase them so that no air gets to their skin, it will take a while, but it will suffocate them. In all cases, you have to act first and decisively, because if they are aware of you, you have very little chance of success. You have to watch out for their blood, it’s caustic to humans, it’ll burn you. So, “constant vigilance” remains our mantra. If something seemingly “comes out of nowhere”, it could very well be an attack. The thing to do in every case is to fortify your sovereignty. Use meditation, music, movement, nature, prayer or whatever works. You are not crazy. What’s going on now, happens beneath the surface of this illusion (think: dream state), but its effect is felt where we can see it, in our bodies and in our life. They are still trying to stop us. This tells us that we are making a difference!! We are not victims. We are workers and warriors on the home stretch of a job beautifully done. We are shining Beings of Light, and this violent final bit of darkness is framing our brilliance so well that we make really easy targets. You can’t miss us. Take heart in the truth of who you are, and hang in there. We chose and were chosen for this path we now walk. We’ve got this. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. With gratitude and love, ~Sophia PS If you sign up for the newsletter, you’ll meet a whole bunch of beings who are helpful and interested in dialogue, unlike the Draco. Sign up here. My second book, Inclusion, is getting reviews! (check out the book trailer, below) Here is a 5-star review from today: “This book is on a whole other level. I read the first book and that was really good with lots of info but this book is just amazing. Surely after reading this you will have expanded with much growth in your consciousness about life as a whole. Thank you for this, I am grateful.” Usage Policy: Please post this article everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. ©2011-2017 Sophia Love. All Rights Reserved. Descriptions of a heaven and hell, a splitting/polarizing planet or a 3D/5D earth are still shouting division at us. Division is a lie. It is part and parcel to this constructed illusion. We are One. We now require novel dialogue; with words like facet and tendency and choice and decision and progression rather than hopeless or evil or wrong or bad or sinful. How many ways will we be led to believe we’ve done something wrong? What began with our elders, and moved to our god has now morphed into alternative spiritually evolved teachings. In one way or another, we are still being told to straighten up and change in order to become “worthy” of heaven, 5D or a new earth. This, is the same bullshit we’ve been fed before. Stop listening to anyone telling you that there is still something you have to “do” in order to become someone better. You are an infinite expression of love who is right now in human form. There is nothing better. What seems to be going on for us right now is a sort of “hunkering down” into who we actually are, warts and all. We can no longer comfortably pretend. We see clearly the dictates and systems of this earth/slave society. Its purpose, which is to maintain control and stifle brilliance and sovereignty, is not our purpose. We are collectively hearing an inner calling. It drives us and changes our behavior. This call is not found in any text or heard from any outside authority. It whispers from within. It is upon us to respond. Listen. Decide how you now wish, desire and choose to live. Contemplate what you are willing to change to get there. Look honestly at which fear is stopping you from being there right now. Forge a plan, take action, let go of whatever needs to be released, and move. This is our world. This is your life. Progress is not made with fighting against. Expectations for enemies and faults are sort of place holders so that these unwanted things remain in our lives. They steal our focus from what it is we need to be working on; which is creation. This life we desire will not happen without our participation in its manifestation. In fact, it is delayed and delayed again each time we avert our eyes to complain and kvetch and point fingers and judge each other. This is not a call to ignore what is wrong. It is, rather, a plea to utilize your authority to maintain and expand what is right. Perspective is everything. Keep your eyes on the prize. There is nothing more powerful than a conscious and focused human. Our passion and creative ability is legend. This is why you came as a human, regardless of your other aspects. Everything you need to pull this off, and quickly, is inside you at this very moment. Let’s do this. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. With so much love, ~Sophia PS My second book, “Inclusion”, is now available in both print and Kindle format (click here)! I love it and think you will too! Check out this first 5-star review! “For me this book was riveting and meaningful at the deepest levels. Having read a lot of channeled information, these messages felt very credible combined with the author's no nonsense approach to the beings' identities and reasons for communicating. The conversations with the Imposter God were especially interesting and not something I've come across before in quite this way. Its energy definitely feels nonhuman and very stark in its stated purposes for involvement with this planet. The views of a variety of additional entities are shared which are also fascinating. Be prepared to open your mind to digest this material whatever your spiritual orientation. It's a journey well worth taking to help us understand and create our ultimate destination!” What follows is a gorgeous book trailer for “Inclusion”, enjoy. Click here for my newsletter! Usage Policy: Please post this article everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. ©2011-2017 Sophia Love. All Rights Reserved. Hello everyone. This post is a sharing of a conversation that took place this morning. It feels like "good news" and brought on a sense of relief as it took place. I felt that it needed to be shared without restriction, so please do so. Last Friday, the 7th of April, the energy was so very different. It was remarked on every place I went. Everyone was just a little bit "off" their usual pace or way of interacting. Perhaps this is a bit of validation for what you are about to read. We are coming together in ways unfamiliar and it is throwing us off. What you will read here is an explanation for this, as given by a group I have called "the Watchers". (Words in italics are my own.) April 10, 2017 “There are things on my mind that are happening now on earth, that I’d like to discuss. I am available to connect now. Is someone available to discuss them? Sophia. You are distraught and your energy shows that; a sort of raggedness to it at the moment. Does this prohibit connection? It was merely observation. No, connection is not prohibited. What are your topics for talking to us today? First, who is speaking please? I have no specific sense of you. We are a group you’ve encountered before, long before. We witness evolution on your (planet), on all, planetary bodies. You referred to us as “Watchers”, as a sort of job title. I remember. Does this satisfy the identity question? It does. Proceed then. My question refers to the air strike on Syria by the current US President, Donald Trump. It raises more questions than it answers and seems, or feels, like a returning to the globalist agenda that he was in opposition of. There was a remark made, regarding the strike, that went (something like) “Now he is looking Presidential.” Yes, perhaps, (if by “Presidential is meant the way things are typically done by US Presidents), yet not in the way he has been (thus far in his presidency). This strike is my question. What can be said about what is going on? It feels as if there is something not known. Understand that what is witnessed (by the Watchers) is the whole. Admittedly, for the purpose of this conversation, the air strike by America is a focal point. It is not the only one or even, perhaps, the most important one. It is what you see on the surface. The outward manifestation of policy orchestration. Deals were made. These were not public deals. As the shock of placing in office and keeping there, a non-party member sinks in, new tactics are employed. What can be said to you now is from a perspective beyond the ground you walk on and events you read of. What you are feeling without clearly expressing it – is the outcome of unity. (Italics mine – Sophia) As a planet, you are on a course set to, and readying itself for, unity. For transformation, for a complete shift of awareness. Know that the course has not been altered. Those on planet now, seemingly “in charge”, are reacting to (what they perceive as) an alteration in the course they’d (imagined). This is rhetorical. I am re-stating my intentions and beginning yet again. As you wish. (I re-stated my declarations and re-centered. Sophia) Your President finds himself scrambling as well. What is new, or perhaps not new, but newly realized, is the way this feels for the people of the world. It feels, on a visceral level, wrong. This is an indication of the shift, the change, the newly forming human. In increasing numbers, it is seen as a ripple, a “shaggy edge” as we referred to at the start of our conversation. It has become nearly impossible to create an event of destruction on any portion of the populace without it being felt by the whole. This, although we see you are not experiencing it as such, is a good indication of the shift…. No longer are you able to pretend not to feel the impact of each other. What this means in terms of timing is unclear – humanity is creating the illusion of gradual shifting, while attempting to bring the whole lot of you along. If Mr. Trump is anything, he is a surprise element; certainly, both a catalyst and (an) indicator of change. From this view, which is a distant one, what is seen is not a set-back, but more of an attention point. What is now illustrated is: what is not universally wanted. These tactics do not work in a unified world, and this is now seen. The planet is moving, changing, shifting towards the new. What is seen in this event is that it is not contained – almost as if the world was struck by these missiles. All felt the strike. It is unknown by us what precisely will be done – it is humanity’s choice. No, you have not switched timelines and are not headed for destruction. You experience now the effect of unification. This increases your desire for peace on all fronts. If you would like we would send a visual for you to see. Yes, I would like that. After a few moments, this is what I saw… Okay, what I “see”, and this has been in the corners of my perception throughout this conversation, is our planet as a bright blue and green globe. There is a bright yellow and orange spot – what in my mind’s eye is the missile strike and Syria. The strike does not stay small – but grows, and then, from it, something… It is a covering, a shadow, it moves out and spreads, covering the globe. It is not yellow/orange but darker. I want to say blue, yet it’s not a solid color. It sort of permeates everything, melts into everything without altering it, but leaving a residue. Like the planet has been tinted with a different hue. I’m tempted to say the coloring means peace but it does not, peace would be a greener hue. This means change and the blue signifies the cool color of water; which puts out fires, maybe stops bombs. I don’t’ see that the bombs were put out by this tint – but that the bombs altered/colored the fabric of the illusion in its entirety. Nothing is seen beyond that. A good description of how your planet is morphing, changing… I am seeing more… Yes, as we send other images. These are of bombings in the past. There are numerous explosions, all over the planet (at once) and yet they remain isolated pockets. This is given to you now for comparison, as a way to gauge what we are seeing (now). Yes, I get it. (What I did not say to them, but “got”, was the meaning of the comparison. In our past, we were able to ignore violence that did not impact us directly. We perceived it as having no effect on our daily life. This recent strike illustrates something different. We are not assuming we are separate. Violence directed to any part of the populace changes us and we feel it.) The planet HAS SHIFTED. Make no mistakes. Humans will have to figure out how to handle the shift. The emotional repercussions will again be dealt with in your uniquely human way. We watch and await and expect major upticks. Certainly, changes to again change the hue. It’s up to us. Yes, as always. Thank you. This conversation ended. ~~~~~~~ And that is what I wanted to share today. It is hoped that you experience a bit of comfort upon hearing their words... I know I did. We are making a difference, realize that all efforts effect the whole. We are the ones we've been waiting for. In gratitude and with so much love, ~Sophia Usage Policy: Please post this article everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. PS - Please check out my first book "The Guardian" on Amazon. My second book, "Inclusion" will be released in both paperback and Kindle format within the week! Be sure to sign up for my newsletter, here! In it you will read more conversations similar to the one above. Thank you. There is a sense of responsibility that when recognized, colors the whole notion of forgiveness another way. Looking deeply into the concept of Ho'oponopono exposes a hidden, at least to me, level of responsibility. More on this in a moment. First, let’s talk about creation, the Law of Attraction and who you are. You are a physical expression of love, with a unique frequency. Your signature is yours alone. You tune in and vibrate with everything else on your wavelength. You are also human, with a long memory, lots of attachments and more than likely numerous habits. All of this happening as you rapidly evolve towards brand new frequencies. The “old” you occupies the same physical spot as this “new” you. It’s like, back in the day, when you sat in a theater, watching a 3D movie without those funky plastic glasses on. Until you put them on, you were unaware of what else was available. Once you did, well, the rest seemed irrelevant. Whether or not to engage the film at that level was always your choice. The movie could be appreciated either way. It’s not that you have to invent amazing – amazing is already here. Along with nonstop love, perpetual peace, creative collaboration, compassion, forgiveness, passion, acceptance and abundance. What you do have to do, is let go of the “old”, or, put on those funky glasses and be willing to look again. Simply allow and let it in. This world you are in is the one you “vibe” with. It may take a while to adjust. We are building now, new definitions of the human. These can be found at a place called “Multi-faceted Are Us”. It is very much still under construction. This is the fun part & what we came to do. So, back to Ho'oponopono. Here is the mantra: I am so sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you. A sovereign being accepts full responsibility for all of what shows up in his or her life. In this light, “I am so sorry” translates to “I realize that I’m responsible for bringing ____ into my life.” “Please forgive me” may sound like “Forgive me for adding to the drama with blame or ___.” “I love you” to whoever just forgave you. This could be yourself. “Thank you” to whoever just forgave you. This could be yourself. Last week, in this blog, I mentioned a situation of harassment at my workplace. After some consideration, I came to the realization that I had allowed it to go on IN MY PREVIOUS VIBRATION, and I’ve accepted responsibility for that without blame. I had to let go of the attachment to blame and a host of emotional responses in order to see clearly the world at this new frequency. I could have remained the victim, even after the situation was resolved. This did not serve my intent, and so I will not. There are no victims or villains in truth. Forgiveness now means an acknowledgement of what happened and of everyone’s part in it. My part was necessary for it to occur, so was his. I am indeed sorry for my part, but I’ve let it go. The frequency I choose to tune in to is a whole lot freer. I feel lighter each day and am living more of the life I desire. I am still standing in the same spot. I just put on my funky glasses and it all looks new. We have misunderstood forgiveness to mean a polarized emotion in which the “forgiver” holds something over the “forgiven”. A new imagining leaves us equally empowered and free. In truth, we are and have been both roles. Let’s put our glasses on. Our world is recently presenting us with ample opportunity to embrace forgiveness. Let’s do so with something we humans excel at – with compassion. After all, it’s up to us. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. With so much love, ~Sophia PS Please support this work by doing all of your Amazon shopping from this link – Click here. “Inclusion”, my second book, should be out within the week! It will be available in Kindle format and paperback. Watch for it! Thank you. Usage Policy: Please post this article everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. |
April 2024