Welcome to week # 2! If you haven’t seen the first post on our Quest, it’s right (here). Last week we looked at what we’ve lost, and discovered that we’ve outsourced self-love. This week, let’s look at how that happened. What does self-love look like? Self-definition, self-awareness, self-approval, self-acceptance, self-agreement, self-trust and self-empowered are all components. How, or better said, why would you outsource what is so very clearly yours? What would compel you to give these things to someone else? In a word, it was FEAR. This Love Quest has been re-ignited because of that fear. Do you remember when you first heard of the “coronavirus”? What were your very first feelings? 2020 was an emotional roller coaster. It seemed as if everything was in some state of destruction. From the first reports coming out of Wuhan to the summer of riots in the United States, to January 2021, it was a volatile year. That experience was chronicled (here) and (here). Here's how we lost our self-authority, and misplaced self-love: The initial shock de-stabilized us. With a quickly escalating sequence of terrible news, we lost our faith that there was “someone/something” out there, guaranteeing our well-being. We began to seek “someone/something” else to assure us that it would all be okay. We were looking for answers. Our self-knowing had been shattered. This was because part of self-knowing is self-trust. We didn’t know who we could trust. On some very deep level, we lost trust in ourselves. 2020 felt raw and lawless and angry. Regardless of who you were or where you lived, some part of you was left hanging out to dry, unprotected from gale-force winds. Remember that frayed cloth we referenced last week? That was you. The shock of “world-wide out of control” was too much for your tender heart. It was battered beyond recognition and there was no “how-to” manual to tell you how to repair it. Since then, you’ve been looking for someone else to put your heart back together. This “someone” cannot be the same person who was in control when it fell apart. Because clearly, whomever was taking care of things up until that pivotal year really didn’t have the whole story. For the sake of this discussion, that would be you. You’d lost trust in everything, including yourself. You needed a new plan. Where has this left you? It was shock that initiated this loss. It is fear and confusion that sustains it. You’ll have to move past both. Whenever you feel fear or experience confusion, STOP. Take a breath and notice where you are going (internally) for relief. Are you quieting your mind? Are you reassuring yourself? Are you remembering your truth? Or, are you immediately seeking another voice or article as antidote? These are relentless times. Inner quiet is hard to come by. Keeping busy with games or other distractions won’t stop the confusion or calm the fear. Only you can do that. It makes sense that we’ve become a people seeking love and trust through social media and electronic devices. That is the source of the shock that got us here. “Here” is a place where it seems convenient and effective to outsource validation, agreement and love. It may be expedient, that’s true, but it’s not helpful. Not when what you are attempting to do is to love yourself. Self-love is felt. It’s not heard or witnessed. It is a rush that courses through you when truth is accessed. It can’t be replicated by any machine or reinforced by any other voice. It emerges. It emerges from within. It emerges from within you. Self-love is a fragile, precious gem. It can be difficult to find and a challenge to authenticate in today’s noisy, invasive, media driven world. What does it feel like to know self-love? How will you recognize it? It’s feeling satisfied, feeling good enough. Not just with what you see in the mirror, but with that last text message you sent, that recent phone call, or the way you ended that last relationship. Because all of these are mirrors, and all of these are you. Self-love takes that extra minute to do things the way that feels the best and most complete to you. Self-love leaves your signature on every interaction. It answers every question. It is unmistakable. Self-love recognizes that it all matters. Self-love is quiet. It connects to nature, to life, to every “other” you encounter. Self-love is this lens on your world-view that adds value to everything you are seeing. It is a recognition of self in your surroundings. It is a bolstering of control and a strengthening of truth. Self-love is self-trust. Self-love is not perfection. Self-love doesn’t ignore mistakes; it sees past them. To feel self-love is to feel humbled by its raw truth. Self-love accepts everything without condition. Self-love is awesome in its reach. Self-love sees through the coverings and into the core. Self-love is absolute Oneness. This week, pay attention to moments where self-love shows up. Rather than disregard them as inconsequential, hold them close for a bit. Realize their fullness and value. Watch them and ponder them. Intend to repeat and explore them. Believe they will show up again and again. Look for them and when you discover them, expect to live there. For self-love is where you’ll discover bliss, and that is where we are headed. See you next week. With so much love, Sophia Words of One, (and all of my books) are available on Amazon. "A Re-Imagination", which lays down ideas for structuring our new earth, is also available now. The Words of One series offers insight into what happened, and why it did, throughout 2020 – 2021. (click here) Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free email publications: (click here)! For blog posts announcements, you can select the “RSS Feed” link (above). Then, with a Feed-reader app. you’ll be up to date! Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you!
This Quest for Love is a Quest for Self-Acceptance. So how do you get there? How do you accept yourself while you are so busy not accepting so many others? Discovering how will occupy us for the next 7 weeks. I’m hoping to crawl deep into our broken hearts and mend them. I’m hoping you’ll join me on the journey, and contribute what you’ve found along the way. Because if there is something I’m aware of post – Covid19 that I wasn’t fully aware of pre – Covid19, it’s this – We Cannot Do This Alone. Not with a “show” of support, as in mask wearing or flag flying. Instead, with something tangible, something real, something that pulls at your heart to offer, and that will touch our hearts when we receive it. You see, we are in the last days of Polarity, and therefore Polarity is emblazoned everywhere we look. Like the last thing that you said to a loved one who then passed away – this moment now is announcing the end to us over and over and over again. Division is all that we see, blame is all that we feel and judgment is our calling card. And yes, there are plenty of people and policies that are asking to be judged. They are right on time. For almost three years now we’ve all been in the process of loss. What we’ve lost is our innocence. Before 2020, we held some deep-seated beliefs that no longer work. These were unquestioned. They were so embedded in our world view that they were part of the cloth itself. They’d become invisible. Since 2020 there’s been a gradual fraying of the fabric holding us together. Strand by strand our biases, beliefs and idiosyncrasies pulled away and showed themselves. In full color and separate now they can’t help but be noticed. If not by us, then by someone close to us. This fraying and noticing asks us to self-examine. If we are lucky and aware of what is happening, this will propel us into growth. Growth, after all, is why we’re here. The innocence for me is a very close relative of naivete. It looks like expectations and beliefs that, post 2020, no longer fit. I struggle with expressing these here because words don’t convey the intensity felt with the loss. But I’ll try. As this is a Quest for love, I’ll focus there. What have we lost? The false notion that we were okay, but that other people or programs were hurting us, ruining our otherwise happy life, and that if only those people or programs would change, we’d feel better. In other words, we removed our part in the equation of love, and placed it beyond ourselves. We out-sourced self-love. And this just isn’t how it works. Now, it’s easier and maybe more efficient initially to do that. Someone or something else holds the blame for your unhappiness, so that you can work on what really matters to your self-image. Things like your career, your wardrobe, and your love-life. You do so in order to secure this happiness that you’ve been imagining was stolen from you by some “other”. What’s happening now, and the reason for the Quest, is that those invisible fabric strands of beliefs we hold are now transparent and out there. They have exposed themselves in order to be accurately seen. This, so that the newly woven fabric of you, the one you are weaving now, will be put together with harmony and beauty and accuracy. The journey to love begins where it will ultimately end. It begins here, in our deepest disappointment. This is a quiet place we don’t enjoy visiting much. Yet this Quest looks beneath every blaming and shameful notion. These are misunderstandings about self, about love, and about how it works. They are nothing more. For you are not wrong, and you are worthy of love every time. The best part of our circular journey is the power you’ll realize once you complete it. It’s the misplacement of power onto other people and systems that has you so miserable. If someone or something beyond you can ruin your day, then you are powerless. On the other hand, if only you can improve your life, that means that you have more power than you have realized. What you’ll find at the end of our Quest won’t be disappointment. It will be joy. To get there, we’ll look under some very heavy perceptions, ideas and beliefs. For our first week, contemplate the idea of “outsourcing self-love”. Think about the necessity of validation, reinforcement and agreement. Think about the definition of love. What are love’s attributes? What you’ll do to start our Quest is just look at what you believe, what you expect, and what you know about self-acceptance and self-definition. When you regard the terms “self-acceptance” and “self-definition”, does anyone else show up in your mind? I’ll share with you a peek into my own journey. Since 2019 I’ve experienced major losses in so many personal places that I’ve lost count. My self-definition is pretty much shattered and that’s because it was based on mirrors, which are quite fragile it turns out. Today, I am sweeping up those shards of images to start with a clean slate. This Quest will help to fill it with something that can’t be broken. I hope you’ll join me. See you next week. With so much love, Sophia Words of One, (and all of my books) are available on Amazon. "A Re-Imagination", which lays down ideas for structuring our new earth, is also available now. The Words of One series offers insight into what happened, and why it did, throughout 2020 – 2021. (click here) Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free email publications: (click here)! For blog posts announcements, you can select the “RSS Feed” link (above). Then, with a Feed-reader app. you’ll be up to date! Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you! A quick perusal of my own heart tells me that a Love Quest is once more appropriate. It’s been a decade, and many Quests have been held. It is for Love’s sake that these Quests will continue now… The reason is simple. It is lack of self-love. For we have grown and learned and advanced and we are conscious now. Much of what was new to us ten years ago is old news to us today. Except for one thing. It is the critical element to our evolution and yet somehow, we’ve missed it. It is easy to imagine that we didn’t. For love is pretty much all that we talk about. Truthers and citizen journalists regularly sign off with “love you” as part of their goodbye, and they mean it. This wasn’t the case a decade ago. There is also a great deal of religious and righteous posturing accompanied with ideas about faith and truth. All of this in order to spread the “right” words or speak the “right” message or convince you of the “right” story about ___ (fill in the blank). Here’s what is holding things up and it is doing so with a vengeance. It is judgment. Perhaps we’ve missed it because it is so very close. Sort of the way you don’t see a speck of food on your cheek, yet everyone else can. You see, self-love is tricky that way. It sneaks in where you didn’t realize it could, and then sticks. It leaves gaping holes in the places where it isn’t. Comments and conversations shared here lately are announcing a great deal of fear and self-loathing. Much of this, disguised as defensive arguments and blame. All of this, directed at those who matter to us the most. These could be family, friends, public officials we have trusted, or folks we follow on social media, it matters not. The only thing that matters today, is the blame. It is firmly planted in each disguise. I believe that part of the reason for all of this delay and finger-pointing misery is lack of self-love. I believe that as a people, we’ve reached the real “dark night of the soul”. This is the moment where you look at each component of yourself or idea about your life that you are ashamed or afraid of, and realize you'll have to let it go. The Great Awakening happens within. It starts with us. It’s not enough to tell strangers into a camera or on a screen that you love them. Not if what you are attempting is a true shift in consciousness. You’ve got to feel it so that you can emanate it. To do that, you’ve got to reach unconditional acceptance. I’m hoping we can get there with these upcoming Quests… Won't you join us? I’ll post each article on the blog and all of my social media accounts. This will begin next week (8/22/22). The att. video (from 2017) mentions an event room on Facebook. That room will not be active in 2022. If you'd like to chat, all comments to this Quest should be posted on whichever platform you are reading. I’ll keep up with them all, and respond. I suspect that there will be one article a week. Please know that it is because of all of you that we’ve gotten this far, and that whether you have accepted it yet or not, you are exceptional and loved beyond description. We are so very close! You are the Ones you’ve been waiting for. With love and light, Sophia Words of One, (and all of my books) are available on Amazon. "A Re-Imagination", which lays down ideas for structuring our new earth, is also available now. The Words of One series offers insight into what happened, and why it did, throughout 2020 – 2021. (click here) Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free email publications: (click here)! For blog posts announcements, you can select the “RSS Feed” link (above). Then, with a Feed-reader app. you’ll be up to date. Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you. Every so often something shows up as a reminder. It’s 2022. A full decade has moved in between the last “ending of an age” (2012), and this one.
So, what’s changed? Have we shifted? Do we reside in a world of love, abundance, bluebirds, angels and bliss? Are the off-worlders here? This may sound silly, yet how many of us held out hope back then for the same things we wish for today? Did you think it was right around the corner then? Do you still believe it is right around the corner now? If this decade has proven anything at all, then top of that list would have to be that those of us following blogs like this one maintain a constant force of optimism. It is unstoppable. You might even say it’s our calling card. As evidence, ten years ago, this was the blog posted: (Click here for “Just Say Yes”) There’s a great reason for this. It has to do with our purpose. This, some would call our “mission”. And what is that mission? It is to usher in “The Great Awakening”. To herald the “Shift in Consciousness”. To lay the foundation for “Our New Earth”. Many times, there have been questions. They sounded like – “Why does my family think I’m nuts?”, “How come ____ hasn’t changed?”, “When will ____ promote unity instead of division?”, and “When will everyone wake up?” Here’s what’s at cause. It’s that not all of us are here to carry out the same mission. Some of us, the majority actually, are here to do other things. These things are equally valid as far as missions go. Yet they follow different paths that lead to other destinations. And that’s it. If there is one thing that this decade has taught me, it’s that expectations for other people’s behavior are destroyers of motivation and mood. They are fruitless enterprises. They are time wasters. We’ve all been there. That place that has us believing our mission is to fix someone else. Perhaps fix a lot of someone’s. Here’s a tip: it’s not, and you can’t. So, as we sit on the cusp of the final months of 2022, let’s give ourselves a break. We’ve done some incredible stuff! The world is waking up. Consciousness is shifting. Our New World is being built. It’s a vastly more unified populace that it was ten years ago. This is because of you. This is due to your light, your love and your consistent belief in us and what we are capable of. We are doing fabulous! Let’s renew our calling card. We are the One we’ve been waiting for. With so much love, Sophia Words of One, (and all of my books) are available on Amazon. "A Re-Imagination", which lays down ideas for structuring our new earth, is also available now. The Words of One series offers insight into what happened, and why it did, throughout 2020 – 2021. (click here) Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free email publications: (click here)! For blog posts announcements, you can select the “RSS Feed” link (above). Then, with a Feed-reader app. you’ll be up to date. Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you. |
April 2024