![]() With 3D eyes, December 21, 2012 looked like this: from 4:45AM until well past midnight I sat, danced, walked or sang in meditation. There were hours of solitude, some spent in a darkened room, and others in a sunlit room. Tears were shed in deep grief. Anger and confusion emerged. Parts of it aren’t remembered. I slept on and off. With 5D awareness there was a corridor of golden light beams, sparkling showers of light, with wave after wave of pulsing energy moving through my body – sacred geometric forms swirled around me – still now the visual and sensation of it is instantly accessible. Joyous blasts of bliss enveloped me. Yet all around me looks the same. So what happened? First let me be absolutely clear – I am speaking to that which is not able to be defined. As these words leave this screen and begin to be processed by the left side of your brain, this becomes a fruitless enterprise. I cannot write here about ascension because ascension is not learned, it is done. I would not pretend to know what it is for your soul. Music, the language of the soul, comes closest to voicing the experience. Ascension is a release, a letting go. I write to you now from my ego self; a desire to reach out and connect, to share, to explain, to touch, to love – all motivate these words. How are you now? Disappointed? Blissful? Angry? Joyous? Doubtful? Confused? The number one 3D thing I am not – is changed. I don’t look any different. There isn’t any evidence in my bank account, on my street, in the age of my body or my health. Those hopes were dashed in my 3D brain, hence the emergence of anger and confusion. I will admit to being tired and to feeling blame; I want someone to fix this. I’ve waited many lifetimes and expected ecstasy, perfection and every dream fulfilled – I am due. The 21st of December, 2012, was heralded as the beginning of a New Age – a moment when we’d feel the force of God throughout our being. We’d then begin to live as we were meant to. Every perceived promise and description of this time beyond that one comes from ego. Reality is subjective and you and I cannot subjectively experience the same thing – ever. Those who channel and predict any event cannot tell you about your experience, as it is both created and lived by you alone. We’ve wanted them to. We’ve read and listened and asked for specifics. We’ve watched the skies expectantly and packed our physical and emotional bags, and waited. If this moment is about anything at all it is about transformation. I don’t know whether the descriptions and promises were deliberate manipulations or misinterpretations or misunderstandings; but I know this. For a year or so I’ve been saying “We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.” There is the answer we seek. It can not come from outside of us. Finally now we must believe this truth. In a population of 7 billion, light workers are not the majority. There are maybe a million of us. We’ve come to this planet at this time to hold the light. We have. On the 21st of December 2012 we shifted. A new age is upon us. It will not be an age described or defined into reality by anyone but you. You cannot look beyond your own heart for the answer you seek. December 21st, 2012 was a moment of choice. From that day forward we proceed in full consciousness; led by either our mind or our heart. Choose now and in each new instance. You are here because you love the physical, emotional being that is human. Make no mistake; this is a delicious life; addicting at every turn – high, low, joy, pain, anger, calm, laughter and passion. We are free. We emerge together from the weight/wait of expectation, disappointment and judgment of ego into the fullness of love, truth and autonomy of our divinity. No longer will we stand for domination, war, poverty, corruption, injustice, hunger or disease of any kind. We are One – a living, breathing, feeling, tasting, touching, brilliant being that is humanity. That is what happened on the 21st and the fullness of it cannot be told. It springs from within and erupts unbidden – an energetic orgasm of living, breathing love – agape. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for and I can’t wait to see what we do with this! If there is one thing the entire Universe knows about humans it is that you don’t want to tick us off. Time to channel on our own – no more questions – only answers. Let’s do what we came to do. The waiting is over, it’s up to us. We are the One we’ve been waiting for!
![]() The message here showed up in my inbox today, along with the videos below. Link to full conversation here: http://www.sophialove.org/conversation-with-off-world-source.html Sophia and all who follows the words of Ancients, starting from tomorrow 18th and ending on 24th will be the days of Creators. Three days before the date of alignment and 3 days after the alignment are like the points of old end and new beginning on a much larger scale. This will be the beginning of Aquarius Era, the washer of impurities. Like fishes humanity was living, waiting to be caught and be eaten, in complete fear and obedience to instincts. Now humanity will control it's own existence and will wash away all that fear that haunted this civilization for a very long time. No thing exist within Creation without a purpose. Searching for the meaning, leads to paths of right and wrong. There is no right path, everything You choose is legal. Choosing is making the needs to exist. Needs creating rules and laws for sharing with fair. Laws and rules that binds You, are necessity to prosperity and order. Prosperity is what makes You dance and smile. What makes You smile are Your fruits, what makes You dance is Your legacy. In the hallowed halls of Consciousness everything is clear, One is Every Thing and Every Thing is One. Let One give You all the Blessing and let humanity bring fruits of Joy and Prosperity for themselves and to Universe! ![]() ~ Click on the photo here for the audio version Not thirty minutes ago, a pair of brilliant red mittens attached to a small brunette human in a soft blue sweatshirt jogged off to my right. She just emerged again from my left without breaking her stride. It is as if she is in a loop. Even the birds this morning are circular. Wildly swooping around and around and amidst each other, the herons and geese flock in front of me. None of them stop to fish or eat or rest; this mass of crying, flying wings is seemingly stuck together. It’s like watching a vinyl record with a skip in it. Perhaps it is this chem. trail laden sky they’ve been forced to fly through – it’s messed with their GPS. Until one breaks through, lifts off above them and heads east – straight for the rising sun. Three of them have done this so far – a goose and two herons. They have not returned and do not seem to be missed. Perhaps this is a dress rehearsal. This frozen lake and small grove of bare trees plays out our world’s ascension. Unaware, you could drive by and miss the whole event. The bird sounds, foliage and water appear unchanged. It’s the life within and around them that’s different. A week from now it’ll all be over. We’ve been told that some of us will remember and some of us won’t, that some of us will be gone and some of us won’t, that we’ll be meeting new allies from off world and re-structuring the way we do just about everything. It’s sort of mind blowing and yet if unaware, you could be right in the thick of it and miss the whole event. Don’t miss it. Take your eyes off this screen and settle in. This event, 26,000 years in the making, is not happening on any electronic device, no matter how good the resolution. It’s happening beyond your front door – it’s time to take it to the streets. There is nothing any of us can say that is worthy of removing your attention from the only place you came to be. The shift of the ages is happening in YOU. No teacher, blogger, guide, ascended master or off world channeler can tell you what this means for you. It is time to go within. It is up to only you. You are ready. Put your focus on your heart and love. Whether you stay with the flock or fly off towards the sun, you’ll choose perfectly. For that is what a Master does. You are the One you’ve been waiting for. Not having much to say... sort of searching... we are just 8 days away (in the USA)... maybe this will help to answer the question... ![]() It is sort of ironic that this Aussie Angel, while he is as far away from home as he possibly can be, has found his origin. He welcomes us all on this day of days ♥ … Enjoy this message from my son. So this is it, the beginning of a 9-day period wherein the source energy of the one loving essence of all will be bathing Earth, our planet, my planet, your planet, and everyone traveling on her, with it’s light, peaking on the 21st. My understanding of this time is that it is a tangible expression of both the ever-evolving spiraling movement of consciousness, as well as the truth of unity. (As opposed to the illusion of duality.) What is happening now is being experienced by all, indeed being experienced by our meta-level collective consciousness... and so naturally it is also being experienced by every individual in whatever unique way they have chosen to experience this moment of their journey. We are in it together, whether we are conscious of this truth or not - and whether we are consciously in it together or unconsciously in it together makes a world (more specifically, makes a dimension) of difference. To say more on the ever-evolving spiraling movements of consciousness: we are consciousness. The choice to drape ourselves in a veil of forgetfulness in order to ensure that we would fully embrace and commit to our physical experience was an evolutionary tactic - by forgetting, we allow ourselves the possibility of becoming conscious of our true nature all over again, thus spiralling back to ‘where’ we were before but at a higher, more well-ordered level... a level where our true nature is understood much more deeply and so much more fully integrated into however we choose to interact with each other and express ourselves. (Our self-expression.) In short, the spiraling triunal cycle of consciousness-forgetfulness-greater consciousness is the method we have collectively chosen to use in order to evolve. This moment in our collective linear movement through time represents us reaching a ‘place’ of self-understanding we have already been, indeed were a long, long ‘time’ ago. Yet now, because of our choice to leave it (and take the risk of getting lost and not coming back!) we are not at all the same souls we were when we were last here. Together, as a collective, we have gone on an odyssey of consciousness. Dissatisfied with the comfort of home and not content to linger in a situation which did not demand everything we had to give and more, we stepped out. We chose to forget, and to subject ourselves to all the agonizing consequences of our collective forgetfulness, an infinite number of horrifically creative expressions of disconnection. Now, we are coming back home. Returning to an awareness of our true nature which will outshine anything we could’ve done before our consciousness had been broadened, deepened, and sharpened. Lifetime after lifetime we have explored every place not our home and investigated thoroughly the many possible ways we could be other than what we are. Family, we’re finally done. We’re going home again, and the truth of what we are can now be carried unwaveringly along every shimmering filament of our soulful bodies. We have doubted, questioned, second-guessed, and searched every nook and cranny outside of ourselves, all for the sake of this moment: when we can look up into each others eyes, smile, nod, hold hands, and go home again. We now know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that it’s true: home is where the heart is. Some of us are running there as fast as we can, some of us are already there. Others will meander back slowly, taking the scenic route, and that’s fine. But energetically, as a collective, we are turning 180 degrees - abandoning our exploration of all that we are not and joyfully beginning our exploration of all that we are... an exploration which will be unlike anything we’ve ever seen before. As collectively we come back home, what does this mean for us individually? It means choice, conscious choice - which means freedom. Our entire journey has been an expression of choice. Our sojourn into the darkness of all that we are not was not forced upon us, for no soul can force anything upon another - we chose it in order to evolve. Coming back home, too, is about choice. Our thoughts, words, and actions are all choices. For most of us and for many lifetimes now, we have been making those choices unconsciously. In every moment we have been choosing what to think, what to say, what to do, how to act, how to be... in other words, choosing who we are. Our choices have been playing out at an unconscious level for ages, which was the natural consequence of our decision to leave home. Making the choice of who we are at an unconscious level means we react, we contract, we fear - we think we have to control other people in order to change how we feel, we imagine someone else has the power to make us feel good, to make us feel bad, to hurt us. Deciding who we are at a conscious level means we are finally aware and in control of how we choose to participate in all of our relationships. (Including our relationship with ourself.) It means we are always completely free to choose what to think, say, and do. The effects of bringing consciousness to every subtle level of our selves will be unimaginably joyful, for from such a place of freedom, joy itself will be our criteria! The answer to the question: “How do I want to be in this moment?”, “How do I want to be in this place?”, “How do I want to be with this person?”, or “How do I want to be with myself?” will always have the same answer: “What choice would bring me the most joy?” Everyone’s joy will take on a unique expression but as the essence of joy is love love, in all of it’s infinite possible forms, will be the predominant vibration between us. This is the essence of ascension: not only knowing our true nature, but being free to express our true nature in whatever way it is most joyful for us to do so. Ascension allows for the possibility of this inner freedom... which of course is the only true freedom there is. I’m not ruling out any of the many possible scenarios that have been put forth - mass landings, natural disasters, disclosures, inner-earth revealings, prosperity packages, new energy technologies, or anything else that has been suggested. I’m not in touch with ET’s, (not that I remember, anyway) I don’t hang out with world leaders, and I don’t know anything about inner earth. But I understand consciousness, and ascension has been my life’s work – learning to bring consciousness to every level of my being so that I may always be free to choose whichever thought, word, or action brings me the most joy in that moment. Are we all going to have our debts cleared, ride around in spaceships and hang out in inner earth in new, disease-free bodies? Sure! Why not? Sounds awesome. But what good are mass landings if we fight over whose turn it is to get probed, and what good are new, disease-free bodies if we’re jealous because his new body is more sexy? Freedom, joy, and love do not, never have, and never will be contingent upon externals. That is the illusion. The power to step into freedom, to radiate joy, and to access a wellspring of love which never runs dry is in us, and always has been. As we become conscious at every level of our being and learn how to participate in our collective experience in only those ways which are in alignment with our highest joy, our world will transform... at every level, and in ways which will exceed our wildest expectations. So maybe I’ll see you in outer space, maybe we’ll run into each other in inner earth, maybe here in Melbourne or maybe back in Chicago, my hometown. Either, way, I’ll meet you with an inner orientation of freedom and an outer expression of joy. I’ll meet you in a place of true human potential, a place where our souls soar together with joyful integrity, where you and I can look into each others eyes and fearlessly celebrate the beauty of one another because it is our joy to do so. I’ll meet you back home, family... the door’s wide open and love is waiting. We’ve been away a long time. Welcome home. “The last month of the world as we know it” (reference to yesterdays blog) Okay then. Let’s do this. Let’s now have the world “as we’ve dreamed it”. Let’s have peace. Let’s enjoy prosperity. Let’s feel our bodies rejuvenate with vitality, strength and beauty. This is now a compassionate world. It operates as if driven by a gentle touch from a kind hand. All are seen with eyes of love and cared for with patient understanding. This world “as we’ve dreamed it” is lush; its waters flow clear and abundantly. Its colors are vibrant under the deepest blue and violet skies. We are surrounded with love here, cushioned by agape, swimming in oceans of diversity. Each glorious expression of life is celebrated; every moment a priceless gem. Reflect on the world this last month and remember, for no doubt you’ll one day tell a new generation of humans what it once was. They will uncover an old dictionary and some words that have no meaning for them. They will ask you to define poverty, hatred, hunger, corruption, weapon, disease, greed and prejudice. This is the last month where these words can be seen on our streets. The humans coming next will have no idea what they look like. I felt an unborn baby kick yesterday! He is due to arrive in about ten weeks, well after this “last month of the world as we know it”. He’ll be born to a world of oneness. He can’t wait! He is itching to embark on this world “as we’ve dreamed it”. So am I! Our imagination is our most powerful tool. Let’s vividly dream our new world. Feel the love that is there, hear the sounds and witness the miracle. There is nothing we cannot have. We have entered a time of lucid dreaming. It is our moment to consciously create the world we desire. Focus now on your wildest imaginings. What is here today has had plenty of attention; point your eyes on only love. We’ve come for just this perspective. We are the One, waiting is no longer necessary. It is time. ![]() (Re-post from November 16, 2011) This misunderstanding about love is perhaps THE MISUNDERSTANDING. Agape is unconditional SELF-love. To love without condition means to accept all facets of existence. Every dark thought, angry outburst and violent emotion must be absorbed into the fabric of you and loved. You can no longer afford to love half way or part way – the energetic push of creation in this moment now is asking of you – everything. This shift you are participating in is not just something you are watching, it is what you are doing. All of the wondrous changes you hear about in the next dimensions are possible when you leave the density of fear. They cannot be instilled onto a fearful population to eliminate the fear – they are the by-products of a fearless and loving heart. This is how it works. There are many visions of earth in the next dimension, and they include prosperity, health, happiness and love on a continual basis. These are visions of who you actually are – they are not new versions of you, but core expressions of your true nature. Fear is gone from these versions of you. The fear that pre-dominates your life is a lie. It is not true. Truth is love and that is what you are. You exist as a physical form expressing all possibility – a “thought form” as another teacher, (Eckhart Tolle), calls you. What is there to fear in a thought form? All thoughts can be changed. Most of you currently hold thoughts about your life which include concepts of blame. In order for those thoughts to hold any merit, (and so you do not consider yourself nuts), you must also think of someone, another person, to be at fault so that you can blame them. It could be a lover, a parent or a wealthy banker. You also hold thoughts of frustration and again, in order for you to NOT think of yourself as crazy, you must create someone or something to be frustrated about – a lover, another driver or a boss. You may hold thoughts of imperfection and so you create illness, handicaps, and bodies that fall short somehow of your ideal image. We are powerful creators. We are divine pieces of the ONE, experiencing ourselves as young, old, rich, poor, happy, angry, violent, peaceful, etc... We have created it all, as ONE, and right now we have chosen to change it up a bit. WE have done it ourselves. The changes we are seeing now have always been possible, only now more of us are seeing them. They will become your life when you believe them to be reality, not fantasy. The precise future can not be predicted because there is no future – linear time is a construct so that each idea can be fully experienced – aging, learning, growing, etc… Life is occurring now as you are creating it now. It evolves as your thoughts do. Each moment, each thought, is creative. So, what this means is that the shift in consciousness is happening and will happen as we all, as a collective, create it. Your experience of it will be unlike any other you’ve had because you believe that to be true. In order for this transformation to occur, we must do some internal transforming. The thoughts we hold around love are filled with fear. We have been taught these things and it is time now to trust what you know rather than what you think. Love is something you know. It is who you are and it resonates deeply. It feels good. It comforts. It is familiar. It knows you. It sometimes evokes excitement. It feels powerful. These are words attempting to describe the indefinable and the sacred. Love is the source. Words such as right or wrong or good or bad do not belong here. Love is. It will not be denied. We have been taught to fear it because it is the most powerful idea in creation and once realized and utilized we can no longer be controlled. Fear is a tool that has been used to manipulate and it no longer serves your purpose to be manipulated. We will have to accept all others as ok, and most importantly, love ourselves, for this transition to proceed seamlessly. Realize who you are and then understand that how you see everyone in your life is a reflection of how you feel about you. The world looks as it does because so many are fearful. The more we love without condition, the more the world will change. There is nothing else to do. It starts with you. It ends with you. It is only you. You are the One we’ve been waiting for. ![]() It snowed last night. Not much, but enough to send the geese south. There has already been a dozen flocks overhead, headed that way, and it’s barely 7:00 AM. Regardless of the date or celestial happenings, time marches on. This November, for all intents and purposes, looks pretty similar to last November here on earth. That’s the thing about time, illusory or not, it is not stagnant. This past weekend, walking out of the laundry room, a thought emerged; “Someday is here.” A small idea really, just three words. Yet it put so much in a brand new light. The eternal optimist, there has always been something better coming. “Someday there will be dishes that match.” “Someday these nails will get a proper manicure.” “Someday there will be a trip to that really beautiful bright blue water where you can see all the fish.” “Someday the Thanksgiving dinner table will look just like a Norman Rockwell painting.” This “someday list” is all stuff. Einstein said “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again while expecting different results.” The someday list has not been fulfilled because although the words were there with a tinge of hope, the actions never backed them up. As we approach December 2012, our authenticity is sticking out everywhere. We can’t help but be who we are, and it’s all okay. Sometimes these nails get painted and the house is typically full for Thanksgiving. The truth is, we are living the life we’ve chosen right along. Only now, with the clarity of awareness, we are seeing what it is we’ve wanted all along. It has little to do with what the media has been telling us we should want. It comes from within. It is there you’ll find your deepest truth. We may not be exactly who we thought we were, but we are perfect. Acceptance and love is what will gently nudge us towards ascension. Those geese are moving this morning in the direction their internal guidance system pointed them. That’s exactly how it’ll be for us. Our heart will take over and do the driving. This is the year we all get to “someday”. Whether our dishes or our clothes match is hardly the point. We’ve come now to actualize love. What does love look like in human form? It’s us, in whatever form we choose. There is no method or product that can prepare you to be who you are. There is only acceptance and allowance. He’s been waiting for as many years as you’ve been breathing and she’s been planning for just as long. You are now and always have been, love. Just be. Contentment and peace are by-products of loving without exception or condition. The realization last weekend was that everything is and has always been here. Someday is now. Love is what’s been on the table all along. Love is what you bring to every table, every day, regardless of décor. It is here because you are. Welcome to “Someday”! You are the One you’ve been waiting for. ![]() It is self forgiveness that becomes the key element here, a vital ingredient for ascension. For blame and doubt are hallmarks of third density. Realization of truth and acceptance of the One that you are erases all that is unreal. What is non essential is any idea contained in your mind that you MUST have something. This is not the same as desire, for desire is the fuel of creation. Consider the things we admire in each other – passion, dedication, drive, determination. All are driven by desire. the process and progress of creation occurs as a direct result of desire. We want something. The value in achieving whatever it is we want is ours to decide. Is it that we must have this thing to be worthy or that we’d like have it as an experience? As we move closer to a faster vibration we become conscious of the many possibilities available. We are moving from an understanding of the known universe to awareness of the multi-verse and the potential held there. Our perception expands. In order to keep up we have to release this baggage of self-doubt. If we aren’t sure we can fly, we’ll never take the leap. Questions about the state of our physical bodies or whether or not we did it right or loved enough, weigh us down. They become irrelevant on the path to ascension. My partner is a deep trance channel. Several years ago he did just that for a group of us, usually four or six at a time. Present during our gatherings were the “greater selves” of whoever was in the room, as well as other entities who were interested in the conversation or were our friends or who just wanted to help us find answers. His perspective at these times was as an observer. His “higher self” was the voice who spoke through him and answered our questions, speaking for the collective of entities present. He’d often remark on the sharp contrast between what he was seeing, our magnificent greater selves, which to him appeared as huge, beautiful balls of light; and what we were saying, “How come I can’t do this? How come I can’t have this? How come I can’t be this?” It seemed ridiculous to him. Here we were, these incredibly powerful beings – equal in every way to everyone else who was gathered, pretending we weren’t! We are at the moment now when we can stop pretending. It has been one heck of a costume party, but we no longer need to believe in the suit to enjoy it. We can believe in the truth instead. The truth is, we are capable of answering our own questions. The power to create the life we’ve dreamed of rests in our own hearts. All negativity stems from ego – that part of us that remains attached to this third dimension and self-limitation. Do not regret the ego. He was necessary to navigate the terrain and you needed her to get to this moment. It is time now to absorb the lessons of ego without believing it is who you are. You are an infinite particle of love, burning with the light of a thousand suns, here now to illuminate our shifting, morphing reality. You have come to love. There is no one else more capable or suited for the job than you. You are lesser than none. As we morph through the next six weeks, let go of anything that tells you otherwise. It is time to step into your truth. You are the One you’ve been waiting for. ![]() For a few days now there hasn’t been much to say. Or, more accurately, it’s felt as if there wasn’t much useful to blog on about. Then yesterday there was a thought. It began like this – “How come there seems nothing to say? It’s not as if nothing is happening. A ton is happening! Yet, it all feels 3D, mundane and internal. What is this pre-occupation with 3D, after a solid year of focus on everything else? Has time slowed down?” After rolling these questions around for a bit, it comes to this blog. Perhaps you’ll find it useful. You are becoming that which you are. You can no longer leave her behind. She is in every part and each moment of your life. You are in a process of integration and your life has not caught up. The events and responsibilities feel all over the map, as you have been – until now. You are honing in and hunkering down – morphing into the multi-dimensional, multi-faceted being that is your core. You do not so easily slip into the mainstream mold; it is not your comfort zone. You are leaving all of this behind. You’ve read again and again that 3D will continue, yet that does not mean that you’ll continue in 3D. You’ve chosen another way. This way that you’ve chosen is another density – a more complex density. It makes sense that you are feeling a pulling in because YOU ARE. It is not that you are shutting out the world – you are taking in the world – absorbing all that you see and all that you are – into YOU. This is not an ending, but a beginning. The new you that is birthing is all of you – every part. You are not in a place where you can deny any part of you or any segment of your life. It’s part of the package of you. Every bit of you will ascend, will condense. What you are leaving behind is the ego – that part of you that doubts and second guesses and takes offense and judges. It is not that you’ll leave your opinions behind – you’ll leave your need to voice your opinions behind. You will still have preferences, favorites and things you choose to avoid. You need nothing yet everything is available. Yes, it’s all changing around you as you change – a confusing and perhaps crazy time. This is not a time to despair; it’s a time to rejoice! You are taking the reigns of your life and steering – heading for deeper levels, more freedom, love, joy and abundance in all things. You are bringing yourself to the place of your dreams, literally, and doing so with a full complement of YOU. None of you gets left behind. Your loves, your favorite slippers and your gorgeous physical self is flying into this deeper complexity, as ONE. Relax and enjoy this ride. You are gathering all of you together so when the time comes you can take off! We are growing our wings. It is almost time to fly. With divine perfection and pin point accuracy we are right where we need to be. If it occurs to you to take that job offer or buy that jacket – do it! We are not leaving ourselves behind, that is the point. All of us will arrive as ONE; a singular, multi-faceted, brilliant particle of creation. These months and years of contemplating our divinity and our truth are coming to fruition right now. We are about to experience our own unfolding. It promises to be exquisite. Love every single moment your life shows you today, and rejoice! You are the ONE you’ve been waiting for! |
January 2025