The Beatles said it beautifully. “And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.” There are coming to you choices. Choices of circumstance. Choices of focus. Choices of emotion. Choices of location. These are not multiple choice and standardized as if in a test and able to be assessed. All choices are correct ones. Your options are infinite; all of them held in the field you occupy. Today I ran across some “Love Quest” writing from 2014. Some of this post includes those words and raises the possibility of holding those events again. This journey to agape, it turns out, is the one we came for and are still on now. Here’s how it works. It is the focus of your consciousness. Those choices create the field you occupy. As you choose compassion – compassion is demonstrated either visibly or as an opportunity to be shown, in your field. As you choose forgiveness – more options to forgive and to be forgiven show up in your field. As you choose foods that are alive and supportive – options for supporting your physical life become visible. As you choose anger – you will witness it in your field as an option to be expressed or feel the brunt of. As you choose lonely – you will see evidence that you are alone. As you choose unity you will witness your inability to separate and thus experience oneness. As you choose agape – everywhere you’ll see a chance to love. We do not rest in an infinite field, but one that is defined and limited by our focus/belief/choices. AS WE EXPAND OUR CONSCIOUSNESS – SO TOO DOES OUR WORLD. THIS THEN BECOMES THE SHIFT. A MASS GROUPING OF BEINGS IN A FIELD DEFINED BY EXPANSIVE BELIEFS, INCLUSIVE ACCEPTANCE AND UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. The entrance to this field is not hidden. It is found in self-love. This does not mean the things you imagine. It means to honor the ground you walk on. And what of the “other”? Regardless of question asked or reason given – when you speak about loving another it is always an illusion. For “other” does not exist. All is one. Other is a reflection. Relationships are played out versions of self-love. You are creator gods. Become (in your illusion) a positive force for every “other”. Gently absorb them as if they were your final breath – not gasping and clawing for them, but breathe them in quietly for the gift that they are. Love does not hurt. It does not have an opinion. You imagine there is a way for some other to hurt you. Your imaginings cause you real pain. You say you are lonely or (fill in the blank). This field you are in can only demonstrate options that you consciousness holds as truth. You must love yourself first. We’ve come here to help each other. To teach each other. About love. Your journey is mine and is ours. This is what we came to see if we could do. Love ourselves despite discomfort. Love while we are not “getting what we want”. The discomfort brings up our resistance, our self-loathing, our opinions, our judgment, our distrust, our hatred. Resistance to any aspect of love in your life is resistance to love. Period. This is something you don’t want to look at. Why? The reasons all begin with because. Throw out that word. At its root is blame, accusation, division, hatred. There is only love. What’s at stake is everything. This Shift only happens with agape. All love is self-love. Gaze into your mirror with new eyes. Your beliefs create your field. Your intentions created your life. Intend to love. You may have to let go to get there. What will you have to release? Control. Expectation. Opinion. Judgment. Blame. This Shift doesn’t require anyone’s response to you before it can be felt. To love is to give the world all that you are. The field created in this consciousness includes the choice to shift as One. We’ll see that option when we get to Agape. Trust and let go. You know what to do. Without exception love yourself. That’s all there is to it. You are the one we’ve been waiting for. With so much love, ~Sophia PS – Each day I connect with all sorts of beings (Non-earth-surface-human type). These conversations are shared in my newsletter. The free version is sent once, sometimes twice, a month. You can sign up here.
There is so much to share today. The last blog post, “Just 30% to go” , has sparked all of us! Many thanks to those 35+ new members of the newsletter! This Shift and Disclosure are happening with each expanded view. Here’s a sampling of what’s happening for some of us: (There isn’t enough room to include every story I’ve been told, but thanks for sharing them!) Most of you know I regularly connect with non-human-earth-surface beings. (I just love how our view today includes an idea that “ET” doesn’t cover it!) I was having some energy work done by a healer last week and he found something that can only be defined as “weird”. My frequencies on the right and left don’t match. One side is faster, (the left). Now this healer knows me; we’ve worked together for years. This was a first for both of us. My response to this news was “Whenever I connect, it is always felt on my left side. It is now so precise that I sense it all sorts of times, often when I am not able to respond (think – while driving). In those moments, I tell them to hold on and I’ll get to them later.” We decided I literally have one foot in each world/reality/dimension/assumption. Cool! Daniel was inspired and produced the first video below "The path you follow": Vicki shared this: “Just this morning I lay in bed quietly when I began to feel anxiety. I went to the place of being the observer - non-judgment - not letting my mind tell a story about what I was experiencing. I had just moments before read about the 5D energies and how we could simply will ourselves there - like you mentioned in your article of going to the Christmas tree to open the gifts instead of waiting for it to come TO you. So I decided to try it out. I expected nothing and I mean nothing. Instead what happened was I felt this energy go through my spine and I felt light - as though i could simply float away. Then I felt giddy and couldn't stop smiling and giggling a bit. I felt like a child - a feeling that has become foreign to me over the past 15 years. I tried it again later and had a similar experience. You are absolutely correct when you say it is up to US to intend ourselves to this energy frequency and we must do so from a place of non-judgment for ourselves. Love ourselves. Forgive ourselves for what we haven't known and what we think we have done and haven’t done. It takes practice and I believe we will be in and out of these frequencies until we grow accustomed not only to these new frequencies but also to loving ourselves completely.” Steve started today like this: “Something incredible happened this morning when I went out to walk the dogs. The sun was just coming up but the light seemed alive. It was clearer than I’ve ever seen it; it had the most golden hue. It struck me as being alive with the equations that govern this existence, I could almost see them and they could not have been more beautiful. I was speechless. Then my dog barked and I realized she had not made it through the fire door of my building as I stood there dumbfounded by the beauty. In the seconds it took to turn around and to get her, the light was gone. Clouds had covered it up. I don’t know how to describe it. I could practically see the love in it.” And Jamie has this to add: “These energies are something else--hilarion's message this week summed up how i feel at this tyme so well--yes, i changed the spelling of tyme, because the old word feels so foreign… oh, and Ishtar visited--since then i have known so much calm and bliss--not 100 percent unflappable, but 97.9 as you have said and i have known-we are the ones we are waiting for--thank you so very much” It’s great to take note of these happenings and share. That’s how we create. We are associative beings. Concrete “evidence” helps us to build memories and reinforce beliefs. We will only create what we believe is possible. Since the Conscious Life Expo, I’ve been seeking contact with those who can offer information on Disclosure. Here are a few words from one of the beings who connected this week: “The people working for the light will have to forget ego and altruistically seek Disclosure. Contentment with waiting cannot continue. Contentment is shown when light workers promote non-essentials and point fingers, arguing with one another over truth. There is but one truth. That truth is unity and unconditional acceptance. It was seen that the light-workers would pull this off and they have come so very close. Love in every moment regardless of your view or circumstance. It is the power to alter your world that you quite literally hold. There is not a reason to wait or judge. Only to love and open the light on the world – It is needed now. It is up to you.” We have to move where we desire to be, and encourage movement by others in every walk of life, in any way we can. I’ve seen a “grass roots movement” mentioned demanding disclosure, with the name “Unanimous” used as a powerful moniker. This is being imagined being similarly staged to “Occupy Wall Street”; massive, organized and global. These are great ideas. The evidence is all around us; this shift is happening. This morning the clerk at the grocery store summed things up perfectly. His response to my “How are you?” question was bright, sparkling eyes, a fist bump in the air and “I’m great! I opened up my eyes this morning and said “Yes!” I did it! One more day!” Every day that happens I am grateful.” He had the greatest smile. Now add to this picture the fact that he has two young children and is working as a cashier for not much more than minimum wage. He sees the gift of his life right now and became a gift in mine. Whomever and wherever we are, we are this shift. We only need decide. Today’s second song was inspired by yet another of us, Joej, with the following: “The physical body is a mask. It’s an illusion. We are all walking around in suits. The True you and me is the soul essence inside... But when the soul/spirit steps into this advanced machine/physical body... You forget ...and the mind/brain of the physical machine is in control... As your spirituality develops your soul/spirit/Astral body takes more control over the operations while in the body... When you astral travel and have separation from body... Now the Soul/Spirit mind is now in complete Control as well as the spirit/soul eyes and all of its sensor’s. No interference from physical brain/mind except for experiences from the physical you have retained. Anyway...I think the fusing of these two is what part of the ascending is all about... An Awakening of WHO you are....”The Who” sing... (Who....Are You...Who Who ...Who Who) Knowing this...We No longer can be enslaved... and should be able to enjoy both realities Physical and Etheric at will by Astral projection. How’s that?” It’s perfect. You know who you are. You are the ones you’ve been waiting for. With so much love, ~Sophia PS – Each day I telepathically connect with a variety of beings, none of them human. They’ve reached out to introduce themselves, their way of living and looking, and ideas around such things as love, unity, acceptance and governance. I’m sending a free monthly newsletter sharing some of their stories and if you’d like even more, a weekly subscriber’s publication. Sign up here! I am quite fortunate. Last weekend we streamed some of the Conscious Life Expo. It was sort of like being in a room with several hundred old friends; thrilling and comforting all at once. It’s taken a day to define, (so much information!), but here’s a brief summary of where we are now and where we are headed, IMHO. The Ascension Path of our planet can be seen scientifically. This is not just prediction, prophecy or woo woo. The planet is moving into another “dimension”. Lots of good things result from the move – a true “Golden Age”. Everyone has access too! It’s sort of like being a kid at Christmas. You don’t know how all those gifts show up under your tree on December 25th, but that doesn’t prevent you from opening them! So, if everyone isn’t aware of these Ascension gifts – how do they show up? Here’s where you come in. If you are reading this, most likely you would call yourself a “light worker”. We came for this. We are from many different places. We’ve gathered now to get this to happen efficiently. Ascension is what we do. Right now about 50% of us (us light workers that is) are on the same page. A single voice is required to pull this off. What does one voice sound like? Like 80% of us on the same page. What’s on that page? Forgiveness, Acceptance & Unconditional Love. This life is a living field. It is not so much that we are altering the field with our intent. It is that we are moving to the field of our most deeply held beliefs. The Golden Age already exists. We just have to relocate. How cool is that? How much easier is it to get someplace rather than build a place to get to? A LOT EASIER. Here’s what is seen. Four years ago we were waiting for someone to “ascend us” on 12-21-12. We’ve changed many things since then, including ourselves. We are probably better off in all sorts of ways. Yet we are still waiting to be ascended. That’s like sitting in your bedroom on Christmas morning and wondering why you didn’t get any presents. YOU HAVE TO GO TO THE TREE! In order to get there, you have to forgive, accept and love yourself. Estimates are showing that about 50% of the light worker community is there right now. This is awesome! We are doing a great job!! We don’t need 100% to move this planet. We need about 80%. And we don’t need 100% perfection from those 80% of light workers. We need about 80%. We are almost there! 80% (agape) from 80% (of light workers) and it’s done. We’ve come so very far. Five years ago our community was filled with pointing fingers, blaming hearts and angry voices. Today it’s filled with love and our light is ablaze. Yet polarity still emerges in comparisons, contrasts and judgments of each other. In this way we actualize our self-judgment. We are hardest on ourselves. Today, I thought I was going to write about demanding disclosure. Yet after the Expo I see something new. If I choose to remain in the field of demands and seeing what isn’t, THEN THAT IS WHERE I’LL STAY. Movement is an illusion. In actuality we pop in and out of existence – in new places and shapes. Logically then, all I need to do is “pop” into forgiveness and the Golden Age is my home. It already exists. I am there with absolute love. We know how to do this. It is why we came now. More than payback or judgment or guilt or fault we wanted love. It is right here. It is right now. There are 30% of us left. 100% perfection is not even demanded. It’ll happen with intent. Forgive, accept, forgive some more and then let go. This job of ascension is a personal one. Without blame or regret you are there right now. Know that there are no “wrong moves” or reasons to punish. Everything is proceeding as we planned. You are right where you are supposed to be. It’s all right. Forgive yourself. Forgive yourself again. Love yourself. You are that single beam that will enlighten our world. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. With so much love, ~Sophia PS – Each day I telepathically connect with a variety of beings, none of them human. They’ve reached out to introduce themselves, their way of living and looking, and ideas around such things as love, unity, acceptance and governance. I’m sending a free monthly newsletter sharing some of their stories and if you’d like even more, a weekly subscriber’s publication. Sign up here! So what does it mean to shift to 4D or another dimension or a Golden Age? What does it look like here, now, on a frigid, quiet Midwestern US afternoon to an average human in 2016? Here’s what is noticed and considered. Perhaps it’ll resonate for you as well. Please share your own noticing’s. We are associative beings. In this way, we can help each other. There have been moments when I’ve watched myself. It’s as if full emotional engagement is no longer a guarantee. I can play a game, lead a children’s group, or carry on a conversation without all of me being there; yet fully cognizant of the entire event. This could be really disturbing if I didn’t believe it was a sign of something wonderful. Somehow I’m becoming the observer; the observer of my life – while living it. Things are getting weird. I can hardly look at anything without seeing the bigger picture. As I become more removed from this vibration it is all seen more clearly. This sensation is felt as a separate energy; unrelated to whatever is currently happening. This is the start of multi-dimensional living. It will come in real handy as we enter what by most reports looks to be a tumultuous time. We are at the end and at the beginning. Two such extremes can’t help but collide when they simultaneously appear. It is cold and clear outside. A white sheet of snow covers all the untouched places. Cars move their occupants towards their usual destinations. Schools, grocery stores, movie houses, coffee shops, hospitals and houses pretend it’s all the same. Yet a massive influx of energy embraces all of us without exception. On some level, every beast and being is aware of this. This “Peach Tranquility” tea does not live up to its name. My insides roll and broil and wonder; “What’s real anyway?” I suspect it’s all real. Each fiber in the tapestry contributes to the cloth. I can’t be multi-dimensional without a beginning “dimension”. I must start someplace (at least it seems I must). I AM HERE NOW. Each is here for their own reasons; he chose earth and she chose now. We will participate in this transformation as we create it. We are at the cool part now – remember. We came for this. As we move there is a oneness observed and our individual parts start to stick out. We’ve played them beautifully, and Gaia’s Ascension Machine is humming along brilliantly. Some of us were big hits several years ago, when the crank was really stuck and needed enormous effort while it moved almost imperceptibly. Some of us showed up in between like shooting stars, illuminating things from time to time so that more of us could see what was happening. The rest of us continue to explore and elucidate and share and morph and grow and sometimes pull back a bit, keeping the momentum and flow going ever towards what we all intended and never stopped believing in. All of this is perfectly synchronized. It’s going to be all right you know. We’ve chosen the happy ending. Let’s not forget that. The bigger picture is a world transformed, a golden age and an era of unconditional love. It’ll help to hold that image in your pocket as we proceed. It’s moving quickly now. Touchstones will keep us grounded. You will be asked to light the way. You’ll know where the switch is and when to turn it on. You are a beacon of light. Shine. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. With so much love, ~Sophia PS – What’s changed for me in the last year is this influx of non-humans reaching out regularly (empathically). Conversations are shared via my newsletter, sign up here! I chose today’s song because, well, it pulls up my heart and squeezes the tears out when I hear it. Its love that we are headed towards and love that will get us there and love that regenerates. It’s all about love. It’s really all we need to remember. How cool is that? Just be love. You’ve got this. Super bowl half-time shows, to a certain extent, reflect our current state of awareness. They become a focal point for millions (human and otherwise), who are all watching and experiencing it at a single moment. They send a message. This year’s was “Believe in Love”. It’s been applauded and ripped apart and analyzed since then. This is not an attempt at any of that, it is merely a watching. This year, the message is in sharp contrast to prior years, and this reflects where we are right now. We are moving out of domination and control by power elite and into unity. “Wherever you are, we’re in this together.” (Coldplay) Without agenda or opinion about favorite artist, we got chills while watching it live, and that has never happened. “We’re gonna get it, get it together right now.” (Coldplay, Beyoncé, Bruno Mars) The shift is evident all over the place. This is validation. Notice. You need not look very far to see or feel this shift. We may not know exactly how or when this process completes itself, but we know it is happening with increased intensity right now. Our bodies are preparing, rectifying whatever needs to be fixed, with mysterious ailments and fatigue. It seems that regardless of what the presenting issue is, the answer is “vegetables”. Check out this best seller, “How not to die”. This response to health is offered instead of massive amounts of pharmaceutical drugs, and people are listening. Our children, (the canaries in this coal mine), are gleefully disregarding most, (if not all), efforts to control their movement. Their excitement is obvious. They can feel it. Our young are discouraged with the government and what they see as a clown parade, as well as mounting massive debt with no clear way of escape. So they continue to play at life, wondering what theirs is going to resemble someday – probably not their parent’s. Our elders are confused by all of these responses. They notice that the “same old, same old” answers aren’t solving the problem and aren’t sure what will. The core of power rests in the middle aged. This group is torn down the center with “woo woo” hope for transformation on one side and business as usual on the other. There is beginning to be a meshing of the two, if slightly. This is most likely from where those boots and heels on the ground will be orchestrating things; all hands are needed. Everyone is not on the same page as we head towards our new world. Some of us are not really aware we are heading anyplace new. That’s right and perfect. The point here is that regardless of age or attitude, we are shifting. You can’t help but notice. Our global voice has changed key. The more we reinforce progress with our individual energy – the faster this works. Notice these changes and talk about them when you do. Let’s get this moving even faster. We are ready. As you approach your own core truth you may be surprised. He or she may not fit so comfortably into those old shoes you are wearing. Hang in there, you aren’t done yet. Modulations and variations are subtle. Allow for things to settle. The important one to listen to is reading these words. Know that she whispers and he is not used to being heard. If this time is about anything at all it is about honoring that inner voice. You have to quiet down enough to hear it first. Then, and this is the hard part, it is meant to be heeded. From dietary changes to job shifts to the focus of conversations – you will be shifting. You don’t’ have to right away, take as much time as is necessary to be the most effective. But be clear on one thing – change is unavoidable. You are not now who you will become and preparations are necessary. Get comfortable with change. It’s about to be a constant in our lives. Let’s do this the only way we can – together. We came for this part. We’ve got this. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. With love, ~Sophia A newsletter is coming out on the 15th of February concerning this shift and answering questions from readers – sign up here! Note: What a powerful image this is, it's the new transformed lion leading the cub...
Can you feel it? Feel the grasping and pulling; the demanding of your attention? Times and events are all over the map at warp speed. From personal to pivotal, miraculous to mundane, global to local – life is being rent in two. What’s real? What’s important? What’s the best response? What does “best” even look like? The following list will give you a glimpse inside this female brain, (you know, the sort of brain that remembers EVERYTHING about EVERYBODY ALL THE TIME): 1. A Presidential race (USA) 2. A loved one in ICU 3. An off world superhighway, calling daily 4. A loved one facing cancer surgery 5. A trickle of disclosure happening globally 6. A job loss & resulting income loss 7. A negative interest rate on US Treasury Bonds 8. A loved one’s upcoming court trial 9. A child being bullied 10. A calling for support in Oregon 11. A host of dietary changes to promote physical healing Before this shift, things would be easily prioritized by relevance and ability to effect change. Things are different now. The process of creation and manifestation is clear. Attitude is everything. There’s something else too. We are choosing. Picking the world we want to occupy, the things we want to be doing, the kinds of people and beings we want to be doing them with. We are choosing our assumption. You see, we didn’t come here to abandon this life; we came to live it while we simultaneously transform. The word “assumption’, when used to describe your locale (referred to often as dimension), is expansive and inclusive. Here’s how it’s being applied to the previous 11 Female Brain Occupiers: (Note: 3D = Present Earth Vibe, 5+D = New Earth Vibe)
I don’t’ know how this is going to work. How in one day we’ll be living in a new Assumption with our planet occupying the same one. Perhaps it happens like this, gradually, with incremental progress noticed more in some places than others. Perhaps it ultimately shifts in a single breath. What I am sure of is that we chose to figure this out, together. If we can look at these times now as practice sessions, it will help. Consistently assume a 5D+ approach, even if you keep it to yourself. Speak it out loud when you can – give others the chance to witness the new. Just this week I’ve had responses from people aged 5 to 85 – reporting to me an assortment of 5D happenings. These range from telephone calls from the other side and mystery bags of chocolate appearing to dramatic personal transformations; each of them miracles and love erupting smack in the middle of their 3D assumption. What about those bullying children (#9)? They responded to the love solution offered & the classroom is now altered. You came to display what acceptance, gratitude and expansion looks like in a place that televises competition, anger, holding grudges and violence on every channel, every day. Yours is an untold story, begging to be told. You are the storyteller, the one who knows the ending. It is the one you hold in your heart. You are assured of it because creation is what you do. Assume, intend, believe. We are in the Fastlane now. Be aware of all the exits while staying the course. You’ve got this. You are the ones we’ve been waiting for. With so much love, ~Sophia PS Sign up for my newsletter here! |
January 2025